Results for ' and virtual constant temporality'

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  1. Meillassoux’s Virtual Future.Graham Harman - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):78-91.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 78-91. This article consists of three parts. First, I will review the major themes of Quentin Meillassoux’s After Finitude . Since some of my readers will have read this book and others not, I will try to strike a balance between clear summary and fresh critique. Second, I discuss an unpublished book by Meillassoux unfamiliar to all readers of this article, except those scant few that may have gone digging in the microfilm archives of the École normale (...)
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    Commemoration | Centenary: Memorials and the Making and Unmaking of Settler History.Leslie Witz & Helena Pohlandt-Mccormick - 2021 - Kronos 47 (1):1-18.
    This discussion originally took place as part of the Sounding the Land exhibition curated by Simon Gush, Helena Pohlandt-McCormick, Craig Paterson and Gary Minkley at the virtual National Arts Festival that ran from 25 June 5 July 2020. Sounding the Land intended to use the bicentennial of the so called 1820 settlers' arrival as a critical platform from which to discuss the legacies of the settler colonial project, the ways in which it is commemorated, and to reassess the historical (...)
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    Using Simulation and Virtual Practice in Midwifery and Nursing Education: Experiencing Self-Body-World “Differently”.Susan James & Brenda Cameron - 2013 - Phenomenology and Practice 7 (1):53-68.
    The journey into the world of midwifery or nursing requires the student to attend to the intertwining of self-body-world in order to shift their knowledge of self-body-world into a client/patient-centered context. One of the teaching-learning strategies used to provide safe opportunities is the use of simulations and virtual practices. Rather than learning intimate acts of touching, or life and death decision-making in situations with actual clients/patients, students enter their learning world with rubber torsos, cloth babies, and cyber clinics. The (...)
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    Філософський символізм багатократного дублювання.Taras Lyuty - 2021 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 6:14-27.
    The article focuses on the historical, psychological, anthropological, and sociocultural aspects of the phenomenon of a double. Compared with other beings, a human is constantly forming strategies for the realization of his or her freedom. Therefore, human beings do not adapt to the world but create unusual projections of themselves. As a result, there are specific models of entering into the Being, based on a symbolic construction. Symbolism as the main component of duplication is the central point of the study. (...)
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  5. A Multi-scale View of the Emergent Complexity of Life: A Free-energy Proposal.Casper Hesp, Maxwell Ramstead, Axel Constant, Paul Badcock, Michael David Kirchhoff & Karl Friston - forthcoming - In Michael Price & John Campbell (eds.), Evolution, Development, and Complexity: Multiscale Models in Complex Adaptive Systems.
    We review some of the main implications of the free-energy principle (FEP) for the study of the self-organization of living systems – and how the FEP can help us to understand (and model) biotic self-organization across the many temporal and spatial scales over which life exists. In order to maintain its integrity as a bounded system, any biological system - from single cells to complex organisms and societies - has to limit the disorder or dispersion (i.e., the long-run entropy) of (...)
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  6. A constant of temporal structure in the human hierarchy and other systems.Peter W. Barlow - 1992 - Acta Biotheoretica 40 (4):321-328.
    The levels that compose biological hierarchies each have their own energetic, spatial and temporal structure. Indeed, it is the discontinuity in energy relationships between levels, as well as the similarity of sub-systems that support them, that permits levels to be defined. In this paper, the temporal structure of living hierarchies, in particular that pertaining to Human society, is examined. Consideration is given to the period defining the lifespan of entities at each level and to a periodic event considered fundamental to (...)
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    Deleuze and Kuki: The Temporality of Eternal Return and ‘un coup de dés’.Tatsuya Higaki - 2014 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 8 (1):94-110.
    Shuzo Kuki is a Japanese philosopher, belonging to the Kyoto school, who lived about a hundred years ago. He learned philosophy in Europe and developed an original theory of contingency, by accommodating the Asiatic way of thinking on the one hand, and Western philosophy on the other. In this article, I show that we can find similarities between his theory of contingency and the philosophy of Deleuze, especially in regard to the subject of temporality and eternal return. Needless to (...)
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    David A. Mindell. War, Technology, and Experience Aboard the USS Monitor. xii + 187 pp., frontis., illus., bibl., index. Baltimore/London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000. $35 ; $14.95. [REVIEW]Ed Constant - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):323-324.
    This is a fun, chatty little book that also manages to say, comprehensibly, much that is profound about technology. This trifecta is an embarrassment to those of us phlegmatic of mind and turgid of prose, but more about that presently. First, the book.For any kid who ever doodled his way through junior high school American history—and therefore for most of our countrymen—the “victory” of the Union ironclad Monitor over the CSS Virginia preserved the Union blockade, assured Northern victory in the (...)
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    The impact of cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on sensorimotor and inter-sensory temporal recalibration.Christina V. Schmitter & Benjamin Straube - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    The characteristic temporal relationship between actions and their sensory outcomes allows us to distinguish self- from externally generated sensory events. However, the complex sensory environment can cause transient delays between action and outcome calling for flexible recalibration of predicted sensorimotor timing. Since the neural underpinnings of this process are largely unknown this study investigated the involvement of the cerebellum by means of cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation. While receiving anodal, cathodal, dual-hemisphere or sham ctDCS, in an adaptation phase, participants were (...)
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    An introduction to the model theory of first-order predicate logic and a related temporal logic.Robert Mattison - 1968 - Santa Monica, Calif.,: Rand.
    The paper presents the revised analysis of a formal language having greater expressive capabilities than a first-order predicate language. This new, first-order temporal language can express propositions involving tenses, dates, or quantification over temporal entities. The discussion includes a description of the first-order predicate language and the notion of bound and free variables. The notions of a deduction, a theorem of logic, and a consistent set of formulas are introduced, and the deduction theorem and a form of the compactness theorem (...)
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    The Temporality of the Real: The Path to Politics in The Constant Gardener.Todd McGowan - 2007 - Film-Philosophy 11 (3):52-73.
    Though the film does not have as its goal reestablishing authentic temporality asHeidegger understands it, Fernando Meirelles’s The Constant Gardener nonethelesstakes Heidegger’s exploration of the link between ideology and temporality as its point ofdeparture. The film depicts the politicisation of Justin Quayle through anarrative structure that breaks from an everyday or ideological conception of time.Politicisation occurs, the film implies, through an encounter with feminine enjoyment, anencounter that transforms the subject’s relationship to time and facilitates the subject’sentrance into (...)
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  12. Subjective Time: The Philosophy, Psychology, and Neuroscience of Temporality.Valtteri Arstila & Dan Lloyd (eds.) - 2014 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    Interdisciplinary perspectives on the feature of conscious life that scaffolds every act of cognition: subjective time. Our awareness of time and temporal properties is a constant feature of conscious life. Subjective temporality structures and guides every aspect of behavior and cognition, distinguishing memory, perception, and anticipation. This milestone volume brings together research on temporality from leading scholars in philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience, defining a new field of interdisciplinary research. The book's thirty chapters include selections from classic texts (...)
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  13.  21
    The Logic of Time in Law and Legal Expert Systems.Ejan Mackaay, Daniel Poulin, Jacques Frémont, Paul Bratley & Constant Déniger - 1990 - Ratio Juris 3 (2):254-271.
    Research on an expert system regarding unemployment insurance law has pointed to the difficulties of explicitly representing temporal relations. The question has been addressed in the artificial intelligence literature with respect to planning systems and linguistic analysis. The approaches adopted do not appear to be directly transposable to legal discourse. The problem seems so far to have escaped notice amongst researchers attempting to develop legal expert systems. The paper explores in a preliminary way how lawyers use temporal concepts. It is (...)
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    Spooker Trouper: ABBA Voyage, Virtual Humans and the Rise of the Digital Apparition.Jenna Ng & Nick Bax - 2023 - Paragraph 46 (2):160-175.
    This article analyses the ‘live’ virtual human in ABBA Voyage, the long-awaited concert reunion of the Swedish pop group ABBA, via Vilém Flusser’s concept of the digital apparition. It first argues for these virtual performers (dubbed ‘ABBA-tars’) to be understood as externalized computational codes which shift the grounds of ownership over and consent to the use of one’s likeness. They are also key to disproportionate and as yet unaccountable power held by technology companies. Secondly, ABBA Voyage’s presentation of (...)
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    Microdecisions and autonomy in self-driving cars: virtual probabilities.Florian Sprenger - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):619-634.
    To operate in an unpredictable environment, a vehicle with advanced driving assistance systems, such as a robot or a drone, not only needs to register its surroundings but also to combine data from different sensors into a world model, for which it employs filter algorithms. Such world models, as this article argues with reference to the SLAM problem in robotics, consist of nothing other than probabilities about states and events arising in the environment. The model, thus, contains a virtuality of (...)
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  16.  24
    Place and Dream: Japan and the Virtual.Thorsten Botz-Bornstein (ed.) - 2004 - Rodopi.
    This is a book about space. On a first level, it reflects traditional Japanese ideas of space against various "items" of Western culture. Among these items are Bakhtin's "dialogicity", Wittgenstein's Lebensform, and "virtual space" or "globalized" space as representatives of the latest development of an "alienated", modern spatial experience. Some of the Western concepts of space appear as negative counter examples to "basho-like", Japanese places; others turn out to be compatible with the Japanese idea of space. On a second (...)
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    Virtual Reality and Aesthetic Experience.Roberto Diodato - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (2):29.
    The problem of aesthetic experience in a virtual environment could be reformulated as: what can we learn about aesthetics from the perspective of ‘aesthetic experience in virtual environments’, given the specific nature of such an environment? The discourse goes in circles, because it is always from theories elaborated in the field of the so-called ‘real’ that we develop the difference, but it is a process typically philosophical, that, on the other hand, can make sense only if it can (...)
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    Phenomenology and the Challenge of Virtuality.Daniel O’Shiel - 2019 - In Joaquim Braga (ed.), Conceiving Virtuality: From Art to Technology. Cham: Springer. pp. 21-43.
    This piece explicates some chief modes of consciousness in phenomenology in order to show that a very significant challenge of virtuality surfaces both within, as well as outside of, the discipline. This issue is of no small importance today, where the difference between perception and imagination, real and irreal, as well as presence and absence, are all becoming increasingly vague because of new technologies and the intrinsic virtualities involved therein. In this context, the question is: Where does virtuality fit in (...)
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  19. Virtual Reality and Empathy Enhancement: Ethical Aspects.Jon Rueda & Francisco Lara - 2020 - Frontiers in Robotics and AI 7.
    The history of humankind is full of examples that indicate a constant desire to make human beings more moral. Nowadays, technological breakthroughs might have a significant impact on our moral character and abilities. This is the case of Virtual Reality (VR) technologies. The aim of this paper is to consider the ethical aspects of the use of VR in enhancing empathy. First, we will offer an introduction to VR, explaining its fundamental features, devices and concepts. Then, we will (...)
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    Temporality and metaplasticity. Facing extension and incorporation through material engagement theory.Francesco Parisi - 2019 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 18 (1):205-221.
    In our everyday life, we have the genuine feeling that when something we use works very well, we forget that we are doing something that is mediated by something else. It happens when we read through our glasses, or when we drive home, or when we play guitar. In all those cases, it can be said that the device becomes an extension of our body, or that we have incorporated it. In this paper I want to discuss the extension/incorporation dichotomy (...)
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  21.  35
    Temporality and Beauty in Antony and Cleopatra.Giuseppe Di Giacomo - 2018 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 11 (2):247-260.
    This essay shows how, in Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra, the relation between the protagonists can be seen as an insurmountable contrast between two different cultures – on the one hand, the “diurnal” and “rational” culture of Rome and, on the other hand, the “nocturnal” and “passionate” culture of Egypt –, but also as an opposition between two different ways of understanding the relation between illusion and reality, appearance and truth, and thus between theatre and life. More specifically, what emerges is (...)
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    Opposite effects of emotion and event segmentation on temporal order memory and object-context binding.Monika Riegel, Daniel Granja, Tarek Amer, Patrik Vuilleumier & Ulrike Rimmele - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Our daily lives unfold continuously, yet our memories are organised into distinct events, situated in a specific context of space and time, and chunked when this context changes (at event boundaries). Previous research showed that this process, termed event segmentation, enhances object-context binding but impairs temporal order memory. Physiologically, peaks in pupil dilation index event segmentation, similar to emotion-induced bursts of autonomic arousal. Emotional arousal also modulates object-context binding and temporal order memory. Yet, these two critical factors have not been (...)
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  23. The Virtual by Rob Shields London and New York: Routledge, 2003.Douglas Kellner - unknown
    In The Virtual, Rob Shields puts virtuality in with the key categories of contemporary social theory such as subjectivity, agency, structure, and the spaces and temporalities between the modern and the postmodern. Shields has rescued the term and the idea of the virtual from utopian futurists like Howard Rheingold and Nicholas Negroponte who use it to hype emergent technologies and forms of culture as the magical vehicles and entry points to new worlds and identities. The works of these (...)
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    The Constant and the Contingent in Human Thought and Life.A. E. Garvie - 1931 - Philosophy 6 (24):485 - 490.
    The business of philosophy is “to think things together,” so far as the reality of things and the capacity of thought allow. That reality presents many contrasts, physical, ethical, metaphysical, light and darkness, life and death, good and evil, right and wrong, the One and the many, the Infinite and the finite, the Eternal and the temporal, and what we mention as last, but not least, for our immediate purpose, Being and Becoming, the Constant and the Contingent. The contrasts (...)
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  25. The Design and Analysis of Virtual Network Configuration for a Wireless Mobile Atm Network.Stephen F. Bush - 1999 - Dissertation,
    This research concentrates on the design and analysis of an algorithm referred to as Virtual Network Configuration (VNC) which uses predicted future states of a system for faster network configuration and management. VNC is applied to the configuration of a wireless mobile ATM network. VNC is built on techniques from parallel discrete event simulation merged with constraints from real-time systems and applied to mobile ATM configuration and handoff. Configuration in a mobile network is a dynamic and continuous process. Factors (...)
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    Spatial and Temporal Reasoning.Oliviero Stock (ed.) - 1997 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Qualitative reasoning about space and time - a reasoning at the human level - promises to become a fundamental aspect of future systems that will accompany us in daily activity. The aim of Spatial and Temporal Reasoning is to give a picture of current research in this area focusing on both representational and computational issues. The picture emphasizes some major lines of development in this multifaceted, constantly growing area. The material in the book also shows some common ground and a (...)
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    Governing teachers through datafication: Physical–virtual hybridity and language interoperability in teacher accountability.Steven Lewis & Jessica Holloway - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (2).
    In this paper, we draw on Foucault's and Deleuze's theorisations of discipline and control, respectively, to understand a teacher accountability system in the US state of Texas: the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (hereafter, T-TESS). Specifically, we focus on the interplay of physical and virtual modes of governance – which we develop here as physical–virtual hybridity – and the techniques that make these physical and virtual domains compatible via language interoperability, with T-TESS deployed as a representative (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Temporal and atemporal truth in intuitionistic mathematics.Enrico Martino & Gabriele Usberti - 1994 - Topoi 13 (2):83-92.
    In section 1 we argue that the adoption of a tenseless notion of truth entails a realistic view of propositions and provability. This view, in turn, opens the way to the intelligibility of theclassical meaning of the logical constants, and consequently is incompatible with the antirealism of orthodox intuitionism. In section 2 we show how what we call the potential intuitionistic meaning of the logical constants can be defined, on the one hand, by means of the notion of atemporal provability (...)
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    Gamification of a person’s spatial and temporal existence in the context of virtual reality.Oksana Novikova - 2021 - Sotsium I Vlast 4:128-137.
    The article considers the spatial and temporal changes manifested in the virtual form of gamification of existence. The definition of the virtual form of gamification of existence is given. On the basis of included observation, the spatial and temporal transformations of socio-cultural reality are rethought, and the philosophical-anthropological approach makes it possible to establish the dependence of the strategies of individual and group behaviour on the inclusion of game actions in the virtual existence. The analysis of the (...)
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    Media temporalities of the internet: Philosophies of time and media in Derrida and Rorty.Mike Sandbothe - 1999 - AI and Society 13 (4):421-434.
    My considerations are organised into four sections. The first section provides a survey of some significant developments that determine contemporary philosophical discussion on the subject of ‘time’. In the second section, I show how the question of time and the issue of media are linked with one another in the views of two influential contemporary philosophers: Jacques Derrida and Richard Rorty. Finally, in the third section, the temporal implications of cultural practices which are developing in the new medium of the (...)
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  31. Becoming: Temporal, Absolute, and Atemporal.M. Oreste Fiocco - 2014 - In L. Nathan Oaklander (ed.), Debates in the Metaphysics of Time. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 87-107.
    There are two conspicuous and inescapable features of this world in which time is real. One experiences a world in flux, a transient world in which things constantly come into existence, change and cease to be. One also experiences a stable world, one in which how things are at any given moment is permanent, unchangeable. Thus, there is transience and permanence. Yet these two features of the world seem incompatible. The primary purpose of this paper is to sketch a metaphysics (...)
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  32. Ever Since the World Began: A Reading & Interview with Masha Tupitsyn.Masha Tupitsyn & The Editors - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):7-12.
    "Ever Since This World Began" from Love Dog (Penny-Ante Editions, 2013) by Masha Tupitsyn continent. The audio-essay you've recorded yourself reading for continent. , “Ever Since the World Began,” is a compelling entrance into your new multi-media book, Love Dog (Success and Failure) , because it speaks to the very form of the book itself: vacillating and finding the long way around the question of love by using different genres and media. In your discussion of the face, one of the (...)
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    How to Analyze (Intentional) Consciousness in Terms of Meta-Belief and Temporal Awareness.Christian Beyer - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:364391.
    The paper presents and defends a metadoxastic view on (intentional) consciousness that is novel in four respects: (1) It is motivated both by Husserl’s dynamic approach, which looks upon mental acts as momentary components of certain cognitive structures – “dynamic intentional structures” – in which one and the same object is intended throughout a period of time (during which the subject’s cognitive perspective upon that object is constantly changing) and by his conception of consciousness in terms of internal time-consciousness (temporal (...)
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    Temporal Dissonance: South African Historians and the ‘Post-AIDS’ Dilemma.Carla Tsampiras - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 41 (2):153-169.
    While foregrounding the historiography of HIV and AIDS in the South African context, this article analyses AIDS as simultaneously existing in three spheres: first, virtually – as the subject matter of electronically measurable research; second, academically – as a topic of research in the discipline of History; and third, actually – as a complex health concern and signifier that, via the field of Medical and Health Humanities, could allow for new collaborations between historians and others interested in understanding AIDS. Throughout, (...)
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  35.  37
    Temporalization and the Digital Vigilante: Past Presencing, Un/Doing Futures and “Jewish Revenge” as Affective Justice in Talia Lavin’s Culture Warlords.Todd Sekuler - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (2):323-343.
    This paper examines the figure of the hate-fighting digital vigilante as embodied through Aryan Queen, an online persona developed and depicted by self-proclaimed antifa member Talia Lavin in her book Culture Warlords. One chapter in the 2020 memoir relays Lavin’s pursuits to elicit and make known identifying information of Der Stürmer, an anonymous white supremacist online hater. I first locate Lavin’s undertaking in the porous policy landscape regulating online hate transnationally to make a case for its value as an entry (...)
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  36. Self-alteration and temporality: the radicalized and universal reductions in Husserl’s late thinking (au-delà de Derrida).Nicholas Smith - 2011 - In Dermot Moran Hans Rainer Sepp (ed.), Phenomenology 2010 vol. 4. Selected Essays from Northern Europe: Traditions, Transitions and Challenges. Zeta Books. pp. 51-86.
    This text argues that Husserl’s late philosophy of temporal and bodily subjectivity can only be understood by means of the interplay between different reductions. For various reasons, this decisive methodological aspect has been largely overlooked by most interpreters. As a consequence, the co-originality of the constitution of space and time, which first enables a comprehensive grasp of the originary processes in the living streaming present, has remained virtually unknown. This also means that the proper understanding of egology and intersubjectivity has (...)
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  37. The Moral Law and The Good in Temporal Modal Logic with Propositional Quantifiers.Daniel Rönnedal - 2020 - Australasian Journal of Logic 17 (1):22-69.
    The Moral Law is fulfilled iff everything that ought to be the case is the case, and The Good is realised in a possible world w at a time t iff w is deontically accessible from w at t. In this paper, I will introduce a set of temporal modal deontic systems with propositional quantifiers that can be used to prove some interesting theorems about The Moral Law and The Good. First, I will describe a set of systems without any (...)
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  38. Political Poetry: A Few Notes. Poetics for N30.Jeroen Mettes - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):29-35.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 29–35. Translated by Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei from Jeroen Mettes. "Politieke Poëzie: Enige aantekeningen, Poëtica bij N30 (versie 2006)." In Weerstandbeleid: Nieuwe kritiek . Amsterdam: De wereldbibliotheek, 2011. Published with permission of Uitgeverij Wereldbibliotheek, Amsterdam. L’égalité veut d’autres lois . —Eugène Pottier The modern poem does not have form but consistency (that is sensed), no content but a problem (that is developed). Consistency + problem = composition. The problem of modern poetry is capitalism. Capitalism—which has no (...)
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  39. The Poetry of Alessandro De Francesco.Belle Cushing - 2011 - Continent 1 (4):286-310.
    continent. 1.4 (2011): 286—310. This mad play of writing —Stéphane Mallarmé Somewhere in between mathematics and theory, light and dark, physicality and projection, oscillates the poetry of Alessandro De Francesco. The texts hold no periods or commas, not even a capital letter for reference. Each piece stands as an individual construction, and yet the poetry flows in and out of the frame. Images resurface from one poem to the next, haunting the reader with reincarnations of an object lost in the (...)
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    Reflections on Duchamp: Bergson Readymade.Federico Luisetti & David Sharp - 2008 - Diacritics 38 (4):77-93.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reflections on DuchampBergson ReadymadeFederico Luisetti (bio)Translated by David Sharp[I]nside the person we must distinctly perceive, as through a glass, a set-up mechanism.—Henri Bergson, Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic (1901)In spite of the enormous critical attention paid to Marcel Duchamp’s art and theoretical background, the dialogue with Bergsonism is mostly confined to scattered references and erudite observations.1 Paradoxically, the major obstacle to this encounter has been (...)
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    Mutual Determination, Concrescence and Transition. Whitehead’s Speculative Conception of Temporal Subjectivity Interpreted from a Merleau-Pontyan Standpoint.Luca Vanzago - 2020 - Chiasmi International 22:101-117.
    The interpretive approach adopted in this paper is influenced by Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy and in particular by his understanding of Nature, which in turn takes into consideration Whitehead’s work. Whitehead’s philosophy of organism is seen by its author as the metaphysical generalization of problems found in his investigation of natural knowledge. Whitehead admits that a speculative approach is necessitated by the very questions arising from the mathematical concepts of the material world and the revolutions undergone in logic, mathematics and physics at (...)
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    Atoms and Avatars: Virtual Worlds as Massively-Multiplayer Laboratories.Colin Milburn - 2008 - Spontaneous Generations 2 (1):63.
    Nanotechnology thrives in the realm of the virtual. Throughout its history, the field has been shaped by futuristic visions of technological revolution, hyperbolic promises of scientific convergence at the molecular scale, and science fiction stories of the world rebuilt atom by atom. Even today, amid the welter of innovative nanomaterials that increasingly appear in everyday consumer products—the nanoparticles enhancing our sunscreens, the carbon nanotubes strengthening our tennis rackets, the antimicrobial nano-silver lining our socks, the nanofilms protecting our wrinkle-free trousers—the (...)
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    Hegel and Derrida on Spirit’s Temporality.Cyprian Gawlik - 2021 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 53 (1):75-90.
    ABSTRACT This paper confronts G.W.F Hegel and Jacques Derrida in terms of their insights regarding the temporality of spirit. The context for the confrontation is Derrida’s deconstruction of the Husserlian phenomenology. It is argued that Derrida conflated Husserl’s and Hegel’s theories of meaning and teleology under the banner of the metaphysics of presence. The main purpose of this undertaking is to challenge Derrida’s interpretation of Hegel as well as his vision of the history of ontology. This is accomplished by (...)
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    A Merleau-Pontian phenomenology of the virtual: disembodied challenges and embodied prospects.Jean Du Toit - 2024 - South African Journal of Philosophy 43 (4):307-322.
    The technological virtual demands philosophical scrutiny. Existing methodologies, like pragmatism and social constructivism, often limit the examination of technology to the social, neglecting questions of embodiment. Said approaches tend to overlook the intricate existential connection between the embodied individual and digital technology artefacts. This article argues that Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology may be mobilised to describe, understand and reconceptualise the category of the virtual and the dynamic relation between the digital technology artefact and its user. The result is a clearer (...)
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    A Defense of Virtual Veridicalism.Yen-Tung Lee - 2024 - Dissertation, Western University
    Virtual reality is poised to be increasingly important in our lives. This dissertation investigates the philosophical foundations of virtual reality, probing the metaphysics and epistemology of perceptual experiences of virtual environments. Specifically, it asks 1) what there is in virtual reality and 2) how we perceive virtual things. It defends virtual veridicalism, the view that perceptual experiences in virtual reality are as veridical as ordinary experiences. The defense consists of six chapters. Chapter 1 (...)
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  46. Time, Temporality, and the Characteristic Marks of the Conditioned: Sarvāstivāda and Madhyamaka Buddhist Interpretations.Bart Dessein - 2011 - Asian Philosophy 21 (4):341-360.
    According to the Buddhist concept of ‘dependent origination’ (pratītyasamutpāda), discrete factors come into existence because of a combination of causes (hetu) and conditions (pratyaya). Such discrete factors, further, are combinations of five aggregates (pañ caskandha) that, themselves, are subject to constant change. Discrete factors, therefore, lack a self-nature (ātman). The passing through time of discrete factors is characterized by the ‘characteristic marks of the conditioned’: birth (utpāda), change in continuance (sthityanyathātva), and passing away (vyaya); or, alternatively: birth (jāti), duration (...)
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    The developmental profile of temporal binding: From childhood to adulthood.Sara Lorimer, Teresa McCormack, Emma Blakey, David A. Lagnado, Christoph Hoerl, Emma Tecwyn & Marc J. Buehner - 2020 - Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 73 (10):1575-1586.
    Temporal binding refers to a phenomenon whereby the time interval between a cause and its effect is perceived as shorter than the same interval separating two unrelated events. We examined the developmental profile of this phenomenon by comparing the performance of groups of children (aged 6-7-, 7-8-, and 9-10- years) and adults on a novel interval estimation task. In Experiment 1, participants made judgments about the time interval between i) their button press and a rocket launch, and ii) a non-causal (...)
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    (1 other version)From space and time to the spacing of temporal articulation: a phenomenological re-run of Achilles and the tortoise.Louis N. Sandowsky - 2005 - Existentia (1-2).
    In view of the primacy assigned to the 'present' in traditional metaphysics, in terms of the ways in which questions about existence are expressed, the following discussion takes the question of the temporalizing of the present as its theme. This involves unravelling the historical traces of the thought of the present as a finite, closed, objective point of a successive continuum of discrete moments (a real oscillation between the now and the not-now) by returning to the phenomenological sense of the (...)
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    Deontic Tense Logic With Historical Necessity, Frame Constants, and a Solution to the Epistemic Obligation Paradox.Lennart Åqvist - 2014 - Theoria 80 (4):319-349.
    In an earlier paper by the author, Åqvist , I presented an approach to the logic of historical necessity, or inevitability, in the sense of a “two-dimensional” combination of tense and modal logic for worlds, or histories, with the same time order, known as T × W logic. Distinctive features of that approach were, apart from its two-dimensionality, its being based on discrete and finite time, and its use of so-called systematic frame constants in order to enable us to indicate (...)
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    (1 other version)Hybrid Logic as extension of Modal and Temporal Logic.Daniel Álvarez Domínguez - 2019 - Humanities Journal of Valparaiso 13:34-67.
    Developed by Arthur Prior, Temporal Logic allows to represent temporal information on a logical system using modal operators such as P, F, H or G, whose intuitive meaning is “it was sometime in the Past...”, “it will be sometime in the Future...”, “it Has always been in the past...” and “it will always Going to be in the future...” respectively. Valuation of formulae built from these operators are carried out on Kripke semantics, so Modal Logic and Temporal Logic are consequently (...)
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