Results for ' failures'

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  1. Paradoxes and Failures of Cut.David Ripley - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (1):139 - 164.
    This paper presents and motivates a new philosophical and logical approach to truth and semantic paradox. It begins from an inferentialist, and particularly bilateralist, theory of meaning---one which takes meaning to be constituted by assertibility and deniability conditions---and shows how the usual multiple-conclusion sequent calculus for classical logic can be given an inferentialist motivation, leaving classical model theory as of only derivative importance. The paper then uses this theory of meaning to present and motivate a logical system---ST---that conservatively extends classical (...)
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    Morality, Competition, and the Firm: The Market Failures Approach to Business Ethics.Joseph Heath (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Oup Usa.
    In four new and nine previously published essays, Joseph Heath provides a compelling new framework for thinking about the moral obligations of economic actors. The "market failures" approach to business ethics that he develops provides the basis for a unified theory of business ethics, corporate law, economic regulation, and the welfare state.
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    The Implicit Morality of the Market and Joseph Heath’s Market Failures Approach to Business Ethics.Marc A. Cohen & Dean Peterson - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (1):75-88.
    Joseph Heath defends competitive markets and conceptualizes business ethics with reference to Pareto efficiency, which he takes to be the “implicit morality of the market.” His justification for markets is that they generate Pareto efficient outcomes, meaning that markets optimally satisfy consumer preferences. And, for Heath, business ethics is the set of normative constraints—regulation and beyond-compliance norms—needed to preserve that outcome. The present paper accepts Heath’s claim that the economic justification for markets is ethical, in that satisfying consumer preferences is (...)
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    On the Origin, Content, and Relevance of the Market Failures Approach.Jeffrey Moriarty - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (1):113-124.
    The view of business ethics that Christopher McMahon calls the “implicit morality of the market” and Joseph Heath calls the “market failures approach” has received a significant amount of recent attention. The idea of this view is that we can derive an ethics for market participants by thinking about the “point” of market activity, and asking what the world would have to be like for this point to be realized. While this view has been much-discussed, it is still not (...)
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    Unethical, neurotic, or both? A psychoanalytic account of ethical failures within organizations.Simone de Colle & R. Edward Freeman - 2020 - Business Ethics 29 (1):167-179.
    This paper aims to integrate insights from psychoanalytic theory into business ethics research on the sources of ethical failures within organizations. We particularly draw from the analysis of sources and outcomes of neurotic processes that are part of human development, as described by the psychoanalyst Karen Horney and more recently by Manfred Kets de Vries; we interpret their insights from a stakeholder theory perspective. Business ethics research seems to have overlooked how “neurotic management styles” could be the antecedents of (...)
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  6. A selectionist explanation for the success and failures of science.K. Brad Wray - 2007 - Erkenntnis 67 (1):81-89.
    I argue that van Fraassen’s selectionist explanation for the success of science is superior to the realists’ explanation. Whereas realists argue that our current theories are successful because they accurately reflect the structure of the world, the selectionist claims that our current theories are successful because unsuccessful theories have been eliminated. I argue that, unlike the explanation proposed by the realist, the selectionist explanation can also account for the failures of once successful theories and the fact that sometimes two (...)
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    Unethical, neurotic, or both? A psychoanalytic account of ethical failures within organizations.Simone Colle & R. Edward Freeman - 2020 - Business Ethics 29 (1):167-179.
    This paper aims to integrate insights from psychoanalytic theory into business ethics research on the sources of ethical failures within organizations. We particularly draw from the analysis of sources and outcomes of neurotic processes that are part of human development, as described by the psychoanalyst Karen Horney and more recently by Manfred Kets de Vries; we interpret their insights from a stakeholder theory perspective. Business ethics research seems to have overlooked how “neurotic management styles” could be the antecedents of (...)
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    Rethinking the Ethics of Corporate Political Activities in a Post-Citizens United Era: Political Equality, Corporate Citizenship, and Market Failures.Pierre-Yves Néron - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (4):715-728.
    The aim of this paper is to provide some insights for a normative theory of corporate political activities. Such a theory aims to provide theoretical tools to investigate the legitimacy of corporate political involvement and allows us to determine which political activities and relations with government regulators are appropriate or inappropriate, permissible or impermissible, obligatory or forbidden for corporations. After having explored what I call the “normative presumption of legitimacy” of CPAs, this paper identifies three different plausible strategies to criticize (...)
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  9. Subjective discriminability of invisibility: A framework for distinguishing perceptual and attentional failures of awareness.Ryota Kanai, Vincent Walsh & Chia-Huei Tseng - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (4):1045-1057.
    Conscious visual perception can fail in many circumstances. However, little is known about the causes and processes leading to failures of visual awareness. In this study, we introduce a new signal detection measure termed subjective discriminability of invisibility that allows one to distinguish between subjective blindness due to reduction of sensory signals or to lack of attentional access to sensory signals. The SDI is computed based upon subjective confidence in reporting the absence of a target . Using this new (...)
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    Reasoning Is for Arguing: Understanding the Successes and Failures of Deliberation.Hugo Mercier & Hélène Landemore - unknown
    Theoreticians of deliberative democracy have sometimes found it hard to relate to the seemingly contradictory experimental results produced by psychologists and political scientists. We suggest that this problem may be alleviated by inserting a layer of psychological theory between the empirical results and the normative political theory. In particular, we expose the argumentative theory of reasoning that makes the observed pattern of findings more coherent. According to this theory, individual reasoning mechanisms work best when used to produce and evaluate arguments (...)
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    Successes and Failures of Hospital Ethics Committees: A National Survey of Ethics Committee Chairs.Glenn Mcgee, Joshua P. Spanogle, Arthur L. Caplan, Dina Penny & David A. Asch - 2002 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 11 (1):87-93.
    In 1992, the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) passed a mandate that all its approved hospitals put in place a means for addressing ethical concerns.Although the particular process the hospital uses to address such concernsmay vary, the hospital or healthcare ethics committee (HEC) is used most often. In a companion study to that reported here, we found that in 1998 over 90% of U.S. hospitals had ethics committees, compared to just 1% in 1983, and that many (...)
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    Learning Lessons from COVID-19 Requires Recognizing Moral Failures.Maxwell J. Smith & Ross E. G. Upshur - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):563-566.
    The most powerful lesson learned from the 2013-2016 outbreak of Ebola in West Africa was that we do not learn our lessons. A common sentiment at the time was that Ebola served as a “wake-up call”—an alarm which signalled that an outbreak of that magnitude should never have occurred and that we are ill-prepared globally to prevent and respond to them when they do. Pledges were made that we must learn from the outbreak before we were faced with another. Nearly (...)
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  13. Liberal arts and the failures of liberalism.James Dominic Rooney - 2024 - In James Dominic Rooney & Patrick Zoll, Beyond Classical Liberalism: Freedom and the Good. New York, NY: Routledge Chapman & Hall.
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    Ebola and Learning Lessons from Moral Failures: Who Cares about Ethics?Maxwell J. Smith & Ross E. G. Upshur - 2015 - Public Health Ethics 8 (3):305-318.
    The exercise of identifying lessons in the aftermath of a major public health emergency is of immense importance for the improvement of global public health emergency preparedness and response. Despite the persistence of the Ebola Virus Disease outbreak in West Africa, it seems that the Ebola ‘lessons learned’ exercise is now in full swing. On our assessment, a significant shortcoming plagues recent articulations of lessons learned, particularly among those emerging from organizational reflections. In this article we argue that, despite not (...)
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  15. Liberal arts and the failures of liberalism.James Dominic Rooney - 2024 - In James Dominic Rooney & Patrick Zoll, Beyond Classical Liberalism: Freedom and the Good. New York, NY: Routledge Chapman & Hall.
    Public reason liberalism is the political theory which holds that coercive laws and policies are justified when and only when they are grounded in reasons of the public. The standard interpretation of public reason liberalism, consensus accounts, claim that the reasons persons share or that persons can derive from shared values determine which policies can be justified. In this paper, I argue that consensus approaches cannot justify fair educational policies and preserving cultural goods. Consensus approaches can resolve some controversies about (...)
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  16. The Generalized Market Failures Approach.Paul Forrester - manuscript
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  17. Everyday attention lapses and memory failures: The affective consequences of mindlessness.Jonathan S. A. Carriere, J. Allan Cheyne & Daniel Smilek - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (3):835-847.
    We examined the affective consequences of everyday attention lapses and memory failures. Significant associations were found between self-report measures of attention lapses , attention-related cognitive errors , and memory failures , on the one hand, and boredom and depression , on the other. Regression analyses confirmed previous findings that the ARCES partially mediates the relation between the MAAS-LO and MFS. Further regression analyses also indicated that the association between the ARCES and BPS was entirely accounted for by the (...)
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    Understanding democratic conflicts: The failures of agonistic theory.Vincent August - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (2):182-203.
    Western democracies experience profound conflicts that induce concerns about polarization and social cohesion. Yet although conflicts are a core feature of democracies, the forms, functions, and dynamics of democratic conflicts have rarely been subject of political theory. This paper aims at furthering our understanding of democratic conflicts. It analyzes the theory of conflict in Mouffe's agonistic pluralism, confronts it with sociological conflict theory, and presents concrete points of departure for a more comprehensive theory of democratic conflicts. The paper, thus, contributes (...)
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    On experiments to detect possible failures of relativity theory.Waldyr Alves Rodrigues & Jayme Tiomno - 1985 - Foundations of Physics 15 (9):945-961.
    Two recently proposed experiments by Kolen and Torr (K-T), designed to detect possible failures of Einstein's special relativity (SR) are analyzed. Imprecisions in these papers are pointed out. Computation in Lorentz aether theory (LAT), with the K-T violation of SR, of the theoretical prediction for the proposed K-T clock experiment prove their results to be incorrect. Analytical computation of the proposed K-T rotor Doppler experiment using LAT confirms the order of magnitude of their prediction by numerical computation. For LAT (...)
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    Understanding and Avoiding AI Failures: A Practical Guide.Robert Williams & Roman Yampolskiy - 2019 - Philosophies 6 (3):53.
    As AI technologies increase in capability and ubiquity, AI accidents are becoming more common. Based on normal accident theory, high reliability theory, and open systems theory, we create a framework for understanding the risks associated with AI applications. This framework is designed to direct attention to pertinent system properties without requiring unwieldy amounts of accuracy. In addition, we also use AI safety principles to quantify the unique risks of increased intelligence and human-like qualities in AI. Together, these two fields give (...)
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    Adaptive Finite-Time Fault-Tolerant Control for Half-Vehicle Active Suspension Systems with Output Constraints and Random Actuator Failures.Jie Lan & Tongyu Xu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-16.
    The problem of adaptive finite-time fault-tolerant control and output constraints for a class of uncertain nonlinear half-vehicle active suspension systems are investigated in this work. Markovian variables are used to denote in terms of different random actuators failures. In adaptive backstepping design procedure, barrier Lyapunov functions are adopted to constrain vertical motion and pitch motion to suppress the vibrations. Unknown functions and coefficients are approximated by the neural network. Assisted by the stochastic practical finite-time theory and FTC theory, the (...)
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  22. Morality, Competition, and the Firm: The Market Failures Approach to Business Ethics by Joseph Heath.Jason Brennan - 2016 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 26 (1):1-4.
    Until Joseph Heath came along, philosophical business ethics was in a bad way. To the extent it’s still in a bad way, perhaps it’s because Heath has had insufficient influence. Before Heath, much of the debate in the field was between two major theories—stockholder and stakeholder theory. Both of these theories are either false, or vacuous and empty, depending on the interpretation. Heath has to some degree rescued the field by providing what is perhaps the only good general theory of (...)
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    ‘What's Psychology got to do with it?’ Applying psychological theory to understanding failures in modern healthcare settings.Michelle Rydon-Grange - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (11):880-884.
    The National Health Service (NHS) has, for over four decades, been beset with numerous ‘scandals’ relating to poor patient care across several diverse clinical contexts. Ensuing inquiries proceed as though each scandal is unique, with recommendations highlighting the need for more staff training, a change of culture within the NHS based upon a ‘duty of candour’, and proposed criminal sanctions for employees believed to breach good patient care. However, mistakes reoccur and failings in patient safety continue. While inquiries describe _what_ (...)
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    The animal model of human disease as a core concept of medical research: Historical cases, failures, and some epistemological considerations.Volker Roelcke - 2022 - Science in Context 35 (2):173-197.
    ArgumentThis article uses four historical case studies to address epistemological issues related to the animal model of human diseases and its use in medical research on human diseases. The knowledge derived from animal models is widely assumed to be highly valid and predictive of reactions by human organisms. In this contribution, I use three significant historical cases of failure (ca. 1890, 1960, 2006), and a closer look at the emergence of the concept around 1860/70, to elucidate core assumptions related to (...)
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  25. The Civil Society must Confront Its Past Failures.Kazi Huda - 2024 - The Daily Star.
    In this commentary published, I explore the difficult but urgent question: has civil society in Bangladesh failed to uphold its responsibility as a check on government power? Over the years, civil society’s silence has allowed concerning issues like electoral manipulation, human rights abuses, and corruption to go unchecked. From the forced resignation of Chief Justice Sinha to the tragic murder of Abrar Fahad, the lack of strong, collective action has left many crucial injustices unchallenged. Civil society has a fundamental duty (...)
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  26. The Mind-Body Problem, the Standard Failures of the Standard Solutions to It, and the Threat of Emergentism.Jiri Benovsky - 2018 - In Mind and Matter: Panpsychism, Dual-Aspect Monism, and the Combination Problem. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Dating, the Ethics of Competition, and Heath’s Market Failures Approach.Andrew B. Gustafson - 2018 - Business Ethics Journal Review 6 (9):47-53.
    In “The Responsibilities and Role of Business in Relation to Society,” Nien-hê Hsieh challenges Joseph Heath’s “market failure” or Paretian approach to business ethics by arguing for a “Back to Basics” approach. Here, I argue that two basics of Hsieh’s three-basics vision are flawed, because a. ordinary morality is in fact not sufficient for the adversarial realm of the market, and b. the ideal of a Pareto-optimal market economy with perfect competition does in fact provide an adequate basis for normative (...)
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    Emotional memory failures: On forgetting and reconstructing emotional experiences.Ineke Wessel & Daniel Wright - 2004 - Cognition and Emotion 18 (4):449-455.
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    Auditor independence deficiencies & alleged audit failures.Michael A. Pearson - 1987 - Journal of Business Ethics 6 (4):281 - 287.
    Some critics of the accounting/auditing profession in the United States claim that independence-related quality control problems are the cause of an increased number of alleged audit failures. Certified public accountants (CPAs) were queried regarding independence impairment in their profession. Questionnaire results indicate a number of CPAs believe independence deficiencies exist, and some CPAs admit to personal independence impairment.
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    Are involuntary autobiographical memory and déjà vu cognitive failures?John H. Mace - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e368.
    This commentary supports Barzykowski and Moulin's model, but departs from it on the question of functionality, where IAMs and déjà vu fractionate. The authors seem to say that IAMs are functional, while déjà vu is not. As there is no hard evidence supporting the idea that IAMs are functional, I argue that both phenomena should be viewed as cognitive failures.
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  31. Moral responsibility for harm caused by computer system failures.Douglas Birsch - 2004 - Ethics and Information Technology 6 (4):233-245.
    When software is written and then utilized in complex computer systems, problems often occur. Sometimes these problems cause a system to malfunction, and in some instances such malfunctions cause harm. Should any of the persons involved in creating the software be blamed and punished when a computer system failure leads to persons being harmed? In order to decide whether such blame and punishment are appropriate, we need to first consider if the people are “morally responsible”. Should any of the people (...)
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    Methodological Considerations for Incorporating Clinical Data Into a Network Model of Retrieval Failures.Nichol Castro - 2022 - Topics in Cognitive Science 14 (1):111-126.
    Difficulty retrieving information (e.g., words) from memory is prevalent in neurogenic communication disorders (e.g., aphasia and dementia). Theoretical modeling of retrieval failures often relies on clinical data, despite methodological limitations (e.g., locus of retrieval failure, heterogeneity of individuals, and progression of disorder/disease). Techniques from network science are naturally capable of handling these limitations. This paper reviews recent work using a multiplex lexical network to account for word retrieval failures and highlights how network science can address the limitations of (...)
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  33. Stephen Gaukroger, "The Failures of Philosophy: A Historical Essay.".Jeff Brown - 2021 - Philosophy in Review 41 (4):230-232.
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  34. Trans-exclusionary discourse, white feminist failures, and the women's march on Washington, D.C.Lars Stoltzfus-Brown - 2018 - In Jennifer C. Dunn & Jimmie Manning, Transgressing feminist theory and discourse: advancing conversations across disciplines. New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
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    The Russian Revolution as Ideal and Practice: Failures, Legacies, and the Future of Revolution.Thomas Telios, Dieter Thomä & Ulrich Schmid (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume aims to commemorate, criticize, scrutinize and assess the undoubted significance of the Russian Revolution both retrospectively and prospectively in three parts. Part I consists of a palimpsest of the different representations that the Russian Revolution underwent through its turbulent history, going back to its actors, agents, theorists and propagandists to consider whether it is at all possible to revisit the Russian Revolution as an event. With this problematic as a backbone, the chapters of this section scrutinize the ambivalences (...)
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    Why there are complementary learning systems in the hippocampus and neocortex: Insights from the successes and failures of connectionist models of learning and memory.James L. McClelland, Bruce L. McNaughton & Randall C. O'Reilly - 1995 - Psychological Review 102 (3):419-457.
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    Nonrational Belief Paradoxes as Byzantine Failures.Ryan Miller - 2022 - Logos and Episteme 13 (4):343-358.
    David Christensen and others argue that Dutch Strategies are more like peer disagreements than Dutch Books, and should not count against agents‘ conformity to ideal rationality. I review these arguments, then show that Dutch Books, Dutch Strategies, and peer disagreements are only possible in the case of what computer scientists call Byzantine Failures—uncorrected Byzantine Faults which update arbitrary values. Yet such Byzantine Failures make agents equally vulnerable to all three kinds of epistemic inconsistencies, so there is no principled (...)
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    Imperfections: studies in mistakes, flaws, and failures.Caleb Kelly, Jakko Kemper & Ellen Rutten (eds.) - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    In recent years, the trend to present the notion of imperfection as a plus rather than a problem has resonated across a range of social and creative disciplines and a wealth of world localities. As digital tools allow media users to share ever more suave selfies and success stories, psychologists promote 'the gifts of imperfections' and point to perfectionism as a catalyst for rising depression and burnout complaints and suicide rates among millennials. As sound technologies increasingly permit musicians to 'smoothen' (...)
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    An Excusability Principle for Firms Under the Market Failures Approach.Espen Stabell - 2024 - Business Ethics Journal Review 11 (4):22-28.
    Endörfer and Larue (2022) argue that Joseph Heath’s Market Failures Approach to business ethics (MFA) implies a demandingness dilemma: under conditions of imperfect competition, they argue, the MFA is either too demanding, if requiring that firms should seek to generate Pareto efficiency or “social optima”, or not demanding enough, if it gives up on social optima and focus instead on incremental Pareto improvements. I argue the MFA can be combined with an excusability principle to overcome the problem of over-demandingness. (...)
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    Editorial: Success and Failures in Implementing Health-Related Changes.Magdalena Poraj-Weder, Irena Jelonkiewicz-Sterianos, Aneta Pasternak, Lidia Zabłocka-Żytka, Marja Kaunonen, Christophe Matthys, Alexander Mario Baldacchino & Jan Czesław Czabała - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Learning from Failures of Co-owned Firms: Common Ownership and Information Disclosure Fraud.Ziwei Wang, Chunfeng Wang & Zhenming Fang - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 195 (1):95-119.
    This study focuses on learning effects between firms connected by common ownership. We explore the learning effects in a certain setting that how decision-makers in focal firms learn from punishments for fraudulent disclosure in their co-owned firms. Baseline results show that punishments for fraudulent disclosure in co-owned firms reduce information disclosure fraud in focal firms. The effects still exist after excluding other potential channels of learning. In mechanism analyses, similarities between focal firms and their co-owned firms and influential common shareholders (...)
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    Abstract City: The Phenomenological Basis for the Failures of Modernist Urban Design.Brian Irwin - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 6 (1):41-58.
    Many critics have pointed to the failures of modernist urban design, which include its obliteration of thriving neighborhoods, isolation of functions and production of alienating spaces hostile to the human form. Less focus has been placed on defining the source of the modernists’ errors. This essay argues that these errors were in part due to neglect of the nature of fully embodied experience, a neglect manifested in an overwhelmingly visual disposition in embodiment. The author argues that a visual disposition (...)
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  43. Safety, Lotteries, and Failures of the Imagination.Anaid Ochoa - forthcoming - Episteme.
    Safety accounts of knowledge intend to explain why certain true and intuitively justified beliefs fail to be knowledge in terms of such beliefs falling prey to a modal veritic type of luck. In particular, they explain why true and intuitively justified beliefs in “lottery propositions” (highly likely propositions reporting that a particular statistical outcome obtains) are not knowledge. In this paper, I argue that there is a type of case involving lottery propositions that inevitably lies beyond the scope of any (...)
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    Joseph Heath’s Ethics for Capitalists: The Market Failures Approach 2.0.Santiago Mejia & Robert Mass - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-6.
    In his latest book, _Ethics for Capitalists_, Joseph Heath draws on his many years of thinking about business ethics to propose, as the book’s subtitle indicates, “a systematic approach to business ethics, competition, and market failure.” He develops his argument carefully, draws on a wealth of interdisciplinary work, uses valuable and insightful examples, contrasts his views with important alternatives, and provides responses to compelling objections. In this review article, we argue that his book revises and sharpens many of Heath’s earlier (...)
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    Predictions of sequences of successes and failures.Clinton B. De Soto, Edmund B. Coleman & Peter L. Putnam - 1960 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 59 (1):41.
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    Jane Addams and the Limits of Sympathy. Failures, Corrections, and Lessons to be Learned.Livio Mattarollo & Matteo Santarelli - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (2):155-176.
    Jane Addams takes sympathetic knowledge as a key concept for her moral and political philosophy. However, regarding the classical objections to sympathy as a foundation for morality and democracy, some theoretical remarks are still needed. In this article we aim at showing that the main problem is not due to the absence but to the qualitative import of sympathy in democratic societies. To achieve this goal, we firstly consider Addams’ idea of sympathetic knowledge in light of the influence of social (...)
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    Risk Regulation in the Baltic Sea Ferry Traffic: The Successive Failures of Bow Visor Technology.Juha Sakari Laurila & Hannu Ilmari Hänninen - 2008 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 33 (6):683-706.
    This article contributes to research on the regulation of technological risks in the form of a case study of the Baltic Sea ferry traffic. The analysis suggests that the social systemic features of an industry heavily influence the relationship between technological failures and risk regulation. The study augments recent work on how regulations affect the handling of technological risks and how failures influence regulatory arrangements. These issues have already been studied in the context of aviation, auto, chemical, nuclear (...)
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    Arendt and Beauvoir on the Failures of Political Judgment in Praxis.Bridget Allan - 2021 - Arendt Studies 5:121-144.
    In this article, I bring together Hannah Arendt’s and Simone de Beauvoir’s respective theories of political judgment to evaluate the problems that arise from their accounts of judgment in praxis. To do so, I compare Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil on Adolf Eichmann’s trial in Israel and Beauvoir’s “An Eye for an Eye” on Robert Brasillach’s trial in France. In approaching the dilemmas of judgment in theory, both share a commitment to preserving freedom by (...)
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    The Error-Related Negativity Predicts Self-Control Failures in Daily Life.Rebecca Overmeyer, Julia Berghäuser, Raoul Dieterich, Max Wolff, Thomas Goschke & Tanja Endrass - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Adaptive behavior critically depends on performance monitoring, the ability to monitor action outcomes and the need to adapt behavior. PM-related brain activity has been linked to guiding decisions about whether action adaptation is warranted. The present study examined whether PM-related brain activity in a flanker task, as measured by electroencephalography, was associated with adaptive behavior in daily life. Specifically, we were interested in the employment of self-control, operationalized as self-control failures, and measured using ecological momentary assessment. Analyses were conducted (...)
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    Clustering of Brazilian legal judgments about failures in air transport service: an evaluation of different approaches.Isabela Cristina Sabo, Thiago Raulino Dal Pont, Pablo Ernesto Vigneaux Wilton, Aires José Rover & Jomi Fred Hübner - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 30 (1):21-57.
    The paper presents different clustering approaches in legal judgments from the Special Civil Court located at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. The subject is Consumer Law, specifically cases in which consumers claim moral and material compensation from airlines for service failures. To identify patterns from the dataset, we apply four types of clustering algorithms: Hierarchical and Lingo, K-means and Affinity Propagation. We evaluate the results based on the following criteria: entropy and purity; algorithm's ability in providing labels; legal (...)
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