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  1. The Obligation to Resist Oppression.Carol Hay - 2011 - Journal of Social Philosophy 42 (1):21-45.
    In this paper I argue that, in addition to having an obligation to resist the oppression of others, people have an obligation to themselves to resist their own oppression. This obligation to oneself, I argue, is grounded in a Kantian duty of self-respect.
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  2. Kantianism, Liberalism, and Feminism: Resisting Oppression.Carol Hay - 2013 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This is a book about the harms of oppression, and about addressing these harms using the resources of liberalism and Kantianism. Its central thesis is that people who are oppressed are bound by the duty of self-respect to resist their own oppression. In it, I defend certain core ideals of the liberal tradition—specifically, the fundamental importance of autonomy and rationality, the intrinsic and inalienable dignity of the individual, and the duty of self-respect—making the case that these ideals are pivotal in (...)
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  3. Hybrid Expressivism and the Analogy between Pejoratives and Moral Language.Ryan J. Hay - 2013 - European Journal of Philosophy 21 (3):450-474.
    : In recent literature supporting a hybrid view between metaethical cognitivism and noncognitivist expressivism, much has been made of an analogy between moral terms and pejoratives. The analogy is based on the plausible idea that pejorative slurs are used to express both a descriptive belief and a negative attitude. The analogy looks promising insofar as it encourages the kinds of features we should want from a hybrid expressivist view for moral language. But the analogy between moral terms and pejorative slurs (...)
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  4.  42
    The Continuum of Inductive Methods.William H. Hay - 1953 - Philosophical Review 62 (3):468.
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  5.  23
    Learning in reverse: Eight-month-old infants track backward transitional probabilities.Bruna Pelucchi, Jessica F. Hay & Jenny R. Saffran - 2009 - Cognition 113 (2):244-247.
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    Optical motions and space perception: An extension of Gibson's analysis.John C. Hay - 1966 - Psychological Review 73 (6):550-565.
  7. The effect of unilateral brain lesion on matching famous and unknown faces given either the internal or the external features: A study on patients with unilateral brain lesions.E. H. F. De Haan, D. C. Hay, H. D. Ellis, F. Jeeves, F. Newcombe & A. W. Young - 1986 - In H. Ellis, M. Jeeves, F. Newcombe & Andrew W. Young, Aspects of Face Processing. Martinus Nijhoff.
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  8.  20
    Tracking word frequency effects through 130 years of sound change.Jennifer B. Hay, Janet B. Pierrehumbert, Abby J. Walker & Patrick LaShell - 2015 - Cognition 139 (C):83-91.
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  9.  26
    Changing word usage predicts changing word durations in New Zealand English.Márton Sóskuthy & Jennifer Hay - 2017 - Cognition 166 (C):298-313.
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  10.  35
    The Interdependence of Intra- and Inter-Subjectivity in Constructivist Institutionalism.Colin Hay - 2017 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 29 (2):235-247.
    ABSTRACTOscar Larsson’s sympathetic critique of constructivist institutionalism calls for a clarification of my understanding of subjectivity, inter-subjectivity, and their mutual interdependence. That interdependence lies at the heart of any genuinely constructivist approach, just as the interdependence of structure and agency lies at the heart of any genuinely institutionalist approach. As such, I reject the charge of subjectivism just as I would that of voluntarism. Building on the social ontology of Berger and Luckmann, we can distinguish between subjectivity and intra-subjectivity and (...)
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  11.  30
    Do Infants Learn Words From Statistics? Evidence From English‐Learning Infants Hearing Italian.Amber Shoaib, Tianlin Wang, Jessica F. Hay & Jill Lany - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (8):3083-3099.
    Infants are sensitive to statistical regularities (i.e., transitional probabilities, or TPs) relevant to segmenting words in fluent speech. However, there is debate about whether tracking TPs results in representations of possible words. Infants show preferential learning of sequences with high TPs (HTPs) as object labels relative to those with low TPs (LTPs). Such findings could mean that only the HTP sequences have a word‐like status, and they are more readily mapped to a referent for that reason. But these findings could (...)
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  12.  76
    Does physiotherapy management of low back pain change as a result of an evidence‐based educational programme?Kay Stevenson, Martyn Lewis & Elaine Hay - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (3):365-375.
    RATIONALE: The concept of evidence-based medicine is important in providing efficient health care. The process uses research findings as the basis for clinical decision making. Evidence-based practice helps optimize current health care and enables the practitioners to be suitably accountable for the interventions they provide. Little work has been undertaken to examine how allied health professionals change their clinical practice in light of the latest evidence. The use of opinion leaders to disseminate new evidence around the management of low back (...)
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  13.  38
    Probability in Wittgenstein's Tractatus.Clare Hay - 2021 - Philosophical Investigations 45 (2):130-145.
    Philosophical Investigations, Volume 45, Issue 2, Page 130-145, April 2022.
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  14. Whether to Ignore Them and Spin: Moral Obligations to Resist Sexual Harassment.Carol Hay - 2000 - Hypatia 20 (4):94-108.
    In this essay, I consider the question of whether women have an obligation to confront men who sexually harass them. A reluctance to be guilty of blaming the victims of harassment, coupled with other normative considerations that tell in favor of the unfairness of this sort of obligation, might make us think that women never have an obligation to confront their harassers. But 1 argue that women do have this obligation, and it is not overridden by many of the considerations (...)
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  15. Political ontology.Colin Hay - 2006 - In Robert E. Goodin & Charles Tilly, The Oxford handbook of contextual political analysis. Oxford : New York: Oxford University Press.
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  16.  43
    The ethical perception of undergraduate students in computer-related situations: An analysis of the effects of culture, gender and prior education.David Hay, Patricia McCourt Larres, Peter Oyelere & Andrew Fisher - 2001 - Teaching Business Ethics 5 (3):331-356.
  17.  48
    Do physiotherapists' attitudes towards evidence‐based practice change as a result of an evidence‐based educational programme?Kay Stevenson, Martyn Lewis & Elaine Hay - 2004 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 10 (2):207-217.
  18. (3 other versions)Qualitative research methods in human geography.Iain Hay (ed.) - 2000 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This volume provides concise and accessible guidance on how to conduct qualitative research in human geography. It gives particular emphasis to examples drawn from social/cultural geography, perhaps the most vibrant area of inquiry in human geography over the past decade.
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    (1 other version)Axiomatization of the infinite-valued predicate calculus.Louise Schmir Hay - 1963 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 28 (1):77-86.
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  20.  47
    (1 other version)Making moral imaginations. Research ethics, pedagogy, and professional human geography.Iain Hay - 1998 - Philosophy and Geography 1 (1):55 – 75.
    This paper exhorts geographers to become more active in debate about ethical research practice. It also suggests that ethical theory, practical problems, and lessons learned from postmodern thought make the prospects of establishing prescriptive codes of ethics unlikely. Instead, flexible prompts for moral contemplation might be used to encourage careful thought on matters of ethics. Because the practical feasibility of moral prompts rests on the existence of moral imaginations, it is vital to consider ways in which those imaginations might be (...)
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  21. Resisting Oppression Revisited.Carol Hay - 2018 - In Pieranna Garavaso, The Bloomsbury Companion to Analytic Feminism. London: Bloomsbury. pp. 483-506.
    Coming more than a decade after I first argued that people who are oppressed have an obligation to resist their oppression, this paper expands the implications of the original account and connects it up to some of the important contemporary work published in oppression studies in the interim. I then move on to respond to two critical objections to my view. The first objection charges that the typical severity of oppressive harms is not sufficiently great to ground a general obligation (...)
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  22.  34
    Neural Response to Low Energy and High Energy Foods in Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder: A Functional MRI Study.Brooke Donnelly, Nasim Foroughi, Mark Williams, Stephen Touyz, Sloane Madden, Michael Kohn, Simon Clark, Perminder Sachdev, Anthony Peduto, Ian Caterson, Janice Russell & Phillipa Hay - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveBulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder are eating disorders characterized by recurrent binge eating episodes. Overlap exists between ED diagnostic groups, with BE episodes presenting one clinical feature that occurs transdiagnostically. Neuroimaging of the responses of those with BN and BED to disorder-specific stimuli, such as food, is not extensively investigated. Furthermore, to our knowledge, there have been no previous published studies examining the neural response of individuals currently experiencing binge eating, to low energy foods. Our objective was to examine (...)
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  23.  49
    Harnessing experience: exploring the gap between evidence‐based medicine and clinical practice.M. Cameron Hay, Thomas S. Weisner, Saskia Subramanian, Naihua Duan, Edmund J. Niedzinski & Richard L. Kravitz - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (5):707-713.
  24. Consonances Between Liberalism and Pragmatism.Carol Hay - 2012 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 48 (2):141-168.
    This paper is an attempt to identify certain consonances between contemporary liberalism and classical pragmatism. I identify four of the most trenchant criticisms of classical liberalism presented by pragmatist figures such as James, Peirce, Dewey, Addams, and Hocking: that liberalism overemphasizes negative liberty, that it is overly individualistic, that its pluralism is suspect, that it is overly abstract. I then argue that these deficits of liberalism in its historical incarnations are being addressed by contemporary liberals. Contemporary liberals, I show, have (...)
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  25.  46
    Sociophonetics: The Role of Words, the Role of Context, and the Role of Words in Context.Jennifer Hay - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (4):696-706.
    This paper synthesizes a wide range of literature from sociolinguistics and cognitive psychology, to argue for a central role for the “word” as a vehicle of language variation and change. Three crucially interlinked strands of research are reviewed—the role of context in associative learning, the word-level storage of phonetic and contextual detail, and the phonetic consequences of skewed distributions of words across different contexts. I argue that the human capacity for associative learning, combined with attention to fine-phonetic detail at the (...)
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  26.  35
    Nietzsche, German Idealism and its Critics.Leonel R. dos Santos & Katia Dawn Hay (eds.) - 2015 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Nietzsche was a severe critic of German Idealism, but what exactly is the relation between his thought and theirs? Papers from leading specialists in Kant, Hegel, Schelling, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard and Nietzsche contribute to a clearer understanding of the differences and affinities between Nietzsche's philosophy and that of his predecessors.".
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    Ethical Silence: Kierkegaard on Communication, Education, and Humility.Sergia Hay - 2020 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book analyzes Søren Kierkegaard’s message about the ethical necessity of silence in the context of our current information age flooded with sound and words. The author investigates the question of how being silent can make us more ethical.
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  28. Think Like a Feminist: The Philosophy behind the Revolution.Carol Hay - 2020 - New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
    An audacious and accessible guide to feminist philosophy—its origins, its key ideas, and its latest directions. Think Like a Feminist is an irreverent yet rigorous primer that unpacks over two hundred years of feminist thought. In a time when the word feminism triggers all sorts of responses, many of them conflicting and misinformed, Professor Carol Hay provides this balanced, clarifying, and inspiring examination of what it truly means to be a feminist today. She takes the reader from conceptual questions of (...)
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  29. Kant and Arendt on the Challenges of Good Sex and Temptations of Bad Sex.Helga Varden & Carol Hay - 2022 - In D. Boonin, Sexual Ethics Handbook. pp. 73-92.
    This paper considers why obtaining and sustaining a good sexual life tends to be so challenging and why the temptation to settle for a bad one can be so alluring. We engage these questions by cultivating ideas found in the traditions of feminist philosophy and the philosophy of sex and love in dialogue with the works of two unlikely, canonical bedfellows—Immanuel Kant and Hannah Arendt. We propose that some sources of these challenges and temptations are patterned and manifold in that (...)
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    How Privilege Structures Pandemic Narratives.Carol Hay - 2020 - Apa Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy 20 (1):7-12.
    A common early narrative that arose as people struggled to cope with their new lives under COVID-19 centered on a platitude about the pandemic being “the great leveler.” But the pretense that we are equally vulnerable—or that we’re “alone together” across lines of race, gender, and class—was a comforting lie. Chronicling the timeline of media talking points seen over the past few months, I argue that social privilege continues to structure the narratives many people use to process life under the (...)
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  31.  76
    Evidence‐based clinical guidelines: a new system to better determine true strength of recommendation.Edward Roddy, Weiya Zhang, Michael Doherty, Nigel K. Arden, Julie Barlow, Fraser Birrell, Alison Carr, Kuntal Chakravarty, John Dickson, Elaine Hay, Gillian Hosie, Michael Hurley, Kelsey M. Jordan, Christopher McCarthy, Marion McMurdo, Simon Mockett, Sheila O’Reilly, George Peat, Adrian Pendleton & Selwyn Richards - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (3):347-352.
  32.  47
    Bounded query classes and the difference hierarchy.Richard Beigel, William I. Gasarch & Louise Hay - 1989 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 29 (2):69-84.
    LetA be any nonrecursive set. We define a hierarchy of sets (and a corresponding hierarchy of degrees) that are reducible toA based on bounding the number of queries toA that an oracle machine can make. WhenA is the halting problemK our hierarchy of sets interleaves with the difference hierarchy on the r.e. sets in a logarithmic way; this follows from a tradeoff between the number of parallel queries and the number of serial queries needed to compute a function with oracleK.
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  33. Varieties of ideational explanations.Andreas Gofas & Colin Hay - 2010 - In Andreas Gofas & Colin Hay, The role of ideas in political analysis: a portrait of contemporary debates. New York: Routledge.
  34.  42
    A topological analog to the rice-Shapiro index theorem.Louise Hay & Douglas Miller - 1982 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 47 (4):824-832.
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    Index sets of finite classes of recursively enumerable sets.Louise Hay - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (1):39-44.
  36.  43
    Visual and proprioceptive adaptation to optical displacement of the visual stimulus.John C. Hay & Herbert L. Pick Jr - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (1):150.
  37.  46
    Stoic Use of Logic.William H. Hay - 1969 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 51 (2):145-157.
  38.  12
    Why Spirituality is Difficult for Westerners.David Hay - 2007 - Imprint Academic.
    Dr Hay is Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the University of Aberdeen. A zoologist by profession, his research has been guided by the hypothesis that religious or spiritual awareness is biologically natural to the human species and has been selected for in the process of organic evolution because it has survival value. Although naturalistic, this hypothesis is not intended to be reductionist with regard to religion. Nevertheless it does imply that all people, including those who have no religious belief, have (...)
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    Anxiety, Remembering, and Agency: Biocultural Insights for Understanding Sasaks' Responses to Illness.M. Cameron Hay - 2009 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 37 (1):1-31.
  40.  40
    Transforming social and educational governance: Trade training centres and the transition to social investment politics in australia.Stephen Hay - 2009 - British Journal of Educational Studies 57 (3):285-304.
    Prior to its election to office in 2007, the Australian Labor Party announced a commitment to introduce Trade Training Centres (TTCs) into all Australian secondary schools as an initiative of its Education Revolution. TTCs were proposed as a key element of Federal Labor's education and training policy that aimed to manage future risks to Australia's competitiveness in the emerging global economy and to support school-to-employment transitions for young people. This analysis adopts a governmentality framework to conceptualise the Federal Government's introduction (...)
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    Brexit, Positional Populism, and the Declining Appeal of Valence Politics.Colin Hay & Cyril Benoît - 2019 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 31 (3-4):389-404.
    ABSTRACT A factor that may account for the largely unanticipated victory of Brexit in 2016 is the difference in engagement, mobilization, and, ultimately, turnout between those for whom the question of Brexit was a valence issue and those for whom it was a positional issue. The declining appeal of valence politics may reveal a phenomenon that goes beyond Brexit and Britain: a change in the nature and character of contemporary electoral competition that may help to explain the newly resurgent populism (...)
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  42.  43
    Word frequency effects in sound change as a consequence of perceptual asymmetries: An exemplar-based model.Simon Todd, Janet B. Pierrehumbert & Jennifer Hay - 2019 - Cognition 185 (C):1-20.
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    Spirituality as a key asset in promoting positive youth development: Advances in research and practice.Samuel W. Hay, Jacqueline V. Lerner, Richard M. Lerner, Jonathan M. Tirrell & Elizabeth M. Dowling - 2024 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 46 (2):121-137.
    Spirituality is a universal human experience. Within the process of development, the role of spirituality as a developmental asset is understudied in general and especially within majority world contexts. In this article, we frame advances in spirituality research and practice with youth around three pillars: (a) theory, (b) measurement, and (c) research about and evaluations of positive youth development (PYD) programs in low- and middle-income countries. We place PYD programs as associated with dynamic, relational developmental systems (RDS)-based models of human (...)
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  44. When the photography learnt to think new to the film theory.Katia Hay - 2009 - Philosophische Rundschau 56 (2):159 - 172.
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  45. Respect-Worthiness and Dignity.Carol Hay - 2012 - Dialogue 51 (4):587-612.
    In this paper I consider the possibility that failing to fulfill the Kantian obligation to protect one’s rational nature might actually vitiate future instances of this obligation. I respond to this dilemma by defending a novel interpretation of Kant’s views on the relation between the value we have and the respect we are owed. I argue, contra the received view among Kant scholars, that the feature in virtue of which someone has unconditional and incomparable value is not the same feature (...)
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  46.  21
    (1 other version)Index Sets Universal for Differences of Arithmetic Sets.Louise Hay - 1974 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 20 (13‐18):239-254.
  47.  90
    Spirituality as a natural phenomenon: Bringing biological and psychological perspectives together.David Hay & Pawel M. Socha - 2005 - Zygon 40 (3):589-612.
    Working in Britain and in Poland, the authors independently arrived at an interpretation of spirituality as a natural phenomenon. From the point of view of the British author, spirituality is based on a biological predisposition that has been selected for in the process of evolution because it has survival value. In several important ways this approach is in harmony with the psychological perspective of the Polish author that sees spirituality as a socioculturally structured and determined attempt to cope with the (...)
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    Spectra and halting problems.Louise Hay - 1975 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 21 (1):167-176.
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    Whether to Ignore Them and Spin: Moral Obligations of Resist Sexual Harassment.Carol Hay - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (4):94-108.
    In this essay, I consider the question of whether women have an obligation to confront men who sexually harass them. A reluctance to be guilty of blaming the victims of harassment, coupled with other normative considerations that tell in favor of the unfairness of this sort of obligation, might make us think that women never have an obligation to confront their harassers. But 1 argue that women do have this obligation, and it is not overridden by many of the considerations (...)
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    Asian Ideas of East and West: Tagore and His Critics in Japan, China and India.Stephen N. Hay - 1971 - Philosophy East and West 21 (3):332-332.
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