Results for ' ethos communautaire'

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  1.  20
    La comunalidad como base para la construcción de resiliencia social ante la crisis civilizatoria.Mario Enrique Fuente Carrasco - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 33.
    La estela de la crisis del proyecto civilizatorio occidental ha agudizado las desigualdades sociales y alterado los procesos homeostáticos de la biosfera. El despojo sutil o violento de los territorios con alto potencial de recursos naturales es una astucia más del modelo neoliberal para paliar su crisis estructural; tal como sucede contra los pueblos indígenas. Estas acciones son altamente perturbadoras de las dinámicas de organización social, y de la agudización de injusticia ambiental. Sin embargo, diversos grupos sociales están reconfigurando sus (...)
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    Luis césar santiesteban (2009), Heidegger Y la ética, chihuahua, méxico, aldus, 234 pp. [REVIEW]El Ethos & de la Pregunta El Rostro Ético - 2012 - Signos Filosóficos 14 (27):177-182.
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    Law Week Launch.Michael Blyth, Andrew Cunich, Christine Lowe, Ben Caddaye, Bill Redpath, Elenore Eriksson, A. C. T. Women Lawyers Dinner, Mary O’Connor, Sonia Hay & President Bill Redpath Contemplating Ethos - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    The ethos of caring within midwifery: A history of ideas study.Åsa Larsson & Yvonne Hilli - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (6):808-818.
    Background: The midwifery profession in Sweden has a history since the early 1700s when government training for midwives began. Midwifery is historically well described, but the idea of caring within midwifery is not described. Aim: The aim was to describe the patterns of ideas of caring as they appeared in midwifery during the first half of the 20th century. Research design: This study has a hermeneutic approach and the method is history of ideas. Sources of material are taken from the (...)
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    Ethos: The heart of ethics and health.Lillemor Östman, Yvonne Näsman, Katie Eriksson & Lisbet Nyström - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (1):26-36.
    Background: Ethics in nursing care are traditionally discussed in terms of moral norms or principles. When taking an ontological approach to ethics, ethics is about ethos. Ethos involves both an internal and an external side of ethics. Considering ethics and health from an ontological perspective can provide a different understanding of ethics and health in caring and nursing. Aim and research question: The aim of this study is to deepen the ontological understanding of ethics and health in caring (...)
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    The ethos of critical research and the idea of a coming research community.M. Simons, J. Masschelein & K. Quaghebeur - 2005 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 37 (6):817–832.
    Critical educational research offers the researcher a position and an ethos of comfort. Even the declared recognition of the relativity of principles, norms or criteria so characteristic of much critical research does not prevent it from looking immediately for a way out of this uncomfortable situation i.e. to keep to the idea that comfort is needed and desirable. However, we suggest that this uncomfortable condition is constitutive for critical educational research and may be even for education as such. Therefore (...)
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  7. Le pardon communautaire est-il possible?Pol Vandevelde - 2007 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 139 (1):65-77.
    Dans cette étude je poursuis deux objectifs : d�une part, je tente d�établir d�un point de vue théorique les tenants et aboutissants de la question de savoir si le pardon entre deux communautés est possible ; d�autre part, j�examine les obstacles et les dangers d�un tel pardon. En ce qui concerne le premier objectif, je fais appel à Hannah Arendt qui nous a donné dans La condition de l�homme moderne une définition du pardon que j�applique aux relations entre communautés. Afin (...)
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    Un “ethos” para el gobierno y la administración: un debate entre el liberalismo y el jesuitismo políticos.Julián Sauquillo - 2006 - Isegoría 35:89-105.
    Este estudio rebate las tesis de Carl Schmitt que conciben al catolicismo, y al jesuitismo en particular, como una gran complexio oppositorum que reúne tanto al conservadurismo como al izquierdismo bajo una misma unidad absoluta representada por las formas del Papa. El “ethos” de obediencia postulado por la Compañía de Jesús contribuyó decisivamente a la formación de una Administración que rebasa el marco de la burocracia eclesiástica. Sustituyó la educación renacentista por una educación de cuño tomista, decisiva en la (...)
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    The Ethos of Drama: Rhetorical Theory and Dramatic Worth.Robert L. King - 2010 - Catholic University of America Press.
    Rhetorical ethos and dramatic theory -- Syntax, style, and ethos -- The worth of words -- Memory and ethos -- Shaw, ethos, and rhetorical wit -- Athol Fugard's dramatic rhetoric -- Rhetoric and silence in Holocaust drama.
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    (1 other version)Ethos und Evangelium.Emanuel Hirsch - 1966 - Berlin,: de Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Ethos und Evangelium" verfügbar.
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  11. European Ethos in Plato and Aristotle.Peter Trawny - 2007 - Phainomena 60.
    The European ethos can be characterized in two different modes. On the one hand the European ethos has its origin in the radical formula of Socrates that acting unjustly is in every respect bad and that even suffering injustice is better than that. In this perspective the good life in a Socratic signification is the self-withdrawal of mere social acting in the sense of being socially successful. But because this origin of the European ethos is a “dynamite (...)
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    The ethos of the fire service in the context of postmodern changes.Krzysztof Bochenek - 2023 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 13 (1-2):64-71.
    Professional involvement and the moral life of individuals and professional groups, especially those with high social prestige, such as firefighters, are linked by the category of “ethos”. Since the ethos of this service is today significantly influenced by multifaceted and dynamic ideological and existential transformations, it seems necessary to analyse the nature of this impact. Therefore, it seems that postmodernity brings with it ideological tendencies, which, by destroying the traditional preferences established so far, do not propose anything in (...)
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    Ethos profesjonalny uczonych.Janusz Goćkowski & Lucyna Hołowiecka - 1981 - Etyka 19:157-181.
    The article is concerned with the peculiarities of the ethos characteristic for the scholars, conceived as an identifiable professional category. Scholars form groups and circles consolidated by their efforts to create and establish scientific knowledge.
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    Aristotelian ethos and the new orality: Implications for media literacy and media ethics.Charles Marsh - 2006 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 21 (4):338 – 352.
    Modern converged mass media, particularly television and the World Wide Web, may be fostering a new orality in opposition to traditional alphabetical literacy. Scholars of orality and literacy maintain that oral cultures feature reduced levels of critical assessment of media messages. An analysis of Aristotle's description of ethos, as presented in that philosopher's Rhetoric, suggests that an oral culture can foster media that deliver selective truths, or even lies, thus ranking poorly in hierarchical ethical schemata such as those developed (...)
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    Ethos and Mortality.Werner Marx - 1985 - Dialectica 39 (4):329-338.
    Summary In this paper I inquire by way of a phenomenological description whether the experience of an encounter with one's own mortality could not so transform a person's ethos that the virtues of justice, compassion and neighborly love could ensue. I will concentrate on such an encounter in and through the mood of dread. This paper, in opposition to Heidegger, is only concerned with it's effect regarding our ethical comportment. I claim that the mood of dread not only destroys (...)
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  16. (1 other version)O ethos cristão em Hegel E Nietzsche a partir dos conceitos de “destino” E “amor”.Feiler Felicio Feiler - 2013 - Revista Inquietude 4 (2):41-56.
    A ética cristã possui em Hegel e Nietzsche um terreno comum: representado pelo embate a moral, que é o estranhamento provocado pela positividade da lei. Assim, pelo movimento de reconciliação, representado pela abertura do destino como pela unidade do amor, ambos autores contribuem para a instauração de um ethos cristão. Por essa razão, a dialética hegeliana supera o fechamento e dogmatismo, para assumir a abertura e o porvir, portanto uma filosofia de plenitude.
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    The ethos of individualism in cross‐cultural perspective: Exploring the European values data.Loek Halman & Peter Ester - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (2):645-651.
    (1996). The ethos of individualism in cross‐cultural perspective: Exploring the European values data. The European Legacy: Vol. 1, Fourth International Conference of the International Society for the study of European Ideas, pp. 645-651.
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    Associating Ethos with Objects: Reasoning from Character of Public Figures to Actions in the World.Katarzyna Budzynska, Marcin Koszowy & Martín Pereira-Fariña - 2021 - Argumentation 35 (4):519-549.
    Ethotic arguments, such as arguments from expert opinion and ad hominem arguments, play an important role in communication practice. In this paper, we argue that there is another type of reasoning from ethos, in which people argue about actions in the world. These subspecies of ethotic arguments are very common in public debates: societies are involved in heated disputes about what should be done with monuments of historical figures such as Stalin or Colston: Should we demolish the building they (...)
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  19. Societal Ethos and Economic Development Organizations in Nicaragua.Josep F. Mària & Daniel Arenas - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (S2):231 - 244.
    This article analyzes efforts in Nicaragua to create ethical organizations and an ethical economy. Three societal ethea found in contemporary Nicaragua are examined: the ethos of revolution, the ethos of corruption, and the ethos of human development. The emerging ethos of human development provides the most hope for the nation's social and economic evolution. The practices of three successful economic development organizations explicitly aligned with the ethos of human development are described and evaluated: (1) a (...)
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  20.  17
    The Ethos of a Late-Modern Citizen.Stephen K. White - 2009 - Harvard University Press.
    In The Ethos of a Late-Modern Citizen, Stephen K. White contends that Western democracies face novel challenges demanding our reexamination of the role of citizens. White argues that the intense focus in the past three decades on finding general principles of justice for diversity-rich societies needs to be complemented by an exploration of what sort of ethos would be needed to adequately sustain any such principles. Accessible, pithy, and erudite, The Ethos of a Late-Modern Citizen will appeal (...)
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    Vom Ethos der Freiheit zur Ordnung der Freiheit : Staatlichkeit bei Karl Jaspers.Karl-Heinz Breier & Alexander Gantschow (eds.) - 2017 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Auch als originar politischer Denker ist Karl Jaspers reich an Einsichten: Ausgehend vom Ethos der Freiheit jedes Einzelnen richtet er seinen Blick auf die konkrete politische Gestaltung einer Freiheitsordnung. Dabei steht fur ihn im Hinblick auf die noch junge Bundesrepublik die Selbsterziehung in Freiheit im Zentrum seiner oft mahnenden Worte. Ganz im sokratischen Sinne fordert er intellektuelle Redlichkeit und politische Wahrhaftigkeit ein, um den beiden grossen Gegenwartsherausforderungen gewachsen zu sein: einer atomwaffenbestuckten Welt, die sich jederzeit selbst ausloschen kann, und (...)
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    Amistad, ēthos e igualdad en la discusión aristotélica de las politeiai democráticas.Elena Irrera - forthcoming - Araucaria.
    Este artículo analiza el papel que tiene la atención hacia el ēthos de los ciudadanos en la creación y la conservación de los regímenes políticos por parte de una actividad legislativa virtuosa, haciendo especial hincapié en las formas de gobierno democráticas. Para desarrollar esta idea, me centraré en la idea de la “amistad política”, que Aristóteles examina en sus obras éticas en relación con la facultad de la actividad legislativa virtuosa de moldear los hábitos de los ciudadanos. El análisis de (...)
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    Ethos versus Habitus: the Ethical Component in Max Weber’s “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”.I. V. Zabaev & E. A. Kostrova - 2020 - Sociology of Power 32 (4):45-67.
    This article focuses on Max Weber’s understanding of “ethos” in “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism” and the benefits afforded by this concept. The reference is not accidental as it is in this work that Weber could consistently explicate his ethical argument. The idea of ethos becomes clearer in comparison with the concept of habitus, which is actively used today in social science. It is shown that the distinction between ethos and habitus may be more (...)
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    A educação do ethos na Antígona de Sófocles.Luis Fernando Biasoli - 2021 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 21 (2):433-443.
    Sophocles' Antigone, written around 441-440 B.C. is the most studied and interpreted tragedy in the history of classical theater. There are diverse interpretive angles and analysis that at 2500 BCE challenge exegetes and scholars from the various fields of human knowledge. The way the play is, interpretatively, received varies according to the interests of the time in which it is studied and staged. The objective of this work, by means of a hermeneutic-dialectic analysis of literature review, is to present possible (...)
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    Friendship, ēthos and equality in Aristotle’s treatment of democratic politeiai.Elena Irrera - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (49).
    The aim of this essay is to bring to light the role played by concern for the ēthos of citizens in the establishment and preservation of regimes by virtuous legislative activity, with special reference to democratic forms of government. To this goal, I will lay stress on the idea of “political friendship”, which Aristotle explores in his ethical works in relation to the power of virtuous legislative activity to shape the habits of citizens. An analysis of different types of democratic (...)
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    Global Ethos, Leadership Styles, and Values: a Conceptual Framework for Overcoming the Twofold Bias of Leadership Ethics.Friedrich Glauner - 2018 - Humanistic Management Journal 3 (2):203-220.
    The philosophical nature of ethical reasoning generates different definitions of moral subjectivity. Thus any talk of leadership ethics requires not only that we confront biases regarding human nature and the purpose of leadership and business conduct, but also differing ethical approaches which may be rooted in specific cultural and religious backgrounds. Building a conceptual framework for leadership ethics which overcomes these obstacles of bias and cultural embeddedness therefore requires another approach. It can be found in the concept of the Global (...)
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    Academic Ethos in the Times of the McDonaldisation of Universities – a Few Reflections on the Consequences of the Economisation and Financialisation of Science.Krystyna Nizioł - 2022 - Ruch Filozoficzny 77 (4):113-131.
    Historically, universities not only played an educational and research role, but also created culture. It was also expressed by the academic ethos. At the same time, along with the advancement of the globalisation of economic processes, there is a tendency to apply the market approach in their case, which results in the economisation and financialisation of science. The clash of these two worlds, i.e. the academic ethos embedded in academic values ​​and the economic approach to the functions of (...)
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    El ethos del republicanismo cosmopolita: perspectivas euroamericanas sobre Kant.José Luis Villacañas, Nuria Sánchez Madrid & Julia Muñoz (eds.) - 2021 - Berlin: Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.
    Este volumen enfoca el carácter inacabado de la teoría cosmopolita de Kant, con el propósito de propiciar nuevas vías de construcción política multilateral, e indaga en las fuentes y consecuencias del ethos del republicanismo cosmopolita kantiano.
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    El Ethos Filosófico.Danilo Guzmán - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 24:137-145.
    Nuestra tradición filosófica ha funcionando como un mito de la racionalidady no como un desarrollo de la racionalidad misma. Esta tradición muestratodas las características típicas de los sistemas mítico–mágicos. Sólo uncambio de condiciones sociales podría permitir el surgimiento de unaracionalidad genuina. De manera inversa, sólo el surgimiento de unaracionalidad genuina, podría producir el surgimiento de las condicionessociales apropiadas en las que la racionalidad pueda prosperar. No puedehaber un desarrollo filosófico genuino al margen de las condiciones socialesapropiadas. Se intenta aquí hacer (...)
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    The ethos and ethics of translational research.Jane Maienschein, Mary Sunderland, Rachel A. Ankeny & Jason Scott Robert - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (3):43 – 51.
    Calls for the “translation” of research from bench to bedside are increasingly demanding. What is translation, and why does it matter? We sketch the recent history of outcome-oriented translational research in the United States, with a particular focus on the Roadmap Initiative of the National Institutes of Health (Bethesda, MD). Our main example of contemporary translational research is stem cell research, which has superseded genomics as the translational object of choice. We explore the nature of and obstacles to translational research (...)
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    Whose Ethos for Public Goods in the Global Economy?Georges Enderle - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (1):131-144.
    Abstract:The discussion of the global economy and worldwide expansion of the capitalist and market economic system barely deals with the topic of public goods, although they are of paramount importance precisely in this international setting. Fortunately, the theory of public economics systematically developed the central concept of the public good with its far-reaching implications so that this knowledge can be applied also to global issues. In order to treat these often vaguely discussed issues, a typology of international relations is proposed. (...)
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    Social Ethic or Spiritual Ethos? Non-Orthodox Christian and Coptic Orthodox Perspectives.Stephen M. Meawad - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (2):253-265.
    This article modestly anticipates the still-unfolding reception of the laudable document For the Life of the World: Toward a Social Ethos of the Orthodox Church by two broadly-envisioned communities—those of non-Orthodox Christians and Coptic Orthodox Christians. There is much to be commended by the former, especially regarding the document's balanced assessment amidst complicated issues uncharted in the Orthodox world. This balance is possible through the effective coalescence of a theocentric worldview, a comfort with mystery, and a loosely-defined Orthodox anthropology. (...)
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    (1 other version)Ethos y Formalismo de la Ciencia Económica: El caso de la Teoría de la Elección Racional.Christian Escobar Jiménez - 2016 - Revista de Filosofía 72:5-24.
    El presente trabajo desarrolla varios aspectos epistemológicos de la Teoría de la Elección Racional. Se da una perspectiva histórica de la tradición científica occidental en la cual se inscribe la misma, ligándose profundamente a la epistemología idealista y racionalista. Se incluye también un repaso a la revisión crítica de la "racionalidad limitada" opuesta a la TER y de algunos elementos de estudios en psicología aplicados a la economía que contradicen los supuestos de la racionalidad sustantiva. Por último, se hace un (...)
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    Ethos of the Polish Unitarians: A Chance for Today.Lesław Kawalec - 2009 - Dialogue and Universalism 19 (10):111-120.
    This article sets out to propose some characteristic features of the intellectual and ethical attitudes which, in the popular belief and scholarly communities alike, stand for ideals worthy of promoting as ones which could underpin a modern society where both believers and unbelievers can feel at home. The “ethos” is construed to be about the sort of behaviour logically stemming from a tolerant outlook on the one hand, and an intellectual commitment to a noble cause worthy of one’s efforts, (...)
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  35. The ethos of post-normal science.Nicolas Kønig, Tom Børsen & Claus Emmeche - 2017 - Futures - the Journal of Policy Planning and Futures Studies 91:12-24.
    The norms and values of Post-Normal Science (PNS) are instrumental in guiding science advice practices. In this article, we report work in progress to systematically investigate the norms and values of PNS through a structured review. An archive of 397 documents was collected, including documents that contribute to the endeavour of ameliorating science advice practices from a PNS perspective. Action and structure-oriented viewpoints are used as complementing perspectives in the analysis of the ethos of PNS. From the action-perspective we (...)
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    Aesthetic Value, Ethos, and Phil Collins.Per F. Broman - 2013 - In Robert Arp & Kevin S. Decker, The Ultimate South Park and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 247–259.
    This chapter talks about the power of music, how characters in South Park use it in telling stories, and how music conveys ideas in the context of Western philosophy. But South Park does raise questions about music that philosophers— particularly Plato—have dealt with again and again. Despite their flaws, these Greek thinkers' views were instrumental to asking questions about music's impact (often referred to as ethos), its mathematical properties in relation to the universe, and how these two aspects interact (...)
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    Ethos e Self em três orações em defesa das mulheres no renascimento.Ana Leticia Adami - 2022 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 41 (2):45-57.
    É largamente reconhecido no interior dos estudos das Humanidades, em especial no campo da Filosofia, a lacuna deixada acerca da compreensão do papel das mulheres e da sua produção intelectual no pensamento filosófico. Tal preocupação deve-se, em grande parte, à produção divulgada por outras áreas de estudos, como as de gênero e da teoria feminista. No caso do campo filosófico, trata-se de reconhecer que a história da filosofia nunca foi feita só por homens, ainda mais quando se tratou da defesa (...)
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  38. Das Ethos in Platons Nomoi.Max Maureira - 2012 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 38 (1):65-85.
    In jeder Lebensform spielt der Mensch. Sobald er diese Lebensform thematisiert, verschwindet sie aber. Die ursprüngliche wird durch eine neue Lebensform ersetzt, die somit nicht mehr unmittelbar ist. In Platons Nomoi ist diese Thematisierung die Aufgabe des Gesetzgebers. Er kennt die erste Lebensform (êthos) und ist deswegen in der Lage sie – durch den Logos (lógos) – zu verändern. Er errichtet die Gesetze in Anwesenheit des abwesenden Ethos. Im vorliegenden Beitrag soll gezeigt werden, inwiefern dies in Platons Nomoi geschieht (...)
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    Ethos, Bioethics, and Sexual Ethics in Work and Reception of the Anatomist Niels Stensen.Frank Sobiech - 2016 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a unique and comprehensive outline of the ethos, the bioethics and the sexual ethics of the renowned anatomist and founder of modern geology, Niels Stensen. It tells the story of a student who is forced to defend himself against his professor who tries to plagiarize his first discovery, the “Ductus Stenonis”: the first performance test for the young researcher. The focal points are questions of bioethics, especially with regard to human reproduction, sexual ethics, the beginning of (...)
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    Das Ethos der Bundesärztekammer: eine Untersuchung ihrer Verlautbarungen zu Themen des Lebensanfangs und Lebensendes.Fabian Kliesch - 2013 - Göttingen: Edition Ruprecht.
    Der Fokus dieser theologischen Analyse der ethischen Argumentationen und Positionen der deutschen Ärzteschaft seit 1945 liegt auf den Grenzen des Lebens und den entsprechenden Richtlinien und Stellungnahmen der Bundesärztekammer (BÄK). Welche Positionen und Begründungsmuster haben sich gewandelt - welche nicht? Was waren aktuelle Auslöser - welche Tendenzen zeichnen sich für das ärztliche Ethos ab? Welche Parallelen und Differenzen zu anderen Institutionen ergeben sich? Im Zentrum stehen zwei methodische Herangehensweisen: Eine detaillierte Analyse der historischen...
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    Ethos: Aristotele e il determinismo.Pierluigi Donini - 1989 - Edizioni dell'Orso.
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    Gramática del ethos y comunidad ética en Julio de Zan.Andrés Crelier - 2019 - Tópicos:5-24.
    El presente trabajo realiza una reconstrucción de la filosofía práctica de Julio De Zan poniendo de relieve su filiación kantiana y deteniéndose en cuatro momentos teóricos. En primer lugar, se presenta la noción de una “gramática del ethos”, mediante la cual De Zan presenta –siguiendo a Kant– los aspectos formales de su perspectiva. En segundo lugar, se discute el modo en que De Zan toma en cuenta las críticas a Kant desde la filosofía hegeliana, y el modo en que (...)
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  43. Central-European Ethos: Equality, Social Emergence and Claims to Justice.Piotr Machura - 2010 - In Jarmila Jurova, Milan Jozek, Andrzej Kiepas & Piotr Machura, Central-European Ethos or Local Traditions: Equality, Justice. Albert. pp. 16-25.
    My aim in this paper is to discuss the general idea of a Central-European ethos in comparison with the values that shaped the contemporary form of Western societies. My argument is threefold. First, I briefly discuss the emergent character of Western modernization. Second, I pinpoint those historical and material conditions that have shaped the general situation of Central Europe in the last two hundred years in order to indicate their influence on what Charles Taylor calls "social imaginaries", shared by (...)
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    Katolički ethos i umjetnost.Vlaho Kovačević - 2011 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 31 (2):427-445.
    U članku se kritički promišlja predaja katoličkog ethosa iz vlastitih pretpostavki. Tematizirajući katolički ethos iz mišljenja bitka suvremenog čovjeka na temelju umjetnosti u modernom i postmodernom dobu pokušava se razumjeti katolički ethos u horizontu ljudske egzistencije post-modernog doba. Time nam je otvoren prostor za njegovo razumijevanje iz postojanja umjetnosti u post-modernom dobu. Problematizirajući katolički ethos i umjetnost u post-modernom dobu iz njihovog ontološkog statusa unutar položaja u bitku suvremenog čovjeka bilo je potrebno distingvirati i naznačiti razliku i (...)
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  45. What would a Rawlsian ethos of justice look like?Michael G. Titelbaum - 2008 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 36 (3):289-322.
    A response to G.A. Cohen's argument that a prevailing "ethos" of justice would prevent a Rawlsian just society from having any income inequalities. I suggest that Cohen's argument fails because a Rawlsian ethos would involve correlates of both of Rawls' principles of justice.
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    Un enseignement personnalisé et communautaire.Pierre Faure - 1979 - [Paris]: Casterman.
    Il est de plus en plus fréquent d'entendre parler d'éducation individualisée en même temps que communautaire grâce à l'échange et à l'entraide. Cet ouvrage présente sur le sujet une documentation très fouillée; la 1ère partie fait part des fondements et précurseurs de la méthode, les réalisations font l'objet de la 2e partie et tous les documents et exemples ont été placés en 3e partie.
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    The Ethos of Medicine in Postmodern America: Philosophical, Cultural, and Social Considerations.Arnold R. Eiser - 2013 - Lexington Books.
    The Ethos of Medicine in Postmodern America is an analysis of medical care, medical education and medical professionalism with reference to the cultural touchstones of the postmodern era: consumerism, computerization, destruction of meta-narratives, and “stakeholder late capitalism.” The prism of postmodern thought provides a powerful heuristic to grasp the fundamental changes that have occurred and substantively changed the ethos of healthcare delivery, the patient-physician relationship, the physician-corporate entanglement, and the addition of more stakeholders in healthcare delivery.
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    The Ēthos/Pathos Distinction in Rhetorical And Literary Criticism.Christopher Gill - 1984 - Classical Quarterly 34 (01):149-.
    Jasper Griffin, in his recent book on Homer, has suggested that modern critics would do well to pay more attention to the localized insights and the general critical framework of the ancient Greek commentators. In a previous article, ‘Homeric Pathos and Objectivity’, he claimed to show, by careful study of those passages in which the scholiasts found λεος, οκτος or πάθος, that ‘the ancient scholars were right to regard pathos as one of the most important elements in the Iliad’. also (...)
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    The ethos of business students.Jelle Baardewijk & Gjalt Graaf - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 30 (2):188-201.
    Business schools are the “nurseries” of the corporate world. This article offers an empirical analysis of the business student ethos on the basis of research conducted at three Dutch universities. A theoretical framework in the tradition of virtue ethics and dubbed “moral ethology” is used to identify the values business schools convey to their students. The central research question is: What types of ethos do Dutch business students have? Forty‐three undergraduate students participated in Q‐methodological research, a mixed qualitative–quantitative (...)
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  50. Ethos des Künstlers und Ethos der Kunst.Klaus Heitmann - 1962 - Münster, Westfalen,: Aschendorff.
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