Results for ' method, interpretation, reading, criticism, Starobinski Jean'

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  1.  41
    Acheronta Movebo.Jean Starobinski & Françoise Meltzer - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 13 (2):394-407.
    It is doubtless appropriate to read The Interpretation of Dreams according to the image of the journey which Sigmund Freud describes in a letter to Wilhelm Fliess:The whole thing is planned on the model of an imaginary walk. First comes the dark wood of the authorities , where there is no clear view and it is easy to go astray. Then there is a cavernous defile through which I lead my readers—my specimen dream with its peculiarities, its details, its indiscretions (...)
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    Starobinski reader.Barbara de Negroni - 2020 - Methodos 20.
    Parmi toutes les qualités que l’on peut reconnaître à l’œuvre de Jean Starobinski, l’une des plus importantes me semble être l’admirable travail de lecture dont elle témoigne. Je voudrais dégager ici quelques axes de sa méthode de lecture, en montrer la richesse et la subtilité, et en analyser les effets. Lecteur exemplaire, Starobinski ne cesse de nous apprendre à lire et à relire, l’un des plus beaux aboutissements de son œuvre étant de nous faire relire vraiment, et (...)
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    The Seduction of Fiction: A Plea for Putting Emotions Back into Literary Interpretation.Jean-François Vernay - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    By meshing psychology with literary analysis, this book inspires us to view the reading of fictional works as an emotional and seductive affair between reader and writer. Arguing that current teaching practices have contributed to the current decline in the study of literature, Jean-François Vernay's plea brings a refreshing perspective by seeking new directions and conceptual tools to highlight the value of literature. Interdisciplinary in focus and relevant to timely discussions of the vitality between emotion and literary studies, particularly (...)
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    L'Oeil Vivant.Jean Starobinski - 1962 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 21 (2):227-228.
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    Considerations on the Present State of Literary Criticism.Jean Starobinski & Valérie Brasseur - 1971 - Diogenes 19 (74):57-88.
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    Les Mots sous les mots. Les Anagrammes de Ferdinand de Saussure.Jean Starobinski - 1973 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 31 (3):412-414.
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    L'événement et le tout : Windelband, lecteur de Bergson.Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron - 2008 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 133 (2):157-171.
    Windelband, réputé comme chef de l'école néokantienne de Bade, s'oppose comme Bergson au relativisme et au positivisme. Pour lui, comprendre Kant, c'est le dépasser, et ce, dans la direction de Hegel ; lire Bergson, c'est retrouver le sens de l' événement dans une métaphysique de l'irrépétable, qui, en montrant l'insuffisance du criticisme, ouvre la porte aux sciences historiques. Cela est l'interprétation positive de Bergson. Mais la critique est qu'il faut séparer totalement la psychologie de la philosophie, contrairement à la tradition (...)
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    Intercultural constructions of the New Testament: Epistemological foundations.Jean-Claude Loba-Mkole - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (2):8.
    The present study discusses epistemological foundations of intercultural constructions of the New Testament in Africa. Before embarking on this discussion, it documents the history and procedures of this interpretive tool. In Africa, the intercultural method emanates from the paradigm of inculturation coupled with reconstruction. It has already embraced biblical exegesis, translation studies, canonical criticism and ecological hermeneutics. Contribution: The insights of the article ‘Intercultural constructions of the New Testament: Epistemological foundations’ pertain firstly to the description of the method of intercultural (...)
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    Trois idées directrices de la philosophie de Dilthey.Jean-François Rioux - 2020 - Dialogue 59 (4):561-577.
    RÉSUMÉ Dans cet article, je propose une interprétation de la philosophie de Wilhelm Dilthey qui repose sur trois idées directrices. La première idée identifie l'objet de sa philosophie : la vie. La deuxième idée établit sa méthode, soit l'autoréflexion. La troisième idée clarifie ce qui est révélé par l'autoréflexion, à savoir l'universalité et la variabilité de la vie. Dans un premier temps, je défends que la lecture épistémologique de la philosophie de Dilthey doit être abandonnée. Dans un deuxième temps, je (...)
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    The Work of Alterity: Bataille and Lacan.Jean-Jacques Dragon - 1996 - Diacritics 26 (2):31-48.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Work of Alterity: Bataille and LacanJean Dragon (bio)The topic of alterity may appear at first to be beyond the scope of Bataille’s work, but it is from such questioning that his practice of writing takes its full contours and questions the renewal of literary textuality.Strangely, Bataille fights against writing, an attitude that shows a will to disappear in order to reach sovereignty. Writing, in such a context, supports (...)
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    The Great Arnauld and Some of His Philosophical Correspondents.Alan Jean Nelson - 1996 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (3):461-463.
    BOOK REVIEWS 461 Edwin Curley's "Notes on a Neglected Masterpiece: Spinoza and the Science of Hermeneutics" takes as its starting point Savan's claim that Spinoza is the "founder of scientific hermeneutics." Rejccting the most extreme interpretation of this claim -- i.e., that Spinoza created scientific hermeneutics ex nihilo -- Curlcy carefully compares Spi- noza's contributions to Biblical criticism with those of Hobbes and Isaac La Peyr~re, and concludes that Spinoza's work possesses, in addition to a generally higher level of hermeneutical (...)
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    Finding One’s Way Through Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations: New Essays on §§1-88.Emmanuel Bermon & Jean-Philippe Narboux (eds.) - 2017 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    This volume sheds a new light on Philosophical Investigations, Ludwig Wittgenstein’s master opus, by taking a new approach to its first stretch, with special emphasis on its atypical opening. The methodological conviction that subtends the volume is that the highly unconventional form assumed by the book is internal to its content and crucial to its reconception of the relation between logic and language. This disconcerting form is dictated by the new modes of criticism deployed by Wittgenstein as he engages the (...)
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  13.  42
    A Survey of Kantian Philosophy.Herman Jean De Vleeschauwer - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (1):122-142.
    Every epoch possesses its proper Plato, its proper Thomas and its proper Kant. To interpret or to assimilate a doctrine does not merely consist in the knowledge of that which the author has literally taught but rather in representing to oneself one's own impression while reading. The new literature which has appeared since 1950 will in the future behave just like the preceding: the attempt will be made to re-think the authentic Criticism as well as to complete Kant's intellectual portrait (...)
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    Alter Galenus: Jean Fernel et son interprétation plantonico-chrétienne de Galien.Hiro Hirai - 2005 - Early Science and Medicine 10 (1):1-35.
    Inspired by Christian Platonism as developed in the late fifteenth-century Florentine milieu, the French physician Jean Fernel proposed a particular interpretation of Galen in a medico-philosophical work entitled On the Hidden Causes of Things . With this interpretation, he responded to the serious and urgent need for a reconciliation of the newly reconstituted Galen of Renaissance humanism with Christian faith. The present study examines Fernel's strategy and method in constructing this singular Galenic body of doctrine, special attention being given (...)
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    Philosophy of Science and Theory of Literary Criticism: Some Common Problems.Walter Creed - 1980 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1980:131 - 140.
    Structuralism as well as other methods of literary criticism, take positions analogous to ones espoused in some philosophies of science. Examples are: regarding a discipline as self-contained, having no necessary connection with the external world; taking interpretation (or the postulating of theories) as an arbitrary process, valid if it makes sense of the data, thus avoiding questions of truth; diminishing individuality by overemphasizing the learned aspects of a discipline (reading as governed by assimilated rules, research as controlled by shared goals (...)
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    L'interprete e il traduttore: saggi di teoria della letteratura.Enza Biagini - 2016 - Firenze, Italy: Firenze University Press.
    What is a comment? What does it mean to interpret a text? What are the skills and methods used by great masters such as Auerbach, Spitzer, Sontag, Segre, Adelia Noferi, Contini, Barthes and Raimondi in their dialogue with the ancient and new hermeneutic theories? What kind of relationship is established between message/text and commentator? What is the common ground where the act of interpreting and that of translating end up meeting? Enza Biagini wonders about these fundamental questions while, between comment (...)
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  17.  32
    The Humanities in Love with Themselves.Mark Bauerlein - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (2):415-431.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.2 (2002) 415-431 [Access article in PDF] The Humanities at Home with Themselves Mark Bauerlein The Crafty Reader, by Robert Scholes; 272 pp. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002, $24.95. WHEN I STARTED GRADUATE SCHOOL in English in the early Eight ies, a typical thing happened. Those few students with a background in philosophy drifted together, shared influences, and developed a hierarchy of critical works. A (...)
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    Rereading Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd’s method of interpreting religious texts.Abdul Mufid, Abd Kadir Massoweang, Mujizatullah Mujizatullah, Abu Muslim & Zulkarnain Yani - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):6.
    The contemporary Qur’anic studies have been marked by amazing development. Various methods and approaches to understand the Qur’an are offered by the scholars. One of the prominent figures in this field is Nashr Hamid Abu Zayd. Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd (1943–2010 M) is a highly controversial contemporary thinker. He is an Egyptian scholar who is accused of being apostate, because of his theory of qur’anic hermeneutic (the textual of Qur’an). This is reflected in his stances towards contemporary religious discourse and (...)
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    Philosophy and Criticism Conversation in Michael Oakeshotts Thought.Davide Orsi - 2012 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 18 (1):7-29.
    This paper contends thatMichael Oakeshott's analogy of conversation conveys a conception of philosophy that can be connected with 'philosophical criticism', as interpreted by British Idealists such as Andrew Seth and Edward Caird. Firstly, my claim is that Oakeshott's notion of philosophical definition is animated by a dialectical 'refutation' of current ideas, articulated in the logical study of their presuppositions. Moreover, I show that this critical idea of philosophy is expressed through a re-interpretation of the Socratic Method that can be compared (...)
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    Guest Editor’s Introduction.Siphiwe Ndlovu - 2023 - Critical Philosophy of Race 11 (2):259-263.
    This Special Issue comes at a time when African countries and the Global South in general are facing unprecedented crises in securing energy to power their economies. The crises are necessitated largely by the developed Western countries exerting enormous power and pressure upon the developing world to move away from fossil fuels, while at the same time the West is increasing its uptake on fossils. However, with critical self-reflection we are able to understand that a crisis of this nature is (...)
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    Reading derrida’s own conscience: From the question to the call.Matthew Calarco - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (3):283-301.
    This paper explores two different methods of reading ‘Derrida’s own conscience’ – that is, of raising the question of ethics and obligation in deconstruction. The two readings under discussion here are staged by Jean-Luc Nancy in his seminal essay ‘The Free Voice of Man’. In the first half of the paper, I engage in a reading of Nancy’s essay in which I seek not only to highlight Nancy’s double formulation of the place of ethics in deconstruction, but also to (...)
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    The ghost of Wittgenstein: Forms of life, scientific method, and cultural critique.William T. Lynch - 2005 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 35 (2):139-174.
    In developing an "internal" sociology of science, the sociology of scientific knowledge drew on Wittgenstein’s later philosophy to reinterpret traditional epistemological topics in sociological terms. By construing scientific reasoning as rule following within a collective, sociologists David Bloor and Harry Collins effectively blocked outside criticism of a scientific field, whether scientific, philosophical, or political. Ethnomethodologist Michael Lynch developed an alternative, Wittgensteinian reading that similarly blocked philosophical or political critique, while also disallowing analytical appeals to historical or institutional contexts. I criticize (...)
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  23.  18
    You must change your life: Søren Kierkegaard's philosophy of reading.Thomas J. Millay - 2020 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    Countless academic books have been written about how to interpret literary texts. From reader response criticism to Marxist hermeneutics and beyond, the scholarship on interpretive methods is vast. Yet all these books fail to address a more fundamental question: Why should we read in the first place? Or, to put it another way, why is reading an important thing to do? In order to answer these questions, Thomas J. Millay turns to the wisdom of Danish philosopher-theologian Søren Kierkegaard. In this (...)
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    Gianni Vattimo e Jean-Luc Nancy: o fundamentalismo democrático.Julio Paulo Tavares Zabatiero & Jonathan Michelson de Menezes - forthcoming - Horizonte:1031-1031.
    This article has as its theme the democracy as fundamentalism, or the democratic fundamentalism. Its main objective is the recognition that the thinking about democracy can itself be fundamentalist, implying that not only religious fundamentalisms are a threat to contemporary democracy. Its method and object are the interpretation of texts by two contemporary philosophers who do not usually talk to each other, the Italian Gianni Vattimo and the French Jean-Luc Nancy. The essay's thesis is the affirmation of democratic thinking (...)
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    The first problem that every interpretation of Marx's dialectics has to confront is that Marx was very brief in his written declarations about the nature of the dialectical method. As it was correctly pointed out by Professor Jean van Heijenoort.Jean van Heijenoort - 1990 - In Jerzy Brzezinski, Francesco Coniglione, Theo A. Kuipers & Leszek Nowak (eds.), Idealization I: General Problems. Atlanta, GA: Rodopi. pp. 113.
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    Religião e literatura na crítica a Franz Kafka (Religion and literature in the criticism about Franz Kafka) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2012v10n25p157. [REVIEW]Mauro Rocha Baptista - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (25):157-175.
    Partimos dos eixos propostos por José Carlos Barcellos no artigo “Literatura e teologia” para enquadrar a fortuna crítica que se elevou em torno de Franz Kafka quanto à relação entre sua literatura e a temática religiosa. O primeiro eixo lida com a perspectiva de que a literatura se apresente como uma teologia não teórica, nele analisamos a configuração de Kafka como um cabalista de acordo com Scholem. No segundo, sob a ótica de que a teologia está presente na literatura, observamos (...)
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    Interpretation: The Poetry of Meaning. [REVIEW]H. W. E. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (2):384-385.
    This volume is a collection of papers from the Third Consultation on Hermeneutics at Drew University. The goal of this conference was, in Hopper's words, to "question what kind of language, or thinking, is appropriate to a fundamental ontology, to a language that does not commit objectification, or reification, upon its subject matter in the very mode of its utterance." The first essay in the volume was not read at the conference, but is reprinted from a 1961 Harper's magazine, namely, (...)
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  28.  14
    Criticism in Action: Enlightenment Experiments in Political Writing.Dena Goodman - 2019 - Cornell University Press.
    Dena Goodman here offers a fresh explanation of how critical theory broke out of the mold of an earlier tradition of discourse—the mirror for princes genre—and shaped its own course in the eighteenth century. Criticism in Action provides a historical analysis of French Enlightenment texts as actions and as the focus of critical activity in which writers and their potential readers participate. Goodman approaches texts as forces that shape the thinking and acting of the individuals engaged in the act of (...)
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  29. Truth and Method as a Classic.Jean Grondin - 2012 - Apuntes Filosóficos 21 (40).
    This article reflects on Truth and Method , the seminal work of Hans Georg Gadamer. The main argument developed here justifies why the work has become a classic in the philosophical literature. Further arguments survey the thematic aspects that make up the book and the importance that Truth and Method grants to humanism as a horizon from which the status of the humanities and humanistic knowledge is justified. The article also presents a smooth approach to the main categories of Gadamer's (...)
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    Synoptic Problem and Redaction Criticism: An Introductory Survey.Zafer Duygu - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):521-544.
    The Synoptic Problem is a puzzle that scholars have desired to solve since the 18th century. The discussion has a religious background, because it is about the first three canonical Gospels of the Church, namely Matthew, Mark and Luke, which came to be called the Synoptic Gospels. The discussion, in the most basic context, concentrates on the point that there is a possible relationship or connection between the Synoptic Gospels and that each one is substantially similar to another but at (...)
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    The New Criticism and Eighteenth-Century Poetry.Phillip Harth - 1981 - Critical Inquiry 7 (3):521-537.
    It is easy to overlook the fact that the kind of personalist criticism Brower, Wimsatt, and other New Critics were reacting against was a method of interpretation bequeathed by the nineteenth century which most of us would now regard as naïve, simplistic, and sometimes absurd. With the exception of a few poems such as Browning's dramatic monologues, which provided the speaker with an explicit identity as unmistakable as that of a character in a play—"I am poor brother Lippo, by your (...)
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    A Fresco: Mélanges offerts au Professeur Etienne Darbellay.Brenno Boccadoro & Georges Starobinski (eds.) - 2013 - Bern: Peter Lang.
    De Frescobaldi, à l'édition musicale, en passant par l'histoire de l'interprétation, la grammaire baroque des affects et l'esthétique, ce livre rend hommage à la pensée d'Etienne Darbellay dans un recueil d'études qui captive par la variété et la rigueur des savoirs. From Frescobaldi to music editions, from the history of performance to the baroque language of affect and aesthetic, the present work in honour of Etienne Darbellay is a collection of essays remarkable for the breadth and depth of their scholarship.
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  33. Interpréter le quatrième évangile aujourd'hui: Questions de méthode.Jean Zumstein - 2012 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 92 (2):241-258.
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    Literary Interpretation and Three Phases of Psychoanalysis.Norman N. Holland - 1976 - Critical Inquiry 3 (2):221-233.
    Let me start with my general thesis: that psychoanalysis has gone through three phases. It has been a psychology first of the unconscious, second as psychology of the ego, and today, I believe, a psychology of the self. . . . To a surprising extent, the modern American literary critic has sought the same impersonal, generalized kind of quasi-scientific knowledge. We anglophones reacted against the over-indulgence in subjectivity by Victorian and Georgian critics. We also reacted against the uncritical use of (...)
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    Illumination and Interpretation: The Depiction and Reception of Faus Semblant in Roman de la Rose Manuscripts.Timothy L. Stinson - 2012 - Speculum 87 (2):469-498.
    The past seven centuries of scholarly attention to and debate over the Roman de la Rose bear strong witness to the fact that the allegorical figure Faus Semblant presents us with an interpretive crux—one of many such in the poem—that we are not likely to resolve in the coming centuries. Perhaps it should come as no surprise that a character who so embodies paradox—a profane friar who is openly honest about his intent to deceive—should be so difficult to pin down; (...)
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  36. Contemporary Hermeneutics: Hermeneutics as Method, Philosophy and Critique.Josef Bleicher - 1980 - New York: Routledge.
    Hermeneutics can loosely be defined as the theory or philosophy of the interpretation of menaing. It is a central topic in the philosophy of the social sciences, the philosophy of art and language and in literary criticism. This book, first published in 1980, gives a detailed overview and analysis of the main strands of contemporary hermeneutical thought. It includes a number of readings in order to give the reader a first-hand acquaintance with the subjects and the debates within it.
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    Cohen’s Influence on Husserl’s Understanding of Kant’s Transcendental Method.Francesco Scagliusi - 2024 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 5 (1):1-27.
    This article argues that Husserl’s interpretation of Kant’s “regressive method” was influenced by Cohen’s account of the “transcendental method.” According to Cohen’s epistemological reading of the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant’s transcendental method consists in explaining the “fact of science” by using a regressive procedure from this fact to its conditions of possibility. Husserl ascribes, as Cohen does, this method to Kant himself. First, he criticizes Kant for regressively deducing conditions of possibility that elude any type of intuitive fulfillment. Second, (...)
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    Logique et méthode chez Aristote: étude sur la recherche des principes dans la physique aristotélicienne.Jean-Marie Le Blond - 1996 - Paris,: Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    Cet ouvrage est désormais à tous égards un classique. Il a assurément, lors de sa première édition en 1939, suscité nombre de réactions critiques à la mesure de la nouveauté réelle d'un travail qui, délaissant les voies et les impasses de la méthode génétique, s'attachait, plutôt que de reconstituer dans sa systématicité prétendue la pensée du Stagirite, à dégager les cadres généraux ou les schèmes qui structurent effectivement une recherche se faisant. En se sens, il s'agissait bien d'étudier la méthode (...)
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    The pathos of distance: affects of the moderns.Jean-Michel Rabaté - 2016 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing.
    Jean-Michel Rabaté uses Nietzsche's image of a "pathos of distance," the notion that certain values cannot originate in a community but are created by a few gifted and lofty individuals, as the basis for a wide-ranging investigation into the ethics of the moderns. The expression of "pathos of distance" impressed would-be modernists like the American James Huneker and the Irish poet W. B. Yeats as they confronted the new in the arts. Later, it helped Deleuze and Barthes make sense (...)
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    Is meta‐synthesis turning rich descriptions into thin reductions? A criticism of meta‐aggregation as a form of qualitative synthesis.Elisabeth Bergdahl - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (1):e12273.
    Meta‐synthesis of qualitative research can be an important way to consolidate and grow nursing knowledge and theory. However, from recent readings of such works in the nursing literature, one can observe that there is increasing use of meta‐synthesis being used as a way to simply aggregate qualitative research findings in a manner claimed to be similar to quantitative meta‐research while also remaining compatible with the qualitative research tradition. The aim of this paper is to discuss whether this meta‐aggregation form of (...)
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    The semantics of respective Readings, conjunction, and filler-gap dependencies.Jean Mark Gawron & Andrew Kehler - 2004 - Linguistics and Philosophy 27 (2):169-207.
    We provide a semantic analysis of respective readings, including butnot limited to the interpretation of examples containing the adverbrespectively, which accounts for a number of facts that haveeither proven difficult for previous studies or heretofore goneunnoticed in the literature. The analysis introduces the new notionsof property sum and proposition sum which integrate smoothly with existing analyses of plurals and distributivity. The analysis also admits of a straightforward account of previouslyunacknowledged examples involving filler-gap dependencies that areproblematic for contemporary syntactic theories. Ramifications (...)
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  42. Picturing the human: the moral thought of Iris Murdoch.Maria Antonaccio - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Iris Murdoch has long been known as one of the most deeply insightful and morally passionate novelists of our time. This attention has often eclipsed Murdoch's sophisticated and influential work as a philosopher, which has had a wide-ranging impact on thinkers in moral philosophy as well as religious ethics and political theory. Yet it has never been the subject of a book-length study in its own right. Picturing the Human seeks to fill this gap. In this groundbreaking book, author Maria (...)
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    I. A. Richards and the Philosophy of Practical Criticism.Hugh Bredin - 1986 - Philosophy and Literature 10 (1):26-37.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hugh Bredin I. A. RICHARDS AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF PRACTICAL CRITICISM IN much of the English-speaking world, an essential component of literary studies is the exercise known as "practical criticism." The name, and to some extent the practice, originated in a book by I. A. Richards, Practical Criticism, 1 in which he described an experiment conducted by him at Cambridge and elsewhere. In the experiment, undergraduate students of English (...)
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    Conciencia e alteridade em l'être et le néant, de Jean-Paul Sartre.Nuno P. Castanheira - 2009 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 33 (33):43-74.
    This paper intends to give a critical reading of Jean-Paul Sartre’s treatment of inter-consciousness relationship as presented in his work L'être et le néant, namely in the chapter L'existence d'autrui. Our main objective is to understand the treatment Sartre gave the referred issue in that particular work, but also to show that his theoretical standpoint falls short on a true determination of the meaning of the experience of Otherness for consciousness. Our method for approaching Sartre’s views stands on a (...)
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    Badiou and Deleuze read literature.Jean-Jacques Lecercle - 2010 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Why do philosophers read literature? How do they read it? And to what extent does their philosophy derive from their reading of literature? Anyone who has read contemporary European philosophers has had to ask such questions. This book is an attempt to answer them, by considering the ‘strong readings’ Alain Badiou and Gilles Deleuze impose on the texts they read. The author demonstrates that philosophers need literature as much as literary critics need philosophy: it is an exercise not in the (...)
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    From Personal to Social Transaction: A Model of Aesthetic Reading in the Classroom.Mark A. Pike - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (2):61.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.2 (2003) 61-72 [Access article in PDF] From Personal to Social Transaction:A Model of Aesthetic Reading in the Classroom Mark A. Pike This article seeks to define more precisely the nature of the individual transaction that occurs between reader and text and the potential for aesthetic reading in literature classrooms by relating knowledge of the way pupils engage in literary transactions to theoretical perspectives (...)
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    What is Socrates’ hypothesis? A proposal for reading Men. 97e2-98b5.Emanuele Maffi - 2023 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 33:03313-03313.
    Recently, some scholars have authoritatively claimed the idea that _Men. _97e2-98b5 is a strong criticism of any epistemological perspective based on an additive model of knowledge, in which knowledge is conceived as a form of opinion with the addition of something else. In this article I try to show that Plato's aim is not to criticize this model of knowledge but to pose, in the form of a hypothesis which has to be verified in other texts, the main problem of (...)
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    Vérité et méthodes.Jean-Louis Souletie - 2009 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 97 (3):375-396.
    Le plaidoyer de Meier pour la méthode dans l’exégèse historico-critique du N.T. le conduit à accorder une authenticité historique à des textes évangéliques que d’autres exégètes considèrent comme des relectures théologiques de l’Église primitive. Sur ce constat, il faudra donc mesurer ce que cette méthode peut apporter au portait historique de Jésus qui a été l’objectif de la longue histoire des quêtes du Jésus historique. Situé ainsi dans les débats sur le Jésus historique, le travail de Meier conduit à la (...)
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    Peirce Reading Kant.Jean-Marie Chevalier - 2016 - Philosophia Scientiae 20:143-163.
    Cet article présente le rôle fondamental que l’œuvre de Kant a joué dans l’élaboration de la pensée du philosophe américain Charles S. Peirce. Idéalement, il se fixerait un triple objectif : résumer les éléments de dialogue de Peirce avec Kant, évaluer l’interprétation très particulière que Peirce propose du kantisme (en particulier du transcendantal et du criticisme), et montrer qu’apprécier l’importance de l’influence kantienne sur Peirce suppose des partis pris commentaristes, de sorte que les deux premiers objectifs appellent un tour d’horizon (...)
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  50. Technical Methods in the Prehistoric Age.Jean Cazeneuve & Wells F. Chamberlin - 1959 - Diogenes 7 (27):102-124.
    There has often been criticism of the use which was made by certain sociologists toward the beginning of the century (Lévy-Bruhl in particular) of the adjective “primitive” to characterize the level of culture of peoples whom we formerly called “savage.” The term “archaic” perhaps creates fewer difficulties, but its etymology nevertheless involves the inconvenience of intimating that the societies in question might be closer to the origins than ours. Certain anthropologists, attempting to find an objective criterion which would permit us (...)
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