Results for ' Pauperism'

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  1. The pauper’s problem: chance, foreknowledge and causal decision theory.Adam Bales - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (6):1497-1516.
    In a letter to Wlodek Rabinowicz, David Lewis introduced a decision scenario that he described as “much more problematic for decision theory than the Newcomb Problems”. This scenario, which involves an agent with foreknowledge of the outcome of some chance process, has received little subsequent attention. However, in one of the small number of discussions of such cases, Huw Price's Causation, Chance and the Rational Significance of Supernatural Evidence it has been argued that cases of this sort pose serious problems (...)
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    Pauper et dives im „ysengrimus“.Teja Erb - 1971 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 115 (1-4):93-100.
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    Homo pauper, de pauperibus natum.Conrad Leyser - 2005 - Augustinian Studies 36 (1):229-237.
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    Pauperism: Facts and Theories.Thomas Jones - 1910 - International Journal of Ethics 20 (2):185-199.
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    Beati pauperes spiritu.James Mcevoy & Michael Dunne - 2005 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 72 (2):363-392.
    While searching for manuscripts of the writings of Robert Grosseteste, S.H. Thomson examined British Library MS Royal 11 B III and ascribed a short work on poverty to Grosseteste probably since it was found together with the authentic work De decem mandatis and had been copied by the same scribe. Upon closer examination it is concluded that the work is unlikely to have been written by Grosseteste. Nevertheless, the work is of interest as a highly structured anthology of sources regarding (...)
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    Povertà volontaria ed usus pauper alla base del discorso economico di Pietro di Giovanni Olivi.Giuseppe Franco - 2021 - Franciscan Studies 79 (1):81-110.
    Per il francescano Olivi lo stato dell’altissima povertà e la perfezione evangelica comportano la rinuncia alla proprietà e l’espropriazione di ogni diritto. Olivi argomenta che l’altissima povertà include in modo necessario e come parte integrante del voto francescano l’usus pauper, vale a dire l’uso povero dei beni e delle cose. In questo contesto Olivi si pone la questione di quale sia lo statuto giuridico della povertà e di come sia possibile vivere la perfezione evangelica all’interno di una società segnata dalla (...)
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    Pauperism and heredity: A further report.E. J. Lidbetter - 1922 - The Eugenics Review 14 (3):152.
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    Fairness in trade I: Obligations from trading and the pauper-labor argument.Mathias Risse - 2007 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 6 (3):355-377.
    Standard economic theory teaches that trade benefits all countries involved, at least in the long run. While there are other reasons for trade liberalization, this insight, going back to Ricardo's 1817 Principles of Political Economy , continues to underlie international economics. Trade also raises fairness questions. First, suppose A trades with B while parts of A's population are oppressed. Do the oppressed in A have a complaint in fairness against B? Should B cease to trade? Second, suppose because of oppression (...)
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    The Prince and the Pauper.John L. Dusseau - 1995 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 38 (4):597-604.
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    The Prince and the pauper in strange communion with Leszek kołakowski.Adam Michnik - 2010 - Common Knowledge 16 (2):177-197.
    This memorial to Leszek Kołakowski by perhaps his most famous student—a cofounder of the Solidarity movement—treats Kołakowski's life story only in passing. Not a conventional eulogy, the essay runs extensively through several of the arguments Kołakowski made over the years that taught the Polish “Generation of `68” how best to undo oppression and why they should do so. Emphasis falls on the difficulty, unpredictability, and unclassifiable features of Kołakowski's writings—features that, paradoxically, did not stand in the way of his becoming (...)
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  11.  17
    Pauper and Prince: Ritchey, Hale, and Big American Telescopes by Donald E. Osterbrock. [REVIEW]Robert Smith - 1994 - Isis 85:546-546.
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    Pauperism and Population. Statutory Marriage Restrictions in the South German States during the Nineteenth Century. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1981 - Philosophy and History 14 (1):96-97.
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    Ideal theory in an nth-best world: the case of pauper labor.Joseph Heath - 2013 - Journal of Global Ethics 9 (2):159 - 172.
    One of the most troubling features of international trade is that it often involves exchange between individuals facing dramatically different life circumstances, who therefore derive different levels of benefit from the exchange. Most obviously, wages are extremely low in underdeveloped countries. However, the principle underlying these wages is the same as the one the dictates wage levels in wealthy countries. It is, therefore, difficult to criticize the wages paid to ?pauper labor? without at the same time criticizing the way that (...)
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    Alert! The pauper scholars are here!Robert E. Belding - 1977 - Educational Studies 8 (1):51-55.
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    On in-relief for paupers.H. Brewer - 1931 - The Eugenics Review 23 (1):93.
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    The Franciscan usus pauper As The Gateway Towards An Aesthetic Economy.Willem Marie Speelman - 2016 - Franciscan Studies 74:185-205.
    Today’s crisis in the Western economy has led important economists to rediscover the moral and spiritual sources of their field; I will mention only Tomáš Sedláček, Thomas Piketty, Robert and Edward Skidelsky. The crisis is also an opportunity to look at the economy in a Franciscan perspective. This perspective is, as I will argue, one of perfection, undividedness, and the Franciscan way of seeing things in this perspective is a particular form of poverty. The early Franciscans, beginning with their patron (...)
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    Eugenics and pauperism.Edward Brabrook - 1910 - The Eugenics Review 1 (4):229.
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    Kay‐Shuttleworth and the training of teachers for pauper schools.Alexander M. Ross - 1967 - British Journal of Educational Studies 15 (3):275-283.
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    Self-Mastery and Rational Freedom: Duns Scotus's Contribution to the Usus Pauper Debate.Mary Beth Ingham Csj - 2008 - Franciscan Studies 66:337-369.
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    Towards religious equality for catholic pauper children, 1861–68.J. Matthew Feheney - 1983 - British Journal of Educational Studies 31 (2):141-153.
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    Self-Mastery and Rational Freedom: Duns Scotus's Contribution to the Usus Pauper Debate.C. S. J. Ingham - 2008 - Franciscan Studies 66:337-369.
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    Michael Manley - Prince of the Pauper's Struggle.Tim Hector - 2000 - CLR James Journal 8 (1):33-39.
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    James P. Huzel. The Popularization of Malthus in Early Nineteenth‐Century England: Martineau, Cobbett, and the Pauper Press. xiii + 266 pp., illus., bibl., index. Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2006. $99.95. [REVIEW]A. Waterman - 2007 - Isis 98 (4):847-849.
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    Progression and retrogression: Herbert Spencer's explanations of social inequality.Thomas Gondermann - 2007 - History of the Human Sciences 20 (3):21-40.
    Herbert Spencer was one of the most important contributors to the Victorian discourse on social evolution. His theory of evolution in nature and society has been the subject of countless scholarly works over the last hundred years. Nevertheless, not all of its dimensions have been studied in due depth. Contrary to a widespread belief, Spencer did not just design an evolutionary theory of upward, yet branched development. Searching for explanations for the social distance between presumably civilized and primitive societies and (...)
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    Neoliberal Political Economy, Biopolitics and Colonialism.Couze Venn - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (6):206-233.
    Foucault’s analysis of the relation of power and the economy in the lectures given at the Collège de France between 1975 and 1979 opens up modern societies for a radically different interrogation of the relations of force inscribed in historically heterogeneous forms of wealth creation and distribution, but more specifically within the period of liberal capitalism. Its vast scope clears the ground for genealogies of power, political economy and race that demonstrate their intertwinement, yet he underplays several elements which have (...)
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    Observaciones y conjeturas ideológicas en la metodología liberal de Alexis de Tocqueville: el problema de la miseria social.Julián Sauquillo - 2018 - Isegoría 58:105-122.
    Alexis de Tocqueville shares a typical organicism with the founding fathers of classical sociology. His view of society as a body with organs was accompanied by a vision of sociology as social medicine. Such a natural idea of sociology should be able to cure the worst social ills with the skill and accuracy of the surgeon. Here, and unsurprisingly, Tocqueville follows his contemporary social scientists. What distinguishes him from the theoretical environment of his contemporaries is however a pioneering methodological individualism (...)
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    The Probabilistic Revolution, Volume 1.Lorenz Krüger, Lorraine J. Daston & Michael Heidelberger (eds.) - 1987 - Mit Press: Cambridge.
    Preface to Volumes 1 and 2 Lorenz Krüger xv Introduction to Volume 1 Lorraine J. Daston 1 I Revolution 1 What Are Scientific Revolutions? Thomas S. Kuhn 7 2 Scientific Revolutions, Revolutions in Science, and a Probabilistic Revolution 1800-1930 I. Bernard Cohen 23 3 Was There a Probabilistic Revolution 1800-1930? Ian Hacking 45 II Concepts 4 The Slow Rise of Probabilism: Philosophical Arguments in the Nineteenth Century Lorenz Krüger 59 5 The Decline of the Laplacian Theory of Probability: A Study (...)
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    Growth and the Shape of a Life.Ian D. Dunkle - 2021 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 103 (3):581-605.
    Why does it seem better to be a pauper who becomes a king rather than a king who becomes a pauper even when each life contains an equivalent sum of goods to the other? Many argue that only the pauper-to-king life can be told as a redemption story and that it is good for you to live a redemption story. This paper calls that explanation into question and proposes an alternative: upward-trending lives reveal growth. I argue that growth is a (...)
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    At a Glance:” The Role of Diagrammatic Representations in Eugenics Appropriations of the “Infamous Juke Family.Andrea Ceccon - 2024 - Journal of the History of Biology 57 (1):51-87.
    The case of the Juke family is one of the most notable episodes of the history of eugenics in the USA. The Jukes were initially brought to the fore in the 1870s by a famous investigation that aimed at estimating the interplay of heredity and environment in determining the problems of poverty and crime. This inquiry triggered a harsh confrontation between two polar interpretations of the study, an “environmentalist” one and a “hereditarian” one. It was with the later reassessment of (...)
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    Jerome and Augustine on wealth and poverty in Psalms 107–150.Pauline Allen & Jacobus P. K. Kritzinger - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (1):9.
    The purpose of this article was to compare Jerome’s and Augustine’s sermons on the fifth book of the Psalms with regard to their views on the rich and the poor. After a brief consideration of the different audiences of Jerome and Augustine, we focused on their attitudes to wealth and poverty, and almsgiving and its relationship to eschatology. In both Jerome’s and Augustine’s commentaries we were confronted with problems regarding the nature of the collections, the composition of the audiences, and (...)
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    Hegel and the Failure of Civil Society.Philip J. Kain - 2014 - The Owl of Minerva 46 (1/2):43-65.
    On what might be called a Marxist reading, Hegel’s analysis of civil society accurately recognizes a necessary tendency toward a polarization of classes and the pauperization of the proletariat, a problem for which Hegel, however, has no solution. Indeed, Marxists think there can be no solution short of eliminating civil society. It is not at all clear that this standard reading is correct. The present paper tries to show how it is plausible to understand Hegel as proposing a solution, one (...)
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    Memories, Bodies and Persons.D. E. Cooper - 1974 - Philosophy 49 (189):255 - 263.
    Traditionally, philosophical writings on personal identity have taken the form of attempts to discover the dominant criterion for deciding when a person at one time is identical with a person at some other time. Among the candidates for the role of dominant criterion have been bodily continuity and memory . In the normal case, where a person P is identical with a person P′ at an earlier time, it is true that P and P′ share a continuous body, that P (...)
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    Machiavelli, Philosopher and Playwright.Roy Glassberg - 2022 - Philosophy and Literature 46 (1):238-240.
    In his Epistle to the Pisos, Horace advises aspiring playwrights to use their work to teach and delight,1 a dictum that has resonated down through the ages and has been referred to as the "Horatian platitude."2 In the preface to his comedy Clizia, Niccolò Machiavelli echoes Horace: "Comedies were discovered in order to benefit and to delight the spectators. Truly it is a great benefit to any man, and especially to a youth, to know the avarice of an old man, (...)
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    Science, economics, 'vision'.Susan Haack - 2004 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 71 (2):223-234.
    The focus here is Robert L. Heilbroner's critique, in the last chapter of the 7th edition of The Worldly Philosophers, of the idea that economics is, or should be, scientific. Heilbroner's conception of economics as essentially tied to capitalism is too narrow, and at odds with his own commentary on the rise of pauperism after the English common-land enclosures; and his critique of contemporary economics-as-social science is overdrawn. Nevertheless, there is indeed an important role for the “visionary” economics for (...)
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    Fides ex auditu: Alexander of Hales and the Franciscan School on the Ministry of Preaching.Timothy J. Johnson - 2020 - Franciscan Studies 78 (1):51-66.
    Appealing to Romans 10:17, Summa Halensis states, "'faith comes from hearing' and preaching is the exterior medium whereby people are instructed and moved to receive grace."1 Given this claim it may come as a surprise to many, that Francis of Assisi did not necessarily understand his propositum vitae to focus on the ministry of preaching. In his musings in the Testament two years before his death in 1226, he claims that the vocation of the brothers was to live according to (...)
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    The third world and globalization.Deepak Lal - 2000 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 14 (1):35-46.
    Many in both developed and developing countries fear global economic integration. But developing‐country fears of volatile capital flows are unfounded, as are developed‐country fears of pauper wages due to low‐cost imports. Demands for “ethical trading” are as misplaced as the fears of Third‐World cultural nationalists that globalization will destroy their valued ways of life.
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    L'usage et la joie.François Loiret - 2015 - Paris: Éditions Kimé.
    Faisant suite à une étude intitulée L'usage et le monde, la présente étude déploie la richesse de la pensée augustinienne et franciscaine de l'usage à partir de l'étude des oeuvres d'Augustin et de Pierre Jean Olivi dans leurs intimes corrélations à une pensée de la volonté. Elle a pour centre la distinction de l'usus et de la fruitio telle qu'elle se met en place dans l'oeuvre d'Augustin et sa répétition au XIIIe siècle. La première partie déploie la compréhension augustinienne de (...)
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    Florence Nightingale on Society and Politics, Philosophy, Science, Education and Literature: Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 5.Lynn McDonald (ed.) - 2006 - Wilfrid Laurier Press.
    Florence Nightingale on Society and Politics, Philosophy, Science, Education and Literature, Volume 5 in the Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, is the main source of Nightingale’s work on the methodology of social science and her views on social reform. Here we see how she took her “call to service” into practice: by first learning how the laws of God’s world operate, one can then determine how to intervene for good. There is material on medical statistics, the census, pauperism and (...)
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    The Metaphorical Sense of ΛΗΚΥΘΟΣ and Ampulla.J. H. Quincey - 1949 - Classical Quarterly 43 (1-2):32-.
    The application of λκθος ànd its derivatives and the Latin terms ampullae and ampullari to the turgid or elevated style of poetry or oratory has provoked such a variety of explanations amongst modern and ancient commentators that it would be a tedious business to examine them all in detail. The ancient commentators on Horace, Ars Poetica, 11. 93–7 interdum tamen et vocem comoedia tollit, iratusque Chremes tumido delitigat ore; et tragicus plerumque dolet sermone pedestri Telephus et Peleus, cum pauper et (...)
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    Health Care and the 'Deserving Poor'.George Sher - 1983 - Hastings Center Report 13 (1):9-12.
    The idea that some poor persons "deserve" to be helped while others do not has long been influential in the USA. In the nineteenth century, "paupers" were relegated to poorhouse and subjected to onerous conditions for relief, while the blind, the deaf-mute, and others were helped in much less humiliating ways. A similar distinction underlay the categories of the comprehensive social Security Act of 1935; and its continuation has motivated various attempts to revise the welfare system by redrawing its boundaries (...)
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    The Poverty of the Claudii Pulchri: Varro, De Re Rustica 3.6.1–2.W. Jeffrey Tatum - 1992 - Classical Quarterly 42 (01):190-.
    ‘In historical composition’, said Samuel Johnson, ‘all the greatest powers of the human mind are quiescent’. Perhaps so, but even if the historian must appear dull and plodding next to his more profound and shimmering brethren, the philologists and – of course – the literary critics, still he must be granted at least one virtue in plenty and that virtue is scepticism. Especially nowadays. While not quite yet ready to surrender his province to the meta-historians , the historian continues diligently (...)
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  42. Utilitarianism and Distributive Justice: The Civil Law and the Foundations of Bentham's Economic Thought.P. J. Kelly - 1989 - Utilitas 1 (1):62-81.
    Between 1787, and the end of his life in 1832, Bentham turned his attention to the development and application of economic ideas and principles within the general structure of his legislative project. For seventeen years this interest was manifested through a number of books and pamphlets, most of which remained in manuscript form, that develop a distinctive approach to economic questions. Although Bentham was influenced by Adam Smith'sAn Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, he neither (...)
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    Aeolic and italian at Horace, odes 3.30.13–14.David Kovacs - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (2):682-688.
    dicar, qua uiolens obstrepit Aufiduset qua pauper aquae Daunus agrestiumregnauit populorum ex humili potensprinceps Aeolium carmen ad Italos 13deduxisse modos. Surely there is something puzzling about 13–14? What Horace was the first to do was to write Latin poetry using the metrical schemes of the Greek lyricists, principally Alcaeus and Sappho, who wrote in the Aeolic dialect of Lesbos. There can be no reasonable doubt that Aeolium carmen refers in the first instance to Horace's adoption of Aeolic metre. For deduxisse (...)
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    When Giants Stumble: Two Influential Misjudgements on Horace′s Odes.David Kovacs - 2011 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 155 (1):156-166.
    The authority of great scholars such as Fraenkel and Wilamowitz means that any mistakes they make tend to be accepted even when the evidence adduced is weak. Fraenkel’s interpretation of ego, quem vocas in Odes 2. 20. 6 as “I, whom you invite to dinner” has apparently silenced all debate. Yet Bentley construed non ego, pauperum sanguis parentum, non ego, quem vocas as a single idea, “I, the man you call the offspring of penniless parents.” For various reasons this seems (...)
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    Dr John Conolly: An Owenite in Disguise?Laurence Dubois - 2023 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 23.
    An in-depth reform of the asylum system took place in Great Britain from the 1830s onwards, under the influence of Dr John Conolly, who succeeded in imposing a new model at Hanwell pauper lunatic asylum, near London, a model that was more respectful of the patients and based on the abandonment of mechanical restraint (non-restraint) combined with occupational therapy. The success of this system at Hanwell, the largest asylum in the country with over a thousand inmates, contributed to the spread (...)
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    Nineteenth Century Popular Fiction, Medicine and Anatomy : The Victorian Penny Blood and the 1832 Anatomy Act.Anna Gasperini - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book investigates the relationship between the fascinating and misunderstood penny blood, early Victorian popular fiction for the working class, and Victorian anatomy. In 1832, the controversial Anatomy Act sanctioned the use of the body of the pauper for teaching dissection to medical students, deeply affecting the Victorian poor. The ensuing decade, such famous penny bloods as Manuscripts from the Diary of a Physician, Varney the Vampyre, Sweeney Todd, and The Mysteries of London addressed issues of medical ethics, social power, (...)
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    Reason in an Age of Anxiety. Ingham - 2009 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 83:1-14.
    In response both to the current age of anxiety and the recent call of Caritas in Veritate, I argue for a re-framed understanding of rationality, based upon the insights of Franciscan John Duns Scotus. For Scotus, “rational” means capable of self-movement. Consequently, the will (not the intellect) is the rational potency. Re-casting the contemporary fundamentalist “suspicion of reason” as a “suspicion of the intellect,” my central argument advocates a return to a more complete understanding of the rational. In this effort, (...)
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    Dirty Bread, Forced Feeding, and Tea Parties: the Uses and Abuses of Food in Nineteenth-Century Insane Asylums.Madeline Bourque Kearin - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 43 (1):95-116.
    Nineteenth-century psychiatrists ascribed to a model of health that was predicated on the existence of objective and strictly defined laws of nature. The allegedly “natural” rules governing the production of consumption of food, however, were structured by a set of distinctively bourgeois moral values that demonized over-indulgence and intemperance, encouraged self-discipline and productivity, and treated gentility as an index of social worth. Accordingly, the asylum acted not only as a therapeutic instrument but also as a moral machine that was designed (...)
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    Zur Meister Eckhart-Rezeption im Spätmittelalter.Mikhail Khorkov - 2010 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 77 (1):125-136.
    Two major challenges in the study of the 14th- and 15th-century reception of Eckhart’s German sermon Beati pauperes spiritu have centered on an anonymous Latin translation of this sermon . Specifically these challenges are to explain the absence in the Latin translation of the term beatitudo and the use of the term aeterna felicitas as the Latin rendering of the medieval German word sælicheit. The latter rendering in particular is typical of the writings of Nicholas of Cusa and is of (...)
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    The Concept of Social Class Applied to the World-System.Antonio L. - 2022 - Philosophy International Journal 5 (4):1-6.
    At present, the concept of «social class» is in a pauperized cultural state, fully integrated within political channels that are unfavorable to its identification, understanding and acceptance. As it has been defined in two previous works by the present author, the concept can only be associated with territorially undelimited and specialized societies, originated in postindustrial western Europe, under a division of labor based on productive objectives rather than professional roles. The notion of «social class» is nowadays subsumed within the communicative (...)
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