Results for ' name and reality'

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  1.  35
    A'. Sidgwick: Names and realities: Names and realities.Alfred Sidgwick - 1893 - Mind 2 (5):94-94.
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    Naming Our Reality: Negotiating and Creating Meaning in the Margin.Cathy Benedict - 2007 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 15 (1):23-36.
    This paper explores the ways in which music educators have allowed others outside of music education to name who and how they are in the world. Often comfortable with voicing advocacy and purpose from the status of second class citizen, music educators are complicit in the very processes of reproduction they wish to challenge. Seeking to address what could be a privileged positioning of marginalized status, this paper also speaks to the spaces that are created that could afford possibilities (...)
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    Naming and nurturing reality from a heart renewed by grace.Fritz W. De Wet - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (2):01-08.
    This contribution investigates the unbearable tension between the homiletical act of naming reality on the one hand, and neglecting this same reality on the other hand, thereby causing it to return to an ignored, unchallenged and degenerated state. The author focuses on tension fields that are generated when preachers embark on the activity of naming realities in their proximate contexts and how they position, withdraw or distance themselves in a certain way when problematic elements are opened up by (...)
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    The Structure of the Thinking of Ancient China seeing through the Theory of Names and Reality. 윤무학 - 2009 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 53 (53):25-44.
    이 글은 중국 고대의 명실론을 개괄하고 동서양 사유구조의 단면을 고찰한 것이다. 동서철학은 공통적으로 인간에 대한 연구를 중시하지만 상호 차별성을 갖고 있다. 첫째 서양철학에서는 개인 혹은 자아 연구를 중시하고, 개인의 권익과 자유를 강조한다. 그런데 중국의 전통철학 가운데 특히 유가는 개인과 타인의 관계에 치중하고 있다. 우리는 이 점을 유가와 법가의 논의를 통해서 확인할 수 있다. 둘째 동서철학은 모두 사람과 자연의 관계를 중시한다. 그러나 여기에도 각각의 차별성을 갖고 있다. 서양철학에서는 사람의 자연에 대한 이용과 정복을 강조하고, 자연의 사람에 대한 제약 혹은 반작용을 소홀히 여긴다. (...)
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    Names and Words in the Philosophy of "Zhuangzi".Yang Guorong & Xiao Mo - 2008 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 3 (1):1 - 26.
    The examination of names and words constitutes an important aspect of the philosophy of Zhuangzi. With the debate over the relationship between name and reality as its background, this examination not only involves the connection between form and meaning, but also targets at the connection between concepts and objects. The debate over the relationship between name and reality correlates with the discussion of the connection between words and meanings or ideas. For Zhuangzi, the function of names (...)
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  6. Philosophy of Scientific Theories. The First Essay: Names and Realities.Vladimir Kuznetsov & O. Gabovіch - 2023 - Kyiv: Naukova Dumka. Edited by Tetyana Gardashuk.
    The English Synopsis is after the text of the book. The book presents an original and generalizing substantive vision of the philosophy of science through the prism of a detailed analysis of the polysystem structure of scientific theories. Theories are considered, firstly, as complex specialized forms of developed scientific thinking about the realities studied by natural science, secondly, as constantly improving tools for producing new knowledge in interaction with experimental research, and thirdly, as carriers of ordered and verified knowledge. Emphasis (...)
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    Naming and framing: understanding the power of words across disciplines, domains, and modalities.Viktor Smith - 2021 - New York: Routledge.
    This book offers an innovative, unified theoretical model for better understanding of the processes underpinning naming and framing and the power of words in shaping our perceived reality.
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    Names and words in the philosophy of zhuangzi.Guorong Yang - 2008 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 3 (1):1-26.
    The examination of names and words constitutes an important aspect of the philosophy of Zhuangzi. With the debate over the relationship between name and reality as its background, this examination not only involves the connection between form and meaning, but also targets at the connection between concepts and objects. The debate over the relationship between name and reality correlates with the discussion of the connection between words and meanings or ideas. For Zhuangzi, the function of names (...)
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    A Response to Cathy Benedict," Naming our Reality: Negotiating and Creating Meaning in the Margin".Frederik Pio - 2007 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 15 (1):69-71.
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    On Language, Thought, and Reality in Ancient Greek Philosophy.Andreas Graeser - 1977 - Dialectica 31 (3‐4):359-388.
    SummaryThe common ground out of which the problem of “Language versus Reality” was to arise in ancient Greek philosophy may be characterized by the fact that words in general were thought of as names and thus considered to get their meaning accordingly. However, while Parmenides was actually committing himself to the position that language was altogether meaningless, Heraclitus seems to have believed that name and meaning are unrelated or even opposite to each other. Plato's Forms are clearly meant (...)
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    Symbolism and reality.Charles William Morris - 1925 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing.
    Charles W. Morris' doctoral thesis Symbolism and Reality, written in 1925 at Chicago under George H. Mead, has never before been published. It sets out to prove that thought and mind are not entities, nor even processes involving a psychical substance distinguishable from the rest of reality, but are explicable as the functioning of parts of the experience as symbols to an organism of other parts of experience. Being then the symbolic portion of experience, the psychical or mental (...)
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  12. Nihilism and Reality in Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon (1949 movie).Marcos Wagner Da Cunha - manuscript
    This essay is part of a doctoral dissertation presented to the Department of Philosophy, University of São Paulo, in 1993, named 'Genealogy of the Real' . Its core idea is a Nietzschean approach to a masterpiece among philosophical inspired movies, namely, Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon, which surely touches deep groundings of the concept of truth and reality.
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  13.  52
    Value and Reality: The Philosophical Case for Theism.Alfred Cyril Ewing - 2013 - Routledge.
    This is a major work by one of the best-known philosophical writers, representing the culmination of some twenty-five years’ work on the possibility of giving a rational defence of the claims of the religious man, and specifically the theist, in the face of modern criticisms. Dr Ewing’s object has been to fulfil what seem to him the two most important tasks for the philosopher in at least the present age, namely, to see if it is still possible to give a (...)
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    Thought and Reality.Elizabeth Anscombe - 2016 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 90 (2):337-345.
    In this essay, Anscombe describes the Aristotelian account of how the intellect makes actually intelligible the forms of material particulars, and thereby is able to fashion concepts and think of those things. She identifies difficulties in it having to do with the differing “content” of concepts and of forms, and the generality of the former. She then contrasts that account with the Lockean theory of ideas as representations and with Hume’s development of the ideational view which holds that all we (...)
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  15. The problem of language and reality in Russian modernism.Marina Aptekman - 2003 - Sign Systems Studies 31 (2):465-481.
    Alexej Remizov is usually regarded by literary critics as a Symbolist rather than a Futurist writer. However, I would posit that Remizov similarly to the Futurists viewed language as “logos,” bozhestvennii glagol. According to the mystical interpretation of the famous words “At the beginning there was Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God”, when God was creating the world he named the objects, and these abstract names became a force for the appearance of an object (...)
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    Reality in the Name of God, or, divine insistence: an essay on creation, infinity, and the ontological implications of Kabbalah.Noah Horwitz - 2012 - Brooklyn, NY: Punctum books.
    What should philosophical theology look like after the critique of Onto-theology, after Phenomenology, and in the age of Speculative Realism? What does Kabbalah have to say to Philosophy? Since Kant and especially since Husserl, philosophy has only permitted itself to speak about how one relates to God in terms of the intentionality of consciousness and not of how God is in himself. This meant that one could only ever speak to God as an addressed and yearned-for holy Thou, but not (...)
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  17.  83
    Objects of desire, thought, and reality: Problems of anchoring discourse referents in development.Josef Perner, Bibiane Rendl & Alan Garnham - 2007 - Mind and Language 22 (5):475–513.
    Our objectives in this article are to bring some theoretical order into developmental sequences and simultaneities in children’s ability to appreciate multiple labels for single objects, to reason with identity statements, to reason hypothetically, counterfactually, and with beliefs and desires, and to explain why an ‘implicit’ understanding of belief occurs before an ‘explicit’ understanding. The central idea behind our explanation is the emerging grasp of how objects of thought and desire relate to real objects and to each other. To capture (...)
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  18.  37
    Truth and Reality.Paul Weiss - 1980 - Review of Metaphysics 34 (1):57 - 69.
    AN ADEQUATE account of the nature of truth, reality, and the relation between them, is not to be expected if attention is not paid to the different views that have been defended and criticized by leading thinkers over the course of history. Unfortunately, the positions initially taken ask for more and more distinctions, with the consequence that one is forced to provide more and more complex formulations. Nothing less than a rather large, complex treatise would be needed to do (...)
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  19.  31
    Naming and classifying: an approach to the epistemology of social classes.Emmanuelle Barozet & Oscar Mac-Clure - 2014 - Cinta de Moebio 51:197-215.
    In this paper, we provide an analysis about the relationship between expert and pragmatic categories used to name and categorize social space, from the point of view of the social hierarchies that structure it. Taking the case of Chile, and applying an experimental simulation methodology, we seek to contribute to the epistemological debate about the representations that individuals elaborate about social space, from a cognitive and interactionist perspective of everyday life. We analyse in particular the scope of the concept (...)
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    Beliefs about consciousness and reality: Clarification of the confusion concerning consciousness.Imants Baruss - 2008 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 15 (10-11):277-292.
    There is considerable confusion surrounding the notion of consciousness. This confusion can be partially resolved by clarifying the referents of the word 'consciousness'. Doing so, however, reveals a more insidious problem, namely, the role played by personal beliefs in understanding consciousness. In particular, as revealed by a comprehensive survey, such beliefs range along a material- transcendent dimension, with the choice of notions of consciousness corresponding to materialist, conservatively transcendent, or extraordinarily transcendent positions. Further empirical research has revealed that those with (...)
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  21.  22
    Parmenides on ‘naming’ and ‘meaning’: a disjunctivist reading of the Poem.Erminia Di Iulio - 2021 - Philosophy 96 (2):205-227.
    A well-established tradition has argued that it is not legitimate to attribute to Parmenides a Fregean semantics, i.e. the distinction between ‘naming’ and ‘meaning’. Nonetheless, Parmenides claims more than once (B 8.53, B 9.1) that mortalsdo namereality, although incorrectly. As many scholars have emphasised, because it is fair neither to conclude that mortals’ names are ‘empty names’ nor dismiss Opinion's account (i.e., broadly speaking, the mortals’ account of reality) itself as meaningless, it seems that Parmenides is suggesting that some (...)
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  22.  48
    Zeilinger on Information and Reality.Ali Barzegar, Mostafa Taqavi & Afshin Shafiee - 2020 - Foundations of Science 26 (4):1007-1019.
    According to Zeilinger’s information interpretation of quantum mechanics ‘the distinction between reality and our knowledge of reality, between reality and information, cannot be made. They are in a deep sense indistinguishable’. This is what we call Zeilinger’s thesis. This thesis has been criticized as a lapse into ‘informational immaterialism’ and amounting to nothing more than a tautology. However, we will argue that this criticism is based on a pre-Kantian view of reality, namely metaphysical realism which could (...)
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  23. Relations and Reality: The Metaphysics of Parts and Wholes.Sarah E. Glenn - 2000 - Dissertation, Boston College
    Parts and wholes come in an infinite variety, but in each instance something, namely relations, joins the parts together to make them into a whole rather than an Aristotelian "heap." The ontological status of relations is the subject of this dissertation. ;The question of whether relations are real presupposes some method of determining what is real. A modified version of Whitehead's ontological principle, or the idea that only real things can have effects on other things, serves as the test of (...)
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    Movement toward Freedom: Myth and Reality.Alexander S. Razumov - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (10):84-101.
    The problem of freedom is researched in various ways by the religions of the world, by the scientific theories and by the mythological consciousness of people. The article pays great attention to the myth and its influence on the realm of freedom and on our interpretation of reality. The author understands a myth as a certain free fiction of a man in order to interpret reality in his own way and sometimes to create his own artistic image of (...)
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    A Dive into the Depths of Human Intimacy: Call girls, prostitutes and escorts: what is the freedom of the body in the virtual world?Norval Baitello Junior & José João Name - 2023 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 32 (1):231-246.
    This article is a report on ongoing field research and the exponential growth of the environment in which sex workers, prostitutes, call girls, and escorts operate. We look at the complexity of the conditions of such work and consider the socio-psychological and media vectors that make up the context from which its actors and stereotypes emerge. With the explosion of websites offering virtual or real sex, there is also a continuation of oppressive and violent male practices in this sector, restricting (...)
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  26. Naming and Non-necessity.Nathan Salmon - 2020 - In Andrea Bianchi (ed.), Language and reality from a naturalistic perspective: Themes from Michael Devitt. Cham: Springer. pp. 237-248.
    Kripke’s examples of allegedly contingent a priori sentences include ‘Stick S is exactly one meter long’, where the reference of ‘meter’ is fixed by the description ‘the length of stick S’. In response to skepticism concerning apriority Kripke replaced the meter sentence with a more sophisticated variant, arguing that the modified example is more immune to such skepticism. The case for apriority is examined. A distinction is drawn between apriority and a broader notion, “qua-priority,” of a truth whose epistemic justification (...)
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    Science, Perception and Reality.David B. Burrell - 1964 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 13:218-224.
    A host of factors, technical and cultural, have combined in our day to establish the journal article as the genre of philosophical writing. The next step is to collect them in the more available format of a book. Whatever be one’s judgment of the practice, it seems established; and, we think, in the case of Sellars’ offerings, is a fortunate one. One may more readily take the measure of a meticulous and probing philosophical mind by surveying its work over a (...)
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  28. The Rhetoric and Reality of Anthropomorphism in Artificial Intelligence.David Watson - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (3):417-440.
    Artificial intelligence has historically been conceptualized in anthropomorphic terms. Some algorithms deploy biomimetic designs in a deliberate attempt to effect a sort of digital isomorphism of the human brain. Others leverage more general learning strategies that happen to coincide with popular theories of cognitive science and social epistemology. In this paper, I challenge the anthropomorphic credentials of the neural network algorithm, whose similarities to human cognition I argue are vastly overstated and narrowly construed. I submit that three alternative supervised learning (...)
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  29.  38
    Intuition and Reality of Signs.Vitali Tselishchev - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 41:57-63.
    The progress in computer programming leads to the shift in traditional correlation between intuitive and formal components of mathematical knowledge. From epistemological point of view the role of intuition decreases in compare with formal representation of mathematical structures. The relevant explanation is to be found in D. Hilbert’s formalism and corresponding Kantian’s motives in it. The notion of sign belongs to both areas under consideration: on the one hand it is object of intuition in Kantian de re sense, on the (...)
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    Religious liberty as concept and reality. Two perspectives from Schillebeeckx and Nolan’s anthropologies.Ramona Simuţ - 2017 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 59 (3):410-426.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie Jahrgang: 59 Heft: 3 Seiten: 410-426.
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    Plato on Knowledge and Reality[REVIEW]F. H. R. - 1977 - Review of Metaphysics 31 (1):128-130.
    This book is not about the theory of Forms as such, but about Plato’s epistemological realism, his view, in opposition to Protagorean relativism, that there is a realm of fact that counts as the common object of our true beliefs, judgments, and knowledge. This book fills a longstanding need for a lucid, condensed, readable account of aspects of Plato’s thought that emerge in certain of Plato’s middle and later dialogues and pose issues of contemporary philosophical merit. It is White’s contention (...)
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  32. World Peace: Rational Idea and Reality On the Principles of Kant's Political Philosophy.Georg Geismann - unknown
    Kant's various teachings concerning (world) peace are characterized by a philosophically unique realism. Thereby, they are fundamentally distinguished from all preceding doctrines about peace. This thesis of realism refers to various aspects, respectively levels, of the doctrine, namely: 1) in general to the assumptions of the doctrine of Right3 altogether (ch. II); 2) in particular to the assumptions of the doctrine of eternal peace (chs. III-V); 3) to the recommendations with regard to the realization of eternal peace (chs. VI-XI); 4) (...)
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  33. Value, reality, and desire.Graham Oddie - 2005 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    Value, Reality, and Desire is an extended argument for a robust realism about value. The robust realist affirms the following distinctive theses. There are genuine claims about value which are true or false--there are facts about value. These value-facts are mind-independent - they are not reducible to desires or other mental states, or indeed to any non-mental facts of a non-evaluative kind. And these genuine, mind-independent, irreducible value-facts are causally efficacious. Values, quite literally, affect us. These are not particularly (...)
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    A way to see the interplay between theory and reality with a look at the quantum case.Décio Krause - 2024 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 39 (2):229-244.
    The purpose of this paper is to argue that neither mathematics nor logic can be applied ‘directly’ to reality, but to our rational representations (or reconstructions) of it, and this is extended to scientific theories in general. The difference to other approaches (e.g., Nancy Cartwright’s, Bueno & Colyvan’s or Hughes’) is that I call attention to something more than what is involved in such a process, namely, metamathematics. A general schema of ‘elaboration’ of theories, which I suppose cope with (...)
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  35. Plotinus and Wang Yangming on the Structures of Consciousness and Reality: A Transversal Prospection in View of Affinities of Their Positions.David Bartosch - 2023 - Asian Studies · Azijske Študije 11 (1):91-135.
    In this paper, particular key aspects of the philosophies of Plotinus and Wang Yangming have been analysed comparatively on the basis of important passages of their works. The method used for this investigation can be defined as that of transversal comparative induction, in which the focus is more on working out the details of affinities and similarities. As this means a first step in an encompassing systematic context, differences will be introduced more briefly. The present investigation aims to provide a (...)
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    Negotiating language status in multilingual jurisdictions: Rhetoric and reality.Janny H. C. Leung - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (209):371-396.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2016 Heft: 209 Seiten: 371-396.
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    More Than Metaphors: Masculine-Gendered Names and the Knowability of God.Lynne C. Boughton - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (2):283-316.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:MORE THAN METAPHORS: MASCULINEGENDERED NAMES AND THE KNOWABILITY OF GOD LYNNE C. BOUGHTON Chicago, Illinois W:HAT WAS ONCE a phenomenon confined to advocacy groups has appeared in ordinary Catholic parishes. Priests celebrating liturgies offer blessings "In the name of the Creator, the Redeemer, and the Holy Love." Such invocations of Persons of the Trinity by names indicative of divine action, as well as the " naming " of (...)
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    Terrorism and the Politics of Naming.Michael V. Bhatia (ed.) - 2007 - Routledge.
    Previously published as a special issue of _Third World Quarterly_, this volume assesses the nature, power, role and function of names in global politics and the international media. Names are not objective, they accrue subjective associations, for example 'Terrorist' has a very different connotation to 'Freedom-fighter'. The contributors seek the truth beneath the names assigned in an effort to remove the obscurity created by the power of 'the politics of naming' to the reality of the situation, taking examples from (...)
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    The Name "Allah" and Its Secrets According to Sadreddin Konevî.Melahat Beki - 2024 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 29 (1):125-134.
    Sadreddin Konevi is one of the most important statesmen of the unity of existence. Konevi was not content with just commenting on the works of her sheikh Ibn al-Arabi, he also produced many works and offered different perspectives on many Sufi issues with his own original interpretations. His esoteric comments regarding the name of Allah and the spiritual secrets it indicates are particularly striking. Konevi, which explains in depth the manifestations of the level of divinity and the name (...)
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    Incongruent Names: A Theme in the History of Chinese Philosophy.Paul J. D’Ambrosio, Hans-Rudolf Kantor & Hans-Georg Moeller - 2018 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 17 (3):305-330.
    This essay is meant to shed light on a discourse that spans centuries and includes different voices. To be aware of such trans-textual resonances can add a level of historical understanding to the reading of philosophical texts. Specifically, we intend to demonstrate how the notion of the ineffable Dao 道, prominently expressed in the Daodejing 道德經, informs a long discourse on incongruent names in distinction to a mainstream paradigm that demands congruity between names and what they designate. Thereby, we trace (...)
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  41. Practical reasoning and the act of naming reality.Fabrizio Macagno - 2018 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 286:393-404.
    In the tradition stemming from Aristotle through Aquinas, rational decision making is seen as a complex structure of distinct phases in which reasoning and will are interconnected. Intention, deliberation, and decision are regarded as the fundamental steps of the decision-making process, in which an end is chosen, the means are specified, and a decision to act is made. Based on this Aristotelian theoretical background, we show how the decision-making process can be modeled as a net of several patterns of reasoning, (...)
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    Empirical reality, empirical causality, and the measurement problem.B. D'Espagnat - 1987 - Foundations of Physics 17 (5):507-529.
    Does physics describe anything that can meaningfully be called “independent reality,” or is it merely operational? Most physicists implicitly favor an intermediate standpoint, which takes quantum physics into account, but which nevertheless strongly holds fast to quite strictly realistic ideas about apparently “obvious facts” concerning the macro-objects. Part 1 of this article, which is a survey of recent measurement theories, shows that, when made explicit, the standpoint in question cannot be upheld. Part 2 brings forward a proposal for making (...)
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  43. Review of Simon Saunders, Jonathan Barrett, Adrian Kent, David Wallace (eds.), Many Worlds? Everett, Quantum Theory, and Reality[REVIEW]Amit Hagar - 2010 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2010 (10).
    Hugh Everett III died of a heart attack in July 1982 at the age of 51. Almost 26 years later, a New York Times obituary for his PhD advisor, John Wheeler, mentioned him and Richard Feynman as Wheeler’s most prominent students. Everett’s PhD thesis on the relative state formulation of quantum mechanics, later known as the “Many Worlds Interpretation”, was published (in its edited form) in 1957, and later (in its original, unedited form) in 1973, and since then has given (...)
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  44. On Reality of Events in the Philosophy of Time; An Examination of the Notion of Relative Reality in 20th-Century Debate about Inconsistency of Dynamic Models and Special Theory of Relativity.Hassan Amiriara - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 13 (26):53-82.
    There are two main camps in 20th-century philosophy of time: A-theorists who believe in the dynamic model of reality, and B-theorists who maintain a static model of reality. After the publication of Putnam’s influential article, “time and physical geometry”, the implications of the Special Theory of Relativity became serious in metaphysical discussions about temporal reality. Some philosophers argued that this theory contradicts the dynamic model and implies the ontology of the static model, namely, the objective reality (...)
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    The Names Alive Are Like the Names in Graves: Black Life and Black Social Death in Terrance Hayes's American Sonnets for My Past and Future Assassin.Lee Spinks - 2023 - Intertexts 27 (1):60-80.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Names Alive Are Like the Names in GravesBlack Life and Black Social Death in Terrance Hayes's American Sonnets for My Past and Future AssassinLee Spinks"After blackness was invented / people began seeing ghosts."1One of the most powerful and provoking responses to the political rise of Donald Trump appeared with the 2018 publication of Terrance Hayes's American Sonnets for My Past and Future Assassin. Hayes began writing these poems (...)
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    The Name of God and the Linguistic Theory of the Kabbala: (Part 2).G. Scholem & S. Pleasance - 1972 - Diogenes 20 (80):164-194.
    The linguistic theory of the Kabbala, as it is explained in the writings of the Kabbalists of the 13th century—or at least basically implied in them—comes to rest upon a combination of the above-mentioned interpretations of the Book of Yetsira with the doctrine of the Name of God as a basis of that language. What is essentially new in this is the way in which the scope and range of a divine language—as understood by the Kabbalists—is brought into unique (...)
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  47. Rationality and Self-Interest in Pettit’s Model of Virtual Reality.Pedro McDade - 2013 - Dissertation, London School of Economics and Political Science
    Economists usually assume that rational actions are the ones motivated by a self-interested agent. However in our daily life we often see people doing altruistic actions which we praise and which we do not call irrational. How can we account for this paradox? This question and the tension underlying it, is at the heart of Philip Pettit’s classic essay, “The Virtual Reality of Homo Economicus” (1995). This dissertation constitutes a detailed analysis and evaluation of the claims that Pettit makes (...)
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    Images, Reality and Truth: Some Philosophical Considerations.Santiago Sia - 2013 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 5 (2):1-20.
    Developments in technology and communications haveenhanced the status and role of imaging. They haveresulted not just in the excellent quality of images but alsoin the speed and ease of distributing or communicatingthem. But with the welcome advances have also comeundesirable and even threatening consequences for bothindividuals and society. These have presented challengesand issues which need to be addressed urgently. Focusingfirst on the tension between image and reality, it providesa philosophical background to the debate. It thendiscusses the question of truth (...)
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    Experimental criteria for accessing reality: Perrin’s experimental demonstration of atoms and molecules.Jonathon Hricko & Ruey-Lin Chen - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (1):1-25.
    This paper develops an approach to the scientific realism debate that has three main features. First, our approach admits multiple criteria of reality, i.e., criteria that, if satisfied, warrant belief in the reality of hypothetical entities. Second, our approach is experiment-based in the sense that it focuses on criteria that are satisfied by experiments as opposed to theories. Third, our approach is local in the sense that it focuses on the reality of particular kinds of entities. We (...)
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    Disappearing boundaries? Reality, virtuality and the possibility of “pure” mixed reality (MR).Daniel O’Shiel - 2020 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 20 (1):e1887570.
    This article argues that reality and virtuality are still very much phenomenologically distinguishable, although this might not be the case forever. I argue for two main types of virtuality – one inherently involved in the dynamic horizons of perceptual experiences, while the other is all of our experiences of digital images – in order to show that a particular possible instantiation of the latter type, namely “pure” mixed reality (MR), might come to blur and collapse various experiential categories (...)
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