Results for ' optical density'

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  1.  24
    Power Area Density in Inverse Spectra.Matthias Rang & Johannes Grebe-Ellis - 2018 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 49 (4):515-523.
    In recent years, inverse spectra were investigated with imaging optics and a quantitative description with radiometric units was suggested. It could be shown that inverse spectra complement each other additively to a constant intensity level. Since optical intensity in radiometric units is a power area density, it can be expected that energy densities of inverse spectra also fulfill an inversion equation and complement each other. In this contribution we report findings on a measurement of the power area (...) of inverse spectra for the near ultraviolet, visible and the infrared spectral range. They show the existence of corresponding spectral regions ultra-yellow and infra-cyan in the inverted spectrum and thereby present additional experimental evidence for equivalence of inverse spectra beyond the visible range. (shrink)
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    Principles of Laser Spectroscopy and Quantum Optics.Paul R. Berman & Vladimir S. Malinovsky - 2010 - Princeton University Press.
    Principles of Laser Spectroscopy and Quantum Optics is an essential textbook for graduate students studying the interaction of optical fields with atoms. It also serves as an ideal reference text for researchers working in the fields of laser spectroscopy and quantum optics. The book provides a rigorous introduction to the prototypical problems of radiation fields interacting with two- and three-level atomic systems. It examines the interaction of radiation with both atomic vapors and condensed matter systems, the density matrix (...)
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    The Government and the English Optical Glass Industry, 1650-1850.Gerard L'E. Turner - 2000 - Annals of Science 57 (4):399-414.
    The concept of a technical frontier in branches of experimental measurement, such as the resolution of the microscope, angular measure and time telling, has been around for more than 60 years. The purpose of this brief paper is to identify the technical frontier operating on the achromatic astronomical telescope, where a limiting factor of the resolution of fine detail was the quality of the optical glass available. The achromatically corrected objective is formed from two kinds of glass, the common (...)
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    The law of refraction and Kepler’s heuristics.Carlos Alberto Cardona Suárez & Juliana Gutiérrez Valderrama - 2020 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 74 (1):45-75.
    Johannes Kepler dedicated much of his work to discover a law for the refraction of light. Unfortunately, he formulated an incorrect law. Nevertheless, it was useful for anticipating the behavior of light in some specific conditions. Some believe that Kepler did not have the elements to formulate the law that was later accepted by the scientific community, that is, the Snell–Descartes law. However, in this paper, we propose a model that agrees with Kepler’s heuristics and that is also successful in (...)
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    The magnitude of the Pulfrich stereophenomenon as a function of target velocity.Alfred Lit - 1960 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 59 (3):165.
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    Effect of germanium addition on the physical properties of Se–Te glassy semiconductors. Mainika, Pankaj Sharma & Nagesh Thakur - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (33):3027-3036.
    The effect of germanium addition on the physical properties, i.e. density, molar volume, compactness, number of lone-pair electrons, average coordination number, heat of atomization, mean bond energy, cohesive energy and glass-transition temperature, of (Se80Te20)100− x Ge x (x = 0, 2, 4, 6) bulk glassy alloys was investigated. The density of the glassy alloys is found to decrease with increasing Ge content. The molar volume and compactness of the structure of the glass were determined from the measured (...). The mean bond energy is proportional to the glass-transition temperature. The cohesive energy of the samples has been calculated using a chemical bond approach and is correlated with an increase in the optical energy gap with increase in the Ge content. The heat of atomization was also calculated and correlated with the optical energy gap. The glass-transition temperature has been estimated using different methods and is found to increase with an increase of Ge content. (shrink)
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    Progression of Visual Pathway Degeneration in Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma: A Longitudinal Study.Shereif Haykal, Nomdo M. Jansonius & Frans W. Cornelissen - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Background: Primary open-angle glaucoma patients exhibit widespread white matter degeneration throughout their visual pathways. Whether this degeneration starts at the pre- or post-geniculate pathways remains unclear. In this longitudinal study, we assess the progression of WM degeneration exhibited by the pre-geniculate optic tracts and the post-geniculate optic radiations of POAG patients over time, aiming to determine the source and pattern of spread of this degeneration.Methods: Diffusion-weighted MRI scans were acquired for 12 POAG patients and 14 controls at two time-points 5.4 (...)
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    Listening eye : postmodernism, paranoia, and the hypervisible.Jerry Aline Flieger - 1996 - Diacritics 26 (1):90-107.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Listening Eye: Postmodernism, Paranoia, and the HypervisibleJerry Aline Flieger (bio)Jean Baudrillard. The Transparency of Evil: Essays on Extreme Phenomena. Trans. James Benedict. London: Verso, 1993. Trans. of La transparence du mal: Essai sur les phénomènes extrêmes. Paris: Galilée, 1990.Jean-François Lyotard. The Inhuman: Reflections on Time. Trans. Geoff Bennington and Rachel Bowlby. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1991. Trans. of L’inhumain. Paris: Galilée, 1988.Slavoj Zizek. Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques (...)
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    Three lenses by Constantine Huygens in the possession of the royal society of London.A. A. Mills & M. L. Jones - 1989 - Annals of Science 46 (2):173-182.
    The Royal Society possesses three long-focus simple lenses of diameters 195, 210 and 230 mm, all inscribed with the signature ‘C. Huygens’ and various dates in the year 1686. These prove to have been made by Constantine Huygens, the elder brother of the famous Christiaan Huygens. All three lenses have been examined by a variety of physical and chemical methods, both to define their optical characteristics and to establish the composition of dated samples of late-seventeenth-century Continental glass. The focal (...)
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    Relativism in Gibson's theory of picture perception.David M. Boynton - 1993 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 14 (1):51-69.
    Gibson's ecological approach to depiction is compared with Nelson Goodman's relativist theory of representation. Goodman's commitment to radical relativism and Gibson's to direct realism would make these thinkers unlikely candidates for comparison if Goodman himself had not indicated a substantial body of agreement with Gibson in the area of picture perception. The present study analyzes this agreement through systematic discussion of the following theses: realism in representation is not a function of geometrical optics, physical similarity to what is depicted, or (...)
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    Testing a Quantum Inequality with a Meta-analysis of Data for Squeezed Light.G. Jordan Maclay & Eric W. Davis - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (8):797-815.
    In quantum field theory, coherent states can be created that have negative energy density, meaning it is below that of empty space, the free quantum vacuum. If no restrictions existed regarding the concentration and permanence of negative energy regions, it might, for example, be possible to produce exotic phenomena such as Lorentzian traversable wormholes, warp drives, time machines, violations of the second law of thermodynamics, and naked singularities. Quantum Inequalities have been proposed that restrict the size and duration of (...)
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  12.  26
    Che cos’è un disegno e perché si disegna.Giuseppe Di Napoli - 2011 - Rivista di Estetica 47:61-81.
    A simple line drawing can reproduce a vast collection of phenomenal discontinuities: optical, material, chromatic, and also of density, dimension, resistance. All these discontinuities correspond to physical realities quite different from each other. This fact leads us to consider that our brain can retrieve from a pencil stroke a broad and amazing lot information at several levels, from the physical to the phenomenological, from the logical to the cognitive. Drawing demonstrates the existence in our brain of a complex (...)
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  13.  16
    Isolated Handwritten Pashto Character Recognition Using a K-NN Classification Tool based on Zoning and HOG Feature Extraction Techniques.Juanjuan Huang, Ihtisham Ul Haq, Chaolan Dai, Sulaiman Khan, Shah Nazir & Muhammad Imtiaz - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-8.
    Handwritten text recognition is considered as the most challenging task for the research community due to slight change in different characters’ shape in handwritten documents. The unavailability of a standard dataset makes it vaguer in nature for the researchers to work on. To address these problems, this paper presents an optical character recognition system for the recognition of offline Pashto characters. The problem of the unavailability of a standard handwritten Pashto characters database is addressed by developing a medium-sized database (...)
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  14.  63
    Hobbes und das Sinusgesetz der Refraktion.Frank Horstmann - 2000 - Annals of Science 57 (4):415-440.
    At the beginning of the seventeenth century, the sine law of refraction had been discovered. Thus, natural philosophers tried even more to find a cause of refraction and to demonstrate the law. One of them was Thomas Hobbes, who was the author of the Leviathan and also worked on optics. At first, in the Hobbes analogy , he was influenced by Ibn al-Haytham, just as Descartes was in his famous proof in the Dioptrique . In his later optical scripts (...)
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    Relativistic quantum mechanics of spin-0 and spin-1 bosons.Partha Ghose - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (11):1441-1455.
    It is shown that below the threshold of pair creation, a consistent quantum mechanical interpretation of relativistic spin-0 and spin-1 particles (both massive and mussless) ispossible based an the Hamiltonian-Schrödinger form of the firstorder Kemmer equation together with a first-class constraint. The crucial element is the identification of a conserved four-vector current associated with the equation of motion, whose time component is proportional to the energy density which is constrainedto be positive definite for allsolutions. Consequently, the antiparticles must be (...)
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  16.  40
    David Brewster’s and William Herschel’s experiments on inflection that delivered the coup de grâce to Thomas Young’s ether distribution hypothesis.Olivier Morizot - forthcoming - Annals of Science:25.
    In his ‘Theory of Light and Colours’, presented to the Royal Society in November 1801, Thomas Young defended a mechanical explanation of the coloured fringes observed outside of the shadow of an opaque object – the so-called ‘colours by inflection’ – that was based on the hypothesis of an ethereal density gradient surrounding all material bodies. However, two years later, he publicly rejected that hypothesis, without giving much detail of his reasons. Although Geoffrey Cantor has demonstrated the crucial role (...)
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    The Density Matrix in the de Broglie--Bohm Approach.O. J. E. Maroney - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (3):493-510.
    If the density matrix is treated as an objective description of individual systems, it may become possible to attribute the same objective significance to statistical mechanical properties, such as entropy or temperature, as to properties such as mass or energy. It is shown that the de Broglie--Bohm interpretation of quantum theory can be consistently applied to density matrices as a description of individual systems. The resultant trajectories are examined for the case of the delayed choice interferometer, for which (...)
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  18.  26
    Strong density of definable types and closed ordered differential fields.Quentin Brouette, Pablo Cubides Kovacsics & Françoise Point - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (3):1099-1117.
    The following strong form of density of definable types is introduced for theoriesTadmitting a fibered dimension functiond: given a modelMofTand a definable setX⊆Mn, there is a definable typepinX, definable over a code forXand of the samed-dimension asX. Both o-minimal theories and the theory of closed ordered differential fields are shown to have this property. As an application, we derive a new proof of elimination of imaginaries for CODF.
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  19.  82
    Baroque Optics and the Disappearance of the Observer: From Kepler’s Optics to Descartes’ Doubt.Ofer Gal & Raz Chen-Morris - 2010 - Journal of the History of Ideas 71 (2):191-217.
    Seventeenth-century optics naturalizes the eye while estranging the mind from objects. A mere screen, on which rests a blurry array of light stains, the eye no longer furnishes the observer with genuine re-presentations of visible objects. The intellect is thus compelled to decipher flat images of no inherent epistemic value, accidental effects of a purely causal process, as vague, reversed reflections of wholly independent objects. Reflecting on and trespassing the boundaries between natural and artificial, orderly and disorderly, this optical (...)
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  20. Conduction in non-crystalline systems V. Conductivity, optical absorption and photoconductivity in amorphous semiconductors.E. A. Davis & N. F. Mott - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 22 (179):0903-0922.
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  21. On the Role of Density Matrices in Bohmian Mechanics.Detlef Dürr, Sheldon Goldstein, Roderich Tumulka & Nino Zanghí - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (3):449-467.
    It is well known that density matrices can be used in quantum mechanics to represent the information available to an observer about either a system with a random wave function (“statistical mixture”) or a system that is entangled with another system (“reduced density matrix”). We point out another role, previously unnoticed in the literature, that a density matrix can play: it can be the “conditional density matrix,” conditional on the configuration of the environment. A precise definition (...)
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  22. Optical axiomatization of Minkowski space-time geometry.Brent Mundy - 1986 - Philosophy of Science 53 (1):1-30.
    Minkowski geometry is axiomatized in terms of the asymmetric binary relation of optical connectibility, using ten first-order axioms and the second-order continuity axiom. An axiom system in terms of the symmetric binary optical connection relation is also presented. The present development is much simpler than the corresponding work of Robb, upon which it is modeled.
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  23.  27
    Uniform Density in Lindenbaum Algebras.V. Yu Shavrukov & Albert Visser - 2014 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 55 (4):569-582.
    In this paper we prove that the preordering $\lesssim $ of provable implication over any recursively enumerable theory $T$ containing a modicum of arithmetic is uniformly dense. This means that we can find a recursive extensional density function $F$ for $\lesssim $. A recursive function $F$ is a density function if it computes, for $A$ and $B$ with $A\lnsim B$, an element $C$ such that $A\lnsim C\lnsim B$. The function is extensional if it preserves $T$-provable equivalence. Secondly, we (...)
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  24.  19
    Information Density and Syntactic Repetition.David Temperley & Daniel Gildea - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (8):1802-1823.
    In noun phrase coordinate constructions, there is a strong tendency for the syntactic structure of the second conjunct to match that of the first; the second conjunct in such constructions is therefore low in syntactic information. The theory of uniform information density predicts that low-information syntactic constructions will be counterbalanced by high information in other aspects of that part of the sentence, and high-information constructions will be counterbalanced by other low-information components. Three predictions follow: lexical probabilities will be lower (...)
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  25.  29
    Natural Density and the Quantifier “Most”.Selçuk Topal & Ahmet Çevik - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 29 (4):511-523.
    This paper proposes a formalization of the class of sentences quantified by most, which is also interpreted as proportion of or majority of depending on the domain of discourse. We consider sentences of the form “Most A are B”, where A and B are plural nouns and the interpretations of A and B are infinite subsets of \. There are two widely used semantics for Most A are B: \ > C \) and \ > \dfrac{C}{2} \), where C denotes (...)
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  26.  23
    Nonlinear photonic quasicrystals for novel optical devices.A. Bahabad, R. Lifshitz, N. Voloch & A. Arie - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (13-15):2285-2293.
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    The density of the nonbranching degrees.Peter A. Fejer - 1983 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 24 (2):113-130.
  28.  47
    Groupwise density and related cardinals.Andreas Blass - 1990 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 30 (1):1-11.
    We prove several theorems about the cardinal $\mathfrak{g}$ associated with groupwise density. With respect to a natural ordering of families of nond-ecreasing maps fromω toω, all families of size $< \mathfrak{g}$ are below all unbounded families. With respect to a natural ordering of filters onω, all filters generated by $< \mathfrak{g}$ sets are below all non-feeble filters. If $\mathfrak{u}< \mathfrak{g}$ then $\mathfrak{b}< \mathfrak{u}$ and $\mathfrak{g} = \mathfrak{d} = \mathfrak{c}$ . (The definitions of these cardinals are recalled in the introduction.) (...)
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  29. Density Matrix Realism.Eddy Keming Chen - 2024 - In Michael E. Cuffaro & Stephan Hartmann (eds.), Open Systems: Physics, Metaphysics, and Methodology (2025: Oxford University Press). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Realism about quantum theory naturally leads to realism about the quantum state of the universe. It leaves open whether it is a pure state represented by a wave function, or an impure (mixed) one represented by a density matrix. I characterize and elaborate on Density Matrix Realism, the thesis that the universal quantum state is objective but can be impure. To clarify the thesis, I compare it with Wave Function Realism, explain the conditions under which they are empirically (...)
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  30.  14
    Elemental Optics: Nicholas of Cusa, Omnivoyance and the Aquatic Gaze.Taylor Knight - 2020 - Sophia 60 (4):819-849.
    There has been much recent debate about the nature of the omnivoyant image that introduces Nicholas of Cusa’s De visione Dei. In this paper, I argue that Cusa’s concept of contraction and his ‘radical perspectivism’ lead us toward stretching the concept of omnivoyance beyond a simple dichotomy between a phenomenology of the image and a phenomenology of the icon. Instead of putting such emphasis on what is seen by the omnivoyant, we should think an omnivoyant optics starting from the material (...)
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    Optical Prior-Based Underwater Object Detection with Active Imaging.Jie Shen, Zhenxin Xu, Zhe Chen, Huibin Wang & Xiaotao Shi - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    Underwater object detection plays an important role in research and practice, as it provides condensed and informative content that represents underwater objects. However, detecting objects from underwater images is challenging because underwater environments significantly degenerate image quality and distort the contrast between the object and background. To address this problem, this paper proposes an optical prior-based underwater object detection approach that takes advantage of optical principles to identify optical collimation over underwater images, providing valuable guidance for extracting (...)
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  32.  32
    Population structure in the western Pyrenees: I. Population density, social class composition, and migration, 1850–1915.Andrew Abelson - 1979 - Journal of Biosocial Science 11 (3):353-362.
  33.  12
    The optical unconscious of Big Data: Datafication of vision and care for unknown futures.Daniela Agostinho - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (1).
    Ever since Big Data became a mot du jour across social fields, optical metaphors such as the microscope began to surface in popular discourse to describe and qualify its epistemological impact. While the persistence of optics seems to be at odds with the datafication of vision, this article suggests that the optical metaphor offers an opportunity to reflect about the material consequences of the modes of seeing and knowing that currently shape datafied worlds. Drawing on feminist new materialism, (...)
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    The density of truth in monadic fragments of some intermediate logics.Zofia Kostrzycka - 2007 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 16 (3):283-302.
    This paper is an attempt to count the proportion of tautologies of some intermediate logics among all formulas. Our interest concentrates especially on Medvedev’s logic and its fragment over language with one propositional variable.
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    Groupwise density cannot be much bigger than the unbounded number.Saharon Shelah - 2008 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 54 (4):340-344.
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    O sintoma como uma resposta de baixa densidade num sistema de elevada complexidade; The symptom as a response of low density in a system of high complexity.Claudeth Conceição de Oliveira Lilja - 2003 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 17:145-154.
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    Local Density of Kleene Degrees.Hisato Muraki - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (2):183-189.
    Concerning Post's problem for Kleene degrees and its relativization, Hrbacek showed in [1] and [2] that if V = L, then Kleene degrees of coanalytic sets are dense, and then for all K ⊆ωω, there are N1 sets which are Kleene semirecursive in K and not Kleene recursive in each other and K. But the density of Kleene semirecursive in K Kleene degrees is not obtained from these theorems. In this note, we extend these theorems by showing that if (...)
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    Optical holography as an analogue for a neural reuse mechanism.Ann Speed, Stephen J. Verzi, John S. Wagner & Christina Warrender - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (4):291-292.
    We propose an analogy between optical holography and neural behavior as a hypothesis about the physical mechanisms of neural reuse. Specifically, parameters in optical holography (frequency, amplitude, and phase of the reference beam) may provide useful analogues for understanding the role of different parameters in determining the behavior of neurons (e.g., frequency, amplitude, and phase of spiking behavior).
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  39.  20
    Population Density and Moment-based Approaches to Modeling Domain Calcium-mediated Inactivation of L-type Calcium Channels.Xiao Wang, Kiah Hardcastle, Seth H. Weinberg & Gregory D. Smith - 2015 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (1):11-32.
    We present a population density and moment-based description of the stochastic dynamics of domain $${\text{Ca}}^{2+}$$ -mediated inactivation of L-type $${\text{Ca}}^{2+}$$ channels. Our approach accounts for the effect of heterogeneity of local $${\text{Ca}}^{2+}$$ signals on whole cell $${\text{Ca}}^{2+}$$ currents; however, in contrast with prior work, e.g., Sherman et al. :985–995, 1990), we do not assume that $${\text{Ca}}^{2+}$$ domain formation and collapse are fast compared to channel gating. We demonstrate the population density and moment-based modeling approaches using a 12-state Markov (...)
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    Vapnik–Chervonenkis Density in Some Theories without the Independence Property, II.Matthias Aschenbrenner, Alf Dolich, Deirdre Haskell, Dugald Macpherson & Sergei Starchenko - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (3-4):311-363.
    We study the Vapnik–Chervonenkis density of definable families in certain stable first-order theories. In particular, we obtain uniform bounds on the VC density of definable families in finite $\mathrm {U}$-rank theories without the finite cover property, and we characterize those abelian groups for which there exist uniform bounds on the VC density of definable families.
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    Density-like and generalized density ideals.Adam Kwela & Paolo Leonetti - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (1):228-251.
    We show that there exist uncountably many pairwise nonisomorphic density-like ideals on $\omega $ which are not generalized density ideals. In addition, they are nonpathological. This answers a question posed by Borodulin-Nadzieja et al. in [this Journal, vol. 80, pp. 1268–1289]. Lastly, we provide sufficient conditions for a density-like ideal to be necessarily a generalized density ideal.
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    Nonlinear optical media in photonic crystal waveguides: Intrinsic localized modes and device applications.A. R. McGurn - 2007 - Complexity 12 (5):18-32.
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    Weak Density and Nondensity among Transfinite Levels of the Ershov Hierarchy.Yong Liu & Cheng Peng - 2020 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 61 (4):521-536.
    We show that for any ω-r.e. degree d and n-r.e. degree b with d
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    Anab initiostudy of the structural, elastic, electronic and optical properties of the newly synthesized nitridoaluminate LiCaAlN2.K. Haddadi, A. Bouhemadou, S. Bin-Omran, S. Maabed & R. Khenata - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (1):41-63.
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    Effects of gas temperature on optical and transport properties of a-Si:H films deposited by PECVD.N. -M. Liao, W. Li, Y. -D. Jiang, Z. -M. Wu, K. -C. Qi & S. -B. Li - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (25):3051-3057.
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    Effect of Al doping on structural, optical and electrical properties of SnO2thin films synthesized by pulsed laser deposition.S. K. Sinha, S. K. Ray & I. Manna - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (31):3507-3521.
  47. The Density of Symbol Systems – A Critique of Nelson Goodman’s Notion.Krzysztof Guczalski - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (3):1131-1152.
    Nelson Goodman’s theory of symbol systems expounded in his Languages of Art has been frequently criticized on many counts (cf. list of secondary literature in the entry “Goodman’s Aesthetics” of Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy and Sect. 3 below). Yet it exerts a strong influence and is treated as one of the major twentieth-century theories on the subject. While many of Goodman’s controversial theses are criticized, the technical notions he used to formulate them seem to have been treated as neutral tools. (...)
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    Thicket density.Siddharth Bhaskar - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (1):110-127.
    We define a new type of “shatter function” for set systems that satisfies a Sauer–Shelah type dichotomy, but whose polynomial-growth case is governed by Shelah’s two-rank instead of VC dimension. We identify the least exponent bounding the rate of growth of the shatter function, the quantity analogous to VC density, with Shelah’s $\omega $ -rank.
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    Can Optic Flow Further Stimulate Treadmill-Elicited Stepping in Newborns?Marianne Barbu-Roth, Kim Siekerman, David I. Anderson, Alan Donnelly, Viviane Huet, François Goffinet & Caroline Teulier - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Typically developing 3-day-old newborns take significantly more forward steps on a moving treadmill belt than on a static belt. The current experiment examined whether projecting optic flows that specified forward motion onto the moving treadmill surface would further enhance forward stepping. Twenty newborns were supported on a moving treadmill without optic flow, with optic flow matching the treadmill’s direction and speed, with optic flow in the same direction but at a faster speed, and in a control condition with an incoherent (...)
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  50.  22
    Altered Brain Functional Connectivity Density in Fast-Ball Sports Athletes With Early Stage of Motor Training.Chengbo Yang, Ning Luo, Minfeng Liang, Sihong Zhou, Qian Yu, Jiabao Zhang, Mu Zhang, Jingpu Guo, Hu Wang, Jiali Yu, Qian Cui, Huafu Chen & Qing Gao - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:530122.
    The human brain shows neuroplastic adaptations induced by motor skill training. However, the description of the plastic architecture of the whole-brain network in resting-state is still limited. In the present study, we aimed to detect how motor training affected the density distribution of whole-brain resting-state functional connectivity (FC) brain in fast-ball student-athletes using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data of student-athletes (SA), and non-athlete healthy controls (NC). The voxel-wise data-driven graph theory approach, namely global functional connectivity density (...)
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