Results for ' Inflation Reduction Act'

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  1.  29
    The Constitutionality of Medicare Drug-Price Negotiation under the Takings Clause.Raj Bhargava, Nathan Brown, Amy Kapczynski, Aaron S. Kesselheim, Stephanie Y. Lim & Christopher J. Morten - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (4):961-971.
    In recent months, pharmaceutical manufacturers have brought legal challenges to a provision of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) empowering the federal government to negotiate the prices Medicare pays for certain prescription medications. One key argument made in these filings is that price negotiation is a “taking” of property and violates the Takings Clause of the US Constitution. Through original case law and health policy analysis, we show that government price negotiation and even price regulation of goods and (...)
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    Medicare Drug Pricing Negotiations: Assessing Constitutional Structural Limits.Erica N. White, Mary Saxon, James G. Hodge & Joel Michaels - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (4):956-960.
    A series of structural constitutional arguments lodged in multiple cases against Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) authorities to negotiate prescription drug prices via the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act threaten the legitimacy of CMS program and federal agency powers.
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    Medicare Should Cover Weight Loss Drugs as Long as the Prices are Affordable.Catherine S. Hwang, Aaron S. Kesselheim & Benjamin N. Rome - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (1):188-190.
    Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists are effective for treating obesity, but the high cost of these medications endangers the financial viability of our health care system. To ensure that these drugs are available to Medicare beneficiaries, pharmaceutical manufacturers must lower their prices.
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    Australia: Acting on Opponents' Mistakes—Expense Reduction Analysts Group Pty Ltd v Armstrong Strategic Management and Marketing Pty Ltd and the Inadvertent Disclosure of Privileged Material.Katie Murray - 2014 - Legal Ethics 17 (1):132-134.
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    Governing Inflation: Price and Atmospheres of Emergency.Derek McCormack - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (2):131-154.
    Relative price stability is central to the security of valued forms of life in contemporary liberal democracies, and disruptions to price stability can be and have been understood and experienced as emergencies. However, while the relation between price and emergency can be understood in juridico–political terms, this article argues for the importance of attending to the affective dimensions of this relation. This argument is developed through a discussion of the affective life of price in relation to the disruptive event of (...)
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    The Post-Modern Aura: The Act of Fiction in an Age of Inflation.Marc Wortman - 1987 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1987 (71):171-178.
    In a remarkable range of disciplines — from legal studies to architecture, from art history to rock music — there is emerging a paradoxically unified approach to the theory of contemporary cultural dissolution. In the humanities in America, three major post-structuralist philosophic movements may be discerned, each describing a separate facet of traditional disciplinary studies yet all having a remarkable cross-departmental impact. These are the anti-foundationalism of Richard Rorty and other end-of-the-line philosophers in the American pragmatist tradition, the textual deconstructionists (...)
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    The Balancing Act—Ethical Issues in Parent Training Research: Confidentiality, Harm Reduction, and Methodology.Sharonne D. Herbert, Elizabeth A. Harvey & Richard P. Halgin - 2015 - Ethics and Behavior 25 (3):222-232.
    Attention and disruptive behavior disorders present considerable challenges for children and their parents. These challenges have led to the development of parenting programs; however, there is a paucity of literature that discusses the ethical dilemmas parent training researchers face. This article reviews ethical principles and professional standards relevant to parent training research and provides case material to illustrate the challenge of balancing ethical adherence and empirical rigor using three ethical issues that commonly arise in parent training research. In particular, this (...)
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    Anxiety-reduction and learning.O. H. Mowrer - 1940 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 27 (5):497.
  9. 10 Inflating truth.Adam Kovach - 2007 - In Dirk Greimann & Geo Siegwart, Truth and Speech Acts: Studies in the Philosophy of Language. London: Routledge. pp. 5--201.
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    L'acte est une aventure: du sujet métaphysique au sujet de l'actepouvoir.Gérard Mendel - 1998 - Paris: Decouverte.
    Descendre acheter le journal? Réflexion : vous délibérez, construisez un projet, argumentez. Décision prise, la volonté vous met debout. Alors, dès le premier pas, l'acte vient à la rencontre de l'action-projet qui agrégeait dans votre tête réflexion, délibération, argumentation, décision, volonté. L'acte est une aventure. Toute la réalité imprévisible du monde se trouvait là, en réserve, dont les créations intellectuelles de l'action escamotaient la part d'inconnu. On décide une action, c'est l'acte qu'on rencontre. Mais alors, pourquoi les deux mots sont-ils (...)
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  11. Twin pregnancy, fetal reduction and the 'all or nothing problem’.Joona Räsänen - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (2):101-105.
    Fetal reduction is the practice of reducing the number of fetuses in a multiple pregnancy, such as quadruplets, to a twin or singleton pregnancy. Use of assisted reproductive technologies increases the likelihood of multiple pregnancies, and many fetal reductions are done after in vitro fertilisation and embryo transfer, either because of social or health-related reasons. In this paper, I apply Joe Horton’s all or nothing problem to the ethics of fetal reduction in the case of a twin pregnancy. (...)
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    Reduction in Practice: Tracing Husserl's Real-Life Accomplishment of Reduction as Evidenced by his Idea of Phenomenology Lectures.Juha Himanka - 2019 - Phenomenology and Practice 13 (1):7-19.
    Husserl claimed that reduction is the true starting point of phenomenological research, but to figure out how this deed should actually be accomplished has turned out to be a very challenging task. In this study, I explicate how Husserl accomplished reduction during his series of lectures entitled The Idea of Phenomenology. He does not state it explicitly, but what actually happened on the last day of the lectures can be seen as consistent with his descriptions of reduction (...)
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  13.  42
    Time, Reduction, and Intentionality.Luis Niel - 2016 - Quaestiones Disputatae 7 (1):74-88.
    Based on some reflections found on Husserl’s C-manuscripts, the article focuses on the methodical path toward the disclosure of what I call the “primal-intentional-tension” (PIT)—namely, the differential relation between the I and the Not-I, at the most fundamental level of the constitution of time. In order to reach this essential structure of experience, I address the method of the reduction and its radicalization. I argue: first, that intentionality is for Husserl not only act-intentionality, since there are also other intentional (...)
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  14. Renewing meaning: a speech-act theoretic approach.Stephen J. Barker - 2004 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    This book develops an alternative approach to sentence- and word-meaning, which I dub the speech-act theoretic approach, or STA. Instead of employing the syntactic and semantic forms of modern logic–principally, quantification theory–to construct semantic theories, STA employs speech-act structures. The structures it employs are those postulated by a novel theory of speech-acts. STA develops a compositional semantics in which surface grammar is integrated with semantic interpretation in a way not allowed by standard quantification-based theories. It provides a pragmatic theory of (...)
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  15. Reduction, unity and the nature of science: Kant's legacy?Margaret Morrison - 2008 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 63:37-62.
    One of the hallmarks of Kantian philosophy, especially in connection with its characterization of scientific knowledge, is the importance of unity, a theme that is also the driving force behind a good deal of contemporary high energy physics. There are a variety of ways that unity figures in modern science—there is unity of method where the same kinds of mathematical techniques are used in different sciences, like physics and biology; the search for unified theories like the unification of electromagnetism and (...)
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    Omitted Costs, Inflated Benefits: Renewable Energy Policy in Ontario.Glenn Fox & Parker Gallant - 2011 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 31 (5):369-376.
    The government of Ontario has adopted wind energy development as an alternative energy source. It enacted the Green Energy and Economy Act, May 2009, with the intention to fast track the approval process regarding industrial wind turbines. The Act legislated a centralized decision making process while removing local jurisdictional authority. Throughout this process, the government reassured the public of inexpensive and reliable electricity. This article explores the costs and benefits related to the renewable energy policy established in Ontario, Canada.
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    Speech Act Pluralism in Argumentative Polylogues.Marcin Lewinski - 2021 - Informal Logic 42 (4):421-451.
    I challenge two key assumptions of speech act theory, as applied to argumentation: illocutionary monism, grounded in the idea each utterance has only one (primary) illocutionary force, and the dyadic reduction, which models interaction as a dyadic affair between only two agents (speaker-hearer, proponentopponent). I show how major contributions to speech act inspired study of argumentation adhere to these assumptions even as illocutionary pluralism in argumentative polylogues is a significant empirical fact in need of theoretical attention. I demonstrate this (...)
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  18. Speech Acts: Natural or Normative Kinds? The Case of Assertion.Brian Ball - 2014 - Mind and Language 29 (3):336-350.
    There are two views of the essences of speech acts: according to one view, they are natural kinds; according to the other, they are what I call normative kinds—kinds in the (possibly non-reductive) definition of which some normative term occurs. In this article I show that speech acts can be normative but also natural kinds by deriving Williamson's account of assertion, on which it is an act individuated, and constitutively governed, by a norm (the knowledge rule), from a consideration of (...)
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  19. Expressivity and completeness for public update logics via reduction axioms.Barteld Kooi - 2007 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 17 (2):231-253.
    In this paper, we present several extensions of epistemic logic with update operators modelling public information change. Next to the well-known public announcement operators, we also study public substitution operators. We prove many of the results regarding expressivity and completeness using so-called reduction axioms. We develop a general method for using reduction axioms and apply it to the logics at hand.
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  20. Self-validating reduction: Toward a theory of environmental devaluation.Anthony Weston - 1996 - Environmental Ethics 18 (2):115-132.
    Disvaluing nature—a cognitive act—usually leads quickly to devaluing it too: to real-world exploitation and destruction. Worse, in fact, nature in its devalued state can then be held up as an excuse and justification for the initial disvaluation. In this way, dismissal and destruction perpetuate themselves. I call this process “self-validating reduction.” It is crucial to recognize the cycle of self-validating reduction, both in general and specifically as it applies to nature, if we are to have any chance of (...)
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  21.  9
    Progressive Reduction of Iconic Gestures Contributes to School-Aged Children’s Increased Word Production.Ulrich J. Mertens & Katharina J. Rohlfing - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The economic principle of communication, according to which successful communication can be reached by least effort, has been studied for verbal communication. With respect to nonverbal behavior, it implies that forms of iconic gestures change over the course of communication and become reduced in the sense of less pronounced. These changes and their effects on learning are currently unexplored in relevant literature. Addressing this research gap, we conducted a word learning study to test the effects of changing gestures on children’s (...)
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    Nicolas Rouche. Recherche d'une algèbre logique continue. Ier Congrès International de Cybernétique, Namur, 26–29 Juin 1956, Actes, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, and Association Internationale de Cybernétique, Namur, 1958, pp. 90–99. - Wolfe Mays. Cybernetic models and thought processes. Ier Congrès International de Cybernétique, Namur, 26–29 Juin 1956, Actes, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, and Association Internationale de Cybernétique, Namur, 1958, pp. 103–110. - Henryk Greniewski. Logique et cybernétique. Ier Congrès International de Cybernétique, Namur, 26–29 Juin 1956, Actes, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, and Association Internationale de Cybernétique, Namur, 1958, pp. 117–119. - M. O. Rabin and D. Scott. Finite automata and their decision problems. IBM journal of research and development, vol. 3 , pp. 114–125. - J. C. Shepherdson. The reduction of two-way automata to one-way automata. IBM journal of research and development, vol. 3 , pp. 198–200. [REVIEW]Calvin C. Elgot - 1960 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 25 (2):163-164.
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    Crahay Franz. A propos d'une réduction fallacieuse des notions d'existence et de vérité. Actes du XIème Congrès International de Philosophie, Volume V, Logique, analyse philosophique, philosophie des mathématiques, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1953, and Éditions E. Nauwelaerts, Louvain 1953, pp. 156–159. [REVIEW]Carl G. Hempel - 1955 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 20 (1):56-56.
  24.  22
    « Logique du cœur ». Le tournant théo-anthropologique de la réduction phénoménologique selon Scheler (1913-1928).Christian Sommer - 2022 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 143 (4):7-19.
    Scheler, dans sa période dite intermédiaire, critique le caractère logique de la réduction husserlienne dont la méthode serait sous le joug d’un paradigme intellectualiste. Cette critique constructive prend la forme d’une inclusion des actes intentionnels alogiques ou émotionnels obéissant à une « logique du cœur », ce qui implique une opération d’inversion du primat, supposé traditionnel et dominant jusqu’à Husserl compris, de la connaissance sur l’affectivité, et singulièrement sur l’« amour ». Dans les derniers travaux de Scheler, la « logique (...)
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    On the Metamorphoses of Transcendental Reduction: Merleau-Ponty and “the Adventures of Constitutive Analysis.”.Stephen Watson - 2017 - In Véronique M. Fóti & Pavlos Kontos, Phenomenology and the Primacy of the Political: Essays in Honor of Jacques Taminiaux. Cham: Springer.
    Invocations of Merleau-Ponty’s claim concerning the incompleteness that accompanies the phenomenological reduction have had a long and somewhat contentious history. In this paper I will further explore the implications of Merleau-Ponty’s claim and the itinerary from which it emerges. From the Structure of Behaviour onward, he argued that consciousness is not a transcendental presupposition but an achievement that emerges from and transforms the labor of our rational practices. Phenomenological theory rightly argued for the centrality of the experience of the (...)
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    Abortion and multifetal pregnancy reduction: An ethical comparison.Silje Langseth Dahl, Rebekka Hylland Vaksdal, Mathias Barra, Espen Gamlund & Carl Tollef Solberg - 2021 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1:51-73.
    In recent years, multifetal pregnancy reduction has increasingly been a subject of debate in Norway. The intensity of this debate reached a tentative maximum when the Legislation Department delivered their interpretative statement, Section 2 - Interpretation of the Abortion Act, in 2016 in response to a request from the Ministry of Health that the Legislation Department consider whether the Abortion Act allows for MFPR of healthy fetuses in multiple pregnancies. The Legislation Department concluded that the current abortion legislation [as (...)
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    Forms of uncertainty reduction: decision, valuation, and contest.Patrik Aspers - 2018 - Theory and Society 47 (2):133-149.
    Uncertainty is an intriguing aspect of social life. Uncertainty is epistemic, future-oriented, and implies that we can neither predict nor foresee what will happen when acting. In cases in which no institutionalized certainty about future states exists, or can be generated, judgment is needed. This article presents the forms by which uncertainty is reduced as a result of judgments made about different alternatives in a process involving several actors. This type of uncertainty may exist, for example, about which artist is (...)
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    D’une réduction phénoménologique pratique. Scheler, Heidegger et l’appel de la conscience1.Paul Slama - 2018 - Philosophiques 45 (1):159-180.
    In this article, I want to understand how Max Scheler and Martin Heidegger understand the social norms for our perceptions and our daily practices, and how they describe the need to go beyond this normativity in favor of another, more “personal” or even more “authentic”. I defend that it is a call of consciousness that breaks the social normativity, and which commits the human being to no longer act mechanically, but to live freely. This break with social normativity is a (...)
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    La fin du droit?: actes du colloque des 5 et 6 décembre 2013.Aude Zaradny, Nathalie Wolff, Thibaut Fleury Graff & Mouloud Boumghar (eds.) - 2015 - Paris: Éditions Mare & Martin.
    A l'heure de l'inflation normative, une réflexion sur la fin du droit peut paraître paradoxale, voire aller à contre-courant des mutations contemporaines du droit. En outre, les nombreux travaux relatifs à ces mêmes mutations et aux transformations du droit ces dernières années laissent penser que le droit ne peut connaître de fin, se renouvelant en permanence pour ne jamais laisser d'espace de non droit. Sans à coup, sans coupe nette, le droit poursuivrait sa progression sans heurt. Le droit n'aurait-il (...)
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  30. Balancing Acts: Intending Good and Foreseeing Harm -- The Principle of Double Effect in the Law of Negligence.Edward C. Lyons - 2005 - Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy 3 (2):453-500.
    In this article, responding to assertions that the principle of double effect has no place in legal analysis, I explore the overlap between double effect and negligence analysis. In both, questions of culpability arise in situations where a person acts with no intent to cause harm but where reasonable foreseeability of unintended harm exists. Under both analyses, the determination of whether such conduct is permissible involves a reasonability test that balances that foreseeable harm against the good intended by the actor's (...)
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    Acts that Kill and Acts that Do Not — A Philosophical Analysis of the Dead Donor Rule.Cheng-Chih Tsai - 2021 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 17 (1):A3-31.
    In response to recent debates on the need to abandon the Dead Donor Rule (DDR) to facilitate vital-organ transplantation, I claim that, through a detailed philosophical analysis of the Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA) and the DDR, some acts that seem to violate DDR in fact do not, thus DDR can be upheld. The paper consists of two parts. First, standard apparatuses of the philosophy of language, such as sense, referent, truth condition, and definite description are employed to show (...)
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    Cost-Sharing Reductions, Technocrat Tinkering, and Market-Based Health Policy.Allison K. Hoffman - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (4):873-876.
    The Trump Administration has exposed both the durability and vulnerability of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act's insurance reforms. One of the Administration's first strikes at “Obamacare” was to discontinue federal government payment of cost-sharing reductions, which insurers pay to low-income enrollees on the exchanges to reduce their out-of-pocket share of medical spending. The states struck back with a clever solution that could hold insurers and enrollees harmless. This article examines this strategy and why, while impressive, it reaffirms larger (...)
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  33.  24
    Acting in solidarity with the poor? Some conceptual and practical challenges.Catherine Lu - 2023 - Ethics and Global Politics 16 (2):38-45.
    Monique Deveaux’s Poverty, Solidarity, and Poor-Led Social Movements makes a timely, compelling, and important intervention in the philosophical literature on poverty and global justice, and improves our understanding of the nature and extent of responsibilities of variously situated agents towards the poor. Deveaux’s focus on poor-led social movements emphasizes that effective poverty reduction requires building up the collective capacities of the poor to engage in joint collective action to oppose and dismantle unjust structures. This approach politicizes poverty and provides (...)
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    Reexamining the Pathways to Reduction in Tobacco-Related Disease.Robert L. Rabin - 2014 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 15 (2):507-538.
    Six years ago, when I last wrote on tobacco policy, my perspective was to offer an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of a halfcentury of tobacco control strategies aimed at reducing the health risks associated with cigarette smoking. I began with a discussion of informational strategies; then turned to public place restrictions; and followed with a treatment of excise tax initiatives. In my view, restrictions on advertising and promotion and resort to tort litigation had been less effective as control (...)
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    Arguments and Speech Acts Reconsidered.Scott Jacobs - 2024 - Topoi 43 (4):1269-1286.
    The widely accepted view of making an argument articulated by van Eemeren and Grootendorst (1982, 1984) has three unresolved problems that become apparent when one moves from conceptualization of the ideal to the varied practices of real argument. They are: (1) the reduction of argument components to assertives, (2) the identification of illocutionary force with a particular, contingent perlocutionary intent (convincing the listener to accept the arguer’s standpoint), and (3) the restriction of felicity conditions to fit those consistent with (...)
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    The Properties and Utility of Less Evaluative Personality Scales: Reduction of Social Desirability; Increase of Construct and Discriminant Validity.Martin Bäckström & Fredrik Björklund - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Evaluative neutralization implies rephrasing items such that it is less clear to the respondent what would be a desirable response in the given population. The current research introduces evaluatively neutralized scales measuring the FFM model and compares them with standard counterparts. Study 1 reveals that evaluatively neutralized scales are less influenced by social desirability. Study 2 estimates higher-order factor models for neutralized vs. standard five-factor scales. In contrast to standard inventories, there was little support for higher-order factors for neutralized scales. (...)
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  37. Credit Card Pricing: The Card Act and Beyond.Ryan Bubb & Oren Bar-Gill - unknown
    We take a fresh look at the concerns about credit card pricing and empirically investigate whether the Credit CARD Act of 2009 has been successful in addressing those concerns. The rational choice theory of credit card pricing, which posits that issuers use back-end fees to adjust the price of credit to reflect new information about borrowers’ credit risk, predicts that issuers will respond to the Act by using alternative ways to price risk. In contrast, the behavioral economics theory, which posits (...)
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    Qu’est-ce qu’un signe linguistique? Le revers psychologique de la théorie husserlienne des actes de signification à l’époque des "Recherches logiques".Maria Gyeman - 2014 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 4:219.
    Dans le § 8 de la 1ère recherche logique Husserl explique qu'est-ce que c'est l'expression, par opposition à un autre type de signe: l'indice. Ce qu'est en jeu, c'est la spécificité de l'expression, entendue par Husserl comme une sorte de signe qui présente un caractère clair. Mais afin de determiner l'expression Husserl effectue une opération interpretée par Derrida comme un premier type de réduction: réduction du langage a une forme du soliloque. En d'autres termes, au moment où Husserl doit expliquer (...)
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    Uncertainty and the act of making a difficult choice.Jonathan J. Hall - 2023 - Philosophical Explorations 26 (3):368-390.
    A paradigmatic experience of agency is the felt effort associated with the act of making a difficult choice. The challenge of accounting for this experience within a compatibilist framework has been called ‘the agency problem of compatibilism’ (Vierkant, 2022, The Tinkering Mind: Agency, Cognition and the Extended Mind, Oxford University Press, 116). In this paper, I will propose an evolutionarily plausible, actional account of deciding which explains the phenomenology. In summary: The act of making a difficult choice is triggered by (...)
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    Cost Reduction Strategies for Emergency Services: Insurance Role, Practice Changes and Patients Accountability. [REVIEW]Daniel Simonet - 2009 - Health Care Analysis 17 (1):1-19.
    Progress in medicine and the subsequent extension of health coverage has meant that health expenditure has increased sharply in Western countries. In the United States, this rise was precipitated in the 1980s, compounded by an increase in drug consumption which prompted the government to re-examine its financial support to care delivery, most notably in hospital care and emergencies services. In California for example, 50 emergency service providers were closed between 1990 and 2000, and nine in 1999–2000 alone. In that State, (...)
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  41. A Minimal Libertarianism: Free Will and the Promise of Reduction.Christopher Evan Franklin - 2018 - New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
    In this book, Christopher Evan Franklin develops and defends a novel version of event-causal libertarianism. This view is a combination of libertarianism--the view that humans sometimes act freely and that those actions are the causal upshots of nondeterministic processes--and agency reductionism--the view that the causal role of the agent in exercises of free will is exhausted by the causal role of mental states and events (e.g., desires and beliefs) involving the agent. Franklin boldly counteracts a dominant theory that has similar (...)
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    Does the paradox of choice exist in theory? A behavioral search model and pareto-improving choice set reduction algorithm.Shane Sanders - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-11.
    A growing body of empirical evidence suggests the existence of a Paradox of Choice, whereby a larger choice set leads to a lower expected payoff to the decisionmaker. These empirical findings contradict traditional choice-theoretic results in microeconomics and even social psychology, suggesting profound yet unexplained aspects of choice settings/behavior. The Paradox remains largely as a theoretically-rootless empirical phenomenon. We neither understand the mechanisms and conditions that generate it, nor whether the Paradox stems from choice behavior, choice setting, or both. We (...)
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    Adventures of the Reduction[REVIEW]Dermot Moran - 2006 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 80 (2):283-293.
    In his illuminating Aquinas Lecture Jacques Taminiaux offers a bold interpretation of certain contemporary European philosophers in terms of the way in which they react to and transform Husserl’s phenomenological reduction. He highlights issues relating to embodiment, personhood, and value. Taminiaux sketches Husserl’s emerging conception of the reduction and criticizes certain Cartesian assumptions that Husserl retains even after the reduction, and specifically the assumption that directly experienced mental acts and states are not given in adumbrations but present (...)
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    Social Media in Disaster Risk Reduction and Crisis Management.David E. Alexander - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (3):717-733.
    This paper reviews the actual and potential use of social media in emergency, disaster and crisis situations. This is a field that has generated intense interest. It is characterised by a burgeoning but small and very recent literature. In the emergencies field, social media (blogs, messaging, sites such as Facebook, wikis and so on) are used in seven different ways: listening to public debate, monitoring situations, extending emergency response and management, crowd-sourcing and collaborative development, creating social cohesion, furthering causes (including (...)
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    Husserl's theory of the phenomenological reduction in the logical investigations.Quentin Smith - 1979 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 39 (3):433-437.
    Husserl conceived of the "reduction" in the "logical investigations" in a different manner than he conceived of it in his later works. In this book, The "reduction" is not a bracketing of the empirical ego so as to attain a self-Enclosed transcendental ego with its intentional acts, Hyletic data, And noemata. Rather it is a reduction that proceeds in part through an adequate inner perception, And in part through recollection and "empirical assumption," and which results in an (...)
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    Phantasying, How to Get Out of Oneself and Yet to Remain Within: Alfred Schutz’s Interpretation of Husserl’s Phenomenological Reduction.Marek Chojnacki - 2019 - Schutzian Research 11:121-141.
    Assuming the importance of Alfred Schutz’s “protosociology” in social theory as a given, the paper tries to explore its philosophical core, treating Schutz’s sociophenomenology as an answer to the most fundamental questions of phenomenology, such as evidence and phenomenological reduction. It analyses Schutz’s point of departure – the problematization of Max Weber’s concept of the meaning of social action and its deepening by means of Henri Bergson’s and Edmund Husserl’s notion of time – and tries to unravel the double (...)
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  47. The Problem of Moral Luck: An Argument Against its Epistemic Reduction.Anders Schinkel - 2009 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 12 (3):267-277.
    Whom I call ‘epistemic reductionists’ in this article are critics of the notion of ‘moral luck’ that maintain that all supposed cases of moral luck are illusory; they are in fact cases of what I describe as a special form of epistemic luck, the only difference lying in what we get to know about someone, rather than in what (s)he deserves in terms of praise or blame. I argue that epistemic reductionists are mistaken. They implausibly separate judgements of character from (...)
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    L’opposition nature/culture et le programme de réduction des sciences de la culture à la sociobiologie.J. Nicolas Kaufmann - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 2:62-67.
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    Generalized Ehrenfest Relations, Deformation Quantization, and the Geometry of Inter-model Reduction.Joshua Rosaler - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (3):355-385.
    This study attempts to spell out more explicitly than has been done previously the connection between two types of formal correspondence that arise in the study of quantum–classical relations: one the one hand, deformation quantization and the associated continuity between quantum and classical algebras of observables in the limit \, and, on the other, a certain generalization of Ehrenfest’s Theorem and the result that expectation values of position and momentum evolve approximately classically for narrow wave packet states. While deformation quantization (...)
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    L’'me d’un fou à travers son acte dans Aristote, Éthique à Nicomaque.Catherine Darbo‑Peschanski - 2011 - Chôra 9:243-257.
    Nous nous sommes proposés ici de montrer qu’Aristote caractérise le fou (μαινόμενος) dans le cadre d’un système différencié d’autres notions, sans en faire seulement un cas limite, quasiment impensé. Le point de départ de l’étude est l’analyse de la triade ἀκούσιον/δι᾽ ἄγνοιαν/ἀγνοῶν qui convoque aux côtés du fou : l’homme en colère, l’homme pris de vin, celui qui dort, le méchant (μοχθηρός), l’intempérant/incontinent (ἀκρατής), le malade. Cela implique de déterminer les types d’ignorance en cause dans les actes accomplis dans chaque (...)
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