Results for ' cognitive impairment'

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  1. Rehabilitation of specific cognitive impairments.Cognitive Impairments - 2005 - In Walter M. High, Angelle M. Sander, Margaret A. Struchen & Karen A. Hart, Rehabilitation for Traumatic Brain Injury. Oxford University Press. pp. 29.
  2.  33
    Mild Cognitive Impairment: Which Kind Is It?Andy Hamilton - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (1):51-52.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mild Cognitive Impairment:Which Kind Is It?Andy Hamilton (bio)Keywordshuman kinds, mild cognitive impairment, multiple personality disorder, practical kinds, social constructionThere is much stimulating material in the Graham and Ritchie's paper (2006), concerning not just disease-classification but also the ethics of diagnosis. My concern is with the way in which they adduce Ian Hacking's views in the philosophy of science in support of their own. The authors (...)
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    Mild Cognitive Impairment in Relation to Alzheimer’s Disease: An Investigation of Principles, Classifications, Ethics, and Problems.Joseph Lee - 2023 - Neuroethics 16 (2):1-18.
    Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is a diagnostic category indicating cognitive impairment which does not meet diagnostic criteria for dementia such as Alzheimer’s disease. There are public health concerns about Alzheimer’s disease (AD) prompting intervention strategies to respond to predictions about the impacts of ageing populations and cognitive decline. This relationship between MCI and AD rests on three interrelated principles, namely, that a relationship exists between AD and MCI, that MCI progresses to AD, and that there (...)
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    Developing Partial Cognitive Impairment During Hospital Treatment: Capacity Assessment, Safeguarding or Recovery?Anne Christine Longmuir - 2024 - Ethics and Social Welfare 18 (1):21-36.
    This paper examines the ethical conundrum between a hospital's ethos of relieving distress, investigation and treatment, and its concurrent duties under English law to administer tests of decision-making capacity and safeguarding protection where it believes the patient may lack this capacity. Delirium, characterised by a precipitous decline in mental functioning exhibiting the shared symptomology of recoverable depressive disorders and terminal dementia, is not uncommon after emergency admission of elderly patients into acute medical hospital wards. The use of functional capacity testing (...)
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  5. Mild cognitive impairment: Where does it go from here?John Bond & Lynne Corner - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (1):29-30.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mild Cognitive Impairment:Where Does It Go From Here?John Bond (bio) and Lynne Corner (bio)Keywordsbiomedicalization, dementia, mild cognitive impairment, subjectivityThe joy of formal interdisciplinary discussion of this kind is the way that ideas presented through the gaze of social scientists stimulate such exciting thoughts and responses from other disciplines such as philosophy and psychology. We would like to thank Sabat and Thornton for their supportive and (...)
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    Stable Sparse Classifiers predict cognitive impairment from gait patterns.Tania Aznielle-Rodríguez, Marlis Ontivero-Ortega, Lídice Galán-García, Hichem Sahli & Mitchell Valdés-Sosa - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundAlthough gait patterns disturbances are known to be related to cognitive decline, there is no consensus on the possibility of predicting one from the other. It is necessary to find the optimal gait features, experimental protocols, and computational algorithms to achieve this purpose.PurposesTo assess the efficacy of the Stable Sparse Classifiers procedure for discriminating young and healthy older adults, as well as healthy and cognitively impaired elderly groups from their gait patterns. To identify the walking tasks or combinations of (...)
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  7. Obligations to the Cognitively Impaired in Non-Structured Contexts.Richard Galvin - 2018 - In Adam Cureton & Hill Jr, [no title]. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 204-226.
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    Voice: Cognitive Impairment and Medical Decision Making.Tia Powell - 2005 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 16 (4):303-313.
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  9. Rawls and research on cognitively impaired patients: A reply to Maio.Derek R. Bell - 2003 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 24 (5):381-393.
    In his paper, “The Relevance of Rawls’ Principle of Justice for Research on Cognitively Impaired Patients” (Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 23 (2002):45–53), Giovanni Maio has developed a thought-provoking argument for the permissibility of non-therapeutic research on cognitively impaired patients. Maio argues that his conclusion follows from the acceptance of John Rawls’s principles of justice, specifically, Rawls’s “liberty principle” Maio has misinterpreted Rawls’s “libertyprinciple” – correctly interpreted it does notsupport non-therapeutic research on cognitivelyimpaired patients. Three other ‘Rawlsian’ arguments are suggested by (...)
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    Mild cognitive impairment: Ethical considerations for nosological flexibility in human kinds.Janice E. Graham & Karen Ritchie - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (1):31-43.
    The evolution of a relevant nosological concept reflects changes in the distinction between what is recognized and defined as normal and pathologic. Attention is directed to the rationale and value of detecting subclinical aging-related modifications in cognitive performance. The position that different kinds of dementias may have precedents in etiological-specific kinds of early or mild cognitive impairments (MCI) supports targeting people earlier for study of these subclinical symptoms. Because heterogeneous disorders can be expected to have multiple patterns of (...)
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    Cognitive Impairment and the Right to Vote: A Strategic Approach.Linda Barclay - 2013 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 30 (2):146-159.
    Most democratic countries either limit or deny altogether voting rights for people with cognitive impairments or mental health conditions. Against this weight of legal and practical exclusion, disability advocacy and developments in international human rights law increasingly push in the direction of full voting rights for people with cognitive impairments. Particularly influential has been the adoption by the UN of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2007. Article 29 declares that states must ‘ensure that (...)
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  12.  15
    Cognitive Impairment in Non-critical, Mild-to-Moderate COVID-19 Survivors.Ashley M. Henneghan, Kimberly A. Lewis, Eliana Gill & Shelli R. Kesler - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ImportancePrevious studies of post-acute COVID-19 syndrome have focused on critical cases with severe disease. However, most cases are mild to moderate in disease severity.ObjectiveWe aimed to examine cognitive outcomes in cases of non-critical, mild-to-moderate COVID-19. Design, Setting, and Participants: In this cross-sectional study, we enrolled 72 adults aged 22 to 65 years in Central Texas who had non-critical, mild-to-moderate COVID-19 infection between 13 January 2021 and 20 April 2021.Main Outcomes and MeasuresWe remotely administered cognitive-behavioral testing to determine the (...)
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    Mild Cognitive Impairment Is Relevant.Ronald C. Petersen - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (1):45-49.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mild Cognitive Impairment Is RelevantRonald C. Petersen (bio)Keywordsaging, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, mild cognitive impairment, pharmaceutical industryGraham and Ritchie (2006) have contributed a scholarly document that implores us to reexamine nosological categories and certain diagnostic outcomes. They have chosen mild cognitive impairment (MCI) as the target of their scrutiny and have raised several interesting issues. I would like to comment on their approach and (...)
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    Mild Cognitive Impairment: What's in a Name?Steven R. Sabat - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (1):13-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mild Cognitive Impairment:What's in a Name?Steven R. Sabat (bio)Keywordslabeling, mild cognitive impairment, recall memory, selfhood, stereotype threatCorner and Bond (2006) raise a number of important conceptual issues related to the problems involved in defining mild cognitive impairment (MCI), differentiating it from normal aging, the definition of normal aging itself, and ethical issues surrounding the possible adverse effects of a diagnosis of MCI on (...)
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    Mild Cognitive Impairment: Kinds, Ethics, and Market Forces.Stephen Ticehurst - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (1):53-55.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mild Cognitive Impairment:Kinds, Ethics, and Market ForcesStephen Ticehurst (bio)KeywordsAlzheimer’s disease, dementia, human kinds, mild cognitive impairment, natural kindsIn their article, Graham and Ritchie (2006) robustly confront the term mild cognitive impairment (MCI). They contrast a "real" diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) with a potentially spurious human invention called MCI. They argue we should not push MCI and AD too close together, lest MCI (...)
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    Cognitive Impairment and Dementia in Parkinson's Disease.Murat Emre (ed.) - 2010 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Parkinson's disease has long been perceived as a pure motor disorder, partly due to its initial description by James Parkinson, who suggested that "senses and intellect remain intact", and partly due to the fact that patients with PD did not survive long, before effective treatment became available. As the survival time of patients with Parkinson's disease has substantially increased due to modern treatment, it has become apparent that cognitive deficits and dementia are also frequent features, especially in elderly patients. (...)
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    Cognitive Impairment in Adolescent Major Depressive Disorder With Nonsuicidal Self-Injury: Evidence Based on Multi-indicator ERPs.Yujiao Wen, Xuemin Zhang, Yifan Xu, Dan Qiao, Shanshan Guo, Ning Sun, Chunxia Yang, Min Han & Zhifen Liu - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    The lifetime prevalence of major depressive disorder in adolescents is reported to be as high as 20%; thus, MDD constitutes a significant social and public health burden. MDD is often associated with nonsuicidal self-injury behavior, but the contributing factors including cognitive function have not been investigated in detail. To this end, the present study evaluated cognitive impairment and psychosocial factors in associated with MDD with NSSI behavior. Eighteen and 21 drug-naïve patients with first-episode MDD with or without (...)
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    The Ambiguities of Mild Cognitive Impairment.Tim Thornton - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (1):21-27.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Ambiguities of Mild Cognitive ImpairmentTim Thornton (bio)Keywordsclassification, disease, mild cognitive impairment, normative, valuesCorner and Bond's paper (2006) raises some key ethical questions about the classification and diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI). In this commentary, I wish to revise some of the general issues about the classification of mental disorder raised by this particular classificatory concept. The central issue raised is the connection (...)
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    Cognitive Impairments in Occupational Burnout – Error Processing and Its Indices of Reactive and Proactive Control.Krystyna Golonka, Justyna Mojsa-Kaja, Magda Gawlowska & Katarzyna Popiel - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Keep your brain stronger for longer: 201 brain exercises for people with mild cognitive impairment.Tonia Vojtkofsky - 2015 - New York: The Experiment.
    Start Exercising Your Brain Now: 201 Word and Number Exercises to Challenge Your Memory, Reasoning, Visual-Spatial Skills, Vocabulary, and More! Keep your brain active, even with MCI. For adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment, brain exercises are the best way to stay sharp and delay the onset of dementia. That’s why cognitive specialist Dr. Tonia Vojtkofsky tailored this fun workbook specifically for people with MCI. It’s the first of its kind! Find a word that meets the definition and (...)
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    Cognitive Impairments in Fibromyalgia Syndrome: Associations With Positive and Negative Affect, Alexithymia, Pain Catastrophizing and Self-Esteem.Carmen M. Galvez-Sánchez, Gustavo A. Reyes del Paso & Stefan Duschek - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Parkinson’s disease with mild cognitive impairment may has a lower risk of cognitive decline after subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation: A retrospective cohort study.Hutao Xie, Quan Zhang, Yin Jiang, Yutong Bai & Jianguo Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:943472.
    BackgroundThe cognitive outcomes induced by subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) remain unclear, especially in PD patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). This study explored the cognitive effects of STN-DBS in PD patients with MCI.MethodsThis was a retrospective cohort study that included 126 PD patients who underwent STN-DBS; all patients completed cognitive and motor assessments before and at least 6 months after surgery. Cognitive changes were mainly evaluated by the Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA) (...)
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    Research on Cognitively Impaired Adults.Jason Karlawish - 2007 - In Bonnie Steinbock, The Oxford handbook of bioethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The preeminence of informed consent in human subjects protections reflects Western democratic societies' ethical and political commitments to secure each citizen against both coercive and paternalistic influences of other people. Society permits adults extensive personal discretion in choices such as where to live, what to eat, how to dress, and whether to be in research. In short, individuals are afforded extensive discretion in choosing what to do and what is in their own best interests. Informed consent to enroll in research (...)
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    Mild Cognitive Impairment in de novo Parkinson's Disease: Selective Attention Deficit as Early Sign of Neurocognitive Decay.Davide Maria Cammisuli, Cristina Pagni, Giovanni Palermo, Daniela Frosini, Joyce Bonaccorsi, Claudia Radicchi, Simona Cintoli, Luca Tommasini, Gloria Tognoni, Roberto Ceravolo & Ubaldo Bonuccelli - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: In the present study, we aimed to better investigate attention system profile of Parkinson's disease-Mild Cognitive Impairment patients and to determine if specific attentional deficits are associated with 123I-FP-CIT SPECT.Methods: A total of 44 de novo drug-naïve PD patients [ with normal cognition and 17 with MCI ], 23 MCI patients and 23 individuals with subjective cognitive impairment were recruited at the Clinical Neurology Unit of Santa Chiara hospital. They were assessed by a wide neuropsychological (...)
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    Reconciling concepts of space and person‐centred care of the older person with cognitive impairment in the acute care setting.Carole Rushton & David Edvardsson - 2017 - Nursing Philosophy 18 (3):e12142.
    Although a large body of literature exists propounding the importance of space in aged care and care of the older person with dementia, there is, however, only limited exploration of the ‘acute care space’ as a particular type of space with archetypal constraints that maybe unfavourable to older people with cognitive impairment and nurses wanting to provide care that is person‐centred. In this article, we explore concepts of space and examine the implications of these for the delivery of (...)
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    Should Children with Severe Cognitive Impairment Receive Solid Organ Transplants?Robert D. Orr, Joyce K. Johnston, S. Ashwal & L. L. Bailey - 2000 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 11 (3):219-229.
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    The relevance of Rawls' principle of justice for research on cognitively impaired patients.P. D. Dr Giovanni Maio - 2002 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 23 (1):45-53.
    An ethical conflict arises when we must perform research in the interest of future patients, but that this may occasionally injure the interests of today''s patients. In the case of cognitively impaired persons, the question arises whether it is compatible with humane healthcare not only to treat, but also to use these patients for research purposes. Some bioethicists and theologians have formulated a general duty of solidarity, also pertaining to cognitively impaired persons, as a justification for research on these persons. (...)
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    Abnormal Static and Dynamic Local-Neural Activity in COPD and Its Relationship With Pulmonary Function and Cognitive Impairments.Zhi Lv, Qingqing Chen, Yinling Jiang, Panpan Hu, Lei Zhang, Tongjian Bai, Kai Wang, Yongsheng Wang & Xiaoyun Fan - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are characterized by attenuated pulmonary function and are frequently reported with cognitive impairments, especially memory impairments. The mechanism underlying the memory impairments still remains unclear. We applied resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging to compare the brain local activities with static and dynamic amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations among patients with COPD and healthy controls. Compared with HC, COPD patients exhibited decreased sALFF in the right basal ganglia and increased dALFF in the bilateral parahippocampal/hippocampal gyrus. (...)
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  29. Respect, Identification, and Profound Cognitive Impairment.John Vorhaus - 2020 - In Adam Cureton & David Wasserman, Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Disability. Oxford University Press. pp. 399-415.
    It is a familiar idea that showing respect for someone requires an effort to take account of how she sees the world. There is more than one way we might do this. Williams suggests that each person is owed an effort at identification, whereas Rawls remarks that “mutual respect is shown … in our willingness to see the situation of others from their point of view.” The author explores these ideas as they apply to people with profound and multiple learning (...)
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    Reifying Relevance in Mild Cognitive Impairment: An Appeal for Care and Caution.Janice E. Graham & Karen Ritchie - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (1):57-60.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reifying Relevance in Mild Cognitive Impairment:An Appeal for Care and CautionJanice E. Graham (bio) and Karen Ritchie (bio)KeywordsAlzheimer’s disease, construction, dementia, market forces, mild cognitive impairmentWe thank the reviewers for their thoughtful comments that probe shadowy areas in our argument, and we welcome this opportunity to elucidate our position. First, we are not repudiating the natural and social facts of pathologic brain degeneration and the physical (...)
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    Reconciling concepts of time and person‐centred care of the older person with cognitive impairment in the acute care setting.Carole Rushton, Anita Nilsson & David Edvardsson - 2016 - Nursing Philosophy 17 (4):282-289.
    The aim of this analysis was to examine the concept of time to rejuvenate and extend existing narratives of time within the nursing literature. In particular, we hope to promote a new trajectory in nursing research and practice which focuses on time and person‐centred care, specifically of older people with cognitive impairment hospitalized in the acute care setting. We consider the explanatory power of concepts such as clock time, process time, fast care, slow care and time debt for (...)
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    Reconciling conceptualisations of the body and person‐centred care of the older person with cognitive impairment in the acute care setting.Carole Rushton & David Edvardsson - 2017 - Nursing Philosophy 18 (4):e12160.
    In this article, we sought reconciliation between the “body‐as‐representation” and the “body‐as‐experience,” that is, how the body is represented in discourse and how the body of older people with cognitive impairment is experienced. We identified four contemporary “technologies” and gave examples of these to show how they influence how older people with cognitive impairment are often represented in acute care settings. We argued that these technologies may be mediated further by discourses of ageism and ableism which (...)
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    Reconciling conceptualizations of ethical conduct and person‐centred care of older people with cognitive impairment in acute care settings.Carole Rushton & David Edvardsson - 2018 - Nursing Philosophy 19 (2):e12190.
    Key commentators on person‐centred care have described it as a “new ethic of care” which they link inextricably to notions of individual autonomy, action, change and improvement. Two key points are addressed in this article. The first is that few discussions about ethics and person‐centred are underscored by any particular ethical theory. The second point is that despite the espoused benefits of person‐centred care, delivery within the acute care setting remains largely aspirational. Choices nurses make about their practice tend to (...)
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    The Smart Aging Platform for Assessing Early Phases of Cognitive Impairment in Patients With Neurodegenerative Diseases.Sara Bottiroli, Sara Bernini, Elena Cavallini, Elena Sinforiani, Chiara Zucchella, Stefania Pazzi, Paolo Cristiani, Tomaso Vecchi, Daniela Tost, Giorgio Sandrini & Cristina Tassorelli - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:635410.
    Background:Smart Aging is a serious game (SG) platform that generates a 3D virtual reality environment in which users perform a set of screening tasks designed to allow evaluation of global cognition. Each task replicates activities of daily living performed in a familiar environment. The main goal of the present study was to ascertain whether Smart Aging could differentiate between different types and levels of cognitive impairment in patients with neurodegenerative disease.Methods:Ninety-one subjects (mean age = 70.29 ± 7.70 years)—healthy (...)
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    Morality, Modality, and Humans with Deep Cognitive Impairments.William Gildea - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (2):546-568.
    Philosophers struggle to explain why human beings with deep cognitive impairments have a higher moral status than certain non-human animals. Modal personism promises to solve this problem. It claims that humans who lack the capacities of “personhood” and the potential to develop them nonetheless could have been persons. I argue that modal personism has poor prospects because it's hard to see how we could offer a plausible account of modal personhood. I search for an adequate understanding of modal personhood (...)
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    Reconciling conceptualizations of relationships and person‐centred care for older people with cognitive impairment in acute care settings.Carole Rushton & David Edvardsson - 2018 - Nursing Philosophy 19 (2):e12169.
    Relationships are central to enacting person‐centred care of the older person with cognitive impairment. A fuller understanding of relationships and the role they play facilitating wellness and preserving personhood is critical if we are to unleash the productive potential of nursing research and person‐centred care. In this article, we target the acute care setting because much of the work about relationships and older people with cognitive impairment has tended to focus on relationships in long‐term care. The (...)
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    A unified account of cognitive impairments following frontal lobe damage: the role of working memory in complex, organized behavior.Daniel Y. Kimberg & Martha J. Farah - 1993 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 122 (4):411.
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    Pharmacological interventions for social cognitive impairments in schizophrenia: A protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis.Yuji Yamada, Ryo Okubo, Hisateru Tachimori, Takashi Uchino, Ryotaro Kubota, Hiroki Okano, Shuhei Ishikawa, Toru Horinouchi, Keisuke Takanobu, Ryo Sawagashira, Yumi Hasegawa, Yohei Sasaki, Motohiro Nishiuchi, Takahiro Kawashima, Yui Tomo, Naoki Hashimoto, Satoru Ikezawa, Takahiro Nemoto, Norio Watanabe & Tomiki Sumiyoshi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundSocial cognitive impairments adversely affect social functioning in patients with schizophrenia. Although pharmacological interventions have been suggested to provide some benefits on social cognition, little information is available on the comparative efficacy of pharmacotherapy. Thus, the aim of this planned systematic review and network meta-analysis is to perform a quantitative comparison of the effects of various psychotropic drugs, including supplements, on social cognition disturbances of schizophrenia.MethodsThe literature search will be carried out using the PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of (...)
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    Dance activity interventions targeting cognitive functioning in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: A meta-analysis.Yuxin Yuan, Xiaofen Li & Wanxu Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectivesTo comprehensively determine the effect of dance activities on the cognitive functions and its sub-domains of older adults with mild cognitive impairment.MethodsWe obtained data from PubMed, Web of Science, EBSCO, China national knowledge infrastructure, Wanfang data, and VIP databases from 2017/01/01 to 2022/03/01. We included trials of older adults with MCI that underwent dance activity intervention and fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Two researchers independently assessed the quality of the study using the Cochrane risk of the bias assessment (...)
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    Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson’s Disease Is Reflected with Gradual Decrease of EEG Delta Responses during Auditory Discrimination.Bahar Güntekin, Lütfü Hanoğlu, Dilan Güner, Nesrin H. Yılmaz, Fadime Çadırcı, Nagihan Mantar, Tuba Aktürk, Derya D. Emek-Savaş, Fahriye F. Özer, Görsev Yener & Erol Başar - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Improving the Assessment of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Advanced Age With a Novel Multi-Feature Automated Speech and Language Analysis of Verbal Fluency.Liu Chen, Meysam Asgari, Robert Gale, Katherine Wild, Hiroko Dodge & Jeffrey Kaye - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:494917.
    _Introduction:_ Clinically relevant information can go uncaptured in the conventional scoring of a verbal fluency test. We hypothesize that characterizing the temporal aspects of the response through a set of time related measures will be useful in distinguishing those with MCI from cognitively intact controls. _Methods:_ Audio recordings of an animal fluency test administered to 70 demographically matched older adults (mean age 90.4 years), 28 with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and 42 cognitively intact (CI) were professionally transcribed and (...)
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    Childhood adversity and cognitive impairment in later life.Xiaoling Xiang, Joonyoung Cho, Yihang Sun & Xiafei Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectivesThis study examined the association between childhood adversity and cognitive impairment in later life and explored the potential moderation effect of gender and race.MethodsThe study sample included 15,133 participants of the Health and Retirement Study who had complete data on key study measures and were more than 50. The outcome variable is a dichotomous indicator of cognitive impairment as assessed by the Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status for self-respondents and the 16-item Informant Questionnaire on (...) Decline in the Elderly for proxies. A total of six childhood adversity indicators included grade retention, parental substance abuse, physical abuse, trouble with the police, moving due to financial hardship, and receipt of help due to financial hardship in early life. The estimation of the association between childhood adversity and cognitive impairment involved Cox proportional hazards regression. Results: Grade retention had the largest effect on incident cognitive impairment, followed by physical abuse by a parent. The impact of grade retention was more detrimental to women than men. Parental substance abuse was associated with a lower risk of incident cognitive impairment for most racial groups, but this association was reversed in “non-Hispanic other” race, consisting mainly of Asians.DiscussionSome aspects of childhood adversity continue to harm cognitive functioning in later life, while some events may have the opposite effect, with evidence of heterogeneity across gender and race. (shrink)
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    Acupuncture for Improving Cognitive Impairment After Stroke: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.Liang Zhou, Yao Wang, Jun Qiao, Qing Mei Wang & Xun Luo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Objective: This meta-analysis evaluated the efficacy of acupuncture in improving cognitive impairment of post-stroke patients.Design: Randomized controlled trials investigating the effects of acupuncture compared with no treatment or sham acupuncture on post-stroke cognitive impairment before December 2019 were identified from databases. The literature searching and data extracting were independently performed by two investigators. Study quality was assessed using the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. Meta-analyses were performed for the eligible RCTs with Revman 5.3 software.Results: (...)
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    Mild cognitive impairment and fMRI studies of brain functional connectivity: the state of the art.Laia Farràs-Permanyer, Joan Guàrdia-Olmos & Maribel Peró-Cebollero - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  45. Under the floorboards: Examining the foundations of mild cognitive impairment.Michael Bavidge - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (1):75-77.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Under the Floorboards:Examining the Foundations of Mild Cognitive ImpairmentMichael Bavidge (bio)KeywordsAlzheimer’s disease, culture, dementia, normal aging, science"Building a mystery: Alzheimer disease, mild cognitive impairment, and beyond" (Gaines and Whitehouse 2006) is an absorbing and important case study of how Alzheimer's disease (AD) came to be seen as a disease and how mild cognitive impairment (MCI) has been constructed in recent years as a related (...)
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    Alzheimer's Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and the Biology of Intrinsic Aging.T. B. L. Kirkwood - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (1):79-82.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Alzheimer's Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and the Biology of Intrinsic AgingThomas B. L. Kirkwood (bio)Keywordsaging, Alzheimer’s disease, genetic mutation, mild cognitive impairment, telomereThe article by Gaines and Whitehouse (2006) raises key questions about the uncertain relationship between (i) the intrinsic, "normal" aging process, and (ii) the clinicopathologic states represented by the labels of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI). This short (...)
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    Hippocampal morphological atrophy and distinct patterns of structural covariance network in Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment.Dawei Miao, Xiaoguang Zhou & Xiaoyuan Wu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:980954.
    Elucidating distinct morphological atrophy patterns of Alzheimer’s disease and its prodromal stage, namely, mild cognitive impairment helps to improve early diagnosis and medical intervention of AD. On that account, we aimed to obtain distinct patterns of voxel-wise morphological atrophy and its further perturbation on structural covariance network in AD and MCI compared with healthy controls. T1-weighted anatomical images of matched AD, MCI, and HCs were included in this study. Gray matter volume was obtained using voxel-based morphometry and compared (...)
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    Dialysis decisions concerning cognitively impaired adults: a scoping literature review.Jonathan Ives & Jordan A. Parsons - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-17.
    BackgroundChronic kidney disease is a significant cause of global deaths. Those who progress to end-stage kidney disease often commence dialysis as a life-extending treatment. For cognitively impaired patients, the decision as to whether they commence dialysis will fall to someone else. This scoping review was conducted to map existing literature pertaining to how decisions about dialysis are and should be made with, for, and on behalf of adult patients who lack decision-making capacity. In doing so, it forms the basis of (...)
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    Bibliometric analysis: Research trends of acupuncture treatment to cognitive impairment in recent 15 years.Chen-Chen Nie, Kai-Qi Su, Jing Gao, Xiao-Lei Song, Zhuan Lv, Jie Yuan, Meng Luo, Xiao-Di Ruan, Yong-Fu Fan, Ming-Yue Yu, Shi-Kui Qi & Xiao-Dong Feng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectivesAcupuncture therapy has been used for cognitive impairment-related diseases, however, there are still few studies on the overall trend of acupuncture therapy on cognitive impairment based on bibliometric analysis. The purpose of this study was to explore the research trend of the impact of acupuncture on cognitive impairment in the past 15 years, analyze the research trends and hotspots, and provide new ideas and theoretical basis for future research directions.MethodsFrom the Web of Science Core (...)
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    Exploring Patient Perspectives: A Structured Interview Study on Deep Brain Stimulation as a Novel Treatment Approach for Mild Cognitive Impairment.Pooja Venkatesh, Bradley Lega & Michael Rubin - forthcoming - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience.
    Introduction Limited treatments for Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) highlight the need to explore innovations including Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), with patient perspectives key to ethical protocol development.Methods Seven MCI patients and four care partners were interviewed (Feb 2023–Jan 2024) about daily MCI challenges, desired treatment outcomes, and views on DBS. Thematic analysis following COREQ guidelines identified key themes.Results DBS was a novel concept for all (7/7), and most expressed interest (6/7) despite concerns about invasiveness (6/7) and preference to (...)
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