Results for ' Indigenous health'

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  1.  38
    Indigenous Health.Michael Herbert - 2005 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 11 (2):9.
    Herbert, Michael Indigenous health is everybody's responsibility. This is true from the national policy level, to state governments and clinics on the ground. Whichever way a particular health issue is approached, and new perspectives are certainly needed, the bottom line is that the determinants of health always reflect back to the living conditions, education, past injustices, and socioeconomic circumstances of the Aboriginal population.
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    Indigenous health research ethics in Australia: applying guidelines as the basis for negotiating research agreements.Margaret Scrimgeour & Terry Dunbar - 2006 - Monash Bioethics Review 25 (2):S53-S62.
    The introduction of the National Health and Medical Research Council guidelines for the ethical conduct of Indigenous health research: Values and Ethics: guidelines for ethical conduct in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research (NHMRC, 2003), has prompted renewed debate about the ethical assessment of Indigenous health research in Australia. Concern has been expressed that these guidelines provide inadequate protection of Indigenous interests and that their introduction will result in a rolling back of (...)
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    Indigenous health ethics: an appeal to human rights.Deborah Zion, Linda Briskman & Alireza Bagheri (eds.) - 2020 - New Jersey: World Scientific.
    This book examines the intersections of bioethics, human rights and health equity. It does so through the contextual lenses of nation states while presenting global themes on rights, colonialism and bioethics. The book is framed by the following propositions on indigenous health: it is a human rights issue; it is located within the politics of colonization; and subjugated indigenous knowledges require restoring.
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    Indigenous Health Care, Bioethics and the Influence of Place.Andrew Crowden - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (5):56-58.
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    Reconciliation and australian indigenous health in the 1990s: A failure of public policy.Andrew Gunstone - 2008 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 5 (4):251-263.
    In 1991, the Australian Commonwealth Parliament unanimously passed the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation Act 1991. This Act implemented a 10-year process that aimed to reconcile Indigenous and non-Indigenous people by the end of 2000. One of the highest priorities of the reconciliation process was to address Indigenous socio-economic disadvantage, including health, education and housing. However, despite this prioritising, both the Keating Government (1991–1996) and the Howard Government (1996–2000) failed to substantially improve socio-economic outcomes for Indigenous (...)
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  6. Closing 'the gap'on indigenous health?Zohl dé Ishtar - 2008 - Nexus 20 (3):15.
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    ‘Maybe what I do know is wrong…’: Reframing educator roles and professional development for teaching Indigenous health.Alison Francis-Cracknell, Mandy Truong & Karen Adams - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (2):e12531.
    Settler colonisation continues to cause much damage across the globe. It has particularly impacted negatively on Indigenous peoples’ health and wellbeing causing great inequity. Health professional education is a critical vehicle to assist in addressing this; however, non‐Indigenous educators often feel unprepared and lack skill in this regard. In this qualitative study, 20 non‐Indigenous nursing, physiotherapy and occupational therapy educators in Australia were interviewed about their experiences and perspectives of teaching Indigenous health. Findings (...)
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    Black bodies and Bioethics: Debunking Mythologies of Benevolence and Beneficence in Contemporary Indigenous Health Research in Colonial Australia.Chelsea J. Bond, David Singh & Sissy Tyson - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (1):83-92.
    We seek to bring Black bodies and lives into full view within the enterprise of Indigenous health research to interrogate the unquestioned good that is taken to characterize contemporary Indigenous health research. We articulate a Black bioethics that is not premised upon a false logic of beneficence, rather we think through a Black bioethics premised upon an unconditional love for the Black body. We achieve this by examining the accounts of two Black mothers, fictional and factual (...)
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    COVID-19, gender and health: Recentring women in African indigenous health discourses in Zimbabwe for environmental conservation.Molly Manyonganise - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (3):9.
    In precolonial Africa, women were the major authorities in herbal remedies within their own homes and at the community level, where they focused on disease prevention and cure. Such roles were pushed to the periphery of Africa’s health discourse by the introduction of Western modes of healing. Furthermore, missionaries branded African indigenous medicine (AIM) as evil and categorised it within the sphere of witchcraft. However, the emergence of new diseases which conventional medicine has found difficult to cure seems (...)
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  10. Reflecting on a role for sociology in indigenous health.Priscilla Pyett - 2008 - Nexus 20 (3):11.
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    Health ethics and Indigenous ethnocide.Richard Matthews - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (7):827-834.
    In colonial societies such as Canada the implications of colonialism and ethnocide (or cultural genocide) for ethical decision‐making are ill‐understood yet have profound implications in health ethics and other spheres. They combine to shape racism in health care in ways, sometimes obvious, more often subtle, that are inadequately understood and often wholly unnoticed. Along with overt experiences of interpersonal racism, Indigenous people with health care needs are confronted by systemic racism in the shaping of institutional structures, (...)
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    Indigenous Narratives of Health: (Re)Placing Folk-Medicine within Irish Health Histories.Ronan Foley - 2015 - Journal of Medical Humanities 36 (1):5-18.
    With the increased acceptance of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) within society, new research reflects deeper folk health histories beyond formal medical spaces. The contested relationships between formal and informal medicine have deep provenance and as scientific medicine began to professionalise in the 19th century, lay health knowledges were simultaneously absorbed and disempowered (Porter 1997). In particular, the ‘medical gaze’ and the responses of informal medicine to this gaze were framed around themes of power, regulation, authenticity and narrative (...)
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  13.  59
    Intercultural Health Practices: Towards an Equal Recognition Between Indigenous Medicine and Biomedicine? A Case Study from Chile. [REVIEW]Maria Costanza Torri - 2012 - Health Care Analysis 20 (1):31-49.
    Over the past few years, intercultural health has become an emerging issue in health policy. Intercultural health is an approach in health that aims at reducing the gap between indigenous and western health systems, on the basis of mutual respect and equal recognition of these knowledge systems. This article questions the applicability of such a concept in the context of Chile. Here, conflicting interests between the Mapuche and the Chilean state are related to aspects (...)
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  14.  50
    Decolonizing health care: Challenges of cultural and epistemic pluralism in medical decision-making with Indigenous communities.Sara Marie Cohen-Fournier, Gregory Brass & Laurence J. Kirmayer - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (8):767-778.
    The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada made it clear that understanding the historical, social, cultural, and political landscape that shapes the relationships between Indigenous peoples and social institutions, including the health care system, is crucial to achieving social justice. How to translate this recognition into more equitable health policy and practice remains a challenge. In particular, there is limited understanding of ways to respond to situations in which conventional practices mandated by the state and regulated by (...)
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  15.  15
    An indigenous New Zealand health researcher’s perspective.Chris Cunningham - 2003 - Monash Bioethics Review 22 (4):26-30.
  16. Indigenous African Philosophy as a Paradigm for Health and Social Care Research: A Philosophical and Methodological Discussion.Jonathan Bayuo - 2025 - Nursing Inquiry 32 (2):e70002.
    The growing demand for research that is culturally sensitive and contextually relevant is leading to a greater acceptance of indigenous paradigms. Despite this, African philosophy, with its rich cultural and ethical dimensions, is still developing as a field. This paper delves into the philosophical concepts of Ubuntu, Ukama and Consciencism, exploring the ontology, epistemology, axiology and methodology of indigenous African philosophy. It highlights the importance of relationships, community, interconnectedness and a holistic understanding of human existence and experiences. (...) African philosophy presents itself as an alternative framework for addressing health and social issues through co‐creation, active participation and empowerment. Ontologically, it focuses on relativism and individuals defined by their social and relational contexts. Epistemologically, it values the social construction of knowledge, which should be shared for the benefit of others. Relational ethics are central to African axiology. Together, the ontological, epistemological and axiological basis of African philosophy form a unique paradigm that emphasize community and examine phenomena in both physical and spiritual contexts to achieve a comprehensive understanding. (shrink)
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  17. Reconciliation, Health and Indigenous Australians.Helen Mccabe - 2008 - Ethics Education 14 (2).
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  18.  15
    Delivering Culturally-Appropriate, Technology-Enabled Health Care in Indigenous Communities.Laszlo Sajtos, Nataly Martini, Shane Scahill, Hemi Edwards, Potaua Biasiny-Tule & Hiria Te Rangi - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (2):322-331.
    Indigenous health is becoming a top priority globally. The aim is to ensure equal health opportunities, with a focus on Indigenous populations who have faced historical disparities. Effective health interventions in Indigenous communities must incorporate Indigenous knowledge, beliefs, and worldviews to be culturally appropriate.
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    Storywork to Decolonize Mental Health: Recentering Indigenous Histories in Canada, Kenya and Australia.Lorena Jonard, Abraham J. Cohen, Sharnee Hegarty & Mohamed Ibrahim - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (3):399-417.
    Colonization has had extremely negative impacts on the mental health and wellness of Indigenous peoples throughout the world. In this paper we take up colonial processes as they relate to Indigenous lives and mental health in three contexts: Canada, Kenya and Australia. This work engages storytelling and the method of storywork (Archibald et al., 2019) as a way to preserve and pass on history and as a way of resisting colonial oppression. This work is grounded in (...)
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  20.  23
    Emerging health needs and epidemiological research in indigenous peoples in Brazil.Carlos Ea Coimbra Jr, Ricardo Ventura Santos, F. M. Salzano & A. M. Hurtado - 2004 - In Francisco M. Salzano & A. Magdalena Hurtado, Lost paradises and the ethics of research and publication. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Caring for Indigenous families in the neonatal intensive care unit.Amy L. Wright, Marilyn Ballantyne & Olive Wahoush - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (2):e12338.
    Inequitable access to health care, social inequities, and racist and discriminatory care has resulted in the trend toward poorer health outcomes for Indigenous infants and their families when compared to non‐Indigenous families in Canada. How Indigenous mothers experience care during an admission of their infant to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit has implications for future health‐seeking behaviors which may influence infant health outcomes. Nurses are well positioned to promote positive health care interactions (...)
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  22.  48
    The Role of Law in Ameliorating Global Inequalities in Indigenous Peoples' Health.Constance MacIntosh - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (1):74-88.
    State and international laws have often been instruments of oppression against Indigenous peoples, enabling and casting a veil of legitimacy over state actions that dispossess, assimilate, and discriminate. In the contemporary setting such law has, at times, come to be harnessed to support or protect Indigenous interests, including addressing Indigenous health deficits and associated injustices.
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    The cultural erosion of Indigenous people in health care.Richard Matthews - 2017 - Canadian Medical Association Journal 2 (189).
    The paper describes the unique health ethics challenges of working with Indigenous peoples. It explores the distorting impacts of colonial law and economic policy on clinical ethics decision making and makes some practical recommendations for overcoming or subverting them.
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  24. Indigenous Research: A Commitment to Walking the Talk. The Gudaga Study—an Australian Case Study.Jennifer A. Knight, Elizabeth J. Comino, Elizabeth Harris & Lisa Jackson-Pulver - 2009 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 6 (4):467-476.
    Increasingly, the role of health research in improving the discrepancies in health outcomes between Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations in developed countries is being recognised. Along with this comes the recognition that health research must be conducted in a manner that is culturally appropriate and ethically sound. Two key documents have been produced in Australia, known as The Road Map and The Guidelines, to provide theoretical and philosophical direction to the ethics of Indigenous health (...)
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  25.  44
    Diagnosis and Treatment for Vulvar Cancer for Indigenous Women From East Arnhem Land, Northern Territory: Bioethical Reflections.Pam McGrath, Nicole Rawson & Leonora Adidi - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (2):343-352.
    This paper explores the bioethical issues associated with the diagnosis and treatment of vulvar cancer for Indigenous women in East Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Australia. Based on a qualitative study of a vulvar cancer cluster of Indigenous women, the article highlights four main topics of bioethical concern drawn from the findings: informed consent, removal of body parts, pain management, and issues at the interface of Indigenous and Western health care. The article seeks to make a contribution (...)
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  26.  28
    Recruitment and Engagement of Indigenous Peoples in Brain-Related Health Research.Miles Schaffrick, Melissa L. Perreault, Louise Harding & Judy Illes - 2023 - Neuroethics 16 (3):1-14.
    Objectives To characterize recruitment approaches to research on the brain and mind that involves Indigenous peoples. Methods We conducted a secondary analysis of a Harding et al. (2021) scoping review. Reviewers screened studies (_n_ = 66) for sampling methods, recruitment and engagement, positionality statements, and details on ethics approvals. Synthesis We identified twenty-nine (29) English-language articles relevant to the analysis. Of these, 52% (_n_ = 15/29) reported a mix of sampling methods; 45% (_n_ = 13/29) contained statements or information (...)
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    The Right to Health of the Awá Camawari Indigenous People: Strategies for the Recognition and Promotion of Community Health.Lidue Olsy Suarez Díaz, Fanny Janeth Torres Cantuca & Karina Roosby Gallardo Solarte - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:325-341.
    The objective of this article was to gain insight into the community health practices of the Awá-Camawari indigenous people of the Vegas Chagüi Chimbuza reservation, situated within the Ricaurte municipality of the Nariño Department. The methodology was qualitative, with a review of the literature supported by the hermeneutical historical approach. Interviews were conducted with 16 informants and two petition rights holders. The findings indicate that there has been minimal progress in the community-differential health model. There are shortcomings (...)
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    Applying cultural safety beyond Indigenous contexts: Insights from health research with Amish and Low German Mennonites.Amélie Blanchet Garneau, Helen Farrar, HaiYan Fan & Judith Kulig - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (1):e12204.
    People who identify as members of religious communities, such as the Amish and Low German Mennonites, face challenges obtaining quality health care and engagement in research due in part to stereotypes that are conveyed through media and popular discourses. There is also a growing concern that even when these groups are engaged in research, the guiding frameworks of the research fail to consider the sociocultural or historical relations of power, further skewing power imbalances inherent in the research relationship. This (...)
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  29.  15
    The ethics of health research and indigenous peoples.Jane McKendrick & Pamela Aratukutuku Bennett - 2003 - Monash Bioethics Review 22 (4):20-25.
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    Aprendiendo de La Vida (Learning from Life): Development of a Radionovela to Promote Preventive Health Care Utilization among Indigenous Farmworkers from Mexico Living in California.Annette E. Maxwell, Sandra Young, Norma Gomez, Khoa Tran, L. Cindy Chang, Elisabeth Nails, David Gere & Roshan Bastani - 2021 - Journal of Medical Humanities 43 (2):365-376.
    Mixtecs and Zapotecs, originating from the Oaxaca area in Mexico, are among the largest indigenous groups of workers in California. Many adults in this community only access the health care system when sick and as a last resort. This article describes the development of a radionovela to inform the community about the importance of preventive health care. It was developed following the Sabido Method. The methodology to develop a radionovela may be of interest to other public (...) practitioners who want to develop educational materials in an engaging format, especially for communities that rely on oral, not written information. (shrink)
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    Understanding access to healthcare among Indigenous peoples: A comparative analysis of biomedical and postcolonial perspectives.Tara Horrill, Diana E. McMillan, Annette S. H. Schultz & Genevieve Thompson - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (3):e12237.
    As nursing professionals, we believe access to healthcare is fundamental to health and that it is a determinant of health. Therefore, evidence suggesting access to healthcare is problematic for many Indigenous peoples is concerning. While biomedical perspectives underlie our current understanding of access, considering alternate perspectives could expand our awareness of and ability to address this issue. In this paper, we critique how access to healthcare is understood through a biomedical lens, how a postcolonial theoretical lens can (...)
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    New light through old windows: nurses, colonists and indigenous survival.Ann McKillop, Nicolette Sheridan & Deborah Rowe - 2013 - Nursing Inquiry 20 (3):265-276.
    The aim of this study was to explore the influences, processes and environments that shaped the practice of European nurses for indigenous New Zealand (NZ) Māori communities who were being overwhelmed by introduced infectious diseases. Historical data were accessed from multiple archival sources and analysed through the lens of colonial theory. Through their work early last century, NZ nurses actively gained professional status and territory through their work with Māori. By living and working alongside Māori, they learned to practise (...)
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  33.  3
    Indigenous nurses’ practice realities of cultural safety and socioethical nursing.Kiri Hunter & Catherine Cook - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (6):1472-1483.
    Background: Persistent healthcare emphasis on universal moral philosophy has not advantaged indigenous and marginalised groups. Centralising cultural components of care is vital to provide ethical healthcare services to indigenous people and cultural minorities internationally. Woods’ theoretical explication of how nurses can integrate cultural safety into a socioethical approach signposts ethical practice that reflects culturally congruent relational care and systemic critique. Aim: To demonstrate the empirical utility of Woods’ ethical elements of cultural safety within a socioethical model, through analysis (...)
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  34.  21
    A critical exploration of nurses' perceptions of access to oncology care among Indigenous peoples: Results of a national survey.Tara C. Horrill, Donna E. Martin, Josée G. Lavoie & Annette S. H. Schultz - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (1):e12446.
    Inequities in access to oncology care among Indigenous peoples in Canada are well documented. Access to oncology care is mediated by a range of factors; however, emerging evidence suggests that healthcare providers, including nurses, play a significant role in shaping healthcare access. The purpose of this study was to critically examine access to oncology care among Indigenous peoples in Canada from the perspective of oncology nurses. Guided by postcolonial theoretical perspectives, interpretive descriptive and critical discourse analysis methodologies informed (...)
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  35.  11
    The emergence of cultural safety within kidney care for Indigenous Peoples in Australia.Melissa Arnold-Ujvari, Elizabeth Rix & Janet Kelly - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (3):e12626.
    Cultural safety is increasingly recognised as imperative to delivering accessible and acceptable healthcare for First Nations Peoples within Australia and in similar colonised countries. A literature review undertaken to inform the inaugural Caring for Australians with Renal Insufficiency (CARI) guidelines for clinically and culturally safe kidney care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples revealed a timeline of the emergence of culturally safe kidney care in Australia. Thirty years ago, kidney care literature was purely biomedically focused, with culture, family and (...)
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  36.  61
    Mexican Indigenous Psychologies, Cosmovisons, and Altered States of Consciousness.Nuria Ciofalo - 2023 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (5):103-122.
    Indigenous psychologies are informed by their cosmogonies and cosmologies, philosophies, spirituality and religions, traditions and customs, and knowledge and praxis systems. This paper reviews some conceptions of consciousness, psyche, spirit, mental and physical health, relations to all Earth Beings (human and nonhuman), ancestors, nature, and altered states of consciousness among the Nahua and Maya of Mexico. Colonization has threatened these rich legacies by imposing the conquerors' cosmologies. However, these Indigenous communities continue to use plants, mushrooms, and some (...)
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    AUSN Conference on Bioethics, Public Health and Peace for Indigenous Peoples.Darryl Macer - 2014 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 24 (4):106-113.
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    Indigenous research ethics and Tribal Research Review Boards in the United States: examining online presence and themes across online documentation.Nicole S. Kuhn, Ethan J. Kuhn, Michael Vendiola & Clarita Lefthand-Begay - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (3):574-603.
    Researchers seeking to engage in projects related to Tribal communities and their citizens, lands, and non-human relatives are responsible for understanding and abiding by each Tribal nation’s research laws and review processes. Few studies, however, have described the many diverse forms of Tribal research review systems across the United States (US). This study provides one of the most comprehensive examinations of research review processes administered by Tribal Research Review Boards (TRRBs) in the US. Through a systematic analysis, we consider TRRBs’ (...)
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    Indigenous Peoples, Consent and Benefit Sharing– Learning Lessons from the San-Hoodia Case.Rachel Wynberg, Doris Schroeder & Roger Chennells (eds.) - 2009 - Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
    Indigenous Peoples, Consent and Benefit Sharing is the first in-depth account of the Hoodia bioprospecting case and use of San traditional knowledge, placing it in the global context of indigenous peoples’ rights, consent and benefit-sharing. It is unique as the first interdisciplinary analysis of consent and benefit sharing in which philosophers apply their minds to questions of justice in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), lawyers interrogate the use of intellectual property rights to protect traditional knowledge, environmental scientists (...)
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  40. Indigenous Concepts of Consciousness, Soul, and Spirit: A Cross-Cultural Perspective.Radek Trnka & Radmila Lorencova - 2022 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 29 (1-2):113-140.
    Different cultures show different understandings of consciousness, soul, and spirit. Native indigenous traditions have recently seen a resurgence of interest and are being used in psychotherapy, mental health counselling, and psychiatry. The main aim of this review is to explore and summarize the native indigenous concepts of consciousness, soul, and spirit. Following a systematic review search, the peer-reviewed literature presenting research from 55 different cultural groups across regions of the world was retrieved. Information relating to native concepts (...)
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    Culturally appropriate consent processes for community-driven indigenous child health research: a scoping review.Cindy Peltier, Sarah Dickson, Viviane Grandpierre, Irina Oltean, Lorrilee McGregor, Emilie Hageltorn & Nancy L. Young - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-12.
    Background Current requirements for ethical research in Canada, specifically the standard of active or signed parental consent, can leave Indigenous children and youth with inequitable access to research opportunities or health screening. Our objective was to examine the literature to identify culturally safe research consent processes that respect the rights of Indigenous children, the rights and responsibilities of parents or caregivers, and community protocols. Methods We followed PRISMA guidelines and Arksey and O’Malley’s approach for charting and synthesizing (...)
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    Indigenous knowledge around the ethics of human research from the Oceania region: A scoping literature review.Etivina Lovo, Lynn Woodward, Sarah Larkins, Robyn Preston & Unaisi Nabobo Baba - 2021 - Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine 16 (1):1-14.
    Background Many indigenous people have died or been harmed because of inadequately monitored research. Strong regulations in Human Research Ethics (HRE) are required to address these injustices and to ensure that peoples’ participation in health research is safe. Indigenous peoples advocate that research that respects indigenous principles can contribute to addressing their health inequities. This scoping literature review aims to analyze existing peer reviewed and grey literature to explore how indigenous values and principles from (...)
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    Nurses as agents of disruption: Operationalizing a framework to redress inequities in healthcare access among Indigenous Peoples.Tara C. Horrill, Donna E. Martin, Josée G. Lavoie & Annette S. H. Schultz - 2021 - Nursing Inquiry 28 (3):e12394.
    Health equity is a global concern. Although health equity extends far beyond the equitable distribution of healthcare, equitable access to healthcare is essential to the achievement of health equity. In Canada, Indigenous Peoples experience inequities in health and healthcare access. Cultural safety and trauma‐ and violence‐informed care have been proposed as models of care to improve healthcare access, yet practitioners lack guidance on how to implement these models. In this paper, we build upon an existing (...)
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    Indigenous Knowledge in a Postgenomic Landscape: The Politics of Epigenetic Hope and Reparation in Australia.Maurizio Meloni, Emma Kowal & Megan Warin - 2020 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 45 (1):87-111.
    A history of colonization inflicts psychological, physical, and structural disadvantages that endure across generations. For an increasing number of Indigenous Australians, environmental epigenetics offers an important explanatory framework that links the social past with the biological present, providing a culturally relevant way of understanding the various intergenerational effects of historical trauma. In this paper, we critically examine the strategic uptake of environmental epigenetics by Indigenous researchers and policy advocates. We focus on the relationship between epigenetic processes and (...) views of Country and health—views that locate health not in individual bodies but within relational contexts of Indigenous ontologies that embody interconnected environments of kin/animals/matter/bodies across time and space. This drawing together of Indigenous experience and epigenetic knowledge has strengthened calls for action including state-supported calls for financial reparations. We examine the consequences of this reimagining of disease responsibility in the context of “strategic biological essentialism,” a distinct form of biopolitics that, in this case, incorporates environmental determinism. We conclude that the shaping of the right to protection from biosocial injury is potentially empowering but also has the capacity to conceal forms of governance through claimants’ identification as “damaged,” thus furthering State justification of biopolitical intervention in Indigenous lives. (shrink)
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    Through a Critical Lens: Expertise in Epidemiology for and by Indigenous Peoples.Erica Prussing - 2020 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 45 (6):1142-1167.
    Epidemiology for and by Indigenous peoples uses quantitative and statistical methods to better document Indigenous health concerns, and is oriented around providing data for use in advocacy to promote Indigenous health equity. This advocacy-oriented, technoscientific work bridges the often distinct social worlds of Indigenous communities, professional public health research, and public policy-making. Using examples from a multisited ethnographic study in three settings, this paper examines the forms of expertise that researcher/practitioners enact as they (...)
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    Speaking about Weeds: Indigenous Elders’ Metaphors for Invasive Species and Their Management.Thomas Michael Bach & Brendon M. H. Larson - 2017 - Environmental Values 26 (5):561-581.
    Our language and metaphors about environmental issues reflect and affect how we perceive and manage them. Discourse on invasive species is dominated by aggressive language of aliens and invasion, which contributes to the use of war-like metaphors to promote combative control. This language has been criticised for undermining scientific objectivity, misleading discourse, and restricting how invasive species are perceived and managed. Calls have been made for alternative metaphors that open up new management possibilities and reconnect with a deeper conservation ethic. (...)
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    Ethics in indigenous research – connecting with community.Terry Dunbar & Margaret Scrimgeour - 2006 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 3 (3):179-185.
    The challenge for those responsible for funding, brokering and assessing the merit of proposed Indigenous research is to identify and then work co-operatively with appropriate representatives of Indigenous interests in order to increase the flow of benefits from research to Indigenous peoples. Experience in Australia has shown that this is not a straightforward process. In this paper we indicate some reasons why it is important for the research community to broker research with representative Indigenous organisations and (...)
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    Editorial Introduction: Indigenous Philosophies of Consciousness.Radek Trnka & Radmila Lorencova - 2023 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (5):99-102.
    Indigenous understandings of consciousness represent an important inspiration for scientific discussions about the nature of consciousness. Despite the fact that Indigenous concepts are not outputs of a research driven by rigorous, scientific methods, they are of high significance, because they have been formed by hundreds of years of specific routes of cultural evolution. The evolution of Indigenous cultures proceeded in their native habitat. The meanings that emerged in this process represent adaptive solutions that were optimal in the (...)
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    First Nations health care and the Canadian covenant.Stephen Wilmot - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (1):61-69.
    In this paper I explore the relationship between the Canadian state and Canada’s First Nations, in the context of the Canadian health care system. I argue that Canada’s provision of health care to its citizens can be best understood morally in terms of a covenant, but that the covenant fails to meet the needs of indigenous peoples. I consider three ways of changing the relationship and obligations linking Canada’s First Nations and the Canadian state, with regard to (...)
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    Social Media and Mobile Apps for Health Promotion in Australian Indigenous Populations: Scoping Review.Carl Brusse, Karen Gardner, Daniel McAullay & Michelle Dowden - 2014 - Journal of Medical Internet Research 16 (12):e280.
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