Results for ' Wbap-tv'

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  1. Self and Solitude: Some Reflections on Suresh Chandra's Reading of Wittgenstein.Tv Madhu - 2004 - In R. C. Pradhan, The Philosophy of Suresh Chandra. ICPR, New Delhi. pp. 196.
  2. Developmental differences in processing capacity expended while reading.Tv Petros, Bk Bentz, B. Folstrom & R. Clow - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):482-482.
  3. Age and text genre effects on capacity expended while reading.Tv Petros, Bk Bentz, T. Miller & D. Tupa - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):506-506.
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  4. La signification: Esquisse d'une théorie.S. -Tv Lemeny - 2000 - Filosofia Oggi 23 (1-2):3-25.
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  5. A Confucian Life in America with Tu Wei Ming.Bill D. Moyers, Wei-Ming Tu, N. Wnet York, Ill) Wttw Chicago & Mich) Wtvs-Tv Detroit - 1990 - Pbs Video.
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  6. The effects of time of day on prose memory.We Beckwith, M. Anderson & Tv Petros - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):491-491.
  7.  27
    Taking TV Series Seriously.Sandra Laugier - 2022 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):250-253.
    TV series are gaining increasing attention in current research. However, their aesthetic potential for visualizing ethical issues and both forming and facilitating collective inquiry into democratic values has not yet been fully appreciated. Because of their format (weekly/seasonal regularity, home viewing) and the participatory qualities of Internet usage (tweeting, chat forums), series allow for a new form of education by expressing complex issues through narrative and characters. This education is both political and moral. This topical issue elucidates the power, diversity, (...)
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    A TV expandida pelas 9 telas da #RedeBBB.Luiza de Mello Stefano & Soraya Ferreira - 2019 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 25 (2):26-41.
    As transformações que atualmente os meios de comunicação tradicionais estão enfrentando fez com que a televisão, em vez de ser extinta, expandisse sua presença para outros suportes tecnológicos, potencializando seu poder de penetração e hibridização. O aparelho tradicional não é mais o único meio transmissor de conteúdo: a combinação da internet, redes sociais e os novos fenômenos emergidos pela convergência dos meios levaram ao surgimento de uma inédita experiência televisiva. O presente trabalho reflete sobre as novas possibilidades e características da (...)
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    TV talk show therapy as a distinct genre of discourse.Xiaoping Yan - 2008 - Discourse Studies 10 (4):469-491.
    Using therapeutic conversations from a televised talk show as the source data, this article investigates how people solve emotional problems in an institutional setting within a specific social cultural context. In light of the genre framework and the Systemic Functional Linguistics, the investigation considers the TV talk show therapy under examination a distinct genre. The claim is based on the linguistic evidence drawn from the analytical work. As a valid genre the talk show therapy has been characterized with the communicative (...)
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    Has TV advertising lost its effectiveness to other touch points?Michel Meulders & Irene Roozen - 2015 - Communications 40 (4):447-470.
    In this paper we analyze the relative effectiveness of the moment of contact between a brand and an individual consumer. The concept of effectiveness is made operational through the use of both attitude and awareness measures. The main research uses a 4x4 Latin square confounded within subjects factorial design with different touch points and brands. The appropriate stimuli were identified in a preliminary study. The results indicate that, overall, TV advertising and print advertisements – the traditional media channels – are (...)
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    TV drama as a social experience: An empirical investigation of the social dimensions of watching TV drama in the age of non-linear television.Nele Simons - 2015 - Communications 40 (2):219-236.
    As time-shifting technologies and digital convergence are facilitating and encouraging increasingly individualized and personalized television viewing practices, the social role and function of traditional linear television might be changing as well. Through empirical audience research, using TV diaries and interviews, this article investigates the social dimensions of engaged viewers’ reception of TV drama and explores how audiences themselves experience contemporary television as a social medium. The qualitative analysis reveals three social dimensions in viewers’ engagement with TV drama and indicates that (...)
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    TV-Philosophy In Action.Sandra Laugier - unknown
    TV-Philosophy in Action is inspired by philosopher and series-devotee Sandra Laugier’s monthly columns published in the French journal Libération. It is her contribution to the collective reflection on TV series produced by critics, theorists, and the vast mass of individual watchers who evaluate and discuss these programmes every day. The book brings together a selection of articles from Libération, as well as longer pieces, to demonstrate ‘TV-Philosophy in action’: Laugier’s response as a philosopher-viewer to a range of particularly salient TV (...)
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    Séries TV, déplacement des rapports de genre.Sandra Laugier - 2020 - Multitudes 79 (2):251-257.
    À la différence du cinéma, les séries TV, genre mineure, regardé dans l’univers domestique, ont mis souvent en avant les femmes. À partir de la série Buffy, leurs héroïnes échappent aux stéréotypes de genre et allient violence, souci des autres et affirmation d’un pouvoir collectif. Au tournant du siècle certaines séries deviennent féministes et accompagnent la transformation de la vision des femmes, de leur âge, de leur orientation sexuelle, de leurs appartenances sociale et raciale. Il y a même des vieilles (...)
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    Tv news photographer as equipment: A response.Jeffrey A. Marks - 1987 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 2 (2):18 – 20.
    In response to the preceding research report by Professor Steele, television news director Jeffrey Marks suggests that TV news photographers operate in a world not entirely of their own making. They are often treated as pieces of equipment whose insights and judgments are not taken into consideration when newscasts are produced. Seeing the world through a two?inch black and white viewfinder causes some distorted perceptions of reality and a certain detachment from ethical decision making. The author, chairman of the Radio?Television (...)
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    TV-Philosophy.Sandra Laugier - unknown
    This is the first book to explore the hold of TV series on our lives from a philosophical and ethical perspective. Sandra Laugier argues that this vital and ubiquitous expression of popular culture throughout the world is transformative in its effects on the activity of philosophy in everyday life. Drawing on Stanley Cavell’s work on film and ordinary experience, Laugier contends that we are deeply affected by the formative role played by the TV series we watch, and by the ways (...)
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    TV Series: A Form of Adaptation to The Contemporary Media Condition.Angela Maiello - 2023 - Rivista di Estetica 83:74-88.
    The article connects the forms of contemporary TV series with the narrative and participatory logics of contemporary media. In particular, the author proposes to consider the wide diffusion and popularity of TV series as a form of response and adaptation to the contemporary media condition. The article proposes an analysis of the ways in which the human instinct for storytelling finds form in contemporary participatory media practices. This reflection is situated within the broader debate on post-cinema and the ways in (...)
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    Political TV interviews in Austria 1981–2016 – Structures and strategies through times of substantial change in media and politics. [REVIEW]Andreas Riedl - 2020 - Communications 45 (2):131-155.
    In media-centered democracies, political TV interviews can reveal a lot about the relationship between journalists and politicians. However, knowledge about these formats during non-election times is lacking. Against this background, this study aims to generate insights about specific conversation strategies, the staging of politics, and agenda control in a long-term comparison, and to link them with media logic, which has been identified as a factor that shapes agenda-setting strategies in related contexts. Following a static-dynamic approach, a quantitative content analysis was (...)
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    As Seen on TV.Zygmunt Bauman - 2000 - Ethical Perspectives 7 (2):107-121.
    In ten years, says Jacques Attali , more than two billion TV screens will be switched on at any given time. I suggest that it is primarily in this massive, ubiquitous and obtrusive presence of TV-transmitted images that the true impact of television on the way we act and think ought to be sought. Television has conquered the Earth and its inhabitants. What, though, is the outcome of that must successful of known invasions?Since the beginning of the invasion evaluations of (...)
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  19. Makeover TV: Selfhood, Citizenship, and Celebrity.[author unknown] - 2009
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    TV and Film: A Philosophical Perspective.Noël Carroll - 2001 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 35 (1):15.
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  21.  21
    Tv series and their boundaries.Iris Vidmar Jovanović - 2020 - Rivista di Estetica 73:30-46.
    In this paper I follow Ted Nannicelli in the project of establishing boundaries of television works. I focus on serialized television works pertaining to a particular genre and I set out to provide an account of their identity. My claim is that external identity of such works is determined by their specific genre-affiliation, given the way in which generic norms determine the content of the series, namely, its characteristic storylines and regular set of characters. From the internal perspective, a series’ (...)
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  22.  23
    European TV Environments and citizens' social trust: Evidence from Multilevel Analyses.Ansgar Wolsing & Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck - 2010 - Communications 35 (4):461-483.
    This paper sheds new light on Putnam's hypothesis that watching television, particularly entertainment programs, contributes to an erosion of social trust. Previous studies have been unable to reach convincing evidence regarding this claim. It is argued that this is a consequence of the neglect of indirect, interpersonally mediated TV effects which supplement the influence of direct exposure, and extend even to those who do not watch television. Using data from the 2002 and 2004 waves of the European Social Survey in (...)
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    Tv Marcellvs Eris.H. J. Rose - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (02):51-52.
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  24. From TVs to Tablets: The Relation between Device-Specific Screen Time and Health-Related Behaviors and Characteristics.Maricarmen Vizcaino, Matthew Buman, C. Tyler DesRoches & Christopher Wharton - 2020 - BMC Public Health 20 (20):1295.
    Background The purpose of this study was to examine whether extended use of a variety of screen-based devices, in addition to television, was associated with poor dietary habits and other health-related characteristics and behaviors among US adults. The recent phenomenon of binge-watching was also explored. -/- Methods A survey to assess screen time across multiple devices, dietary habits, sleep duration and quality, perceived stress, self-rated health, physical activity, and body mass index, was administered to a sample of US adults using (...)
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    The TV Screen. An Unexplored Area of our Mediasphere.Kurt Blaukopf - 1990 - Communications 15 (1-2):105-120.
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    A TV como espaço político de circulação de discursos que conectam nação e educação; TV as a political space that allows the circulation of speeches that connect nation and education.Eloy Alves Filho & Arlete Salcides - 2000 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 12:21-31.
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    Tv or No Tv?: A Primer on the Psychology of Television.Faye Brown Steuer & Jason T. Hustedt - 2002 - Upa.
    This primer of research on how television affects children and families is organized around the perceptions and insights of four ordinary families who are raising their children without any television in their homes. Readers will learn about the methods and findings of over 40 years of research on TV and, in the process, may change the way they look at television forever.
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  28. TV Pendrive: o que dizem os professores.Ana Cláudia Cerini Trevisan, Gabriela Spagnuolo Cavicchioli, Mariana Sieni da Cruz Gallo & Doralice Aparecida Paranzini Gorni - 2010 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 15 (2):23-37.
    Este estudo pretende discutir as relações existentes entre mídia e educação, analisando as políticas públicas que influenciaram a criação da TV Pendrive, identificando a percepção dos professores acerca da mesma. Justifica-se pelo fato de que no ano de 2007 o governo federal criou o Programa Nacional de Tecnologia Educacional (ProInfo), com o objetivo de informatizar o ensino, buscando promover uma educação com maior qualidade. Nesse contexto, a Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Paraná, com vistas à inclusão e ao acesso (...)
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  29. Invisible Professional TV Watchers under Surveillance.Zhana Popova - 2024 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 33 (3S):124-133.
    This paper presents the results from a study of the attitudes of TV workers in entertainment shows in two main category oppositions: “visible”/“invisible” and “interesting”/“insignificant”. The conducted interviews show that despite the stress of the workroom, nobody quits their workplace. Loggers and copilots keep their jobs, despite the pressure, because they want to “overcome the challenge” and to “leave their comfort zone”. These lines strongly resemble the lines used by producers to describe contestants in the shows. The lowest hierarchal level (...)
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    TV Writers and Producers and Ethics: How Can I Help?Eric Manheimer - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (10):12-14.
    Volume 19, Issue 10, October 2019, Page 12-14.
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    (1 other version)TV-Essay. Demystifying the Means of Reproduction in the Broadcast Medium.Paula Roush - 2011 - Multitudes 5:125-131.
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    Forecast Model of TV Show Rating Based on Convolutional Neural Network.Lingfeng Wang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    The TV show rating analysis and prediction system can collect and transmit information more quickly and quickly upload the information to the database. The convolutional neural network is a multilayer neural network structure that simulates the operating mechanism of biological vision systems. It is a neural network composed of multiple convolutional layers and downsampling layers sequentially connected. It can obtain useful feature descriptions from original data and is an effective method to extract features from data. At present, convolutional neural networks (...)
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  33. Trusting the Media? TV News as a Source of Knowledge.Nicola Mößner - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 26 (2):205-220.
    Why do we trust TV news? What reasons might support a recipient’s assessment of the trustworthiness of this kind of information? This paper presents a veritistic analysis of the epistemic practice of news production and communication. The topic is approached by discussing a detailed case study, namely the characteristics of the most popular German news programme, called the ‘Tagesschau’. It will be shown that a veritistic analysis can indeed provide a recipient with relevant reasons to consider when pondering on the (...)
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    Concept TV: An Aesthetics of Television Series.Luca Bandirali & Enrico Terrone - 2021 - Lexington Books.
    Television series seem to be made of images and sounds just like films, but Luca Bandirali and Enrico Terrone suggest an alternate framework for understanding television series: as concepts whereby narratives made of images and sounds can be constructed.
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    Can TV Drag Us Out of Our Cave of Ignorance?Greg Kitsock - 2005 - Philosophy Now 49:32-35.
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    TV and the internet: Pitfalls in forecasting the future.Robert Kubey - 2000 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 13 (2):63-85.
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    Provoking Animal Realities on TV: Exploring the Affinities between STS and Screen Studies.Ben Dibley & Gay Hawkins - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (4):695-718.
    This paper investigates the logistics of crafting and accounting for animal realities on television. Using the case of The Making of David Attenborough’s Conquest of the Skies, a behind-the-scenes documentary about how the Sky TV series David Attenborough’s Conquest of the Skies was created, it explores how the material reality of animals becomes a televisual reality. In seeking to challenge the lingering concern within many media studies critiques of wildlife TV about the constructed and manipulated nature of televisual animals, we (...)
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    Irritating, shocking, and intolerable TV programs: Norms, values, and concerns of viewers in The Netherlands.Jan van Dijk, Allerd Peeters & Ard Heuvelman - 2005 - Communications 30 (3):325-342.
    This study investigates the negative reactions of Dutch viewers to the content of television programs. The results show that a vast majority is sometimes irritated by TV programs, that a somewhat smaller majority is sometimes shocked by the programs, and that one fifth of the viewing population consider certain programs to be intolerable. The most frequently mentioned genres are games, shows, and related entertainment programs, while reality TV, news and current affairs, and sex are primarily evaluated as irritating. It appears (...)
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  39. (1 other version)Religion and Neoliberalism: TV Serial Rāmāyaṇa and the Becoming of an Ideology, 1980–1990.Vikash Singh - 2012 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 6 (2).
    This article analyzes the significance of the Rāmāyaṇa, a serial telecast on state-controlled television in 1987-88, to the neo-liberal shift and the rise of Hindu nationalism in India. Analyzing the inter-subjective structure of the TV serial and the audience it created, the article teases out the complex play of commodity fetishism and mythopoeic investment in the experience of the audience, and how the political right capitalized on these processes. It argues that the human compulsion to repetition and a jouissance consequent (...)
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  40. Rua/Tv? Heidegger and the Televisual; Essays.Paul Adams & Tony Fry - 1993
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  41. TV Art, Ubiquity and Immersion. A Dialogue of Translation.Yves Citton - 2010 - Multitudes:216-222.
    In his extremely suggestive essay entitled 'Towards an Immersive Intelligence', artist and theorist Joseph Nechvatal defines immersive virtual reality art as 'an art that has a continuous, coherent quality and strives to ambiently include everything of perceptual worth within its domain in an overall, enveloping totality that is concerted and without an evident frame or border'1. Television, on the face of it, is not a medium capable of providing any form of sensory immersion: compared to the Imax or to a (...)
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    Reality TV as a moral laboratory: A dramaturgical analysis of The Golden Cage.Ed Tan & Tonny Krijnen - 2009 - Communications 34 (4):449-472.
    Public debates on reality television often address the display of emotion and immoral conduct. Television scholars have recently proposed that while reality television offers its audience an opportunity to learn valuable lessons, they rarely address the issue of the morality of the genre. In this contribution, we analyze the display of emotion and immoral conduct in the Dutch reality show The Golden Cage. Reality television is viewed as constituting a ‘moral laboratory’. The question guiding our research revolved around the kind (...)
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    Consumption Reduction Solution of TV News Broadcast System Based on Wireless Communication Network.Haifeng Qiang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-13.
    At present, the news broadcast system using mobile network on the market provides the basic functions required by TV stations, but there are still many problems and shortcomings. In view of the main problems existing in the current system and combined with the actual needs of current users, this paper has preliminarily developed a news broadcast system based on 5G Live. The card frame adaptive strategy significantly improves the user experience by using gradual video frame buffering technology. Hardware codec technology (...)
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    RUA/TV?: Heidegger and the Televisual.Tony Fry - 1993 - Indiana University Press.
    Heidegger and the Televisual Explores an ontological theory of television as it authors culture and expands beyond the limit of the technology and its social and economical institutions. As well, it employs ideas deliverd by Martin Heidegger as a way of understanding and investigating the Being' of what the book names as the televisual - the thinking of television beyond that which is normally characterised as television.'.
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    TV: WandaVision.Jason Friend - 2022 - Philosophy Now 152:55-57.
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    (1 other version)Guattari TV, By Kafka.Gary Genosko - 2012 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 6 (2):210-223.
    Guattari looked for crossovers between film and television in a posthumously published ‘Project for a Film By Kafka’. His critical comments on television and the mixed reception of television within the Deleuzo-Guattarian literature provide the occasion for an investigation of what Guattari thought television could do for his project. The auteur model best suits his needs in this regard, with the proviso that it is animated by a modernist aesthetic oriented towards the conjuring of a people to come who would (...)
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    TV Learning: Incidental or a Systematic Process. TV Watching and Political Awareness amongst Children and Young People in East and West Germany.Helmut Lukesch - 1992 - Communications 17 (2):205-214.
  48. The Persian Gulf TV War Revisited.Douglas Kellner - unknown
    The 1991 war against Iraq was one of the first televised events of the global village in which the entire world watched a military spectacle unfold via global TV satellite networks.1 In retrospect, the Bush administration and the Pentagon carried out one of the most successful public relations campaigns in the history of modern politics in its use of the media to mobilize support for the war. The mainstream media in the United States and elsewhere tended to be a compliant (...)
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    Is It TV That's Bad - Or the Study?Ron McClamrock - unknown
    WAIT A MINUTE, I have to turn off the TV. My son watched a half hour of "Salmon: A Dangerous Journey" on The Discovery Channel and 20 minutes of PBS's "Reading Rainbow" earlier today; I need to make sure he doesn't watch more than 10 minutes of "Sesame Street" now, lest he be put at risk for aggression in later years.
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    Philosophy of TV Noir.Aeon J. Skoble & Steven M. Sanders - unknown
    Film noir reflects the fatalistic themes and visual style of hard-boiled novelists and many émigré filmmakers in 1940s and 1950s America, emphasizing crime, alienation, and moral ambiguity. In The Philosophy of TV Noir, Steven M. Sanders and Aeon J. Skoble argue that the legacy of film noir classics such as The Maltese Falcon, Kiss Me Deadly, and The Big Sleep is also found in episodic television from the mid-1950s to the present. In this first-of-its-kind collection, contributors from philosophy, film studies, (...)
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