Results for ' modes of existence'

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  1.  44
    On Modes of Existence.Władysław Stróżewski - 2008 - Dialogue and Universalism 18 (4-6):83-104.
    Problems connected with the questions of: being-nonbeing, existence, modes of existence and alike, belong to the basic and most important in metaphysics. The article discusses some answers to the aforementioned issues, as proposed by the ancient philosophers, St Thomas Aquinas, R. Ingarden and A.N. Whitehead. In the Appendix some remarks are made on Aristotle’s and S. Thomas’ theory of act and potency.
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    Modes of Existence.Mario Bunge - 2016 - Review of Metaphysics 70 (2).
    This paper consists of two parts. The first criticizes the usual interpretation of the so-called existential quantifier as denoting existence. It is argued that it symbolizes “someness,” as is obvious from its definition as not-all-not, as in “Some citizens will vote,” which is analyzable as “Not all citizens will abstain from voting.” The second part of the paper argues that “existence” is fivefold: real, phenomenal, conceptual, semiotic, and fantastic. A definition and a criterion are proposed for every one (...)
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    Biography of an inquiry: On a book about modes of existence.Bruno Latour - 2013 - Social Studies of Science 43 (2):287-301.
    Since the project on Modes of Existence has been long in coming and has connection with all the successive field works done by the author, the paper tries to retrace the main steps that have led to the project. It shows that this project precedes the work done in actor-network theory and explains the link between philosophy and anthropology through the peculiar notion of mode of existence.
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    Mode of Existence of Aesthetic Qualities.Michael H. Mitias - 1986 - In Possibility of the aesthetic experience. Norwell, MA, USA: Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Academic. pp. 159--168.
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    The mode of existence of values: Hume versus Reid.Alexander Broadie - 1993 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 4:51-64.
    The purpose of this paper is to establish that although Thomas Reid uses his version of value realism as a weapon with which to beat David Hume's value nominalism, at a deeper level of analysis the realism of the one and the nominalism of the other are fully compatible.
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    The mode of existence of illocutionary negation.Savas L. Tsohatzidis - 2001 - Erkenntnis 54 (2):205-214.
    This paper examines a recent attempt to provide a negative answer to the question of the existence of illocutionary negations. It argues that the attempt is unsuccessful both because it presupposes a misinterpretation of the question's theoretical import and because, even granting that misinterpretation, it bases its proposed answer on certain assumptions that can independently be shown to be untenable.
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    The Mode of Existence of a Work of Art.Joseph Margolis - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 12 (1):26 - 34.
    To turn then to our own question, I should say, in order to supply the fundamental puzzle at once, that a work of art has an intermittent existence.
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  8. Legal validity qua specific mode of existence.P. W. - 1997 - Law and Philosophy 16 (5):479-505.
    The author investigates how the conception of legal validity as a specific mode of existence, adopted by Kelsen in Allgemeine Theorie der Normen (General Theory of Norms), can be reconciled with a conception of the legal system in which conflicts of legal norms remain of logical concern. To this end he makes use of Ludwig Wittgenstein's picture theory of the proposition as set out in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. The conclusion is that in order to reconcile the two conceptions, the (...)
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  9.  37
    Modes of Existence.Michael Durrant - 1999 - Cogito 13 (3):177-179.
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    Modes of Existence: Papers in Ontology and Philosophical Logic.Andrea Bottani & Richard Davies (eds.) - 2006 - Ontos Verlag.
    The volume collects essays by an international team of philosophers aimed at elucidating three fundamental and interconnected themes in ontology. In the first instance, there is the issue of the kind of thing that, in the primary sense, is or exists: must the primitive terms be particular or universal? Any reply will itself raise the question of how to treat discourse that appears to refer to things that cannot be met with in time and space: what difference is there between (...)
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  11.  23
    An inquiry into the modes of existence of mathematical beings.Guy Wallet & Stefan Neuwirth - 2019 - Philosophia Scientiae 23:83-108.
    L’objet de cet essai est l’accueil des entités mathématiques dans l’architecture des modes d’existence proposée par Bruno Latour dans le cadre de son ontologie pluraliste du monde moderne [Latour 2012]. Les travaux de Reviel Netz sur l’émergence des mathématiques grecques [Netz 1999] et de Charles Sanders Peirce sur la dimension diagrammatique de l’activité mathématique [Peirce 1933-1958], [Peirce 1976] sont employés pour proposer une réponse dans le cadre d’une conception empirique des mathématiques basée sur la notion d’expérience chère à (...)
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  12. On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects.Gilbert Simondon - 2011 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 5 (3):407-424.
  13.  64
    Legal validity qua specific mode of existence.Dick W. P. Ruiter - 1997 - Law and Philosophy 16 (5):479 - 505.
    The author investigates how the conception of legal validity as a specific mode of existence, adopted by Kelsen in Allgemeine Theorie der Normen (General Theory of Norms), can be reconciled with a conception of the legal system in which conflicts of legal norms remain of logical concern. To this end he makes use of Ludwig Wittgenstein's picture theory of the proposition as set out in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. The conclusion is that in order to reconcile the two conceptions, the (...)
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  14.  85
    The mode of existence of mathematical objects.M. A. Rozov - 1989 - Philosophia Mathematica (2):105-111.
  15.  43
    Ontological Pluralism, Modes of Existence, and Actor-Network Theory: Upgrading Latour with Latour.Jonathan Tummons - 2021 - Social Epistemology 35 (1):1-11.
    Bruno Latour, one of the architects of actor-network theory, has now enfolded this approach within a larger project: An Inquiry into Modes of Existence. Framed as an empirical inquiry into the onto...
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  16.  18
    (2 other versions)On biodiplomacy: Negotiating life and plural modes of existence.Costas M. Constantinou & Sam Okoth Opondo - forthcoming - Sage Publications: Journal of International Political Theory.
    Journal of International Political Theory, Ahead of Print. This article examines the intersection of biopolitics with diplomacy and engages its dynamic re-envisioning as biodiplomacy. It revisits Michel Foucault’s peripheral attention to diplomacy and his framing of the concept in his writings on raison d’état and the government of the living. The article suggests that biodiplomacy can help us understand better the complexity of global biopolitical projects, moving us beyond governmentality and sensitizing us about the continuous negotiation of the meaning and (...)
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  17.  47
    Education as a mode of existence: A Latourian inquiry into assessment validity in higher education.Jonathan Tummons - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (1):45-54.
    Within professional higher education, the construct of assessment validity is used to make assumptions about the extent to which students are able to replicate in professional practice what...
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  18.  15
    About a Fruitful Misunderstanding: From Souriau’s Modes of Existence to Latour’s Ecologizing Inquiries.Aline Wiame - 2023 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 15 (2):61-70.
    This article examines the particular way Souriau’s concepts of instauration and modes of existence have been inherited by Bruno Latour in his Inquiry into Modes of Existence. It suggests that Bruno Latour has hacked some key-aspects of Souriau’s general ontology in order to regionalize it and, by doing so, to give the Moderns an accurate depiction of the plurality of beings they hold dear. It then shows how Souriau’s concept of instauration is crucial to Latour’s project (...)
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  19.  9
    On the mode of existence of Bergson’s pure memory. 주재형 - 2016 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 129:151.
    앙리 베르그손이 『물질과 기억』에서 제시한 순수 기억 이론은 그간의 해석적 연구들에도 불구하고 여전히 명료하게 밝혀지지 않은 측면들을 갖고 있다. 우리가 살펴보고자 하는 것은 특히 순수 기억의 존재 양태에 관한 것이다. 들뢰즈는 이에 대해 가장 강력한 해석을 내놓은 바 있다. 그에 따르면 순수 기억은 경험적, 심리적 차원의 시간 자체를 정초하는 초월론적인 잠재성으로서 공존의 질서에 따라 규정된다. 우리는 이 해석을 비판적으로 검토하면서 순수기억의 존재 양태에 대한 대안적 해석을 제시할 것이다. 베르그손 자신은『물질과 기억』에서 순수 기억의 존재 양태를 이미지의 형태를 취하지 않는 것으로 주장하면서도, (...)
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  20.  25
    A Study on the Mode of Existence of the Body in Sport.Masahiro Takamatsu - 2004 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 26 (2):23-33.
  21.  45
    Scientific Practice and Epistemic Modes of Existence.Jeff Kochan - 2015 - In Dimitri Ginev (ed.), Debating Cognitive Existentialism: Values and Orientations in Hermeneutic Philosophy of Science. Boston: Brill | Rodopi. pp. 95-106.
    Proponents of practice-based accounts of science often reject theory-based accounts, and seek to explain scientific theory reductively in terms of practice. I consider two examples: Dimitri Ginev and Joseph Rouse. Both draw inspiration from Martin Heidegger’s existential conception of science. And both allege that Heidegger ultimately betrayed his insight that theory can be reduced to practice when he sought to explain modern science in terms of a theory-based “mathematical projection of nature.” I argue that Heidegger believed neither that theory can (...)
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  22.  2
    William James’s Inquiry into Modes of Existence.Christian Frigerio - 2024 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 16 (2).
    The ontological turn is one of the most debated issues in contemporary anthropology, but what it means for anthropology to become ontological is rarely made clear. Bruno Latour’s suggestion that anthropology should revolve around “modes of existence” is arguably the most robust proposal to date, but the connection between modes of existence and properly anthropological concerns remains obscure. This paper argues that William James is a key figure for getting a better understanding of what ontology and (...)
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  23.  76
    Metaphysics of the Common World: Whitehead, Latour, and the Modes of Existence.Tomas Weber - 2016 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 30 (4):515-533.
    ABSTRACT We exist only because we inhabit a world in common, embedded within networks of associations between humans and nonhumans. This is endlessly disclosed by our experience of the world. And yet, despite its palpability, it is clear that we have failed to mobilize a notion of the common world into something capable of guiding our modes of thought and collective forms of activity—our attitudes, our affective lives, our politics. How have we arrived here? Bruno Latour's work suggests that (...)
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  24.  64
    Aquinas's Division of Being According to Modes of Existing.John Tomarchio - 2001 - Review of Metaphysics 54 (3):585 - 613.
    ONE COULD SAY THAT THE SCIENCE OF METAPHYSICS was born of Parmenides wondering how to divide being. His reasoning, namely that nothing belonging to being could divide it, and that nonbeing, since it in no way exists, cannot divide anything, set the terms of the problem within which the great Western traditions of Platonic and Aristotelian metaphysics developed. In reply to this Parmenidian challenge to divide being, Plato writes in the Sophist of the participation of being in the other, and (...)
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  25.  72
    Freedom of Speech as an Expressive Mode of Existence.Alexander Carnera - 2012 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 25 (1):57-69.
    This paper adopts Deleuze’s reading of Spinoza’s expressionism and pure semiotics to argue that Spinoza’s Ethics offers an alternative notion of freedom of speech that is based on the potentia of the individual. Its aim is to show how freedom of thought is connected to the problem of individuation that connects our mode of being with our power to speak and think. Rather than treating freedom of speech as an enlightened idea that is in opposition to, for example, religious authority, (...)
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    On the Mode of Existence of Mute Law and the Inference of Cryptotypes.Lorenzo Passerini Glazel - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (5):1679-1694.
    A widespread thesis in the analytical theory of law is that norms exist as linguistic entities. Rodolfo Sacco is one of the authors who have most fruitfully insisted, on the contrary, that there is no necessary correlation between norms and language, not even in the specific context of law. He thus extended the conceptualisation of legal normativity well beyond the boundaries of language through the notions of cryptotype and mute law. This paper takes into account two alternative hypotheses to the (...)
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  27. An Inquiry into Modes of Existence: An Anthropology of the Moderns[REVIEW]Barbara Herrnstein Smith - 2014 - Common Knowledge 20 (3):491-493.
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  28. Archaeologies of space : an inquiry into modes of existence of Xscapes.Felipe Criado-Boado - 2015 - In Kristian Kristiansen, Ladislav Šmejda, Jan Turek & Evžen Neustupný (eds.), Paradigm found: archaeological theory present, past and future: essays in honour of Evžen Neustupný. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
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  29. J. S. Mill on Higher Pleasures and Modes of Existence.Tim Beaumont - 2021 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 21 (2(62)):251-68.
    The passage of Mill’s Utilitarianism that sets out the condition in which one pleasure has a superior quality than another stokes interpretive controversy. According to the Lexical Interpretation, Mill takes one pleasure, P1, to be of a superior quality than another, P2, if, and only if, the smallest quantity of P1 is more valuable than any finite quantity of P2. This paper argues that, while the Lexical Interpretation may be supported with supplementary evidence, the passage itself does not rule out (...)
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  30. Politics and Law as Latourian Modes of Existence.Graham Harman - 2015 - In Kyle McGee (ed.), Latour and the Passage of Law. Edinburgh: Critical Connections Eup. pp. 38-60.
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  31. Modes of Being and Non-Being: Existence, Occurrence, and Validity.Friederike Moltmann - 2024 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 100 (4):549-560.
    Existence as reflected in natural language is not a univocal notion, but divides into different modes of being, such as existence (as, roughly, endurance) and occurrence. One aim of the paper is to distinguish sharply between abstract artifacts and non-existent objects (e.g., plans vs. planned events that fail to occur); another is to argue for validity as a mode of being distinct from existence, as well as for corresponding distinctions among non-being.
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  32.  19
    G. Simondon, Individuation in the Light of Notions of Form and Information & On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects[REVIEW]Barry Allen - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (2):301-301.
    Simondon is scarcely known to English-language philosophers, though with these translations that may begin to change. They have been a long time coming. Simondon writes a complicated academic prose in French and calls on an unusually wide range of expertise, but reading his books is worth the effort. Individuation in the Light of Notions of Form and Information (1964) is a dense and at times technical contribution to the philosophy of biology, though there is little in metaphysics that is not (...)
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    Rene Wellek and Karl Popper on the Mode of Existence of Ideas in Literature and Science.Walter G. Creed - 1983 - Journal of the History of Ideas 44 (4):639.
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    Existence entailing attributes, modes of copulation and modes of being in second order logic.Nino B. Cocchiarella - 1969 - Noûs 3 (1):33-48.
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    An Inquiry into the Two Sources of “Self” and Their Two Modes of Existence.Prashant Singh - 2019 - The Pluralist 14 (3):1-25.
    this article has three aims. Firstly, to elaborate the distinction made by Gabriel Tarde in Monadology and Sociology between "to have" and "to be" as a philosophy of being. In doing so, the concept of possession that forms an essential part of this distinction will be enriched from the insights of recent anthropological literature, especially anthropology of science. The distinction will be examined using the concepts of ambulatory and saltatory relations propounded by William James in his book The Meaning of (...)
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    The Return of Latour’s Modes of Existence to “Radical Empiricism”: From Prepositions to Affordances.N. A. Volkova - 2019 - Sociology of Power 31 (2):92-115.
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    New Modes of Governance.Mark Dawson - 2015 - In Dennis Patterson (ed.), A Companion to European Union Law and International Law. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 119–135.
    This chapter approaches new modes of governance (NMG) with the task of clarity in mind. Its essential function will be first to map the dominant conceptions of NMG that frame existing institutional and academic discourse. Second function is to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of NMG as an alternative means of delivering European Union (EU) law and policy, and finally to consider the future prospects of NMG in a political context that both challenges and reinforces their institutional relevance. The (...)
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    Herzl and Rathenau. Jewish Modes of Existence at the Turn of the 20th Century. [REVIEW]Michael Salewski - 1978 - Philosophy and History 11 (2):212-214.
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  39. Review of Andrea Bottani, Richard Davies (eds.), Modes of Existence: Papers in Ontology and Philosophical Logic[REVIEW]Berit Brogaard - 2007 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2007 (8).
  40.  29
    Alternative Modes Of Thought.Peter Burke - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (1):41-60.
    This essay—a contribution to the Common Knowledge symposium on contextualism—is concerned with the gradual rise (in Europe and then more generally in the West) of awareness of the existence of modes of thought or systems of belief that are different from those that are dominant in one's own culture. The awareness can be found in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (for example, in John Locke, Bernard de Fontenelle, and Giambattista Vico) but was developed further in the early to (...)
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  41.  15
    Book Review: An Enquiry into Modes of Existence: An Anthropology of the Moderns. [REVIEW]Daniel Chernilo - 2015 - European Journal of Social Theory 18 (3):343-348.
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  42. Modes of Thinking in Language Study.Jesús Gerardo Martínez del Castillo - 2015 - International Journal of Language and Linguistics 3 (6-1):77-84.
    When we speak of language we usually use the concept of a particular language. In this sense the concept denoted with the word language may vary from one language to another. Real language (=the language spoken) on the contrary is the reality lived by speakers thus encompassing complex and multifarious activities. Depending on the language spoken, the modes of thinking, modes of being in the conception of things, and systems of beliefs transmitted by means of particular languages, denote (...)
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  43. Du mode d'existence des objets techniques (Paris: Aubier, 1958). Ian Hacking,“The Life of Instruments”(a review of JA Bennett, The Divided Circle. A History of Instruments for Astronomy, Navigation and Surveying [Oxford: Phaidon/Christie's, 1987]). [REVIEW]Georges Simondon - 1989 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 20 (2).
  44. Modes of Hoping.Darren Webb - 2007 - History of the Human Sciences 20 (3):65-83.
    It is widely acknowledged that hoping is an integral part of what it is to be human. The present article strives to make sense of the myriad competing conceptions of hope that have emerged over the past half-century. Two problems with the literature are highlighted. First, discussions of hope tend to take place within rather than between disciplines. Second, hope is often taken to be an undifferentiated experience. In order to address the first problem, the article takes an interdisciplinary approach, (...)
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  45. Perceptual Modes of Presentation as Object Files.Gabriel Siegel - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (6):2377 - 2395.
    Some have defended a Fregean view of perceptual content. On this view, the constituents of perceptual contents are Fregean modes of presentation (MOPs). In this paper, I propose that perceptual MOPs are best understood in terms of object files. Object files are episodic representations that store perceptual information about objects. This information is updated when sensory conditions change. On the proposed view, when a subject perceptually represents some object a under two distinct MOPs, then the subject initiates two object (...)
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  46. Review of »An Inquiry into Modes of Existence. An Anthropology of the Moderns« by Bruno Latour.Bart P. Wille - 2014 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 20 (2).
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  47. On the Semantics of Existence Predicates.Friederike Moltmann - 2010 - In Ingo Reich (ed.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 15, Saarbruecken. Saarbrücken: Universitätsverlag des Saarlandes. pp. 31-54.
    The most common philosophical view about the notion of existence is that it is a second-order property or existential quantification. A less common view is that existence is a (first-order) property of 'existent' as opposed to 'nonexistent' (past or merely intentional) objects. An even less common view is that existence divides into different 'modes of being' for different sorts of entities. In this paper I will take a closer look at the semantic behavior of existence (...)
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  48.  17
    Sacred Modes of Being in a Postsecular World.Andrew Hass (ed.) - 2021 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    How do we talk meaningfully about the sacred in contexts where conventional religious expression has so often lost its power? Inspired by the influential work of David Jasper, this important volume builds on his thinking to identify sacrality in a world where the old religious and secular debates have exhausted themselves and theology struggles for a new language in their wake. Distinguished writers explore here the idea of the sacred as one that exists, paradoxically, in a space that is both (...)
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  49. Investigating modes of being in the world: an introduction to Phenomenologically grounded qualitative research.Allan Køster & Anthony Vincent Fernandez - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (1):149-169.
    In this article, we develop a new approach to integrating philosophical phenomenology with qualitative research. The approach uses phenomenology’s concepts, namely existentials, rather than methods such as the epoché or reductions. We here introduce the approach to both philosophers and qualitative researchers, as we believe that these studies are best conducted through interdisciplinary collaboration. In section 1, we review the debate over phenomenology’s role in qualitative research and argue that qualitative theorists have not taken full advantage of what philosophical phenomenology (...)
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    (1 other version)The Problem of Existence of Virtual Objects from the Philosophical Perspective.Mariusz Mazurek - 2022 - Filozofia i Nauka 10:137-156.
    I consider the problem of existence of virtual objects, mainly their mode of existence, while omitting the issue of the criteria of their existence. I present and analyze the concepts of modes of existence of virtual objects proposed in the literature of the subject, and then I demonstrate my own position on the issue. My position on the existence of virtual objects has certain points coinciding with the already postulated views, but at the same (...)
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