Results for ' PANCREAS'

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  1.  29
    On the diabetic menu: Zebrafish as a model for pancreas development and function.Mary D. Kinkel & Victoria E. Prince - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (2):139-152.
    Development of the vertebrate pancreas is a complex stepwise process comprising regionalization, cell differentiation, and morphogenesis. Studies in zebrafish are contributing to an emerging picture of pancreas development in which extrinsic signaling molecules influence intrinsic transcriptional programs to allow ultimate differentiation of specific pancreatic cell types. Zebrafish experiments have revealed roles for several signaling molecules in aspects of this process; for example our own work has shown that retinoic acid signals specify the pre‐pancreatic endoderm. Time‐lapse imaging of live (...)
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    β‐Cell evolution: How the pancreas borrowed from the brain.Margot E. Arntfield & Derek van der Kooy - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (8):582-587.
    Editor's suggested further reading in BioEssaysA new paradigm in cell therapy for diabetes: Turning pancreatic α‐cells into β‐cells Abstract.
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  3. Is There a "Pancreas Problem" in Spinoza’s Theory of the Human Mind?Henk Keizer - 2015 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (1):65-80.
    This article explores a new reading of an important section of Part II of Spinoza’s Ethics. It recognizes that Spinoza actually differentiates between the human mind conceived from the viewpoint of its cause and the human mind conceived from the viewpoint of its nature. It shows, most importantly, that Spinoza assigns different objects to those ‘minds’. Consequently they represent different knowledge of the body. It will appear that the human mind in respect of its cause represents non-conscious knowledge of the (...)
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    (1 other version)The use of immature pancreas as a source of tissue for transplantation in diabetes.T. E. Mandel - 1985 - Bioethics News 5 (1).
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    Good, Bad or Offal? The Evaluation of Raw Pancreas Therapy and the Rhetoric of Control in the Therapeutic Trial, 1925.Martin Edwards - 2004 - Annals of Science 61 (1):79-98.
    In 1925 a debate erupted in the correspondence columns of the British Medical Journal concerning the effectiveness of eating raw pancreas as a treatment for diabetes. Enthusiasts were predominantly general practitioners , who claimed success for the therapy on the basis of their clinical impressions. Their detractors were laboratory‐oriented ‘biochemist‐physicians,’ who considered that their own experiments demonstrated that raw pancreas therapy was ineffective. The biochemist‐physicians consistently dismissed the GPs' observations as inadequately ‘controlled’. They did not define the meaning (...)
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    Experimenting with Chymical Bodies: Reinier de Graaf's Investigations of the Pancreas.Evan Ragland - 2008 - Early Science and Medicine 13 (6):615-664.
    In the late seventeenth century, traditions in anatomy and chymistry came together to ground new theoretical and experimental approaches to understanding the animal body. The researches of Dutch experimenters Reinier de Graaf and his mentor Franciscus Sylvius provide keen insight into the ways experiments were constructed, negotiated, and thought about by leading anatomists and physicians of the time. The objects and approaches de Graaf used in the laboratory—ligature, inflation, injection, tubes, vessels, tasting—were derived from broadly Harveian anatomical and Helmontian chymical (...)
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  7.  14
    Deep into the niche: Deciphering local endoderm‐microenvironment interactions in development, homeostasis, and disease of pancreas and intestine.Wojciech J. Szlachcic, Katherine C. Letai, Marissa A. Scavuzzo & Malgorzata Borowiak - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (4):2200186.
    Unraveling molecular and functional heterogeneity of niche cells within the developing endoderm could resolve mechanisms of tissue formation and maturation. Here, we discuss current unknowns in molecular mechanisms underlying key developmental events in pancreatic islet and intestinal epithelial formation. Recent breakthroughs in single‐cell and spatial transcriptomics, paralleled with functional studies in vitro, reveal that specialized mesenchymal subtypes drive the formation and maturation of pancreatic endocrine cells and islets via local interactions with epithelium, neurons, and microvessels. Analogous to this, distinct intestinal (...)
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    Origin of β‐cells in regenerating pancreas.Kathy E. O'Neill, Daniel Eberhard & David Tosh - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (7):617-620.
    The origin of insulin‐expressing β‐cells in the adult mammalian pancreas is controversial. During normal tissue turnover and following injury, β‐cells may be replaced by duplication of existing β‐cells.1 However, an alternative source of β‐cells has recently been proposed based on neogenesis from a Ngn3‐positive population present in regenerating pancreatic ducts.2 The appearance of β‐cells from Ngn3‐positive progenitors is reminiscent of normal pancreas development, and Ngn3‐expressing cells isolated from regenerating pancreas can generate the full repertoire of endocrine phenotypes. (...)
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  9.  31
    If I were a rich man could I buy a pancreas?D. Lamb - 1995 - Journal of Medical Ethics 21 (4):247-248.
  10.  20
    A Qualitative Study of the Views of Individuals With Type 1 Diabetes on the Ethical Considerations Raised by the Artificial Pancreas.Ariane Quintal, Virginie Messier, Rémi Rabasa-Lhoret & Eric Racine - 2020 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 10 (3):237-261.
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    ‘Trust my doctor, trust my pancreas’: trust as an emergent quality of social practice.Simon Cohn - 2015 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 10:9.
    Growing attention is being paid to the importance of trust, and its corollaries such as mistrust and distrust, in health service and the central place they have in assessments of quality of care. Although initially focussing on doctor-patient relationships, more recent literature has broadened its remit to include trust held in more abstract entities, such as organisations and institutions. There has consequently been growing interest to develop rigorous and universal measures of trust.
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  12.  63
    If I were a rich man could I sell a pancreas? A study in the locus of oppression.M. Epstein - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (2):109-112.
    Dan Brock argues that since the unexploitable rich could sell their kidneys too, exploitation could not be an essential feature of organ vending. This paper takes his claim as the point of departure for a discussion on the locus of organ vending-associated oppression. While it accepts Brock's conclusion, it explores the possibility that such oppression is invariably found rather outside the sphere of exchange. It then analyses the implications of this possibility for the discourse surrounding the ethics of organ vending.
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    If I were a rich man, could I buy a pancreas? And other essays on the ethics (book).Michael J. Saks - 1993 - Ethics and Behavior 3 (2):207 – 210.
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  14.  27
    (1 other version)[Book review] if I were a rich man, could I buy a pancreas? And other essays on the ethics of health care. [REVIEW]Martin Benjamin - 1994 - Hastings Center Report 24 (1):43-44.
  15.  4
    Book Review of If I Were a Rich Man Could I Buy a Pancreas? and other essays on the ethics of health care. [REVIEW]Paul T. Menzel - 1994 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 5 (2):172-173.
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  16. Memory, Recollection and Consciousness in Spinoza's Ethics.Oliver Toth - 2018 - Society and Politics 12 (2):50-71.
    Spinoza’s account of memory has not received enough attention, even though it is relevant for his theory of consciousness. Recent literature has studied the “pancreas problem.” This paper argues that there is an analogous problem for memories: if memories are in the mind, why is the mind not conscious of them? I argue that Spinoza’s account of memory can be better reconstructed in the context of Descartes’s account to show that Spinoza responded to these views. Descartes accounted for the (...)
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  17.  26
    Evidence for a Neogenic Niche at the Periphery of Pancreatic Islets.Mark O. Huising, Sharon Lee & Talitha van der Meulen - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (11):1800119.
    We recently discovered a novel subset of beta cells that resemble immature beta cells during pancreas development. We named these “virgin” beta cells as they do not stem from existing mature beta cells. Virgin beta cells are found exclusively at the islet periphery in areas that we therefore designated as the “neogenic niche.” As beta cells are our only source of insulin, their loss leads to diabetes. Islets also contain glucagon‐producing alpha cells and somatostatin‐producing delta cells, that are important (...)
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  18.  89
    Cerebral organoids: ethical issues and consciousness assessment.Andrea Lavazza & Marcello Massimini - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (9):606-610.
    Organoids are three-dimensional biological structures grown in vitro from different kinds of stem cells that self-organise mimicking real organs with organ-specific cell types. Recently, researchers have managed to produce human organoids which have structural and functional properties very similar to those of different organs, such as the retina, the intestines, the kidneys, the pancreas, the liver and the inner ear. Organoids are considered a great resource for biomedical research, as they allow for a detailed study of the development and (...)
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  19.  34
    Deceased Organ Transplantation in Bangladesh: The Dynamics of Bioethics, Religion and Culture.Md Sanwar Siraj - 2022 - HEC Forum 34 (2):139-167.
    Organ transplantation from living related donors in Bangladesh first began in October 1982, and became commonplace in 1988. Cornea transplantation from posthumous donors began in 1984 and living related liver and bone marrow donor transplantation began in 2010 and 2014 respectively. The Human Organ Transplantation Act officially came into effect in Bangladesh on 13th April 1999, allowing organ donation from both brain-dead and related living donors for transplantation. Before the legislation, religious leaders issued fatwa, or religious rulings, in favor of (...)
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  20. Spinoza.Michael Della Rocca - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    Spinoza ' s understanding and understanding Spinoza -- Spinoza ' s understanding -- Understanding Spinoza -- The metaphysics of substance -- Descartes and substance -- Spinoza contra Descartes on substance -- Modes -- Necessitarianism -- The purpose of it all -- The human mind -- Parallelism and representation -- Essence and representation -- Parallelism and mind - body identity -- The idea of the human body -- The pancreas problem, the pan problem, and panpsychism -- Nothing but representation -- (...)
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  21. Knowledge Based System for Diabetes Diagnosis Using SL5 Object.Ibtesam M. Dheir, Alaa Soliman Abu Mettleq, Abeer A. Elsharif, Mohammed N. Abu Al-Qumboz & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 3 (4):1-10.
    Diabetes is a major public health issue that affects the nations of our time to a large extent and is described as a non-communicable epidemic. Diabetes mellitus is a common disease where there is too much sugar (glucose) floating around in your blood. This occurs because either the pancreas can’t produce enough insulin or the cells in body have become resistant to insulin. The concentration in this paper is on diagnosis diabetes by designing a proposed expert system. The main (...)
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  22.  20
    The concept of brain death did not evolve to benefit organ transplants (vol 33, pg 197, 2007).Calixto Machado, Julius Kerein, Yazmina Ferrer, Liana Portela & Maria de la C. Garcia - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (6):369-369.
    Although it is commonly believed that the concept of brain death was developed to benefit organ transplants, it evolved independently. Transplantation owed its development to advances in surgery and immunosuppressive treatment; BD owed its origin to the development of intensive care. The first autotransplant was achieved in the early 1900s, when studies of increased intracranial pressure causing respiratory arrest with preserved heartbeat were reported. Between 1902 and 1950, the BD concept was supported by the discovery of EEG, Crile’s definition of (...)
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  23.  49
    Why a Market in Organs is Inevitably Unethical.Alastair V. Campbell - 2016 - Asian Bioethics Review 8 (3):164-176.
    In this paper I shall be arguing against the claim made by Erin and Harris and others, that creating a “regulated market” in organs for transplantation taken from living vendors is both viable practically and a moral imperative. No-one can doubt that there is currently a crisis in the provision of organs for transplantation, with a massive gap between supply and demand. There are a number of reasons for this crisis. Since its development as a life-saving measure in the second (...)
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  24.  47
    Exploring the Limits of Autonomy.Rebecca L. Volpe, Benjamin H. Levi, George F. Blackall & Michael J. Green - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 42 (3):16-18.
    Mr. Galanas, an eighty‐six‐year‐old man, intentionally shot himself in the chest and abdomen. Surprisingly, the bullet damaged only his distal pancreas and part of his colon, requiring a diverting colostomy to prevent leakage of bowel fluids into his abdomen. After being admitted, he lies intubated in the intensive care unit awaiting surgery to repair his colon. He is responsive but does not demonstrate clear decision‐making capacity. He grudgingly accepts pain medications but refuses antibiotics and antidepressants. He has a living (...)
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  25.  7
    Comprehensive Review of Pharmacological Therapies and Clinical Guidelines for Diabetes Mellitus: A Depth Study.Mohammed Fulayyih Essa Alharbi, Salah Mahmoud Salah Alabbasi, Jamal Zaid Alshaikh, Abdullah Mastour Abdullah Alqarni, Saleh Aedh Mastour Alshamrani, Osama Abdulkarim Samargandi, Rami Mohammed Almutairi, Saleem Othman Rafi Alamri, Ibrahim Ahmed Alshehri, Abdulmohsin Nami Almutairi, Mona Ahmad Alshehri, Anas Abdulkarim Samargandi, Alhanouf Abed Algethami, Hatim Ahmed Ali Alzahrani & Abdulaziz Khalid Albarti - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:59-94.
    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a colossal burden in global health, its prevalence increases steadily throughout the world. This systematic review explores the pathophysiology and epidemiology of diabetes, which describes the interactions that implicate that is the result of the play between genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors in the development and progression of the disease. The review also describes a plethora of pharmacological treatments available to manage diabetes, with the oral agent, insulin regimens, and new approaches to therapy. Integrating the wisdom (...)
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  26.  62
    The concept of brain death did not evolve to benefit organ transplants.C. Machado, J. Kerein, Y. Ferrer, L. Portela, M. de la C. Garcia & J. M. Manero - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (4):197-200.
    Although it is commonly believed that the concept of brain death was developed to benefit organ transplants, it evolved independently. Transplantation owed its development to advances in surgery and immunosuppressive treatment; BD owed its origin to the development of intensive care. The first autotransplant was achieved in the early 1900s, when studies of increased intracranial pressure causing respiratory arrest with preserved heartbeat were reported. Between 1902 and 1950, the BD concept was supported by the discovery of EEG, Crile’s definition of (...)
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  27.  4
    “I spend more time on the ecosystem than on the disease”: caring for the communicative loop with everyday ADM technology through maintenance and modification work.Sne Scott Hansen & Henriette Langstrup - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    Automated decision-making (ADM) systems can be worn in and on the body for various purposes, such as for tracking and managing chronic conditions. One case in point is do-it-yourself open-source artificial pancreas systems, through which users engage in what is referred to as “looping”; combining continuous glucose monitors and insulin pumps placed on the body with digital communication technologies to develop an ADM system for personal diabetes management. The idea behind these personalized systems is to delegate decision-making regarding insulin (...)
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  28.  42
    Ethics on Call: A Medical Ethicist Shows How to Take Charge of Life and Death Choices in Today's Health Care System.Per Anderson, Alastair Campbell, Grant Gillett, Gareth Jones, Arthur L. Caplan, Nancy Dubler & David Nimmons - 1994 - Hastings Center Report 24 (1):43.
    Book reviewed in this article: Practical Medical Ethics. By Alastair Campbell, Grant Gillett, and Gareth Jones. If I Were a Rich Man Could I Buy a Pancreas? and Other Essays on the Ethics of Health Care. By Arthur L. Caplan. Bloomington Ethics on Call: A Medical Ethicist Shows How to Take Charge of Life and Death Choices in Today's Health Care System. By Nancy Dubler and David Nimmons.
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    What, Exactly, Does the Madperson Lack?Sofie Jeppsson - 2023 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 30 (4):313-315.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:What, Exactly, Does the Madperson Lack?Sofie Jeppsson, PhD (bio)Justin garson has already received well-earned recognition for his Madness: A philosophical exploration (2022), in which he distinguishes the view of madness as a dysfunction from madness as a strategy—a distinction that cuts across traditional distinctions between, for example, biological/neurological and psychological/social views. On the dysfunction view, going mad might be comparable to something like having an asthma attack or, more (...)
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  30.  18
    The concept of brain death did not evolve to benefit organ transplants.Calixto Machado, Julius Kerein, Yazmina Ferrer, Liana Portela & Maria García - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (4):197-200.
    Although it is commonly believed that the concept of brain death was developed to benefit organ transplants, it evolved independently. Transplantation owed its development to advances in surgery and immunosuppressive treatment; BD owed its origin to the development of intensive care. The first autotransplant was achieved in the early 1900s, when studies of increased intracranial pressure causing respiratory arrest with preserved heartbeat were reported. Between 1902 and 1950, the BD concept was supported by the discovery of EEG, Crile’s definition of (...)
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    Fatty acids may influence insulin dynamics through modulation of albumin‐Zn 2+ interactions.Swati Arya, Adam J. Gourley, J. Carlos Penedo, Claudia A. Blindauer & Alan J. Stewart - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (12):2100172.
    Insulin is stored within the pancreas in an inactive Zn2+‐bound hexameric form prior to release. Similarly, clinical insulins contain Zn2+ and form multimeric complexes. Upon release from the pancreas or upon injection, insulin only becomes active once Zn2+ disengages from the complex. In plasma and other extracellular fluids, the majority of Zn2+ is bound to human serum albumin (HSA), which plays a vital role in controlling insulin pharmacodynamics by enabling removal of Zn2+. The Zn2+‐binding properties of HSA are (...)
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  32.  30
    The source(s) for new pancreatic beta cells in adult life.Troels Bock - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (11):1156-1159.
    The natural source for new pancreatic beta cells is an important issue both for understanding the pathogenesis of diabetes, and for possibly curing diabetes by increasing the number of beta cells. Dor et al.1 investigated beta‐cell renewal and regeneration by genetic lineage analysis in mice during physiological growth and after partial pancreatectomy. The data conclusively showed that beta‐cell replication was the only source for new beta cells without contributions from stem cells or other non‐beta cells. This underlines the capacity for (...)
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  33.  27
    Bile ducts as a source of pancreatic β cells.Zoë D. Burke, Chia-Ning Shen & David Tosh - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (9):932-937.
    In recent years, there have been a number of well‐documented examples demonstrating that one cell type can be converted to another. Two such examples are the appearance of ectopic pancreas in the liver and formation of hepatic tissue in the pancreas. The conversion of liver to pancreas raises the intriguing possibility of generating insulin‐producing β cells for therapeutic transplantation into diabetics. There is now a striking addition to the growing list of pancreatic conversions: the formation of pancreatic (...)
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  34.  56
    Hysteresis dynamics, bursting oscillations and evolution to chaotic regimes.J.-P. Françoise & C. Piquet - 2005 - Acta Biotheoretica 53 (4):381-392.
    This article describes new aspects of hysteresis dynamics which have been uncovered through computer experiments. There are several motivations to be interested in fast-slow dynamics. For instance, many physiological or biological systems display different time scales. The bursting oscillations which can be observed in neurons, β-cells of the pancreas and population dynamics are essentially studied via bifurcation theory and analysis of fast-slow systems (Keener and Sneyd, 1998; Rinzel, 1987). Hysteresis is a possible mechanism to generate bursting oscillations. A first (...)
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  35. In memoriam. Richard Rorty, 1931-2007.Luisa Monsalve Medina - 2008 - Logos (La Salle) 14:119-123.
    Richard Rorty nació el 4 de octubre de 1931 y murió el 8 de junio de 2007. Fue profesor de filosofía en la universidad de Wellesley y de Princeton, cargo al que renunció en 1983 para ocupar el puesto de profesor de humanidades en la Universidad de Virginia y posteriormente de literatura comparada en la universidad de Stanford. Murió de cáncer de páncreas igual que Jacques Derrida, uno de sus interlocutores más destacados de la filosofía europea.
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    Autonomie, don et partage dans les transplantations d'organes et de tissus humains.Marie-Hélène Parizeau - 1991 - Dialogue 30 (3):343-.
    Les prélèvements et les transplantations de tissus et d'organes renvoient à des problèmes très variés au plan éthique en raison des types d'organes ou de tissus prélevés et transplantés, du statut du donneur et enfin de la finalité du prélèvement. Soyons plus précis: aujourd'hui, on prélève en vue d'une transplantation: les reins, le cœur, les poumons, le foie, le pancréas, la cornée mais aussi, la moelle osseuse, la peau. On prélève à diverses fins — thérapeutique ou de recherche — : (...)
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  37. Registro sintético de uma vida: entrevista com Fábio Alves dos Santos (Synthetic record of a life - Interview with Fabio Alves dos Santos).Fábio Alves dos Santos - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1637-1649.
    Fábio Alves dos Santos (1954-2013) cursou Pedagogia, Ciências Sociais e Teologia, era Especialista em Filosofia da Religião (PUC Minas), Advogado (PUC Minas) e Mestre em Direito Constitucional (UFMG). Lecionou na PUC Minas como professor de Cultura Religiosa e depois como professor no Curso de Direito, atuando principalmente no Serviço de Assistência Judiciária – SAJ, especialmente cuidado de causas populares como as da ASMARE (Associação dos Catadores de Papel, Papelão e Material Reaproveitável de Belo Horizonte), da Pastoral de Rua, da Pastoral (...)
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    Newly discovered activities for calcitriol (1,25‐dihydroxyvitamin D3): Implications for future pharmacological use.Robert U. Simpson & Ronald Weishaar - 1986 - Bioessays 4 (2):65-70.
    Recent studies have yielded new insights into the critical importance of adequate vitamin D3 intake and metabolism. Investigations of the actions of 1,25‐dihydroxyvitamin D3 (calcitriol) on novel target tissues has revealed that this hormone has functions other than its recognized action in regulating blood calcium and phosphate levels. Reports have characterized calcitriol receptors and activities in organs and tissues as diverse as pancreas, skeletal and heart muscle, blood cells, brain, skin, pituitary, parathyroid, kidney, bone and intestine. These studies suggest (...)
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    Contribution of T cells to the development of autoimmune diabetes in the NOD mouse model.Hiroo Toyoda & Bent Formby - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (9):750-757.
    The nonobese diabetic (NOD) mouse spontaneously develops an autoimmune diabetes that shares many immunogenetic features with human insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), type 1 diabetes. The mononuclear cell infiltrates in the islet, which results in the development of insulitis (a prerequisite step for the development of diabetes) are primarily composed of T cells. It is now well accepted that these T cells play important roles in initiating and propagating an autoimmune process, which in turn destroys insulin-producing islet β cells in the (...)
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    Back to the Future: Obtaining Organs from Non-Heart-Beating Cadavers.Robert M. Arnold & Stuart J. Youngner - 1993 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 3 (2):103-111.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Back to the Future:Obtaining Organs from Non-Heart-Beating CadaversRobert M. Arnold (bio) and Stuart J. Youngner (bio)Organ Transplantation requires viable donor organs. This simple fact has become the Achilles' heel of transplantation programs. Progress in immunology and transplant surgery has outstripped the supply of available organs. Between 1988 and 1991, for example, the number of transplant candidates on waiting lists increased by about 55 percent, while the number of donors (...)
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    Splices: When Science Catches Up with Science Fiction.Anne Franciska Pusch - 2015 - NanoEthics 9 (1):55-73.
    This paper examines human-nonhuman splices from a multidisciplinary approach, involving bioengineering and literary studies. Splices are hybrid beings, created through gene-splicing—a process which combines the DNA of the two species, resulting in a hybrid or chimeric being. A current trend in biotechnological research is the use of spliced pigs for xenotransplantation. Hiromitsu Nakauchi’s pancreas study that splices pigs with human iPS [induced pluripotent stem] cells in order to grow human organs inside pigs is being compared to a highly similar (...)
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  42. Fetal Tissue Research.Mary Carrington Coutts - 1993 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 3 (1):81-101.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Fetal Tissue ResearchMary Carrington Coutts (bio)I. IntroductionThe use of tissue from fetal remains for transplantation and biomedical research has become a controversial issue in recent years, involving scientists, doctors, patients, and the federal government. Fetal tissue is potentially useful in a wide range of treatments for a number of serious diseases, some of them affecting millions of people. Despite the promise, transplantation research using fetal tissue from induced abortion (...)
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    Receiving the Gift of Life: Stories from Organ Transplant Recipients.Jason T. Eberl & Tristan McIntosh - 2022 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 12 (2):103-107.
    Abstract:This symposium includes thirteen personal narratives from people who have received at least one organ transplant from a living or deceased donor. These narratives foster better understanding of the experiences of life-saving organ recipients and their families, including post-transplant difficulties experienced—sometimes requiring multiple transplants. This issue also includes three commentaries by Macey L. Levan, Heather Lannon, and Vidya Fleetwood, Roslyn B. Mannon & Krista L. Lentine. Dr. Levan is a living kidney donor and associate professor of surgery and population health. (...)
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    Health beyond biology: the extended health hypothesis and technology.Maja Baretić & David de Bruijn - 2024 - Monash Bioethics Review 42 (2):279-283.
    There are ethical dilemmas faced by clinicians when responding to using unregistered medical devices, such as innovative internet technologies for managing type 1 diabetes mellitus. This chronic disease significantly impacts patients' health, requiring intensive daily activities like blood glucose monitoring, insulin injections, and specific dietary recommendations. Recent technological advances, including continuous glucose monitors and insulin pumps, have been shown to improve glycemic control. Di-it Yourself Artificial Pancreas Systems are emerging open-source automated delivery methods initiated by the diabetes community, although (...)
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    Targeting a novel apoptotic pathway in human disease.Francesca D'Addio, Laura Montefusco, Maria Elena Lunati, Ida Pastore, Emma Assi, Adriana Petrazzuolo, Virna Marin, Chiara Bruckmann & Paolo Fiorina - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (6):2200231.
    Apoptotic pathways have always been regarded as a key‐player in preserving tissue and organ homeostasis. Excessive activation or resistance to activation of cell death signaling may indeed be responsible for several mechanisms of disease, including malignancy and chronic degenerative diseases. Therefore, targeting apoptotic factors gained more and more attention in the scientific community and novel strategies emerged aimed at selectively blocking or stimulating cell death signaling. This is also the case for the TMEM219 death receptor, which is activated by a (...)
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    Transfusion contracts for Jehovah's Witnesses receiving organ transplants: ethical necessity or coercive pact?K. A. Bramstedt - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (4):193-195.
    Jehovah’s Witnesses should be required to sign transfusion contracts in order to be eligible for transplant.Human donor organs continue to be in short supply, and many potential transplant recipients die while waiting for an allograft to become available.1 Because the organ supply is so limited and the offering of organs is based on the generosity of patients and families, proper stewardship of these organs is an ethical obligation for transplant teams, as well as organ recipients. Preventable graft loss must be (...)
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  47.  44
    Organ Transplant Allocation.Pat Milmoe McCarrick - 1995 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 5 (4):365-384.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Organ Transplant AllocationPat Milmoe McCarrick (bio)The introduction of the antibiotic, cyclosporin, which enhances the success rate of transplantation surgery, has resulted in the steady growth of organ transplantation since the mid-1980s. This growth increasingly focuses ethical interest on both the procurement and the allocation of human organs. Not everyone who might benefit from organ transplants can receive them since the number of patients in need of organs far exceeds (...)
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    Alternative IP Mechanisms in Genomic Research.Cheryl Power, Ed Levy, Emily Marden & Ben Warren - 2008 - Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 2 (2).
    This research is conducted by the Intellectual Property and Policy Research Group at the W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics at the University of British Columbia. It is part of the GE3LS component of the Genome Canada Project "Dissecting Gene Expression Networks in Mammalian Organogenesis," MORGEN, which is located principally at the British Columbia Cancer Agency, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The project is involved in upstream, basic genomic research. Part of this work includes the characterization of gene regulatory mechanisms (...)
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    Contingencies.Elizabeth Rottenberg - 2015 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 5 (1):128-138.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:ContingenciesElizabeth RottenbergAnalysis does precious little, but the little it does is precious.—Therese BenedekI’d like to begin with an anecdote of a slightly confessional nature. If I mention this anecdote, it’s because it came to me by chance as an association to what French analyst and philosopher Monique David-Ménard, in her introduction to Éloge des hasards dans la vie sexuelle, calls “positive contingency” or the “positive aspect of chance” (David-Ménard (...)
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    Case StudyCommentaryCommentary. Denial - 2010 - Hastings Center Report 40 (6):11-11.
    Pam is an eighteen-year-old with a history of depression. She has been hospitalized for the past six months for severe weight loss and dehydration. When admitted, she was diagnosed with acute inflammation of the pancreas and gall bladder, but it became clear that these issues were secondary to a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. Her weight upon admission was seventy-six pounds. Pam refuses to accept this diagnosis and will not cooperate with any provider who refers to “anorexia” or attempts to (...)
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