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Jan Masschelein [53]J. Masschelein [2]
  1. Page, text and screen in the university: Revisiting the Illich hypothesis.Lavinia Marin, Jan Masschelein & Maarten Simons - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (1):49-60.
    In the age of web 2.0, the university is constantly challenged to re-adapt its ‘old-fashioned’ pedagogies to the new possibilities opened up by digital technologies. This article proposes a rethinking of the relation between university and (digital) technologies by focusing not on how technologies function in the university, but on their constituting a meta-condition for the existence of the university pedagogy of inquiry. Following Ivan Illich’s idea that textual technologies played a crucial role in the inception of the university, we (...)
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  2. Do we (still) need the concept of bildung?Jan Masschelein & Norbert Ricken - 2003 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 35 (2):139–154.
  3. E-ducating the gaze: the idea of a poor pedagogy.Jan Masschelein - 2010 - Ethics and Education 5 (1):43-53.
    Educating the gaze is easily understood as becoming conscious about what is 'really' happening in the world and becoming aware of the way our gaze is itself bound to a perspective and particular position. However, the paper explores a different idea. It understands educating the gaze not in the sense of 'educare' (teaching) but of 'e-ducere' as leading out, reaching out. E-ducating the gaze is not about getting at a liberated or critical view, but about liberating or displacing our view. (...)
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  4.  71
    How to conceive of critical educational theory today?Jan Masschelein - 2004 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 38 (3):351–367.
    This paper starts from a brief sketch of the ‘classical’ figure of critical educational theory or science (Kritische Erziehungswissenshaft). ‘Critical educational theory’ presents itself as the privileged guardian of the critical principle of education (Bildung) and its emancipatory promise. It involves the possibility of saying ‘I’ in order to speak and think in one's own name, to be critical, self-reflective and independent, to determine dependence from the present power relations and existing social order. Actual social and educational reality and relations (...)
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    Education in times of fast learning: the future of the school.Jan Masschelein & Maarten Simons - 2015 - Ethics and Education 10 (1):84-95.
    Against the background of the many attacks on the school as being outdated, alienating, ineffective and reproducing inequalities we offer a morphological understanding of the school as distinguished from functionalist understandings and idealistic understandings. Our educational morphology approaches the school as a particular scholastic ‘form of gathering’ i.e. a particular time–space–matter arrangement that deals in a specific way with the new generation, allows for a particular relation to the world, and for a particular experience of potentiality and of commonality. We (...)
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  6. An Adequate Education in a Globalised World? A Note on Immunisation Against Being–Together.Jan Masschelein & Maarten Simons - 2002 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 36 (4):589-608.
    The article starts from the questions: what is it to be an inhabitant or citizen of a globalised world, and how are we to think of education in relation to such inhabitants? We examine more specifically the so–called ‘European area of higher education’ that is on the way to being established and that can be regarded as a concrete example of a process of globalisation. In the first part of the paper we try to show that the discursive horizon, and (...)
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  7. Experimentum Scholae: The World Once More … But Not (Yet) Finished.Jan Masschelein - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (5):529-535.
    Inspired by Hannah Arendt, this contribution offers an exercise of thought as an attempt to distil anew the original spirit of what education means. It tries to articulate the event or happening that the word names, the experiences in which this happening manifests itself and the (material) forms that constitute it or make it find/take (its) place. Starting from the meaning of scholè as ‘free time’ or ‘undestined and unfinished time’ it further explores scholè as the time of attention which (...)
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    The discourse of the learning society and the loss of childhood.Jan Masschelein - 2001 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 35 (1):1–20.
    I argue that Hannah Arendt's analysis of the development of modern society illuminates one aspect of prevailing educational discourse. We can understand the ‘learning society’ as both an effect and an instrument of the logic of ‘bare biological life’ or zoé that Arendt claims is the ultimate point of reference for modern society. In such a society we seem to live permanently under the threat of social exclusion, being permanently put in the position of learners or problem-solvers, without the right (...)
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  9.  89
    Critical Theory and Critical Pedagogy.Nigel Blake & Jan Masschelein - 2002 - In Nigel Blake, Paul Smeyers, Richard D. Smith & Paul Standish, The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 38–56.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Characteristics and Development of Critical Theory The Educational Relevance of Critical Theory Distinctive Insights and Contributions Differing Receptions of Critical Theory Critical Theory and the Student Movement An “Other” Critical Pedagogy?
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    The adventure of study: thinking with artifices in a Palestinian experimental university.Hans Schildermans, Maarten Simons & Jan Masschelein - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (2):184-197.
    ABSTRACTThe question concerning the relation between thinking and the university is the starting point of this paper. After a very brief outline of some reflections on this topic, the case of Campus in Camps, a Palestinian experimental university, is presented to shed light on this issue. Inspired by Isabelle Stengers’ ecology of practices, it is possible to discern four requirements on thinking in the work of Campus in Camps, namely storytelling, comparing, mapping, and using. It will be argued that the (...)
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  11.  70
    From schools to learning environments: the dark side of being exceptional.Maarten Simons & Jan Masschelein - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 42 (3-4):687-704.
    Schools and classrooms, as well as the work place and the Internet, are considered today as learning environments . People are regarded as learners and the main target of school education has become 'learning' pupils and students how to learn. The roles of teachers and lecturers are redefined as instructors, designers of (powerful) learning environments and facilitators or coaches of learning processes. The aim of this paper is to argue that the current self-understanding in terms of learning environments is not (...)
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  12. The learning society from the perspective of governmentality.Jan Masschelein, Maarten Simons, Ulrich Bröckling & Ludwig Pongratz - 2006 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 38 (4):415–415.
    This collection of essays considers a variety of educational ideas and programs from the perspective of governmentality, integrating conceptual and theoretical insights and empirical investigation of policy documents, and government technologies. Considers different educational ideas of enlightenment, creativity, participation, inclusion, learning, and critique Offers an overview of French philosopher Michel Foucault’s theory on governmentality and how his ideas apply to current developments in society and education Investigates the intrinsic relationship between intellectual and practical educational technologies A study of how educational (...)
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  13.  58
    Experience and the limits of governmentality.Jan Masschelein - 2006 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 38 (4):561–576.
    Following Foucault, ‘critique’ could be regarded as being the art not to be governed in this way or as a project of desubjectivation. In this paper it is shown how such a project could be described as an e‐ducative practice. It explores this idea through an example which Foucault himself gave of such a critical practice: the writing of ‘experience books’. Thus it appears that such an e‐ducative practice is a ‘dangerous’, public and uncomfortable practice that is not in need (...)
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  14. The Learning Society and Governmentality: An introduction.Maarten Simons & Jan Masschelein - 2006 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 38 (4):417-430.
    This paper presents an overview of the elements which characterize a research attitude and approach introduced by Michel Foucault and further developed as ‘studies of governmentality’ into a sub‐discipline of the humanities during the past decade, including also applications in the field of education. The paper recalls Foucault's introduction of the notion of ‘governmentality’ and its relation to the ‘mapping of the present’ and sketches briefly the way in which the studies of governmentality have been elaborated in general and in (...)
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  15.  96
    (1 other version)Governmental, political and pedagogic subjectivation: Foucault with Rancière.Jan Masschelein - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (5-6):588-605.
    Starting from a Foucaultian perspective, the article draws attention to current developments that neutralise democracy through the 'governmentalisation of democracy' and processes of 'governmental subjectivation'. Here, ideas of Rancière are introduced in order to clarify how democracy takes place through the paradoxical process of 'political subjectivation', that is, a disengagement with governmental subjectivation through the verification of one's equality in demonstrating a wrong. We will argue that democracy takes place through the paradoxical process of political subjectivation, and that today's consensus (...)
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  16.  32
    The agencement of taskification: On new forms of reading and writing in BYOD schools.Samira Alirezabeigi, Jan Masschelein & Mathias Decuypere - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (14):1514-1525.
    The proliferation of digital devices in educational settings has contributed to the decentralization of knowledge from teachers and established textbooks to fluid online personalized resources, and...
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    Rejuvenating and regenerating on-campus education. Why particular forms of pedagogical life matter.Jan Masschelein - 2023 - Ethics and Education 18 (1):28-44.
    The pandemic implied an acceleration of the impending devastation of various forms of public pedagogical life attached to the campus, changing the ecology of study and affecting the sense-ability and response-ability of the university as an ‘association for/to study’ (‘universitas studii’). This contribution sketches two developments that play a role in this weakening of pedagogical life: the establishment and expansion of a hyper-modern learning factory and the creation of the figure of the independent learner. It is suggested that the rejuvenation (...)
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  18.  61
    Can education still be critical?Jan Masschelein - 2000 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 34 (4):603–616.
    The article investigates how two different conceptions of the edifying potential of education attempt to take into account the normative dimension of scientific knowledge. In the first conception it is the demand for truth that is edifying, whereas in the second concept it is a distinctively ethical demand. It is argued that the first concept in the end implies the subjection of education to the ‘brutality of facticity’, under which it risks losing its critical point. The second conception, drawing on (...)
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  19.  70
    Education as Invitation to Speak: On the Teacher Who Does Not Speak.Nancy Vansieleghem & Jan Masschelein - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (1):85-99.
    As a response to Le Fils, a film directed by the Dardenne brothers (), we explore the idea of speaking as an invitation and juxtapose it against ideas of speaking as a transactional, calculative, calibrated, activity. Speaking tends to be understood as a relatively straightforward matter: as a means of communication structured by such values as the reciprocal balancing of rights and obligations, of clear communication of information, of the gaining of insight into what is happening. Speaking, then, is a (...)
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  20.  66
    Participation for better or for worse?Jan Masschelein & Kerlijn Quaghebeur - 2005 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 39 (1):51–65.
    The increasing emphasis on participation in education offers the starting point for this paper. Participation appears to be a strategic notion in a particular problematisation of education: this is installed through certain ways of speaking and writing (discourse) and through certain procedures, instruments and techniques that are proposed and developed in different places and spaces (technology). Participation is thereby claimed to empower individuals and to emancipate the child or the student from dominant regimes of power, including liberating them from oppressive (...)
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  21.  26
    Education and globalisation.Jan Masschelein - 2002 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 36 (4):565-584.
  22.  42
    The relevance of Habermas' communicative turn.J. Masschelein - 1991 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 11 (2):95-111.
    This paper points out the way in which ‘educational’ and ‘communicative action’ are to be related. It is shown that earlier attempts to put Habermas’ ideas to use have led to a dead end because they do not realize clearly that the new basic notion introduced by Habermas, namely ‘communicative action’, is the expression of a ‘communicative turn’. It is argued that Habermas' concept expresses a radical new attempt to grasp the intersubjective character of social action. Next implications of this (...)
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  23.  76
    Reflectivity, Reflection, and Counter-Education.Ilan Gu-Ze'ev, Jan Masschelein & Nigel Blake - 2001 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 20 (2):93-106.
    This article sets forward a new concept of reflection, to be contrasted with more usual reading of the concept for which we use the term `reflectivity'. The contrast is related to a distinction between normalizing education and counter-education. We claim that within the framework of normalizing education there is no room for reflection, but only for reflectivity. In contrast to reflectivity, reflection manifests a struggle of the subject against the effects of power which govern the constitution of her conceptual apparatus, (...)
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    Individualization, singularization and e-ducation.Jan Masschelein - 1996 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 15 (1):97-105.
    It is commonly supposed that acting and judging ought to rest on a community-wide, binding definition of what is right and respectable, that is, a substantial consensus. Such consensus is thought possible only when we engage shared values and criteria, when we use knowledge and abilities appropriated through education. On this view, education deals with the reproduction of consensus and, hence, with the passing on of traditions and norms. On my view, we need to question the framework in which the (...)
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    The ethos of critical research and the idea of a coming research community.M. Simons, J. Masschelein & K. Quaghebeur - 2005 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 37 (6):817–832.
    Critical educational research offers the researcher a position and an ethos of comfort. Even the declared recognition of the relativity of principles, norms or criteria so characteristic of much critical research does not prevent it from looking immediately for a way out of this uncomfortable situation i.e. to keep to the idea that comfort is needed and desirable. However, we suggest that this uncomfortable condition is constitutive for critical educational research and may be even for education as such. Therefore the (...)
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  26. Hatred of democracy ... And of the public role of education. Introduction to the special issue on Jacques Rancière.Jan Masschelein - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (5):509-522.
    The article presents an introduction to the Special Issue on the French philosopher Jacques Rancière who raises a provocative voice in the current public debate on democracy, equality and education. Instead of merely criticizing current practices and discourses, the attractiveness of Rancière's work is that he does try to formulate in a positive way what democracy is about, how equality can be a pedagogic or educational (instead of policy) concern, and what the public and democratic role of education is. His (...)
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  27. Some notes on the university as studium : a place of collective public study.Jan Masschelein - 2017 - In Claudia Ruitenberg, Reconceptualizing study in educational discourse and practice. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    ‚Je viens de voir, je viens d'entendre '. Erfahrungen im Niemandsland.Jan Masschelein - 2004 - In Norbert Ricken & Markus Rieger-Ladich, Michel Foucault: pädagogische Lektüren. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. pp. 95--115.
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  29. Inclusive education for exclusive pupils: A critical analysis of the government of the exceptional.Maarten Simons & Jan Masschelein - 2005 - In Shelley Tremain, _Foucault and the Government of Disability_. University of Michigan Press. pp. 208--28.
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    Nossas Crianças Não São Nossas Crianças Ou Porque a Escolar Não É Um Ambiente de Aprendizagem.Jan Masschelein & Maarten Simons - 2015 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 23:282-297.
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    The Democracy of the Flesh: Laughter as an Educational and Public Event.Joris Vlieghe, Maarten Simons & Jan Masschelein - 2009 - Philosophy of Education 65:204-212.
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    A Política da Skholé: Repensando o Caráter Político da Educação Escolar a Partir de Jacques Rancière.José Miguel Vargas Pellicer, Jan Masschelein & Maarten Simons - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-30.
    Neste artigo, nosso objetivo é mergulhar no caráter político da educação escolar a partir de uma discussão pedagógica-filosófica. Buscamos repensar as noções de política e skholé, nos distanciando das abordagens mais comuns da política em relação à educação escolar: não apenas evitando, por um lado, a redução da política a uma questão de dinâmicas de poder, uma arena para discutir e resolver problemas sociais ou uma questão de governamentalidade; mas também evitando a redução da escola a um instrumento a favor (...)
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    Introduction: Hatred of Democracy…and of the Public Role of Education?Maarten Simons & Jan Masschelein - 2011 - In Maarten Simons & Jan Masschelein, Rancire, Public Education and the Taming of Democracy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–14.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Of Masters, Intellectuals and Inequality On Lessons, Equality, Democracy Focus and Contributions to the book Notes Acknowledgement References Bibliography Jacques Rancière.
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    World-oriented fieldwork in education. The case of writing (about) computers.Rembert Dejans, Maarten Simons & Jan Masschelein - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 58 (6):996-1014.
    This article examines how the practice of fieldwork can enable researchers to attend to the educational environment of the school in a world-oriented way, rather than take an explanatory or demystifying approach that spirals away from what happens in the world. Finding new ways and new vocabularies to approach educational realities gains a special urgency in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), a country whose social fabric is often analysed in terms of a lack: the Congolese state is considered weak (...)
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    Erziehungsphilosophie im Umbruch: Beiträge zur Neufassung des Erziehungsbegriffs.Jan Masschelein, Jörg Ruhloff, Alfred Schäfer & René Vincente Arcilla (eds.) - 2000 - Weinheim: Deutscher Studien Verlag.
  36.  40
    For education.Jan Masschelein - 1997 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 31 (3):505–514.
    Book reviewed: Carr, Wilfred, For Education: Towards Critical Educational Inquiry.
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    On the Experience of School Study.Jan Masschelein - 2012 - Philosophy of Education 68:110-112.
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    The Strategy of the Inclusive Education Apparatus.Jan Masschelein & Maarten Simons - 2005 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 24 (2):117-138.
  39.  23
    Experiências de escola: Uma tentativa de encontrar Uma voz pedagógica.Maarten Simons & Jan Masschelein - 2017 - Childhood and Philosophy 13 (28).
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    In de ban van het leren. Over biopolitiek en beleid van levenslang leren.Maarten Simons & Jan Masschelein - 2009 - Krisis 3:23-38.
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    Rancire, Public Education and the Taming of Democracy.Maarten Simons & Jan Masschelein (eds.) - 2011 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Rancière, Public Education and the Taming of Democracy_ introduces the political and educational ideas of Jacques Rancière, a leading philosopher increasingly important in educational theory. In light of his ideas, the volume explores the current concern for democracy and equality in relation to education. The book introduces and discusses the works of Jacques Rancière, a leading philosopher increasingly important in the field of educational theory and philosophy The volume will have a broad appeal to those in the field of education (...)
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  42. Teaching and Knowledge: A Necessary Combination? An Elaboration of Forms of Teachers’ Reflexivity. [REVIEW]Ilse Geerinck, Jan Masschelein & Maarten Simons - 2010 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 29 (4):379-393.