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John Watson [93]John B. Watson [21]John Gillard Watson [2]John E. Watson [1]
John C. Watson [1]John Broadus Watson [1]John Lynn Watson [1]John S. Watson [1]

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  1.  85
    (1 other version)Behaviorism.John B. Watson - 1926 - Journal of Philosophy 23 (12):331-334.
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  2. Conditioned emotional reactions.John B. Watson & Rosalie Rayner - 1920 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 3 (1):1.
  3.  87
    Corporate Governance Quality and CSR Disclosures.MuiChing Carina Chan, John Watson & David Woodliff - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 125 (1):1-15.
    Given the increasing importance attached to both corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate governance, this study investigates the association between these two complimentary mechanisms used by companies to enhance relations with stakeholders. Consistent with both legitimacy and stakeholder theory and controlling for industry profile, firm size, stockholder power/dispersion, creditor power/leverage, and economic performance, our analysis of the annual reports for a sample of 222 listed companies suggests that firms providing more CSR information: have better corporate governance ratings; are larger; belong (...)
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  4. Behavior and the concept of mental disease.John B. Watson - 1916 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 13 (22):589-597.
  5. 1930.John Watson - forthcoming - Behaviorism.
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  6. A psicologia como o behaviorista a vê.John Watson - 2008 - Temas Em Psicologia 16 (2).
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  7.  26
    A schematic outline of the emotions.John B. Watson - 1919 - Psychological Review 26 (3):165-196.
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  8.  99
    Image and affection in behavior.John B. Watson - 1913 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 10 (16):421-428.
  9.  29
    Orientation in the White Rat.Harvey Carr & John B. Watson - 1908 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 5 (10):275-277.
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  10. Kant and his English Critics.John Watson - 1881 - Mind 6 (24):557-563.
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  11.  15
    Kant and his English critics: a comparison of critical and empirical philosophy.John Watson - 1881 - [New York: Garland.
    We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.
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  12.  11
    Hedonistic theories from Aristippus to Spencer.John Watson - 1895 - New York,: Macmillan & co..
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  13. Schelling's Transcendental Idealism, a Critical Exposition.John Watson & Friedrich Wilhelm J. von Schelling - 1882
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  14.  34
    From Interpretation to Identification: a History of Facial Images in the Sciences of Emotion.John Mcclain Watson - 2004 - History of the Human Sciences 17 (1):29-51.
    Although images of faces have long been employed in the scientific study of emotion, the objectives and assumptions motivating their use have shifted according to the various fields and research programs within which they have been put to use. This article traces these shifts through three such fields – the social psychology of interwar America, cross-cultural research of the 1970s, and the contemporary neurosciences of emotion – in order to assess the recent use of facial images as a means of (...)
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  15. Kant and his English Critics, a Comparison of Critical and Empirical Philosophy.John Watson - 1883 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 15:89-101.
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  16.  38
    Kinesthetic and Organic Sensations: Their Rôle in the Reactions of the White Rat to the Maze.John B. Watson - 1907 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 4 (21):584-586.
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  17.  28
    The critical philosophy and idealism.John Watson - 1892 - Philosophical Review 1 (1):9-23.
  18. The idealism of Edward Caird. I.John Watson - 1909 - Philosophical Review 18 (2):147-163.
  19. The method of Kant.John Watson - 1880 - Mind 5 (20):528-548.
  20.  15
    Philosophie Morale et Politique.John Watson - 1895 - Philosophical Review 4 (1):121-122.
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  21.  10
    The Philosophy of Kant as Contained in Extracts From His Own Writings [microform].Immanuel Kant & John Watson - 1908 - Legare Street Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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  22. The Philosophy of Kant as Contained in Extracts From His Own Writings, Selected and Tr. By J. Watson.Immanuel Kant & John Watson - 1888
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  23.  1
    The Philosophy of John Stuart Mill, as Contained in Extracts from His Own Writings. Selected by John Watson.John Stuart Mill & John Watson - 1891 - [S.N.].
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  24.  25
    The Aesthetic Element in Morality, and its place in a Utilitarian Theory of Morals.John Watson - 1893 - Philosophical Review 2:499.
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  25.  14
    The relativity of knowledge.Herbert Spencer & John Watson - 1877 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 11 (1):19 - 48.
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  26. (1 other version)The world as force.Herbert Spencer & John Watson - 1878 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 12 (2):113-137.
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  27.  29
    (1 other version)An Attempted formulation of the scope of behavior psychology.John B. Watson - 1917 - Psychological Review 24 (5):329-352.
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  28.  38
    Animal Education: An Experimental Study of the Psychical Development of the White Rat, Correlated with the Growth of its Nervous System.John B. Watson - 1905 - Philosophical Review 14:250.
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  29. An Outline of Philosophy with Notes Historical and Critical.John Watson - 1898 - Maclehose.
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  30. An Outline of philosophy with notes historical and critical, seconde édition.John Watson - 1900 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 49:666-668.
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  31.  7
    An outline of philosophy.John Watson - 1898 - New York,: Macmillan company.
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  32.  13
    (2 other versions)Aristotle's Posterior Analytics.John Watson - 1904 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 1 (17):469-470.
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  33. (2 other versions)Behaviourism a Psychology Based on Reflex-Action.John B. Watson - 1926 - Humana Mente 1 (4):454-466.
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  34.  19
    Bosanquet on mind and the absolute.John Watson - 1925 - Philosophical Review 34 (5):427-442.
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  35. Christianity and Idealism the Christian Ideal of Life in its Relations to the Greek and Jewish Ideals and to Modern Philosophy.John Watson - 1897 - Maclehose.
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  36. (11 other versions)Crónica científico-social de Inglaterra.John Watson - 1911 - Ciencia Tomista 3:294-296.
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  37. Crónica científico-social de Irlanda.John Watson - 1917 - Ciencia Tomista 16:426-428.
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  38.  7
    Comte, Mill, and Spencer: an outline of philosophy.John Watson - 1895 - New York: Macmillan.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in (...)
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  39. (1 other version)Comte, Mill and Spencer, an Outline of philosophy.John Watson - 1895 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 3 (3):5-5.
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  40.  73
    (1 other version)Does Holt follow Freud?John B. Watson - 1917 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 14 (4):85-92.
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  41.  12
    Empiricism and common logic.John Watson - 1876 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 10 (1):17 - 36.
  42.  23
    “Einstein's baby” could infer intentionality.John S. Watson - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (5):719-720.
    Some implications of Tomasello et al.'s theory derive from incorporating a variant of a common assumption that humans are biologically adapted to take an intentional stance in relation to conspecifics. I argue that, rather than being cued, intentions and other dispositional states may be inferred logically from an evolved commitment to determinism and evidence of state-dependent behavior.
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  43. Edward Caird as a Teacher and Thinker.John Watson - 1910
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  44.  27
    Hedonism and utilitarianism.John Watson - 1876 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 10 (3):271 - 290.
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  45.  18
    Haggerty's Imitation in Monkeys.John B. Watson - 1910 - Journal of Philosophy 7:357.
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  46.  16
    Intermediate Schooling in New Zealand.John E. Watson - 1965 - British Journal of Educational Studies 13 (2):219-220.
  47.  18
    Kant on the infinite divisibility of space.John Watson - 1886 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 20 (2):219 - 221.
  48.  8
    Kant's principles of judgment.John Watson - 1880 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 14 (4):376 - 398.
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  49.  11
    Kant's reply to Hume.John Watson - 1876 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 10 (2):113 - 134.
  50. Lectures-in-print.John B. Watson - forthcoming - Behaviorism.
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