Da je svijet postao globalnim selom danas čujemo gotovo svakodnevno, na bilo kojoj geografskoj širini. McLuhanova metafora gotovo da je na mitski zoran način oslikala procese koji se zbivaju u suvremenom nam svijetu i kao takva postala je općepoznatom i općeprihvaćenom. Ovaj rad istražuje na koje je načine »globalno selo« najavilo globalizaciju.Marshall McLuhan je inače, već od djela Mechanical Bride počeo prepoznavati i najavljivati trendove koji će kasnije uistinu postati globalnima: od poruka oglasne industrije, promjene recepcije medija koji nam donose poruke, do promjena naših uloga u svijetu…Cilj ovog rada je istražiti i prezentirati dosege McLuhanove »najave« globalizacije, posebno u djelu Global Willage, djelu u kojemu je McLuhan otkriće trendova pokušao staviti u okvire »četverostupanjske zakonitosti«. Rad želi pojam globalizacije motriti u svjetlu McLuhanovih istraživanja odnosa vizualnog i audijskog, u kontekstu analize utjecaja vizualnih tehnologija na čovjeka, te promisliti neke McLuhanove teze o robotizmu.We are hearing almost every day and on each latitude how the world has become a global village. McLuhan’s metaphor in an almost mythical way gives depicts the processes happening in our contemporary world and as such has become renowned and recognized. This paper shall examine in which ways that “the global village” has announced globalization.Marshall McLuhan had since The Mechanical Bride started recognizing and heralding the trends which would later actually become global: from the messages of the advertising industry, the change in the reception of the media which transmit messages to us, to the changes of our roles in the world etc.The aim of this paper is to examine and present the scope of McLuhan’s “heralding” of globalization, especially in the part of The Global Village in which McLuhan tries to place the discovery of trends into “four degree legality” frames. The paper would like to examine the concept of globalization in light of McLuhan’s research of the relationship between the visual and audile, within the context of the analysis of the influence of visual technologies on Man, and rethink some of McLuhan’s theses on robotics