Results for ' agricultural ethics'

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  1.  16
    Agriculture Ethics.David M. Kaplan - 2012 - In Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks, A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 384–386.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Health and Environment Topsoil Erosion Monocrops Global Trade Genetically Modified Food Animals.
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    Agricultural ethics: issues for the 21st century: proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Soil Science Society of America, American Society of Agronomy, and the Crop Science Society of America in Minneapolis, MN, Oct. 31-Nov. 5, 1992.Peter Hartel, Kathryn Paxton George & James Vorst (eds.) - 1994 - Madison, Wis., USA: CSSA.
    Agricultural ethics looks at the philosophical, social, political, legal, economic, scientific, and aesthetic aspects of agricultural problems and provides guidance for decisions about these problems when they involve competing values.
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    Teaching agricultural ethics.Robert L. Zimdahl - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 13 (3-4):229-247.
    A survey was conducted in the United Statesin 1998 and 1999 to determine what members of theNational Association of State Universities and LandGrant Colleges (NASULGC) and of the AmericanAssociation of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU)offered agricultural ethics as an undergraduatecourse. Of the 59 responses, the survey found 15 USuniversities that have a course on agricultural ethicsor one that includes the topic. This paper willdiscuss the survey's findings and offer six reasonsthat explain why so few universities includeagricultural (...) in their curriculum. The sixreasons are: 1) lack of education in ethics andphilosophy on the part of agricultural scientists; 2)lack of institutional or disciplinary incentives foragricultural scientists to reflect on their work andits effects; 3) lack of administrative leadership incolleges of agriculture due to their failure tounderstand the benefits of agricultural ethics; 4)continuance of the prevailing assumption thatagriculture is inherently ethically correct; 5) thefelt necessity by agricultural scientists to defendthemselves against what are perceived to be unjust andinaccurate criticisms of agriculture; and 6) areluctance to engage in ethical reflection because itmay raise more problems than it solves. The paper'scentral question is why ethics is not taught in morecolleges of agriculture. Those who teach know thattheir students are tomorrow's farmers, businesspeople, professors, and policy makers. If we who nowteach and administer fail to include true ethicalstudy in our student's education, our students willstill be defensive when confronted with an ethicalissue and unable to respond except with assertionsbased on the production paradigm, the correctness ofwhich, although unexamined, we taught them. If theagricultural faculty does not recognize theopportunity and the obligation to participate in theshaping of values, then the values of agriculture willbe shaped elsewhere in the institution and insociety. (shrink)
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    Agricultural ethics: research, teaching, and public policy.Paul B. Thompson - 1998 - Ames: Iowa State University Press.
    Presents a collection of essays written over a period of 15 years by agricultural ethicist Paul B. Thompson. The essays address the practical application of ethics to agriculture in a world faced with issues of increased yield, threatened environment, and the disappearance of the family farm.
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    Agricultural ethics: then and now.Paul Banks Thompson - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (1):77-85.
    This paper was written to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the University of Nottingham’s Easter School on “Issues in Agricultural Bioethics,” organized by Ben Mepham in 1993. At that time, agricultural ethics was being envisioned as an interdisciplinary sub-discipline comparable to that of medical ethics. Agricultural ethicists would co-operate with other agricultural faculty to produce careful articulation, analysis and critique of norms and values being implicitly assumed by agricultural researchers, practitioners and policy makers. (...)
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  6.  13
    Agricultural ethics of biofuels: big science and global climate ethics.Paul Banks Thompson - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (2):132-146.
    In the first decade of the twenty-first century, biofuels were recognized as an important element in the overall strategy to reduce climate-forcing greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide. Yet scientific research to more fully realize the potential of agricultural crops for liquid transportation fuel requires the coordination of many separate projects housed in different disciplines. Studies predicting and documenting adverse social impacts of plant-based ethanol and biodiesel led to the inclusion of social science components within research teams seeking to develop (...)
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    The agricultural ethics of biofuels: climate ethics and mitigation arguments.Paul B. Thompson - 2012 - Poiesis and Praxis 8 (4):169-189.
    An environmental, climate mitigation rationale for research and development on liquid transportation fuels derived from plants emerged among many scientists and engineers during the last decade. However, between 2006 and 2010, this climate ethic for pursuing biofuel became politically entangled and conceptually confused with rationales for encouraging greater use of plant-based ethanol that were both unconnected to climate ethics and potentially in conflict with the value-commitments providing a mitigation-oriented reason to promote and develop new and expanded sources of biofuel. (...)
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  8.  77
    Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics.Paul B. Thompson & David M. Kaplan (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Springer Verlag.
    The second edition of this extensive work is the definitive source on issues pertaining to the full range of topics in the important area of food and agricultural ethics. Altogether about 100 new entries appear in this new edition. The start of the 21st century has seen intensified debate, discussion, and criticism of food and agriculture. Scholars, activists, and citizens increasingly question the goals and ethical rationale behind production, distribution and consumption of food, and the use of crops (...)
  9.  51
    Agricultural Ethics in East Asian Perspective: A Transpacific Dialogue.Kirill O. Thompson & Paul B. Thompson (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Springer Verlag.
    This collection of essays is a transpacific dialog on the role of agriculture and food, especially within traditions of Chinese and Japanese philosophy and social thought.
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    (1 other version)Agriculture, ethics, and restrictions on property rights.Kristin S. Shrader-Frechette - 1988 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 1 (1):21-40.
    The argument in this essay is twofold. (1) Procedural justice requires,in particular cases, that we restrict property rights in natural resources, e.g., California agricultural land or Appalachian coal land. (2) Conditions imposed by Locke's political theory and by dense population require,in general, that we restrict property rights in finite or non-renewable natural resources such as land. If these arguments are correct, then we have a moral imperative to use land-use controls (such as taxation, planning, zoning, and acreage limitations) to (...)
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  11.  24
    Theology and Agricultural Ethics in the State University a reply to Richard Baer.Michael Eldridge - 1985 - Agriculture and Human Values 2 (4):47-53.
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    Agricultural ethics, neurotic natures and emotional encounters: an application of actor‐network theory.Pamela Richardson - 2004 - Ethics, Place and Environment 7 (3):195 – 201.
    Fieldwork experiences in the summer of 2003 resulted in confusion regarding the ethical positioning of myself (the interviewer) in relation to the multiple 'actants' that constituted the research subject(s). This paper explores some of these personal issues and conflicts in order to clarify, gain perspective on and critique the nature (and indeed the 'Nature') of my fieldwork. The multiple positioning of participants within networks of agricultural and social ethics is addressed. I borrow Lewis Holloway's idea of relational ethical (...)
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  13.  9
    Key issues in agricultural ethics.Robert Zimdahl (ed.) - 2023 - Philadelphia, PA: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing.
    Agriculture is facing unprecedented scrutiny for its social and environmental impacts. Many of the key choices it must make are fundamentally about ethics. Key issues in agricultural ethics explores key ethical debates surrounding agriculture and agri-food supply chains.These include issues such as animal welfare, use of labour, the effects of new technologies and the overall impact of agriculture on the environment. It considers the ways these ethical dilemmas may be better understood and potentially resolved. Edited by a (...)
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    Agriculture ethics — the setting.H. O. Kunkel - 1984 - Agriculture and Human Values 1 (1):20-23.
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  15. Agricultural Ethics in Early Chinese Perspective: Some Issues.Kirill Thompson - 2018 - In Kirill O. Thompson & Paul B. Thompson, Agricultural Ethics in East Asian Perspective: A Transpacific Dialogue. New York: Springer Verlag.
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  16. (1 other version)Agricultural Ethics.Gary Comstock - 1996 - In Edward Craig, Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Genealogy to Iqbal. New York: Routledge.
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  17.  42
    Husbandry to industry: Animal Agriculture, Ethics and Public Policy.Jes Harfeld - 2010 - Between the Species 13 (10):9.
    The industrialisation of agriculture has led to considerable alterations at both the technological and economical levels of animal farming. Several animal welfare issues of modern animal agriculture – e.g. stress and stereotypical behaviour – can be traced back to the industrialised intensification of housing and numbers of animals in production. Although these welfare issues dictate ethical criticism, it is the claim of this article that such direct welfare issues are only the forefront of a greater systemic ethical problem inherent to (...)
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  18.  25
    Taking agricultural ethics to the forefront: A practical guide to the organizational and philosophical issues. [REVIEW]Jeffrey A. Lockwood - 1988 - Agriculture and Human Values 5 (4):96-101.
    If the field of agricultural ethics is to realize its potential and if the agricultural and philosophical communities are to address the impending changes in world food production, there is a need for education in public, governmental, and academic arenas. The development of a symposium on agriculural ethics is an effective method for “raising awareness” of the imminent need for a consolidation of philosophical and agricultural expertise. Based on experience, a series of organizational guidelines and (...)
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  19. The agricultural ethics of biofuels: A first look. [REVIEW]Paul B. Thompson - 2008 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 21 (2):183-198.
    A noticeable push toward using agricultural crops for ethanol production and for undertaking research to expand the range of possible biofuels began to dominate discussions of agricultural science and policy in the United States around 2005. This paper proposes two complementary philosophical approaches to examining the philosophical questions that should be posed in connection with this turn of events. One stresses a critique of underlying epistemological commitments in the scientific models being developed to determine the feasibility of various (...)
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  20.  47
    Agricultural ethics at state universities: Why no input from the theologians? [REVIEW]Richard A. Baer - 1985 - Agriculture and Human Values 2 (4):41-46.
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  21.  50
    The Ethics of Plant Flourishing and Agricultural Ethics: Theoretical Distinctions and Concrete Recommendations in Light of the Environmental Crisis.Quentin Hiernaux - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (4):91.
    Many activities towards plants are directly related to environmental crisis issues. However, our actions towards plants are little theorized in philosophy and ethics. After a brief presentation of the history, state of the art, and current issues of plant ethics, I critically illustrate how the theoretical threads of current ethics should be clarified, and, more importantly, contextualised, to promote the application of concrete measures. Particular attention is paid to the ethics of plant flourishing as applied to (...)
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  22.  38
    Theology and agricultural ethics at state universities: A rejoinder. [REVIEW]Richard A. Baer - 1989 - Agriculture and Human Values 6 (3):99-104.
    Michael Eldridge's critique of the author's earlier paper on the place of theology in agricultural ethics at state universities fails in at least three places: (1) Eldridge presents an inadequate picture of how basic assumptions function in human thinking and misuses terms like “public,” “private,” “particular,” “empirical,” and “common experience”; (2) he wrongly distinguishes between philosophers and theologians on the bais of their openness to new data, ideas, and public criticism; (3) he misunderstands the meaning of the First (...)
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    Paul B. Thompson and Kirill O. Thompson (eds), Agricultural Ethics in East Asian Perspective: A Transpacific Dialogue.Leila Chakroun - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (5):627-629.
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  24. A Latin American Perspective to Agricultural Ethics.Cristian Timmermann - 2019 - In Eduardo Rivera-López & Martin Hevia, Controversies in Latin American Bioethics. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 203-217.
    The mixture of political, social, cultural and economic environments in Latin America, together with the enormous diversity in climates, natural habitats and biological resources the continent offers, make the ethical assessment of agricultural policies extremely difficult. Yet the experience gained while addressing the contemporary challenges the region faces, such as rapid urbanization, loss of culinary and crop diversity, extreme inequality, disappearing farming styles, water and land grabs, malnutrition and the restoration of the rule of law and social peace, can (...)
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  25.  13
    Environmental Ethics and Agricultural Intensification. Palmer - 2008 - In Paul Thompson, The Ethics of Intensification: Agricultural Development and Cultural Chang. Springer. pp. 131-148.
  26.  14
    Sustainable agriculture: a Christian ethic of gratitude.Mark E. Graham - 2005 - Cleveland: Pilgrim Press.
    This book . . . is an invitation to all Christians to begin constructing a food ethics; to the academic Christian ethicist, it presents an opportunity to join a discussion on a topic relevant in so many ways to the life of every American; to the Christian for whom the spark of the divine is detectable in the everyday life, it is a chance to begin making ethical sense out of something done every day for the entirety of one's (...)
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    Paul B. Thompson, Agricultural Ethics: Research, Teaching and Public Policy, Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1998. ISBN: 0-8138-2806-6. [REVIEW]Mora Campbell - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 13 (3-4):259-265.
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    Regenerative agriculture and a more-than-human ethic of care: a relational approach to understanding transformation.Madison Seymour & Sean Connelly - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (1):231-244.
    A growing body of literature argues that achieving radical change in the agri-food system requires a radical renegotiation of our relationship with the environment alongside a change in our thinking and approach to transformational food politics. This paper argues that relational approaches such as a more-than-human ethic of care (MTH EoC) can offer a different and constructive perspective to analyse agri-food system transformation because it emphasises social structures and relationships as the basis of environmental change. A MTH EoC has not (...)
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  29.  69
    Of firms and farms: Agricultural ethics and the problem of compensation. [REVIEW]Jan Vorstenbosch - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 12 (1):81-98.
    Compensating farmers out of public funds for financiallosses due to adverse weather conditions and animaldiseases is fairly common in most Western countries.This government policy differs from that towardsentrepeneurs in other economic branches. Whatjustifies this differential treatment? In the firstpart of this article, three theories of justice arepresented that offer a general framework for dealingwith problems of compensatory justice. In the secondpart, the possibilities of justifiying differentialtreatment of agriculture within each of these theoriesare explored. It is concluded that compensatorypractices in agriculture (...)
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  30.  40
    Ethics in Agriculture: Where Are We and Where Should We Be Going?Robert L. Zimdahl & Thomas O. Holtzer - 2018 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 31 (6):751-753.
    Agriculture’s dominant focus is feeding the human population. From an ethical perspective, this is clearly very positive, but it does not absolve agriculture from critical, ethical examination of the totality of agriculture’s effects. To earn the public’s ongoing support, agriculture must be trusted to vigilantly examine its full range of effects and be sure they align with the highest ethical values. Agriculture’s record is enviable in the science and technology associated with its primary ethical concern, but we need to do (...)
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  31.  43
    Agricultural practices, ecology, and ethics in the third world.L. S. Westra, K. L. Bowen & B. K. Behe - 1991 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 4 (1):60-77.
    The increasing demand for horticultural products for nutritional and economic purposes by lesser developed countries (LDC's) is well-documented. Technological demands of the LDC's producing horticultural products is also increasing. Pesticide use is an integral component of most agricultural production, yet chemicals are often supplied without supplemental information vital for their safe and efficient implementation. Illiteracy rates in developing countries are high, making pesticide education even more challenging. For women, who perform a significant share of agricultural tasks, illiteracy rates (...)
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  32.  43
    Foot and mouth disease and british agriculture: Ethics in a crisis. [REVIEW]Ben Mepham - 2001 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 14 (3):339-347.
    The 2001 Foot and Mouth Diseaseoutbreak in the UK has had widespread adverseeffects – on the farming community, thetourist industry, millions of farm animals, theenvironment, and citizens'' quality of life.This report summarizes the course of theepidemic and then questions the ethicalvalidity of the procedure chosen to eradicatethe disease, namely, the slaughter of millionsof animals. It is argued that the utilitarianbasis of the mass slaughter program isunjustified even in its own terms, and thatrespect for certain deontological principlesmerits increased attention in public (...)
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  33.  22
    Unifying Agricultural and Environmental Ethics.Evelyn Brister - 2019 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 22 (3):251-258.
    Paul B. Thompson’s agrarian ethic aims to unite the core agricultural value of providing sustenance for people with the environmental value of preserving nature into the future. His recently revise...
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    Ethical Evaluation Capacity of Turkish Food and Agricultural Engineers and Veterinary Physicians with Regard to Agriculture and Food System.Sukru Keles, Ayşe Kurtoğlu, Özdal Köksal, Neyyire Yasemin Yalım & Cemal Taluğ - 2021 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (2):1-25.
    In Turkey, the numbers of studies that deal with agriculture and food as a system and process, and that address the issue with an integrated approach are very limited. Besides, there is no empirical study available in the national literature in which agricultural and food system has been analyzed within the framework of applied ethics. The present study aims to investigate the characteristics of food and agricultural engineers and veterinary physicians in terms of their tendency to carry (...)
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    (1 other version)Practical and ethical considerations of agricultural research assistance for the third world.J. S. Gavora & E. E. Lister - 1989 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 2 (4):307-322.
    The right to eat and to an adequate standard of living for everyone motivates agricultural research assistance to developing countries with the primary objective of assuring sufficient food supply. This article focuses on aspects of food production and related agricultural research with specific examples from animal production. It discusses ethics of agricultural research in light of the utilitarian theory and compares livestock production in developing and developed countries. Major reasons for low outputs of animal production in (...)
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    Agricultural Big Data Analytics and the Ethics of Power.Mark Ryan - 2020 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 33 (1):49-69.
    Agricultural Big Data analytics (ABDA) is being proposed to ensure better farming practices, decision-making, and a sustainable future for humankind. However, the use and adoption of these technologies may bring about potentially undesirable consequences, such as exercises of power. This paper will analyse Brey’s five distinctions of power relationships (manipulative, seductive, leadership, coercive, and forceful power) and apply them to the use agricultural Big Data. It will be shown that ABDA can be used as a form of manipulative (...)
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    (1 other version)The world agricultural system and ethical considerations relating to the rural environment: Some perspectives on cause and effect in underdeveloped countries.Brian Furze - 1989 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 2 (1):59-67.
    Food is a basic human need and therefore a basic human right. While food output has increased to a level where there is enough food produced to feed the world, still millions starve. Using the concept of capitalist world economy as a framework, this paper provides a structural analysis of the food production and distribution system within monopoly capitalism and its implications for countries of the underdeveloped world. Focusing on the impact of a dominant world food supply system on indigenous (...)
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  38. Vexing Nature?: On the Ethical Case Against Agricultural Biotechnology.L. Comstock Gary - 2000 - Boston: Kluwer.
    Agricultural biotechnology refers to a diverse set of industrial techniques used to produce genetically modified foods. Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods manipulated at the molecular level to enhance their value to farmers and consumers. This book is a collection of essays on the ethical dimensions of ag biotech. The essays were written over a dozen years, beginning in 1988. When I began to reflect on the subject, ag biotech was an exotic, untested, technology. Today, in the first year (...)
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  39. Strengthening ethics within agricultural cooperatives.Jerry van der Kamp - 1997 - Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Rural Business Cooperative Service. Edited by Arthur Beenken.
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    Ethics and agriculture: an anthology on current issues in world context.Charles V. Blatz (ed.) - 1991 - Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho Press.
    Agriculture is changing around the world. The most dramatic of these changes, however, threaten the very ability of humanity to produce the food needed to sustain itself. Although more is now produced on less land and with less human effort, some farming methods deteriorate our resources to such an extent that the productive life of many important agricultural areas can be numbered, not in centuries, but in decades. Although all view this situation with alarm, few agree on practical solutions (...)
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    (1 other version)On finding solutions to ethical problems in agriculture.Harvey S. James - 2003 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16 (5):439-457.
    A distinction should be made betweentwo types of ethical problems. A Type I ethicalproblem is one in which there is no consensusas to what is ethical. A Type II ethicalproblem is one in which there is a consensus asto what is ethical, but incentives exist forindividuals to behave unethically. Type Iethical problems are resolved by making,challenging, and reasoning through moralarguments. Type II ethical problems areresolved by changing the institutionalenvironment so that people do not haveincentives to behave unethically. Type Isolutions, however, (...)
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    Individual ethics and the social goals of agriculture.Kathryn Paxton George - 1987 - Agriculture and Human Values 4 (2-3):100-104.
    This article is a response to Paul Thompson's recent claim that individual farmers cannot have obligations to practice sustainable methods unless a large number of other producers also use them. Using a moral rights framework, I explain the relation of human interests and needs to the duties of individuals to accomplish moral social goals; i.e., those moral goals whose accomplishment requires the cooperation of other persons. The purpose is to show that individual action to promote sustainability does have moral value. (...)
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    The Ethics of Touch and the Importance of Nonhuman Relationships in Animal Agriculture.Steve Cooke - 2021 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (2):1-20.
    Animal agriculture predominantly involves farming social animals. At the same time, the nature of agriculture requires severely disrupting, eliminating, and controlling the relationships that matter to those animals, resulting in harm and unhappiness for them. These disruptions harm animals, both physically and psychologically. Stressed animals are also bad for farmers because stressed animals are less safe to handle, produce less, get sick more, and produce poorer quality meat. As a result, considerable efforts have gone into developing stress-reduction methods. Many of (...)
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  44. The ethics of agri-food biotechnology : how can an agricultural technology be so important?Jeffrey Burkhardt - 2008 - In Kenneth H. David & Paul B. Thompson, What Can Nanotechnology Learn From Biotechnology?: Social and Ethical Lessons for Nanoscience From the Debate Over Agrifood Biotechnology and Gmos. Elsevier/Academic Press.
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  45. Ethics and Agricultural Biotechnology: Opposing Viewpoints.Gary Comstock - 1991 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 4 (2).
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    Ethical and value issues in international agricultural research.Kenneth A. Dahlberg - 1988 - Agriculture and Human Values 5 (1-2):101-111.
    Agricultural research raises fundamental ethical and value questions going beyond those in other fields both because of its public funding and because its results have significant impacts on habitats and other species. Questions about the sustainability of modern agriculture, which are shared with other sectors, require us to examine alternative visions and structures. These can be seen to range from status quo preserving ideologies to change-oriented utopias. It is argued that at the national level current ideologies—which include positivistic approaches (...)
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    The Spirit of the Soil: Agriculture and Environmental Ethics.Paul B. Thompson - 1994 - Routledge.
    The Spirit of the Soil challenges environmentalists to think more deeply and creatively about agriculture. Paul B. Thompson identifies four `worldviews' which tackle agricultural ethics according to different philosophical priorities; productionism, stewardship, economics and holism. He examines current issues such as the use of pesticides and biotechnology from these ethical perspectives. This book achieves an open-ended account of sustainability designed to minimise hubris and help us to recapture the spirit of the soil.
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    Environmentally Virtuous Agriculture: How and When External Goods and Humility Ethically Constrain Technology Use.J. Barker Matthew & Lettner Alana Friend - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (2):287-309.
    This paper concerns virtue-based ethical principles that bear upon agricultural uses of technologies, such as GM crops and CRISPR crops. It does three things. First, it argues for a new type of virtue ethics approach to such cases. Typical virtue ethics principles are vague and unspecific. These are sometimes useful, but we show how to supplement them with more specific virtue ethics principles that are useful to people working in specific applied domains, where morally relevant domain-specific (...)
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    Ethical tools to support systematic public deliberations about the ethical aspects of agricultural biotechnologies.Volkert Beekman & Frans W. A. Brom - 2007 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 20 (1):3-12.
    This special issue of the Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics presents so-called ethical tools that are developed to support systematic public deliberations about the ethical aspects of agricultural biotechnologies. This paper firstly clarifies the intended connotations of the term “ethical tools” and argues that such tools can support liberal democracies to cope with the issues that are raised by the application of genetic modification and other modern biotechnologies in agriculture and food production. The paper secondly characterizes (...)
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  50.  8
    The Ethics of Intensification: Agricultural Development and Cultural Chang.Paul Thompson (ed.) - 2008 - Springer.
    The Ethics of Agricultural Intensification: An Interdisciplinary and International Conversation Paul B. Thompson and John Otieno Ouko* Global agriculture faces a number of challenges as the world approaches the second decade of the third millennium. Predictions unilaterally indicate dramatic increases in world population between 2010 and 2030, and a trend in developing countries toward greater consumption of animal products could multiply the need for prod- tion of basic grains even further. Although global food production in 2000 was estimated (...)
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