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Glen Cooper [10]Glen M. Cooper [10]Glen R. Cooper [2]
  1.  84
    Galen and Astrology: A Mésalliance?Glen Cooper - 2011 - Early Science and Medicine 16 (2):120-146.
    The author examines the question of Galen's affinity with astrology, in view of Galen's extended astrological discussion in the De diebus decretoriis . The critical passages from Galen are examined, and shown to be superficial in understanding. The author performs a lexical sounding of Galen's corpus, using key terms with astrological valences drawn from the Critical Days, and assesses their absence in Galen's other works. He compares Galen's astrology with the astrology of Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos, and evaluates their respective strategies of (...)
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  2.  67
    Hagar Banished: Departing from the Latin Galen and its Arabic Sources in the Aldine Edition.Glen M. Cooper - 2012 - Early Science and Medicine 17 (6):604-642.
    The Aldine edition of Galen’s works, prepared by humanists anxious to replace the medieval Latin translations with a purely Greek text, certainly represents an advance in scholarship. However, widespread anti-Arabic prejudices of the time precluded most humanists, including the Aldine editors, from perceiving anything of value in the Latin Galenic textual tradition, which was characterized as representing a Galen that had passed through the corrupting influence of Arabic. This paper considers the cost to the medical tradition of ignoring Arabic in (...)
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  3.  29
    Numbers, Prognosis, and Healing: Galen on Medical Theory.Glen Cooper - 2004 - Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 90 (2):45-60.
  4. Avicenna and the Contest of Healing: Medical Crises and the Body Politic Metaphor in the Canon of Medicine.Glen Cooper - 2021 - In Kadircan Hidir Keskinbora, Revisiting Ibn Sina's (Avicenna) heritage. Berlin: Peter Lang.
  5. Astrology: The Science of Signs in the Heavens.Glen Cooper - 2018 - In J. Scarborough & P. T. Keyser, The Oxford Handbook to Science and Medicine in the Classical World. pp. 381-407.
  6.  29
    Constantine the African and ʿAlī ibn al-ʿAbbās al-Maǧūsī: The Pantegni and Related TextsConstantine the African and Ali ibn al-Abbas al-Magusi: The Pantegni and Related Texts.Glen M. Cooper, Charles Burnett & Danielle Jacquart - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (3):411.
  7.  44
    Erased history: the forgotten Arabic sources of the Western Renaissance: Dag Nikolaus Hasse: Success and suppression: Arabic sciences and philosophy in the Renaissance. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2016, 688pp, US$59.95, £43.95, €54.00 HB.Glen M. Cooper - 2018 - Metascience 28 (1):125-128.
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  8. Galen, De diebus decretoriis, from Greek into Arabic: A Critical Edition, with Translation.Glen Cooper - 2011 - London, UK: Ashgate.
    This volume presents the first edition of the Arabic translation, by Hunayn ibn Ishaq, of Galen's Critical Days (De diebus decretoriis), together with the first translation of the text into a modern language. The substantial introduction contextualizes the treatise within the Greek and Arabic traditions. Galen's Critical Days was a founding text of astrological medicine. In febrile illnesses, the critical days are the days on which an especially severe pattern of symptoms, a crisis, was likely to occur. The crisis was (...)
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  9.  24
    Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq on His Galen Translations. Edited and translated by John C. Lamoreaux.Glen M. Cooper - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (3).
    Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq on His Galen Translations. Edited and translated by John C. Lamoreaux. Eastern Christian Texts. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 2016. Pp. xxxiii + 207. $49.95.
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  10.  26
    Infants, Parents and Wet Nurses: Medieval Islamic Views on Breastfeeding and Their Social Implications cations.Glen M. Cooper & Avner Giladi - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (2):440.
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  11. Medical Crises and Critical Days in Ibn Sīnā and After: Insights from the Commentary Tradition.Glen Cooper - 2018 - Intellectual History of the Islamicate World 6 (1-2):27-54.
  12.  18
    (1 other version)On Complexity of Complete First‐Order Theories.Glen R. Cooper - 1982 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 28 (8‐12):93-136.
  13.  33
    Omar Khayyam, the Mathmetician.Glen M. Cooper, R. Rashed & B. Vahabzadeh - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (1):248.
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  14.  36
    Rational and Empirical Medicine in Ninth-Century Baghdad: Qusṭā Ibn Lūqā's Questions on the Critical Days in Acute Illnesses.Glen M. Cooper - 2014 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 24 (1):69-102.
    RésuméCet article examine une brève présentation catéchétique de la doctrine médicale galénique des jours critiques composée par le traducteur et penseur duixesiècle Qusṭā ibn Lūqā (m. 912/3) et que l'on a trouvée dans un manuscrit iranien. Tout d'abord, on démontre que cette œuvre a été composée à partir du traité de Galien sur les jours critiques. Ensuite, on la discute section par section, sous forme de commentaire, pour élucider les doctrines médicales proposées par Qusṭā. Enfin, l'œuvre est comparée avec une (...)
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  15.  39
    The Qurʾān's Self-Image: Writing and Authority in Islam's ScriptureThe Quran's Self-Image: Writing and Authority in Islam's Scripture.Glen M. Cooper & Daniel A. Madigan - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (1):247.
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  16. Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq’s Galen Translations and Greco-Arabic Philology: Some Observations from the Crises (De crisibus) and the Critical Days (De diebus decretoriis).Glen Cooper - 2016 - Oriens 44:1-43.
  17. Book Review. [REVIEW]Glen Cooper - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (1):247-248.
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  18.  35
    Galen - Mattern Galen and the Rhetoric of Healing. Pp. xii + 279. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008. Cased, £36.50, US$55. ISBN: 978-0-8018-8835-9. [REVIEW]Glen M. Cooper - 2010 - The Classical Review 60 (2):400-402.
  19.  39
    The reception of Galen. G. Bos, Y.t. Langermann the alexandrian summaries of Galen's on critical days. Editions and translations of the two versions of the jawāmiʿ, with an introduction and notes. Pp. X + 151, ills. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2015. Cased, €90, us$125. Isbn: 978-90-04-28221-6. [REVIEW]Glen M. Cooper - 2016 - The Classical Review 66 (2):383-385.
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