Results for ' extractivism'

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  1.  18
    Art, Extractivism, and the Ontological Shift: Toward a (Post)Extractivist Aesthetics.Paula Serafini - forthcoming - Theory, Culture and Society.
    This article aims to contribute to a (post)extractivist aesthetics at a time of ontological shifts, meaning an aesthetics that focuses on the role of art in struggles for (post)extractivist worlds. First, it argues for a contextualized approach to the use of the extractivism framework and proposes that this framework is particularly productive for approaching the socio-environmental crisis due to the way it allows us to engage with the ontological basis of this crisis. The article then builds on empirical research (...)
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    Extractivism and Territorial Dispossession in Rural Colombia: A Decolonial Commitment to Campesinas’ Politics of Place.Laura Rodriguez Castro - 2021 - Feminist Review 128 (1):44-61.
    Linked to extractive practices, territorial dispossession can be traced back to the colonisation of Abya Yala. From a decolonial commitment, this article complicates notions of dispossession and extractivism as merely emerging from war in Colombia and focuses on their presence in Campesinas territories. Based on the conceptualisations of the coloniality of power and coloniality of gender, I narrate how territorial dispossession and extractivism are felt in women’s ‘body-lands’ through foreign tourism/conservation development and new export crops in two rural (...)
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    Extractivism, Gender, and Disease: An Intersectional Approach to Inequalities.Cristina Cielo & Lisset Coba - 2018 - Ethics and International Affairs 32 (2):169-178.
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  4. green extractivism in Germany and Mexico.Alexander Dunlap & Andrea Brock - 2022 - In Jennifer Mateer, Simon Springer, Martin Locret-Collet & Maleea Acker (eds.), Energies beyond the state: anarchist political ecology and the liberation of nature. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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  5. green extractivism in Germany and Mexico.Alexander Dunlap & Andrea Brock - 2022 - In Jennifer Mateer, Simon Springer, Martin Locret-Collet & Maleea Acker (eds.), Energies beyond the state: anarchist political ecology and the liberation of nature. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    On Epistemic Extractivism and the Ethics of Data-Sharing.Karl Landström - 2024 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 54 (5):387-411.
    In this article I argue that data-sharing risks becoming epistemically extractivist and is a practice sensitive to Linda Martín Alcoff´s challenges for extractivist epistemologies. I situate data-sharing as a socio-epistemic practice that gives rise to ethical and epistemic challenges. I draw on the findings of an institutional ethnography of an international social science research project to identify several ethical and epistemic concerns, including epistemic extractivism. I identify Alcoff’s first and second challenge for extractivist epistemologies in the findings of the (...)
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    Ecuador’s dual populisms: Neocolonial extractivism, violence and indigenous resistance.Angélica María Bernal - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 164 (1):9-36.
    This article examines the confluence of extractivism, violence, and their resistance in the context of left governance – specifically the case of Ecuador – through an engagement with the concept of populism. Alongside Bolivia and Venezuela, Ecuador has long been associated with the rise of radical populism and with it an ‘autocratic turn’ in Latin America. Dispensing with overdetermined accounts of populism as either the anti-thesis or essence of democracy, this article proposes a third lens – dual populisms – (...)
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  8. Entranced earth: art, extractivism, and the end of landscape.Jens Andermann - 2023 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    Entranced Earth looks at audiovisual, literary, performative, and testimonial sources to examine the impact of neocolonial extractivist industries on the natural environment in the Western Hemisphere.
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  9. The Kayapo Revolt Against Extractivism: An Indigenous People's Struggle for Socially Equitable and Ecologically Sustainable Production.Terence Turner - forthcoming - Manuscrito.[Links].
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    Attitudes Toward Nature as a Key for Understanding the Current Lack of Adequate Environmental Behavior: Overstepping the Dialectic of Extractivism and Romanticism.David Rozen - forthcoming - Ethics, Policy and Environment.
    This article clarifies the puzzling lack of adequate human environmental behavior, the primary driver of the ongoing climate crisis. It advocates using Wittgensteinian attitude analysis as an investigative framework and argues that attitudes toward nature are crucial yet understudied factors in shaping environmental behavior. The study focuses on the Romantic attitude toward nature as wilderness (understood as the negation of extractivism) and reveals its profound yet often misunderstood adverse impact on environmental behavior. This leads to a reflection on which (...)
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  11. The Nooscope manifested: AI as instrument of knowledge extractivism.Matteo Pasquinelli & Vladan Joler - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (4):1263-1280.
    Some enlightenment regarding the project to mechanise reason. The assembly line of machine learning: data, algorithm, model. The training dataset: the social origins of machine intelligence. The history of AI as the automation of perception. The learning algorithm: compressing the world into a statistical model. All models are wrong, but some are useful. World to vector: the society of classification and prediction bots. Faults of a statistical instrument: the undetection of the new. Adversarial intelligence vs. statistical intelligence: labour in the (...)
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    Domination, Collaboration and Conflict in Cabo Delgado's History of Extractivism.João Feijó & Aslak Orre - 2024 - Kronos 50 (1):1-27.
    A long history of extractive industries and activities have shaped the societies of northern Mozambique, and the Cabo Delgado province in particular. For centuries, the growing international demand on local resources had a great impact on the northern micro-societies. The demand for cheap labour and natural resources, ranging from ivory and cotton, to timber, rubies, land, gas and more, involved thousands of local actors in its extraction, reproducing systems of local power. The persistence of poverty, inequality and conflicts, as well (...)
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    Resource Radicals: From Petro‐Nationalism to Post‐ Extractivism in Ecuador.TheaRiofrancos. Duke University Press, 2020.Darin Barney - 2023 - Constellations 30 (2):210-212.
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    After Politics: Governing through Affect?Sara Baranzoni - 2024 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 18 (1):120-142.
    This article analyses some of the governmental issues at stake in contemporary institutional politics in its confrontation with the challenges of digitalisation. Through notions such as algorithmic governmentality (Rouvroy and Berns), platformisation (Bratton, Stiegler), extractivism, and the affect theory (Massumi), and following a symptomatologic method, we will try to establish and discuss some key points that could be useful in order to update certain concepts regarding micro- and biopolitics (Deleuze and Guattari, Foucault), the public sphere, and the management of (...)
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    Indigenous Philosophies and the "Psychedelic Renaissance".Keith Williams, Osiris Sinuhé González Romero, Michelle Braunstein & Suzanne Brant - 2022 - Anthropology of Consciousness 33 (2):506-527.
    The Western world is experiencing a resurgence of interest in the therapeutic potential of psychedelics, most of which are derived from plants or fungi with a history of Indigenous ceremonial use. Recent research has revealed that psychedelic compounds have the potential to address treatment‐resistant depression and anxiety, as well as post‐traumatic stress disorder and addictions. These findings have contributed to the decriminalization of psychedelics in some jurisdictions and their legalization in others. Despite psychedelics’ opaque legal status, numerous companies and individuals (...)
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    At the Beginning, There was the Mask.Françoise Vergès - 2023 - Substance 52 (1):54-59.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:At the Beginning, There was the MaskFrançoise Vergès (bio)There is a long history to be told about the links between the economy of extractivism and exhaustion, between colonialism, race, capitalism, imperialism, and breathing, which could be summarized as the "struggle against suffocation and for life." Colonialism (slavery and post-slavery), race, and capitalism are all about un-breathing, about the toxicity of social, cultural, sexual and "natural" environments, about silencing, (...)
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  17.  38
    Handbook of Latin American Environmental Aesthetics.Jens Andermann, Gabriel Giorgi & Victoria Saramago (eds.) - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    The Handbook of Latin American Environmental Aesthetics offers a comprehensive overview of Latin American aesthetic and conceptual production addressing the more-than-human environment at the intersection between art, activism, and critique. Fields include literature, performance, film, and other audiovisual media as well as their interactions with community activisms. Scholars who have helped establish environmental approaches in the field as well as emergent critical voices revisit key concepts such as ecocriticism, (post-)extractivism, and multinaturalism, while opening new avenues of dialogue with areas (...)
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  18.  2
    Amílcar Cabral, Colonial Soil and the Politics of Insubmission.Filipe Carreira da Silva & Monica Brito Vieira - forthcoming - Theory, Culture and Society.
    This article discusses the concept of ‘insubmission’. This concept is the cornerstone of Amílcar Cabral’s critical theory. Introduced in his early agronomic writings, it refers to the human species’ refusal to submit to the nature of which we are always a part. The context is the anticolonial critique of traditional European humanism. Insubmission is Cabral’s response to the dehumanizing effects of colonialism and the environmental impact of anthropocentric extractivism that accompanies it. As a linchpin in Cabral’s theoretical framework, insubmission (...)
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  19.  14
    Libre determinación y consulta como bases de los derechos fundamentales de los pueblos indígenas en la jurisprudencia del Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos = Free determination and consultation as a basis of the fundamental rights of the indigenous peoples in the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Human Rights System.Enrique Francisco Pasillas Pineda - 2018 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 29:2-31.
    RESUMEN: El presente trabajo propone un análisis de los Derechos Fundamentales de los pueblos indígenas a la luz de los principios internacionales de Libre Determinación y Consulta Previa, como fundantes y presupuestos de los demás Derechos Indígenas. En consecuencia, se analiza el Derecho a la Consulta, que debe ser previa, libre, informada, de buena fe, culturalmente adecuada y con el propósito de obtener el consentimiento; donde todas éstas características son el estándar mínimo a cumplir en cualquier proyecto de desarrollo o (...)
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    Flourishing Is Mutual.Alexis Shotwell - 2021 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 7 (3).
    We are frequently enjoined to eat in one way or another in order to reduce harm, defeat global warming, or at least save our own health. In this paper, I argue that individualism about food saves neither ourselves nor the world. I show connections between what Lisa Heldke identifies as substance ontologies and heroic food individualism. I argue that a conception of relational ontologies of food is both more accurate and more politically useful than the substance ontologies offered to us (...)
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  21.  22
    Reproductive Justice Beyond Borders: Global Feminist Solidarity in the Post- Roe Era.Gabriela Arguedas-Ramírez & Danielle M. Wenner - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (3):606-611.
    The global impact of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization and the backlash towards reproductive justice that it represents warrant a global feminist response informed by broad theoretical and geopolitical lenses. We consider how a solidaristic, transnational feminist movement might learn from Latin American feminist movements that have been successful in uniting broad coalitions in the fight for reproductive justice as situated within far-reaching political goals. The success of such a global movement must be decolonial and must contend with the (...)
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    A Pantheology of Pandemic: Sex, Race, Nature, and The Virus.Mary-Jane Rubenstein - 2022 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 43 (1):5-23.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Pantheology of Pandemic: Sex, Race, Nature, and The VirusMary-Jane Rubenstein (bio)I. PunitheologyThe explanations started pouring in even before the virus attained “pandemic” status in March of 2020: we were being punished. According to a vocal subset of Evangelical pastors and ultra-Orthodox rabbis, the death-dealing virus was divine retribution for the sins of (who else?) LGBT-identified people and their allies, who aggressively violated what the pastors and rabbis called (...)
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  23. Is Long-Term Thinking a Trap?: Chronowashing, Temporal Narcissism, and the Time Machines of Racism.Michelle Bastian - 2024 - Environmental Humanities 16 (2):403–421.
    This provocation critiques the notion of long-term thinking and the claims of its proponents that it will help address failures in dominant conceptions of time, particularly in regard to environmental crises. Drawing on analyses of the Clock of the Long Now and Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Ministry for the Future, the article suggests that we be more wary of the concept’s use in what we might call chronowashing. Like the more familiar greenwashing, where environmental issues are hidden by claims to (...)
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    Violent Inheritance: Sexuality, Land, and Energy in Making the North American West.Nathan Stormer - 2023 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 56 (2):199-205.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Violent Inheritance: Sexuality, Land, and Energy in Making the North American West by E. CramNathan StormerViolent Inheritance: Sexuality, Land, and Energy in Making the North American West. By E. Cram. Oakland: University of California Press, 2022. 292 pp. Cloth $85.00, paper $34.95. ISBN: 0520379470.E. Cram’s Violent Inheritance is an exceptional work that presents a distinctive synthesis of queer, decolonial, and mixed-method scholarship. The goal of the book, Cram (...)
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    The multitude beyond measure: Building a common stupor.Derek R. Ford & Masaya Sasaki - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (7):938-945.
    In response to contagion, competing and contradictory movements emerge that engender openness to new modes of life and reactionary defenses of old ones, that acknowledge mutual dependency and vulnerability and that heighten the policing and surveillance of borders. Through reading the Empire project, this article articulates these as struggles over measure that unfold on the terrain of sovereignty and biopolitical economy. We show that the passage from modern to imperial sovereignty hinges on the former’s inability to adequately impose calculatory regimes, (...)
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    Indigenous Accounts of Spiraling Time.Matthias Fritsch - 2024 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 7 (1):60-86.
    Time has often been understood as either linear or cyclical, sometimes in Eurocentric ways that enclose Indigenous peoples in natural cycles with little or no historical development. This article explores an alternative to the line and the circle. In the context of environmental destruction, Indigenous scholars have suggested that traditional Indigenous accounts of spiraling time, from the Anishinaabe and Māori to the Aztecs and Muskoke, better connect nature with human history as well as more appropriately link human generations, including ancestors (...)
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    Violence and epistemic injustice against indigenous communities in Colombia: epistemic agency, participation and territory.Juan David Franco Daza - 2022 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 66:193-222.
    Epistemic violence and epistemic injustice occur when a person or collective suffers unjust harm as epistemic subjects. This article explores the role of these issues in the conflict known as “laws of dispossession”, which consists of the systematic issu- ance of regulations that legalize extractivist and capitalist procedures in the indigenous ancestral territories. Specifically, this article argues that this phenomenon generates specifically epistemic harm to Colombian indigenous communities since it prevents them from inhabiting their territories in a way that is (...)
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  28.  23
    Ecosystem Vulnerability. New Semantics for International Law.Mariano Longo & Vincenzo Lorubbio - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (4):1611-1628.
    The effects of climate change and increasing environmental pollution have clearly shown the vulnerability of individuals, local communities, and the natural environment, even in the Western context. However, despite such unquestionable data, International Law is still struggling to find adequate, unambiguous, effective solutions to the issue. Even the ‘human right to a healthy environment’, recognised by the UN General Assembly in 2022, is permeated by an anthropocentric idea of the world, which prevents it from fully dealing with ecosystem issues so (...)
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    Extractivist Ontologies: Lithium Mining and Anthropocene Imaginaries in Chile's Atacama Desert.Mauricio F. Collao Quevedo - 2023 - Intertexts 27 (2):78-103.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Extractivist OntologiesLithium Mining and Anthropocene Imaginaries in Chile's Atacama DesertMauricio F. Collao Quevedo (bio)The term energy transition generally refers to efforts to switch from one energy system to another. In light of the current climate crisis, energy transition projects have sought to move societies away from their reliance on fossil fuels and toward a renewables-based energy system. Yet such projects have not been easy to undertake. As Marie Forget (...)
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    Hope Draped in Black: Decolonizing Utopian Studies.Caroline Edwards - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):498-509.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hope Draped in Black: Decolonizing Utopian StudiesCaroline Edwards (bio)What does utopian studies have to learn from critical race theory, Black studies, and ideas of Black futurity? While utopian scholars have begun unpicking the colonial entanglements of utopianism’s origins (particularly as a literary genre grounded in pelagic crossings to the New World that have advocated slavery, extractivism, and eugenics to name a few notable examples across the utopian canon), (...)
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    Plantationocene: A Framework For Understanding the Links Between Ecological Destruction and Social Inequalities.Ennan Wu & Yichang Xu - 2023 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 37 (1):1-18.
    The Anthropocene, as one of the core concepts currently used to understand and reflect on the relationships among humans, species, and planet, has received widespread attention and discussion in the global academic community. As one of the important alternative concepts to the Anthropocene, the term Plantationocene was first proposed by Haraway et al. in October 2014. Compared to the former, it reveals the fundamental characteristics of the modern era, and continues to enrich its theoretical connotations amidst rapid shifts in social (...)
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    Paradigma Pachamama. Patrimonialización, extractivismos y lavado verde en Jujuy, Argentina.Guillermina Espósito - forthcoming - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
    En este artículo se analiza el proceso de patrimonialización de la Pachamama en Jujuy, entre mediados de la década de 1990 y la actualidad. A través del análisis de leyes, documentos periodísticos y observaciones etnográficas, se muestra el modo en que la Pachamama fue caracterizada como un objeto y una práctica religiosa y cultural propia del mundo andino, a la vez que progresivamente significada como “naturaleza” en un sentido moderno. A partir de un análisis que reconstruye las prácticas, procedimientos, actas (...)
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    The View from Above and its Counter-Appropriation.Hauke Ohls - 2024 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 33 (68).
    The term “view from above” does not merely describe an aerial perspective using digital technologies. According to Macarena Gómez-Barris, it is an extractive and neoliberal tool for transforming territories into areas to be exploited. In contrast, she introduces “submerged perspectives,” which can always be found in these territories and are characterized by relations on the ground. An argument based on opposites should always make one suspicious, especially when considering contemporary artistic practices. This article demonstrates that contemporary works of art can (...)
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    Weaving the Spiderweb: Mujeres Amazónicas and the Design of Anti-Extractive Politics in Ecuador.Andrea Sempértegui - 2023 - Studies in Social Justice 17 (2):204-221.
    This article examines the strategic politics of an Indigenous network called las Mujeres Amazónicas (the Amazonian Women) that is resisting the expansion of extractive projects in Ecuador’s Amazon rainforest. It asks, what are the Mujeres Amazónicas’ political strategies to resist extractive occupation and how do they develop and deploy these strategies in their territorial struggle? To answer this question, I analyze how their organizing is characterized by a political design that merges public expressions of resistance – such as mobilizations, protest (...)
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  35.  27
    Decolonization of Ukrainian Culture: Vouk Policy or National Awakening?Olga Gomilko - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:49-58.
    The article is devoted to the decolonization of Ukrainian culture as an important factor of nation-building in the European perspective. At the same time, decolonization is a current trend in Western academic thought, which is embodied in social activism, in particular, in the wok movement and the culture of abolition. Postcolonial studies has become an intellectual battleground. These studies draw a new front line in the culture wars. Rethinking Western culture in light of its imperial expansionist past defines the goal (...)
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  36.  24
    Critical Naturalism from the Margins: Commentary to Critical Naturalism: A Manifesto, by Federica Gregoratto, Heikki Ikäheimo, Emmanuel Renault, Arvi Särkelä and Italo Testa.Mariana Teixeira - 2023 - Krisis | Journal for Contemporary Philosophy 43 (1):159-163.
    The prior issue of Krisis (42:1) published Critical Naturalism: A Manifesto, with the aim to instigate a debate of the issues raised in this manifesto – the necessary re-thinking of the role (and the concept) of nature in critical theory in relation to questions of ecology, health, and inequality. Since Krisis considers itself a place for philosophical debates that take contemporary struggles as starting point, it issued an open call and solicited responses to the manifesto. This is one of the (...)
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