Results for ' approach'

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  1. Marion Hourdequin and David B. Wong.A. Relational Approach To - 2005 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 32:19-33.
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  2. Costs Law Expertise.Dgt Costs Lawyers Approachable Efficient Progressive - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Dov M. Gabbay and John Woods.Formal Approaches To Practical - 2002 - In Dov M. Gabbay, Handbook of the logic of argument and inference: the turn towards the practical. New York: Elsevier.
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  4. Uncertain Values: An Axiomatic Approach to Axiological Uncertainty.Stefan Riedener - 2021 - Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.
    How ought you to evaluate your options if you're uncertain about what's fundamentally valuable? A prominent response is Expected Value Maximisation (EVM)—the view that under axiological uncertainty, an option is better than another if and only if it has the greater expected value across axiologies. But the expected value of an option depends on quantitative probability and value facts, and in particular on value comparisons across axiologies. We need to explain what it is for such facts to hold. Also, EVM (...)
  5. (1 other version)Refining the Bayesian Approach to Unifying Generalisation.Nina Poth - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology (3):1-31.
    Tenenbaum and Griffiths (2001) have proposed that their Bayesian model of generalisation unifies Shepard’s (1987) and Tversky’s (1977) similarity-based explanations of two distinct patterns of generalisation behaviours by reconciling them under a single coherent task analysis. I argue that this proposal needs refinement: instead of unifying the heterogeneous notion of psychological similarity, the Bayesian approach unifies generalisation by rendering the distinct patterns of behaviours informationally relevant. I suggest that generalisation as a Bayesian inference should be seen as a complement (...)
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    The “One Health” approach in the face of Covid-19: how radical should it be?Vittorio A. Sironi, Silvia Inglese & Andrea Lavazza - 2022 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 17 (1):1-10.
    Background The 2020-2021 coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic is just the latest epidemic event that requires us to rethink and change our understanding of health. Health should no longer be conceived only in relation to human beings, but in unitary terms, as a dimension that connects humans, animals, plants, and the environment (holistic view, One Health). In general, alterations occurring in this articulated chain of life trigger a domino effect. Methodology In this paper, we review the One Health paradigm in the light (...)
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  7. The Functional Approach: Scientific Progress as Increased Usefulness.Yafeng Shan - 2022 - In New Philosophical Perspectives on Scientific Progress. New York: Routledge. pp. 46-61.
    The functional approach to scientific progress has been mainly developed by Kuhn, Lakatos, Popper, Laudan, and more recently by Shan. The basic idea is that science progresses if key functions of science are fulfilled in a better way. This chapter defends the function approach. It begins with an overview of the two old versions of the functional approach by examining the work of Kuhn, Laudan, Popper, and Lakatos. It then argues for Shan’s new functional approach, in (...)
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    QUOTATION3 By Israel Scheffler FOLLOWING Goodman4 in treating inscriptions framed by quotes as concrete general rather than abstract. [REVIEW]an Inscriptional Approach To Indirect - 1997 - In Catherine Z. Elgin, Nelson Goodman's theory of symbols and its applications. New York: Garland. pp. 237.
  9. The Practice-Based Approach to the Philosophy of Logic.Ben Martin - forthcoming - In Oxford Handbook for the Philosophy of Logic. Oxford University Press.
    Philosophers of logic are particularly interested in understanding the aims, epistemology, and methodology of logic. This raises the question of how the philosophy of logic should go about these enquires. According to the practice-based approach, the most reliable method we have to investigate the methodology and epistemology of a research field is by considering in detail the activities of its practitioners. This holds just as true for logic as it does for the recognised empirical and abstract sciences. If we (...)
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    An Autonomy-Based Approach to Justifying Physician-Assisted Death: A Recent Judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court.Jochen Vollmann, Matthé Scholten, Jakov Gather & Esther Braun - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (2):71-73.
    Florijn’s analysis of the Dutch Supreme Court ruling on the Albert Heringa case demonstrates that the Dutch approach to justifying physician-assisted death is based primarily on the physician...
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    A Capability Approach to worker dignity under Algorithmic Management.Mieke Boon, Giedo Jansen, Jeroen Meijerink & Laura Lamers - 2022 - Ethics and Information Technology 24 (1).
    This paper proposes a conceptual framework to study and evaluate the impact of ‘Algorithmic Management’ (AM) on worker dignity. While the literature on AM addresses many concerns that relate to the dignity of workers, a shared understanding of what worker dignity means, and a framework to study it, in the context of software algorithms at work is lacking. We advance a conceptual framework based on a Capability Approach (CA) as a route to understanding worker dignity under AM. This paper (...)
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  12. Revisiting Gender: A Decolonial Approach.María Lugones - 2020 - In Andrea J. Pitts, Mariana Ortega & José Medina, Theories of the Flesh: Latinx and Latin American Feminisms, Transformation, and Resistance. Oxford University Press. pp. 29-37.
    This chapter provides an analysis of the work of Rita Segato and María Lugones’s assessment of Segato’s approach to gender and questions of decoloniality. The chapter examines the concepts of “patriarchy” and “gender” from within several critical paradigms among communities of color, including, specifically, indigenous and Afro-descendant communities within Abya Yala (a Puna term for the geographic lands of the Americas). Lugones proposes that terms of analysis such as “patriarchy” and “gender” undermine the complexity of the relations of power (...)
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  13. Rogene A. Buchholz. Ethics & GovernanceRethinking Business Ethics A. Pragmatic Approach Sandra B. Rosenthal - 2000 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics 2000.
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    Approach and Avoidance Behaviour: Multiple Systems and their Interactions.Philip J. Corr - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (3):285-290.
    Approach–avoidance theories describe the major systems that motivate behaviours in reaction to classes of appetitive (rewarding) and aversive (punishing) stimuli. The literature points to two major “avoidance” systems, one related to pure avoidance and escape of aversive stimuli, and a second, to behavioural inhibition induced by the detection of goal conflict (in addition, there is evidence for nonaffective behavioural constraint). A third major system, responsible for approach behaviour, is reactive to appetitive stimuli, and has several subcomponents. A number (...)
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  15. Assessing the capability approach as a justice basis of climate resilience strategies.Jose C. Cañizares-Gaztelu - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (1):31-55.
    Climate adaptation and resilience scholars are struggling to address distributive and procedural justice in climate resilience efforts. While the capability approach (CA) has been widely appraised as a suitable justice basis for this context, there are few detailed studies assessing this possibility. This paper addresses this gap by advancing discussions about the prospects of the CA for guiding justice work in climate resilience. With its emphasis on the final value and mutually irreducible character of the concrete beings and doings (...)
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    Amartya Sen's capabilities approach: Resistance and transformative power in the age of transhumanism.I. Sil Yoon - 2021 - Zygon 56 (4):874-897.
    Zygon®, Volume 56, Issue 4, Page 874-897, December 2021.
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  17. Nigel Howard.A. Piaget1an Approach To Decision - 1978 - In A. Hooker, J. J. Leach & E. F. McClennen, Foundations and Applications of Decision Theory: Vol.II: Epistemic and Social Applications. D. Reidel. pp. 205.
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    A conflict case approach to business ethics.Johannes Brinkmann & Knut J. Ims - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 53 (1-2):123-136.
    Departing from frequent use of moral conflict cases in business ethics teaching and research, the paper suggests an elaboration of a moral conflict approach within business ethics, both conceptually and philosophically. The conceptual elaboration borrows from social science conflict research terminology, while the philosophical elaboration presents casuistry as a kind of practical, inductive argumentation with a focus on paradigmatic examples.
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    An Approach to Rights: Studies in the Philosophy of Law and Morals.Carl Wellman - 1997 - Springer Verlag.
    An Approach to Rights contains fifteen previously published but mostly inaccessible papers that together show the development of one of the more important contemporary theories of the nature, grounds and practical implications of rights. In a long retrospective essay, Carl Wellman explains what he was trying to accomplish in each paper, how far he believes that he succeeded and where he failed. Thus the author provides a critical perspective both on his own theory and on alternative theories from which (...)
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  20. The Inferential Approach to Logical Calculus, Parts I and II.H. Curry - 1960 - Logique Et Analyse 3:119-136.
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  21. The inferential approach to logical calculus, I.Haskell B. Curry - 1960 - Logique Et Analyse 3 (11):119.
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  22. The Evolutionary Approach to Ethics.Gerard J. Dalcourt - 1973 - The Thomist 37 (2):341.
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  23. A social semiotic approach to content-based (language) learning.Kennedy David - 2013 - Fenomenologia. Diálogos Possíveis Campinas: Alínea/Goiânia: Editora da Puc Goiás 13:97-126.
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    Approach–Avoidance versus Dominance–Submissiveness: A Multilevel Neural Framework on How Testosterone Promotes Social Status.David Terburg & Jack van Honk - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (3):296-302.
    Approach–avoidance generally describes appetitive motivation and fear of punishment. In a social context approach motivation is, however, also expressed as social aggression and dominance. We therefore link approach–avoidance to dominance–submissiveness, and provide a neural framework that describes how the steroid hormone testosterone shifts reflexive as well as deliberate behaviors towards dominance and promotion of social status. Testosterone inhibits acute fear at the level of the basolateral amygdala and hypothalamus and promotes reactive dominance through upregulation of vasopressin gene (...)
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  25. (3 other versions)Internal approach to external sets and universes.Vladimir Kanovei & Michael Reeken - 1995 - Studia Logica 55 (2):347 - 376.
    In this article we show how the universe of BST, bounded set theory can be enlarged by definable subclasses of sets so that Separation and Replacement are true in the enlargement for all formulas, including those in which the standardness predicate may occur. Thus BST is strong enough to incorporate external sets in the internal universe in a way sufficient to develop topics in nonstandard analysis inaccessible in the framework of a purely internal approach, such as Loeb measures.
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  26. A New Approach towards the Study and Analysis of the History of Development of Biology in India.Pushpa M. Bhargava & Chandana Chakrabarti - 1995 - In Surendra Nath Sen, Science, Philosophy, and Culture in Historical Perspective. Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy, and Culture. pp. 1--99.
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    Dynamic systems theory approach to consciousness.A. Bielecki, Andrzej Kokoszka & P. Holas - 2000 - International Journal of Neuroscience 104 (1):29-47.
  28. Ontology : an empirical fundamentalist approach.Douglas Kutach - 2015 - In Tomasz Bigaj & Christian Wüthrich, Metaphysics in Contemporary Physics. Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
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  29. A modular approach to the grammar of additive particles: The case of German auch.Reis Marga & Rosengren Inger - 1997 - Journal of Semantics 14 (3).
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    Towards a system approach to dialectical contradictions in research in education.Isidro E. Méndez Santos - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (2):472-498.
    Se fundamenta una concepción sistémica de las contradicciones a tener en cuenta en la investigación educativa, en la que se incluyen las de esencia lógico formal y las de índole dialéctica . Se trabajó con métodos propios del nivel teórico del conocimiento para sistematizar información proveniente de la bibliografía consultada y de las experiencias en la formación de doctores en Pedagogía registradas por el autor. Se ofrecen pautas metodológicas básicas para valorar las contradicciones develadas al comunicar los resultados científicos. A (...)
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  31. A Notional Approach to the Teaching of English Grammar.Candace Sةguinot - 1983 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 28 (3):305-307.
    A programme in translation confronts a student with at least two problems. The first is a mixture of theoretical and practical courses in which the link between the two is not always clear. In fact, the justification for suggesting that students take courses in linguistics or linguistic descriptions of particular languages is often expressed in terms of possible needs : some students may become interested in machine translation, for example. The second problem arises when students are asked to trans-late a (...)
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    The FSM: A holistic approach to measuring ethical and social performance.Ioanna Foka - 2003 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 12 (4):314–324.
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    The Systemic Approach to Ecology.V. A. Geodakian - 1974 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 13 (2):127-132.
    The problem of man and the environment has many aspects. I would like to discuss the scientific aspect of the problem.
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  34. An empirical approach to a theory of character.Hugh Hartshorne - 1931 - In Douglas Clyde Macintosh & Arthur Kenyon Rogers, Religious realism. New York,: The Macmillan company.
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  35. The Divine Activity: An Approach to International Theology.Theodore M. Snider - 1990
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    Capabilities and Incapabilities of the Capabilities Approach to Health Justice.Michael J. Selgelid - 2015 - Bioethics 30 (1):25-33.
    This first part of this article critiques Sridhar Venkatapuram's conception of health as a capability. It argues that Venkatapuram relies on the problematic concept of dignity, implies that those who are unhealthy lack lives worthy of dignity, sets a low bar for health, appeals to metaphysically problematic thresholds, fails to draw clear connections between appealed-to capabilities and health, and downplays the importance/relevance of health functioning. It concludes by questioning whether justice entitlements should pertain to the capability for health versus health (...)
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    A first order approach to correspondence and congruence systems.Manfred Armbrust - 1973 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 19 (14‐18):215-222.
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    An Essay on Approach to Gender Equality in the European Union.Bobi Badarevski - 2022 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 75:527-537.
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    A Liberating Approach to Human Contingency.Marcel Broesterhuizen - 2008 - Gregorianum 89 (1):150-167.
    Religion in Western culture and functional impairment have an awkward relationship. This awkwardness stems from theological and cultural prejudice, theological prejudice as far as functional impairment is considered a consequence of original sin, which will be taken away in future life, cultural prejudice as far as functional impairment is looked upon as a relict of a lower stage of evolution. The author of this article analyses the views of theologians who have a functional impairment themselves, and derives from this analysis (...)
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    The Scientific Approach to Philosophy.H. Wildon Carr - 1926 - Philosophical Review 35 (5):477-481.
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    The Analytic Approach to Philosophy.Ernan Mcmullin - 1960 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 34:50.
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    5. Axiomatic Approach and Logic.Roman Murawski & Thomas Bedürftig - 2018 - In Roman Murawski & Thomas Bedürftig, Philosophy of Mathematics. De Gruyter. pp. 293-346.
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    An anthropological approach to the emotional factors in religion.Leslie A. White - 1926 - Journal of Philosophy 23 (20):546-554.
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    An Anticipatory Approach to Ethico-Legal Implications of Future Neurotechnology.Stephen Rainey - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (3):1-15.
    This paper provides a justificatory rationale for recommending the inclusion of imagined future use cases in neurotechnology development processes, specifically for legal and policy ends. Including detailed imaginative engagement with future applications of neurotechnology can serve to connect ethical, legal, and policy issues potentially arising from the translation of brain stimulation research to the public consumer domain. Futurist scholars have for some time recommended approaches that merge creative arts with scientific development in order to theorise possible futures toward which current (...)
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    An Imagologist Approach To Mehmet Enisi Yalkı's Travelbook "Alman Ruhu".Yılmaz Daşcioğlu - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:315-328.
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    The sociological approach to ethics.Gerard J. Dalcourt - 1973 - Metaphilosophy 4 (4):298–320.
  47. A Mathematical Approach to Ontology Authoring and Documentation.Michael Kohlhase - unknown
    The semantic web ontology languages RDFS and OWL are widely used but limited in both their expressivity and their support for modularity and integrated documentation. Expressivity, modularity, and documentation of formal knowledge have always been important issues in the MKM community. Therefore, we try to improve these ontology languages by well-tried MKM techniques. Concretely, we propose OM- Doc as an alternative. We show how OMDoc can be made compatible with semantic web ontology languages, focusing on knowledge representation, modular design, documentation, (...)
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    Urban roar: a psychophysical approach to the design of affective environments.Jordan Lacey - 2022 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Offers new insights, tools, and methodologies for the design of urban environments in relationship to noise and sound.
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  49. A human-right approach to scientific progress : the deontic framework.Michela Massimi - 2022 - In Yafeng Shan, New Philosophical Perspectives on Scientific Progress. New York: Routledge.
  50. An attributional approach to perceived responsibility.B. Weiner - 2001 - In Ann Elisabeth Auhagen & Hans Werner Bierhoff, Responsibility: the many faces of a social phenomenon. New York: Routledge.
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