Results for ' Re‐reading Dewey through the Lens of Complexity Science'

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  1.  32
    Re‐Reading Dewey through the Lens of Complexity Science, or: On the Creative Logic of Education.Inna Semetsky - 2008 - In Mark Mason, Complexity Theory and the Philosophy of Education. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 79–90.
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    On the Creative Logic of Education, or: Re‐reading Dewey through the lens of complexity science.Inna Semetsky - 2008 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (1):83-95.
    This paper rereads John Dewey's works in the light of complexity theory and self‐organising systems. Dewey's pragmatic inquiry is posited as inspirational for developing a logic of education and learning that would incorporate novelty and creativity, these artistic elements being part and parcel of the science of complexity. Dewey's philosophical concepts are explored against the background of such founders of dynamical systems theory as Ludwig von Bertalanffy, Ervin Laszlo, and Erich Jantsch. If, in this (...)
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    Reading Tinbergen Through the Lens of Max Weber.Thomas Kayzel - 2022 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 15 (2):aa–aa.
    As part of a book symposium on Erwin Dekker's Jan Tinbergen (1903–1994) and the Rise of Economic Expertise (2021), Thomas Kayzel reflects on Tinbergen being the 'ideal Weberian scientist' while also combining politics with science.
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    Cognitive Joyce.Sylvain Belluc & Valérie Bénéjam (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This collection is the first book-length study to re-evaluate all of James Joyce's major fictional works through the lens of cognitive studies. Cognitive Joyce presents Joyce's relationship to the scientific knowledge and practices of his time and examines his texts in light of contemporary developments in cognitive and neuro-sciences. The chapters pursue a threefold investigation—into the author's "extended mind" at work, into his characters' complex and at times pathological perceptive and mental processes, and into the elaborate responses the (...)
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    Exploring European Education Policy through the Lens of Dewey’s Democracy and Education.Andreas Nordin & Ninni Wahlström - 2016 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 8 (1).
    In this article, we use the basic concepts of Dewey’s pedagogical philosophy on democracy and education as analytical tools for exploring the democratic potential of a transnational education policy within the contemporary European risk discourse. A Deweyan reading of main policy documents, starting with the 2000 Lisbon Strategy, allows for critical discussion of some of the basic assumptions and consequences of the EU-advocated transnational education policy. The data sources include 28 EU policy documents from 2000 to 2014. The analysis (...)
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    Remembering the Body: Misogyny Through the Lens of Judges 19.Ryan Kuja - 2016 - Feminist Theology 25 (1):89-95.
    This essay engages the issue of misogyny through the narrative of the concubine of Judges 19. By utilizing a literary feminist re-reading of this text, the gender violence of both the ancient Near East and today, as well as the intersection between the two, is revealed. By journeying with this unnamed woman who was abused and murdered, the reader is invited to mourn the violence perpetrated against her in the name of patriarchy and in doing so to remember the (...)
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    The Issue of Technosubject through the Lens of “Together-with-Complexity” Thinking.Владимир Иванович Аршинов & Максим Францевич Янукович - 2024 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 67 (3):53-74.
    The rapid development of artificial intelligence and digital technologies has inaugurated a transformative epoch, challenging traditional conceptions of subjectivity and cognition. The article examines the concept of technosubjectivity within the framework of complexity thinking and transformational anthropology. Focusing on potential ontological and epistemological shifts stimulated by the recent emergence of new forms of artificial intelligence, particularly generative neural networks and large language models, the authors investigate how these technologies transcend the boundaries between human and machine, generating novel forms of (...)
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    Re-examining Empirical Data on Conflicts of Interest Through the Lens of Personal Narratives.Emily E. Anderson & Elena M. Kraus - 2011 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 1 (2):91-99.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Re-examining Empirical Data on Conflicts of Interest Through the Lens of Personal NarrativesEmily E. Anderson and Elena M. KrausIntroductionThe personal stories submitted by physicians and researchers for this symposium add much–needed dimension to conversations on conflicts of interest in medicine and research. Narratives from individuals living with conflicts of interest can serve as a unique lens through which to consider psychological and economic theories and (...)
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    Re-reading Rand through a Russian Lens.Mikhail Kizilov - 2021 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 21 (1):105-110.
    This article reviews a new book by a Russian scholar, Anastasiya Grigorovskaya, which places Ayn Rand's fiction into its Russian context. Grigorovskaya comes to the conclusion that Ayn Rand's imagery and fiction was heavily influenced by Russian philosophy and literature. Paradoxical it may seem, but written in America in the English language, her novels and plays contain hidden references to ideas and tendencies that preoccupied the minds of many Russian thinkers and writers in the nineteenth and early twentieth century.
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    Political representation, the environment, and Edmund Burke: A re-reading of the Western canon through the lens of multispecies justice.Serrin Rutledge-Prior & Edmund Handby - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    A major puzzle in contemporary political theory is how to extend notions of justice to the environment. With environmental entities unable to communicate in ways that are traditionally recognised within the political sphere, their interests have largely been recognised instrumentally: only important as they contribute to human interests. In response to the multispecies justice project's call to reimagine our concepts of justice to include other-than-human beings and entities, we offer a novel reading of Edmund Burke's account of political representation that, (...)
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    Futurenatural?: A future of science through the lens of wisdom.Celia Deane‐Drummond - 1999 - Heythrop Journal 40 (1):41–59.
    This paper offers a theological critique of the future of ‘nature’ as suggested by New Biology, including recent developments in genetic engineering. It explores the biblical basis for grounding a theology of creation in the wisdom motif. The relationship between wisdom and creation in the Old Testament is discussed. The link between wisdom, Christ and the Holy Spirit is suggestive of wisdom's involvement in re‐creation as well as initial creation. An argument is put forward for a Trinitarian basis for wisdom. (...)
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  12.  71
    The Historicity of Peirce’s Classification of the Sciences.Chiara Ambrosio - 2016 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 8 (2).
    The classification of the sciences is one of the most discussed and analysed aspects of Peirce’s corpus of work. I propose that Peirce’s attempt at systematising the sciences is characterised by a distinctive historicity, which I construe in two complementary senses. First, I investigate Peirce’s classification as part of a broader nineteenth-century move toward classifying the sciences, a move that was at the same time motivated by social and epistemological goals. I claim that this re-contextualisation adds an entirely new layer (...)
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  13.  57
    John Dewey, Nonhuman Agency, and the Possibility of a Posthuman Public.Daniel P. Richards - 2019 - Contemporary Pragmatism 16 (4):366-395.
    This article re-visits the critiques of anthropocentricism levied against John Dewey by his contemporaries and offers a reading of this critique through the lens of nonhuman agency using the theoretical work of Bruno Latour and Jane Bennett, particularly the latter’s coverage of Dewey’s theory of democracy. This work culminates into an argument for envisioning Dewey’s publics as constituted by human and nonhuman bodies, anticipating in some ways the work of contemporary posthumanists and new materialists. This (...)
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    Re-Reading Plato's Symposium Through The Lens Of A Black Woman.Donna-Dale Marcano - 2012 - In George Yancy, Reframing the Practice of Philosophy: Bodies of Color, Bodies of Knowledge. State University of New York Press. pp. 225-234.
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    Dewey and the Aesthetic Unconsciousness: The Vital Depths of Experience by Bethany Henning (review).Frank X. Ryan - 2023 - The Pluralist 18 (2):114-121.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Dewey and the Aesthetic Unconsciousness: The Vital Depths of Experience by Bethany HenningFrank X. RyanDewey and the Aesthetic Unconsciousness: The Vital Depths of Experience Bethany Henning. Lexington Books, 2022.In this important and splendidly crafted book, Bethany Henning recovers a philosophy of aesthetic wisdom distinct from the narrow epistemological lens dominant today. Unlike the psychological atomism of European Empiricism, from its outset, American philosophy embraced nature's aesthetic (...)
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  16.  18
    The Truth about the Truth: De-confusing and Re-constructing the Postmodern World.Walt Anderson - 1995 - TarcherPerigee.
    "One can rarely read or hear commentary on art, popular culture, society, literature, or politics these days without being confronted by the mysterious term 'postmodern.' Unlike any other artistic, critical, or philosophical movement in history, postmodernism has come charging out of the ivory tower and into the minds and mouths of the public. The postmodern lens is now the one through which we all are expected to be able to view the world, but how many of us know (...)
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  17.  31
    Ecological∼Enactivism Through the Lens of Japanese Philosophy.Jonathan McKinney - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:540456.
    The enactive and ecological approaches to embodied cognitive science are on a collision course. While both draw inspiration from similar views in psychology and phenomenology, the two approaches initially held seemingly contradictory views and points of focus. Early enactivists saw value in the ecological approach but insisted that the two schools remain distinct. While ecological psychology challenged the common foes of mental representation and mind-body dualism, it seemingly did so at the cost of the autonomy of the agent. This (...)
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  18.  56
    The Convergence of Cultures and Religions in Light of the Evolution of Conciousness.Ewert Cousins - 1999 - Zygon 34 (2):209-219.
    This article describes a challenge to the cultures and religions of the world that the author believes is the greatest challenge that has confronted the human race in its entire history. Modernity's search for unity and postmodernity's affirmation of pluralism reflect aspects of our current situation, but more needs to be recognized. We must acknowledge that East and West must face the current challenges together. Multiculturalism and unity encompass all world cultures, and we cannot be content to read our present (...)
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  19. Reading Tolkien through the lens of Solzhenitsyn's analysis of ideology: on art, responsibility, and progress.Germaine Paulo Walsh - 2021 - In Mary P. Nichols, Politics, literature, and film in conversation: essays in honor of Mary P. Nichols. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Exploring global history through the lens of history of Chemistry: Materials, identities and governance.Lissa Roberts - 2016 - History of Science 54 (4):335-361.
    As global history continues to take shape as an important field of research, its interactive relationships with the history of science, technology, and medicine are recognized and being investigated as significant areas of concern. Strangely, despite the fact that it is key to understanding so many of the subjects that are central to global history and would itself benefit from a broader geographical perspective, the history of chemistry has largely been left out of this process – particularly for the (...)
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  21. Reading Tolkien through the lens of Solzhenitsyn's analysis of ideology: on art. responsibility, and progress.Germaine Paulo Walsh - 2021 - In Mary P. Nichols, Politics, literature, and film in conversation: essays in honor of Mary P. Nichols. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Family farms through the lens of geopolitics: rethinking agency and power in the Baltic borderlands.Diana Mincytė & Renata Blumberg - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1317-1333.
    This paper examines the role of geopolitics, including armed conflict, in family farming. Drawing on critical approaches to geopolitics in geography and anthropology, we situate the dynamics of family farming in the context of multiscalar struggles over territory and political sovereignty. Our historically and geographically situated approach shows how geopolitical positionality engenders vulnerabilities as well as political potential for alternative development by shaping labor and gender dynamics in farming households. Empirically, our research provides an illustrative example of the Baltic states, (...)
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  23. Applications of fuzzy theory in applied sciences and computer applications.Animesh Kumar Sharma (ed.) - 2024 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    In the realm of computational intelligence, the age-old adage, "not everything is black and white," has never been more pertinent. Through the lens of fuzzy logic and neutrosophic systems, Applications of Fuzzy Theory in Applied Sciences and Computer Applications, unravels the complex tapestry of uncertainty, imprecision, and subjectivity in real-world scenarios. This book stands as a testament to the power of fuzzy systems in bridging the gap between theoretical concepts and their pragmatic applications. Chapter one introduces readers to (...)
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    Identifying the challenges of promoting ecological weed management (EWM) in organic agroecosystems through the lens of behavioral decision making.Sarah Zwickle, Robyn Wilson & Doug Doohan - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (3):355-370.
    Ecological weed management (EWM) is a scientifically established management approach that uses ecological patterns to reduce weed seedbanks. Such an approach can save organic farmers time and labor costs and reduce the need for repeated cultivation practices that may pose risks to soil and water quality. However, adoption of effective EWM in the organic farm community is perceived to be poor. In addition, communication and collaboration between the scientific community, extension services, and the organic farming community in the US is (...)
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    Everything to Do with Dionysus: Reading The Birth of Tragedy through the Lens of Satyr Play.Christina Tarnopolsky - 2024 - Philosophy and Literature 48 (1):232-250.
    This article offers a new reading of Friedrich Nietzsche's _The Birth of Tragedy_ by reading it as a satyr play that utilizes motifs from Euripides's _Bacchae_, which itself has recently been read as a satyr play. Reading _The Birth of Tragedy_ this way offers new insights into Nietzsche's notion of satyr plays and their relation to Greek tragedy. It also helps to shed light on Nietzsche's depiction of the dual nature of Dionysus and the complex character of human suffering. Finally, (...)
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  26.  12
    Reconstructing Hindu-Buddhist Dialogue on the Self Through the Lens of Jaina Non-Absolutism.Emma Irwin-Herzog - 2023 - Journal of World Philosophies 8 (1).
    _Contemporary discussions of self and consciousness have for some time incorporated Hindu-Buddhist dialogue on the existence and nature of self (Ram-Prasad 2012). The ideal of responsibly_ _incorporating this dialogue raises an interpretive dilemma: on the one hand, we should eschew the simplistic picture of a “sterile contest” in which all Hindu schools are committed to the doctrine of the self (ātmavāda) and all Buddhists are invariantly committed to denying its existence (2012: 3). To treat Hindu ātmavādins as monolithically opposed to (...)
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    Reading Kristeva through the Lens of Edusemiotics: Implications for education.Inna Semetsky - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (10):1069-1081.
    There are two focal points to this article. One is to address Julia Kristeva’s theoretical corpus in the context of philosophy of education. Kristeva’s notion of subject in process problematises education with its habitual emphasis on ‘product’. Another is to consider her impact from the perspective of edusemiotics. Edusemiotics is a new direction in educational philosophy and theory, and Kristeva represents one contemporary French intellectual who implicitly inspired the creation, research and development of edusemiotics. The article will briefly address the (...)
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    From Illiteracy to Literature: Psychoanalysis and Reading.Anne-Marie Picard - 2016 - Routledge.
    _From Illiteracy to Literature_ presents innovative material based on research with ‘non-reading’ children and re-examines the complex relationship between psychoanalysis and literature, through the lens of the psychical significance of reading: the forgotten adventure of our coming to reading. Anne-Marie Picard draws on two specific fields of interest: firstly the wish to understand the nature of literariness or the "literary effect", i.e. the pleasures we derive from reading; secondly research on reading pathologies carried out at St Anne’s Hospital, (...)
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    The Increase of Complexity and its Reduction.Helga Nowotny - 2005 - Theory, Culture and Society 22 (5):15-31.
    Taking the lead from complexity theory and complex systems methodology, the article argues that we are engaged in a contradictory process when encountering, analysing and dealing with complexity. We face opposite tendencies that indicate an in-built dynamic between the increase of complexity and its reduction. The increase partly comes through evolution, defined as the transmission of information and partly from the desire for a human-built world that functions more efficiently. The reduction of complexity is due (...)
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  30.  17
    Re-thinking rapport through the lens of progressivity in investigative interviews into child sexual abuse.Lisa Kettler, Martha Augoustinos & Kathryn Fogarty - 2013 - Discourse Studies 15 (4):395-420.
    Building rapport is considered important in investigative interviewing of children about alleged sexual abuse, but theoretical understanding of the nature of rapport and how to judge its presence remains sketchy. This article argues that the conversation analytic concept of progressivity may provide empirical tractability to the concept of rapport and indeed may be partially what people are detecting when they judge the presence of rapport. A single case is analysed, drawn from a corpus of 11 video-taped interviews with children conducted (...)
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  31. Thinking Out Loud on Early Creation through the Lens of Hermeneutics of Sherlock Holmes (Towards a Model of Universe based on Turbulence-Generated Sound Theory).Victor Christianto & Florentin Smarandache - manuscript
    In recent years, apparently the Big Bang as described by the Lambda CDM-Standard Model Cosmology has become widely accepted by majority of physics and cosmology communities. Even some people have concluded that it has no serious alternative in horizon. Is that true? First, as we argued elsewhere, Big Bang story relies on singularity. In other words, when we are able to describe the observed data without invoking singularity, then Big Bang model is no longer required. Therefore, here we explore a (...)
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  32.  77
    Re-reading Saussure: the dynamics of signs in social life.Paul J. Thibault - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    Through a detailed re-reading of Saussure's work in the light of contemporary developments in the human, life and physical sciences, Paul Thibault provides us with the means to redefine and refocus our theories of social meaning-making. Saussure's theory of language is generally considered to be a formal theory of abstract sign-types and sign-systems, separate from our individual and social practices of making meaning. In this challenging book, Thibault presents a different view of Saussure. Paying close attention to the original (...)
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  33.  44
    William James on divine intimacy: psychical research, cosmological realism and a circumscribed re-reading of The Varieties of Religious Experience.Edward J. K. Gitre - 2006 - History of the Human Sciences 19 (2):1-21.
    William James’s interest in psychical phenomena spanned his entire career as a scholar, yet is has been largely neglected. Few if any have adequately incorporated this quirky side of James into their critical studies of his scholarly contributions, not only in religious studies but also in philosophy and psychology. Psychical research was nevertheless very much part of James’s intellectual endeavors and, as this article shall argue, sheds light on an evolving, complex, and contradictory Jamesian cosmological realism. I will contextual James’s (...)
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    The gleam of light: moral perfectionism and education in Dewey and Emerson.Naoko Saito - 2005 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    In the name of efficiency, the practice of education has come to be dominated by neoliberal ideology and procedures of standardization and quantification. Such attempts to make all aspects of practice transparent and subject to systematic accounting lack sensitivity to the invisible and the silent, to something in the human condition that cannot readily be expressed in an either-or form. Seeking alternatives to such trends, Saito reads Dewey’s idea of progressive education through the lens of Emersonian moral (...)
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    Reappraising the Nsukka Ọmabe festival through the lens of ethno-aesthetics, therapy and healing.Martins N. Okoro - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):10.
    In Igbo traditional religion (ITR), there are different means through which therapy and healing are achieved. One such means is through the Nsukka-Igbo Ọmabe masquerade festival rituals and performance theatre. To seek out this aspect of the cultural festival that has been under-researched, this study delves into detailed discussions of the pre-arrival, arrival, events in between, departure and postdeparture of the Ọmabe masquerade festival. Relying on a qualitative method, the study analytically and descriptively discusses the data gathered (...) participatory observations and interview sessions with some of the devotees possessing sufficient knowledge of the masquerade tradition and festival. Photographs have been included to flesh out the narratives, as well as enrich and enhance the readers’ engagement with the article. Also, relevant materials from extant literature are quoted and cited. The study examined the rituals, music, performances and other interesting key components of the festival and found that the traditional practice through masquerade festivals such as the Ọmabe is therapeutic, leading to emotional activation and healing. Undoubtedly, this has been sustaining its re-enactments in the face of neoreligious intolerance, urbanisation, modernity and globalisation that have been adversely affecting cultural practices. Contribution: The article critically engages with the reappraisal of the Ọmabe cultural heritage festival among the Nsukka-Igbo people, providing thought-provoking, impactful research as well as insightful reading towards achieving an understanding of its rituals, materiality and performance theatre and their accompanying therapy and healing benefits. Bearing in mind that HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies focuses on religious issues and that the ‘masking festival’ is a part of Indigenous religious practice, the author considers this article to be suitable for its objectives. (shrink)
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  36.  24
    Reading Deleuze through the lens of Hermeticism.Inna Semetsky - 2015 - Semiotica 2015 (204):429-435.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2015 Heft: 204 Seiten: 429-435.
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    How to win at feminism: the definitive guide to having it all--and then some!Elizabeth Newell - 2016 - San Francisco: HarperOne. Edited by Sarah Pappalardo.
    Feminism is all about demanding equality and learning to love yourself. But not too much - men hate that! From the writers of Reductress, the subversive, satirical women's magazine read by over 2.5 million visitors a month, comes HOW TO WIN AT FEMINISM: The Definitive Guide to Having It All--And Then Some! This ultimate guide to winning feminism--filled with four-color illustrations, bold graphics, and hilarious photos--teaches readers how to battle the patriarchy better than everybody else. From the herstory of feminism (...)
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    Europe’s “Neonationalism” Read through the Lens of Fratelli tutti.Ellen Van Stichel - 2022 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 19 (1):127-140.
    The rise of nationalist and populist tendencies and their exclusivist discourse and consequent polarizing effects challenge the Christian narrative, especially if politicians openly look for support within the Catholic Church and Christian churches, thereby referring to Europe’s Christian heritage and Judeo-Christian roots. This article shows how Fratelli tutti can be read as a response to this attempted exclusivist interpretation of Christian identity. Pope Francis is not unaware of the underlying dynamics that lead people to become exclusivist rather than embrace inclusion, (...)
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    Patriotism as Freedom and the Law: Hegel as Read by Robespierre.Eduardo Baker - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (3):1063-1092.
    Patriotism is not commonly associated with freedom. Even less so when Hegel is evoked. By reading Hegel’s concept of patriotism through the lens of revolutionary France, I present a notion of patriotism that is tied to the realization of freedom. This paper demonstrates what happens when Hegel’s philosophy of law is re-read through the political philosophy of the French Revolution itself. Hegel’s Philosophy of Right and its lectures are marked by tensions. The legacy it leaves traces it (...)
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    FRom hope to despair in thessalonica: Situating 1 and 2 thessalonians. By Colin R Nicholl, theological hermeneutics and 1 thessalonians. By Angus Paddison, reading Romans through the centuries: FRom the early church to Karl Barth. Edited by Jeffrey P Greenman and Timothy Larsen, social-science commentary of the letters of Paul. By Bruce J malina and John J pilch, re-examining Paul's letters: The history of the Pauline correspondence. By bo reicke and edited by David P moessner and ingalisa reicke and a feminist companion to Paul. Edited by Amy-Jill Levine. [REVIEW]Geoffrey Turner - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (4):621–625.
  41.  43
    Review of Inna Semetsky, The Edusemiotics of Images: Essays on the Art–Science of Tarot. [REVIEW]Ronald Bogue - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 33 (5):563-569.
    For well over a decade Inna Semetsky has been at the forefront of an effort to introduce the thought of Gilles Deleuze into educational philosophy and theory. In her (2006) book, Deleuze, Education and Becoming, she set forth a sophisticated reading of Deleuze that drew enlightening parallels between his work and that of John Dewey and his Pragmatist predecessors. In Re-Symbolization of the Self (2011), she linked Deleuze to a very different tradition—that of Jungian psychology—and argued for the integration (...)
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    The Soul’s Process of Perfection in al-Fārābī's Philosophy.Rıza Tevfik Kalyoncu - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 9 (2):1733-1768.
    This article provides a reading of al-Fārābī's (d. 950) thought on the soul in the context of the theory of perfection. Although al-Fārābī's theory of the soul has been the subject of various studies and the importance of the subject of perfection in al-Fārābī's philosophy has been revealed, how this subject pervades al-Fārābī's narrative and philosophy in general has not been shown in detail through texts with a phenomenological approach. With phenomenological approach here, the article aims to analyze the (...)
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    Re-reading Fichte’s Science of Knowledge after Castoriadis.John Rundell - 2013 - Thesis Eleven 119 (1):3-21.
    In many of his writings, Castoriadis argues that ‘the discovery of the imagination’ occurs in the works of Aristotle, Kant, Fichte, Freud, Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty. Although he has systematically encountered and interrogated the works of Aristotle, Kant, Freud, and Merleau-Ponty, the work of Fichte remains an enigmatic absence within the orbit of Castoriadis' work. This study is an attempt to address this enigma through a close reading of Fichte’s The Science of Knowledge.
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    Forbidden Tastes: Queering the Palate in Anglophone Indian Fiction.Shakuntala Ray - 2016 - Feminist Review 114 (1):17-32.
    The ideology of ‘purity’, normalcy and hierarchy through food and its relations is a postcolonial, feminist, queer issue. In an increasingly intolerant Hindutva political climate in India, a politics of enforced vegetarianism-based-purity as a mark of authenticity and ideal national identity intersects with liberalisation of the economy and globalisation of tastes to produce complex hierarchies of taste and ideas of culinary belonging. Given that literary and other cultural products can play an influential role in issues of social change, my (...)
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    Environmental Concerns Through Re-Reading Genomic Views and Mythical Creation of Man and the World.Rakesh Kumar - unknown
    It is a common saying that God created the universe and our planet ‘Earth’ on which we live, along with the notion that God also created human beings. There are variouswritten accounts of the mythical creation of man by God within mythological explanation in the form of a cultural system, which has been narrated in the form of folk tales, sagas, legends stories, and different types of myths; however, there isa piece of scientific shreds of evidence which contradict the idea (...)
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    (1 other version)Re‐reading Diotima: Resources for a Relational Pedagogy.Rachel Jones - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 48 (2):183-201.
    This article considers a range of responses to Plato's Symposium, paying particular attention to Diotima's speech on eros and philosophy. It argues that Diotima's teachings contain resources for a relational pedagogy, but that these resources come more sharply into focus when Plato's text is read through the lens of contemporary (20th and 21st century) thinkers. The article therefore draws on the work of David Halperin, Hannah Arendt, Jean-François Lyotard and Luce Irigaray to argue that Diotima points us towards (...)
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  47.  20
    Directions for the Development of Social Sciences and Humanities in the Context of Creating Artificial General Intelligence.Андреас Хачатурович Мариносян - 2024 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 66 (4):26-51.
    The article explores the transformative impact on human and social sciences in response to anticipated societal shifts driven by the forthcoming proliferation of artificial systems, whose intelligence will match human capabilities. Initially, it was posited that artificial intelligence (AI) would excel beyond human abilities in computational tasks and algorithmic operations, leaving creativity and humanities as uniquely human domains. However, recent advancements in large language models have significantly challenged these conventional beliefs about AI’s limitations and strengths. It is projected that, in (...)
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  48. The sociology of complex systems: An overview of actor-system-dynamics theory.Tom R. Burns - 2006 - World Futures 62 (6):411 – 440.
    This article illustrates the important scientific role that a systems approach might play within the social sciences and humanities, above all through its contribution to a common language, shared conceptualizations, and theoretical integration in the face of the extreme (and growing) fragmentation among the social sciences (and between the social sciences and the natural sciences). The article outlines a systems theoretic approach, actor-system-dynamics (ASD), whose authors have strived to re-establish systems theorizing in the social sciences (after a period of (...)
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    Antigone, Interrupted by Bonnie Honig (review).Lorna Hardwick - 2015 - American Journal of Philology 136 (1):158-162.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Antigone, Interrupted by Bonnie HonigLorna HardwickBonnie Honig. Antigone, Interrupted. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. xviii + 321 pp. Paper, $30.95.This is an important book for three main reasons. First, it offers a substantial contribution to current debates in the arts and humanities about whether and how new constructs of “humanism” can be attuned to transhistorical and transcultural experience, replace the discredited formulations associated with Western-dominated “universalism,” and maintain (...)
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    Hispanic Utopian Studies and Activism as a Prompt.Julia Ramírez-Blanco - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):510-516.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hispanic Utopian Studies and Activism as a PromptJulia Ramírez-Blanco (bio)In the last few years I have come to the Utopian Studies Societýs yearly conference as part of a smaller group, one that has its own parallel history in the left corner of the South of Europe and is networked mostly with Latin America. I am referring to the interdisciplinary research group Histopia, which has its base in Madrid́s Autónoma (...)
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