Results for ' columnist'

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  1.  25
    Assistant Coach, Advice Columnist, or Seasoned Diplomat: Distinguishing Between Formal, Informal, and “FYI” Ethics Consultations.Andrew Childress - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (4):45-47.
    As a practicing clinical ethicist at a major teaching hospital, I found it reassuring to learn that ethics consultation activity has increased overall. However, it was disheartening to see tha...
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  2. Elite Political Communication: Five Washington Columnists on Nuclear Weapons Testing, 1954-1958.Eugene J. Rosi - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  3. Image of the Presidency of Religious Affairs: A Study on Media Columnists’ Perception of Religious Affairs.Faruk Yazar, M. Fatih Turanalp & Nuri Paşa Özer - 2023 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 1 (60):134-148.
    Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı teşkilatı kurumsal olarak Türk medyasında en çok tartışılan kurumlar arasında yer almaktadır. Bu çerçevede Diyanet teşkilatının kamuoyunda nasıl algılandığı ve nasıl bir imaja sahip olduğu önem arz etmektedir. Çalışmada köşe yazarlarının yazdığı yazılar üzerinden Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı’nın imajının medyada nasıl algılandığı araştırılmıştır. Nicel içerik analizi yönteminin kullanıldığı çalışmada iki aşamalı akış kuramı temelinde köşe yazarları kanaat önderi olarak ele alınmıştır. Araştırma, 2013-2022 yıllarını kapsayan 10 yıllık bir veri setinde kota örneklemesi ve maksimum çeşitlilik örneklemesi uygulanarak Diyanet İşleri (...)
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    And another thing... My secret life as a book trade columnist.G. R. Davies - 2000 - Logos 11 (1):47-49.
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    Outside looking in: adventures of an observer.Garry Wills - 2010 - New York: Viking Press.
    Prolific journalist, historian, political columnist, and practicing Catholic Wills (now 76) writes an intensely opinionated re-evaluation of leaders and celebrities he has encountered, among them Studs Terkel, Beverly Sills, William Buckley, Richard Nixon, and more.
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    Success and luck: good fortune and the myth of meritocracy.Robert H. Frank - 2016 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    How important is luck in economic success? No question more reliably divides conservatives from liberals. As conservatives correctly observe, people who amass great fortunes are almost always talented and hardworking. But liberals are also correct to note that countless others have those same qualities yet never earn much. In recent years, social scientists have discovered that chance plays a much larger role in important life outcomes than most people imagine. In Success and Luck, bestselling author and New York Times economics (...)
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    ‘I don't know my way about’: Mirror reversal as a curiously instructive analogue of philosophical perplexity.Andrew English - 2024 - Ratio 37 (2-3):215-230.
    Wittgenstein said in the Investigations, ‘A philosophical problem has the form: “I don't know my way about”’ (§ 123). The problem of mirror reversal—specifically the twentieth-century transatlantic controversy between the psychologist Richard Gregory, the mathematical columnist Martin Gardner, the physicist Richard Feynman and various analytic philosophers, including David Pears, Ned Block and Don Locke—is presented here as an instructive case of our not knowing our way about. ‘Why do mirrors reverse left and right but not up and down?’ We (...)
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    The Need for Phronesis.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2022 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 92:167-184.
    This chapter explores the state of public and academic discourse about socio-moral issues elicited by the Covid-19 pandemic, through two informal case studies of Facebook statuses and columns in two leading UK newspapers. The Facebook statuses tended to focus on performance virtues as remedies rather than moral virtues, whereas a survey among the general public highlighted the role of moral virtues. Divisions of opinion among columnists in the Guardian and Daily Telegraph turned out to be about different prioritisations of moral (...)
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    In pursuit of social progress.Matthew Adler & Marc Fleurbaey - 2018 - Economics and Philosophy 34 (3):443-449.
    In 2014, the New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof wrote: ‘Some of the smartest thinkers on problems at home and around the world are university professors, but most of them just don't matter in today's great debates … I write this in sorrow, for I considered an academic career and deeply admire the wisdom found on university campuses. So, professors, don't cloister yourselves like medieval monks – we need you!’ At that time, a group of academics were working to (...)
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    The Quest for Community: A Study in the Ethics of Order and Freedom.Robert Nisbet - 2010 - Simon & Schuster.
    One of the leading thinkers to emerge in the postwar conservative intellectual revival was the sociologist Robert Nisbet. His book The Quest for Community, published in 1953, stands as one of the most persuasive accounts of the dilemmas confronting modern society. Nearly a half century before Robert Putnam documented the atomization of society in Bowling Alone, Nisbet argued that the rise of the powerful modern state had eroded the sources of community—the family, the neighborhood, the church, the guild. Alienation and (...)
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    Aristophanes' Frogs : Brek-kek-kek-kek! on Broadway.Mary English - 2005 - American Journal of Philology 126 (1):127-133.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 126.1 (2005) 127-133 [Access article in PDF] Aristophanes' Frogs: Brek-kek-kek-kek! on Broadway Mary English Montclair State University e-mail: Aeschylus: Answer me—why should the dramatic poet be admired? Euripides: For cleverness and sound advice, and because we make the men of the cities better. Aristophanes, Frogs, 1008-1010 Thirty years ago, Robert Brustein, the dean of the Yale School of Drama, commissioned Burt Shevelove to restage (...)
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    Paine.David Freeman Hawke - 1974 - New York,: Harper & Row.
    Animates the erratic, often mercenary character of America's pen of independence and sometime anonymous political columnist whose pungent propaganda profoundly influenced the two greatest sociopolitical upheavals of the 18th century.
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  13. Democratic technology, population, and environmental change.Andrew Light - unknown
    T. C. Boyle’s A Friend of the Earth (2001), tells the story of Tyrone Tierwater, a one time monkeywrencher and environmental avenger for “E. F.!” (Earth Forever!) who we first meet in 2025 in his mid-seventies. Tierwater is now working for a character based on Michael Jackson, who in his semi-retirement has employed the elder eco-warrior to help save some of the last remnants of a few dying species – warthogs, peccaries, hyenas, jackals, lions and what is likely the last (...)
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    Keeping the Faith: Thai Buddhism at the Crossroads (review).Terry C. Muck - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):181-183.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 181-183 [Access article in PDF] Keeping the Faith: Thai Buddhism at the Crossroads. By Sanitsuda Ekachai. Edited by Nick Wilgus. Bangkok: Post Books, 2001. 192 pp. Sanitsuda Ekachai, editorial columnist and features section editor of the Bangkok Post, writes this book in the Menckanian tradition of muckraking journalism. A collection of columns from the past decade, the book has an angry goal—the reform of (...)
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    Suppressed science: radiation, global warming, alternative health & healing..Jack Phillips - 2006 - Washington D.C.: American Free Press.
    Are cures for cancer being suppressed by the mainstream medical profession to protect corporate profits? Is what we are being told about global warming true, or is there a hidden agenda? How many alternative scientific theories and 'fringe' practitioners have been suppressed by the power elite to maintain their stranglehold on what, and what not, the American public is allowed to know?In Suppressed Science: Radiation, Global Warming, Alzheimer's, Grizzly Bears, Crop Circles and More, chemical engineer, amateur climatologist, author, AMERICAN FREE (...)
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    Public virtue: A focus for editorializing about political character.Christopher J. Schroll & Richard J. Kenney - 1997 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 12 (1):36 – 50.
    This article argues that afirm and consistent editorial focus on a poilitician's public virtue would serve well as the essence of journalistic communication about piitical character. Public virtue is defined as the ethical character traits attributed to a politician by an editorialist, based on direct obsemation, of the politician's words and deeds, broadly construed. After presenting the theoretical foundation of this definition, via qualitative case-study methodology, this essay analyzes the editorial claims made in the Atlanta newspapers about Gov. Bill Clinton's (...)
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    Próba podporządkowania władzom oświatowym nauczania i wychowania religijnego w szkole.Jan Szczepaniak - 2021 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 26 (2):283-310.
    The idea of state education developed by activists associated with the governments that ruled in Poland after the May Coup which they put into practice was to educate citizens to be strongly attached to the Polish state, regardless of nationality and religion. All educational factors, including religious education, were to serve this purpose. Based on this assumption, the educational authorities aspired to have a decisive influence on the appointment of religious teachers, determining their qualifications, establishing the curricula and the choice (...)
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    Dal cosmopolitismo radicale al cosmopolitismo radicato. Intervista a Anthony Kwame Appiah.Angela Taraborrelli - 2023 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 3:161-175.
    Anthony Kwame Appiah is an internationally renowned philosopher who has worked on the philosophy of language, political and moral theory, African intellectual history and cosmopolitanism, with a particular interest in the theme of identity. He has held prominent positions and received numerous important awards; he has also dedicated himself to an intense activity of dissemination, giving countless lectures and collaborating with a number of newspapers, such as the BBC at which in 2016 he gave the Reith Lectures on the theme (...)
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  19. New media, new publics: Reconfiguring the public sphere of Islam.Jon W. Anderson - 2003 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 70 (3):887-906.
    Modern information technologies, beginning with the fax and audiocassettes but now exemplified in satellite television and the Internet, have opened the public discourse of Islam to new voices and, more subtlely, to new practices. While media-savvy militants draw the attention of outside observers, a quieter drama is unfolding. Pious middle classes are extending conventional patterns of seeking out religious guidance into new channels, particularly the Internet; the continuous search for role models and reference groups is meeting increasingly modern ways of (...)
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    Understanding the present: science and the soul of modern man.Bryan Appleyard - 1992 - New York: Doubleday.
    In a brilliant and explosively controversial work, the author attacks modern science for destroying our spiritual sense of self. What is the role of science in present-day society? Should we be as dazzled as we are by the innovations, the insights, and the miraculous improvements in material life that science has wrought? Or is there a darker, more pernicious side to our scientific success? Renowned British science columnist Bryan Appleyard thoroughly explores each of these provocative topics in a book (...)
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    The Principle of Civility in Academic Discourse.Forest Hansen - 2011 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 19 (2):198-200.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:In Dialogue:The Principle of Civility in Academic DiscourseForest HansenSeveral months ago New York Times columnist David Brooks addressed the lack of civility in recent public discourse. "So... you get narcissists who believe they or members of their party possess direct access to the truth.... You get people who prefer monologues to dialogue.... You get people who... loathe their political opponents."1One might think that by contrast academia, and especially (...)
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    Science in the soul: selected writings of a passionate rationalist.Richard Dawkins - 2017 - New York: Random House. Edited by Gillian Somerscales.
    The legendary biologist, provocateur, and bestselling author mounts a timely and passionate defense of science and clear thinking with this career-spanning collection of essays, including twenty pieces published in the United States for the first time. For decades, Richard Dawkins has been the world's most brilliant scientific communicator, consistently illuminating the wonders of nature and attacking faulty logic. Science in the Soul brings together forty-two essays, polemics, and paeans--all written with Dawkins's characteristic erudition, remorseless wit, and unjaded awe of the (...)
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    A tribute to the late Dr. W. Michael Hoffman: Putting business ethics theory into practice.Mark S. Schwartz - 2023 - Business and Society Review 128 (4):571-590.
    This article is a tribute to the late Dr. W. Michael Hoffman's life and professional career (1943–2018), including his important contribution to the business ethics academic community, as well as to the practical world of business. Following a brief summary of Dr. Hoffman's professional achievements, several tributes are provided including from Professor Richard De George, columnist Gael O'Brien, and Professor Patricia Werhane. The tributes are followed by synopses of a small sample of Dr. Hoffman's many journal articles published in (...)
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    The Trust Factor: Essays on the Current Crisis and Hope for the Future.Thom Brooks - 2022 - London: Methuen.
    Trust is essential for our democracy. We trust our political leaders and institutions to put the public interest before their personal or partisan advantage. We trust each other to work and live together. No system is perfect and there is rarely one right answer to the big challenges faced, but we expect leaders to be honest, competent and compassionate – and punish any breaches harshly in the polls or the ballot box. But not any longer. Now is a time of (...)
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    Speculative Writing, Art, and World-Making in the Wake of Octavia E. Butler as Feminist Theory.Shelley Streeby - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (2):510-533.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:510 Feminist Studies 46, no. 2. © 2020 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Shelley Streeby Speculative Writing, Art, and World-Making in the Wake of Octavia E. Butler as Feminist Theory The late great speculative fiction writer Octavia E. Butler often referred to herself as a feminist. In an autobiographical note she revised frequently over the course of her lifetime, now held in the massive archive of more than 8,000 individually (...)
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  26. A Conversation with Leslie Armour.Ian Angus - 2011 - Symposium 15 (1):72-93.
    Leslie Armour is the author of numerous books and essays on epistemology, metaphysics, logic, Canadian philosophy and Blaise Pascal, as well as on ethics, social and political philosophy, the history of philosophy (especially seventeenth-century philosophy) and social economics. A fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, he has worked as a reporter for The Vancouver Province, briefly as a sub-editor at Reuters News Agency, and for several years as a columnist and feature writer for London Express News and Feature (...)
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    Prudence: Classical Virtue, Postmodern Practice (review).David J. Depew - 2004 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 37 (2):167-175.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Prudence: Classical Virtue, Postmodern PracticeDavid DepewPrudence: Classical Virtue, Postmodern Practice. Ed. Robert Hariman. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2003. Pp. xi + 337. $65.00, cloth."This volume," writes the editor, "is one contribution to the contemporary revival of interest in the concept of prudence" (ix). What interest? Notably, that of latter-day "virtue ethicists," whose discontents with the algorithmic decision-making procedures of modernism have given wings to a hope (...)
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    Sentinel Effect of Drug Testing for Anabolic Steroid Abuse.Robert J. Fuentes, Art Davis, Barry Sample & Kim Jasper - 1994 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 22 (3):224-230.
    George Will, the well-known pundit, once observed: “A society's recreation is charged with moral significance. Sport—and a society that takes it seriously—would be debased if it did not strictly forbid things that blur the distinction between the triumph of character and the triumph of chemistry.” In opposition, Dan Duchaine, the highly publicized “steroid guru” and counter-culture columnist, declared: “There comes a time for many in competitive athletics where winning is more important than those initial goals of health, recreation, and (...)
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  29.  42
    Foul Play in Information Markets.Robin Hanson - unknown
    People have long noticed that speculative markets, though created for other purposes, also do a great job of aggregating relevant information. In fact, it is hard to find information not embodied by such market prices. This is, in part, because anyone who finds such neglected information can profit by trading on it, thereby reducing the neglect.1 So far, speculative markets have done well in every known head-to-head field comparison with other forecasting institutions. Orange juice futures improved on National Weather Service (...)
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    The Irreplaceable Cannot Be Replaced.Ellen Harvey - 2008 - Diacritics 38 (3):i-viii.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Irreplaceable Cannot Be ReplacedEllen HarveyThe Irreplaceable Cannot Be Replaced, Ellen Harvey, 2008. Photographs: Jan Baracz.People in New Orleans were invited to submit images or descriptions of irreplaceable places, people, or things lost to Hurricane Katrina. Eleven submissions were chosen at random and the artist painted 16” x 20” oil paintings based on those submissions. All thirty texts that were submitted were framed and exhibited along with the paintings (...)
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    Kazanistan: John Rawls's Oriental Utopia.Antoine Hatzenberger - 2013 - Utopian Studies 24 (1):105-118.
    Imagine an idealized Islamic people named “Kazanistan.” Is realistic utopia a fantasy? Using an intellectual device reminiscent of Montesquieu’s evocation of oriental despotism in his Persian Letters as a pretext allowing him to criticize eighteenth-century European monarchies, a columnist has recently reflected on the “fantasy nation” that certain Americans dream of. What would exemplify a Neoconservative vision of society as put forward in debates about questions of social justice in the United States? asked Nicholas D. Kristof in the New (...)
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    Money, democracy, illusions, what can be done.Ted Honderich - unknown
    The debate in the Oxford Union on 29 January 2010 was on the motion "This House believes that in politics, money talks loudest". Ted Honderich's speech in support of the motion was followed by those of Stuart Wheeler, known for his contribution of £5,000,000 to the Conservative Party, and of Hugo Rifkind, a columnist for The Times and The Spectator . The motion was opposed by Madsen Pirie of the Adam Smith Institute, Lord Oakeshott the Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesman, (...)
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    The Problem of Free Will: Untying the Gordian Knot.Mathew Iredale - 2011 - Routledge.
    Do we really have freedom to act, or are we slaves to our genes, environment or culture? Regular TPM columnist Mathew Iredale gets to grips with one of the most intractable issues in philosophy: the problem of free will. Iredale explores what it is about the free will problem that makes it so hard to resolve and argues that the only acceptable solution to the free will problem must be one that is consistent with what science tells us about (...)
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  34. The Problem of Free Will: A Contemporary Introduction.Mathew Iredale - 2012 - Routledge.
    Do we really have freedom to act, or are we slaves to our genes, environment or culture? Regular TPM columnist Mathew Iredale gets to grips with one of the most intractable issues in philosophy: the problem of free will. Iredale explores what it is about the free will problem that makes it so hard to resolve and argues that the only acceptable solution to the free will problem must be one that is consistent with what science tells us about (...)
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    « Succès oblige » : Exaltation et instrumentalisation du populaire dans "Le petit journal" à l'occasion de l'Affaire Troppmann.Olivier Isaac - 2005 - Hermes 42:107.
    Premier quotidien populaire de masse en France, Le Petit Journal, fondé en 1863 par Millaud, va s'approprier l'affaire Troppmann, un fait-divers criminel survenu en 1869. Au fil de l'enquête, le chroniqueur vedette du Petit Journal, Thomas Grimm, n'a de cesse d'opérer une spectacularisation du journal et de son lectorat. L'analyse de cette exaltation et instrumentalisation du populaire permet d'éclairer les rouages des discours mass-médiatiques réflexifs et autosatisfaits tout en se livrant à une archéologie de notre complexe médiatique contemporain. Car en (...)
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    What's so Bad about Politicizing?Adam Kadlac - 2009 - Public Affairs Quarterly 23 (3):227-244.
    In today's sometimes volatile political climate, one often hears the charge that some issue or other has been politicized. The claim, when made, almost always constitutes an accusation that something illicit or immoral has been perpetrated by one's political opponents. Thus, writing in the congressional newspaper The Hill prior to the 2006 midterm elections, columnist Josh Marshall contends that "President Bush has politicized national security policy and used foreign policy to divide the country more than any president in modern (...)
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    “Decorate the Dungeon”: A Dialogue in Place of an Introduction.Jeffrey M. Perl, Colin Richmond, Abdulaziz Sachedina, Branka Arsić & Anonymous Envoi - 2010 - Common Knowledge 16 (2):223-232.
    In the place of an introduction to part 5 of the Common Knowledge symposium on forms of quietism, the journal's editor and one of its longtime columnists discuss, in dialogue format, the case of Thomas More. Could he have evaded martyrdom at the hands of Henry VIII and Thomas Cromwell? One discussant argues that More could not have done so without contemptibly abandoning his principles and surrendering fully to despotism. The other discussant disagrees, suggesting that More had to abandon some (...)
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    How to escape: magic, madness, beauty, and cynicism.Crispin Sartwell - 2014 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Passionate and rollicking personal and intellectual essays by philosopher Crispin Sartwell. Philosopher, music critic, and syndicated columnist Crispin Sartwell has forged a distinctive and fiercely original identity over the years as a cultural commentator. In books about anarchism, art and politics, Native American and African American thought and culture, Eastern spirituality, and American transcendentalism, Sartwell has relentlessly insisted on an ethos rooted in unadorned honesty with oneself and a healthy skepticism of others. This volume of selected popular writings combines (...)
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    The identity myth: why we need to embrace our differences to beat inequality.David Swift - 2022 - London: Constable.
    In A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, Karl Marx outlined his idea of a material 'base' and politico-cultural 'superstructure'. According to this formula, a material reality - wealth, income, occupation - determined your politics, leisure habits, tastes, and how you made sense of the world. Today, the importance of material deprivation, in terms of threats to life, health and prosperity, are as acute as ever. Despite the continued importance of inequality and disadvantage, the identities apparently generated by these (...)
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    Moral progress and Canada's climate failure.Byron Williston - 2011 - Journal of Global Ethics 7 (2):149 - 160.
    In a recent letter to Canada's national newspaper, The Globe and Mail, British columnist and climate change gadfly George Monbiot pleaded with Canada to clean up its greenhouse gas emissions act. The letter appeared just a week before the Copenhagen climate conference. In it, Monbiot alleged that Canada's newly acquired status as oil superpower threatens to ?brutalize? the country, as it has other oil-rich countries (Monbiot, G. 2009. Please, Canada, clean up your act, The Globe and Mail, November 30, (...)
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  41. African American Suspicion of the Healthcare System Is Justified: What Do We Do about It?Annette Dula - 1994 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 3 (3):347.
    A recent message on one of the e-mail bulletin boards sent by a college student read, “I believe that the AIDS virus was developed in government labs for the purpose of controlling black folks.” In September 1990, Essence, an African American magazine with a circulation of 900,000, had as a lead article “AIDS: Is It Genocide?” In 1991, the New York Times quoted Clarence Page, African American columnist and Pulitzer prize winner: “You could call conspiracy theories about AIDS and (...)
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    (1 other version)Motherhood - Philosophy for Everyone: The Birth of Wisdom.Fritz Allhoff & Sheila Lintott (eds.) - 2010 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    The complex world of motherhood is here unveiled. Covering issues ranging from whether we should occasionally lie to our children, to the unexpected challenges and complications of being a mother, _Motherhood - Philosophy for Everyone_ offers insightful, serious but often humorous essays that can be enjoyed by everyone - including husbands and fathers. Considers salient philosophical issues relating to pregnancy, birth, babycare, and raising a child Chapters include "The Days and Nights of a New Mother: Existentialism in the Nursery", "The (...)
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  43. Season of Travesties: Freedom and Democracy in mid-2009.Noam Chomsky - unknown
    The election in Lebanon was greeted with euphoria. New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman gushed that he is "a sucker for free and fair elections," so "it warms my heart to watch" what happened in Lebanon in an election that "was indeed free and fair Ñ not like the pretend election you are about to see in Iran, where only candidates approved by the Supreme Leader can run. No, in Lebanon it was the real deal, and the results were (...)
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  44. Refutations: Essays in Politics, Economics, Ethics and Art / Refutações: Ensaios em Política, Economia, Ética e Arte.Rodrigo Cid (ed.) - 2020 - Porto Alegre, BR: Editora Fi.
    With this book we want to illustrate the way we philosophers think that public argument and debate should be. Our goal is not to present a collection of academic texts. Although most of us are part of the academy, we want to present to the lay public shorter, more essay-like texts, originally published on an Internet page called Refutations. The page is not, of course, an academic journal; it is a digital magazine with opinion texts that share simplicity, rigor and (...)
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  45. Jazz: America's Classical Music?Lee B. Brown - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (1):157-172.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.1 (2002) 157-172 [Access article in PDF] Symposium: On Ken Burns's "Jazz" Jazz: America's Classical Music? 1 Lee B. Brown I VIEWERS OF KEN BURNS'S third cultural epic "Jazz" probably fell into one of three categories. 2 Some found it gripping. Some found it grating. Some found it both at once.The series has unforgettable moments: spectacular jitterbug sequences; Jimmy Lunceford's horn men fanning their trumpet bells (...)
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    Stanislaw Kowalczyk. Idea sprawiedliwosci spolecznej a mysl chrzescijanska [The Idea of Social Justice and the Christian Thought].Krzysztof Mądel - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 5 (1):263-266.
    The idea of social justice belongs to a narrow group of philosophical concepts which have been frequently and eagerly discussed by moderns. Many different authors, not only philosophers, have recognized this idea as being crucial to any social approach - others have applied it with considerable enthusiasm to their own discourses on the social order. To mention Karl Marks and Frederic Engels is enough. Unfortunately, professional philosophical works dedicated to the idea of social justice have been scarce. It is so (...)
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    Goddess of the Republic.Alec Mouhibian - 2020 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 20 (2):400-409.
    Isabel Paterson is the founding godmother of the libertarian movement, known best for her book The God of the Machine, which Ayn Rand credited for having done “for capitalism what the Bible did for Christianity.” Often overlooked is her twenty-five-year career as a literary columnist for the New York Herald Tribune. Culture and Liberty: Writings of Isabel Paterson, edited by Stephen Cox, presents a selection of those columns along with private letters and other essays. They are a treasure. Paterson’s (...)
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  48.  28
    In the Beginning..B. A. Farrell - 1940 - Philosophy 15 (59):285 - 300.
    There is a curious reluctance in many quarters to try to apply to the philosophical questions the ordinary person in the street is continually raising, the technique and results of recent logical and philosophical analysis. Ordinary persons like Uncle Tom and Aunt Mary persist in asking questions about the meaning of the Universe and the destiny of the individual. Yet, on the whole, the only answers that are offered come from those quarters that find themselves to-day increasingly out of tune (...)
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    Of whistleblowers, investigators, and judges.Sandra Scarr & Claire B. Ernhart - 1993 - Ethics and Behavior 3 (2):199 – 206.
    Needleman's (1993) reply to our article in this journal (Emhart, Scarr, & Geneson, 1993) is a good example of the tactics he uses to deflect attention from questions of his scientific misconduct. Rather than address the many doubts about his scientific conduct, he attempted to focus readers' attention on (a) the motives and character of colleagues who question his research, (b) legitimate debates in the research literature on low-level lead effects on children, and (c) testimonials by colleagues who cannot know (...)
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    Mock intimacy: strategies of engagement in Israeli gossip columns.Esther Schely-Newman - 2004 - Discourse Studies 6 (4):471-488.
    Information about celebrities is abundant in media, including bits of information about marginal events that appear in gossip columns; a media genre not sufficiently studied. This article analyzes Israeli national gossip columns in an attempt to identify stylistic and linguistic ways columnists frame information as confidential and personal. It is argued that the use of discursive strategies creates an illusion of intimacy between the reader and the column, inviting readers to participate in a deciphering game. Columnists engage readers by creative (...)
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