Results for ' end of art, Danto, essentialism'

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  1.  51
    End-of-Art Philosophy in Hegel, Nietzsche and Danto.Stephen Snyder - 2018 - Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book examines the little understood end-of-art theses of Hegel, Nietzsche, and Danto. The end-of-art claim is often associated with the end of a certain standard of taste or skill. However, at a deeper level, it relates to a transformation in how we philosophically understand our relation to the ‘world’. Hegel, Nietzsche, and Danto each strive philosophically to overcome Cartesian dualism, redrawing the traditional lines between mind and matter. Hegel sees the overcoming of the material in the ideal, Nietzsche levels (...)
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    Art as appearance: Two comments on Arthur C. Danto's after the end of art.Martin R. Seel - 1998 - History and Theory 37 (4):102–114.
    In his latest book about art Arthur Danto claims that aesthetic appearance-visuality in the visual arts-has become more and more irrelevant for most of contemporary art. This essay first immanently critiques the distinction between the aesthetic and artistic properties underlying this claim. Danto's claim about the irrelevance of the aesthetic is not compatible with the spirit of his own writings: what Danto denies in After the End of Art has been a cornerstone of his theoretical work since The Transfiguration of (...)
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  3. Vindicating the Historical Condition of Art and its Consequences: Hegel’s Influence on Danto’s Philosophical System.Raquel Cascales - 2022 - Rivista di Estetica 79:121-136.
    While Hegel’s influence on Arthur Danto has been examined in relation to specific parts of his thought, an overall analysis of said influence is still wanting. In this article, I analyze the presence of Hegelian influence in Danto’s complete thought from three perspectives: (1) Danto’s acceptance of Hegelian assumptions when it comes to the conception of history, narrative realism and historical progress, which allows him to combine timeless essentialism with historicism, (2) the cognitive aspect of art and the conception (...)
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    Essentialism and historicism in Danto's philosophy of art.Michael Kelly - 1998 - History and Theory 37 (4):30–43.
    Arthur C. Danto has long defended essentialism in the philosophy of art, yet he has been interpreted by many as a historicist. This essentialism/historicism conflict in the interpretation of his work reflects the same conflict both within his thought and, more importantly, within modern art itself. Danto's strategy for resolving this conflict involves, among other things, a Bildungsroman of modern art failing to discover its essence, an essentialist definition of art provided by philosophy which is indemnified against history, (...)
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    Dopo la fine dell’arte?Stefano Ferrando - 2024 - Rivista di Estetica 86 (86):182-195.
    The article focuses on the theme of the “End of Art” in the philosophy of Arthur C. Danto, a concept he developed in his writing in the mid-1980s. Departing from the historical framework developed since Analytical Philosophy of History (1965) and adopting an interpretive Hegelian approach to the construction of history, Danto’s thought grapples with several contradictions. These contradictions encompass the notion of the “End of Art”, ultimately leading to a reduction of art to an idealized level. Consequently, this highlights (...)
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    The end of art and beyond: essays after Danto.Arto Haapala, Jerrold Levinson & Veikko Rantala (eds.) - 1997 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    The first half of this collection addresses these themes as given voice by the philosopher and critic Arthur Danto, while the second part contains essays of a more independent cast which assume a variety of stating points aimed at illuminating the theoreticity, temporality, computability, and abstract possibilities of present and future arts.
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  7. After the End of Art: Contemporary Art and the Pale of History.Arthur C. Danto - 2001 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 59 (2):214-215.
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    Arthur Danto, the End of Art, and the Philosophical View of History.Chiel van den Akker - 2019 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 13 (2):235-256.
    This essay takes Arthur Danto’s end-of-art thesis as a case in point of a substantive philosophy of history. Such philosophy explains the direction that art has taken and why that direction could not have been different. Danto never scrutinized the philosophy of history that his end-of-art thesis presumes. I aim to do that by drawing a distinction between what I refer to as the common view of history and the philosophical view of history, and by arguing that we need the (...)
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  9. The end of art: A philosophical defense.Arthur C. Danto - 1998 - History and Theory 37 (4):127–143.
    This essay constructs philosophical defenses against criticisms of my theory of the end of art. These have to do with the definition of art; the concept of artistic quality; the role of aesthetics; the relationship between philosophy and art; how to answer the question "But is it art?"; the difference between the end of art and "the death of painting"; historical imagination and the future; the method of using indiscernible counterparts, like Warhol's Brillo Box and the Brillo cartons it resembles; (...)
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    After the End of Art: Contemporary Art and the Pale of History.Arthur Coleman Danto - 1997 - Princeton University Press.
    Over a decade ago, Arthur Danto announced that art ended in the sixties. Ever since this declaration, he has been at the forefront of a radical critique of the nature of art in our time. After the End of Art presents Danto's first full-scale reformulation of his original insight, showing how, with the eclipse of abstract expressionism, art has deviated irrevocably from the narrative course that Vasari helped define for it in the Renaissance. Moreover, he leads the way to a (...)
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    Stephen Snyder, End-of-Art Philosophy in Hegel, Nietzsche and Danto.Šárka Lojdová - 2019 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 56 (2):263-272.
    A review of Stephen Snyder’s End-of-Art Philosophy in Hegel, Nietzsche and Danto.
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    La storia dell’arte dopo la fine della storia dell’arte.Luca Marchetti - 2021 - Rivista di Estetica 77:110-123.
    Danto’s philosophy of history of art has undergone several transformations. It is possible to distinguish three “phases”: in the first, history is considered an a posteriori construction (see Analytical Philosophy of History). In the second phase, history becomes an internal development within art itself. In this case, with the end of history, art dissolves into its own philosophy (see The Philosophical Disenfranchisement of Art). In the third phase, history is still an internal development, but now, with the end of history, (...)
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  13. Arthur Danto and the End of Art.Raquel Cascales - 2019 - Newcastle upon Tyne, Reino Unido: Cambridge Scholar Publishing.
    To get a comprehensive understanding of the core concept of “the end of art”, this book analyses the intellectual trajectory of Arthur Danto, highlighting his successive achievements in philosophy of action, philosophy of history and philosophy of art. If, as Danto says, everything is extensively associated with everything else, it is impossible to avoid putting the philosophy of art in relation with his whole philosophical system. -/- .
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  14. The Development of the Sense of 'the End of Art’ in Arthur Danto.Raquel Cascales - 2018 - Rivista di Estetica 68 (2):131-148.
    The striking title The End of Art managed to draw attention to the philosophical work of Arthur Danto. However, the lack of a systematic development which could support this thesis made him face harsh criticism. However, strong foundations for his statements can be deduced from his writings. In this paper, I analyse how to understand the thesis of the ‘end of art’. It should be approached not as a monolitical notion but as a complex concept that combines three different senses: (...)
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  15. The End Of Art Revisited:
 A Response To Kalle Puolakka.Hans Maes - 2005 - Postgraduate Journal of Aesthetics 2 (3).
    In ‘The End of Art: A Real Problem or Not Really a Problem?’ I raised some questions about Arthur Danto’s famous ‘end of art’ thesis. A largely polemical paper, it was intended as an invitation to further discussion, and Kalle Puolakka has now taken up this invitation in ‘Playing The Game After The End of Art’. I thank him for his many insightful remarks. Critical comments are typically more interesting and helpful than simple praise, and Puolakka’s comments are no exception. (...)
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    Stephen Snyder, End-of-Art Philosophy in Hegel, Nietzsche and Danto.Šárka Lojdová - 2020 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 56 (2):263.
  17. Introduction: Danto and his critics: After the end of art and art history.David Carrier - 1998 - History and Theory 37 (4):1–16.
    In Bielefeld, Germany in April, 1997 an author conference was devoted to Arthur C. Danto's 1995 Mellon Lectures After the End of Art: Contemporary Art and the Pale of History . This essay provides an introduction to seven essays given at that conference and expanded for this Theme Issue of History and Theory. Danto presented his view of the nature of art in The Transfiguration of the Commonplace . He then added in the Mellon lectures a sociological perspective on the (...)
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  18. The end of art?Noel Carroll - 1998 - History and Theory 37 (4):17–29.
    This article focuses on the arguments that Arthur Danto has advanced for alleging that the developmental history of art is over. The author is skeptical of Danto's conclusion and maintains that Danto has failed to demonstrate that art history is necessarily closed. The author also contends that Danto's end-of-art thesis is better construed as a specimen of art criticism than as an example of the speculative philosophy of art history.
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  19.  51
    Effective history and the end of art: From Nietzsche to Danto.Ingrid Scheibler - 1999 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 25 (6):1-28.
    This article takes its shape from a recent conference at the School of Visual Arts in NYC on the theme, 'Tradition and the New: Educating the Artist for the Millennium'. Central to the way the conference was advertised and described was an implicit tendency to view tradition as wholly separate from the new. While the conference did not itself make a theoretical argument for the opposition of tradition and the new, Arthur Danto's recent elaboration of a thesis of the 'end (...)
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    The End of Art.Georg W. Bertram - 2021 - In Lydia Goehr & Jonathan Gilmore (eds.), A Companion to Arthur C. Danto. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 124–131.
    The thesis that art has ended is widespread in modernist philosophical aesthetics. Hegel and Arthur Danto are not the only ones to have claimed that art came to an end at some specific moment in history. The thesis of the end of art is intrinsic to the question of what art is. Danto is one of the most prominent proponents of the end‐of‐art thesis in recent debates in the philosophy of art. This chapter shows that both Hegel's and Danto's explanations (...)
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  21. The End Of Art: A Real Problem Or Not Really A Problem?Hans Maes - 2004 - Postgraduate Journal of Aesthetics 1 (2):59-68.
    In 1984, Arthur Danto wrote an article with the telling title ‘The End of Art.’ Just a few years earlier, Richard Rorty had declared the end of philosophy and Michel Foucault, the end of politics. A few years later, Francis Fukuyama was to declare the end of history. So, on the face of it, Danto’s thesis fits in nicely with the ‘endism’ that was popular in the 1980s. In important ways, however, I believe it also stands out.
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    Tomándose la historia en serio. Danto, esencialismo histórico e indiscernibles.Veronica Tozzi - 2007 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 32 (2):109-126.
    The place that Arthur Danto gives to history, as constitutive to as and our world, as well as a discipline able to produce knowledge of the past, reach its cenit with his philosophy of art. In “the End of Art”, Danto announces an end of the history of the search of the philosophical definition of art and the beginning of the era of pluralism. It is in this account where essencialism and historicism are combined in a way that estimules a (...)
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  23.  13
    Art and Posthistory: Conversations on the End of Aesthetics.Arthur C. Danto & Demetrio Paparoni - 2022 - Columbia University Press.
    From the 1990s until just before his death, the legendary art critic and philosopher Arthur C. Danto carried out extended conversations about contemporary art with the prominent Italian critic Demetrio Paparoni. Their discussions ranged widely over a vast range of topics, from American pop art and minimalism to abstraction and appropriationism. Yet they continually returned to the concepts at the core of Danto’s thinking—posthistory and the end of aesthetics—provocative notions that to this day shape questions about the meaning and future (...)
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    After the End of Art (Review of A. Danto). [REVIEW]A. Denham - 1999 - British Journal of Aesthetics 39 (2):212-214.
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    Danto's Narrative Philosophy of History and the End of Art.Stephen Snyder - 2015 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 22 (1):50-66.
    This paper investigates Danto’s claims that the narrative of art is over. In this state, which Danto sees as ideal, art is free from any master narrative, and its direction cannot be predicted. The claim that art ought to remain in its current state—pluralistic, free and with no further historical development—is problematic. Danto is correct that late 20th c. art could not be explained through a single narrative, and the myriad forms art takes demonstrate its pluralism. But Danto’s claim that (...)
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  26. Danto and His Critics Art History, Historiography and After and End of Art.David Carrier - 1998 - Wesleyan University Press.
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  27. The Philosophical Disenfranchisement of Art.Arthur C. Danto & Jonathan Gilmore - 1986 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this acclaimed work, first published in 1986, world-renowned scholar Arthur C. Danto explored the inextricably linked but often misunderstood relationship between art and philosophy. In light of the book's impact -- especially the essay "The End of Art," which dramatically announced that art ended in the 1960s -- this enhanced edition includes a foreword by Jonathan Gilmore that discusses how scholarship has changed in response to it. Complete with a new bibliography of work on and influenced by Danto's ideas, (...)
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  28. THE END OF ART AND PATOČKA's PHILOSOPHY OF ART.Josl Jan - 2016 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 1 (1):232-246.
    In this essay I consider the end-of-art thesis in its metaphysical and empirical versions. I show that both use the correspondence theory of truth as the basis for their conception of the history of art. As a counterpart to these theories I have chosen Patočka’s conception of the history of art. His theory is based also on the relationship between art and truth, but he conceives truth in the phenomenological sense of manifestation. In the rest of the essay I seek (...)
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    »The End of Art« Revised.Kim Sher - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 66 (1):130-135.
    In seinen Vorlesungen über die Ästhetik aus den 1820er Jahren stellt Hegel die berühmte These auf, dass Kunst als eine Form des Absoluten ihr finales und fortgeschrittenstes Stadium in der Selbstauflösung der Romantik erreicht habe. Anschließend an Hegel schlägt der Kunstkritiker und Philosoph Arthur C. Danto am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts in einer Reihe von Aufsätzen vor, dass die Konzeptkunst seiner Zeit mit der These vom Ende der Kunst übereinstimmt. Kunst ist demnach abhängig von Theorie und nicht mehr von historischer (...)
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  30. Beauty and The End of Art, Wittgenstein, Plurality and Perception.Sonia Sedivy - 2016 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Beauty and the End of Art shows how a resurgence of interest in beauty and a sense of ending in Western art are challenging us to rethink art, beauty and their relationship. By arguing that Wittgenstein's later work and contemporary theory of perception offer just what we need for a unified approach to art and beauty, Sonia Sedivy provides new answers to these contemporary challenges. These new accounts also provide support for the Wittgensteinian realism and theory of perception that make (...)
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    On the Controversy over Danto’s Philosophy of Art - Historicist Essentialism vs. Hyper-Interpretationalism -. 김혜영 - 2019 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 138:25-49.
    이 글의 목적은 단토의 예술철학이 함축하고 있는 급진성의 소재가 ‘역사적 본질주의’가 아니라 ‘과도한 해석주의’에 있다는 사실을 드러내는 데 있다. 캐롤을 비롯해 단토를 역사적 본질주의자로 규정하고 있는 비판자들은 단토가 예술의 종언 논제와 함께 예술에 대한 필요충분조건적인 정의를 시도함으로써, 그 스스로 비판했던 표현주의 이론의 한 형태 또는 반다원적인 서사학으로 나아가고 있다고 평가한다. 그 비판의 핵심은 예술사를 기술사적인 분석이 아니라 자기인식에 도달하는 발전사적 예술사로 그리면서, ‘예술의 실재’가 그 역사 속에서 드러날 것이라는 단토의 주장을 향하고 있다. 철학과 예술이 공동의 서사를 갖는다고 믿는 단토에게 동시대의 (...)
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  32. A prophecy come true? Danto and Hegel on the end of art.Henning Tegtmeyer - 2016 - In Elizabeth Millán (ed.), After the Avant-Gardes: Reflections on the Future of the Fine Arts. Chicago, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Company.
  33.  21
    Danto, Dewey and the Historical End of Art.Jeff Mitchell - 1989 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 25 (4):469 - 501.
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  34. (1 other version)Art As Made Sensuous: Hegel, Danto And The 'end Of Art'.J. Gaiger - 2000 - Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 41:104-119.
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    The End of Art Revisited.S. K. Wertz - 2012 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 46 (4):13-19.
    The phrase “the end of art” has a long association with Arthur C. Danto.1 Indeed, Danto popularized the idea and offered an explanation of this puzzling notion. How could there have been an end of art when it has robustly continued? For this question to make sense, the meaning of “end” is not in the sense of termination, finality, or death in a literal, physical sense. So in 1912 when Marius de Zayas pronounced “art is dead,” he must have thought (...)
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    The wake of art: essays: criticism, philosophy and the ends of taste.Arthur Coleman Danto - 1998 - Australia: G+B Arts Int'l. Edited by Gregg Horowitz & Tom Huhn.
    Since the mid-1980s, Arthur C. Danto has been increasingly concerned with the implications of the demise of modernism. Out of the wake of modernist art, Danto discerns the emergence of a radically pluralistic art world. His essays illuminate this novel art world as well as the fate of criticism within it. As a result, Danto has crafted the most compelling philosophy of art criticism since Clement Greenberg. Gregg Horowitz and Tom Huhn analyze the constellation of philosophical and critical elements in (...)
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    An Interpretation of Danto’s the End-of-Art Thesis from the Perspective of Gadamerian Hermeneutics.Luo Qiao-Juan & Qin Ming-li - 2019 - Philosophy Study 9 (1).
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  38. 'Danto and His Critics, Art History, Historiography and After the End of Art'(vol 37, no 4, 1998).D. Carrier - 1999 - History and Theory 38 (3):411-411.
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  39. Arto Haapala, Jerrold Levinson, and Veikko Ran tala, eds., The End of Art and Beyond: Essays After Danto Reviewed by.Albert Hayward - 1998 - Philosophy in Review 18 (4):258-261.
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    Essence, Expression, and History.Noël Carroll - 1993 - In Mark Rollins (ed.), Danto and His Critics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 118–145.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Essence and Expression: Danto's Philosophy of Art The End of Art: Danto's Philosophy of Art History A Critical Examination of Danto's Philosophy of Art Concluding Remarks.
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    Being Hegelian after Danto.Brigitte Hilmer - 1998 - History and Theory 37 (4):71–86.
    In this article I will discuss some systematic issues of Arthur Danto's philosophy of art and art history from a Hegelian perspective. Belonging to "Absolute Spirit," art can be called a "spiritual kind." Since spiritual kinds are reflective and self-determining, they are not susceptible to philosophical definition. Nevertheless, elements of essentialism can be maintained when describing art's historicity and conceptual structure. To this end, "art" can be interpreted as a two-tier concept: in inherently reflecting its concept, it projects its (...)
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  42. Philosophical disenfranchisement in Danto's "the end of art".Jane Forsey - 2001 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 59 (4):403–409.
  43. Postmodernism and the End of Art.Alexandra Mouriki & A. Tsimpouki, Th, Spiropoulou - 2002 - In Theodora Tsimpouki & Angeliki Spiropoulou (eds.), Culture Agonistes: Debating Culture, Rereading Texts. Peter Lang. pp. 37-46.
    According to philosophers and art critics like Arthur Danto, modern art has reached a point of culmination. Being obliged to redefine itself otherwise than through the concept of representation, modern art has turned to a kind of self-interrogation and undertaken a program of revelation of its real essence. Modernist art became a kind of philosophical questioning, the answer to which brought it to fulfillment by the late 1960’s with Warhol’s duplicates. Since then, there could be nothing new in the history (...)
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    Kant, Celmins and Art after the End of Art.Sandra Shapshay - 2020 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (12):209-225.
    One typically thinks of the relevance of Kant’s aesthetic theory to Western art in terms of Modernism, thanks in large part to the work of eminent critic and art historian Clement Greenberg. Yet, thinking of Kant’s legacy for contemporary art as inhering exclusively in “Kantian formalism” obscures a great deal of Kant’s aesthetic theory. In his last book, Arthur Danto suggested just this point, urging us to enlarge our appreciation of Kant’s aesthetic theory and its relevance to contemporary art, because, (...)
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    Hegel, Danto, Adorno, and the end and after of art.Owen Hulatt - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (4):742-763.
    ABSTRACTIn this paper, I consider Adorno's claim that art is at, or is coming to, an ‘end’. I consider Adorno's account in relation to the work of Arthur Danto and G. W. F. Hegel. I employ Danto's account, together with two distinct interpretive glosses of Hegel's account, as heuristic devices in order to clarify both Adorno's own arguments, and the context within which they are being advanced. I argue that while Danto and Hegel see art as coming to an end (...)
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    Performing Live: Aesthetic Alternatives for the Ends of Art (review).Gustavo D. Cardinal - 2004 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 12 (1):89-93.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy of Music Education Review 12.1 (2004) 89-93 [Access article in PDF] Richard Shusterman, Performing Live: Aesthetic Alternatives for the Ends of Art (New York: Cornell University Press, 2000) Performing Live can be ascribed to post-modern American pragmatism in its widest expression. The author's intention is to revalue aesthetic experience, as well as to expand its realm to the extent where such experience also encompasses areas alien to traditional (...)
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    CASCALES, RAQUEL, Arthur Danto and the End of Art, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, 2019, 158 pp. [REVIEW]Jaume Aurell - 2021 - Anuario Filosófico 54 (2):381-383.
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    According to what: Art and the philosophy of the "end of art".Robert Kudielka - 1998 - History and Theory 37 (4):87–101.
    In 1964, when Danto first encountered Warhol's Brillo Box, Jasper Johns made a painting titled According to What. Danto's new book After the End of Art also provokes this question because in his restatement of Hegel's verdict on art's historical role he drops an essential part of the implied definition of art: the issue of adequacy between content and presentation. Why dispense with this crucial point of quality judgment? My critique falls into three parts. The first part shows how the (...)
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  49. Hegel and Herder on art, history, and reason.Kristin Gjesdal - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (1):17-32.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hegel and Herder on Art, History, and ReasonKristin GjesdalThe introduction of a historical perspective in aesthetics is usually traced back to Hegel's 1820 lectures on fine art. Given at the University of Berlin, these lectures were amongst Hegel's most successful and best attended.1 By then a recognized intellectual figure, Hegel sets out to salvage art from its subjectivization in Kantian and romantic aesthetics, but ends up declaring that art, (...)
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    The Death of Art.Arthur C. Danto - 1984 - Haven Publications.
    The lead essay by Arthur Danto "addresses the possibility that art as it has been enshrined in the museums, galleries, and other canonizing institutions of modern culture has reached an end, that it has nothing more to do or say." The other essays in the book are reactions to the lead essay.
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