Results for ' empirical realism'

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  1.  34
    Empirical Realism and the Legitimacy of Ontology: A Dialogue.Dustin McWherter - 2015 - Journal of Critical Realism 14 (5):449-460.
    The purpose of this dialogue between an ‘empirical realist’ and a ‘traditional ontologist’ is to clarify and evaluate the presuppositions of the kind of anti-ontological position exemplified by empirical realism. After ontology is defined and the empirical realist's position explained, the traditional ontologist pursues a series of dialectical developments and criticisms of the empirical realist's claim to have a coherently non-ontological position. The eventual conclusion is that the empirical realist's opposition to ontology just arbitrarily (...)
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    Empirical Realism: Meaning and the Generative Foundation of Morality.David K. Clark - 2003 - Lexington Books.
    In Empirical Realism David K. Clark asks, simply: is there a moral structure to the universe?
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    Empirical realism and other minds.William H. Hyde - 1979 - Philosophical Investigations 2 (2):13-21.
    In apparent vogue, perhaps as a reaction against excesses on the part of certain Wittgensteinians, is the idea that the existence and nature of other people's mental lives are things known to us on broadly empirical grounds. A particularly unabashed version of this idea is to be found in Hilary Putnam's “Other Minds”1. Therein Putnam defines empirical realism as the “position that the existence of the external world is supported by experience in much the way that any (...)
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    Empirical Realism and Transcendental Anti-Realism.Leslie Stevenson & Ralph Walker - 1983 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 57 (1):131 - 177.
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    DEBATE: Kant, Ontology and Empirical Realism: Response to Assiter.Dustin McWherter - 2015 - Journal of Critical Realism 14 (5):518-529.
    In this debate article I respond to Alison Assiter's various objections and points regarding my work on Kant's empirical realism, his relation to ontology, and related issues. Although Assiter raises some very interesting and important issues, I do not find her ontological interpretation of Kant sufficiently supported textually, and I think her objections to my work are too dependent on omissions and mistaken assumptions to provide an effective challenge.
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    A Dilemma for Empirical Realism: Metaphysical Realism or Instrumentalism.Rasmus Jaksland - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (3):1195-1205.
    In his article “Choosing the Realist Framework” (2011), Stathis Psillos develops an empirical realism; a scientific realism that should be acceptable even to empiricists with metaphysical anxieties. This sounds promising in a time of increased interest in deflationary (neo-Carnapian) approaches to metaphysics. Psillos proposes to regard scientific realism as an ontic framework, i.e. as an answer to the question what it is to be real and not what is real. Adopting the realist framework, the realist ontology (...)
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    Empirical Realism and the Great Outdoors: A Critique of Meillassoux.G. Anthony Bruno - 2017 - In Marie-Eve Morin (ed.), Continental Realism and its Discontents. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 1-15.
    Meillassoux seeks knowledge of transcendental reality, blaming Kant for the ‘correlationist’ proscription of independent access to either thought or being. For Meillassoux, correlationism blocks an account of the meaning of ‘ancestral statements’ regarding reality prior to humans. I examine three charges on which Meillassoux’s argument depends: (1) Kant distorts ancestral statements’ meaning; (2) Kant fallaciously infers causality’s necessity; (3) Kant’s transcendental idealism cannot grasp ‘the great outdoors’. I reject these charges: (1) imposes a Cartesian misreading, hence Meillassoux’s false assumption that, (...)
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  8. Empirical Realism and the Great Outdoors: A Critique of Meillassoux.G. Anthony Bruno - 2017 - In Marie-Eve Morin (ed.), Continental Realism and its Discontents. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 1-15.
    Meillassoux seeks knowledge of transcendental reality, blaming Kant for the ‘correlationist’ proscription of independent access to either thought or being. For Meillassoux, correlationism blocks an account of the meaning of ‘ancestral statements’ regarding reality prior to humans. I examine three charges on which Meillassoux’s argument depends: (1) Kant distorts ancestral statements’ meaning; (2) Kant fallaciously infers causality’s necessity; (3) Kant’s transcendental idealism cannot grasp ‘the great outdoors’. I reject these charges: (1) imposes a Cartesian misreading, hence Meillassoux’s false assumption that, (...)
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    Empirical Realism: Kant's Contribution to the Realist/anti-realist Debate.Paul Abela - 1993
  10. Kant's Empirical Realism.Paul Abela - 2002 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Immanuel Kant claims that transcendental idealism yields a form of realism at the empirical level. Polite silence might best describe the reception this assertion has garnered among even sympathetic interpreters. This book challenges that prejudice, offering a controversial presentation and rehabilitation of Kant's empirical realism that places his realist credentials at the centre of the account of representation he offers in the Critique of Pure Reason. This interpretation ranges over the major themes contained in the Analytic (...)
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  11. Transcendental realism, empirical realism and transcendental idealism.Henry E. Allison - 2006 - Kantian Review 11:1-28.
    This essay argues that the key to understanding Kant's transcendental idealism is to understand the transcendental realism with which he contrasts it. It maintains that the latter is not to be identified with a particular metaphysical thesis, but with the assumption that the proper objects of human cognitions are “objects in general” or “as such,” that is, objects considered simply qua objects of some understanding. Since this appears to conflict with Kant's own characterization of transcendental realism as the (...)
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  12.  9
    Principles of Empirical Realism: Philosophical Essays.Donald Cary Williams - 1966 - Springfield, Ill.,: C.C. Thomas.
  13.  40
    On empirical realism and the defining of theoretical terms.Kathleen L. Slaney - 2001 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 21 (2):132-152.
    The so-called "problem of theoretical terms" rests on the notion that the signifiers of theoretical concepts cannot be completely defined for the reason that their referents are beyond the boundaries of human perception and/or cognition. Empirical realism is a scientific tradition that was born, in part, out of a dissatisfaction with the positivist treatment of theoretical terms. Empirical realists generally conceive of theoretical terms as playing an essential role in scientific activity, giving it its explanatory force, as (...)
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  14.  57
    Making Kant's Empirical Realism Possible.Simon Gurofsky - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Chicago
    Famously, Kant is a transcendental idealist. Yet he also endorses empirical realism, and even boasts that only the transcendental idealist can be an empirical realist. The difficulty of making sense of those commitments together leads many interpreters to begin by attributing to Kant some variant of conventional, subjective idealism. That in turn requires that Kant's empirical realism be at best a merely ersatz or quasi-realism. But that drains Kant's boast of its significance. For any (...)
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    Derrida's empirical realism.Timothy Mooney - 1999 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 25 (5):33-56.
    A major charge levelled against Derrida is that of textual idealism - he effectively closes his deconstructive approach off from the world of experience, the result being that it is incapable of being coherently applied to practical questions of ethics and politics. I argue that Derrida's writings on experience can in fact be reconstructed as an empirical realism in the Husserlian sense. I begin by outlining in very broad strokes Husserl's account of perception and his empirical (...). I then set out some of the major criticisms of Derrida proffered by Dallas Willard and Peter Dews and counter them with evidence from Derrida's texts themselves. I conclude by presenting his account as a variant of Husserl's, which does not discernibly develop on or depart from the latter. Key Words: arche-writing • aspect • differance • empirical realism • horizon • middle voice • noema • representation • revisability • signification • signified • textuality • trace. (shrink)
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  16.  51
    Empirical Realists and Wittgensteinians.Francis W. Dauer - 1972 - Journal of Philosophy 69 (5):128.
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    Empirical Realism.Augustin Riska - 1985 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 59:331-339.
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  18. Kant's Empirical Realism.[author unknown] - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 195 (2):250-250.
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  19. (1 other version)Principles of Empirical Realism.Donald Cary Williams - 1968 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 24 (3):377-377.
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  20. Paul Abela: Kant's Empirical Realism.G. Banham - 2002 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 10 (4):674-675.
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  21. Recensioni/Reviews-Kants Empirical Realism.Paul Abela & O. Meo - 2005 - Epistemologia 28 (1).
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    Kant's Empirical Realism.Robert Stern - 2003 - Mind 112 (446):323-328.
  23. Kant's empirical realism and the second analogy of experience.William Harper - 1981 - Synthese 47 (3):465 - 480.
  24. David Clark, Empirical Realism: Meaning and the Generative. Foundation of Morality Reviewed by.Richard Matthews - 2004 - Philosophy in Review 24 (6):393-395.
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    Antimetaphysical Positivism and Empirical Realism.Joia Lewis - 1989 - Southwest Philosophy Review 5 (2):51-67.
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    Meland's empirical realism and the appeal to lived experience.Nancy Frankenberry - 1984 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 5 (2/3):117 - 129.
  27. Kant on space, empirical realism and the foundations of geometry.William Harper - 1984 - Topoi 3 (2):143-161.
  28. Putnam’s Internal Realism and Kant’s Empirical Realism.Paul Abela - 1996 - Idealistic Studies 26 (1):45-56.
    This paper challenges Putnam's claim that his internal realism is a revival of Kant's empirical realism. I agree with Putnam that there are good reasons to revive Kant's rather neglected empirical realist doctrine. However, internal realism is not the way this should be done. At the center of the following discussion lies the important difference between Putman's "real within a scheme" model and Kant's assertion of the independent existence of empirical objects. The strategy for (...)
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  29.  63
    Kant’s Empirical Realism[REVIEW]Richard Aquila - 2003 - International Philosophical Quarterly 43 (3):389-390.
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    Are "q-memories" empirically realistic? A neurophilosophical approach.Georg Northoff - 2000 - Philosophical Psychology 13 (2):191-211.
    "Quasi-memories," necessarily presupposing a distinction between an "experiencing" and a "remembering" person, are considered by Parfit and Shoemaker as necessary and/or sufficient criteria for personal identity. However, the concept of "q-memories" is rejected by Schechtman since, according to her, neither "content" and "experience" can be separated from each other in "q-memories" ("principal inseparability") nor can they be distinguished from delusions/confabulations ("principal indistinguishability"). The purpose of the present paper is to demonstrate that, relying on a neurophilosophical approach, both arguments can be (...)
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  31. Abela, Paul, Kant's Empirical Realism, Oxford, 2002, Clarendon Press, viii+ 303,£ 40.00 cloth. Achinstein, Peter, The Book of Evidence, Oxford, 2001, Oxford University Press, 290,£ 35.00 cloth. Allan, George, The Patterns of the Present: Interpreting the Authority of Form, Albany, 2001, State University of New York Press, xvii+ 305, US $59.50 cloth, US $19.95 paper. Ames, Roger T. and Hall, David L., Focusing the Familiar, York, 2001, University of Hawaii Press. [REVIEW]John B. Cobb Jr - 2002 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 80 (3):397-398.
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    Comment on “Empirical Realism and Other Minds”.Hilary Putnam - 2008 - Philosophical Investigations 2 (4):71-72.
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    Review: Abela, Kant's empirical realism[REVIEW]Graham Bird - 2004 - European Journal of Philosophy 12 (1):127–131.
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    The Principles of Empirical Realism[REVIEW]Brand Blanshard - 1969 - Philosophical Review 78 (3):399-402.
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    The Logical Incompatibility of Kant's Transcendental Idealism with Any Genuinely Objective Form of Empirical Realism.Michael Wenisch - 2008 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 25 (4):337 - 358.
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    Transcendental Idealism, Empirical Realism, and the Completeness Principle.Gordon G. Brittan Jr - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 541-548.
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  37. After Kant, Sellars, and Meillassoux: Back to Empirical Realism?James O'Shea - 2017 - In Fabio Gironi (ed.), Analytic and Continental Kantianism: The Legacy of Kant in Sellars and Meillassoux. New York: Routledge. pp. 21-40.
    ABSTRACT: I examine how Meillassoux’s conception of correlationism in After Finitude, as I understand it, relates firstly to Kant’s transcendental idealist philosophy, and secondly to the analytic Kantianism of Wilfrid Sellars. I argue that central to the views of both Kant and Sellars is what might be called, with an ambivalent nod to Meillassoux, an objective correlationism. What emerges in the end as the recommended upshot of these analyses is a naturalistic Kantianism that takes the form of an empirical (...)
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    The Constructive Theology of Bernard Meland: Postliberal Empirical Realism.Tyron Inbody - 1995 - Oup Usa.
    This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the thought of Chicago Divinity School theologian Bernard Meland. Tyron Inbody places Meland's theology within the development of the liberal tradition. He argues that Meland was a precursor of liberal developments in epistemology -- especially in his view of how experience, language, and culture are related. Inbody explores the extent to which Meland was both representative and critical of process theology. He concludes with an assessment of Meland's contribution to postliberal theology. Inbody's work (...)
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    (2 other versions)Ii.—Kant's transcendental idealism and empirical realism.C. M. Walsh - 1903 - Mind 12 (4):454-472.
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    "Principles of Empirical Realism," by Donald C. Williams. [REVIEW]William S. Haymond - 1968 - Modern Schoolman 45 (4):349-353.
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  41. Scientific Realism and Empirical Confirmation: a Puzzle.Simon Allzén - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 90:153-159.
    Scientific realism driven by inference to the best explanation (IBE) takes empirically confirmed objects to exist, independent, pace empiricism, of whether those objects are observable or not. This kind of realism, it has been claimed, does not need probabilistic reasoning to justify the claim that these objects exist. But I show that there are scientific contexts in which a non-probabilistic IBE-driven realism leads to a puzzle. Since IBE can be applied in scientific contexts in which empirical (...)
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    Critical Realism and Empirical Bioethics: A Methodological Exposition.Alex McKeown - 2017 - Health Care Analysis 25 (3):191-211.
    This paper shows how critical realism can be used to integrate empirical data and philosophical analysis within ‘empirical bioethics’. The term empirical bioethics, whilst appearing oxymoronic, simply refers to an interdisciplinary approach to the resolution of practical ethical issues within the biological and life sciences, integrating social scientific, empirical data with philosophical analysis. It seeks to achieve a balanced form of ethical deliberation that is both logically rigorous and sensitive to context, to generate normative conclusions (...)
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    The Empirical Under-Determination Argument Against Scientific Realism for Dual Theories.Sebastian De Haro - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (1):117-145.
    This paper explores the options available to the anti-realist to defend a Quinean empirical under-determination thesis using examples of dualities. I first explicate a version of the empirical under-determination thesis that can be brought to bear on theories of contemporary physics. Then I identify a class of examples of dualities that lead to empirical under-determination. But I argue that the resulting under-determination is benign, and is not a threat to a cautious scientific realism. Thus dualities are (...)
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  44.  23
    Review of Paul Abela, Kant's Empirical Realism[REVIEW]Richard Aquila - 2002 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2002 (9).
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    Realism and Empirical Equivalence.Eric Johannesson - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 49 (3):475-495.
    The main purpose of this paper is to investigate various notions of empirical equivalence in relation to the two main arguments for realism in the philosophy of science, namely the no-miracles argument and the indispensability argument. According to realism, one should believe in the existence of the theoretical entities postulated by empirically adequate theories. According to the no-miracles argument, one should do so because truth is the the best explanation of empirical adequacy. According to the indispensability (...)
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  46. Underdetermination, realism and empirical equivalence.John Worrall - 2009 - Synthese 180 (2):157 - 172.
    Are theories ‘underdetermined by the evidence’ in any way that should worry the scientific realist? I argue that no convincing reason has been given for thinking so. A crucial distinction is drawn between data equivalence and empirical equivalence. Duhem showed that it is always possible to produce a data equivalent rival to any accepted scientific theory. But there is no reason to regard such a rival as equally well empirically supported and hence no threat to realism. Two theories (...)
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  47. Scientific Realism in the Wild: An Empirical Study of Seven Sciences and History and Philosophy of Science.James R. Beebe & Finnur Dellsén - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (2):336-364.
    We report the results of a study that investigated the views of researchers working in seven scientific disciplines and in history and philosophy of science in regard to four hypothesized dimensions of scientific realism. Among other things, we found that natural scientists tended to express more strongly realist views than social scientists, that history and philosophy of science scholars tended to express more antirealist views than natural scientists, that van Fraassen’s characterization of scientific realism failed to cluster with (...)
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  48.  49
    Kant's Transcendental Idealism and Empirical Realism[REVIEW]Ralph Barton Perry - 1904 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 1 (6):159-160.
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    Empirical tests of scientific realism: A quantitative framework.James W. McAllister - 2023 - Metaphilosophy 54 (4):507-522.
    The scientific realism debate in philosophy of science raises some intriguing methodological issues. Scientific realism posits a link between a scientific theory's observational and referential success. This opens the possibility of testing the thesis empirically, by searching for evidence of such a link in the record of theories put forward in the history of science. Many realist philosophers working today propose case study methodology as a way of carrying out such a test. This article argues that a qualitative (...)
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  50. Empirical Success or Explanatory Success: What Does Current Scientific Realism Need to Explain?Gerald Doppelt - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (5):1076-1087.
    Against the well-known objection that in the history of science there are many theories that are successful but false, Psillos offers a three-pronged defense of scientific realism as the best explanation for the success of science. Focusing on these, I criticize Psillos’ defense, arguing that each prong is weakened when we recognize that according to realist rebuttals of the underdetermination argument and versions of empiricism, realists are committed to accounting for the explanatory success of theories, not their mere (...) adequacy or instrumental reliability. I conclude by indicating how ‘explanationist’ realism might be recast to accommodate my arguments. (shrink)
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