Results for ' Lexicographers'

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  1.  47
    Lexicographic expected utility without completeness.D. Borie - 2016 - Theory and Decision 81 (2):167-176.
    Standard theories of expected utility require that preferences are complete, and/or Archimedean. We present in this paper a theory of decision under uncertainty for both incomplete and non-Archimedean preferences. Without continuity assumptions, incomplete preferences on a lottery space reduce to an order-extension problem. It is well known that incomplete preferences can be extended to complete preferences in the full generality, but this result does not necessarily hold for incomplete preferences which satisfy the independence axiom, since it may obviously happen that (...)
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    Lexicographic additivity for multi-attribute preferences on finite sets.Yutaka Nakamura - 1997 - Theory and Decision 42 (1):1-19.
    This paper explores lexicographically additive representations of multi-attribute preferences on finite sets. Lexicographic additivity combines a lexicographic feature with local value tradeoffs. Tradeoff structures are governed by either transitive or nontransitive additive conjoint measurement. Alternatives are locally traded off when they are close enough within threshold associated with a dominant subset of attributes.
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    The lexicographic closure as a revision process.Richard Booth - 2001 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 11 (1):35-58.
    The connections between nonmonotonic reasoning and belief revision are well-known. A central problem in the area of nonmonotonic reasoning is the problem of default entailment, i.e., when should an item of default information representing “if θ is true then, normally, φ is true” be said to follow from a given set of items of such information. Many answers to this question have been proposed but, surprisingly, virtually none have attempted any explicit connection to belief revision. The aim of this paper (...)
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    A lexicographic path order with slow growing derivation bounds.Naohi Eguchi - 2009 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 55 (2):212-224.
    This paper is concerned with implicit computational complexity of the exptime computable functions. Modifying the lexicographic path order, we introduce a path order EPO. It is shown that a termination proof for a term rewriting system via EPO implies an exponential bound on the lengths of derivations. The path order EPO is designed so that every exptime function is representable as a term rewrite system compatible with EPO (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim).
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    Lexicographic Exponentiation of Chains.W. C. Holland, S. Kuhlmann & S. H. McCleary - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (2):389 - 409.
    The lexicographic power ΔΓ of chains Δ and Γ is, roughly, the Cartesian power Πγ∈Γ Δ, totally ordered lexicographically from the left. Here the focus is on certain powers in which either Δ = R or Γ = R, with emphasis on when two such powers are isomorphic and on when ΔΓ is 2-homogeneous. The main results are: (1) For a countably infinite ordinal α, Rα* +α ≃ Rα. (2) RR ≄ RQ. (3) For Δ a countable ordinal ≥ 2. (...)
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    A Lexicographic Decision Rule With Tolerances: The Example of Rule Choice in Organ Allocation.H. Kliemt - 2001 - Analyse & Kritik 23 (2):191-204.
    The implementation of the Wujciak algorithm as a new rule for organ allocation by Eurotransplant is of considerable interest for the theorist of choice making. In the process reformers accepted the status quo in principle but expected that their potential opponents would be willing to make minimal or 'tolerable' concessions. Thereby the consensual introduction of new dimensions of value and reforms of allocation practices based thereupon became viable. The paper characterizes a decision procedure based on ‘almost lexicographically pre-ordering established values (...)
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  7. Lexicographical addenda from the Homilies of the Emperor Leo VI.Theodora Antonopoulou - 2000 - Byzantion 70 (1):9-24.
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    Lexicographic priorities in default logic.Jussi Rintanen - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence 106 (2):221-265.
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    Lexicographic tradeoff structures.R. Duncan Luce - 1978 - Theory and Decision 9 (2):187-193.
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  10. Lexicographic macrostructures.Sandro Nielsen - 1990 - Hermes 4:49-66.
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    Infinite lexicographic products.Nadav Meir - 2022 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 173 (1):102991.
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    Lexicographer-scientists and the plasticity of lymphocytes.David R. Kaplan - 1988 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 32 (1):31.
  13. A Lexicographical Note.H. L. Tracy - 1955 - Classical Weekly 49:194.
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    Lexicographic pseudo MV-algebras.Anatolij Dvurečenskij - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (4):825-841.
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    Lexicographical Notes from the MahābhārataLexicographical Notes from the Mahabharata.Edward Washburn Hopkins - 1899 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 20:18.
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    Lexicographic systems.Rajeev Kohli - 1999 - Complexity 4 (4):15-25.
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    Two Lexicographical Notes.J. R. Wheeler - 1903 - The Classical Review 17 (01):28-29.
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    Axiomatization and completeness of lexicographic products of modal logics.Philippe Balbiani - 2011 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 21 (2):141-176.
    This paper sets out a new way of combining Kripke-complete modal logics: lexicographic product. It discusses some basic properties of the lexicographic product construction and proves axiomatization/completeness results.
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    Nonstandard utilities for lexicographically decomposable orderings.Davide Rizza - 2015 - Journal of Mathematical Economics 1 (60):105-109.
    Using a basic theorem from mathematical logic, I show that there are field-extensions ofRon which a class of orderings that do not admit any real-valued utility functions can be represented by uncountably large families of utility functions. These are the lexicographically decomposable orderings studied in Beardon et al. (2002a). A corollary to this result yields an uncountably large family of very simple utility functions for the lexicographic ordering of the real Cartesian plane. I generalise these results to the lexicographic ordering (...)
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    Lexicographical and Grammatical Notes on the Svapnavāsavadatta of BhāsaLexicographical and Grammatical Notes on the Svapnavasavadatta of Bhasa.Charles J. Ogden - 1915 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 35:269.
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    Lexicographical Notes on Delphic Oracles.H. W. Parke & D. E. W. Wormell - 1946 - The Classical Review 60 (01):11-13.
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    Did the Arabic Lexicographers Invent Majāz?Avigail Noy - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (4):803-822.
    This article argues that early Arabic philologists developed a robust, if implicit, theory of metaphorical language, one that was not dictated by theological concerns, and one that took shape outside the technical term majāz. The starting point of the article is the oft-cited claim found in Islamic legal theory, according to which authority over matters of majāz rested in the hands of the lexicographers. For Ibn Taymiyya, this was a lie meant to justify the acceptance of metaphor in the (...)
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  23.  14
    Defining collocation for lexicographic purposes: from linguistic theory to lexicographic practice.Adriana Orlandi & Laura Giacomini (eds.) - 2016 - Bern: Peter Lang.
    This volume deals with collocations from a lexicographic perspective by addressing, in detail, the boundaries between collocations and other word combinations, the possibility of adapting the definition of collocation to the objectives of specific dictionaries, and approaches towards collocation extraction for lexicographic purposes.
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    Lexicographical Latin - (R.) Ferri (ed.) The Latin of Roman Lexicography. (Ricerche Sulle Lingue di Frammentaria Attestazione 7.) Pp. 254, ills. Pisa and Rome: Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2011. Paper, €78. ISBN: 978-88-6227-376-3. [REVIEW]T. V. Evans - 2012 - The Classical Review 62 (2):528-530.
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    The Amarakośa and the Lexicographical Chapters of the AgnipurāṇaThe Amarakosa and the Lexicographical Chapters of the Agnipurana.Robert Birwé & Robert Birwe - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (3):383.
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    The Word Spectrum: A Lexicographic Note with a Query.Henry Guerlac - 1965 - Isis 56 (2):206-207.
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    Propagation algorithms for lexicographic ordering constraints.Alan M. Frisch, Brahim Hnich, Zeynep Kiziltan, Ian Miguel & Toby Walsh - 2006 - Artificial Intelligence 170 (10):803-834.
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    The Egyptian Temple: A Lexicographical Study.David P. Silverman & Patricia Spencer - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (1):116.
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    Collocations and other lexical combinations in Spanish: theoretical, lexicographical and applied perspectives.Sergi Torner Castells & Elisenda Bernal (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    This edited collection presents the state of the art in research related to lexical combinations and their restrictions in Spanish from a variety of theoretical approaches, ranging from Explanatory Combinatorial Lexicology to Distributed Morphology and Generative Lexicon Theory. Section 1 offers a presentation of the main theoretical and descriptive approaches to collocation. Section 2 explores collocation from the point of view of its lexicographical representation, while Section 3 offers a pedagogical perspective. Section 4 surveys current research on collocation in Catalan, (...)
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    Axiomatizing the lexicographic products of modal logics with linear temporal logics.Philippe Balbiani & David Fernández-Duque - 2016 - In Lev Beklemishev, Stéphane Demri & András Máté, Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 11. CSLI Publications. pp. 78-96.
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    Chapter 13. The lexicographical treatment of prototypical polysemy.Dirk Geeraerts - 2006 - In Words and Other Wonders: Papers on Lexical and Semantic Topics. Mouton de Gruyter.
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    (1 other version)Antisymmetry and Lexicographic Product Relations.Hartmut Höft - 1981 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 27 (22):337-344.
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    The Characterization of Concepts in a Metalanguage for Lexicographic Semantics.Keith Allan - 2024 - Topoi 43 (5):1621-1634.
    A successful lexicographic semantic description characterizes the concepts that occur in establishing the meaning of a listeme by modelling what the competent native-like speaker of the language knows. Because concepts can only be identified to another human through the medium of a natural language, the metalanguage used in the semantic definition of a natural language expression in the object language will always be equivalent to the natural language expression through which that metalanguage is interpreted. The metalanguage of a semantic theory (...)
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    Reflections of a transatlantic lexicographer.Laurence Urdang - 1995 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 6 (1):16-21.
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    Cultural aspects in the lexicographical discourse of the early twentieth century: The national linguistic identity in the Nuevos Chileanismos dictionary.Gabriel Valdés-León & Andrés Cerro Rojas - 2020 - Alpha (Osorno) 51:125-135.
    Resumen: El presente trabajo ofrece un análisis del diccionario Nuevos chilenismos con el objetivo de identificar los principales aspectos culturales presentes en esta obra chilena de principios del siglo XX. Gracias a un enfoque metodológico sustentado en la teoría fundamentada, es posible establecer que dentro de los aspectos culturales con mayor presencia destaca la conformación de la identidad lingüística chilena, lo que se evidencia a través de la valoración social que ofrece el autor de la norma nacional y, además, la (...)
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    Parallela graeco-latina: Φαpοc (antimachus, fr. 154 matthews) and other glosses in an unpublished lexicographical excerpt.Giambattista D'Alessio - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):633-650.
    Dealing with fragmentary texts is an unavoidable task for anyone working on the Greco-Roman world with the awareness that only a tiny portion of the texts produced in antiquity has survived the perilous process of transmission. Since the Renaissance, generations of scholars have painstakingly collected and sifted quotations, paraphrases and allusions in later authors and grammatical sources, laying the foundation for our knowledge of large parts of that lost world. More recently a spectacular increase was made possible by the papyrological (...)
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    Democratic approximation of lexicographic preference models.Fusun Yaman, Thomas J. Walsh, Michael L. Littman & Marie desJardins - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (7-8):1290-1307.
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    Rediscovering Dewey’s Concept of “Inquiry” in Francophone Literature: A Lexicographical Analysis of Scientific Production Pertaining to Education and Training Issues.Joris Thievenaz, Olivier Las-Vergnas & Nawel Kedidah Chair - 2025 - Education and Culture 40 (1):51-84.
    This article explores the resurgence and application of John Dewey’s concept of “inquiry” within Francophone literature, particularly in the context of education and training. Dewey’s “Theory of Inquiry,” first introduced in 1938, is examined through a comprehensive lexicographical analysis of 291 French- language scientific publications. The study identifies six main classes of pub- lications that utilize Dewey’s concept in diverse ways, ranging from philosophical analyses to practical applications in education and professional training. The analysis highlights the varied and evolving uses (...)
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    Translation of Personal and Place Names from and into Chinese in Modern China: A Lexicographical History Perspective.Wensheng Qu & Run Li - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 28 (3):525-557.
    This article mainly discusses the standardization of the translation of personal and place names. In the first section, common problems in the translations of foreign names and Chinese names are summarized. The basic principles of the translation of personal names are discussed and several systems used in the transliteration history of Chinese names are presented in detail. The author also makes a brief review and comments on bilingual dictionaries of personal names published in modern China. In the second section, based (...)
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    The Sanskrit Indeclinables of the Hindu Grammarians and Lexicographers.Allan Harrison Fry & Isidore Dyen - 1939 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 59 (4):528.
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  41. The historiographical method of Marie-Dominique Chenu, medievalist and lexicographer.G. Spinosa - 2002 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 94 (2):347-354.
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    Six Aspects that Influencing the Lexicographic Structure of Arabic-Indonesian Contextual Dictionary.Basuni Imamuddin, Ali Muof Al-Muof & Misi Gozan - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:83-93.
    This article analyzes six aspects that influence the structure of the Arabic-Indonesian Contextual dictionary. The six aspects are namely religiosity, lexicography, language, culture, semiotics, and communication. The method used in analyzing these six aspects is qualitative. The results obtained revealed [synthesize the main results of the research]. In the discussion section, these results are contextualized in light of the theoretical framework, highlighting the implications and relationships identified. Possible discrepancies and limitations of the study are also considered in this section. This (...)
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    IT terminology, translation, and semiotic levels: Cultural, lexicographic, and linguistic problems.Abdullah A. Khuwaileh & Tariq Khwaileh - 2011 - Semiotica 2011 (187):239-249.
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    Voting on multi-issue domains with conditionally lexicographic preferences.Jérôme Lang, Jérôme Mengin & Lirong Xia - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence 265 (C):18-44.
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  45. Two opposing theories: On HE Wiegand's recent discovery of lexicographic functions.Henning Bergenholtz & Sven Tarp - 2003 - Hermes 31:171-196.
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    Ayer's Influence on the Lexicographers.C. J. F. Williams - 1988 - Philosophy 63 (246):536 - 537.
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  47. What Web Ads, Blurbs and Introductions Tell Potential Dictionary Buyers about Users, User Needs and Lexicographic Functions.Birger Andersen - 2012 - Hermes 49.
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    The consistency of sense-related items in dictionaries Current status, proposals for modelling and applications in lexicographic practice.Carolin Miiller-Spitzer - 2010 - In Petra Storjohann, Lexical-Semantic Relations: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives. John Benjamins Pub. Company. pp. 28--145.
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  49. The consistency of sense-related items in dictionaries: Current status, proposals for modelling and applications in lexicographic practice.Carolin Müller-Spitzer - 2010 - In Petra Storjohann, Lexical-Semantic Relations: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives. John Benjamins Pub. Company.
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  50. The Native Speaker is Dead!: An Informal Discussion of a Linguistic Myth with Noam Chomsky and Other Linguists, Philosophers, Psychologists, and Lexicographers.Thomas M. Paikeday & Noam Chomsky - 1985 - Mississauga, Ont. : Paikeday.
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