Results for ' method of concomitant variations'

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  1.  87
    Milla kanon zmian towarzyszącychМетод сопутствющих изменений милляOn mill's method of concomitant variations.Henryk Greniewski - 1957 - Studia Logica 5 (1):109-127.
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    Reconsidering Husserl’s Method of Eidetic Variation: The Possibility of Productive Phantasy.Chin-Yu Lee - 2023 - Husserl Studies 39 (2):179-205.
    The present study reconsiders Husserl’s method of eidetic variation and Schütz’s critique. The method of eidetic variation describes a complex process through which the eidos of empirical objects is obtained. This process has different steps, one of which is the free variation that is conducted by the act of free phantasy. According to Husserl, it is through this act that the transcendental consciousness can surpass the boundary established by empirical generalities and uncover the full extension of eidos as (...)
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    Defining a Discipline: Sociology and its Philosophical Problems, from its Classics to 1945.Stephen Turner - 2006 - In Stephen P. Turner & Mark W. Risjord (eds.), Handbook of Philosophy of Anthropology and Sociology. Boston: Elsevier. pp. 3-69.
    The beginning of the 20th century coincides with the establishment of the modern disciplines of the social sciences, chiefly in the United States but on a smaller scale in Western Europe as well. These disciplinary structures, which varied from country to country, provide the organizing principle of this handbook.The immediate context of the disciplinarization of sociology was the transformation of two fields, statistics and history, which shed large chunks of content as they took their current shape. The principal body of (...)
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  4. Consequentialism, Deontology and the Morality of Promising.Nikil Mukerji - 2013 - In Johanna Jauernig & Christoph Luetge (eds.), Business Ethics and Risk Management. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 111-126.
    In normative ethics there has been a long-standing debate between consequentialists and deontologists. To settle this dispute moral theorists have often used a selective approach. They have focused on particular aspects of our moral practice and have teased out what consequentialists and deontologists have to say about it. One of the focal points of this debate has been the morality of promising. In this paper I review arguments on both sides and examine whether consequentialists or deontologists offer us a more (...)
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    The method of imaginative variations.Charles Hartshorne - 1939 - Journal of Philosophy 36 (9):233-234.
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    Logic and Epistemology.Wendy Donner & Richard Fumerton - 2009-01-02 - In Steven Nadler (ed.), Mill. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 155–174.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Mill on Our Knowledge of the External World Mill on Our Knowledge of “Necessary” Truths Mill's “Reduction” of Deductive Reasoning to Inductive Reasoning Mill on the Ground of Inductive Reasoning Mill's Methods Further Reading.
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  7. A Corpus Linguistic Perspective on the Lexicon of Islamic Family Law in English: Legal Communication or Cultural Discourse?Rana Roshdy - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-40.
    Considered an iconic symbol of indigenous legal heritage, Islamic law is adopted nowadays in whole or in part in the legal systems of the Muslim world and is also of significance in Muslim-minority European countries, where it typically finds its niche in civil and financial domains. This article sets out to investigate the norms of translating Islamic family law discourse using a mixed methods approach based on ‘qualitising’ quantitative data, i.e., an approach in which quantitative data are interpreted qualitatively. Drawing (...)
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  8. A defense of Husserl's method of free variation.David Kasmier - 2010 - In Pol Vandevelde & Sebastian Luft (eds.), Epistemology, Archaeology, Ethics: Current Investigations of Husserl's Corpus. Continuum.
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    Bolzano's Method of Variation.Edgar Morscher - 1997 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 53 (1):139-165.
    Bernard Bolzano's most fruitful invention was his method of variation. He used it in defining such fundamental logical concepts as logical consequence, analyticity and probability. The following three puzzles concerning this method of variation seem particularly worth considering, (i) How can we define the range of variation of an idea or the categorial conformity of two ideas without already using the concept of variation? This question was raised by Mark Siebel in his M. A. thesis, (ii) Why must (...)
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    Bolzano's Method of Variation.Edgar Morscher - 1997 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 53 (1):139-165.
    Bernard Bolzano's most fruitful invention was his method of variation. He used it in defining such fundamental logical concepts as logical consequence, analyticity and probability. The following three puzzles concerning this method of variation seem particularly worth considering, (i) How can we define the range of variation of an idea or the categorial conformity of two ideas without already using the concept of variation? This question was raised by Mark Siebel in his M. A. thesis, (ii) Why must (...)
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    (4 other versions)Non-structural version of the variational method - the explanatory weakness of Gestalt, the limits of imagination and rejection of the Other. [REVIEW]Vlastimil Zuska - 2019 - Espes 9 (2):28-32.
    The article attempts to critically reconsider some of the central motives of Tomáš Kulka’s aesthetics, especially his use of the term Gestalt and his concept of versions and alterations. In addition to his own objections, the author focuses on criticism of the above-mentioned parts of Kulka’s theory from the perspective of Czech structuralism and phenomenology.
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    Kierkegaard’s account of thought experiment: a method of variation.Eleanor Helms - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    I argue that Kierkegaard has an account of thought experiment. While his contemporary Ørsted’s contributions to the early history of the concept of ‘thought experiment’ have been recently acknowledged, Kierkegaard’s contributions remain largely unrecognized. I argue that Kierkegaard’s method of ‘imaginary construction’ [Tanke-Experiment] aims at identifying underlying invariants in objects of experience. I outline similarities between Ørsted’s pursuit of invariants in the sciences and Kierkegaard’s fictional variations in Repetition. One implication is that Kierkegaard’s view is more scientific and (...)
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    “Self-Variation”: A Problem of Method in Husserl’s Phenomenology.Daniele De Santis - 2020 - Husserl Studies 36 (3):255-269.
    This paper aims at offering a concise, yet systematic, presentation of the Husserlian method of “self-variation” in connection to eidetic variation sic et simpliciter. After a brief review of the different meanings of this method in Husserl’s writings, I will focus on the way in which Husserl employs it to bring the eidos “ego” to the fore. To this end, I will take into account the specific subject matter of self-variation by resorting to a twofold concept of essence (...)
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  14.  55
    The Phenomenological Foundations for Empirical Methodology I: the Method of Optional of Variations.Wayne K. Andrew - 1985 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 16 (2):1-29.
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    A Nonlinear Method for Measuring the Effects of Environmental Variations.Mihaela D. Iftime - 2011 - Foundations of Science 16 (4):353-361.
    Ever wonder if it is possible to construct a numeric scale for environmental variables, like one does for the temperature? This paper is an attempt to construct one. There are two main parts: section “Statistical Analysis of Variations” presents a general statistical strategy for environmental factor selection. Section “Nonlinear Analytical Geometric Model of Variations” develops an analytical geometric representation of system variations in response to environmental changes. The model is used to quantify the effects of environmental interactions. (...)
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  16.  36
    Variations in the ability of general medical practitioners to apply two methods of clinical audit: a five‐year study of assessment by peer review.John McKay, Paul Bowie & Murray Lough - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (6):622-629.
  17.  32
    Concepts of Solution and the Finite Element Method: a Philosophical Take on Variational Crimes.Nicolas Fillion & Robert M. Corless - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (1):129-148.
    Despite being one of the most dependable methods used by applied mathematicians and engineers in handling complex systems, the finite element method commits variational crimes. This paper contextualizes the concept of variational crime within a broader account of mathematical practice by explaining the tradeoff between complexity and accuracy involved in the construction of numerical methods. We articulate two standards of accuracy used to determine whether inexact solutions are good enough and show that, despite violating the justificatory principles of one, (...)
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  18.  27
    Zur Lehre Vom Wesen Und Zur Methode der Eidetischen Variation: Texte Aus Dem Nachlass, (1891-1935).Edmund Husserl - 2011 - Springer. Edited by Dirk Fonfara.
    Hierbei beruhrt Husserl auch Themen, welche die Grenzen der Methode aufzeigen, z.B. die eidetische Variation meines eigenen Charakters.
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    Patterns of semantic variation differ across body parts: evidence from the Japonic languages.Asifa Majid, Roeland van Hout & John L. A. Huisman - 2021 - Cognitive Linguistics 32 (3):455-486.
    The human body is central to myriad metaphors, so studying the conceptualisation of the body itself is critical if we are to understand its broader use. One essential but understudied issue is whether languages differ in which body parts they single out for naming. This paper takes a multi-method approach to investigate body part nomenclature within a single language family. Using both a naming task and colouring-in task to collect data from six Japonic languages, we found that lexical similarity (...)
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  20. How strong is this obligation? An argument for consequentialism from concomitant variation.Walter Sinnott-Armstrong - 2009 - Analysis 69 (3):438-442.
    The rule ‘Keep your promises’ is often presented as a challenge to consequentialism, because the ground of your moral obligation not to break a promise seems to lie in the past fact that you made the promise, which is not a consequence of the act. A different picture emerges, however, when we move beyond the question of whether you have any moral obligation at all to the related question of how strong that obligation is.If I promise to meet you and (...)
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    Transcending Ibn Rushd’s methods of reasoning.Abbas Ahsan - 2024 - Asian Philosophy an International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East:1-33.
    Ibn Rushd presents different methods of reasoning. Each method differs in terms of its construction, level of assent, and the cognitive state it ultimately produces. Despite these technical variations, notable authors suggest that they are all equally valid and sound. I analyse this claim, and argue that although demonstrative and dialectical arguments are both valid and sound, there is a theoretical discrepancy between the two. Subsequently, I explore how underscoring this issue would motivate a non-classical/many-valued logic and a (...)
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    Methods do matter: Variation in experimental methodologies and results.Sosis Richard - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (6):834-835.
    Henrich et al.'s findings are generally consistent with the findings of other experimental field studies. However, the methodological variations deployed across field sites produced several systematic biases in their results. Hence, although the project is destined to become a watershed study, their results should be interpreted prudently.
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    Transcending Ibn Rushd’s methods of reasoning.U. K. Birmingham - forthcoming - Asian Philosophy:1-33.
    Ibn Rushd presents different methods of reasoning. Each method differs in terms of its construction, level of assent, and the cognitive state it ultimately produces. Despite these technical variations, notable authors suggest that they are all equally valid and sound. I analyse this claim, and argue that although demonstrative and dialectical arguments are both valid and sound, there is a theoretical discrepancy between the two. Subsequently, I explore how underscoring this issue would motivate a non-classical/many-valued logic and a (...)
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  24. Prisoners of Abstraction? The Theory and Measure of Genetic Variation, and the Very Concept of 'Race'.Jonathan Michael Kaplan & Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2013 - Biological Theory 7 (1):401-412.
    It is illegitimate to read any ontology about "race" off of biological theory or data. Indeed, the technical meaning of "genetic variation" is fluid, and there is no single theoretical agreed-upon criterion for defining and distinguishing populations (or groups or clusters) given a particular set of genetic variation data. Thus, by analyzing three formal senses of "genetic variation"—diversity, differentiation, and heterozygosity—we argue that the use of biological theory for making epistemic claims about "race" can only seem plausible when it relies (...)
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  25. Experimental methods for study of variation.Naomi Nagy - 2006 - In Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics. pp. 4--390.
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  26. East Meets West: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Cultural Variations in Idealism and Relativism.Donelson R. Forsyth, Ernest H. O’Boyle & Michael A. McDaniel - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (4):813-833.
    Ethics position theory (EPT) maintains that individuals’ personal moral philosophies influence their judgments, actions, and emotions in ethically intense situations. The theory, when describing these moral viewpoints, stresses two dimensions: idealism (concern for benign outcomes) and relativism (skepticism with regards to inviolate moral principles). Variations in idealism and relativism across countries were examined via a meta-analysis of studies that assessed these two aspects of moral thought using the ethics position questionnaire (EPQ; Forsyth, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology39, 175–184, (...)
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    Axiomatic determination of a class of ordinal variation measures.Adam Kęska - 2017 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 50 (1):45-65.
    The article deals with the problem of the dispersion of ordinal variables. At first, it specifies the very concept of dispersion for this type of scale. Then some of the most known measures that fit to the concept of ordinal variation are recalled. They are constructed with two different types of statistical models: using loss functions and using distance functions. Finally, a new approach, which is the use of an axiomatic method for the construction of a dispersion measure, is (...)
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  28. Free variation and the intuition of geometric essences: Some reflections on phenomenology and modern geometry.Richard Tieszen - 2005 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 70 (1):153–173.
    Edmund Husserl has argued that we can intuit essences and, moreover, that it is possible to formulate a method for intuiting essences. Husserl calls this method 'ideation'. In this paper I bring a fresh perspective to bear on these claims by illustrating them in connection with some examples from modern pure geometry. I follow Husserl in describing geometric essences as invariants through different types of free variations and I then link this to the mapping out of geometric (...)
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    Strategic differentiation and integration of genomic-level heritabilities facilitate individual differences in preparedness and plasticity of human life history.Michael A. Woodley of Menie, Aurelio José Figueredo, Tomás Cabeza de Baca, Heitor B. F. Fernandes, Guy Madison, Pedro S. A. Wolf & Candace J. Black - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:134325.
    The Continuous Parameter Estimation Model is applied to develop individual genomic-level heritabilities for the latent hierarchical structure and developmental dynamics of Life History (LH) strategy LH strategies relate to the allocations of bioenergetic resources into different domains of fitness. LH has moderate to high population-level heritability in humans, both at the level of the high-order Super-K Factor and the lower-order factors, the K-Factor, Covitality Factor, and General Factor of Personality (GFP). Several important questions remain unexplored. We developed measures of genome-level (...)
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  30. Hamilton-Jacobi methods and Weierstrassian field theory in the calculus of variations: A study in the interaction of mathematics and physics.Craig Fraser - 2000 - In Emily Grosholz & Herbert Breger (eds.), The growth of mathematical knowledge. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 289--93.
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    Eidetic Variation: a Self-Correcting and Integrative Account.Jaakko Belt - 2021 - Axiomathes 32 (2):405-434.
    Edmund Husserl’s eidetic phenomenology seeks a priori knowledge of essences and eidetic laws pertaining to conscious experience and its objects. Husserl believes that such eidetic knowledge has a higher epistemic status than the inherently fallible empirical knowledge, but a closer reading of his work shows that even eidetic claims are subject to error and open to modification. In this article, I develop a self-correcting account of Husserl’s method of eidetic variation, arguing that eidetic variation plays a critical role in (...)
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    Application of the cluster variation method to an interstitial solid solution: Calculation of the γ ′-Fe 4 N 1-x -ε-Fe 2 N 1-z equilibrium. [REVIEW]M. Pekelharing, A. Böttger & E. Mittemeijer - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (15):1775-1796.
    The cluster variation method has been applied to establish effective interaction potentials that describe both n '-Fe 4 N 1 m x - k -Fe 2 N 1 m z miscibility gaps in the Fe-N phase diagram. The calculated nitrogen distributions show that long-range order occurs in the n :'-Fe 4 N 1 m x phase and that short-range ordering as well as long-range ordering occurs in the k -Fe 2 N 1 m z phase. The calculated nitrogen distributions (...)
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  33. “Until the End of the World”: Eidetic Variation and Absolute Being of Consciousness—A Reconsideration.Claudio Majolino - 2016 - Research in Phenomenology 46 (2):157-183.
    _ Source: _Volume 46, Issue 2, pp 157 - 183 This paper suggests interpreting Husserl’s thesis of the “fictional destruction of the world” in the light of the eidetic method of variation. After having reconstructed Husserl’s argument and shown how it relies on the methodologically regimented joint venture of free fantasy and bounded concepts, the author concludes that the a priori of a world, namely its empirical style, is tantamount to the a priori of a world that can be (...)
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    Modelling of a displacive transformation in two-dimensional system within a single-site approximation of continuous displacement cluster variation method.Naoya Kiyokane & Tetsuo Mohri - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (18):2316-2328.
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    Determination of a wave function functional: the constrained search–variational method.X. -Y. Pan, V. Sahni & L. Massa - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (17-18):2673-2682.
  36.  78
    The analytical method of Navya-Nyāya.Toshihiro Wada - 2007 - Groningen: Egbert Forsten.
    Illustrations: Numerous B/w Figures Description: Key questions in the history of Navya-nyaya (New Nyaya) remain unresolved: when did this school of logic begin, who was its founder, what distinguishes Navya-nyaya from Pracina-nyaya (Old Nyaya), and so on. This book attempts to answer these key questions in Part I. Part II provides a translation, analysis, and critical edition of the Lion and Tiger Definitions of Invariable Concomitance Chapter (Simha-vyaghra-laksana: LT Chapter) of the Tattva-cintamani-rahasya (TCR) of Mathuranatha (16th-17th c.). The hypothesis adopted (...)
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  37. Bergsonian intuition, Husserlian variation, Peirceian abduction: Toward a relation between method, sense and nature.David Morris - 2005 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 43 (2):267-298.
    Husserlian variation, Bergsonian intuition and Peircean abduction are contrasted as methodological responses to the traditional philosophical problem of deriving knowledge of universals from singulars. Each method implies a correspondingly different view of the generation of the variations from which knowledge is derived. To make sense of the latter differences, and to distinguish the different sorts of variation sought by philosophers and scientists, a distinction between extensive, intensive, and abductive-intensive variation is introduced. The link between philosophical method and (...)
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  38. Laws of Form and the Force of Function: Variations on the Turing Test.Hajo Greif - 2012 - In Vincent C. Müller & Aladdin Ayesh (eds.), Revisiting Turing and His Test: Comprehensiveness, Qualia, and the Real World. AISB. pp. 60-64.
    This paper commences from the critical observation that the Turing Test (TT) might not be best read as providing a definition or a genuine test of intelligence by proxy of a simulation of conversational behaviour. Firstly, the idea of a machine producing likenesses of this kind served a different purpose in Turing, namely providing a demonstrative simulation to elucidate the force and scope of his computational method, whose primary theoretical import lies within the realm of mathematics rather than cognitive (...)
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    Eidetic Variation as a Source of Metaphysical Knowledge.Chang Liu - 2023 - Res Philosophica 100 (3):329-356.
    In neo-Aristotelian accounts, the task of metaphysics is to explore the space of metaphysical possibilities, and our knowledge of metaphysical possibilities is ultimately grounded on our knowledge concerning the essence of entities. Eidetic variation, as established by Husserlian phenomenology, is a method of identifying a specific pattern of phenomenological givenness that is constitutive of the identity and condition of existence of a kind of entities. Thus, Husserlian phenomenology provides us with a method to acquire knowledge concerning the general (...)
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    On variational cross-examination: a method for postphenomenological multistability.Robert Rosenberger - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2229-2242.
    How should we understand postphenomenological methodology? Postphenomenology is a research perspective which builds on phenomenological and pragmatist philosophy to explore human–technology relations, but one with open methodological questions. Here, I offer some thoughts on the epistemological processes that should be (and often implicitly may be) at work in this research. In particular, I am concerned with postphenomenological research on technological “multistability,” i.e., a device’s ever-present capacity to be used for a variety of purposes, and to always be meaningful in multiple (...)
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  41. The Development and Defense of a Method of Elimination Applicable to the Problem of Justifying Fundamental Principles in Ethics.Sherwin Klein - 1981 - Dissertation, University of Virginia
    The purpose of this dissertation is to develop and defend a method of elimination for determining justifiable basic normative ethical principles. The method is developed by considering Books I and X of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics and Plato's Meno. The method requires consideration on two different "levels." Aristotle and Plato use regulative endoxic premises as the evaluative criteria of the method. Such premises, which ideally are based upon universal agreement, guide an inquiry of our sort, i.e., determine (...)
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    Area variations in use of modern contraception in rural bangladesh: A multilevel analysis.Nashid Kamal, Andrew Sloggett & John G. Cleland - 1999 - Journal of Biosocial Science 31 (3):327-341.
    This study in Bangladesh found that inter-cluster variation in the use of modern reversible methods of contraception was significantly attributable to the educational levels of the female family planning workers working in the clusters. Women belonging to clusters served by educated workers had a higher probability of being contraceptive users than those whose workers had only completed primary education. At the household level, important determinants of use were socioeconomic status and religion. At the individual level, the woman being the wife (...)
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    The politics of method in the human sciences: positivism and its epistemological others.George Steinmetz (ed.) - 2005 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    The Politics of Method in the Human Sciences provides a remarkable comparative assessment of the variations of positivism and alternative epistemologies in the contemporary human sciences. Often declared obsolete, positivism is alive and well in a number of the fields; in others, its influence is significantly diminished. The essays in this collection investigate its mutations in form and degree across the social science disciplines. Looking at methodological assumptions field by field, individual essays address anthropology, area studies, economics, history, (...)
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    Ethical implications of the use of whole genome methods in medical research.Jane Kaye, Paula Boddington, Jantina de Vries, Naomi Hawkins & Karen Melham - unknown
    The use of genome-wide association studies in medical research and the increased ability to share data give a new twist to some of the perennial ethical issues associated with genomic research. GWAS create particular challenges because they produce fine, detailed, genotype information at high resolution, and the results of more focused studies can potentially be used to determine genetic variation for a wide range of conditions and traits. The information from a GWA scan is derived from DNA that is a (...)
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    Constellations, Variations, and Conceptual Spaces - Towards an Integrated Historiography of Philosophy and Science.Norman Sieroka - 2021 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 63 (2):109-132.
    The aim of this paper is to sketch an approach for integrating the historiography of the sciences and of philosophy. More precisely, the paper suggests a method for investigating interactions within transdisciplinary constellations of researchers working in philosophy and in the exact sciences. I start off by introducing specific notions of analogy, variation, and conceptual space which provide the main ingredients of this method. The notion of a conceptual space, as well as other characteristics of the present approach, (...)
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    Time variation of some selected topics in bioethical publications.C. Cohen, J. A. R. Vianna, L. R. Battistella & E. Massad - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (2):81-84.
    Objective: To analyse the time variation of topics in bioethical publications as a proxy of the relative importance.Methods: We searched the Medline database for bioethics publications using the words “ethics or bioethics”, and for 360 specific topics publications, associating Medical Subject Heading topic descriptors to those words. We calculated the ratio of bioethics publications to the total publications of Medline, and the ratio of each topic publications to the total bioethics publications, for five-year intervals, from 1970 to 2004. We calculated (...)
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    Variation is function: Are single cell differences functionally important?Hannah Dueck, James Eberwine & Junhyong Kim - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (2):172-180.
    There is a growing appreciation of the extent of transcriptome variation across individual cells of the same cell type. While expression variation may be a byproduct of, for example, dynamic or homeostatic processes, here we consider whether single‐cell molecular variation per se might be crucial for population‐level function. Under this hypothesis, molecular variation indicates a diversity of hidden functional capacities within an ensemble of “identical” cells, and this functional diversity facilitates collective behavior that would be inaccessible to a homogenous population. (...)
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    The Comedy of Menander: Convention, Variation and Originality (review).David Konstan - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (1):127-130.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Comedy of Menander: Convention, Variation and OriginalityDavid KonstanZagagi, Netta. The Comedy of Menander: Convention, Variation and Originality. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1995. 210 pp. Cloth, $39.95.In his comedies, Menander exploits a relatively limited range of characters and scenes. His achievement, as Netta Zagagi shows, lies in subtle variations on inherited formulas rather than in radical departures from them. As an example of Menander’s art, (...)
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    Cultural Variations in Personal Space: Theory, Methods, and Evidence.Mark Baldassare & Susan Feller - 1975 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 3 (4):481-503.
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    Consciousness is the Concomitance of Life.Rajakishore Nath & Sunkanna Velpula - 2019 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 36 (1):167-181.
    The mystery of consciousness is among the most important questions pondered upon, not only in philosophy but also in the cognitive science, psychology, neurobiology and other sciences. The problem of consciousness has been traditionally dealt by philosophy, but its importance in explaining mental phenomena has made it a subject matter for other sciences that emerged later. Each philosopher and scientist has followed his own method in defining it, and arriving at a universal agreement on its definition has become difficult. (...)
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