Results for ' Phun-Tshogs-Don-Grub'

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  1. Ston pa Śākya-thub-pa daṅ ston pa Gśen-rab gñis kyi byuṅ ba daṅ de gñis kyi lugs las bden gñis ʼdod tshul gyi khyad par la dpyad pa.Phun-Tshogs-Don-Grub & Kendråiya-Tibbatåi-Ucca-Âsikòsåa-Saòmsthanam - 2000 - Sarnath, Varanasi: Wā-ṇa Dbus Bod kyi ches mthoʼi gtsug lag slob gñer khaṅ.
    Comparative analytical study on two truths according to interpretation of eminent masters Gautama Buddha and Mi-bo Gśen-rab of Bon-po sect; includes their brief biographies.
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    Bod brgyud tshad ma rig paʼi rigs lam grub tshul gyi rnam gzhag dang thun mong ma yin paʼi byed nus skor gyi zhib ʼjug.Phun-Tshogs-Rdo-Rje - 2018 - Lha-sa: Bod-ljongs Bod-yig dpe-rnying dpe-skrun-khang.
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    Mkhan-chen Saṅs-rgyas-phun-tshogs kyi gsuṅ skor pod =.Saṅs-Rgyas-Phun-Tshogs - 2007 - [Kathmandu, Nepal]: Sa-skya Rgyal-yoṅs Gsuṅ-rab Slob-gñer-khaṅ.
    Collected works of author predominantly on Sakyapa liturgical, rituals, and sadhanas texts.
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    Tshad maʼi bstan bcos rigs paʼi them skas.Karma-Phun-Tshogs - 1997 - Bylakuppe, Mysore: Sṅa-ʾgyur mtho slob mdo sṅags rig paʾi ʾbyuṅ gnas gliṅ.
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    Bian zheng fa xin tan ji qi ta.Phun-Tshogs-Dbaṅ-Rgyal - 2012 - Taibei Shi: Xue yu chu ban she.
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    Bian zheng fa xin tan.Phun-Tshogs-Dbaṅ-Rgyal - 1990 - [Lhasa]: Xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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    Zi ran bian zheng fa xin tan.Phun-Tshogs-Dbaṅ-Rgyal - 1996 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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    Nang stan shes rig gi snying bcud lta ba bkaʼ btags kyi pyag rgya bzhi.Gnyal Bkra-Shis-Phun-Tshogs - 2013 - Lha-sa: Bod-ljongs mi-dmangs dpe-skrun-khang.
    Study on Trilaksaṇa, the four seals of the Buddhist doctrine.
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    Tshad maʼi rigs lam byis paʼi gar stegs.Thub-Bstan-Phun-Tshogs (ed.) - 2010 - [Pe-cin]: Mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
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    Na gźon ya rabs lam ston.Yon-Tan-Phun-Tshogs (ed.) - 2011 - Thimphu: Yon-tan-phun-tshogs.
    Handbook for Buddhist ethical aspects for Bhutanese youngsters.
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    "Brgal lan ñi ʾod zegs ma" la phul baʾi rtsod lan nam mkhaʾi kloṅ chen.Don-Grub-Rgyal - 2005 - [Xinggang]: Zaṅ-kaṅ-then-mā dpe skrun kuṅ zi.
    Subversive writing against polemics on Bon philosophical concept.
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    Tshad ma legs par bśad pa thams cad kyi chu bo yoṅs su ʾdu ba rigs paʾi gźun lugs kyi rgya mtsho. Chos-Grags-Rgya-Mtsho, Tshe-Brtan-Phun-Tshogs & nor-Braṅ O.-Rgyan - 1987 - Lha-sa: Bod-ljoṅs mi dmaṅs dpe skrun khaṅ. Edited by Tshe-Brtan-Phun-Tshogs & nor-Brang O.-Rgyan.
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    Dge-Idan legs-bshad.Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp, Bsod-Nams Grags-Pa & Don-Grub - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (3):617.
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    Źib ʼjug daṅ bden don.Lhun-Grub-Rdo-Rje - 2012 - [Lanzhou]: Kan-suʼu mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
    Collection of author's articles predominantly on Buddhist dialect and logic.
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  15. Tshad ma rig paʾi gźuṅ lugs kyi ʾbyuṅ khuṅs daṅ deʾi gźuṅ don bcas gsal bar bśad pa rig paʾi rgya mtsho.Jigs-Med-Bsam-Grub - 1996 - [Pe-cin]: Mtsho-sṅon Źiṅ-che Źin-hwa dpe tshoṅ khaṅ gis bkram.
    Study on the Buddhist logic and its origin and development.
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  16. Grub mthaʾ mkhas paʾi yid ʾkhrog dang don bdun cu bcas. Ye-śEs-Dbaṅ-Phyug - 1999 - Byalkuppe, Distt. Mysore, Karnataka: Ser-smad dpe mdzod khang.
    Explanatory notes on the philosophical positions (sidhānta) of Vaibhāṣika, Sautrāntika, Yogācāra, and Mādhyamika schools of Buddhism with Hinduism.
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    Grub mthaʼi rnam bshad rang gzhan grub mthaʼ kun dang zab don mchog tu gsal ba kun bzang zhing gi nyi ma lung rigs rgya mtsho skye dguʼi re ba kun skong.ʼjam-Dbyangs-Bzhad-Pa Ngag-Dbang-Brtson-ʼgrus - 1980 - [Zi-ling]: [Sku-ʼbum byams pa gling].
    Comparative study of the philosophical systems of the Vaibhashika, Sautrantika, Yogacarya, and Madhyamaka schools of Indian Buddhism with non-Buddhist tenets.
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    Grub mthaʾ rin chen ʾphreṅ ba la brten nas grub mthaʾ smra ba dag gi ʾdod tshul bśad pa grub mthaʾi spyi don ʾchar baʾi me loṅ źes bya. ʼjam-Dbyaṅs-Grags-Pa - 2004 - Pe-cin: Kruṅ-goʾi Bod rig pa dpe skrun khaṅ.
    Critical study on philosophical positions (sidhānta) of the Vaibhāṣika, Sautrāntika, Yogācārya, and Mādhyamika schools of Buddhism with Hinduism.
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  19. Lta grub shan ʼbyed gnad kyi sgron me yi tshig don rnam bshad ʼjam dbyangs dgongs rgyan: autocommentary on an analysis of various Bhuddhist [sic] philosophical views.Mdo-sṅags Bstan-paʼi-ñi-ma - 1996 - Delhi, India: Dkon-mchod-lha-bris dpar las srid źu ldili.
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  20. Don Bdun Cuʾi Mthaʾ Dpyod Mi-Pham Bla Maʾi Źal Luṅ Daṅ Sa Lam Gyi Rnam Gźag Theg Gsum Mdzes Rgyan, Grub Mthaʾi Rnam Gźag Rin Po Cheʾi Phreṅ Ba Bcas Bźugs So.ʾjam-Dbyaṅs-BźAd-Pa ṄAg-Dbaṅ-Brtson-ʾgrus - 2005 - Mundgod, North Kanara, Karnataka: Drepung Gomang Library. Edited by Dkon-Mchog ʼjigs-Med-Dbang-Po.
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  21. Phyi naṅ gi grub mthaʾ mdor bsdus su bkod pa ʾjam mgon źal luṅ: and commentary, Phyi naṅ gi grub mthaʾi rnam gźag ʾjam mgon źal luṅ gi ʾgrel pa ṅes don sñiṅ poʾi lam bzaṅ mthoṅ baʾi sgron me: a verse exegesis on comparative philosophical positions. ʾjam-Dbyaṅs-Blo-Gros-Gźan-Phan-Mthaʾ-Yas - 1983 - Gangtok, Sikkim: Sherab Gyaltsen Lama. Edited by Dkon-Mchog-Bstan-ʾdzin.
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    Dbu maʼi mtha [sic] dpyod dgong[s] pa rab gsal Kun-mkhyen Legs-pa-don-dub [i.e. grub] gyi gsuṅ: a clear and thorough analysis of the Madhayamika [sic] philosophy. Chos-®Byor-Dpal-Bzang - 1988 - Delhi: Nagwang Dorjee.
    Annotations to the pedagogical exegesis of Mādhyamika philosophy.
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  23. Rje-btsun Grags-pa-bśad-sgrub kyi mdzad paʾi grub mthaʾ, sa lam daṅ Stoṅ-ʾkhor Źabs-druṅ gi mdzad paʾi don bdun cu bcas. Grags-Pa-BśAd-Sgrub - 1995 - Bylakuppe, Mysore District, Karnataka State, India: Ser-smad dpe mdzod khaṅ. Edited by ʾjam-Dpal-Dge-ʾdun-Rgya-Mtsho.
    Explanation of the philosophical position (siddhānta) of the Vaibhāṣika, Sautrāntika, Yogācārya, and Mādhyamika schools of Buddhism.
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    Dpal snga ʾgyur rnying maʾi gzhung lugs chen moʾi skor: Dkon mchog gsum gyi don rnam par bzhag pa mdor bsdus su brjod pa dad paʾi rlabs phreng rnam par gʹyo baʾi chu gter zhes bya ba: Dkon mchog dang las ʾbras la yid ches bskyed paʾi gtam rgyud sna tshogs mdo las gsungs paʾi don snying po bsdus pa yang dag thar lam bgrod paʾi them skas.Zhe-Chen Rgyal-Tshab Padma-ʼgyur-Med-Rnam-Rgyal - 2015 - [Cazadero, CA]: Dharma Publishing. Edited by Tarthang.
    On the fundamentals of Buddhist doctrines; including explation of the karmic law of cause and effect with stories.
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    Divine Grace and the Play of Opposites.Trent Pomplun - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):159-172.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Divine Grace and the Play of OppositesTrent PomplunIn Prisoners of Shangri-la: Tibetan Buddhism and the West, Donald Lopez treats his readers to a provocative but entertaining history of Western fantasies about Tibet. Lopez discovers at the root of these fantasies a "play of opposites" between "the pristine and the polluted, the authentic and the derivative, the holy and the demonic, the good and the bad."1 Not surprisingly, Catholic missionaries (...)
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    Instrumental Realism: The Interface Between Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Technology.Don Ihde - 1991 - Indiana University Press.
    Ihde's book breaks new ground and... makes an important debate accessible." —Robert Ackermann Instrumental Realism has three principal aims: to advocate a "praxis-perception" approach to the philosophy of science; to explore ways in which ...
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    Hume.Don Garrett - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    Beginning with an overview of Hume's life and work, Don Garrett introduces in clear and accessible style the central aspects of Hume's thought. These include Hume's lifelong exploration of the human mind; his theories of inductive inference and causation; skepticism and personal identity; moral and political philosophy; aesthetics; and philosophy of religion. The final chapter considers the influence and legacy of Hume's thought today. Throughout, Garrett draws on and explains many of Hume's central works, including his Treatise of Human Nature (...)
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  28. What Is Lying.Don Fallis - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy 106 (1):29-56.
    In order to lie, you have to say something that you believe to be false. But lying is not simply saying what you believe to be false. Philosophers have made several suggestions for what the additional condition might be. For example, it has been suggested that the liar has to intend to deceive (Augustine 395, Bok 1978, Mahon 2006), that she has to believe that she will deceive (Chisholm and Feehan 1977), or that she has to warrant the truth of (...)
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  29. Mdzod bdum: the famed seven treasuries of Vajrayāna Buddhist philosophy.Klong-Chen-Pa Dri-Med-ʼod-Zer - 1983 - Gangtok, Sikkim: Sherab Gyaltsen and Khyentse Labrang.
    v. 1. Theg bźin mdzod -- v. 2. Chos dbyiṅs mdzod -- v. 3-4. Theg mchog mdzod -- v. 5. Gnas lugs mdzod ; Tshig don mdzod -- v. 6. Man ṅag mdzod ; Grub mthaʾ mdzod.
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  30. Two Left Turns Make a Right: On the Curious Political Career of North American Philosophy of Science at Midcentury.Don A. Howard - 2003 - In Logical Empiricism in North America. University of Minnesota Press.
  31. Spinoza's Conatus Argument.Don Garrett - 2002 - In Olli Koistinen & John Ivan Biro (eds.), Spinoza: Metaphysical Themes. New York: Oup Usa. pp. 127-58.
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  32. What to say to a skeptical metaphysician: A defense manual for cognitive and behavioral scientists.Don Ross & David Spurrett - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (5):603-627.
    A wave of recent work in metaphysics seeks to undermine the anti-reductionist, functionalist consensus of the past few decades in cognitive science and philosophy of mind. That consensus apparently legitimated a focus on what systems do, without necessarily and always requiring attention to the details of how systems are constituted. The new metaphysical challenge contends that many states and processes referred to by functionalist cognitive scientists are epiphenomenal. It further contends that the problem lies in functionalism itself, and that, to (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Can color be reduced to anything?Don Dedrick - 1996 - Philosophy of Science Supplement 3 (3):134-42.
    C. L. Hardin has argued that the colour opponency of the vision system leads to chromatic subjectivism: chromatic sensory states reduce to neurophysiological states. Much of the force of Hardin's argument derives from a critique of chromatic objectivism. On this view chromatic sensory states are held to reduce to an external property. While I agree with Hardin's critique of objectivism it is far from clear that the problems which beset objectivism do not apply to the subjectivist position as well. I (...)
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  34. (1 other version)Experimental Moral Philosophy.Mark Alfano & Don Loeb - 2012 - In Ed Zalta (ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Experimental moral philosophy began to emerge as a methodology inthe last decade of the twentieth century, a branch of the largerexperimental philosophy approach. From the beginning,it has been embroiled in controversy on a number of fronts. Somedoubt that it is philosophy at all. Others acknowledge that it isphilosophy but think that it has produced modest results at best andconfusion at worst. Still others think it represents an important advance., Before the research program can be evaluated, we should have someconception of (...)
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    The Role of Ethical Standards in the Relationship Between Religious Social Norms and M&A Announcement Returns.Leon Zolotoy, Don O’Sullivan & Keke Song - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (4):721-742.
    Prior studies suggest that firms headquartered in areas with strong religious social norms have higher ethical standards. In this study, we examine whether the ethical standards associated with local religious norms influence the M&A announcement returns. We document that the M&A announcement returns of acquirer firms increase with the strength of religious social norms in the area surrounding firms’ headquarters. We also document that the relationship is attenuated when acquirer firms have strong corporate social responsibility credentials, is amplified when public (...)
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    Astride the Divided Line: Platonism, Empiricism, and Einstein's Epistemological Opportunism.Don Howard - 1998 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 63:143-164.
  37. Was Einstein Really a Realist?Don Howard - 1993 - Perspectives on Science 1 (2):204-251.
    It is widely believed that the development of the general theory of relativity coincided with a shift in Einstein’s philosophy of science from a kind of Machian positivism to a form of scientific realism. This article criticizes that view, arguing that a kind of realism was present from the start but that Einstein was skeptical all along about some of the bolder metaphysical and epistemological claims made on behalf of what we now would call scientific realism. If we read Einstein’s (...)
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    The Alleged Coupling/Constitution Fallacy and Mature Sciences.James Ladyman & Don Ross - 2010 - In Richard Menary (ed.), The Extended Mind. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press.
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    Dennett's philosophy.Don Ross - 1999 - The Philosophers' Magazine 6 (6):22-25.
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    (1 other version)Studies in the Logic of Charles Sanders Peirce.Nathan Houser, Don D. Roberts, James Van Evra & Michael H. G. Hoffmann - 1997 - Philosophische Rundschau 51 (3):193-211.
    This volume represents an important contribution to Peirce’s work in mathematics and formal logic. An internationally recognized group of scholars explores and extends understandings of Peirce’s most advanced work. The stimulating depth and originality of Peirce’s thought and the continuing relevance of his ideas are brought out by this major book.
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    The Microeconomic Interpretation of Games.Chantale LaCasse & Don Ross - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:379 - 387.
    This paper is part of a larger project defending of the foundations of microeconomics against recent criticisms by philosophers. Here, we undermine one source of these criticisms, arising from philosophers' disappointment with the performance of microeconomic tools, in particular game theory, when these are applied to normative decision theory. Hollis and Sugden have recently articulated such disappointment in a sophisticated way, and have argued on the basis of it that the economic conception of rationality is inadequate. We argue, however, that (...)
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    The Parfit Population Problem.Don Locke - 1987 - Philosophy 62 (240):131 - 157.
    Derek Parfit's Reasons and Persons is a long, difficult and fascinating book, inside which three shorter, clearer and better books are struggling to get out. The third of these shorter but better books deals with the problem of Future Generations, and that is the book I want to discuss. In it Parfit tries, but fails, to find a theory—Theory X, he calls it—which will deal with various problems and issues which he develops, and in particular the issue which I will (...)
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  43. The greatest liar has his believers: the social epistemology of political lying.Kay Mathiesen & Don Fallis - 2016 - In Emily Crookston, David Killoren & Jonathan Trerise (eds.), Ethics in Politics: The Rights and Obligations of Individual Political Agents. New York: Routledge.
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    Color language universality and evolution: On the explanation for basic color terms.Don Dedrick - 1996 - Philosophical Psychology 9 (4):497 – 524.
    Since the publication of Brent Berlin and Paul Kay's Basic color terms in 1969 there has been continuing debate as to whether or not there are linguistic universals in the restricted domain of color naming. In this paper I am primarily concerned with the attempt to explain the existence of basic color terms in languages. That project utilizes psychological and ultimately physiological generalizations in the explanation of linguistic regularities. The main problem with this strategy is that it cannot account for (...)
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  45. Truth and ideas of imagination in the "Tractatus de Intellectus emendatione".Don Garret - 1986 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 2:61-92.
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    On being moved by fiction.Don Mannison - 1985 - Philosophy 60 (231):71 - 87.
    What are we moved to when we are moved by something? Sometimes to tears; other times to action; and, on other occasions, to quiet contemplation. When a member of the Sierra Club is moved by something, he or she may be moved to tears or to political activism; but ‘being moved by’ in such circumstances just might consist in feelings of awe. ‘Moved by’ carries an obvious suggestion of causality on its semantic face. What I am moved by is what (...)
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  47. The regulation of sexual activity between psychologists and their clients and former clients.Alfred Allan & Don Thomson - 2010 - In Alfred Allan & Anthony Love (eds.), Ethical practice in psychology: reflections from the creators of the APS Code of Ethics. Malden, MA: John Wiley.
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    Metaphors of Genre: The Role of Analogies in Genre Theory (review).Don H. Bialostosky - 1994 - Philosophy and Literature 18 (2):379-380.
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    Yangja yŏkhak ŭi sanchʻaek.Sang-don Chʻoe - 2001 - Taegu Kwangyŏksi: Kyŏngbuk Taehakkyo Chʻulpʻanbu. Edited by Sang-gyu Cho & Myŏng-sŏk Kim.
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    Raising the bar: a software engineering code of ethics and professional practice.Don Gotterbarn - 1998 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 28 (2):26-28.
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