Results for ' Whitney arc property'

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  1.  43
    Hausdorff measure on o-minimal structures.A. Fornasiero & E. Vasquez Rifo - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (2):631-648.
    We introduce the Hausdorff measure for definable sets in an o-minimal structure, and prove the Cauchy—Crofton and co-area formulae for the o-minimal Hausdorff measure. We also prove that every definable set can be partitioned into “basic rectifiable sets”, and that the Whitney arc property holds for basic rectifiable sets.
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    Dynamical Models of Sentence Processing.Whitney Tabor & Michael K. Tanenhaus - 1999 - Cognitive Science 23 (4):491-515.
    We suggest that the theory of dynamical systems provides a revealing general framework for modeling the representations and mechanism underlying syntactic processing. We show how a particular dynamical model, the Visitation Set Gravitation model of Tabor, Juliano, and Tanenhaus (1997), develops syntactic representations and models a set of contingent frequency effects in parsing that are problematic for other models. We also present new simulations showing how the model accounts for semantic effects in parsing, and propose a new account of the (...)
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    Proof-Theoretic Aspects of Paraconsistency with Strong Consistency Operator.Victoria Arce Pistone & Martín Figallo - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-38.
    In order to develop efficient tools for automated reasoning with inconsistency (theorem provers), eventually making Logics of Formal inconsistency (_LFI_) a more appealing formalism for reasoning under uncertainty, it is important to develop the proof theory of the first-order versions of such _LFI_s. Here, we intend to make a first step in this direction. On the other hand, the logic _Ciore_ was developed to provide new logical systems in the study of inconsistent databases from the point of view of _LFI_s. (...)
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  4. Fractal Analysis Illuminates the Form of Connectionist Structural Gradualness.Whitney Tabor, Pyeong Whan Cho & Emily Szkudlarek - 2013 - Topics in Cognitive Science 5 (3):634-667.
    We examine two connectionist networks—a fractal learning neural network (FLNN) and a Simple Recurrent Network (SRN)—that are trained to process center-embedded symbol sequences. Previous work provides evidence that connectionist networks trained on infinite-state languages tend to form fractal encodings. Most such work focuses on simple counting recursion cases (e.g., anbn), which are not comparable to the complex recursive patterns seen in natural language syntax. Here, we consider exponential state growth cases (including mirror recursion), describe a new training scheme that seems (...)
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    Birth of an Abstraction: A Dynamical Systems Account of the Discovery of an Elsewhere Principle in a Category Learning Task.Whitney Tabor, Pyeong W. Cho & Harry Dankowicz - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (7):1193-1227.
    Human participants and recurrent (“connectionist”) neural networks were both trained on a categorization system abstractly similar to natural language systems involving irregular (“strong”) classes and a default class. Both the humans and the networks exhibited staged learning and a generalization pattern reminiscent of the Elsewhere Condition (Kiparsky, 1973). Previous connectionist accounts of related phenomena have often been vague about the nature of the networks’ encoding systems. We analyzed our network using dynamical systems theory, revealing topological and geometric properties that can (...)
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    Ball milling nanocrystallization of arc-melted and melt-spun Fe78Co5Nb3Zr3B5Ge5Cu1alloy: microstructure and magnetic properties. [REVIEW]J. S. Blázquez, V. Franco, A. Conde & S. Roth - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (15):2271-2282.
  7.  20
    Saving Animals: A Long Moral Arc.Lucille C. Thibodeau - 2023 - Journal of Animal Ethics 13 (1):80-87.
    Saving Animals, a study of three different kinds of animal sanctuaries, is the first major ethnography to describe how sanctuaries “unmake” the notion of animals as property that reduces them to “bare life.” The study relies on numerous engaging narratives about rescue animals, their mutual interactions, and their interactions with the people who care for them—narratives that illustrate how the sentience and subjectivity of animals provide a firm ground for the author's ethical considerations. An animal sanctuary is ideally an (...)
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    From real-life to very strong axioms. Classification problems in Descriptive Set Theory and regularity properties in Generalized Descriptive Set Theory.Martina Iannella - 2024 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 30 (2):285-286.
    This thesis is divided into three parts, the first and second ones focused on combinatorics and classification problems on discrete and geometrical objects in the context of descriptive set theory, and the third one on generalized descriptive set theory at singular cardinals of countable cofinality.Descriptive Set Theory (briefly: DST) is the study of definable subsets of Polish spaces, i.e., separable completely metrizable spaces. One of the major branches of DST is Borel reducibility, successfully used in the last 30 years to (...)
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  9.  21
    The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 8-Items Expresses Robust Psychometric Properties as an Ideal Shorter Version of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 21 Among Healthy Respondents From Three Continents. [REVIEW]Amira Mohammed Ali, Hiroaki Hori, Yoshiharu Kim & Hiroshi Kunugi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    To examine the cultural limitations and implications in the applicability of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 8-items —a shortened version of the DASS-21 recently introduced in an Arab sample—this study evaluated its psychometric properties, including measurement invariance, among healthy subjects from the United States, Australia, and Ghana. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed good fit of the DASS-8 relative to a 12-item version. Both the DASS-8 and the DASS-12 were invariant at all levels across genders, employment status, and students vs. non-students. The (...)
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  10.  33
    Aaron Ben-Ze’ev: The Arc of Love. [REVIEW]Cecilea Mun - 2020 - Phenomenological Reviews 6.
    I begin with my account of Ben-Ze’ev’s notions of acute, extended, and enduring emotions, focusing on explicating their ontological structure and identifying their differentia. I then discuss the two models of romantic love that Ben-Ze’ev introduces—the care model and the dialogue model—highlighting his argument against the claim that “love is a property of, and in some formulations resides in, the connection between the two lovers” (Ben-Ze’ev 2019, 48). Although this claim can be understood in at least one of two (...)
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  11.  25
    直観的な学習制御パラメータを有するarcingアルゴリズム.Rätsch Gunnar 小野田 崇 - 2001 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 16:417-426.
    AdaBoost has been successfully applied to a number of classification tasks, seemingly defying problems of overfitting. AdaBoost performs gradient descent in an error function with respect to the margin. This method concentrates on the patterns which are hardest to learn. However, this property of AdaBoost can be disadvantageous for noisy problems. Indeed, theoretical analysis has shown that the margin distribution plays a crucial role in understanding this phenomenon. Loosely speaking, some outliers should be tolerated if this has the benefit (...)
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    Inverse kinematic problem: Solutions by pseudoinversion, inversion and no-inversion.Simon R. Goodman - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):756-758.
    Kinematic properties of reaching movements reflect constraints imposed on the joint angles. Contemporary models present solutions to the redundancy problem by a pseudoinverse procedure (Whitney 1969) or without any inversion (Berkenblit et al. 1986). Feldman & Levin suggest a procedure based on a regular inversion. These procedures are considered as an outcome of a more general approach.
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    The aesthetic experience as a characteristic feature of brain dynamics.Giuseppe Vitiello - 2015 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 8 (1):71-89.
    The brain constructs within itself an understanding of its surround which constitutes its own world. This is described as its Double in the frame of the dissipative quantum model of brain, where the perception-action arc in the Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of perception finds its formal description. In the dialog with the Double, the continuous attempt to reach the equilibrium shows that the real goal pursued by the brain activity is the aesthetical experience, the most harmonious “to-be-in-the-world” reached through reciprocal actions, the (...)
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  14.  20
    Definable Functions and Stratifications in Power-Bounded T -Convex Fields.Erick García Ramírez - 2020 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 61 (3):441-465.
    We study properties of definable sets and functions in power-bounded T -convex fields, proving that the latter have the multidimensional Jacobian property and that the theory of T -convex fields is b -minimal with centers. Through these results and work of I. Halupczok we ensure that a certain kind of geometrical stratifications exist for definable objects in said fields. We then discuss a number of applications of those stratifications, including applications to Archimedean o-minimal geometry.
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  15. Similar systems and dimensionally invariant laws.R. Duncan Luce - 1971 - Philosophy of Science 38 (2):157-169.
    Using H. Whitney's algebra of physical quantities and his definition of a similarity transformation, a family of similar systems (R. L. Causey [3] and [4]) is any maximal collection of subsets of a Cartesian product of dimensions for which every pair of subsets is related by a similarity transformation. We show that such families are characterized by dimensionally invariant laws (in Whitney's sense, [10], not Causey's). Dimensional constants play a crucial role in the formulation of such laws. They (...)
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  16.  50
    Art and Censorship.Richard Serra - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 17 (3):574-581.
    In the United States, property rights are afforded protection, but moral rights are not. Up until 1989, the United States adamantly refused to join the Berne Copyright Convention, the first multilateral copyright treaty, now ratified by seventy-eight countries. The American government refused to comply because the Berne Convention grants moral rights to authors. This international policy was—and is—incompatible with United States copyright law, which recognizes only economic rights. Although ten states have enacted some form of moral rights legislation, federal (...)
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    Whoa!John Shoptaw - 2019 - Arion 27 (1):1-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Whoa! JOHN SHOPTAW ONE A young man with gold hair in a coal-black robe and slippers was off to confront the Sun. But as he paced the hotel corridors, Ray could feel his step losing its jaunt. At this rate, he’d make it to nowhere in nothing flat. Just then, he noticed his old wall map thumbtacked over some double doors. How’d his Boys’ Life get out here? He (...)
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    The Irreplaceable Cannot Be Replaced.Ellen Harvey - 2008 - Diacritics 38 (3):i-viii.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Irreplaceable Cannot Be ReplacedEllen HarveyThe Irreplaceable Cannot Be Replaced, Ellen Harvey, 2008. Photographs: Jan Baracz.People in New Orleans were invited to submit images or descriptions of irreplaceable places, people, or things lost to Hurricane Katrina. Eleven submissions were chosen at random and the artist painted 16” x 20” oil paintings based on those submissions. All thirty texts that were submitted were framed and exhibited along with the paintings (...)
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    On the existence of inequivalent quasideterministic domains.Irene Giardina & Alberto Rimini - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (8):973-987.
    In the framework of the history approach to quantum mechanics and, in particular, of the formulation of Gell-Mann and Hartle, the question of the existence of inequivalent decoherent sets of histories is reconsidered. A simple but acceptably realistic model of the dynamics of the universe is proposed and a particular set of histories is shown to be decoherent. By suitable tranformations of this set, a family of sets of histories is then generated, such that the sets, first, are decoherent on (...)
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  20.  15
    Nicolas Gueudeville's Enlightenment Utopia.Russ Leo - 2018 - Moreana 55 (1):24-60.
    Nicolas Gueudeville's 1715 French translation of Utopia is often dismissed as a “belle infidèle,” an elegant but unfaithful work of translation. Gueudeville does indeed expand the text to nearly twice its original length. But he presents Utopia as a contribution to emergent debates on tolerance, natural religion, and political anthropology, directly addressing the concerns of many early advocates of the ideas we associate with Enlightenment. In this sense, it is not as much an “unfaithful” presentation of More's project as it (...)
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  21.  17
    Incomprehensible Certainty: Metaphysics and Hermeneutics of the Image by Thomas Pfau.Thomas Zingelmann - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (3):559-562.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Incomprehensible Certainty: Metaphysics and Hermeneutics of the Image by Thomas PfauThomas ZingelmannPFAU, Thomas. Incomprehensible Certainty: Metaphysics and Hermeneutics of the Image. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 2022. xxiii + 785 pp. Cloth, $80.00Thomas Pfau reconstructs one of the most traditional and possibly most decisive philosophical debates, [End Page 559] namely, the one about the form and function of appearance (Schein). This debate is taken up (...)
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  22.  13
    Discourse studies and hermeneutics.Teun A. van Dijk - 2011 - Discourse Studies 13 (5):609-621.
    Against the background of an academic development starting in literary studies, also involving ‘encounters’ with hermeneutics, this article argues that the contemporary cross-discipline of Discourse Studies, and hence Critical Discourse Studies, have gone beyond the impressionistic or erudite ‘interpretation’ of texts, as traditionally practiced in hermeneutics. It is summarized how psychology today accounts for many of the properties of the semantic and pragmatic comprehension of situated text and talk, for instance in terms of mental models. It thus makes explicit processes (...)
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    Off-mass-shell dynamics in flat spacetime.Matthew A. Trump & William C. Schieve - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (3):389-414.
    In the covariant Hamiltonian mechanics with action-at-a-distance, we compare the proper time and dynamical time representations of the coordinate space world line using the differential geometry of nongeodesic curves in 3+1 Minkowski spacetime. The covariant generalization of the Serret-Frenet equations for the point particle with interaction are derived using the arc length representation. A set of invariant point particle kinematical properties are derived which are equivalent to the solutions of the equations of motion in coordinate space and which are functions (...)
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  24.  4
    Incremental Discourse‐Update Constrains Number Agreement Attraction Effect.Sanghee J. Kim & Ming Xiang - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (9):e13497.
    While a large body of work in sentence comprehension has explored how different types of linguistic information are used to guide syntactic parsing, less is known about the effect of discourse structure. This study investigates this question, focusing on the main and subordinate discourse contrast manifested in the distinction between restrictive relative clauses (RRCs) and appositive relative clauses (ARCs) in American English. In three self-paced reading experiments, we examined whether both RRCs and ARCs interfere with the matrix clause content and (...)
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  25. Privacy, Autonomy, and the Dissolution of Markets.Kiel Brennan-Marquez & Daniel Susser - 2022 - Knight First Amendment Institute.
    Throughout the 20th century, market capitalism was defended on parallel grounds. First, it promotes freedom by enabling individuals to exploit their own property and labor-power; second, it facilitates an efficient allocation and use of resources. Recently, however, both defenses have begun to unravel—as capitalism has moved into its “platform” phase. Today, the pursuit of allocative efficiency, bolstered by pervasive data surveillance, often undermines individual freedom rather than promoting it. And more fundamentally, the very idea that markets are necessary to (...)
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    Liberalism and Distributive Justice.Samuel Richard Freeman - 2018 - New York, USA: Oup Usa.
    Liberalism and Distributive Justice discusses liberalism, capitalism, distributive justice, and John Rawls's difference principle. Chapters are organized in a narrative arc: from liberalism as the dominant political and economic system, to the laws governing interpersonal transactions in liberal society, to basic economic and political institutions that determine distributive justice.
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    Central and Peripheral Shoulder Fatigue Pre-screening Using the Sigma–Lognormal Model: A Proof of Concept.Anaïs Laurent, Réjean Plamondon & Mickael Begon - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:535282.
    Background: Clinical tests for detecting central and peripheral shoulder fatigue are limited. The discrimination of these two types of fatigue is necessary to better adapt recovery intervention. The Kinematic Theory of Rapid Human Movements describes the neuromotor impulse response using lognormal functions and has many applications in pathology detection. The ideal motor control is modeled and a change in the neuromuscular system is reflected in parameters extracted according to this theory. Objective: The objective of this study was to assess whether (...)
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  28. Some notes on internal and external relations and representation.Mark H. Bickhard - 2003 - Consciousness and Emotion 4 (1):101-110.
    Internal relations are those relations that are intrinsic to the nature of one or more of the relata. They are a kind of essential relation, rather than an essential property. For example, an arc of a circle is internally related to the center of that circle in the sense that.
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  29. The Brave New Bare Particularism.Richard Davis - 2004 - Modern Schoolman 81 (4):267-273.
    Initially introduced to the philosophical world as elusive, we-know-notwhats—substrata underlying the properties had or exemplified by things, but themselves bereft of properties—bare particulars have been dismissed as undetectable, unnecessary, and even incoherent. Hardly a warm welcome. It appears, however, that times are changing. In a recent series of articles, for example, J. P. Moreland has argued that “bare particulars are crucial entities in any adequate overall theory of individuation”;’ that is, concrete particulars cannot be individuated without them. In the same (...)
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  30.  97
    Base-free formulas in the lattice-theoretic study of compacta.Paul Bankston - 2011 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 50 (5-6):531-542.
    The languages of finitary and infinitary logic over the alphabet of bounded lattices have proven to be of considerable use in the study of compacta. Significant among the sentences of these languages are the ones that are base free, those whose truth is unchanged when we move among the lattice bases of a compactum. In this paper we define syntactically the expansive sentences, and show each of them to be base free. We also show that many well-known properties of compacta (...)
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  31.  35
    Principles of Semantic Networks.Steven Schwartz - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (4).
    A semantic network or net is a graphic notation for representing knowledge in patterns of interconnected nodes and arcs. Computer implementations of semantic networks were first developed for artificial intelligence and machine translation, but earlier versions have long been used in philosophy, psychology, and linguistics. What is common to all semantic networks is a declarative graphic representation that can be used either to represent knowledge or to support automated systems for reasoning about knowledge. Some versions are highly informal, but other (...)
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    Locke on the knowledge of material things.Robert Fendel Anderson - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (2):205-215.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Locke on the Knowledge of Material Things ROBERT FENDEL ANDERSON IT IS nOT John Locke's intention, in his Essay Concerning Human Understanding, to deal with matter and material substance nor with how these are able to affect the mind. These are considerations for natural philosophy; Locke counts himself rather among the moral philosophers. He does not propose, therefore, to meddle with the physical aspects of the mind, nor with (...)
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  33.  32
    Locke’s Touchy Subjects: Materialism and Immortality by Nicholas Jolley. [REVIEW]Benjamin Hill - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (3):503-504.
    Jolley’s slim book joins a slew of recent work on Locke’s metaphysics of persons. The two “touchy subjects” of the title were the immortality of an immaterial soul and the resurrection of the same body. Jolley’s interpretive thesis is that Locke propounded a form of weak materialism, that is, property dualism. He set this up as a corrective to the common reading that Locke was agnostic about the metaphysical state of the soul. As Jolley sees it, Locke’s thinking in (...)
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  34. Whitney Discussion.F. A. Matsen, Barry Whitney, Herb Vetter & Don Viney - 1998 - The Personalist Forum 14 (2):170-171.
  35.  2
    Defensa de tesis doctoral: Juan Pablo Espinoza Arce.Juan Pablo Espinosa-Arce - 2024 - Teología y Vida 65 (3):489-502.
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    Whitney on Language: Selected Writings of William Dwight Whitney.E. F. K. Koerner, William Dwight Whitney & Michael Silverstein - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (4):617.
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    Why we need religion to solve the world food crisis.A. Whitney Sanford - 2014 - Zygon 49 (4):977-991.
    Scholars and practitioners addressing the global food crisis have rarely incorporated perspectives from the world's religious traditions. This lacuna appears in multiple dimensions: until recently, environmentalists have tended to ignore food and agriculture; food justice advocates have focused on food quantities, rather than its method of production; and few scholars of religion have considered agriculture. Faith-based perspectives typically emphasize the dignity and sanctity of creation and offer holistic frameworks that integrate equity, economic, and environmental concerns, often called the three legs (...)
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  38. The Metaphysics of Recollection in Plato’s Meno.Whitney Schwab - 2020 - Apeiron 53 (3):213-233.
    Recollection is central to the epistemology of Plato’sMeno. After all, the character Socrates claims that recollection is the process whereby embodied human souls bind down true opinions (doxai) and acquire knowledge (epistêmê). This paper examines the exchange between Socrates and Meno’s slave to determine (1) what steps on the path to acquiring knowledge are part of the process of recollection and (2) what is required for a subject to count as having recollected something. I argue that the key to answering (...)
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  39.  13
    The Life and Growth of Language.William Dwight Whitney - 2016 - Palala Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  40.  44
    Effects of Internal–External Congruence-Based CSR Positioning: An Attribution Theory Approach.Whitney Ginder, Wi-Suk Kwon & Sang-Eun Byun - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (2):355-369.
    Although corporate social responsibility appears to be mutually beneficial for companies and consumers, the modern marketplace has left both parties in vulnerable positions. Consumers are increasingly subjected to incongruent CSR messages such as greenwashing, while companies are trapped in a strategic positioning dilemma with regard to how to most effectively and ethically approach CSR communication. This has led some companies to instead adopt a strategically silent approach, such as greenhushing. To capture this CSR positioning dilemma and test the positioning effects (...)
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    Theology, creation, and environmental ethics: from creatio ex nihilo to terra nullius.Whitney Bauman - 2009 - New York: Routledge.
    Introduction : points of departure -- A genealogy of the Christian colonial mindset : ex nihilo from disputed beginnings to orthodox origins -- Ex nihilo and the origin of an empire -- Ex nihilo, erasure and discovery? -- The cogito, ex nihilo, and the legacy of John Locke -- The creation ex nihilo of terra nullius lands : omnipotent nations and the logic of global-colonization -- From epistemologies of domination to grounded thinking -- Opening words about God onto creatio continua (...)
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    References for Whitney from page 36.Robert Whitney - 1993 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 12 (1-2):44-44.
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  43. (2 other versions)Aristotle and the Problem of Value.Whitney J. Oates - 1963 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 19 (4):620-620.
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    Family Business Participation in Community Social Responsibility: The Moderating Effect of Gender.Whitney O. Peake, Danielle Cooper, Margaret A. Fitzgerald & Glenn Muske - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 142 (2):325-343.
    Small family businesses have generally been shown to exhibit significant concern for social responsibility, especially at the community level. Despite the reported heterogeneity of family firms in their preferences for and participation in social responsibility, the drivers of such differences are not agreed upon in the literature. We draw from enlightened self-interest and social capital theories by exploring their complementary and competing implications for the effect of duration and community satisfaction on participation in community-oriented social responsibility. Additionally, drawing on the (...)
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    Aristotle's Protrepticus.Whitney J. Oates & Ingemar During - 1963 - American Journal of Philology 84 (2):189.
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  46. Denis Diderot and the Politics of Materialist Skepticism.Whitney Mannies - 2015 - In John Christian Laursen & Gianni Paganini (eds.), Skepticism and political thought in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
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    Exploring the Determinants of Student Attitudes towards Corruption in Guatemala: Are Economics Students Different?José Luis Álvarez Arce, Isabel Rodríguez-Tejedo & María Jesús Valdemoros Erro - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-22.
    This study explores the micro-determinants of corruption tolerance among 1414 university students in Guatemala, a country grappling with significant corruption issues. By examining the attitudes of economics majors compared to students in other disciplines through ordered logistic regression analysis, we offer new insights into factors influencing corruption tolerance in a developing country setting. This approach, by focusing on a developing country, fills a research gap in the literature on the differences between economics students and their peers from other programs. We (...)
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    Reading Jalhaṇa Reading Bilhaṇa: Literary Criticism in a Sanskrit Anthology.Whitney Cox - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (4):867-894.
    The Sūktimuktāvalī, an anthology compiled in 1258 CE, is by far the most important source of testimonia for Bilhaṇa’s biographical mahākāvya, the Vikramāṅkadevacarita, composed ca. 1085. While the anthology’s value for the primary textual criticism of the kāvya is limited, its value for its interpretation is considerable: Bilhaṇa is the anthology’s most frequently cited poet, and its selection of his verses amounts to a reading of the poem as a whole. The recovery of this interpretation also provides the opportunity to (...)
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    Berlin Symposium on Post-culturalist Art History.Whitney Davis, Hans Christian Hönes & Jakub Stejskal - 2017 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 54 (2):238.
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    A Note on Cato, De Agri Cultura, LVI.Whitney J. Oates - 1934 - American Journal of Philology 55 (1):67.
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