Results for ' Guy Bois'

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  1. Review of Guy Bois's The Transformation of the Year 1000'. [REVIEW]Benno Teschke - 1997 - Historical Materialism 1:96-202.
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    Points de Vue sur la Grande Depression du Xive Siecle: Guy Bois et David Herlihy.François Seurot - 2001 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 11 (1).
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    Althusser and the Renewal of Marxist Social Theory.Robert Paul Resch - 1992 - University of California Press.
    The writings of the French Marxist philosopher Louis Althusser and his associates have figured prominently in the development of contemporary social theory. The Althusserian school of Structural Marxism is a startlingly original synthesis of Marxism and Modernism, which has produced a large body of work that extends across the human sciences and the humanities to engage a wide variety of cultures, theoretical problems, and political issues. Despite the fact that Althusser himself is widely recognized as a major figure, the breadth, (...)
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    Centuries of Transition.Neil Davidson - 2011 - Historical Materialism 19 (1):73-97.
  5. Miracles.Guy Robinson - 1967 - Ratio (Misc.) 9:155 - 166.
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    Gauge and Ghosts.Guy Hetzroni - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (3):773-796.
    This article suggests a fresh look at gauge symmetries, with the aim of drawing a clear line between the a priori theoretical considerations involved, and some methodological and empirical non-deductive aspects that are often overlooked. The gauge argument is primarily based on a general symmetry principle expressing the idea that a change of mathematical representation should not change the form of the dynamical law. In addition, the ampliative part of the argument is based on the introduction of new degrees of (...)
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    Soul 99.Guy C. K. Robinson - 1997 - Book Montana.
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  8. (1 other version)Taking Prudence Seriously.Guy Fletcher - 2019 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 14:70-94.
    Philosophers have long theorized about which things make people’s lives go well, and why, and the extent to which morality and self-interest can be reconciled. Yet little time has been spent on meta-prudential questions, questions about prudential discourse. This is surprising given that prudence is, prima facie, a normative form of discourse and, as such, cries out for further investigation. Chapter 4 takes up two major meta-prudential questions. It first examines whether there is a set of prudential reasons, generated by (...)
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  9. Incommensurable, irréductible et immédiat paysage.Guy Mercier - 2009 - In Mario Bédard (ed.), Le paysage, un projet politique. Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec. pp. 189--196.
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  10. The Thing that Would Not Die: Notes on Refutation.Guy Oakes - 1993 - In Hartmut Lehmann & Guenther Roth (eds.), Weber's Protestant ethic: origins, evidence, contexts. New York, N.Y.: Cambridge University Press. pp. 285--294.
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  11. Que signifient ces réponses de notre citadin et de notre paysan? Tout.Guy Saez - 1981 - Paideia 9:64.
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  12. Paul Ricceur: une antériorité qui se survit.Guy Samana - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 1:61-70.
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    The gift of black folk.W. E. B. Du Bois - 2014 - Oxford University Press.
    New foreword written by HeritageMom, Amber O'Neal Johnston. "During a time when the United States needed to be reminded of the contributions Black people have made to its democracy, freedom, music, literature, and more, W.E.B. Du Bois took on the task of enumerating the gifts that we've provided to our country. "When I began reading The Gift of Black Folk...the story that unfolded was one that I had never anticipated. We the People of the United States, all of us, (...)
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  14. Angèle Kremer-Marietti, Entre le signe et l'histoire: l'anthropologie positiviste d'Auguste Comte Reviewed by.Guy Lafrance - 1984 - Philosophy in Review 4 (3):116-117.
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    Gaston Bachelard: profils épistémologiques.Guy Lafrance (ed.) - 1987 - Ottawa: Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa.
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  16. La pensée du social et la théologie. Loi et grâce en Romains 4, 13-16.Guy Lafon - 1987 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 75 (1):9-38.
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  17. History And Persons.Guy Kahane - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 99 (1):162-187.
    The non-identity problem is usually considered in the forward-looking direction but a version of it also applies to the past, due to the fact that even minor historical changes would have affected the whole subsequent sequence of births, dramatically changing who comes to exist next. This simple point is routinely overlooked by familiar attitudes and evaluative judgments about the past, even those of sophisticated historians. I shall argue, however, that it means that when we feel sadness about some historical tragedy, (...)
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  18. Qualities of.Israel Waynbaum & Christine Madeleine Du Bois - 1994 - In Paula M. Niedenthal & Shinobu Kitayama (eds.), The Heart's Eye: Emotional Influences in Perception and Attention. Academic Press.
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  19. 7. Error, Guilt, and the Knowledge of God: Questions About Robert Sokolowski's "Christian Distinction".O. Guy Mansini - 2002 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 5 (2).
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    La conception de la vérité chez Unamuno.Alain Guy - 1964 - Actes du XIIe Congrès des Sociétés de Philosophie de Langue Française 1:298-302.
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    Le message de Charles Péguy.Alain Guy - 1966 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 21:199-212.
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    La Modernité Epistemologique, selon Ortega y Gasset.Alain Guy - 1964 - Memorias Del XIII Congreso Internacional de Filosofía 9:375-384.
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  23. Razón y fe en Llull y Descartes.Alain Guy - 1992 - Studia Lulliana 32 (86):59-79.
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  24. to Take Pills.Guy Kahane - 2011 - In Julian Savulescu, Ruud ter Meulen & Guy Kahane (eds.), Enhancing Human Capacities. Blackwell. pp. 166.
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    Beta adrenergic blockade reduces utilitarian judgement.Sylvia Terbeck, Guy Kahane, Sarah McTavish, Julian Savulescu, Neil Levy, Miles Hewstone & Philip Cowen - 2013 - Biological Psychology 92 (2):323-328.
    Noradrenergic pathways are involved in mediating the central and peripheral effects of physiological arousal. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of noradrenergic transmission in moral decision-making. We studied the effects in healthy volunteers of propranolol (a noradrenergic beta-adrenoceptor antagonist) on moral judgement in a set of moral dilemmas pitting utilitarian outcomes (e.g., saving five lives) against highly aversive harmful actions (e.g., killing an innocent person) in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group design. Propranolol (40 mg orally) (...)
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  26. Crime, punishment and the social contract : towards the constitutionalisation of criminal law.Antje du Bois-Pedain - 2022 - In Antje Du Bois-Pedain & Shaḥar Eldar (eds.), Re-reading Beccaria: on the contemporary significance of a penal classic. New York: Hart.
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    The ordeal of Mansart.W. E. B. Du Bois - 2007 - Oxford University Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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    Competence in chronic mental illness: the relevance of practical wisdom.Guy A. M. Widdershoven, Andrea Ruissen, Anton J. L. M. van Balkom & Gerben Meynen - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (6):374-378.
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    Habitus E virtude em Pedro abelardo: Uma dupla herança.Guy Hamelin - 2015 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 56 (131):75-94.
    Pedro Abelardo apresenta na sua obra uma teoria da virtude de natureza, à primeira vista, aristotélica. Ao que parece, essa concepção também contém diferentes elementos estoicos, que não se opõem necessariamente à visão do Estagirita. Todavia, o essencial da interpretação da Escola do Pórtico acerca da virtude difere da explicação dada por Aristóteles. No presente estudo, pretendemos examinar, primeiro, a índole da virtude como habitus na obra de lógica de Abelardo. Nesse caso, não há dúvida de que predomina a influência (...)
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    Philosophie ouverte et connaissance probable.Guy Hirsch - 1960 - Dialectica 14 (2‐3):197-202.
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    Física e Metafísica no Estoicismo Antigo.Guy Hamelin - 2022 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 16 (2):149-181.
    The Stoic School takes up the tripartite division of philosophy of the post-Platonic Academy, in which physics occupies, alongside dialectics and ethics, a prominent place. In this tripartition, there is no metaphysics, nor in the two subdivisions of Stoic physics. For the thinkers of the Stoa, there is nothing beyond physics. In spite of this statement, we try to discover, in this article, the presence of a study devoted to first philosophy among the various topics investigated by the Stoics in (...)
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    Tillich on Divine Power and Ultimate Meaning in Human History.Guy Hammond - 2011 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 67 (3):553-564.
    Chez Paul Tillich, le concept de Dieu s’oppose au modèle « interventionniste » du théisme traditionnel en Occident. Cet article se propose de déterminer si, et en quel sens, d’après Tillich, on peut dire que Dieu agit pour influencer le cours des événements historiques. On soutient que son concept de « pouvoir Spirituel » fournit une réponse à cette question. Pour clarifier cette thèse, on explore les concepts d’esprit, de pouvoir, de sens, de vocation, de kairos et de renoncement au (...)
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    (1 other version)Vontade ( boulesis ) e consentimento ( sunkatathesis ) em Aristóteles e Abelardo: atos do apetite ( orexis ) ou da razão ( logos )?Guy Hamelin - 2010 - Doispontos 7 (1).
    The central question raised in the present article concerns the ontological nature of the intentional act, previous to the proper moral action, in Aristotle’s and Abelard’s thinking. More precisely, we examine two subjects indirectly interconnected. First, we treat the secular problem of the exact nature of will (boulêsis) in Aristotle, which certainly refers to a rational act (logikos), the source of which is, however, the appetite (orexis). The second point is related to the notion of consent (consensus) in Abelard, which (...)
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    Volonté et habitus chez Pierre Abélard: un double héritage.Guy Hamelin - 2015 - Quaestio 15:363-372.
    Abelard closely follows the Augustinian view with regard to the notion of intention. However, he distances himself from him concerning the contribution of acts in the evaluation of moral responsibility. Independent thinker, the philosopher of the twelfth century, then, uses an ancient Stoic thesis according to which all actions are indifferent, except those related to virtue and vice. He also takes back another idea of the Stoa concerning, this time, the concept of will as habitus. In this paper, we first (...)
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    Les populismes latino-américains.Guy Hermet - 2012 - Cités 49 (1):37.
  36. Le Réel et le Symbole en Mathématiques.Guy Hirsch - 1973 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme.
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    Dynamics of attachment and emotion regulation in daily life: uni- and bidirectional associations.Jaakko Tammilehto, Guy Bosmans, Peter Kuppens, Marjo Flykt, Kirsi Peltonen, Kathryn A. Kerns & Jallu Lindblom - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (6):1109-1131.
    Attachment theory proposes that the activation of the attachment system enacts emotion regulation (ER) to maintain security or cope with insecurity. However, the effects of ER on attachment states and their bidirectional influences remain poorly understood. In this ecological momentary assessment study, we examined the dynamics between attachment and ER. We hypothesised that attachment states and ER influence each other through time. Specifically, we hypothesised bidirectional short-term cycles between state attachment security and reappraisal, state attachment anxiety and rumination, and state (...)
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  38. Les Offices de Ciceron.Marcus Tullius Cicero, Philippe Goibaud Du Bois & Anne-geneviève Hénault - 1692 - Chez la Veuve de Jean Baptiste Coignard, ... Jean Baptiste Coignard, ..
  39. The Personal Dimension to Ontology.M. Guy Thompson - 2015 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 22 (2):125-127.
    Hersch’s objective in his paper was to “illustrate how an existential ontology has a great deal to offer psychotherapists”. The first of three sections addresses existential themes such as guilt and anxiety and explores the notion of bad faith; the second focuses on why existential ontology provides a more suitable grounding for psychotherapy than traditional models; and the third offers the author’s invention of a mental status examination that is derived from existential ontology. To illustrate how existential ontology may be (...)
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    Dynamical Constants and Time Universals: A First Step toward a Metrical Definition of Ordered and Abnormal Cognition.Mark A. Elliott & Naomi du Bois - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Whodunnit? Unpicking the 'seems' of free will.Guy Claxton - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (8-9):8-9.
    The cornerstone of the dominant folk theory of free will is the presumption that conscious intentions are, at least sometimes, causally related to subsequent ‘voluntary’ actions. Like all folk theories that have become ‘second nature', this model skews perception and cognition to highlight phenomena and interpretations that are consistent with itself, and pathologize or render invisible those that are not. A variety of experimental, neurological and everyday phenomena are reviewed that cumulatively cast doubt on this comforting folk model. An alternative (...)
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    Tamatave, la cité des femmes.Dominique Bois - 1997 - Clio 6.
    Les femmes betsimisaraka de la côte est de Madagascar jouent depuis le XVIIe siècle un rôle déterminant dans le contact entre les autochtones et les étrangers. Elles en tirèrent prestige et fortune même si, après la conquête du littoral par les Merina, les alliances avec l'étranger ne sont plus au cœur des enjeux du pouvoir local. Dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, les femmes continuent de bénéficier d'un statut particulier, qu'elles soient « ménagères » (concubines) ou prostituées. Auxiliaires indispensables (...)
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    La notion de grand événement: approche épistémologique.Jean-Guy Sarkis - 1999 - Paris: Cerf.
    La 4e de couverture indique : "Ce qui se passe, se produit ou arrive et qui présente une certaine importance pour les hommes " : pareille définition, en raison de son manque de rigueur scientifique, ne saurait satisfaire l'auteur de cet ouvrage. Le grand événement y est présenté comme une notion susceptible de faire l'objet d'une approche authentiquement épistémologique. Rejetée du système scientifique de façon tapageuse, hâtive et passionnelle durant la majeure partie du XXe siècle par contagion disciplinaire en dépit (...)
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    Gorazd Andrejč: Wittgenstein and Interreligious Disagreement. A Philosophical and Theological Perspective. New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2016. xii + 278 pages, $69.99 (Hardback), ISBN 978-1-137-50307-7. [REVIEW]Guy Axtell - 2020 - Wittgenstein-Studien 11 (1):285-290.
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    Grice and Marty on Expression.Guy Longworth - 2017 - In Hamid Taieb & Guillaume Fréchette (eds.), Mind and Language – On the Philosophy of Anton Marty. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 263-284.
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  46. Nietzsche's Critique of Pure Altruism—Developing an Argument from Human, All Too Human.Guy Elgat - 2015 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 58 (3):308-326.
    Nietzsche often appears, especially in his writings from the middle period, to endorse psychological egoism, namely the claim that all actions are motivated by, and are for the sake of, the agent’s own self-interest. I argue that Nietzsche’s position in Human, All Too Human should not be so understood. Rather, he is claiming, more weakly and more plausibly, that no action is entirely unegoistic, entirely free of egoistic motivations. Thus some actions might be motivated both by egoistic and unegoistic motives, (...)
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    Absolute Programme Music.Dammann Guy - 2017 - British Journal of Aesthetics 57 (1):71-75.
    Mark Evan Bonds’ recent book, Absolute Music, deepens considerably the historical context within which Eduard Hanslick’s famous treatise on musical beauty can be read. This paper argues that, with the aid of this expanded context, we can understand Hanslick’s treatise to have provided contemporary and subsequent audiences with a kind of meta-programme for listening to symphonic and other non-texted music. That is to say, Hanslick’s text arguably informed and directed the way audiences came to listen to instrumental music by furnishing (...)
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  48. Hegel and Christian Theology.Guy Mansini - 2016 - Nova et Vetera 14 (3).
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    Carefully stepping on the academic ridge: on Ruth Dukes, The labour constitution.Guy Mundlak - 2018 - Jurisprudence 9 (2):394-397.
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    Empathising with the enemy: emotion regulation and support for humanitarian aid in violent conflicts.Guy Roth, Noa Shane & Yaniv Kanat-Maymon - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (8):1511-1524.
    Considering that negative intergroup emotions can hinder conflict resolution, we proposed integrative emotion regulation as possibly predicting conciliatory policies towards outgroups in violent conflict. Two studies examined Jewish Israelis’ self-reported IER, empathy, liberal attitudes, and support for humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza. Study 1 found that unlike reappraisal Jewish Israelis’ ability to explore emotions promoted concern for others’ emotions, which in turn predicted support for humanitarian aid. Study 2 replicated this mediation model, additionally confirming that liberal attitudes moderated the (...)
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