Results for ' Hegel's absolute idealism'

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    On Hegel's Absolute Idealism.Tom Rockmore - 1991 - Dialogue and Humanism 1 (1):99-108.
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  2. Rāmānuja’s Viśiṣṭādvaita and Hegel’s Absolute Idealism -A Comparative Study.Shakuntala Gawde - 2018 - Journal of the Oriental Institute 67 (1-4):93-114.
    Rāmānuja is known as a theistic ācārya who interpreted Brahmasūtras in Viśiṣṭādvaita point of view. He propounded his philosophy by refuting Kevāldvaita system of Śaṅkara. He criticized the existence and knowledge of indeterminate objects and refuted the concept of Nirviśeṣa Brahman. Therefore, Brahman for him is Saviśeṣa. The name Viśiṣṭādvaita itself signifies that it is Qualified Monism. Brahman is qualified by matter and soul. Matter and soul though real are completely dependent on Brahman for their existence. Hegel is a German (...)
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    Does Kant’s opus postumum Anticipate Hegel’s Absolute Idealism?Kenneth R. Westphal - 2009 - In Ernst-Otto Jan Onnasch (ed.), Kants Philosophie der Natur: Ihre Entwicklung Im Opus Postumum Und Ihre Wirkung. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 357-384.
    The three presumptions that Hegel’s idealism further develops or radicalises Kant’s transcendental idealism, that their respective versions of idealism are linked by Kant’s account of self-positing (Selbstsetzungslehre) in the late opus postumum and that the basic model of Hegel’s early idealism holds also for his mature system are wide-spread and largely unexamined. This paper examines several problems confronting these presumptions, including Hegel’s refutation of the basic premises of Kant’s transcendental idealism and Transzendentalphilosophie in the late (...)
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    Hegel’s vanity. Schelling’s early critique of absolute idealism.Juan José Rodríguez - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 84 (1):1-17.
    In this article, we present for the first time Schelling’s early critique of absolute idealism within his middle metaphysics (1804–1820), which has great relevance and influence on the subsequent course of German philosophy, and, more broadly considered, on later systematic thinking about the categories of unity and duality. We aim to show how Schelling defends a form of metaphysical duality, from 1804 onwards, without relapsing into a stronger Kantian dualism. In this sense, our author rejects both the dualism (...)
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  5. Does Kant’s Opus Postumum Anticipate Hegel’s Absolute Idealism?Kenneth R. Westphal - 2009 - In Ernst-Otto Jan Onnasch (ed.), Kants Philosophie der Natur: Ihre Entwicklung Im Opus Postumum Und Ihre Wirkung. Walter de Gruyter.
    The three presumptions that Hegel’s idealism further develops or radicalises Kant’s transcendental idealism, that their respective versions of idealism are linked by Kant’s account of self-positing (Selbstsetzungslehre) in the late opus postumum and that the basic model of Hegel’s early idealism holds also for his mature system are wide-spread and largely unexamined. This paper examines several problems confronting these presumptions, including Hegel’s refutation of the basic premises of Kant’s transcendental idealism and Transzendentalphilosophie in the late (...)
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    Absoluter Idealismus und zeitgenössische Philosophie: Bedeutung und Aktualität von Hegels Denken = Absolute idealism and contemporary philosophy: meaning and up-to-dateness of Hege's thought.Giacomo Rinaldi - 2012 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
    Die Entwicklung der zeitgenossischen Philosophie ist durch Hegels Denken entscheidend beeinflusst worden. Die Grunde fur seine andauernde Aktualitat aber sind selten verstanden worden. Im Gegensatz zu vielen Hegel-Interpreten wird hier der -absolute Idealismus- als das Wesen der Philosophie Hegels erkannt. Die -dialektische Methode- und das -System- bilden eine untrennbare Einheit. Auf dieser Grundlage erfolgt in einer streng theoretisch-systematischen Perspektive eine konsistente Auslegung von Hegels -Philosophie des unendlichen Selbstbewusstseins-. Einen besonderen Schwerpunkt legt die Arbeit auf die Auseinandersetzung mit dem gegenwartigen (...)
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    Absolute Idealism.Sebastian Stein - 2019 - In John Shand (ed.), A Companion to Nineteenth Century Philosophy (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy). Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 83–116.
    Hegel's absolute idealism has proven to be one of the most controversial philosophical positions to characterize. The most abstract categories of essence are what Hegel calls the determinations of reflection, i.e. identity, difference and ground. Continuing his analysis of the determinations of essence, Hegel then discusses the notions of subsistence, relation and the whole and its parts and arrives at essence's determinations of “inner” and outer: the “inner” functions as ground of appearance and opposes the externality of (...)
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  8. Hegel's idealism: the satisfactions of self-consciousness.Robert B. Pippin - 1989 - New York:
    This is the most important book on Hegel to have appeared in the past ten years. The author offers a completely new interpretation of Hegel's idealism that focuses on Hegel's appropriation and development of Kant's theoretical project. Hegel is presented neither as a pre-critical metaphysician nor as a social theorist, but as a critical philosopher whose disagreements with Kant, especially on the issue of intuitions, enrich the idealist arguments against empiricism, realism, and naturalism. In the face of (...)
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    Hegel’s metaphilosophy of idealism.James Chambers - 2021 - Metaphilosophy 52 (5):628-641.
    If, as Hegel claims, all philosophy is idealism, then defining his philosophy in these terms makes his idealism a metaphilosophy. This most obvious fact about his definition is the most overlooked. It is the key to a definitive, comprehensive and clear-cut interpretation of Hegel’s idealism. If Hegel defines all philosophy as idealism and thus his own idealism as a metaphilosophy, then his own idealism must be both the same as the old philosophies in this (...)
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  10. The Abolition of Time in Hegel's "Absolute Knowing".Jacob Blumenfeld - 2013 - Idealistic Studies 43 (1-2):111-119.
    In the history of interpretations of Hegel, how one reads the chapter on “Absolute Knowing” in the Phenomenology of Spirit determines one’s whole perspective. In fact, Marx’s only comments on the Phenomenology concern this final chapter, taking it as the very “secret” of Hegel’s philosophy. But what is the secret hidden within the thicket of this impenetrable prose? My suggestion is that it turns on a very specific meaning of the “abolition of time” that Hegel describes in the very (...)
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    Hegel’s Foundation Free Metaphysics: The Logic of Singularity.Gregory S. Moss - 2020 - New York/London: Routledge.
    Contemporary philosophical discourse has deeply problematized the possibility of absolute existence. Hegel’s Foundation Free Metaphysics demonstrates that by reading Hegel’s Doctrine of the Concept in his Science of Logic as a form of Absolute Dialetheism, Hegel’s logic of the concept can account for the possibility of absolute existence. Through a close examination of Hegel’s concept of self-referential universality in his Science of Logic, Moss demonstrates how Hegel’s concept of singularity is designed to solve a host of metaphysical (...)
  12. The metaphilosophical implications of Hegel´s conception of absolute idealism as the true philosophy.Hector Ferreiro - 2022 - In Luca Illetterati & Giovanna Miolli (eds.), The Relevance of Hegel’s Concept of Philosophy: From Classical German Philosophy to Contemporary Metaphilosophy. New York: Bloomsbury. pp. 75–90.
    In the Remark to the final paragraph of the Chapter on “existence” (Dasein) in the Logic of the Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Basic Outline (1830) Hegel states that the “ideality of the finite is the chief proposition of philosophy” and that “every true philosophy is for that reason idealism” (Enz § 95A). In turn, at the end of the Chapter on “existence” in the Science of Logic (1832) Hegel claims, further, that “every philosophy is essentially idealism (...)
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    Space, Time, and the Openness of Hegel’s Absolute Knowing.Christopher Lauer - 2006 - Idealistic Studies 36 (3):169-181.
    While Hegel argues in the Phenomenology of Spirit’s chapter on “Absolute Knowing” that we must see the necessity of each of spirit’s transitions if phenomenology is to be a science, he argues in its last three paragraphs that such a science must “sacrifice itself ” in order for spirit to express its freedom. Here I trace out the implications of this self-sacrifice for readings of the transitions in the Phenomenology, playing particular attention to the roles that space and time (...)
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    (1 other version)The Subject in Hegel’s Absolute Idea.Clinton Tolley - 2018 - Hegel Bulletin 1:1-31.
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    Hegel’s Reasons For Using the Concept of an Absolute.Crawford L. Elder - 1983 - Idealistic Studies 13 (1):50-60.
    “Spirit,” Hegel writes in par. 389 of the Encyclopaedia, “is the existent truth of matter—the truth that matter itself has no truth.” The same claim is made in more understandable form in the Zusatz which follows: “the material, which lacks independence in the face of spirit, is freely pervaded by the latter which overarches this its Other,” reducing this Other “to an ideal moment and to something mediated.” Philosophers who have written on Hegel will recognize these passages as ones which (...)
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    Education as "Absolute Transition" in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right.Kelly M. S. Swope - 2016 - Idealistic Studies 46 (3):237-258.
    G. W. F. Hegel’s Elements of Philosophy of Right analogizes the unfolding of a people’s political self-consciousness to the unfolding of an education. Yet Hegel is somewhat unsystematic in accounting for how the process of political education unfolds in its differentiated moments. This paper pieces together a more systematic account of political education from Hegel’s scattered remarks on the subject in Philosophy of Right. I argue that, once we understand how political education fits into the holistic picture of Hegel’s Rechtsphilosophie, (...)
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  17. What can we learn from Hegel's objective-idealist theory of the concept that goes beyond the theories of Sellars, McDowell, and Brandom.Vittorio Hösle - 2009 - In Markus Gabriel (ed.), The dialectic of the absolute-Hegel's critique of transcendent metaphysics. Continuum.
  18. The Idealism of Hegel’s System.Edward C. Halper - 2002 - The Owl of Minerva 34 (1):19-58.
    This paper aims to show Hegel’s system to be a self-generating and conceptually closed system and, therefore, an idealism. Many readers have agreed that Hegel intends his logic to be a self-generating, closed system, but they assume that the two branches of Realphilosophie, Nature and Spirit, must involve the application of logical categories to some non-conceptual reality external to them. This paper argues that Nature emerges from logic by the reapplication of the opening logical categories to the final category (...)
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    What Can We Learn from Hegel's Objective-Idealist Theory of the Concept that Goes Beyond the Theories of Sellars.Vittorio Hösle - 2009 - In Markus Gabriel (ed.), The dialectic of the absolute-Hegel's critique of transcendent metaphysics. Continuum. pp. 216.
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    Modern Scepticism, Metaphysics, and Absolute Knowing in Hegel's Science of Logic.Robert Engelman - forthcoming - Hegel Bulletin:1-28.
    While there are good reasons to think that Hegel would not engage with modern scepticism in the Science of Logic, this article argues that he nevertheless does so in a way that informs the text's conception of logic as the latter pertains to metaphysics. Hegel engages with modern scepticism's general concerns that philosophy should begin without unexamined presuppositions and should come to attain not only knowledge of truth, but corresponding second-order knowledge: knowledge of knowing truth. These concerns inform two needs (...)
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    Hegel's Concept of Life: Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic by Karen Ng (review).Marina F. Bykova - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (3):527-528.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Hegel's Concept of Life: Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic by Karen NgMarina F. BykovaKaren Ng. Hegel's Concept of Life: Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. iii + 319. Hardback, $85.00.In her insightful book, Karen Ng defends the fundamental significance of Hegel's concept of life, which she considers "constitutive" not merely of his dynamic account of reason but also of his "idealist program" itself (3–4), (...)
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    Hegel’s Realm of Shadows: Logic as Metaphysics in “the Science of Logic”.Robert B. Pippin - 2018 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Hegel frequently claimed that the heart of his entire system was a book widely regarded as among the most difficult in the history of philosophy, The Science of Logic. This is the book that presents his metaphysics, an enterprise that he insists can only be properly understood as a “logic,” or a “science of pure thinking.” Since he also wrote that the proper object of any such logic is pure thinking itself, it has always been unclear in just what sense (...)
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  23.  74
    The Conclusion of Hegel’s Logic: From Objectivity to the Absolute Idea.James Kreines - 2017 - In Dean Moyar (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Hegel. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    Hegel’s System. Der Idealismus der Subjektivität und das Problem der Intersubjektivität. [REVIEW]Giacomo Rinaldi - 2001 - The Owl of Minerva 33 (1):111-119.
    The recent publication of the second edition of this monumental work by Hösle on Hegel’s philosophical system, which appeared for the first time in 1988, is surely to be regarded as one of the most important and encouraging events in continental philosophy this past decade. For, on the one hand, the very necessity of a second edition obviously indicates that the first fortunately did not escape the attention of a wide readership. On the other hand, it adds a postscript, in (...)
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    Marx’s Inferential Commitment to Hegel’s Idealism in the Grundrisse.Matthew J. Smetona - 2012 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 16 (2):351-372.
    Recent studies have made the familiar observation that the economic categories in Marx’s works are presented in the dialectical form of the logical categories in Hegel’s works. The purpose of this article is to move beyond this observation by demonstrating that Marx’s appropriation of Hegel’s dialectical method articulated in the Science of Logic implicates, in opposition to his own explicit statements, the philosophical argument of his Grundrisse in an inferential commitment to Hegel’s idealism. Marx, it is argued, cannot appropriate (...)
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    Hegel's Epistemological Realism. [REVIEW]Daniel Berthold-Bond - 1991 - Review of Metaphysics 45 (1):157-158.
    This book presents a sophisticated, ambitious, and very valuable reading of Hegel's "absolute idealist" philosophy as being committed to a position of epistemological realism. Westphal's method of approach incorporates two basic levels of analysis. First, the work gives a very close examination of the "Introduction" to the Phenomenology of Spirit, tracing out the structure of Hegel's argument for epistemological realism and the way in which a successful realism requires a socio-historical grounding of knowledge. Second, Westphal spends a (...)
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  27. Hegel and formal idealism.Manish Oza - 2022 - Hegel Bulletin:1-25.
    I offer a new reconstruction of Hegel’s criticism of Kant’s idealism. Kant held that we impose categorial form on experience, while sensation provides its matter. Hegel argues that the matter we receive cannot guide our imposition of form on it. Contra recent interpretations, Hegel’s argument does not depend on a conceptualist account of perception or a view of the categories as empirically conditioned. His objection is that given Kant’s dualistic metaphysics, the categories cannot have material conditions for correct application. (...)
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    Hegel`s Phenomenology of Spirit and the Problem of the Kantian Thing-in-itself.Afshin Alikhani - 2024 - Falsafe (the Iranian Journal of Philosophy) 22 (1):307-326.
    The concept of the thing in itself in Kant's philosophy is the element which deprives us of knowing the thing as it is in itself. Hegel, who believed that knowledge is limited by nothing but itself, had to eliminate the thing in itself in his Absolute Idealism and in this way make his concept of Knowledge absolute. Many scholars believe that he did so in the first part of his Phenomenology of Spirit, titled 'Consciousness'. In this paper, (...)
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    Hegel’s The Phenomenology of Spirit: Stylistic and Terminological Analysis.Tatsiana G. Rumyantseva - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (10):59-73.
    In 2020 the international philosophical community celebrates the 250th anniversary of the birth of G.W.F. Hegel. This anniversary provides an excellent opportunity to once again reconsider to the iconic works of the great German philosopher, among them, special attention should be paid to The Phenomenology of the Spirit, which is universally considered as one of the most famous works of world philosophical literature. Being the first of Hegel’s major works and, at the same time, the first and only part of (...)
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    An Apology for Hegel’s Idealism Against its Realist Metaphysician Critics.Giacomo Rinaldi - 1987 - The Owl of Minerva 19 (1):53-62.
    It is almost unanimously acknowledged that the formation of Hegel’s philosophy was largely determined by the appropriation and further development of some fundamental achievements of Kant’s transcendental idealism - first of all his polemic against the “old metaphysics” or, as Hegel also said, the “empty metaphysics of the understanding”. The most decisive assumption of this metaphysics consisted, indeed, in the belief that the totality of our universe could be exhaustively resolved into a plurality of isolated entities, devoid of any (...)
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    In the Spirit of Hegel: Post-Kantian Subjectivity, the Phenomenology Of Spirit, and Absolute Idealism.Gary Dorrien - 2012 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 33 (3):200-223.
    The greatest philosopher of the modern experience, G. W. F. Hegel, was deeply rooted in Plato, Aristotle, and Spinoza, and he synthesized the riches of Kantian and post-Kantian idealism. He put dynamic panentheism into play in modern theology, and in some way he inspired nearly every great philosophical idea and movement of the past two centuries. Yet no thinker is as routinely misconstrued as Hegel, partly because his greatest work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, defies categorization and is notoriously hard (...)
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    The Trembling of the Concept: The Material Genesis of Living Being in Hegel's Realphilosophie.Joseph Carew - 2012 - Pli 23.
    Although Hegel's absolute idealism is often presented as a solipsistically self-grounding, the Realphilosophie offers us an another image of Hegel which not only challenges standard interpretations, but more importantly gives us valuable resources to rethink living being. The zero-level determinacy of nature as “the idea in its otherness” has two consequences. Firstly, the starting point of any philosophy of nature must be a realism, insofar as nature's material constitution shows itself as unthought-like. Secondly, if idealism is (...)
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    Approach, interactive, 203 approach, practice oriented, 86.Hegel’S. Absolute - 2012 - In Judith M. Green, Stefan Neubert & Kersten Reich (eds.), Pragmatism and diversity: Dewey in the context of late twentieth century debates. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 75--233.
  34. Finite and Absolute Idealism.Robert Pippin - 2015 - In Sebastian Gardner & Matthew Grist (eds.), The Transcendental Turn. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Any interpretation of Hegel which stresses both his deep dependence on and radical revision of Kant must account for the nature of the difference between what Hegel calls a merely finite idealism and a so-called ’Absolute Idealism’. Such a clarification in turn depends on understanding Hegel’s claim to have preserved the distinguishability of intuition and concept, but to have insisted on their inseparability, or, to have defended their ’organic’ rather than ’mechanical’ relation. This is the main issue (...)
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  35. Hegel’s Misunderstood Treatment of Gauss in the Science of Logic.Edward Beach - 2006 - Idealistic Studies 36 (3):191-218.
    This essay explores Hegel’s treatment of Carl Friedrich Gauss’s mathematical discoveries as examples of “Analytic Cognition.” Unfortunately, Hegel’s main point has been virtually lost due to an editorial blunder tracing back almost a century, an error that has been perpetuated in many subsequent editions and translations.The paper accordingly has three sections. In the first, I expose the mistake and trace its pervasive influence in multiple languages and editions of the Wissenschaft der Logik. In the second section, I undertake to explain (...)
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    Not Hegel’s tales: Applied concepts, negotiated truths and the reciprocity of un-equals in conceptual pragmatism.Allegra Laurentiis - 2007 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 33 (1):83-98.
    The article expresses skepticism on the alleged affinity between Hegel’s theory of conceptuality and conceptual pragmatism. Despite the intriguing philosophical impetus underlying the latter, the author formulates doubts about its compatibility with logical and metaphysical principles of absolute idealism. The criticism is articulated in four theses: (1) pragmatism’s concerns with (ultimately empirical) concept-acquisition and concept-application are largely alien to Hegel’s logical-metaphysical theory of conceptuality; (2) the interchangeability of ‘word’ and ‘concept’ in the pragmatist discussion is incompatible with Hegel’s (...)
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  37. Quietism, Dialetheism, and the Three Moments of Hegel's Logic.G. Anthony Bruno - 2024 - In Robb Dunphy & Toby Lovat (eds.), Metaphysics as a Science in Classical German Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    The history of philosophy risks a self-opacity whereby we overestimate or underestimate our proximity to prior modes of thinking. This risk is relevant to assessing Hegel’s appropriation by McDowell and Priest. McDowell enlists Hegel for a quietist answer to the problem with assuming that concepts and reality belong to different orders, viz., how concepts are answerable to the world. If we accept Hegel’s absolute idealist view that the conceptual is boundless, this problem allegedly dissolves. Priest enlists Hegel for a (...)
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    An Introduction to Hegel.Howard P. Kainz & Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - unknown
    In a sense it would be inappropriate to speak of “Hegel’s system of philosophy,” because Hegel thought that in the strict sense there is only one system of philosophy evolving in the Western world. In Hegel’s view, although at times philosophy’s history seems to be a chaotic series of crisscrossing interpretations of meanings and values, with no consensus, there has been a teleological development and consistent progress in philosophy and philosophizing from the beginning; Hegel held that his own version of (...)
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  39. Husserl’s Philosophy of the Categories and His Development toward Absolute Idealism.Clinton Tolley - 2017 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 94 (3):460-493.
    In recent work, Amie Thomasson has sought to develop a new approach to the philosophy of the categories which is metaphysically neutral between traditional realist and conceptualist approaches, and which has its roots in the ‘correlationalist’ approach to categories put forward in Husserl’s writings in the 1900s–1910s and systematically charted over the past few decades by David Woodruff Smith in his studies of Husserl’s philosophy. Here the author aims to provide a recontextualization and critical assessment of correlationalism in a Husserlian (...)
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  40. On Hegel's Critique of Kant's Subjectivism in the Transcendental Deduction.Dennis Schulting - 2017 - In Kant's Radical Subjectivism: Perspectives on the Transcendental Deduction. London, UK: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 341-370.
    In this chapter, I expound Hegel’s critique of Kant, which he first and most elaborately presented in his early essay Faith and Knowledge (1802), by focusing on the criticism that Hegel levelled against Kant’s (supposedly) arbitrary subjectivism about the categories. This relates to the restriction thesis of Kant’s transcendental idealism: categorially governed empirical knowledge only applies to appearances, not to things in themselves, and so does not reach objective reality, according to Hegel. Hegel claims that this restriction of knowledge (...)
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  41. Hegel's Ladder.J. M. Bernstein - 2000 - Dialogue 39 (4):803-818.
    The goal of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit is to achieve absolute knowing. Minimally, knowing can be absolute only if it is unconditioned or unlimited; that is, only if it is not essentially contrasted with some other possible knowing—say, God's—or is not restricted such that it necessarily does not pertain to certain items—say, freedom of the will, the immortality of the soul, or God. Knowing can be absolute only if these items, appropriately interpreted, are within its scope. (...)
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    Cognition: An Introduction to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit.Tom Rockmore - 1997 - Univ of California Press.
    Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, the philosopher's first and perhaps greatest work, is the most important philosophical treatise of the nineteenth century. In this companion volume to his general introduction to Hegel, Tom Rockmore offers a passage-by-passage guide to the Phenomenology for first-time readers of the book and others who are not Hegel specialists. Rockmore demonstrates that Hegel's concepts of spirit, consciousness, and reason can be treated as elements of a single, coherent theory of knowledge, one that remains strikingly (...)
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    Hegel’s Return to Leibniz? The Fate of Rationalist Ontology after Kant.Andree Hahmann - 2023 - Idealistic Studies 53 (3):237-261.
    This paper examines the development of the modern concept of substance from Leibniz to Hegel. I will focus primarily on the problem of the inner and outer nature of substance. I will show that if one considers Hegel’s discussion of substance against the background of the controversy between Leibniz and Kant about the inner and outer nature of substance, it becomes clear that for Hegel both Leibniz and Kant grasped the whole concept of substance only partially and in its abstract (...)
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    Hegel’s Metaphysics.Joseph C. Flay - 1993 - The Owl of Minerva 24 (2):145-152.
    The question of the nature of Hegel’s metaphysics is a continuing one. In the last few decades the idea that Hegel even has a metaphysics has been challenged. Recently Stephen Houlgate has responded to this latter idea and tried to show not only that Hegel has a metaphysics, but of what sort it is. In my view Houlgate is right about Hegel having a metaphysics and also right generally about what sort of metaphysics it is. However, it seems to me (...)
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    Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit. [REVIEW]Eugene Thomas Long - 1992 - Idealistic Studies 22 (3):266-267.
    This is a translation of volume 32 of Heidegger’s Gesamtausgabe, edited by Ingtraud Gorland. The volume consists of a lecture course given by Heidegger at the University of Freiburg during the winter term, 1930–31. Although the lectures focus on Section A and Section B of the Phenomenology, they do not form a commentary in the ordinary sense. They represent Heidegger’s effort to participate in and bring to the surface what is said to be unthought in the movement of thinking called (...)
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    Hegel's theology or revelation thematised.Stephen Theron - 2018 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    This book highlights Hegel's application of Absolute Idealism's logical truth, the basis of all mystical insight, to Christian orthodox confession. The systematic interpretation thus yielded illuminates the profound spirituality of this unitary sophia as (the) idea. The truth represented by spontaneous pictorial presentation, in Biblical or other proclamations at other times, is thereby further unveiled, understanding spiritual things spiritually. The book traces philosophy and theology through Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas up to Hegel. It then applies its findings (...)
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    Hegel’s Dialectical Logic. [REVIEW]Peter Fuss - 2001 - Review of Metaphysics 55 (1):121-121.
    In this compact, well written essay Professor Bencivenga goes to great lengths to make Hegel both intelligible and plausible to a skeptical Anglo-American reader. For the most part he succeeds. First Bencivenga contrasts Aristotelian “analytic” with Hegelian “dialectical” logic. Next he demystifies Hegel’s idiosyncratic use of terms such as “concept”, “sublation,” “absolute”, “truth,” “necessity”, “spirit,” and “eternity”. In what is perhaps his exegetical capstone the author then leads his reader by the hand from a commonplace intuition of “the wholeness (...)
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    Hegel’s Circular Epistemology. [REVIEW]Joseph C. Flay - 1992 - Idealistic Studies 22 (3):242-243.
    This is a well-written book on a topic which has been central to Hegel studies for some time. But, in addition to the question of circularity in Hegel’s system in general—with attention focused on the circularity of knowledge in particular—there is a second theme which has recently received some needed attention. Professor Rockmore unravels for us the theme of circularity not in Hegel alone, but as it found its way through the history of philosophy to Kant, and then through several (...)
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    Hegel’s Subjective Logic as a Logic for (Hegel’s) Philosophy of Mind.Paul Redding - 2018 - Hegel Bulletin 39 (1):1-22.
    In the 1930s, C. I. Lewis, who was responsible for the revival of modal logic in the era of modern symbolic logic, characterized ‘intensional’ approaches to logic as typical of post-Leibnizian ‘continental philosophy’, in contrast to the ‘extensionalist’ approaches dominant in the British tradition. Indeed Lewis’s own work in this area had been inspired by the logic of his teacher, the American ‘Absolute Idealist’, Josiah Royce. Hegel’s ‘Subjective Logic’ in Book III of hisScience of Logic, can, I suggest, be (...)
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    Herder's 'Expressivist' Metaphysics and the Origins of German Idealism.Alex Englander - 2013 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (5):902 - 924.
    Charles Taylor's influential exposition of Hegel made the doctrine of expressivism of central importance and identified Herder as its exemplary historical advocate. The breadth and generality of Taylor's use of ?expressivism? have led the concept into some disrepute, but a more precise formulation of the doctrine as a theory of meaning can both demonstrate what is worthwhile and accurate in Taylor's account, and allow us a useful point of entry into Herder's multifaceted philosophy. A reconstruction of Herder's overall philosophical position, (...)
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