Results for ' infinite divisibility'

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  1. Infinite Divisibility and Actual Parts in Hume’s Treatise.Thomas Holden - 2002 - Hume Studies 28 (1):3-25.
    According to a standard interpretation of Hume’s argument against infinite divisibility, Hume is raising a purely formal problem for mathematical constructions of infinite divisibility, divorced from all thought of the stuffing or filling of actual physical continua. I resist this. Hume’s argument must be understood in the context of a popular early modern account of the metaphysical status of the parts of physical quantities. This interpretation disarms the standard mathematical objections to Hume’s reasoning; I also defend (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Infinite Divisibility in Hume's "Treatise".A. Flew - 1967 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 22 (4):457.
  3. Infinite Divisibility in Hume's First Enquiry.Dale Jacquette - 1994 - Hume Studies 20 (2):219-240.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume XX, Number 2, November 1994, pp. 219-240 Infinite Divisibility in Hume's First Enquiry DALE JACQUETTE The Limitations of Reason The arguments against infinite divisibility in the notes to Sections 124 and 125 of David Hume's Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding are presented as "sceptical" results about the limitations of reason. The metaphysics of infinite divisibility is introduced merely as a particular, (...)
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    Hume on Infinite Divisibility.Donald L. M. Baxter - 1988 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 5 (2):133-140.
    Hume seems to argue unconvincingly against the infinite divisibility of finite regions of space. I show that his conclusion is entailed by respectable metaphysical principles which he held. One set of principles entails that there are partless (unextended) things. Another set entails that these cannot be ordered so that an infinite number of them compose a finite interval.
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  5. Hume on infinite divisibility and sensible extensionless indivisibles.Dale Jacquette - 1996 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (1):61-78.
    This essay examines David Hume's principal criticism of the idea of the infinite divisibility of extension in the ink-spot experiment of _Treatise<D>, Book I, Part II, and his arguments for his positive theory of finitely divisible space as composed of finitely many sensible extensionless indivisibles or _minima sensibilia<D>. The essay considers Hume's strict finitist metaphysics of space in the context of his reactions to a trilemma about the impossibility of the divisibility of extension on any theory posed (...)
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    Infinite Divisibility, Ontology, and Spatial Relations.Eike-Henner W. Kluge - 1970 - Dialogue 9 (3):356-365.
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    Atomism and Infinite Divisibility.Ralph Edward Kenyon - 1994 - Dissertation, University of Massachusetts Amherst
    This work analyzes two perspectives, Atomism and Infinite Divisibility, in the light of modern mathematical knowledge and recent developments in computer graphics. A developmental perspective is taken which relates ideas leading to atomism and infinite divisibility. A detailed analysis of and a new resolution for Zeno's paradoxes are presented. Aristotle's arguments are analyzed. The arguments of some other philosophers are also presented and discussed. All arguments purporting to prove one position over the other are shown to (...)
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    Hume on infinite divisibility and the negative idea of a vacuum.Dale Jacquette - 2002 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 10 (3):413 – 435.
  9. Achievements and fallacies in Hume's account of infinite divisibility.James Franklin - 1994 - Hume Studies 20 (1):85-101.
    Throughout history, almost all mathematicians, physicists and philosophers have been of the opinion that space and time are infinitely divisible. That is, it is usually believed that space and time do not consist of atoms, but that any piece of space and time of non-zero size, however small, can itself be divided into still smaller parts. This assumption is included in geometry, as in Euclid, and also in the Euclidean and non- Euclidean geometries used in modern physics. Of the few (...)
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  10. Hume on the infinite divisibility of extension and exact geometrical values.Dale Jacquette - 2007 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 62 (3):81-100.
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    Beyond Aristotle : indivisibles and infinite divisibility in the later Middle Ages.John E. Murdoch - 2009 - In Christophe Grellard & Aurâelien Robert (eds.), Atomism in late medieval philosophy and theology. Boston: Brill. pp. 9--15.
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    Infinite divisibility.J. N. Shearman - 1908 - Mind 17 (67):394-396.
  13. On the Compatibility between Euclidean Geometry and Hume's Denial of Infinite Divisibility.Emil Badici - 2008 - Hume Studies 34 (2):231-244.
    It has been argued that Hume's denial of infinite divisibility entails the falsity of most of the familiar theorems of Euclidean geometry, including the Pythagorean theorem and the bisection theorem. I argue that Hume's thesis that there are indivisibles is not incompatible with the Pythagorean theorem and other central theorems of Euclidean geometry, but only with those theorems that deal with matters of minuteness. The key to understanding Hume's view of geometry is the distinction he draws between a (...)
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    Continuity and Infinite Divisibility in Aristotle’s Physics.David Bolotin - 1993 - Ancient Philosophy 13 (2):323-340.
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    Chrysippus on Infinite Divisibility.Robert B. Todd - 1973 - Apeiron 7 (1):21.
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    Hume on Geometry and Infinite Divisibility in the Treatise.H. Mark Pressman - 1997 - Hume Studies 23 (2):227-244.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume XXIII, Number 2, November 1997, pp. 227-244 Hume on Geometry and Infinite Divisibility in the Treatise H. MARK PRESSMAN Scholars have recognized that in the Treatise "Hume seeks to find a foundation for geometry in sense-experience."1 In this essay, I examine to what extent Hume succeeds in his attempt to ground geometry visually. I argue that the geometry Hume describes in the Treatise faces (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Hume and Berkeley on the proofs of infinite divisibility.Robert Fogelin - 1988 - Philosophical Review 97 (1):47-69.
    Since both berkeley and hume are committed to the view that a line is composed of finitely many fundamental parts, They must find responses to the standard geometrical proofs of infinite divisibility. They both repeat traditional arguments intended to show that infinite divisibility leads to absurdities, E.G., That all lines would be infinite in length, That all lines would have the same length, Etc. In each case, Their arguments rest upon a misunderstanding of the concept (...)
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    Chrysippus on infinite divisibility (diogenes laertius VII. 150).Robert B. Todd - 1973 - Apeiron 7 (1):21 - 29.
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    Kant on the infinite divisibility of space.John Watson - 1886 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 20 (2):219 - 221.
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    Realism and infinite divisibility.George Stuart Fullerton - 1907 - Mind 16 (64):572-578.
  21. Leibniz on mathematics and the actually infinite division of matter.Samuel Levey - 1998 - Philosophical Review 107 (1):49-96.
    Mathematician and philosopher Hermann Weyl had our subject dead to rights.
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    Leibniz on mathematics and the actually infinite division of matter, Samuel Levey.Temporal Parts Unmotivated - 1998 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 58 (2).
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    Infinitely $p$-Divisible Points on Abelian Varieties Defined over Function Fields of Characteristic $pgt 0$.Damian Rössler - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (3-4):579-589.
    In this article we consider some questions raised by F. Benoist, E. Bouscaren, and A. Pillay. We prove that infinitely $p$-divisible points on abelian varieties defined over function fields of transcendence degree one over a finite field are necessarily torsion points. We also prove that when the endomorphism ring of the abelian variety is $\mathbb{Z}$, then there are no infinitely $p$-divisible points of order a power of $p$.
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    Programming Infinite Machines.Anton A. Kutsenko - 2019 - Erkenntnis 87 (1):181-189.
    For infinite machines that are free from the classical Thomson’s lamp paradox, we show that they are not free from its inverted-in-time version. We provide a program for infinite machines and an infinite mechanism that demonstrate this paradox. While their finite analogs work predictably, the program and the infinite mechanism demonstrate an undefined behavior. As in the case of infinite Davies machines :671–682, 2001), our examples are free from infinite masses, infinite velocities, (...) forces, etc. Only infinite divisibility of space and time is assumed. Thus, the infinite devices considered are possible in a Newtonian Universe and they do not conflict with Newtonian mechanics. Note that the classical Thomson’s lamp paradox leads to infinite velocities which may not be producible in acceptable models of Newtonian mechanics. Finally, it is shown that the “paradox of predictability” is similar to the inverted Thomson’s lamp paradox. (shrink)
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    Divisibility and Extension: a Note on Zeno’s Argument Against Plurality and Modern Mereology.Claudio Calosi & Vincenzo Fano - 2015 - Acta Analytica 30 (2):117-132.
    In this paper, we address an infamous argument against divisibility that dates back to Zeno. There has been an incredible amount of discussion on how to understand the critical notions of divisibility, extension, and infinite divisibility that are crucial for the very formulation of the argument. The paper provides new and rigorous definitions of those notions using the formal theories of parthood and location. Also, it provides a new solution to the paradox of divisibility which (...)
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  26. Aristotle on the infinite.Ursula Coope - 2012 - In Christopher Shields (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Aristotle. Oxford University Press USA. pp. 267.
    In Physics, Aristotle starts his positive account of the infinite by raising a problem: “[I]f one supposes it not to exist, many impossible things result, and equally if one supposes it to exist.” His views on time, extended magnitudes, and number imply that there must be some sense in which the infinite exists, for he holds that time has no beginning or end, magnitudes are infinitely divisible, and there is no highest number. In Aristotle's view, a plurality cannot (...)
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    An Infinite Lottery Paradox.John D. Norton & Matthew W. Parker - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (1):1-6.
    In a fair, infinite lottery, it is possible to conclude that drawing a number divisible by four is strictly less likely than drawing an even number; and, with apparently equal cogency, that drawing a number divisible by four is equally as likely as drawing an even number.
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    Yun No Bin's and Unification Gaebyeok Thought : The infinite Hanul country that overcomes division as pain.Bae Jun Cho - 2023 - EPOCH AND PHILOSOPHY 34 (1):183-222.
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  29. L'infinité des nombres premiers : une étude de cas de la pureté des méthodes.Andrew Arana - 2011 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 97 (2):193.
    Une preuve est pure si, en gros, elle ne réfère dans son développement qu’à ce qui est « proche » de, ou « intrinsèque » à l’énoncé à prouver. L’infinité des nombres premiers, un théorème classique de l’arithmétique, est un cas d’étude particulièrement riche pour les recherches philosophiques sur la pureté. Deux preuves différentes de ce résultat sont ici considérées, à savoir la preuve euclidienne classique et une preuve « topologique » plus récente proposée par Furstenberg. D’un point de vue (...)
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    Multiplicative finite embeddability vs divisibility of ultrafilters.Boris Šobot - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (3):535-553.
    We continue the exploration of various aspects of divisibility of ultrafilters, adding one more relation to the picture: multiplicative finite embeddability. We show that it lies between divisibility relations \ and \. The set of its minimal elements proves to be very rich, and the \-hierarchy is used to get a better intuition of this richness. We find the place of the set of \-maximal ultrafilters among some known families of ultrafilters. Finally, we introduce new notions of largeness (...)
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    Elementary equivalence of infinite-dimensional classical groups.Vladimir Tolstykh - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 105 (1-3):103-156.
    Let D be a division ring such that the number of conjugacy classes of the multiplicative group D ∗ is equal to the power of D ∗ . Suppose that H is the group GL or PGL, where V is a vector space of infinite dimension ϰ over D . We prove, in particular, that, uniformly in κ and D , the first-order theory of H is mutually syntactically interpretable with the theory of the two-sorted structure 〈κ,D〉 in the (...)
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    La démonstration de l’infinité de Dieu et le principe de la limitation de l’acte par la puissance chez Thomas d’Aquin.: Notes sur l’histoire de l’interprétation de la quaestio vii de la summa theologiae.Igor Agostini - 2009 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 91 (4):455.
    Résumé — Cet article se propose de fournir une contribution au débat interprétatif sur le principe de la limitation de l’acte par la puissance dans la démonstration de l’infinité de Dieu de la Summa theologiae de Thomas d’Aquin à travers une enquête à caractère historique qui expose quelques-unes des étapes capitales de l’histoire de cette preuve. Le désaccord qui divise les interprètes contemporains à propos du rôle joué par le principe susdit hérite, en réalité, d’une opposition séculaire parmi les commentateurs (...)
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    (1 other version)Scott D. and Tarski A.. The sentential calculus with infinitely long expressions. Colloquium mathematicum, vol. 6 , pp. 165–170.Scott Dana and Tarski Alfred. The sentential calculus with infinitely long expressions. Summaries of talks presented at the Summer Institute for Symbolic Logic, Cornell University, 1957, 2nd edn., Communications Research Division, Institute for Defense Analyses, Princeton, N.J., 1960, pp. 83–89. [REVIEW]Thomas Frayne - 1965 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 30 (1):94-95.
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    (1 other version)C. C. Chang. Algebraization of infinitely many-valued logic. Summaries of talks presented at the Summer Institute for Symbolic Logic, Cornell University, 1957, 2nd edn., Communications Research Division, Institute for Defense Analyses, Princeton, N.J., 1960, pp. 144–146. - C. C. Chang. Algebraic analysis of many valued logics. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 88 , pp. 467–490. - C. C. Chang. A new proof of the completeness of the Łukasiewicz axioms. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 93 , pp. 74–80. [REVIEW]Alfred Horn - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (1):159-160.
  35. Hume on space, geometry, and diagrammatic reasoning.Graciela De Pierris - 2012 - Synthese 186 (1):169-189.
    Hume’s discussion of space, time, and mathematics at T 1.2 appeared to many earlier commentators as one of the weakest parts of his philosophy. From the point of view of pure mathematics, for example, Hume’s assumptions about the infinite may appear as crude misunderstandings of the continuum and infinite divisibility. I shall argue, on the contrary, that Hume’s views on this topic are deeply connected with his radically empiricist reliance on phenomenologically given sensory images. He insightfully shows (...)
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  36. From inexactness to certainty: The change in Hume's conception of geometry.Vadim Batitsky - 1998 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 29 (1):1-20.
    Although Hume's analysis of geometry continues to serve as a reference point for many contemporary discussions in the philosophy of science, the fact that the first Enquiry presents a radical revision of Hume's conception of geometry in the Treatise has never been explained. The present essay closely examines Hume's early and late discussions of geometry and proposes a reconstruction of the reasons behind the change in his views on the subject. Hume's early conception of geometry as an inexact non-demonstrative science (...)
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    The problem of invoking infinite polytheisms: a response to Raphael Lataster and Herman Philipse.Mark Douglas Saward - 2017 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 82 (3):289-298.
    Raphael Lataster and Herman Philipse present an argument which they think decisively demonstrates polytheism over monotheism, if theism is assumed. Far from being decisive, the argument depends on very controversial and likely false assumptions about how to treat infinities in probability. Moreover, these problems are well known. Here, we focus on three objections. First, the authors rely on both countable additivity and the Principle of Indifference, which contradict each other. Second, the authors rely on a particular way of dividing up (...)
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    Awakening to the infinite: Essential Answers for Spiritual Seekers from the Perspective of Nonduality.Swami Muktananda & Swami Muktananda of Rishikesh - 2015 - Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books.
    Having been raised as a Catholic and educated in the West, then trained as a monk in India since the 1980s, Canadian author Swami Muktananda of Rishikesh is uniquely positioned to bring the Eastern tradition of Vedanta to Western spiritual seekers. In Awakening to the Infinite, he answers the eternal, fundamental question posed by philosophical seekers, "Who am I?" with straightforward simplicity. Knowing who you are and adopting a spiritual outlook, he counsels, can help solve problems in daily life (...)
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    Ockham on the Parts of Continuum.Magali Roques - 2017 - Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy 5 (1).
    This paper argues that, for Ockham, the parts of the continuum exist in act in the continuum: they are already there before any division of the continuum. Yet, they are infinitely many in that no division of the continuum will exhaust all the existing parts of the continuum taken conjointly. This reading of Ockham takes into account the crucial place of his new concept of the infinite in his analysis of the infinite divisibility of the continuum. Like (...)
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    The Notion of Awareness of Self-awareness and the Problem of Infinite Regress in the Cheng Weishi Lun.Chih-Chiang Hu - 2022 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 21 (2):299-316.
    This essay aims to show that the fourfold division theory of consciousness in the Cheng Weishi Lun 成唯識論 is the third way between phenomenology and the higher-order theories of consciousness. Regarding the problem of infinite regress, in particular, this theory represents an alternative between the reflexive model and the reflective model of self-consciousness. The main purpose of this essay is not to prove or to argue for the theory, but to clearly present its structure and the systematic or Abhidharmic (...)
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    Medieval Theories of Composition and Division.Georgette Sinkler - 1985 - University Microfilms International.
    The topic of my dissertation is the treatment of the fallacies of composition and division during the scholastic period , the compounded/divided sense distinction which grew out of that treatment, and the philosophical use to which the distinction was put. For instance, a recognition of these fallacies during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries helped theologians deal with certain problems having to do with foreknowledge and human freedom. In addition, a recognition of the distinction between the compounded and divided senses of (...)
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    Infinity and Newton’s Three Laws of Motion.Chunghyoung Lee - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (12):1810-1828.
    It is shown that the following three common understandings of Newton’s laws of motion do not hold for systems of infinitely many components. First, Newton’s third law, or the law of action and reaction, is universally believed to imply that the total sum of internal forces in a system is always zero. Several examples are presented to show that this belief fails to hold for infinite systems. Second, two of these examples are of an infinitely divisible continuous body with (...)
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    Kant vs. Leibniz in the Second Antinomy: Organisms Are Not Infinitely Subtle Machines.Philippe Huneman - 2014 - Kant Studien 105 (2):155-195.
    This paper interprets the two pages devoted in the Critique of Pure Reason to a critique of Leibniz’s view of organisms as infinitely organized machines. It argues that this issue of organisms represents a crucial test-case for Kant in regard to the conflicting notions of space, continuity and divisibility held by classical metaphysics and by criticism. I first present Leibniz’s doctrine and its justification. In a second step, I explain the general reasoning by which Kant defines the problem of (...)
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  44.  67
    God in the Cave: A Look Back at Robert Merrihew Adams's "Finite and Infinite Goods". [REVIEW]James Wetzel - 2006 - Journal of Religious Ethics 34 (3):485 - 520.
    When "Finite and Infinite Goods" was published in 1999, it took its place as one of the few major statements of a broadly Augustinian ethical philosophy of the past century. By "broadly Augustinian" I refer to the disposition to combine a Platonic emphasis on a transcendent source of value with a traditionally theistic emphasis on the value-creating capacities of absolute will. In the form that this disposition takes with Robert Merrihew Adams, it is the resemblance between divine and a (...)
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  45. Leibniz and Cantor on the actual infinite.Richard Arthur - unknown
    I am so in favor of the actual infinite that instead of admitting that Nature abhors it, as is commonly said, I hold that Nature makes frequent use of it everywhere, in order to show more effectively the perfections of its Author. Thus I believe that there is no part of matter which is not, I do not say divisible, but actually divided; and consequently the least particle ought to be considered as a world full of an infinity of (...)
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    The Aristotelian Continuum. A Formal Characterization.Peter Roeper - 2006 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 47 (2):211-232.
    While the classical account of the linear continuum takes it to be a totality of points, which are its ultimate parts, Aristotle conceives of it as continuous and infinitely divisible, without ultimate parts. A formal account of this conception can be given employing a theory of quantification for nonatomic domains and a theory of region-based topology.
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    Quantifier elimination in Tame infinite p-adic fields.Ingo Brigandt - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (3):1493-1503.
    We give an answer to the question as to whether quantifier elimination is possible in some infinite algebraic extensions of Qp (‘infinite p-adic fields’) using a natural language extension. The present paper deals with those infinite p-adic fields which admit only tamely ramified algebraic extensions (so-called tame fields). In the case of tame fields whose residue fields satisfy Kaplansky’s condition of having no extension of p-divisible degree quantifier elimination is possible when the language of valued fields is (...)
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    The Lacan–Badiou constellation in L’immanence des vérités: A limit on the infinite?Kirk Turner & Caitlyn Lesiuk - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (7):839-855.
    In Alain Badiou’s most recent work, L’immanence des vérités ( The Immanence of Truths), psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan once again figures peripherally but saliently. What is their specific relation in this text, however? We argue that Badiou responds here to the problem raised precisely by the Lacanian subject, situated as it is between the radical subjectivity of the symptom and the possibility of formalization. In L’immanence, he introduces the term ‘absoluteness’ to secure truths against both relativism and transcendental construction. We show (...)
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    Blanchot in the nrf, 1960–63: An approach to the infinite conversation.Mark Hewson - 2021 - Angelaki 26 (5):117-134.
    In essays written between 1960 and 1963, Blanchot embarks on a new line of thought, beginning with fundamental philosophical division between language and vision. The contrast between the two domai...
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    What is Chemistry, for Kant?Michael Bennett McNulty - 2017 - Kant Yearbook 9 (1):85-112.
    Kant’s preoccupation with architectonics is a characteristic and noteworthy aspect of his thought. Various features of Kant’s argumentation and philosophical system are founded on the precise definitions of the various subdomains of human knowledge and the derivative borders among them. One science conspicuously absent from Kant’s routine discussions of the organization of knowledge is chemistry. Whereas sciences such as physics, psychology, and anthropology are all explicitly located in the architectonic, chemistry finds no such place. In this paper, I examine neglected (...)
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