Results for ' liberalism and communitarianism ‐ an abstract debate'

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  1.  56
    Liberalism, Communitarianism, and the Politics of Identity.Margaret Moore - 2009 - In Thomas Christiano & John Philip Christman (eds.), Contemporary Debates in Political Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 322–342.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Liberalism and Communitarianism: An Abstract Debate Multiculturalism/Identity Politics: Non‐Neutrality and Structural Injustice Liberal Individuals and Their Identities Liberal Rules and Structural Injustices: Rules‐and‐Exemptions Liberal Toleration and Structural Injustice: Equality as Recognition Structural Injustice and Jurisdictional Authority Conclusion Notes.
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    Beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism[REVIEW]James Crooks - 2003 - The Owl of Minerva 35 (1-2):84-93.
    There are at least three reasons why present circumstances favor a renewal of dialogue on Hegel’s political philosophy. First, it seems increasingly clear that the collapse of the “big left” over the past two decades has produced a crisis of imagination in political theory and practice. Debate in North America particularly has polarized—on one side the splintering and perhaps ultimately cynical forces of postmodernism, on the other, the triumphal indifference of corporate capitalism. Since most thoughtful people reject both alternatives, (...)
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  3. Liberalism after Communitarianism.Charles Blattberg - 2021 - In Gerard Delanty & Stephen Turner (eds.), Handbook of Contemporary Social and Political Theory. Routledge.
    The ‘liberal-communitarian’ debate arose within anglophone political philosophy during the 1980s. This essay opens with an account of the main outlines of the debate, showing how liberals and communitarians tended to confront each other with opposing interpretations of John Rawls’ Theory of Justice (1999; originally published in 1971) and Political Liberalism (2005; originally published in 1993). The essay then proceeds to discuss four forms of ‘liberalism after communitarianism’: Michael Freeden’s account of liberalism as an (...)
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    De natie : Van nationalisme naar postnationale identiteit.Frans De Wachter - 1993 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 55 (1):48-71.
    The problem of the nation is articulated as the philosophical problem of the relation between the political and the non-political in the context of modernity. When the political relevance of traditional non-political bonds is removed, a new cohesion needs to be found between free and equal individuals. Three solutions are possible. The liberal-universalistic solution claims that there is no other source of unity than the political process itself; it finds the ingredients of political loyalty in the common rational agreement upon (...)
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    Toleration, Liberalism and Democracy: A Comment on Leader and Garzón Valdés.Richard Bellamy - 1997 - Ratio Juris 10 (2):177-186.
    Leader and Garzón Valdés are correct to link toleration to democracy rather than liberalism. However, it is the democratic character of society and the process of democratic decision‐making that give rise to a genuine practice of tolerance, not an abstract and regulative ideal of democracy, such as they appeal to. Whereas the latter approach collapses into the standard liberal accounts of toleration both rightly find wanting, the former fits with a republican notion of deliberative democracy. This perspective corresponds (...)
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    Anti-Liberalism and the Liberal Legacy in Postwar European Constitutionalism.Paolo Pombeni - 2008 - European Journal of Political Theory 7 (1):31-44.
    Was liberalism really an outdated ideology in post-1945 European political systems, as claimed by some scholars? The great success of socialism on one side and various forms of Christian Democracy on the other could make that claim appear reasonable. In fact a closer view shows how postwar constitutions in some countries (Italy, France and Germany) presented once again fundamental liberal values, reformulated in different words. One of the roots of that difference is the gap between the Anglo-Saxon approach to (...)
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  7. Universalism vs. communitarianism: contemporary debates in ethics.David M. Rasmussen (ed.) - 1990 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    Universalism vs. Communitarianism focuses on the question, raised by recent work in normative philosophy, of whether ethical norms are best derived and justified on the basis of universal or communitarian standards. It is unique in representing both Continental and American points of view and both the older and a younger generation of scholars. The essays introduce the key issues involved in universalism vs. communitarianism and take up ethics in historical perspective, practical reason and ethical responsibility, justification, application and (...)
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  8. Liberalism and Communitarianism.Will Kymlicka - 1988 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 18 (2):181 - 203.
    It is a commonplace amongst communitarians, socialists and feminists alike that liberalism is to be rejected for its excessive ‘individualism’ or ‘atomism,’ for ignoring the manifest ways in which we are ‘embedded’ or ‘situated’ in various social roles and communal relationships. The effect of these theoretical flaws is that liberalism, in a misguided attempt to protect and promote the dignity and autonomy of the individual, has undermined the associations and communities which alone can nurture human flourishing.My plan is (...)
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  9.  57
    Liberalism and the Value of Community.Andrew Mason - 1993 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 23 (2):215 - 239.
    Over the past decade or so the term ‘communitarianism’ has been applied to a wide range of positions with great variation between them. This is not in itself an objection to its continued use, for a concept may be coherent and illuminating even though it shelters considerable diversity. What is troubling about the body of literature now labelled as communitarian is that it frequently appeals to images of community without giving the notion the analytical attention it deserves and that (...)
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  10. Liberalism, Communitarianism, and Political Community.Chandran Kukathas - 1996 - Social Philosophy and Policy 13 (1):80.
    The primary concern of this essay is with the question “What is a political community?” This question is important in its own right. Arguably, the main purpose of political philosophy is to provide an account of the nature of political association and, in so doing, to describe the relations that hold between the individual and the state. The question is also important, however, because of its centrality in contemporary debate about liberalism and community.
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    Liberalism, abstract individualism, and the problem of particular obligations.Alan Haworth - 2005 - Res Publica 11 (4):371-401.
    In the following I take issue with the allegation that liberalism must inevitably be guilty of ‘abstract individualism’. I treat Michael Sandel’s well-known claim that there are ‘loyalties and convictions whose moral force consists partly in the fact that living by them is inseparable from understanding ourselves as the particular persons we are’ as representative of this widely held view. Specifically, I argue: (i) that Sandel’s account of the manner in which ‘constitutive’ loyalties function as reasons for action (...)
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  12.  33
    Liberalism and Communitarianism: a response to two recent attempts to reconcile individual autonomy with group identity.Neil Burtonwood - 1998 - Educational Studies 24 (3):295-304.
    Summary This article is concerned with recent attempts to balance the claims for political citizenship in a liberal democracy (liberalism) with competing claims for cultural identity within traditional non?liberal communities (communitarianism). Claims of the first kind are usually seen as universal in that they are based on what it is to be human, while claims of the second kind are seen as particular in so far as they relate to membership of a specific culture. Singh (1997) argues for (...)
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    Egalitarian Liberalism Revisited: On the Meaning and Justification of Social Justice by Per Sundman.Bharat Ranganathan - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (1):189-190.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Egalitarian Liberalism Revisited: On the Meaning and Justification of Social Justice by Per SundmanBharat RanganathanEgalitarian Liberalism Revisited: On the Meaning and Justification of Social Justice Per Sundman uppsala, sweden: uppsala universitet, 2016. 242 pp. $72.50Across a range of contemporary disciplines, discussions about justice abound. Despite the prevalence of these discussions, however, there is little consensus about what justice is and whether (and, if so, how) (...)
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  14. Debates in Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology.Derek Matravers & Jonathan E. Pike (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
    This textbook reflects the buoyant state of contemporary political philosophy, and the development of the subject in the past two decades. It includes seminal papers on fundamental philosophical issues such as: the nature of social explanation distributive justice liberalism and communitarianism citizenship and multiculturalism nationalism democracy criminal justice. A range of views is represented, demonstrating the richness of the philosophical contribution to some of the most contested areas of public policy and political decision making. Each section has an (...)
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  15.  25
    Contexts of Justice: Political Philosophy Beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism.Rainer Forst - 2002 - University of California Press.
    _Contexts of Justice,_ highly acclaimed when it was published in Germany, provides a significant new intervention into the important debate between communitarianism and liberalism. Rainer Forst argues for a theory of "contexts of justice" that leads beyond the narrow confines of this debate as it has been understood until now and posits the possibility of a new conception of social and political justice. This book brings refreshing clarity to a complex topic as it provides a synthesis (...)
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  16. Communitarianism and its critics.Daniel Bell - 1993 - Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    Many have criticized liberalism for being too individualistic, but few have offered an alternative that goes beyond a vague affirmation of the need for community. In this entertaining book, written in dialogue form, Daniel Bell fills this gap, presenting and defending a distinctively communitarian theory against the objections of a liberal critic. Drawing on the works of such thinkers as Charles Taylor, Michael Sandel, and Alasdair MacIntyre, Bell attacks liberalism's individualistic view of the person by pointing to our (...)
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  17.  8
    Contexts of Justice: Political Philosophy Beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism.John M. Farrell (ed.) - 2002 - University of California Press.
    _Contexts of Justice,_ highly acclaimed when it was published in Germany, provides a significant new intervention into the important debate between communitarianism and liberalism. Rainer Forst argues for a theory of "contexts of justice" that leads beyond the narrow confines of this debate as it has been understood until now and posits the possibility of a new conception of social and political justice. This book brings refreshing clarity to a complex topic as it provides a synthesis (...)
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  18.  18
    From the 'free and open' press to the 'press of freedom': liberalism, republicanism and early American press liberty.Robert Martin - 1994 - History of Political Thought 15 (4):505-553.
    The debate over press liberty before and during the pre-Revolutionary era (1763-1775) in America reveals how a once-unified, if rudimentary, tradition gave rise to two sophisticated and contrary doctrines, aspects of which continue to infuse current free speech discourse. The vague, republican and liberal discourse of the `free and open' press bifurcated as a result of the competing political and ideological forces involved in the pre-Revolutionary crisis. Through an examination of this historical debate over press liberty, this essay (...)
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  19.  30
    “Another” liberalism. Individualism and collectivism in the work of John Stuart Mill.Félix Aguirre - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (164):229-249.
    RESUMEN El artículo argumenta que, contrario a lo que sostiene el neoliberalismo contemporáneo, lo individual y lo colectivo no constituyen los extremos de una antítesis ante la que estemos obligados a elegir. Se examina el debate político de la segunda mitad del siglo victoriano sobre la pertinencia y los límites de la intervención estatal. Tomando como pretexto la obra de un pensador cuya posición sobre la libertad negativa marcará la historia del liberalismo positivo y del colectivismo, se concluye que (...)
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  20.  43
    The New Liberalism of L. T. Hobhouse and the Reenvisioning of Nineteenth-Century Utilitarianism.David Weinstein - 1996 - Journal of the History of Ideas 57 (3):487.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The New Liberalism of L. T. Hobhouse and the Reenvisioning of Nineteenth-Century UtilitarianismDavid WeinsteinIn the eyes of some, modern liberal theorizing has fallen victim to tyrannizing conceptual dualisms that have rendered it a tedious dialogue of predictable positioning and strident partisanship. On the one hand those who dream the dream of unencumbered selfhood are said to be locked in a bitter struggle with those who long for (...)
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  21.  40
    Virtue, Commerce, and the Enduring Florentine Republican Moment: Reintegrating Italy into the Atlantic Republican Debate.Mark Jurdjevic - 2001 - Journal of the History of Ideas 62 (4):721-743.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 62.4 (2001) 721-743 [Access article in PDF] Virtue, Commerce, and the Enduring Florentine Republican Moment: Reintegrating Italy into the Atlantic Republican Debate Mark Jurdjevic Republicanism has dominated the historiographies of English and American political thought for the past two decades. 1 Its success derives principally from J. G. A. Pocock's The Machiavellian Moment, which presents a sweeping vision of an ancient (...)
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  22.  51
    Cyborg Identities and the Relational Web: Recasting 'Narrative Identity' in Moral and Political Theory.Robyn F. Brothers - 1997 - Metaphilosophy 28 (3):249-258.
    Current debates surrounding liberalism and communitarianism, modernity and postmodernity, ethical theory and narrative ethics fail to account for shifting foundations of personal identity in an increasingly computer‐mediated era of human communication. This paper aims to examine some of the conceptual assumptions about identity and community which are being radically undermined by rapidly evolving information networks and are therefore in need of redefinition. Additionally, I argue for an expansion of the literary imagination to include virtual, coauthored fiction sites where (...)
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  23. Selected Impacts of the Dispute between Liberalism and Communitarianism in Contemporary Ethics and Law.Peter Rusnák - 2013 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 3 (1-2):87-96.
    Modern democracy and human rights constitute an indissoluble unity. Liberalism and communitarianism open new discussions about the significance of justice in the current legal situation. State etatism is impossible to question. The question is to what extent it can be allowed in social and also economic spheres of everyday life. These very questions separate the politics, philosophy of justice and ethics of the 20th Century. Communitarianism judges and critically checks the fundamental ideas of liberalism. The dispute’s (...)
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  24.  65
    Communitarianism, Liberalism, and an Epistemic View of Critical Thinking.Polycarp Ikuenobe - 1998 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 18 (1):73-94.
  25.  10
    El debate abolicionista en el primer liberalismo español | Abolitionist debate during the first Spanish liberalism.José Martínez de Pisón Cavero - 2017 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 35:90-115.
    Resumen: España fue el último de los viejos imperios coloniales en abolir el comercio de esclavos. Inglaterra, una de las naciones más beneficiadas por el tráfico de personas, lo hizo en 1807. Con todo, desde primeros de siglos, surgió en España, en el seno del primer liberalismo, un inicial movimiento en favor de la abolición del comercio de negros. Este artículo trata de tres hitos: la defensa de la abolición del comercio negrero por parte de Isidoro de Antillón en su (...)
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    Approving Communitarianism in view of Justice Focusing on Walzer’s Complex Equality or Egalitarianism and Moral Education. 김현수 - 2014 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (95):49-65.
    Theories of Justice would be understand as a subject that dealt with liberalist view, based on methodological abstraction. But Michael Walzer tried to approach Justice in view of equality in accordance with shared cultural background of certain community. Methodological abstraction of John Rawls has internal difficulties such that the concept of value or properties which is separated from social context of community, and that the hardship of reflecting democratic ideas of the society’s actual members. Thus, Michael Walzer’s Complex Equality or (...)
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    Responsibility and responsiveness. Reflections on the communicative dimension of responsibility.Ulrik Becker Nissen - 2011 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 53 (1):90-108.
    The debate on the role and identity of Christian social ethics in liberal democracy touches upon the question about the relationship between universality and specificity. Rather than argue for the difference between these approaches, it can be argued that they are to be understood in a differentiated unity with each other. This idea can be substantiated by a figurative appropriation of a Chalcedonian Christology, particularly the communicatio idiomatum . The communicative dimension of this concept has been found to be (...)
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  28.  78
    Communitarianism, liberalism, and superliberalism.Will Kymlicka - 1994 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 8 (2):263-284.
    Although Roberto Unger is sometimes described as a communitarian critic of liberalism, his recent three‐volume work on Politics disavows the major tenets of contemporary communitarianism—for example, the “embedded self,” the critique of rights, the rejection of universalizing theory. Instead, Unger's aim is to criticize liberalism from the perspective of a “superliberalism"—a perspective which takes the original liberal desire to emancipate individuals from the chains of social custom and hierarchy and rids it of the stultifying economic and political (...)
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  29.  57
    The "Figure" of God and the Limits to Liberalism: A Rereading of Locke's "Essay" and "Two Treatises".Vivienne Brown - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (1):83.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The “Figure” of God and the Limits to Liberalism: A Rereading of Locke’s Essay and Two TreatisesVivienne BrownI. A current interpretative issue in reading John Locke’s texts is the relationship between Locke’s theology and political philosophy. 1 Reacting against the secular interpretations of C. B. Macpherson and Leo Strauss, John Dunn argued that Locke’s theology was axiomatic for the political philosophy of the Two Treatises of Government (...)
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  30.  22
    Contexts of Justice: Political Philosophy Beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism.Matt Matravers - 2002 - Univ of California Press.
    "Contexts of Justice is a study that covers and definitely exhausts the whole range of ten years of one of the most important recent philosophical discussions, that between liberals and communitarians."--Jurgen Habermas, author of Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere "Forst addresses with great insight and acuity the debates over justice between liberals and communitarians that animated the late '80s and '90s...He uses no jargon, he reasons well, his arguments are strong, clear, and accesssible, and he avoids political correctness as (...)
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    Some Comparisons between Liberalism and an Eccentric Communitarianism.Thomas Moody - 1991 - Social Philosophy Today 6:187-198.
  32.  36
    Hegel's philosophy of right: critical perspectives on freedom and history.Dean Moyar, Kate Padgett Walsh & Sebastian Rand (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Hegel's Philosophy of Right was his last systematic work and the most complete statement of his mature views on ethical and political philosophy. It explores the relationships between three distinct conceptions of human freedom: persons as possessing contract rights, subjects as reflective moral agents, and individuals as members of an ethical community. It strongly influenced the early Marx and with the rise of debates over liberalism and communitarianism in the latter half of the twentieth century. In this volume (...)
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    Practices and Principles: Approaches to Ethical and Legal Judgment.Mark Tunick - 1998 - Princeton University Press.
    Are there universally valid moral principles that dictate what's right regardless of what the consensus is within a particular society? Or are moral judgments culturally relative, ultimately dictated by conventions and practices which vary among societies? Practices and Principles takes up the debate between cultural relativists and universalists, and the related debate in political philosophy between communitarians and liberals, each of which has roots in an earlier debate between Kant and Hegel. Rejecting uncritical deference to social practice, (...)
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    Katz's Problematic Dualism and Its?Seismic? Effects on His Theory.Wayne Ouderkirk - 2002 - Ethics and the Environment 7 (1):124-137.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics & the Environment 7.1 (2002) 124-137 [Access article in PDF] Katz's Problematic Dualism and Its "Seismic" Effects on His Theory Wayne Ouderkirk There is much to admire in Eric Katz's Nature as Subject. 1 Many aspects of his theory strongly resonate with dominant themes in environmental ethics and with my own theoretical predilections. In addition, he applies his theory to several major environmental issues (ecological restoration and (...)
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  35.  14
    Psychological Examination of Political Philosophies: Interrelationship Among Citizenship, Justice, and Well-Being in Japan.Masaya Kobayashi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper examines assumptions concerning the relationship between citizenship, justice, and well-being, based on representative political philosophies, including egoism, utilitarianism, libertarianism, liberalism, and communitarianism. A previous paper raised the possibility of an inter-disciplinary framework for collaboration between psychology and political philosophy. This study picks up that thread and attempts to actualize a collaborative research effort based on a framework grounded in positive political psychology. The first part of this study reflects on the methodology situated between empirical psychology and (...)
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    (2 other versions)Public Health Ethics.Stephen Holland - 2007 - Hoboken, NJ: Polity.
    How far should we go in protecting and promoting public health? Can we force people to give up unhealthy habits and make healthier choices, or does everyone have the right to decide their own lifestyle? Should we stop treating smokers who refuse to give up smoking? Should we put a tax on fatty foods and ban vending machines in schools to address the obesity epidemic? Should parents be required to have their children vaccinated? Are some of our screening programmes unethical (...)
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  37.  8
    Republicanism in Theory and Practice.Iseult Honohan & Jeremy Jennings (eds.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    Recent claims that civic republicanism can better address contemporary political problems than either liberalism or communitarianism are generating an intense debate. This is a sharp insight into this debate, confronting normative theory with historical and comparative analysis. It examines whether republican theory can address contemporary political problems in ways that are both valuable and significantly different in practice from liberalism. These expert authors offer contrasting perspectives on issues raised by the contemporary revival of republicanism and (...)
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    Challenging Liberalism: Feminism as Political Critique.Lisa H. Schwartzman - 2006 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Questions about the relevance and value of various liberal concepts are at the heart of important debates among feminist philosophers and social theorists. Although many feminists invoke concepts such as rights, equality, autonomy, and freedom in arguments for liberation, some attempt to avoid them, noting that they can also reinforce and perpetuate oppressive social structures. In Challenging Liberalism Schwartzman explores the reasons why concepts such as rights and equality can sometimes reinforce oppression. She argues that certain forms of abstraction (...)
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    The Debates Between Liberalism and the New Left in China Since the 1990s.Xu Youyu - 2003 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 34 (3):6-17.
    The debates between liberalism and the New Left, which broke out in the middle of the 1990s, are a phenomenon rarely seen among mainland Chinese intellectuals since 1949. They are large-scale, spontaneous debates without official manipulation or ideological constraint. The debates involve Chinese scholars on the mainland and overseas, and have drawn the attention of Hong Kong and Taiwan intellectuals. Several collective papers on the debates have been published, and other selected papers are in the process of being compiled (...)
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  40. What is African Communitarianism? Against Consensus as a regulative ideal.Michael Onyebuchi Eze - 2008 - South African Journal of Philosophy 27 (4):386-399.
    In this essay, an attempt is made to re-present African Communitarianism as a discursive formation between the individual and community. It is a view which eschews the dominant position of many Africanist scholars on the primacy of the community over the individual in the ‘individual-community' debate in contemporary Africanist discourse. The relationship between the individual and community is dialogical for the identity of the individual and the community is dependent on this constitutive formation. The individual is not prior (...)
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  41. Liberalism and Legal Moralism: The Hart‐Devlin Debate and Beyond.Heta Häyry - 1991 - Ratio Juris 4 (2):202-218.
    Abstract.The legitimate impact of common morality on legal restrictions has been continuously discussed within the Western philosophy of law since Lord Patrick Devlin in the late 1950s presented his moralistic arguments against some liberal conclusions drawn by the English Committee on Homosexual Offences and Prostitution in their public report. Devlin's arguments were subsequently identified and refuted by Richard Wollheim, H. L. A. Hart and Ronald Dworkin, but in a way that later provoked further argument. In particular the attack against (...)
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  42. Philosophical Theories of Justice and Agency.Kevin M. Graham - 1996 - Dissertation, University of Toronto (Canada)
    Every theory of justice presupposes a theory of agency which specifies the nature, capacities, and needs of the agents to whom it applies. Likewise, every theory of agency can serve as the basis for a theory of justice which specifies the social conditions in which persons can develop and exercise their capacities for agency. Contemporary liberal, communitarian, and feminist theories of justice all share an abstract understanding of agency as involving the capacity to pursue a conception of the good (...)
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    China and contemporary millenarianism--something new under the sun.Benjamin Isadore Schwartz - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (2):193-196.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:China and Contemporary Millenarianism—Something New under the SunBenjamin I. SchwartzOne of the most obvious remarks one can make about contemporary China is that China has no reason to be excited about contemporary Western millenarianism. If by "millenarianism" one refers to an apocalyptic transformation of the entire human condition based on the Christian calendar, then there is no reason for Chinese, Jews, and Moslems, who have their own historic (...)
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    Edmund Burke and Reason of State.David Armitage - 2000 - Journal of the History of Ideas 61 (4):617-634.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 61.4 (2000) 617-634 [Access article in PDF] Edmund Burke and Reason of State David Armitage Edmund Burke has been one of the few political thinkers to be treated seriously by international theorists. 1 According to Martin Wight, one of the founders of the so-called "English School" of international theory, Burke was "[t]he only political philosopher who has turned wholly from political theory (...)
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    Karl Popper, the Vienna Circle, and Red Vienna.Malachi H. Hacohen - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (4):711--734.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Karl Popper, the Vienna Circle, and Red ViennaMalachi H. Hacohen*A stranger in his homeland even before emigrating in 1937, the philosopher Karl Popper is rarely considered an Austrian. Although he was born in Vienna in 1902 and buried there in 1994, he is known as an Atlantic intellectual and an anti-Communist prophet of postwar liberalism. He first became famous for The Open Society and Its Enemies (1945). (...)
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    Romanian Cultural and Political Identity.Donald R. Kelley - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (4):735-738.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Romanian Cultural and Political IdentityDonald R. KelleyThe Journal of the History of Ideas, in collaboration with other institutions, including the Universities of Bucharest and Budapest and the Soros Foundation, recently sponsored the second in a series of international conferences being planned on topics in current intellectual history. (The first, “Interrogating Tradition,” was held at Rutgers University, 13–16 November 1997.) The Romanian conference, which was held in the Elisabeta (...)
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  47. Autonomy and Common Good: Interpreting Rousseau’s General Will.Michael J. Thompson - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 25 (2):266-285.
    Rousseau’s project in his Social Contract was to construct a conception of human subjectivity and political institutions that would transcend what he saw to be the limits of liberal political theory of his time. I take this as a starting point to put forward an interpretation of his theory of the general will as a kind of social cognition that is able to preserve individual autonomy and freedom alongside concerns with the collective welfare of the community. But whereas many have (...)
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  48. Human Rights, China, and Cross-Cultural Inquiry: Philosophy, History, and Power Politics.Randall P. Peerenboom - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (2):283 - 320.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Human Rights, China, and Cross-Cultural Inquiry:Philosophy, History, and Power PoliticsRandall PeerenboomStephen Angle's Human Rights and Chinese Thought: A Cross-Cultural Inquiry (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002) is a wonderful book that combines philosophically sophisticated discussions of controversial human-rights issues with a detailed intellectual history of the evolution of human-rights discourse in China over the last several hundred years. I will use Angle's book as a platform for consideration of (...)
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    Roles and rights in the context of just governance and just social mores.Seán Golden - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (5):554-567.
    Who protects individual liberties and human dignity from domination by the State, by Civil Society or by individuals is a question under debate in China as well as the West, not from the point of view of Liberalism, but from the point of view of ‘Relationality’. Liberalism posits the individual as the measure of these matters but the ‘individual’ in question is an abstraction. Relationality posits social relations as the measure of these matters. Persons are not abstractions. (...)
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    “Lockeian liberalism” and “classical republicanism”: the formation, function and failure of the categories.J. C. D. Clark - 2023 - Intellectual History Review 33 (1):11-31.
    The contest between “Lockeian liberalism” and “classical republicanism” as explanatory frameworks for the intellectual history of the American Revolution, and therefore of the present-day United States, has been one of the longest running and most distinguished in recent U.S. historiography. It also has major implications for the history of political thought in the North Atlantic Anglophone world more widely. Yet this debate was merely suspended when it was held to have ended in an ill-defined compromise. Although some U.S. (...)
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