Results for ' Negative affect'

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  1.  50
    Negative Affect and Health: The Importance of Being Earnest.Tracy J. Mayne - 1999 - Cognition and Emotion 13 (5):601-635.
    Research on emotion and health has tended to focus on the negative consequences of “negative” emotions. An emerging literature has begun to explore the positive aspects of negative affect, suggesting that emotion be treated in a more differentiated way by recognising the components and intensity that can promote or harm health. For example, short bursts of emotion-associated sympathetic activation can stimulate parts of the immune system, whereas more chronic activation can cause “wear and tear” on the (...)
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    Negative affects are parts of the addiction syndrome.Michel Le Moal - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (4):451-452.
    Decision-making is a complex activity for which emotions and affects are essential. Maladaptive choices depend on negative affects. Vulnerabilities to drug or non-drug objects depend on previous psychopathological comorbidities. Premorbid individual characteristics allow us to understand why some individuals enter into the addiction cycle. Moreover, plasticity of reward neurocircuitry is, at least in past, responsible for these vulnerabilities leading to compulsive drug use.
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    Negative Affect and Counterproductive Workplace Behavior: The Moderating Role of Moral Disengagement and Gender.Al-Karim Samnani, Sabrina Deutsch Salamon & Parbudyal Singh - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (2):1-10.
    There has been growing scholarly interest in understanding individual-level antecedents of counterproductive workplace behavior (CWB). While researchers have found a positive relationship between individuals’ negative affect and engagement in CWB, to date, our understanding of the factors which may affect this relationship is limited. In this study, we investigate the moderating roles of moral disengagement and gender in this relationship. Consistent with our hypotheses, we found that individuals with a greater tendency to experience negative emotions were (...)
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  4. Affective Dependencies.Affective Dependencies - unknown
    Limited distribution phenomena related to negation and negative polarity are usually thought of in terms of affectivity where affective is understood as negative or downward entailing. In this paper I propose an analysis of affective contexts as nonveridical and treat negative polarity as a manifestation of the more general phenomenon of sensitivity to (non)veridicality (which is, I argue, what affective dependencies boil down to). Empirical support for this analysis will be provided by a detailed examination of affective (...)
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    Negative affect varying in motivational intensity influences scope of memory.A. Hunter Threadgill & Philip A. Gable - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (2):332-345.
    ABSTRACTEmotions influence cognitive processes involved in memory. While some research has suggested that cognitive scope is determined by affective valence, recent models of emotion–cognition interactions suggest that motivational intensity, rather than valence, influences these processes. The present research was designed to clarify how negative affects differing in motivational intensity impact memory for centrally or peripherally presented information. Experiments 1 & 2 found that, relative to a neutral condition, high intensity negative affect enhances memory for centrally presented information. (...)
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  6.  36
    Does negative affect beget positive affect? A test of the opponent-process theory.R. L. Craig & P. S. Siegel - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (6):404-406.
  7.  19
    Within-Day Variability in Negative Affect Moderates Cue Responsiveness in High-Calorie Snacking.Thalia Papadakis, Stuart G. Ferguson & Benjamin Schüz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundMany discretionary foods contribute both to individual health risks and to global issues, in particular through high carbon footprints and water scarcity. Snacking is influenced by the presence of snacking cues such as food availability, observing others eating, and negative affect. However, less is known about the mechanisms underlying the effects of negative affect. This study examines whether the individual odds of consuming high-calorie snacks as a consequence to being exposed to known snacking cues were moderated (...)
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    Corrugator activity confirms immediate negative affect in surprise.Sascha Topolinski & Fritz Strack - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:108172.
    The emotion of surprise entails a complex of immediate responses, such as cognitive interruption, attention allocation to, and more systematic processing of the surprising stimulus. All these processes serve the ultimate function to increase processing depth and thus cognitively master the surprising stimulus. The present account introduces phasic negative affect as the underlying mechanism responsible for this switch in operating mode. Surprising stimuli are schema-discrepant and thus entail cognitive disfluency, which elicits immediate negative affect. This (...) in turn works like a phasic cognitive tuning switching the current processing mode from more automatic and heuristic to more systematic and reflective processing. Directly testing the initial elicitation of negative affect by surprising events, the present experiment presented high and low surprising neutral trivia statements to N = 28 participants while assessing their spontaneous facial expressions via facial electromyography. High compared to low surprising trivia elicited higher corrugator activity, indicative of negative affect and mental effort, while leaving zygomaticus (positive affect) and frontalis (cultural surprise expression) activity unaffected. Future research shall investigate the mediating role of negative affect in eliciting surprise-related outcomes. (shrink)
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  9.  37
    Mindfulness and negative affectivity in real time: a within-person process model.Malek Mneimne, Samantha Dashineau & K. Lira Yoon - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (8):1687-1701.
    ABSTRACTTo extend our understanding of the proximal etiology of personality pathology, this study examined the dynamic, in-the-moment relations between mindfulness and negative affectivity (NA; emo...
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    Within-person variations in self-focused attention and negative affect in depression and anxiety: A diary study.Nilly Mor, Leah D. Doane, Emma K. Adam, Susan Mineka, Richard E. Zinbarg, James W. Griffith, Michelle G. Craske, Allison Waters & Maria Nazarian - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (1):48-62.
    This study examined within-person co-occurrence of self-focus, negative affect, and stress in a community sample of adolescents with or without emotional disorders. As part of a larger study, 278 adolescents were interviewed about emotional disorders. Later, they completed diary measures over three days, six times a day, reporting their current thoughts, affect, and levels of stress. Negative affect was independently related to both concurrent stress and self-focus. Importantly, the association between negative affect and (...)
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  11.  30
    Compulsory Citizenship Behavior and Employee Creativity: Creative Self-Efficacy as a Mediator and Negative Affect as a Moderator.Peixu He, Qiongyao Zhou, Hongdan Zhao, Cuiling Jiang & Yenchun Jim Wu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Workplace stressors were identified to have critical impacts on employee creativity. However, little is known about how and when involuntary citizenship behavior (i.e., compulsory citizenship behavior, CCB)-induced stress might exert influence on employee creativity. To fill this void, the present study firstly develops a moderated mediation model to investigate the CCB—employee creativity association as well as the underling mechanism and contextual condition of this relationship. By integrating social cognitive theory such as self-efficacy theory and conservation of resources (COR) theory, we (...)
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  12.  19
    Negative Affectivity, Authoritarianism, and Anxiety of Infection Explain Early Maladjusted Behavior During the COVID-19 Outbreak.Vincenzo Bochicchio, Adam Winsler, Stefano Pagliaro, Maria Giuseppina Pacilli, Pasquale Dolce & Cristiano Scandurra - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    During the first phase of the COVID-19 outbreak, Italy experienced problems of public order and maladjusted behavior. This study assessed the role of negative affectivity, right-wing authoritarianism, and anxiety of COVID-19 infection in explaining a variety of the maladjusted behaviors observed with an Italian sample. Specifically, we examined the effect of Negative Affectivity and Right-Wing Authoritarianism on maladjusted behaviors, and the moderating role of anxiety of infection. Seven hundred and fifty-seven Italian participants completed an online survey between March (...)
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  13.  63
    Concern-induced negative affect is associated with the occurrence and content of mind-wandering.David Stawarczyk, Steve Majerus & Arnaud D’Argembeau - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):442-448.
    Previous research has shown that the content and frequency of mind-wandering episodes—the occurrence of thoughts that are both stimulus-independent and task-unrelated—are closely related to an individual’s future-related concerns. Whether this relationship is shaped by the affective changes that are usually associated with future-related concerns still remains unclear, however. In this study, we induced the anticipation of a negatively valenced event and examined whether the ensuing affective changes were related to the occurrence and content of mind-wandering during an unrelated attentional task. (...)
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  14.  33
    Negative affect and ruminative self-focus during everyday goal pursuit.Nicholas J. Moberly & Edward R. Watkins - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (4):729-739.
  15.  55
    The Normative Role of Negative Affects and Bodily Experience in Adorno.Natalia Baeza - 2015 - Constellations 22 (3):354-368.
  16.  21
    Daily dynamics of negative affect: indicators of rate of response to treatment and remission from depression?Marieke A. Helmich, Marieke Wichers, Frenk Peeters & Evelien Snippe - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (8):1594-1604.
    More instability (MSSD) and variability (SD) of negative affect (NA) have been related to current and future depressive symptoms. We investigated whether NA instability and variability were predictive of the rate of symptom improvement during treatment and of reaching remission status. Forty-six individuals with major depressive disorder completed six days of ecological momentary assessments (10 beeps/day) before starting a combination of pharmacotherapy and supportive therapy. During and after treatment, the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) diagnostic interview was performed (...)
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  17.  38
    Suppression of negative affect in cancer patients. Trauma and defensiveness of self-esteem as predictors of depression and anxiety.Agata Szawińska & Aleksandra Fila-Jankowska - 2016 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 47 (3):318-326.
    The results of the work show that the relatively small differences in declared, negative emotional states between people suffering and not suffering from cancer can be explained by the suppression of negative affect in the former. It was assumed that the suppression is related to a compensation of an automatic, affective self-assessment - i.e. implicit self-esteem, lower in cancer patients. The results confirmed that the connection of cancer and depression became significantly stronger while the self-esteem defensiveness and (...)
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  18.  40
    Negative affect promotes encoding of and memory for details at the expense of the gist: Affect, encoding, and false memories.Justin Storbeck - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (5):800-819.
  19. Art and negative affect.Aaron Smuts - 2009 - Philosophy Compass 4 (1):39-55.
    Why do people seemingly want to be scared by movies and feel pity for fictional characters when they avoid situations in real life that arouse these same negative emotions? Although the domain of relevant artworks encompasses far more than just tragedy, the general problem is typically called the paradox of tragedy. The paradox boils down to a simple question: If people avoid pain then why do people want to experience art that is painful? I discuss six popular solutions to (...)
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  20.  25
    Relationships Between Job Stress, Psychological Adaptation and Internet Gaming Disorder Among Migrant Factory Workers in China: The Mediation Role of Negative Affective States.He Cao, Kechun Zhang, Danhua Ye, Yong Cai, Bolin Cao, Yaqi Chen, Tian Hu, Dahui Chen, Linghua Li, Shaomin Wu, Huachun Zou, Zixin Wang & Xue Yang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:837996.
    Factory workers make up a large proportion of China’s internal migrants and may be highly susceptible to job and adaptation stress, negative affective states (e.g., depression and anxiety), and Internet gaming disorder (IGD). This cross-sectional study investigated the relationships between job stress, psychological adaptation, negative affective states and IGD among 1,805 factory workers recruited by stratified multi-stage sampling between October and December 2019. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was conducted to test the proposed mediation model. Among the participants, 67.3% (...)
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    On the relationship between negative affective priming and prefrontal cognitive control mechanisms.Rosalux Falquez, Simone Lang, Ramona Dinu-Biringer, Frauke Nees, Elisabeth Arens, Boris Kotchoubey, Moritz Berger & Sven Barnow - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (2):225-244.
  22.  12
    Expressive Suppression and Negative Affect, Pathways of Emotional Dysregulation in Psoriasis Patients.Cristina Ciuluvica, Mario Fulcheri & Paolo Amerio - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  23.  25
    Negative Affectivity, Depression, and Resting Heart Rate Variability as Possible Moderators of Endogenous Pain Modulation in Functional Somatic Syndromes.Maaike Van Den Houte, Lukas Van Oudenhove, Ilse Van Diest, Katleen Bogaerts, Philippe Persoons, Jozef De Bie & Omer Van den Bergh - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  24.  15
    Negative affect impedes perceptual filling-in in the uniformity illusion.N. Kraus, M. Niedeggen & G. Hesselmann - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 98 (C):103258.
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  25.  16
    Because you had a bad day: the role of negative affect and justification in self-control failure.Ally M. Heiland & Jennifer C. Veilleux - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (5):912-927.
    Justification thinking (using excuses to “allow” giving into temptation) has been identified as a potential link between negative affect and self-control failure. We hypothesised that negative affect would prompt greater justification thinking, specifically deservingness thinking (i.e. “I deserve a treat”), and tested this for both inhibitory (temptation is to approach reward; self-control is to inhibit) and initiatory (temptation is to refrain from action, self-control is to initiate action) hypothetical self-control dilemmas. We found that only for inhibitory (...)
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  26.  12
    Negative Affect and Excessive Alcohol Intake Incubate during Protracted Withdrawal from Binge-Drinking in Adolescent, But Not Adult, Mice.Kaziya M. Lee, Michal A. Coehlo, Noah R. Solton & Karen K. Szumlinski - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Associations Between Infant Negative Affect and Parent Anxiety Symptoms are Bidirectional: Evidence from Mothers and Fathers.Rebecca J. Brooker, Jenae M. Neiderhiser, Leslie D. Leve, Daniel S. Shaw, Laura V. Scaramella & David Reiss - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Sometimes you just can’t: within-person variation in working memory capacity moderates negative affect reactivity to stressor exposure.Lizbeth Benson, Allison R. Fleming & Jonathan G. Hakun - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (8):1357-1367.
    The executive hypothesis of self-regulation places cognitive information processing at the center of self-regulatory success/failure. While the hypothesis is well supported by cross-sectional studies, no study has tested its primary prediction, that temporary lapses in executive control underlie moments of self-regulatory failure. Here, we conducted a naturalistic experiment investigating whether short-term variation in executive control is associated with momentary self-regulatory outcomes, indicated by negative affect reactivity to everyday stressors. We assessed working memory capacity (WMC) through ultra-brief, ambulatory assessments (...)
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  29.  25
    Do persons with negative affect have an attentional bias to bodily sensations?Kris Stegen, Ilse Van Diest, Karel P. Van De Woestijne & Omer Vann De Bergh - 2001 - Cognition and Emotion 15 (6):813-829.
  30.  19
    The effects of induced positive and negative affect on Pavlovian-instrumental interactions.Isla Weber, Sam Zorowitz, Yael Niv & Daniel Bennett - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (7):1343-1360.
    Across species, animals have an intrinsic drive to approach appetitive stimuli and to withdraw from aversive stimuli. In affective science, influential theories of emotion link positive affect with strengthened behavioural approach and negative affect with avoidance. Based on these theories, we predicted that individuals’ positive and negative affect levels should particularly influence their behaviour when innate Pavlovian approach/avoidance tendencies conflict with learned instrumental behaviours. Here, across two experiments – exploratory Experiment 1 (N = 91) and (...)
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  31.  63
    Positive and Negative Affect Schedule-Short Form: Factorial Invariance and Optimistic and Pessimistic Affective Profiles in Spanish Children.Ricardo Sanmartín, María Vicent, Carolina Gonzálvez, Cándido J. Inglés, Ángela Díaz-Herrero, Lucía Granados & José M. García-Fernández - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Implicit Positive and Negative Affect Test: Validity and Relationship with Cardiovascular Stress-Responses.Melanie M. van der Ploeg, Jos F. Brosschot, Julian F. Thayer & Bart Verkuil - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  33.  41
    Origins and functions of positive and negative affect: A control-process view.Charles Carver & Michael Scheier - 1990 - Psychological Review 97 (1):19-35.
  34.  22
    Examining the Structure of Negative Affect Regulation and Its Association With Hedonic and Psychological Wellbeing.Alicia Puente-Martínez, Darío Páez, Silvia Ubillos-Landa & Silvia Da Costa-Dutra - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Effect of Abusive Supervision on Employee Creativity: The Mediating Role of Negative Affect and Moderating Role of Interpersonal Harmony.Lili Chen, Zhixiao Ye, Zahid Shafait & Hongying Zhu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study investigates the relationship between abusive supervision and employee creativity by shedding light on the mediating role of negative affect and the moderating role of interpersonal harmony. Based on affective events theory, it was hypothesized that abusive supervision impacts employees’ negative affect and their creativity. Data from a questionnaire survey of 398 Chinese employee–supervisor dyads were collected and analyzed. The results support our hypotheses, address unexplored theoretical predictions, and suggest that organizations should deal with the (...)
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  36.  54
    The effects of emotion regulation strategies on positive and negative affect in early adolescents.Laura Wante, Marie-Lotte Van Beveren, Lotte Theuwis & Caroline Braet - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (5):988-1002.
    ABSTRACTRecent research suggests that impaired emotion regulation may play an important role in the development of youth psychopathology. However, little research has explored the effects of ER strategies on affect in early adolescents. In Study 1, we examined if early adolescents are able to use distraction and whether the effects of this strategy are similar to talking to one’s mother. In Study 2, we compared the effects of distraction, cognitive reappraisal, acceptance, and rumination. In both studies, participants received instructions (...)
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  37.  14
    Moral decision-making during the COVID-19 pandemic: Associations with age, negative affect, and negative memory.Ryan T. Daley & Elizabeth A. Kensinger - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic provided the opportunity to determine whether age-related differences in utilitarian moral decision-making during sacrificial moral dilemmas extend to non-sacrificial dilemmas in real-world settings. As affect and emotional memory are associated with moral and prosocial behaviors, we also sought to understand how these were associated with moral behaviors during the 2020 spring phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Older age, higher negative affect, and greater reports of reflecting on negative aspects of (...)
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  38.  32
    Health complaints, stress, and distress: Exploring the central role of negative affectivity.David Watson & James W. Pennebaker - 1989 - Psychological Review 96 (2):234-254.
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  39.  41
    Spillover Effects When Taking Turns in Dyadic Coping: How Lingering Negative Affect and Perceived Partner Responsiveness Shape Subsequent Support Provision.Lisanne S. Pauw, Suzanne Hoogeveen, Christina J. Breitenstein, Fabienne Meier, Valentina Rauch-Anderegg, Mona Neysari, Mike Martin, Guy Bodenmann & Anne Milek - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    When experiencing personal distress, people usually expect their romantic partner to be supportive. However, when put in a situation to provide support, people may at times be struggling with issues of their own. This interdependent nature of dyadic coping interactions as well as potential spillover effects is mirrored in the state-of-the-art research method to behaviorally assess couple’s dyadic coping processes. This paradigm typically includes two videotaped 8-min dyadic coping conversations in which partners swap roles as sharer and support provider. Little (...)
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  40.  13
    Perceived Driving Difficulty, Negative Affect, and Emotion Dysregulation in Self-Identified Autistic Emerging Drivers.Megan Fok, Justin M. Owens, Thomas H. Ollendick & Angela Scarpa - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Driving is central to adult independence and autonomy; yet most autistic young adults do not acquire driver’s licenses. It is important to understand barriers to achieving this milestone for autistic adults. Differences in negative affect and emotion dysregulation associated with autism may interfere with managing difficult driving situations. The current study compared perceived driving difficulty, emotion dysregulation, and negative affect in emerging drivers with and without autistic traits, and investigated how emotion dysregulation and negative (...) relate to perceived DD. We expected greater perceived DD, emotion dysregulation, and negative affect in participants with AT and a positive correlation of perceived DD with both emotion dysregulation and negative affect in the whole sample. Thirty-seven adolescents and young adults self-reported perceived DD in 15 scenarios and completed the Difficulty in Emotion Dysregulation Scale and the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale. Autistic participants scored significantly higher on mean perceived DD, DERS Impulse subscale, DASS total and DASS Stress subscale scores. Perceived DD positively correlated with the DERS and DASS total scores, all DASS subscales, and DERS Nonacceptance, Goals, and Impulse subscales across the whole sample. The findings highlight the roles of emotion dysregulation and negative affect in perceived DD in emerging drivers with AT. In particular, emotional stress and impulsivity may map onto mechanisms of over-reactivity to negative affect and explain why autistic people perceive particular situations as difficult when driving. Implications and directions for future research are discussed. (shrink)
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  41.  63
    Effects of alcohol, rumination, and gender on the time course of negative affect.Jeffrey S. Simons, Noah N. Emery, Raluca M. Simons, Thomas A. Wills & Michael K. Webb - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (7):1405-1418.
    This study modelled associations between gender, ruminative cognitive style, alcohol use, and the time course of negative affect over the course of 43,111 random assessments in the natural environment. Participants completed 49 days of experience sampling over 1.3 years. The data indicated that rumination at baseline was positively associated with alcohol dependence symptoms at baseline as well as higher negative affect over the course of the study. Consistent with negative reinforcement models, drinking served to decrease (...)
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  42.  25
    Sleep Quality and Self-Control: The Mediating Roles of Positive and Negative Affects.Jinru Liu, Lin Zhu & Conghui Liu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study examined the mediating roles of both positive and negative affects in the relationship between sleep quality and self-control. A sample of 1,507 Chinese adults completed self-report questionnaires measuring sleep quality, positive and negative emotions, and self-control. Poor sleep quality was positively correlated with negative affect and negatively correlated with positive affect and self-control. Positive affect was positively correlated with self-control, while negative affect was negatively correlated with self-control. Both positive and (...)
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  43.  45
    The Affective Bases of Risk Perception: Negative Feelings and Stress Mediate the Relationship between Mental Imagery and Risk Perception.Agata Sobkow, Jakub Traczyk & Tomasz Zaleskiewicz - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:190271.
    Recent research has documented that affect plays a crucial role in risk perception. When no information about numerical risk estimates is available (e.g., probability of loss or magnitude of consequences), people may rely on positive and negative affect toward perceived risk. However, determinants of affective reactions to risks are poorly understood. In a series of three experiments, we addressed the question of whether and to what degree mental imagery eliciting negative affect and stress influences risk (...)
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    The role of positive and negative affect in the “mirroring” of other persons' actions.Christof Kuhbandner, Reinhard Pekrun & Markus A. Maier - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (7):1182-1190.
    Numerous studies indicate that observing or knowing about another's action automatically activates the same motor representations that are active when we perform the other's action by ourselves. We investigated how affect influences this mirror mechanism. Based upon findings that positive affect encourages and negative affect impairs spreading activation, we hypothesised that positive affect should increase and negative affect decrease the automatic co-representation of other individuals' actions during jointly performed tasks. Recent research has shown (...)
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  45. Lights and Shadows of Trait Emotional Intelligence: Its Mediating Role in the Relationship Between Negative Affect and State Anxiety in University Students.Rocio Guil, Rocio Gómez-Molinero, Ana Merchán-Clavellino & Paloma Gil-Olarte - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Nowadays, students are experiencing difficult and stressful situations due to the Global Pandemic Alert. This changing world can evoke negative emotions that have been traditionally linked to higher anxiety. Researches have been focused on the positive outcomes of trait emotional intelligence preventing psychological disorders. However, the possibility that TEI might have a dark side has been neglected. Hence, this study aimed to explore the mediating effect of the three dimensions of TEI in the relationship between negative affect (...)
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    Emotion, working memory task demands and individual differences predict behavior, cognitive effort and negative affect.Justin Storbeck, Nicole A. Davidson, Chelsea F. Dahl, Sara Blass & Edwin Yung - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (1):95-117.
    We examined whether positive and negative affect motivates verbal and spatial working memory processes, respectively, which have implications for the expenditure of mental effort. We argue that when emotion promotes cognitive tendencies that are goal incompatible with task demands, greater cognitive effort is required to perform well. We sought to investigate whether this increase in cognitive effort impairs behavioural control over a broad domain of self-control tasks. Moreover, we predicted that individuals with higher behavioural inhibition system (BIS) sensitivities (...)
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    Mindfulness Training in Primary Schools Decreases Negative Affect and Increases Meta-Cognition in Children.Charlotte E. Vickery & Dusana Dorjee - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Reviewing the Effect of English as a Foreign Language Teachers’ Positive and Negative Affectivity on Their Work Engagement.Yuguo Fan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This review strives to illuminate the related studies on the effect of English as a Foreign Language teachers’ positive and negative emotions on their work engagement. The negative correlations among teachers’ boredom, apprehension, shame, frustration, and work engagement have been confirmed in the review of the literature. Furthermore, few studies have validated the effect of teachers’ positive emotions, such as enjoyment and pride, on their work engagement in educational contexts. The studies showed that some factors, such as teacher (...)
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  49.  29
    Impaired mu suppression to negative affect in Traumatic Brain Injured Patients.Rushby Jacqueline, McDonald Skye, De Blasio Frances & Kornfeld Emma - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  50.  36
    Mindfulness, Resilience, and Burnout Subtypes in Primary Care Physicians: The Possible Mediating Role of Positive and Negative Affect.Jesús Montero-Marin, Mattie Tops, Rick Manzanera, Marcelo M. Piva Demarzo, Melchor Álvarez de Mon & Javier García-Campayo - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:148357.
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