Results for ' Greek crisis'

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  1.  25
    The ‘Greek Crisis’ in Europe: Race, Class and Politics. [REVIEW]Elena Psyllakou - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (4):456-458.
    The ‘Greek Crisis’ in Europe: Race, Class and Politics offers a critical comparative account of Greek ‘economic crisis’ narratives in Greek, German and Danish mainstream news Media. Building on a m...
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    Accounting for Failure Through Morality: The IMF’s Involvement in (Mis)managing the Greek Crisis.Stephanos Avakian & Marianna Fotaki - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (4):817-841.
    In examining how reform-leading supranational institutions respond to public criticism, this article advances current theory on their institutional accountability mechanisms and extends research on this topic by focusing on their responses to public criticism of alleged reform failures. We consider the case of the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF’s) involvement in the Greek economic crisis, as the structural adjustment reforms it imposed to stabilize the economy. We show how these controversial and, by many accounts, failed policies have profoundly impacted (...)
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    Cardinal Bessarion on a Hellenic Identity and Peloponnesian State-A Comparison with the Modern Greek Crisis.Athanasia Theodoropoulou - 2016 - In Georgios Steiris, Sotiris Mitralexis & George Arabatzis, The Problem of Modern Greek Identity: from the Εcumene to the Nation-State. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 201-214.
    Nine years before the fall of Constantinople, in 1444, cardinal Bessarion in his third and last letter addressed to Constantine Palaeologus, Despot of Mystra, expressed his deep concern about the economic, political, cultural, social and moral crisis, maintaining that the multidimensional crisis would inevitably lead to Byzantium’s decline. Bessarion stresses that the aristocracy’s biased policy, the burdensome taxation, the low level of business activity, the complete lack of technological advancements and the deficient education system not only shaped the (...)
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  4. (1 other version)Winners and Losers of the Greek Crisis as a Result of a Double Fragmentation and Exclusion: A Discourse Analysis of Greek Civil Society.Alejandro Pérez - 2017 - GreeSe Papers (119):0-19.
    This article aims to explore, through the civil society’s opinion, the polarisation between ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ and the group of the ‘new excluded’, or ‘new poor’, that has emerged as a result of the European economic crisis and the social transformations that followed in the Greek society. Based on the Theory of Justice introduced by John Rawls (1971), and using the approach of Critical Discourse Analysis, this study focuses on the discourse analysis of the perception of 97 representatives (...)
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    Civil Society Discourses on Poverty and Social Exclusion During the Greek Crisis.Pérez Alejandro - 2018 - In Alejandro Pérez, Socioeconomic Fragmentation and Exclusion in Greece under the Crisis. pp. 163-187.
    How is poverty discursively constituted, both as a category of thinking and as a label applied to particular social categories in times of austerity? How is it linked to social exclusion? Based on extensive fieldwork with representatives from 79 typical non-governmental organizations and informal initiatives of civil society in two Greek cities (Athens and Patras, in the periphery), this chapter explores the link between crisis, poverty and social exclusion. In their attempt to underline the marginalizing effects of austerity (...)
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    A Greek Tragedy? A Hegelian Perspective on Greece's Sovereign Debt Crisis.Karin de Boer - 2013 - Cosmos and History : The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 9 (1):358-375.
    Focusing on Greece, this essay aims to contribute to a philosophical understanding of Europe’s current financial crisis and, more generally, of the aporetic implications of the modern determination of freedom as such. One the one hand, I draw on Hegel’s Philosophy of Right in order to argue that modernity entails a potential conflict between a market economy and a state that is supposed to further the interests of the society as a whole. On the other hand, I draw on (...)
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  7. Crisis Experiences in the Greek New Testament, an Investigation of the Evidences for the Definite, Miraculous Experiences of Regeneration and Sanctification as Found in the Greek New Testament, Especially in the Figures Emphasized and in the Use of the Aorist Tense.Olive M. Winchester & Ross E. Price - unknown
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    The Crisis of Leadership among the Greeks and Poseidon's Intervention in Iliad 14.R. Frazer - 1985 - Hermes 113 (1):1-9.
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    Greek Poleis. Crisis- Transformation- Impact. [REVIEW]Editorial Office - 1975 - Philosophy and History 8 (1):144-146.
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    Influence of the Greek Financial Crisis on the Eurozone: the Emergence of International Financial Aid Mechanism.Anna Aleksandrova - 2019 - Researcher. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 2 (1):43-61.
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    The crisis of the greek city - a new collective study.Robert Browning - 1976 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 120 (1):258-266.
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    What Drives Substantive Versus Symbolic Implementation of ISO 14001 in a Time of Economic Crisis? Insights from Greek Manufacturing Companies.Konstantinos Iatridis & Effie Kesidou - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (4):859-877.
    This paper analyses the role of external pressures, internal motivations and their interplay, with the intention of identifying whether they drive substantive or instead symbolic implementation of ISO 14001. The context is one of economic crisis. We focus on Greece, where the economic crisis has weakened the country’s institutional environment, and analyse qualitatively new interview data from 45 ISO 14001 certified firms. Our findings show that weak external pressures can lead to a symbolic implementation of ISO 14001, as (...)
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  13.  33
    The crisis of greek poetics: A re-interpretation. [REVIEW]Michael Murray - 1973 - Journal of Value Inquiry 7 (3):173-187.
    The central thrust of Platonic poetics - for Plato had no aesthetics - is not the outright abolition of poetry, nor merely a relocation of it in view of recent acquisitions in the scientific knowledge of the day. Rather it is the quest for an authentic poetry and for ways of differentiating true from false poetry. The experience of transcendence through poetic symbols - of insight into ultimate reality - cannot be explained on the basis of the mimetic theory. The (...)
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  14.  14
    Deficits and biases in the leading German press coverage of the Greek sovereign debt crisis.Victoria Sophie Teschendorf, Marwin Kruß, Kim Otto & Roman Rusch - 2024 - Communications 49 (4):669-691.
    In times of crisis and social turbulence, the mass media play a crucial role. This becomes particularly evident in economic crises within the European Union. The (biased) way the crisis is reported shapes people’s understanding of the crisis and the parties involved. In this study, the coverage of the Greek sovereign debt crisis in the German newspapers BILD, Die Welt, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Süddeutsche Zeitung, tageszeitung and Der Spiegel (online) is examined for the quality criteria (...)
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    Provision of healthcare in the context of financial crisis: approaches to the Greek health system and international implications.Charalampos Milionis - 2013 - Nursing Philosophy 14 (1):17-27.
    Both healthcare professionals and the healthcare system must defend each patient's health individually while simultaneously seeking to protect the population's health in general. Nowadays, there is an important increase in the cost of healthcare supply, mainly due to the developments of medical science, the public's expectations and the demographic ageing. Since healthcare resources are not unlimited, it is obvious that immoderate consumption of them by certain patients limits the use of the same funds by others. Therefore, we have to seek (...)
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  16. LOGIC, MATHEMATICS, ONTOLOGY 1 Crisis Since its very beginning mathematics was deeply related to logic and ontology. Greek mathematicians consciously applied the contradiction principle and had a clear idea of the soundness of modus ponens and of.Francisco Miro Quesada - 1997 - In Evandro Agazzi & György Darvas, Philosophy of Mathematics Today. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 3.
  17.  33
    Crisis, Alterity, and Tradition: An Anthropological Contribution to Critical Phenomenology.Cheryl Mattingly - 2022 - Puncta 5 (2):45-66.
    One does not just live in a crisis: a crisis calls for action. Etymologically, from the Greek krisis, it is a turning point or a moment of decision. It not only alters perception; it alters the demands for living. It stands out from the everyday. If we follow Gail Weiss (2008), we could say that a crisis is a moment when the ground called “ordinary life” is interrupted in such a way that it no longer functions (...)
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    D. LaValle Norman, The Aesthetics of Hope in Late Greek Imperial Literature. Methodius of Olympus’ Symposium and the Crisis of the Third Century, 2019.Mariapaola Bergomi - 2021 - Méthexis 33 (1):223-226.
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    Lead-letter days: Writing, communication and crisis in the ancient greek world.Esther Eidinow & Claire Taylor - 2010 - Classical Quarterly 60 (1):30-.
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  20.  13
    The Political Power of Finance: The Institute of International Finance in the Greek Debt Crisis.Manolis Kalaitzake - 2017 - Politics and Society 45 (3):389-413.
    Through empirical investigation of the Eurozone and Greek debt crisis 2010–12, this article demonstrates how a peak organization of financial firms—the Institute of International Finance —was able to mobilize its members transnationally to secure several key political and economic objectives. At the height of the crisis, large European banking firms were threatened by the prospect of a disorderly Greek default, coercive intervention by governments, and, potentially, a regional banking collapse. In this context, representatives from the IIF (...)
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  21.  27
    Scroll culture and authoritarian populism: how Turkish and Greek online news aggravate ‘refugee crisis’ tensions.Lyndon C. S. Way & Dimitris Serafis - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (6):643-664.
    Contentious relations between Türkiye and Greece can be traced back centuries to conflicts such as Ottoman Turks conquering Istanbul which was the centre of the Byzantine Empire in 1453 and the 182...
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    Postcards from the Future: The Greek Debt Crisis, the Struggle against the EU‐IMF Austerity Package and the Open Questions for Left Strategy.Spyros Sakellaropoulos & Panagiotis Sotiris - 2014 - Constellations 21 (2):262-273.
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    La interrelacción entre democracia y responsabilidad. La crisis griega como caso paradigmático para la UE.Wolf-Jürgen Cramm - 2016 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 5 (8):9-40.
    One of the main lessons to be learned from the Greek crisis is that large scale supranational communitarisation is a danger for democracy if mutual obligations between members undermine substantially the possibilities of political choice for the single member states. I argue that a well-balanced relation between responsibility, solidarity, performance incentives and democracy involves taking subsidiarity serious, as well as to admit a certain amount of institutional flexibility. This flexibility is demanded especially in the case of large scale (...)
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  24.  11
    Greek-Catholic and Roman Catholic Relations in the Austro-Hungarian Empire: the Problem of Latinization and Ukrainization.Nadiya Stokolos - 2000 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 16:31-40.
    Although the Greek Catholic Church was not a decisive factor in national self-determination in Galicia, it made a significant contribution to overcoming the crisis of national identity in the nineteenth century. The Eastern rite was one of the most advanced factors that distinguished Greek Catholics from Roman Catholics, Ukrainians from the Poles. Language differences were not so great as to distinguish Galician Ukrainians from Galician Poles. Both languages ​​borrowed so much from one another over centuries that became (...)
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  25.  17
    Ancient Greek and Byzantine Political Ethics.Michail Mantzanas - 2014 - Peitho 5 (1):249-258.
    The political morality that Plato and Aristotle supported was governed by various anthropological and social determinants, which means that they focused on man understood as a citizen and interpreted through the dialectic as well as through the prospects of the city’s happiness, since for both of them man was a social animal. The political ethics of Plato and Aristotle does not endanger the political community with political bankruptcy. This political morality does not start from intransigent principles to reach a compromise (...)
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    The Greek left-wing and the ‘Jewish problem’: analysing antizionism and antisemitism as forms of soft hate speech.Salomi Boukala - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    This paper seeks to explore whether and how the Greek left-wing criticism against Israeli politics challenges the state of Israel’s right to exist and spreads antisemitic mythopoesis by utilising ‘soft hate speech’. In particular, my aim is to shed light on an ideological paradox – the utilisation of discriminatory discourse by the Greek left – a multidimensional political power consisted of a wide range of ideologies that all defend human rights and are characterised by progressive perspectives; a point (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Unity in Crisis: Protometaphysical and Postmetaphysical Decisions.Jussi Backman - 2012 - In Artemy Magun, Politics of the One: Concepts of the One and Many in Contemporary Thought. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 87-112.
    The paper studies, within the framework of Martin Heidegger's narrative of the history of metaphysics, two perspectives on the unity of being: the "protometaphysical" perspective of Parmenides, the thinker of the "first beginning" of Western philosophy, and the postmetaphysical perspective of Heidegger, situated in the ongoing transition from the Hegelian and Nietzschean end of metaphysics to a forthcoming "other beginning" of Western thought. Both perspectives involve a certain "crisis", in the literal sense of the Greek krisis, "distinction," "decision." (...)
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    Towards an integrated argumentative approach to multimodal critical discourse analysis: evidence from the portrayal of refugees and immigrants in Greek newspapers.Dimitris Serafis, Sara Greco, Chiara Pollaroli & Chiara Jermini-Martinez Soria - 2020 - Critical Discourse Studies 17 (5):545-565.
    This paper proposes a methodological synthesis in order to study multimodal media discourse and argumentation in the context of the so-called ‘refugee crisis’ in Greece. It follows the framework of Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis, integrating this with argumentation studies, with a particular emphasis on the analysis of inference. Our data come from the Greek newspapers Kathimerini and Ta Nea. We contend that the proposed methodological synergy enables scrutiny of (a) racist conceptualizations cultivated by the representation of migrants and (...)
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  29.  21
    On the Greek Origins of Biopolitics: A Reinterpretation of the History of Biopower.Mika Ojakangas - 2016 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book explores the origins of western biopolitics in ancient Greek political thought. Ojakangas's argues that the conception of politics as the regulation of the quantity and quality of population in the name of the security and happiness of the state and its inhabitants is as old as the western political thought itself: the politico-philosophical categories of classical thought, particularly those of Plato and Aristotle, were already biopolitical categories. In their books on politics, Plato and Aristotle do not only (...)
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    Reducing the Hellenic Financial Crisis to Its Root Cause: A Cybernetic Analysis.Joaquin Trujillo - 2018 - Anthropology of Consciousness 29 (2):196-222.
    This article cybernetically (isomorphically) investigates the causes of the Hellenic financial crisis. It (1) describes the crisis and its commonly assessed root cause: systemic corruption coupled to the decisions of ample numbers of Greeks to endure the problem rather than resolve it; (2) reviewsSYRIZA's 2015 anti‐austerity campaign and identifies incompatibilities within its apparent collective purposes that imply processes more fundamental than corruption and bad faith may be causing the crisis; (3) situates cybernetics within a sociological framework to (...)
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    Social Quality Indicators in Times of Crisis: The Case of Greece.Konstantinos G. Kougias - 2014 - International Journal of Social Quality 4 (2):46-68.
    Chronic deficiencies of the Greek welfare state and the introduction of austerity measures as part of the international financial bailout agreements have created an explosive cocktail of poverty and social exclusion that severely tested the resilience of the frail social safety net and the demands of equity. The score on the indicators of social quality has worsened considerably as the Greek welfare system was overhauled. This article examines the four conditional factors of social quality from the viewpoint of (...)
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  32.  9
    Age of precarity: endless crisis as an art of government.Dario Gentili - 2021 - London: Verso. Edited by Stefania Porcelli & Clara Pope.
    When Crisis Becomes the Norm: What Can We Do to Demand Change? Crisis dominates the present historical moment. The economy is in crisis, politics in both its past and present forms is in crisis and our own individual lives are in crisis, made vulnerable by the fluctuations of the labor market and by the undoing of social and political ties we inherited from modernity. Yet, traditional views of crises as just temporary setbacks do not seem (...)
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  33.  15
    The body fables in Babrius, Fab. 134 and 1 Corinthians 12: Hierarchic or democratic leadership in crisis management?Ruben Zimmermann - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-7.
    Body metaphors and body fables were frequently used in ancient discourse for social communities and politics. This article will examine a body fable by the Greek fabulist Babrius that has been overlooked in research so far. It shows a remarkable similarity to 1 Corinthians 12 through the use of central terms such as σῶμα and μέλος or personified speaking body parts such as an eye and head. Even if no literary direct dependence is claimed, the text, which was written (...)
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    National-Populist Social Protest as a Manifestation of Crisis: From December 2008 to the “Indignants” (2011): A Greek Political and Ideological Chronicle. [REVIEW]Andreas Pantazopoulos - 2019 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2019 (187):157-176.
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  35. Paideia, the Ideals of Greek Culture: Volume I: Archaic Greece: The Mind of Athens.Werner Jaeger - 1965 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Werner Jaeger's classic three-volume work, originally published in 1939, is now available in paperback. Paideia, the shaping of Greek character through a union of civilization, tradition, literature, and philosophy is the basis for Jaeger's evaluation of Hellenic culture.Volume I describes the foundation, growth, and crisis of Greek culture during the archaic and classical epochs, ending with the collapse of the Athenian empire. The second and third volumes of the work deal with the intellectual history of ancient Greece (...)
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  36. Paideia, the Ideals of Greek Culture: Volume Ii: In Search of the Divine Center.Werner Jaeger - 1986 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Werner Jaeger's classic three-volume work, originally published in 1939, is now available in paperback. Paideia, the shaping of Greek character through a union of civilization, tradition, literature, and philosophy is the basis for Jaeger's evaluation of Hellenic culture.Volume I describes the foundation, growth, and crisis of Greek culture during the archaic and classical epochs, ending with the collapse of the Athenian empire. The second and third volumes of the work deal with the intellectual history of ancient Greece (...)
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    Debt Cancellation in the Classical and Hellenistic Poleis: Between Demagogy and Crisis Management.Lucia Cecchet - 2018 - The European Legacy 23 (1-2):127-148.
    This article discusses the way the ancient Greeks dealt with public and private debts, focusing on one specific aspect: debt cancellation. On the one hand, ancient Greeks were aware of the risks entailed in debt relief as a tool for fuelling civic strife: sources describe it as a demagogic or even criminal action often in association with the political agenda of tyrants. On the other hand, however, Greeks knew well also the benefic effects of debt cancellation in coping with financial (...)
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  38. Paideia, the Ideals of Greek Culture: Volume Iii: The Conflict of Cultural Ideals in the Age of Plato.Werner Jaeger - 1986 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Werner Jaeger's classic three-volume work, originally published in 1939, is now available in paperback. Paideia, the shaping of Greek character through a union of civilization, tradition, literature, and philosophy is the basis for Jaeger's evaluation of Hellenic culture.Volume I describes the foundation, growth, and crisis of Greek culture during the archaic and classical epochs, ending with the collapse of the Athenian empire. The second and third volumes of the work deal with the intellectual history of ancient Greece (...)
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    Beyond Ousiodic Ontology: Reflections on John McCumber’s On Philosophy: Notes from a Crisis.Julia Sushytska - 2014 - Philosophy Today 58 (4):729-744.
    John McCumbers’ book On Philosophy: Notes from a Crisis challenges the key dichotomy of Western philosophical tradition— the distinction between form, or οὐσία, and matter. This basic ontological distinction, first formulated by Aristotle, appears under different guises throughout the history of Western thought, making oppression integral to philosophy, and leading the discipline into the situation of a major crisis, in which, as McCumber eloquently argues, philosophy and philosophers find themselves today. In this essay I argue that by developing (...)
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  40. Galen, De diebus decretoriis, from Greek into Arabic: A Critical Edition, with Translation.Glen Cooper - 2011 - London, UK: Ashgate.
    This volume presents the first edition of the Arabic translation, by Hunayn ibn Ishaq, of Galen's Critical Days (De diebus decretoriis), together with the first translation of the text into a modern language. The substantial introduction contextualizes the treatise within the Greek and Arabic traditions. Galen's Critical Days was a founding text of astrological medicine. In febrile illnesses, the critical days are the days on which an especially severe pattern of symptoms, a crisis, was likely to occur. The (...)
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    Europeanization and social movement mobilization during the European sovereign debt crisis: The cases of Spain and Greece.Angela Bourne & Sevasti Chatzopoulou - 2015 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 17:33-60.
    The article addresses Europeanization of social movements in the context of the European Sovereign Debt Crisis. Europeanization occurs when movements collaborate, or make horizontal communicative linkages with movements in other countries, contest authorities beyond the state, frame issues as European and claim a European identity. The article presents a theoretical framework and research design for measuring the degree of social movement Europeanization followed by results of a pilot study on mobilization in Spain and Greece during 2011. While many contentious (...)
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    Science and the Life-World: Essays on Husserl's Crisis of European Sciences.David Hyder & Hans-Jörg Rheinberger (eds.) - 2009 - Stanford University Press.
    This book is a collection of essays on Husserl's _Crisis of European Sciences_ by leading philosophers of science and scholars of Husserl. Published and ignored under the Nazi dictatorship, Husserl's last work has never received the attention its author's prominence demands. In the _Crisis_, Husserl considers the gap that has grown between the "life-world" of everyday human experience and the world of mathematical science. He argues that the two have become disconnected because we misunderstand our own scientific past—we confuse mathematical (...)
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    2. Derrida’s Europe: ‘Greek, Christian and Beyond’.Simon Glendinning - 2013 - In Agnes Czajka & Bora Isyar, Europe After Derrida: Crisis and Potentiality. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 30-48.
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    Soren Kierkegaard: Subjectivity, Irony, & the Crisis of Modernity.Jon Stewart - 2015 - Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
    Søren Kierkegaard: Subjectivity, Irony, and the Crisis of Modernity examines the thought of Søren Kierkegaard, a unique figure, who has inspired, provoked, fascinated, and irritated people ever since he walked the streets of Copenhagen. At the end of his life, Kierkegaard said that the only model he had for his work was the Greek philosopher Socrates. This work takes this statement as its point of departure. Jon Stewart explores what Kierkegaard meant by this and to show how different (...)
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  45. The (Meta)politics of Thinking: On Arendt and the Greeks.Jussi Backman - 2021 - In Kristian Larsen & Pål Rykkja Gilbert, Phenomenological Interpretations of Ancient Philosophy. Boston: BRILL. pp. 260-282.
    In this chapter, Jussi Backman approaches Hannah Arendt’s readings of ancient philosophy by setting out from her perspective on the intellectual, political, and moral crisis characterizing Western societies in the twentieth century, a crisis to which the rise of totalitarianism bears witness. To Arendt, the political catastrophes haunting the twentieth century have roots in a tradition of political philosophy reaching back to the Greek beginnings of philosophy. Two principal features of Arendt’s exchange with the ancients are highlighted. (...)
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    Aesthetic Nervousness: Disability and the Crisis of Representation.Ato Quayson - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    Focusing primarily on the work of Samuel Beckett, Toni Morrison, Wole Soyinka, and J. M. Coetzee, Ato Quayson launches a thoroughly cross-cultural, interdisciplinary study of the representation of physical disability. Quayson suggests that the subliminal unease and moral panic invoked by the disabled is refracted within the structures of literature and literary discourse itself, a crisis he terms "aesthetic nervousness." The disabled reminds the able-bodied that the body is provisional and temporary and that normality is wrapped up in certain (...)
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    On Heidegger and the Interpretation of Environmental Crisis.Bruce V. Foltz - 1984 - Environmental Ethics 6 (4):323-338.
    Through an examination of the thought of Martin Heidegger, I argue that the relation between human beings and the natural environment can be more radically comprehended by critically examining the character of the relation itself with regard to how it has been shaped and articulated by the tradition ofWestern metaphysics, particularly in light of the manner in which this tradition contains the central presuppositions of both modern natural science as weIl as contemporary technology. I conclude with an examination of a (...)
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    The meaning of work in ‘crisis-ridden’ Greece. A bottom-up critical discourse analytical perspective.Aikaterini Nikolopoulou - 2021 - Critical Discourse Studies 18 (4):445-460.
    ABSTRACT This article explores the discursive configuration of paid work by Greek employees, shedding light to the symbolic pores they mobilize in order to craft its meaning as well as to the micro- and macrosocial implications of their argumentation strategies. Building upon a social constructionist epistemology, 22 in-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted and analyzed using tools and techniques provided by critical approaches to discourse analysis. The ‘school’, the ‘journey’, and the ‘slavery’ repertoires, as I named them, were the three (...)
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    Plautus' Stichus and the Political Crisis of 200 B.C.William M. Owens - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (3):385-407.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 121.3 (2000) 385-407 [Access article in PDF] Plautus' Stichus and the Political Crisis of 200 B.C. William M. Owens What to make of Stichus? Scholars have written appreciatively of its separate parts: the sisters who are loyal wives to their absent husbands, the sympathetic depiction of the parasite Gelasimus, and even the wild celebration of the slaves that ends the play. 1 However, when (...)
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    Thomas Aquinas and the Crisis of Christology ed. by Michael A. Dauphinais, Andrew Hofer, O.P., and Roger W. Nutt (review). [REVIEW]J. David Moser - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (4):1435-1437.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Thomas Aquinas and the Crisis of Christology ed. by Michael A. Dauphinais, Andrew Hofer, O.P., and Roger W. NuttJ. David MoserThomas Aquinas and the Crisis of Christology edited by Michael A. Dauphinais, Andrew Hofer, O.P., and Roger W. Nutt (Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press, 2021), ix + 422 pp.This volume is a collection of papers presented at the "Thomas Aquinas and the Crisis of Christology" (...)
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