Results for ' blood, gender, sex, medicine, sex hormones, Brazil, humours'

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  1. Hormones and the reconfiguration of sexual identities in Brazil.Emilia Sanabria - 2013 - Clio 37:85-104.
    Les hormones sexuelles sont des objets hybrides et complexes à la frontière du sexe et du genre. Dès lors qu’elles sont synthétisées sous forme pharmaceutique, elles peuvent attribuer des caractéristiques sexuelles au corps de manière partiellement exogène à celui-ci. Il s’en suit que l’utilisation clinique qui en est faite est socialement réglementée. À travers une analyse de divers contextes d’utilisation des hormones observés à Bahia, au Brésil, cet article montre que le dualisme sexuel est le produit de pratiques de régulation (...)
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    Sexing hormones and materializing gender in Brazil.Emilia Sanabria - 2014 - Clio 37.
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    What Is the Aim of Pediatric “Gender‐Affirming” Care?Moti Gorin - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (3):35-50.
    The original “Dutch Protocol”—the treatment model comprised of puberty blockers, cross‐sex hormones, and surgery—was intended to improve the mental and physical health of pediatric patients experiencing distress over their sexed bodies. Consequently, both researchers and clinicians have couched eligibility for treatment and measures of treatment efficacy in terms of the interventions’ effects on outcomes such as gender dysphoria, depression, anxiety, and suicide. However, recent systematic reviews have concluded that the scientific evidence supporting these interventions is uncertain, leading to significant international (...)
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    Sacred retreat: using natural cycles to recharge your life.Pia Orleane - 2017 - Rochester, Vermont: Bear & Company.
    Restoring our biological cycles to heal ourselves, our culture, and our planet Shows how, just like the tides and the moon phases, both women and men have biological cycles of growth and renewal necessary for healthy bodies and minds. Explains how the seclusion of women during menstruation and of men during vision quests offers a cleansing process for body and mind to awaken innate creativity and sensitivity, re-attune us with the deeper rhythms of the body and nature, and restore harmony (...)
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    The Ethical Impermissibility of Cross-Sex Hormone Therapy in Gender-Dysphoric Minors.Phillip Berns - 2018 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 92:321-332.
    Gender dysphoria in children has become a hot-button topic; however, clinical data still remain sparse on the effects of hormone therapy and transitional surgery on the physical and psychological well-being of those children. The American College of Pediatricians cites studies indicating that anywhere from 77 to 94 percent of boys and 73 to 88 percent of girls desist in GD; that is, following puberty the majority of children who experience GD will identify with their assigned biological sex. After reviewing the (...)
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    A Critique of “Gender Dysphoria” in DSM-5.Edward J. Furton - 2017 - Ethics and Medics 42 (7):1-4.
    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is the guidebook for psychiatric practice in medicine. In the fifth edition, published in 2013, the American Psychiatric Association significantly revised the section on gender identity disorder, which it renamed gender dysphoria. In previous editions, the conviction that one’s sex did not match one’s gender was treated as a mental disorder in need of psychiatric treatment. In DSM-5, the remedy for that same conviction was changed to hormonal and surgical procedures to give (...)
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    “The Proof Is in the Pudding”: How Mental Health Practitioners View the Power of “Sex Hormones” in the Process of Transition.Jaye Cee Whitehead, Kath Bassett, Leia Franchini & Michael Iacolucci - 2015 - Feminist Studies 41 (3):623-650.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 41, no. 3. © 2015 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 623 Jaye Cee Whitehead, Kath Bassett, Leia Franchini, and Michael Iacolucci “The Proof Is in the Pudding”: How Mental Health Practitioners View the Power of “Sex Hormones” in the Process of Transition In the United States today, popular discourse touts the power of “sex hormones” and hormone receptors in the brain to chemically produce gender expressions (manifested in (...)
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    Women and Health Research: A Report from the Institute of Medicine.Anna C. Mastroianni, Ruth Faden & Daniel Federman - 1994 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 4 (1):55-62.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Women and Health Research:A Report from the Institute of MedicineAnna C. Mastroianni (bio), Ruth Faden (bio), and Daniel Federman (bio)In recent years, claims have been made by segments of the research community and by women's health advocacy groups that clinical research practices and policies have not benefitted women's health to the same extent as men's health. Central to these claims has been an assertion that women have been inadequately (...)
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    Chandak Sengoopta, The Most Secret Quintessence of Life: Sex, Glands and Hormones, 1850–1950. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2006. Pp. xii+354. ISBN 0-226-74863-4. $45.00, £28.50 .Judith A. Houck, Hot and Bothered: Women, Medicine, and Menopause in Modern America. Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Press, 2006. Pp. xii+328. ISBN 0-674-01896-6. £24.95, $39.95. [REVIEW]Cheryl Logan - 2008 - British Journal for the History of Science 41 (2):286-288.
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    The biological subject of aesthetic medicine.Alexander Edmonds - 2013 - Feminist Theory 14 (1):65-82.
    This article explores how race, sexual attractiveness and ‘female nature’ are biologised in plastic surgery. I situate this analysis in relation to recent debates over the limits of social constructionism and calls for more engagement with biology in feminist theory and science studies. I analyse not only how the biological is represented by biomedicine, but also how it is experienced by patients and, most problematically, how it is entangled with social constructions of beauty, race and female reproduction. Drawing on ethnographic (...)
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    Who's minding the shop? The role of Canadian research ethics boards in the creation and uses of registries and biobanks.Elaine Gibson, Kevin Brazil, Michael D. Coughlin, Claudia Emerson, Francois Fournier, Lisa Schwartz, Karen V. Szala-Meneok, Karen M. Weisbaum & Donald J. Willison - 2008 - BMC Medical Ethics 9 (1):17-.
    BackgroundThe amount of research utilizing health information has increased dramatically over the last ten years. Many institutions have extensive biobank holdings collected over a number of years for clinical and teaching purposes, but are uncertain as to the proper circumstances in which to permit research uses of these samples. Research Ethics Boards (REBs) in Canada and elsewhere in the world are grappling with these issues, but lack clear guidance regarding their role in the creation of and access to registries and (...)
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  12.  68
    GnRHa (‘Puberty Blockers’) and Cross Sex Hormones for Children and Adolescents: Informed Consent, Personhood and Freedom of Expression.David Pilgrim & Kirsty Entwistle - 2020 - The New Bioethics 26 (3):224-237.
    Ethical concerns have been raised about routine practice in paediatric gender clinics. We discuss informed consent and the risk of iatrogenesis in the prescribing of gonadotropin-releasing hormone...
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  13. Why “sex as a biological variable” conflicts with precision medicine initiatives.Marina DiMarco, Helen Zhao & Marion Boulicault - 2022 - Cell Reports Medicine 10050 (3):1-3.
    Policies that require male-female sex comparisons in all areas of biomedical research conflict with the goal of improving health outcomes through context-sensitive individualization of medical care. Sex, like race, requires a rigorous, contextual approach in precision medicine. A “sex contextualist” approach to gender-inclusive medicine better aligns with this aim.
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  14. Hormone Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria: An Ethical Analysis.Brendan S. Abel - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (s4):23-27.
    In the context of transgender health, most people are not comfortable with allowing a twelve‐year‐old child with gender dysphoria to elect to undergo gender reassignment surgery. The likelihood is too high that the child would be unable to fully comprehend the scope of a decision that carries significant, permanent consequences, particularly because the decision to surgically change gender is based upon a conception of gender that can fluctuate during adolescent years. Conversely, however, most people would not contend that this fluidity (...)
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  15. Gender Affirming Hormone Treatment for Trans Adolescents: A Four Principles Analysis.Hane Htut Maung - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry (2):345-363.
    Gender affirming hormone treatment is an important part of the care of trans adolescents which enables them to develop the secondary sexual characteristics congruent with their identified genders. There is an increasing amount of empirical evidence showing the benefits of gender affirming hormone treatment for psychological health and social well-being in this population. However, in several countries, access to gender affirming hormone treatment for trans adolescents has recently been severely restricted. While much of the opposition to gender affirming hormone treatment (...)
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  16.  35
    Neural Correlates of Sex/Gender Differences in Humor Processing for Different Joke Types.Yu-Chen Chan - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Report on the conference on 'Men, Women, and Medicine: A New View of the Biology of Sex/gender Differences and Aging' held in Berlin, 24–26th February 2006. [REVIEW]Antje Kampf - 2006 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 1 (1):1-3.
    The first world wide symposium on the topic of gender-specific medicine provided the latest research on differences in sex and/or gender in medicine and medical care. The presentations ranged beyond the topic of reproduction to encompass the entire human organism. This report critically reviews three issues that emerged during the Conference: gender mainstreaming, the concept of sex/gender differences and the issue of men's health. It suggests that the interdisciplinary concept of gender-specific medicine has to be mirrored by the integration of (...)
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  18.  40
    The Use of Cross-Sex Steroids in the Treatment of Gender Dysphoria.Paul W. Hruz - 2017 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 17 (4):661-671.
    Current clinical guidelines for the treatment of individuals who experience gender dysphoria include the administration of testosterone to women who desire to appear as men and estrogen to men who desire to appear as women. Despite the rapid and widespread adoption of this practice, strikingly little scientific evidence supports this treatment approach as a safe and effective medical intervention to prevent associated depression and suicide. Although low-quality, short-term studies have demonstrated a reduction of dysphoria, emerging evidence reveals significant bodily harm (...)
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  19.  10
    Measuring the data gap: inclusion of sex and gender reporting in diabetes research.Paula A. Rochon, Robin Mason, Wei Wu & Suzanne Day - 2019 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 4 (1).
    BackgroundImportant sex and gender differences have been found in research on diabetes complications and treatment. Reporting on whether and how sex and gender impact research findings is crucial for developing tailored diabetes care strategies. To analyze the extent to which this information is available in current diabetes research, we examined original investigations on diabetes for the integration of sex and gender in study reporting.MethodsWe examined original investigations on diabetes published between January 1 and December 31, 2015, in the top five (...)
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    Genes, hormones, and gender in sociopathy.Katharine Hoyenga - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (3):560-560.
    Although serotonin, testosterone, and genes contribute to sociopathy, the relationships are probably indirect and subject to modifiers (e.g., present only under certain conditions of rearing and temperament). Age at menarche may be a marker variable as well as a causal factor. Since the genders differ in all four areas, sex differences in sociopathy represent a very complex interaction of these factors.
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    Types, norms, and normalisation: Hormone research and treatments in Italy, Argentina, and Brazil, c. 1900–50.Chiara Beccalossi - 2021 - History of the Human Sciences 34 (2):113-137.
    Displacing the physiological model that had held sway in 19th-century medical thinking, early 20th-century hormone research promoted an understanding of the body and sexual desires in which variations in sex characteristics and non-reproductive sexual behaviours such as homosexuality were attributed to anomalies in the internal secretions produced by the testes or the ovaries. Biotypology, a new brand of medical science conceived and led by the Italian endocrinologist Nicola Pende, employed hormone research to study human types and hormone treatments to normalise (...)
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  22.  44
    Meanings of Sex Difference in the Middle Ages: Medicine, Science, and Culture.Joan Cadden - 1993 - Cambridge University Press.
    In describing and explaining the sexes, medicine and science participated in the delineation of what was "feminine" and what was "masculine" in the Middle Ages. Hildegard of Bingen and Albertus Magnus, among others, writing about gynecology, the human constitution, fetal development, or the naturalistic dimensions of divine Creation, became increasingly interested in issues surrounding reproduction and sexuality. Did women as well as men produce procreative seed? How did the physiology of the sexes influence their healthy states and their susceptibility to (...)
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  23. Peggy McCracken. The Curse of Eve, the Wound of the Hero. Blood, Gender and Medieval Literature.M. K. K. Yearl - 2004 - Early Science and Medicine 9 (1):50-51.
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  24. Sex Selection and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: A Response to the Ethics Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.Edgar Dahl & Julian Savulescu - 2000 - Human Reproduction 15 (9):1879-1880.
    In its recent statement 'Sex Selection and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis', the Ethics Committee of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine concluded that preimplantation genetic diagnosis for sex selection for non-medical reasons should be discouraged because it poses a risk of unwarranted gender bias, social harm, and results in the diversion of medical resources from genuine medical need. We critically examine the arguments presented against sex selection using preimplantation genetic diagnosis. We argue that sex selection should be available, at least within (...)
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  25. The History of Biology and its Importance for Gender Studies.Yusuke Kaneko - 2016 - GÉNEROS –Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies 5 (2).
    The aim of this paper is to call the attention, especially that of feminists, to the current progress in biology. It appears gender studies still confine themselves to outdated ideas of sex chromosomes like XX, XY (§10). However, science has been making progress. It no longer sticks to such matters as XX, XY. Its interest is now in Sry, a kind of gene (§11), and MIS, a kind of sex hormone (§14). Abnormalities of sex chromosomes are no longer evidence to (...)
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  26.  43
    Introduction: Philosophy of Sex and Gender in Gender Medicine.M. Cristina Amoretti & Nicla Vassallo - 2017 - Topoi 36 (3):473-477.
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  27. (1 other version)Hardwired for Sexism? Approaches to Sex/Gender in Neuroscience.Rebecca Jordan-Young & Raffaella I. Rumiati - 2011 - Neuroethics 5 (3):305-315.
    Evidence has long suggested that ‘hardwiring’ is a poor metaphor for brain development. But the metaphor may be an apt one for the dominant paradigm for researching sex differences, which pushes most neuroscience studies of sex/gender inexorably towards the ‘discovery’ of sex/gender differences, and makes contemporary gender structures appear natural and inevitable. The argument we forward in this paper is twofold. In the first part of the paper, we address the dominant ‘hardwiring’ paradigm of sex/gender research in contemporary neuroscience, which (...)
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    Farewell, "castrated other": Gender medicine and deconstruction strategies of postmodernism.O. V. Chuikova - 2019 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 15:30-39.
    Purpose. Objectives of the study are as follows: to remove the reduction of women to a metaphysical subject, to the "castrated Other" through the correlation of postmodern strategies and gender medicine; to institutionalize gender medicine as knowledge and practical activities that improve the quality and span of life of women based on the methodological application of deconstruction, complementarity, differance, "double writing", X-subject treatment and biomedical innovations; the perspective of gender medicine development is the implementation of the concept of "sovereign writing" (...)
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    Dwelling in the Gaps.Galen Sanderlin - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (2):10-11.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dwelling in the GapsGalen SanderlinHave you ever wondered what it would be like to be a mythical being? As a hermaphrodite, I exist in a culture that sees only male or female. Those of us who don’t fit into the rigid sex binary are left out of many of the protections offered to our cousins who more neatly fit the two categories. This leaves an enormous gap in cultural (...)
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    Sex differentiation and body fat: Local biologies and gender transgressions.Petra Jonvallen - 2010 - European Journal of Women's Studies 17 (4):379-391.
    This article examines how sex differentiation is invoked from body fat with a focus on how various monitoring devices participate in the construction of bodies. By using the concept of ‘local biologies’, denoting the linkage of the body to place with its local physical and social conditions, it argues against the ‘one-size-fits-all’ paradigm of modern medicine and critiques the mechanistic search for regularity in medical research. By looking at medical literature on obesity and how contemporary obesity researchers and clinicians link (...)
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    Bureaucratizing Medicine: Creating a Gender Identity Clinic in the Welfare State.Ketil Slagstad - 2022 - Isis 113 (3):469-490.
    This essay considers the creation of a gender identity clinic at Rikshospitalet, the National Hospital of Norway, in the early 2000s and its implications for the production of medical knowledge during that era. In the preceding decades, medical transition was overseen by an informal, self-organized, multidisciplinary team of medical experts, but this situation changed when a centralized gender identity clinic was established under psychiatric control. The essay argues that shifting institutional, societal, economic, legal, and bureaucratic circumstances redistributed expertise and authority (...)
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  32. Sex and Gender in Psychiatry: A View from History. [REVIEW]Laura Hirshbein - 2010 - Journal of Medical Humanities 31 (2):155-170.
    Although physicians have attempted for centuries to uncover the biological differences between men and women with regard to mental illness, they continue to face the challenges of untangling biological factors from social and cultural ones. This article uses examples from history to illustrate three common problems in trying to establish biological differences: identifying factors as sex-based when they are really gender-based; overlooking changes in masculine and feminine roles over time; and placing too great an emphasis on hormones. By using the (...)
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  33. Sex in Medicine: What Stands in the Way of Credibility?Mari Mikkola - 2017 - Topoi 36 (3):479-488.
    Childfree females encounter greater obstacles in obtaining voluntary sterilizations than childfree males. This paper discusses what might explain this and it proposes that female patients encounter particular credibility deficits that undermine their ability to grant informed consent. In particular, the paper explores Miranda Fricker’s recent suggestion that members of structurally disadvantaged groups encounter a particular sort of injustice that harms them in their capacity as knowers: they sustain testimonial injustice. The task of the paper is to investigate whether and in (...)
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    Damned If You Do, Doomed If You Don’t”: A Socio-Medical Commentary on “Of Athletes, Bodies and Rules: Making Sense of Caster Semenya.Bryan Holtzman & Kathryn E. Ackerman - 2021 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 49 (4):661-665.
    As medical professionals, we outline the science underlying disorders or differences of sexual development (DSD), discuss the nuances of sex and gender and how terminology can differ based on medical vs. non-medical context, briefly review the evidence of the ergogenic effects of hyperandrogenism, and discuss the medical complications with the hormonal contraceptive use currently dictated by World Athletics to allow DSD athletes to compete in the female category.
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    Implanting plasticity into sex and trans/gender: Animal and child metaphors in the history of endocrinology.Julian Gill-Peterson - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (2):47-60.
    This essay argues that the reigning medical and scientific understanding of the endocrine system, which insists on its fundamental biological plasticity, was historically constructed through a dual child–animal metaphor. The work accomplished by such organic metaphors, as Donna Haraway terms them, returns us to the endocrine laboratories and clinics in which they were built in Europe and the United States in the first half of the twentieth century. The child and animal metaphors implanted the concept of plasticity into the human (...)
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    Sex, Gender and Health: Developments in Research.Toine Lagro-Janssen - 2007 - European Journal of Women's Studies 14 (1):9-20.
    The feminist movement was from its start in the 19th century involved in the struggle for better health care for women. The first feminists aimed at better information on birth control and sexuality. The second feminist wave focused on the unequal division of power roles between men and women. A lot of the problems women experienced could be seen as a consequence of their subordinate role in society. At the end of the 1980s and in the 1990s, the discipline women (...)
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  37.  25
    (1 other version)Will Big Data and personalized medicine do the gender dimension justice?Antonio Carnevale, Emanuela A. Tangari, Andrea Iannone & Elena Sartini - 2021 - AI and Society:1-13.
    Over the last decade, humans have produced each year as much data as were produced throughout the entire history of humankind. These data, in quantities that exceed current analytical capabilities, have been described as “the new oil,” an incomparable source of value. This is true for healthcare, as well. Conducting analyses of large, diverse, medical datasets promises the detection of previously unnoticed clinical correlations and new diagnostic or even therapeutic possibilities. However, using Big Data poses several problems, especially in terms (...)
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    Gender‐Affirming Care for Cisgender People.Theodore E. Schall & Jacob D. Moses - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (3):15-24.
    Gender‐affirming care is almost exclusively discussed in connection with transgender medicine. However, this article argues that such care predominates among cisgender patients, people whose gender identity matches their sex assigned at birth. To advance this argument, we trace historical shifts in transgender medicine since the 1950s to identify central components of “gender‐affirming care” that distinguish it from previous therapeutic models, such as “sex reassignment.” Next, we sketch two historical cases—reconstructive mammoplasty and testicular implants—to show how cisgender patients offered justifications grounded (...)
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    Sexual Essays: Gender, Desire, and Nakedness.James Giles - 2017 - Lanham, MD 20706, USA: Hamilton Books.
    Sexuality is a basic feature of human life. Gender, sexual and romantic attraction, sexual excitement, and sexual desire and fantasies all move in various degrees through our daily awareness. However, despite this pervasiveness, there is much disagreement surrounding the nature of such things and experiences. This book explores just these issues in an attempt to get clear about this enigmatic aspect of our existence. Through a series of interrelated essays, internationally acclaimed philosopher James Giles takes the reader on a fascinating (...)
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    Muslim patients and cross-gender interactions in medicine: an Islamic bioethical perspective.Aasim I. Padela & Pablo Rodriguez del Pozo - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (1):40-44.
    As physicians encounter an increasingly diverse patient population, socioeconomic circumstances, religious values and cultural practices may present barriers to the delivery of quality care. Increasing cultural competence is often cited as a way to reduce healthcare disparities arising from value and cultural differences between patients and providers. Cultural competence entails not only a knowledge base of cultural practices of disparate patient populations, but also an attitude of adapting one's practice style to meet patient needs and values. Gender roles, relationship dynamics (...)
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  41. Neuroethics, Gender and the Response to Difference.Deboleena Roy - 2011 - Neuroethics 5 (3):217-230.
    This paper examines how the new field of neuroethics is responding to the old problem of difference, particularly to those ideas of biological difference emerging from neuroimaging research that purports to further delineate our understanding of sex and/or gender differences in the brain. As the field develops, it is important to ask what is new about neuroethics compared to bioethics in this regard, and whether the concept of difference is being problematized within broader contexts of power and representation. As a (...)
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    (Re)making sex: A praxiography of the gender clinic.J. R. Latham - 2017 - Feminist Theory 18 (2):177-204.
    This article traces the multiple enactments of sex in clinical practices of transgender medicine to argue against the presumed singularity of ‘transexuality’. Using autoethnography to analyse my own experience as a trans patient, I describe my clinical encounters with doctors, psychiatrists and surgeons in order to theorise sex as multiple. Following recent developments in science and technology studies (STS) that advance the work of Judith Butler on sex as performatively reproduced, I use a praxiographic approach to argue that treatment practices (...)
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    Paper: Muslim patients and cross-gender interactions in medicine: an Islamic bioethical perspective.Aasim Padela & Pablo Rodriguez del Pozo - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (1):40-44.
    As physicians encounter an increasingly diverse patient population, socioeconomic circumstances, religious values and cultural practices may present barriers to the delivery of quality care. Increasing cultural competence is often cited as a way to reduce healthcare disparities arising from value and cultural differences between patients and providers. Cultural competence entails not only a knowledge base of cultural practices of disparate patient populations, but also an attitude of adapting one's practice style to meet patient needs and values. Gender roles, relationship dynamics (...)
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  44. Humor Improves Women’s but Impairs Men’s Iowa Gambling Task Performance.Jorge Flores-Torres, Lydia Gómez-Pérez, Kateri McRae, Vladimir López, Ivan Rubio & Eugenio Rodríguez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:482865.
    The Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) is a popular method for examining real-life decision-making. Research has shown gender related differences in performance, in that men consistently outperform women. It has been suggested that these performance differences are related to decreased emotional control in women compared to men. Given the likely role of emotion in these gender differences, in the present study we examine the effect of a humor induction on IGT performance and whether the effect of humor is moderated by gender. (...)
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  45. The naturalness of the artificial and our concepts of health, disease and medicine.Y. Michael Barilan & Moshe Weintraub - 2001 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 4 (3):311-325.
    This article isolates ten prepositions, which constitute the undercurrent paradigm of contemporary discourse of health disease and medicine. Discussion of the interrelationship between those prepositions leads to a systematic refutation of this paradigm. An alternative set is being forwarded. The key notions of the existing paradigm are that health is the natural condition of humankind and that disease is a deviance from that nature. Natural things are harmonious and healthy while human made artifacts are coercive interference with natural balance. It (...)
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    Giving Sex: Deconstructing Intersex and Trans Medicalization Practices.Erin L. Murphy, Jodie M. Dewey & Georgiann Davis - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (3):490-514.
    Although medical providers rely on similar tools to “treat” intersex and trans individuals, their enactment of medicalization practices varies. To deconstruct these complexities, we employ a comparative analysis of providers who specialize in intersex and trans medicine. While both sets of providers tend to hold essentialist ideologies about sex, gender, and sexuality, we argue they medicalize intersex and trans embodiments in different ways. Providers for intersex people are inclined to approach intersex as an emergency that necessitates medical attention, whereas providers (...)
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    How Sex Selection Undermines Reproductive Autonomy.Tamara Kayali Browne - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (2):195-204.
    Non-medical sex selection is premised on the notion that the sexes are not interchangeable. Studies of individuals who undergo sex selection for non-medical reasons, or who have a preference for a son or daughter, show that they assume their child will conform to the stereotypical roles and norms associated with their sex. However, the evidence currently available has not succeeded in showing that the gender traits and inclinations sought are caused by a “male brain” or a “female brain”. Therefore, as (...)
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    From Myth to Pathology: Perversions of Gender-Types in Late 19th-Century Literature and Clinical Medicine.Nicole G. Albert - 2005 - Diogenes 52 (4):114-126.
    Contrary to accepted ideas, questions of gender started to be raised around the end of the 19th century. The characters of problematic sex and sexuality who abounded in literature at that time had the function of emblems of the fears aroused by the erasure and divorce between the sexes in a civilization in disarray. The figure of the androgyne was used to name and depict those condemned to indecision. But its closeness to the invert led to the decline of the (...)
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    Sex Reassignment Surgery and Enhancement.Tomislav Bracanović - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (1):86-102.
    Sex reassignment surgery is a therapy for gender dysphoria standardly provided only upon a psychiatric authorization. Transgender scholars criticize this practice as unjustified medicalization and stigmatization of transsexual people. By demanding that sex reassignment surgery is not classified as therapy, they imply it should be classified as some kind of a biomedical enhancement. It is argued in this article that this reclassification is empirically and morally implausible because sex reassignment surgery is incompatible with two major views of enhancement. It is (...)
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    Gender Differences in Perceived Stress and Its Relationship to Telomere Length in Costa Rican Adults.Ericka Méndez-Chacón - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionStress is associated with disease and reduced leukocyte telomere length. The objective of this research is to determine if self-perceived stress is associated with telomere length in Costa Rican adults and the gender differences in this association. Findings may help explain how some populations in apparent socioeconomic disadvantage and with limited access to specialized medical services have a remarkably high life expectancy.MethodologyData come from the pre-retirement cohort of the Costa Rican Longevity and Healthy Aging Study, a population based survey conducted (...)
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