Results for ' global village'

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  1.  23
    Conscious evolution of humanity.Global Village - 2002 - World Futures 58 (4):335-338.
    (2002). Conscious Evolution of Humanity: Using Systems Thinking to Construct Agoras of the Global Village. Announcing the 47th Annual Conference 2003 of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISS) World Futures: Vol. 58, No. 4, pp. 335-338.
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    The Global Village.Sead Alić - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (1):51-61.
    Da je svijet postao globalnim selom danas čujemo gotovo svakodnevno, na bilo kojoj geografskoj širini. McLuhanova metafora gotovo da je na mitski zoran način oslikala procese koji se zbivaju u suvremenom nam svijetu i kao takva postala je općepoznatom i općeprihvaćenom. Ovaj rad istražuje na koje je načine »globalno selo« najavilo globalizaciju.Marshall McLuhan je inače, već od djela Mechanical Bride počeo prepoznavati i najavljivati trendove koji će kasnije uistinu postati globalnima: od poruka oglasne industrije, promjene recepcije medija koji nam donose (...)
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  3. The Global Village-Technology Dependent-Starves Integrity: Civic Expectations across Four Non-Western Social Constructs. Freese Jr - 2000 - Journal of Thought 35 (3):81-94.
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  4. Ethics in the Global Village: Moral Insights for the Post 9-11 U.S.A.Jack A. Hill - 2008
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  5. Peace in the global Dr Ajg Kodumutti Nadar - 2006 - In Yajñeśvara Sadāśiva Śāstrī, Intaj Malek & Sunanda Y. Shastri (eds.), In quest of peace: Indian culture shows the path. Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. pp. 297.
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    Ethics in the Global Village: Moral Insights for the Post 9-11 Usa.Jack A. Johnson-Hill - 2008 - Polebridge Press.
    The moral crises of our time -- Ethics at the crossroads -- In search of our moral heritage -- Re-connecting with the earth -- Re-connecting with one another -- Re-connecting with the enemy.
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    "Image of a global village": Global theorizing and local knowledge.Henderikus J. Stam - 2007 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 27 (1):1-18.
    'Globalization' provides an ambiguous cliché for psychology as the North American and European version of the discipline is being exported widely. After providing a brief history of globalization and the failure of its intended effects I discuss three episodes of psychology's place in a globalized marketplace of ideas; the pre-1900 development of psychology in Germany and North America, the failure of phenomenological psychology in Europe after World War II and the current state of the professionalization of psychology. Psychology has, thus (...)
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    African philosophy in the global village: theistic panpsychic rationality, axiology and science.Maduabuchi F. Dukor - 2021 - Lagos, Nigeria: Malthouse Press.
    In this book, Maduabuchi Dukor presents a comprehensive interpretation of African Philosophy that is informed by the idea that everything in the universe includes a 'spiritual' dimension, what he calls theistic humanism. Imperceptible agents such as God, lesser divinities, and ancestors, as well as forces such as witchcraft and magic, play prominent roles in Dukor's accounts of not just metaphysics, but also ethics, aesthetic, and epistemics. By highlighting the diversity in intellectual world currents philosophy stimulates intercultural dialogue, African Philosophy in (...)
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    Alternative Visions: Paths in the Global Village.Fred Reinhard Dallmayr - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Globalization is often seen as a process of universal standardization under the auspices of market economics, technology, and hegemonic power. Resisting this process without endorsing parochial self-enclosure, Fred Dallmayr explores alternative visions that are rooted in distinct vernacular traditions and facilitate cross-cultural learning in an open-ended global arena.
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    Corporate Responsibility in the Global Village: The British Role Model and the American Laggard.Susan Ariel Aaronson - 2003 - Business and Society Review 108 (3):309-338.
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    P2P surveillance in the global village.Jeremy Weissman - 2019 - Ethics and Information Technology 21 (1):29-47.
    New ubiquitous information and communication technologies, in particular recording-enabled smart devices and social media programs, are giving rise to a profound new power for ordinary people to monitor and track each other on a global scale. Along with this growing capacity to monitor one another is a new capacity to explicitly and publicly judge one another—to rate, rank, comment on, shame and humiliate each other through the net. Drawing upon warnings from Kierkegaard and Mill on the power of public (...)
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    From the global village to the pluriverse? 'Other' ethics for cross-cultural qualitative research.Patricia M. Martin & Corrine Glesne - 2002 - Ethics, Place and Environment 5 (3):205 – 221.
    This article, which stems from separate research projects pursued by each author in Oaxaca, Mexico, explores conducting fieldwork through the lenses of community autonomy , and hospitality . Engaging with these concepts made us question how the process of research can contradict cultural ethics that operate within fieldwork locations, as well as consider how such concepts may inform a more ethical set of inquiry practices. Such a set of alternative ethics can provide, furthermore, means for negotiating situations marked by interculturality, (...)
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  13. Brave new world in the global village.Krzysztof Zanussi - 2001 - In Aleksander Koj & Piotr Sztompka (eds.), Images of the world: science, humanities, art. Kraków: Jagiellonian University. pp. 191.
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    Extending the global village: Emotional communication in the online age.Ross Buck - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (1):79-80.
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    Moral Change in a Global Village: Islamic Perspective.Seyed Ali Akbar Rabonataj & Ramezan Mahdavi Azadboni - 2012 - Iamure International Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Religion 1 (1).
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  16. How the World Was One: Beyond the Global Village.Arthur C. Clarke - 1994 - Utopian Studies 5 (1):166-167.
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    Sport in the Global Village by Ralph C. Wilcox, Editor.Karin A. E. Volkwein - 1995 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 22 (1):128-134.
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    The neuroscience global village.Jitendra Kumar Sinha, Shampa Ghosh & Manchala Raghunath - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (1):7-9.
  19. Distributing american hearts for transplantation-the predicament of living in the global village-comment.Henry S. Perkins - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (2):232-236.
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    Community of Communication" vs. "Global Village.Chris Nagel - 2003 - Glimpse 4:53-57.
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  21. Virtue vs. decadence : The struggle of civilizations within the global village.Necati Aydin - 2005 - In Ian S. Markham & İbrahim Özdemir (eds.), Globalization, ethics, and Islam: the case of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. Burlington, Vt: Ashgate.
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    Bioethics in a global village.Mark Aulisio - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (1):1 – 4.
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  23. Now that we are face to face, or, the myth of a global village.Melba Padilla Maggay, James W. Skillen, Yusufu Turaki & Jeong-Kii Min - 2001 - Philosophia Reformata 66 (1):108-141.
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  24. Persons in community : ubuntu in the global village.Ronald Nicolson - 2008 - In Persons in community: African ethics in a global culture. Scottsville, South Africa: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press.
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  25. Tailoring graduate programs: A response to commentary from the science education global village.Euwe van den Berg & Vincent N. Lunetta - 1996 - Science Education 80 (1):115-119.
  26.  13
    African Culture of Communication in the Global Village: The Experience of Ogba People in Rivers State Nigeria.Uche A. Dike - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):122.
    The contemporary world today has evolved into a global village. This civilization owes its existence to fast means of communication systems. Thus the global world is knighted into one political economy. Distances are reached under seconds. Notwithstanding the fast means of communication gadgets in our time, African traditional means of communication has survived the test of time. What then has been the connection of Africa traditional means of communication and politics? The answer to this question, specifically as (...)
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  27. Religion and Its Educational Function in the Contemporary Global Village.Ramezan Mhadavi Azadboni - 2024 - Dialogue and Universalism 34 (3):13-24.
    The quality of intersubjective communication in today's world, which is different from the past world, due to the development of communication tools and technology is so wide and deep that spatial distances have become almost unaffected. Then the question arises if we can talk about the educational function of religion in such a world. The general explanation of this function is that the religious educational system realizes educational goals by keeping people away from particular conditions and places which are against (...)
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  28. Special Issue on Agoras of the Global Village.Kenneth Bausch - 2004 - World Futures 6 (1-2).
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  29. Creation of new philosophy in the age of global village.Kirti Bunchua - 1999 - Dialogue and Universalism 9 (7-12):23.
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    Ramesh Srinivasan. Whose Global Village? Rethinking How Technology Shapes Our World. New York: New York University Press, 2017. 272 pp. [REVIEW]Mikki Kressbach - 2019 - Critical Inquiry 46 (1):246-247.
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    Computer-mediated colonization, the renaissance, and educational imperatives for an intercultural global village.Charles Ess - 2002 - Ethics and Information Technology 4 (1):11-22.
    ``The diversity of cultures in this world isreally important. It's the richness that wehave which, in fact, will save us from beingcaught up in one big idea''.Tim Berners-Lee (inventor of the Web)addressing the 10th International World WideWeb Conference, Hong Kong.
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    Paradigms Revisited: Media Education im the Global Village.Andrew Hart - 1997 - Communications 22 (2):127-156.
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    The semiotic swarm of cyberspace: Cybergluttony and Internet Addiction in the global village.Jean Umiker-Sebeok - 1997 - Semiotica 117 (2-4):239-298.
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    Introduction: Using systems thinking to construct agoras of the global village.Ken Bausch - 2004 - World Futures 60 (1 & 2):1 – 13.
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    Bounding power: Republican security theory from the Polis to the global village - by Daniel H. deudney.Takashi Inoguchi - 2008 - Ethics and International Affairs 22 (3):331-333.
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  36. (1 other version)From Village to Global Contexts: Ideas, Types, and the Making of Communities.D. A. Masolo - 2002 - In Philip Alperson (ed.), Diversity and Community: An Interdisciplinary Reader. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 88–115.
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  37. (1 other version)Villages, Local and Global: Observations on Computer‐Mediated and Geographically Situated Communities.Samuel Oluoch Imbo - 2002 - In Philip Alperson (ed.), Diversity and Community: An Interdisciplinary Reader. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Book in Review: Bounding Power: Republican Security Theory from the Polis to the Global Village, by Daniel H. Deudney. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007. 384 pp. $35.00 (cloth). [REVIEW]Chris Brown - 2008 - Political Theory 36 (4):647-650.
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    Ordinary betrayals: Conceptualizing refugees who have been tortured in the global village[REVIEW]Darius Rejali - 2000 - Human Rights Review 1 (4):8-25.
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    Organs for Undocumented Aliens—Another Look: Response to “Distributing American Hearts for Transplantation: The Predicament of Living in the Global Village” by Henry S. Perkins. [REVIEW]Richard A. Demme - 1996 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 5 (2):281.
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    Daniel H. Deudney, Bounding Power: Republican Security Theory from the Polis to the Global Village, Princeton University Press 2006, ISBN 978-0-69-111901-4 Hardcover $35.00. [REVIEW]Yiwei Wang - 2007 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 8 (3):457-458.
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  42. Green Acts: Global Politics vs Local Crises (A Case Study in Two Bulgarian Villages).Rosalina Todorova - 2024 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 33 (3S):146-157.
    As the EU implements measures to tackle the climate emergency on a continental scale, national governmental and economic actors haste to claim better positions in an eco-friendly low carbon market of goods and resources. With this gradual change, surprising factors hinder local community support for the de-carbonized promised future. In order to understand what inspires rural communities to contest and negate green economic action, I investigate a case of local unrest against the erection of an RES plant on public non-arable (...)
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    “Taken-left” dynamics? Rethink the livelihood changes of affected villagers in the era of the global land rush.Yunan Xu - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (3):1171-1184.
    When large-scale common land is taken from villagers by investors with little compensation, their labour unneeded, villagers’ livelihoods tend to be largely destroyed. This implies a tendency to focus on what has been taken from villagers during the land-based change, which has valid and has far-reaching social relevance. But as the rise of the industrial tree plantation (ITP) sector in Guangxi shows, some villagers are capable of having their livelihoods maintained and even expanded when big investors come and acquire massive (...)
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  44. Visions of Global Justice: The Peculiar Case of the Law of Peoples.Nancy Kokaz - 2000 - Dissertation, Harvard University
    The facts are dismal. One out of five inhabitants of the earth lives in absolute poverty, while one out of seven is afflicted by hunger. Extreme poverty exists alongside extreme abundance. Empirical evidence points not to scarcity but to poor politics as the primary cause. The urgency of the situation as well as the intertwined nature of human misery and politics would lead one to expect global justice to be a major component of any respectable study of world affairs. (...)
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    For all life: toward a universal declaration of a global ethic: an interreligious dialogue.Leonard Swidler (ed.) - 1999 - Ashland, Or.: White Cloud Press.
    Provides an important step in the emerging movement toward global dialogue and peace. It is the belief of the book's contributors that human culture has entered a new age of Global Dialogue in response to increased inter-penetration of the world's cultures. In our emerging global village, guidance is needed, for as we have painfully seen, our century is not only the century of world culture, it is also the century of world wars, world famines, and worldwide (...)
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    Persons in community: African ethics in a global culture.Ronald Nicolson (ed.) - 2008 - Scottsville, South Africa: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press.
    Persons in Community sounds a clear call for African voices to be heard in the global village. It explores the interface between traditional African ethics and contemporary issues, both locally and globally. The contributors to this book offer incisive perspectives on cultural values - such as ubuntu - in a wide range of areas: the workplace and Western capitalism, medical practices, government and political change, gender relationships and HIV/AIDS. What emerges is that there are distinctive and common strands (...)
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    Cultured meat: every village its own factory?C. Weele & J. Tramper - unknown
    Rising global demand for meat will result in increased environmental pollution, energy consumption, and animal suffering. Cultured meat, produced in an animal-cell cultivation process, is a technically feasible alternative lacking these disadvantages, provided that an animal-component-free growth medium can be developed. Small-scale production looks particularly promising, not only technologically but also for societal acceptance. Economic feasibility, however, emerges as the real obstacle.
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    Genealogies of the Global.Mike Featherstone - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):387-392.
    The term global suggests all-inclusiveness and brings to mind connectivity, a notion that gained a boost from Marshall McLuhan's reference to the mass-mediated ‘global village’. In the past decade it has rapidly become part of the everyday vocabulary not only of academics and business people, but also has circulated widely in the media in various parts of the world. There have also been the beginnings of political movements against globalization and proposals for ‘de-globalization’ and ‘alternative globalizations’, projects (...)
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    Confucian love and global ethics: How the Cheng Brothers would help respond to Christian criticisms.Yong Huang - 2005 - Asian Philosophy 15 (1):35 – 60.
    There is an increasing awareness that we are living in a global village, which demands a global ethics. In this article, I shall explore what contributions Confucianism, particularly its conception of love, can make. It has often been claimed that Confucian love is love with distinction, as a natural feeling, and as merely human love and so it is inferior to the Christian love, which is universal, commanded, and based on divine love. Drawing on the resources of (...)
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  50.  23
    (1 other version)Cosmopolitan Virtue: On Religion in a Global Age.Bryan S. Turner - 2001 - European Journal of Social Theory 4 (2):131-152.
    The sociological debate about globalization has often neglected the place of religion in a global age. This absence is problematic, given the creative role of the world religions in the shaping of the modernization and globalization processes. This article treats globalization as a particular phase of the general process of modernity, and considers religion in terms of four paradoxes. The first (the Nietzsche paradox) argues that, against the received wisdom, fundamentalism is a form of modernization. Although religious fundamentalism may (...)
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