Results for ' Funeral Rites'

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  1. All in the Family: Funeral Rites and the Health of the Oikos in Aischylos' Oresteia.Kerri J. Hame - 2004 - American Journal of Philology 125 (4):513-538.
    . This article offers a comprehensive comparison of the funeral rites that Aischylos has Klytaimestra perform for Agamemnon in the Oresteia with historically customary, and so normative, rites as reconstructed for the classical period from extant historical sources. I examine the extent to which Aischylos manipulates traditional funeral rites in order to demonstrate the health of an oikos; I argue that Klytaimestra performs corrupt funeral rites as an indication of the unhealthy and illegitimate (...)
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  2. Funeral Rites, Queer Politics.Roy Wagner - 2006 - Theory and Event 9 (4):4.
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    The Funeral Rites In Uzbekistan.Hüseyin Baydemi̇r - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:662-683.
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    Bodies of Evidence: Imperial Funeral Rites and the Meiji Restoration.Edmund Gilday - 2000 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 27 (3-4):273-296.
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    All in the family: Funeral rites and the health of the oikos in aischylos' oresteia.Kerri J. Hame - 2004 - American Journal of Philology 125 (4):513-533.
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    The Divided Event: The Aesthetics and Politics of Virtuality in Funeral Rites.Scott Durham - 2004 - Paragraph 27 (2):59-76.
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    Simone de beauvoir's adieux: A funeral rite and a literary challenge.Genevieve Idt - 1997 - In William Leon McBride (ed.), Sartre's French contemporaries and enduring influences. New York: Garland. pp. 8--251.
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    The Comparison between “the Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial” and the Hundred Schools of the Contents about Funeral Rites. 윤무학 - 2018 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 59 (59):215-240.
    이 글은 『의례』에 보이는 상례 관련 내용을 선진 제자서의 내용과 비교한 것이다. 고대 상례에 관련된 가장 직접적이고 체계적인 문헌은 『의례』이다. 이것은 내용상에서 『좌씨전』, 『묵자』, 『순자』 등의 선진 제자서에 반영된 것도 있고 반면에 상호 어긋나는 내용도 있다. 이러한 상황이 발생한 이유는 고대의 『의례』를 비롯한 예경(禮經)이 성립되는 과정에서 일부 내용이 이미 제자서에 반영되기도 하고, 반대로 제자서의 내용이 후대 유가에 의해 예경에 편입되었기 때문이라고 생각된다. 우선 『의례』 상복 편의 기본 내용은 선진 제자서에 대체로 반영되어 있고 공통적인 내용이 많다. 대표적으로 부모와 군주를 위한 삼년상은 (...)
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    A Cultural Schemas: A Study on the Practice of Funeral and Marriage Rites of the Vietnamese Catholic Community.Ly Thi Phuong Tran & Dat Tran Tuan Nguyen - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (2):176-219.
    As a model for processing information about people's perceptions to understand the complex world and society in which they live, the cultural schema serves as a key concept in Cultural Linguistics when directing to the perception and processing of information about people, and social groups, and events. Cultural schema theory is valuable in deciphering culturally structured concepts, covering the entire range of human experience expressed in many fields such as education, belief, religion, etc. Through the practice of sacred rituals, each (...)
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    Buddhist funeral cultures of Southeast Asia and China.Paul Williams & Patrice Ladwig (eds.) - 2012 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    The centrality of death rituals has in anthropologically informed studies of Buddhism been little documented. The current volume brings together a range of perspectives on Buddhist death rituals including ethnographic, textual, historical and theoretically informed accounts, and presents the diversity of the Buddhist funeral cultures of mainland Southeast Asia and China. It arises out of the University of Bristol's Centre for Buddhist Studies research project Buddhist Death Rituals in Southeast Asia and China, funded by the United Kingdom's Arts and (...)
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    Restriction of burial rites during the COVID-19 pandemic: An African liturgical and missional challenge.Hundzukani P. Khosa-Nkatini & Peter White - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):6.
    Burial rites are very common among many Africa communities. In the African context, burials are not the end of life but rather the beginning of another life in the land of the ancestors. In spite of the importance of the African funeral rites, the missional role of the church in mourning and the burial of the dead in the African communities, the COVID-19 pandemic led protocols and restrictions placed a huge challenge on the African religious and cultural (...)
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    Stickers for Nails: The Ongoing Transformation of Roles, Rites, and Symbols in Japanese Funerals.Mark Rowe - 2000 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 27 (3-4):353-378.
  13. Shingon-Chizan Mission Work Center (ShingonshG Chizanha Kyoka Kenkyusho) 197S Soshiki hoji ni kan sum anketo chosa hokoku [Questionnaire survey on funerals and memorial rites]. Chizan kyOka.Fuji I. Masao - 1983 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 10:64.
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    Xianghua foshi 香花佛事 (incense and flower Buddhist rites): a local Buddhist funeral ritual tradition in southeastern China.Yik Fai Tam - 2012 - In Paul Williams & Patrice Ladwig (eds.), Buddhist funeral cultures of Southeast Asia and China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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    Chu Hsi's Family Rituals: A Twelfth-Century Chinese Manual for the Performance of Cappings, Weddings, Funerals, and Ancestral Rites.Patricia Buckley Ebrey & Chu Hsi - 1993 - Philosophy East and West 43 (4):754-756.
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    Reviews: Chu Hsi's Family Rituals: A Twelfth-Century Chinese Manual for the Performance of Cappings, Weddings, Funerals, and Ancestral Rites, Confucianism and Family Rituals in Imperial China: A Social History of Writings about Rites[REVIEW]Hoyt Cleveland Tillman - 1993 - Philosophy East and West 43 (4):754.
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    Impersonating the dead: mimes at Roman funerals.Geoffrey S. Sumi - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (4):559-585.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Impersonating the Dead:Mimes at Roman FuneralsGeoffrey S. SumiRoman aristocratic and imperial funerals often had a theatrical quality to them. We are told of the presence of musicians and dancing satyrs as part of the procession (pompa) and the excessive, even feigned grief, on the part of mourners, some of whom were professionals.1 Most striking of all was the performance of an actor (a "funerary mime") who donned a mask (...)
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    L'objet du rituel : Rite, technique et mythe en nouvelle-guinee.Pierre Lemonnier - 2005 - Hermes 43:121.
    Chez les Ankave-Anga, des agriculteurs forestiers de Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée, les initiations masculines et les cérémonies de secondes funérailles restent des temps forts de la vie collective. L'étude ethnographique de tels rites contemporains d'une société «non-moderne» conduit à nuancer certaines propositions théoriques des abondants travaux récents - cognitivistes ou non - qui tentent de dégager la spécificité des actions rituelles, souvent en marginalisant la signification de ces actions. En particulier, l'opposition entre rite et technique mérite réexamen car elle est fondée (...)
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    Platón, "Menéxeno": discursos en honor de los caídos por Atenas.Emilio Crespo & Plato (eds.) - 2012 - Madrid: Dykinson.
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    La mort vue autrement.François Dagognet - 1999 - Le-Plessis-Robinson: Institut synthélabo. Edited by Tobie Nathan.
    François Dagognet et Tobie Nathan ont décidé de travailler ensemble sur le problème de la mort car il leur semblait que les textes actuellement disponibles étaient insuffisants : le deuil était renvoyé à une question psychologique, à la souffrance psychique. Or, François Dagognet et Tobie Nathan ont un point de départ qui leur est commun : l'importance accordée aux objets. Pour Tobie Nathan, si l'on veut comprendre les problèmes posés à des personnes par un deuil, il faut regarder comment on (...)
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  21. The Mourning After: Statius Thebaid 12.Victoria E. Pagán - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (3):423-452.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 121.3 (2000) 423-452 [Access article in PDF] The Mourning After: Statius Thebaid 12 Victoria E. Pagán Wie er auf dem letzten Hügel, der ihm ganz sein Tal noch einmal zeigt, sich wendet, anhält, weilt--, so leben wir und nehmen immer Abschied. As he, on the last hill, which shows him his valley one last time, turns back, stops, lingers--, so we live and ever take (...)
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    A manual of death education & simple burial.Ernest Morgan - 1973 - Burnsville, N.C.,: Celo Press.
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    Scamander and the rivers of Hades in Homer.C. J. Mackie - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (4):485-501.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Scamander and the Rivers of Hades in HomerC. J. MackieAt odyssey 10.488–95, in response to Odysseus' request that he and his men leave her island, Circe states that they must venture to Hades to consult with the Theban seer Teiresias. She gives Odysseus some basic instructions on how to get there and what to do there (10.504–40): he should cross Ocean and beach his ship where there is a (...)
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    Fear of the dead as a factor in social self-organization.Akop P. Nazaretyan - 2005 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 35 (2):155–169.
    The image of dead person returning to life was the most ancient source of irrational fear appeared in culture. This conclusion is argued with empirical data from archeology and ethnography. Fear has been expressed in funeral rites, the tying of extremities, burning and dismemberment of dead bodies, and ritual cannibalism etc. At the same time, it was attended by effective care for helpless cripples, which seems to descend to the Lower Paleolithic as well. Dread of posthumous revenge played (...)
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    Cultural Remnants of the Indigenous Peoples in the Buddhist Scriptures.Bryan Geoffrey Levman - 2014 - Buddhist Studies Review 30 (2):145-180.
    While the linguistic influence of India’s indigenous languages on the Indo- Aryan language is well understood, the cultural impact of the autochthonous Munda, Dravidian and Tibeto-Burman speaking peoples is much harder to evaluate, due to the lack of indigenous coeval records, and later historicization of the Buddha’s life and teachings. Nevertheless, there are cultural remnants of the indigenous belief systems discoverable in the Buddhist scriptures. In this article we examine 1) The longstanding hostility between the IA immigrants and the eastern (...)
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    Gendai no shi to hōmuri o kangaeru: gakusaiteki apurōchi.Gō Kondō (ed.) - 2014 - Kyōto: Mineruba Shobō.
    昨今、死にまつわる問題、とりわけ葬儀についての関心が高く、経済誌などでも特集記事が組まれるほどである。そのようななか、本書では、現代における死生観を問い直し、多様化する葬送儀礼のあり方をめぐって学際的 に検討する。.
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  27. The Music Between Us: Is Music a Universal Language?Kathleen Marie Higgins - 2012 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    From our first social bonding as infants to the funeral rites that mark our passing, music plays an important role in our lives, bringing us closer to one another. In _The Music between Us_, philosopher Kathleen Marie Higgins investigates this role, examining the features of human perception that enable music’s uncanny ability to provoke, despite its myriad forms across continents and throughout centuries, the sense of a shared human experience. Drawing on disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, musicology, linguistics, (...)
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    Structures of care in the Iliad.M. Lynn-George - 1996 - Classical Quarterly 46 (01):1-.
    When Andromache emerges from the inner chamber in Book 22, ascends the walls of Troy and looks out over the plain, she beholds a spectacle of ruthless brutality. She who has not been aware of the final combat, nor of the slaying of her husband, is suddenly confronted by the receding trail of utter defeat. Swift horses drag her husband's corpse into the distance, the cherished head disfigured as it is dragged, raking the dust of what was once their homeland. (...)
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    Homeric Durability: Telling Time in the Iliad by Lorenzo F. Garcia (review).Jonas Grethlein - 2014 - American Journal of Philology 135 (3):481-496.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Homeric Durability: Telling Time in the Iliadby Lorenzo F. GarciaJonas GrethleinL orenzoF. G arcia. Homeric Durability: Telling Time in the Iliad. Hellenic Studies 57. Washington, D.C.: Center for Hellenic Studies, 2013. Distributed by Harvard University Press. viii + 321 pp. Paper, $22.50.The philosophy of Heidegger continues to cast a spell on some Classicists. It is less Heidegger’s own interpretations of Greek authors that serve as stimulus than the (...)
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  30. The Pandemic, Mining Violence, and the Case of the Sanöma/Yanomami People.Sílvia Guimarães - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Humanities:1-18.
    In Brazil, the health emergency unleashed by the Covid-19 pandemic must be understood in the context of the government administration of the former president, Jair Bolsonaro. The new coronavirus was turned into a war machine, something already seen in other moments of the history of indigenous peoples, when epidemics were strategically used to promote indigenous genocide and usurp their territories. The Sanöma, a subgroup of the Yanomami language family, assert that Covid-19 did not leave individualized traces of ‘sequelae’ but made (...)
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  31. Hegel, antigone, and first-person authority.Victoria I. Burke - 2010 - Philosophy and Literature 34 (2):373-380.
    Hegel thought Sophocles' Antigone was the finest tragedy, and he put drama atop his hierarchy of the arts, precisely at the point where his system transitions from aesthetics to the philosophy of religion. Hegel concluded his Aesthetics by writing, "Of all the masterpieces of the classical and modern world, the Antigone seems to me to be the most magnificent and satisfying work of art."1The Antigone owes its place in Hegel's hierarchy to its focus on Antigone's uncanny self-certainty. Positioned at the (...)
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    Fighting the COVID‐19 pandemic: A socio‐cultural insight into Pakistan.Sualeha Siddiq Shekhani, Farhat Moazam & Aamir Jafarey - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 24 (3):231-242.
    During the COVID‐19 pandemic, healthcare professionals around the world were driven by universal values of solidarity and duty to provide care. However, local societal norms and existing healthcare systems influenced interactions among physicians, and with patients and their families. An exploratory qualitative study design using in‐depth interviews was undertaken with physicians working at two public sector hospitals in Karachi, Pakistan. Using the constant comparison method of data analysis, several key themes were identified highlighting norms of kinship and interdependencies characteristic of (...)
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    An Approach to the Study on the Situation of Cultural Decline in the Fang Ethnic Group of Equatorial Guinea.Bonifacio Nguema Obiang-Mikue - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy 11 (4):111-120.
    Our article aims to analyze the different stages of the Fang culture, particularly the one of Equatorial Guinea in order to know the current situation of the aforementioned culture. It should be said that the Fang is a social group, an ethnic group that belongs to the Bantu trunk. These Fangs developed their culture from an original perspective; that is to say in a raw state before they made contact with Westerners. Culture is a concept that has gone through many (...)
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    Propertius 4.7.26.Frances Muecke - 1978 - Classical Quarterly 28 (01):242-.
    Of all the explanations of this line the most sensible seems to be that first proposed by Beroaldus: ‘Conqueritur Cynthia sibi defunctae tegulam fractam mutilatamque sub capite fuisse suppositam, quum debuerit amator puluinos molles delicatosque subiicere.’ That Cynthia is talking about the performance of funeral rites is confirmed by Shackleton Bailey's discussion of 1.25 , 28 f.). In default of ancient parallels, I offer a modern one. In the last wishes of the Princess Teresa Uzeda in the novel (...)
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    До проблеми існування давньослов'янських язичницьких жерців у VI-vii ст.M. M. Kozlov - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 45:52-56.
    No nation can exist without its own religious cults and traditions. The practical absence of records of the presence of pagan priests in our ancestors, the bearers of knowledge, beliefs and rituals, testifies only to the careful deliberate destruction of important aspects of national history. Some pages in the history of the Eastern Slavs are simply crossed out from the chronicles and replaced by pious stories in line with Byzantine hagiography. An example in this regard is the description of the (...)
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    Deathpower: Buddhism's Ritual Imagination in Cambodia.Erik W. Davis - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Drawing on extensive ethnographic fieldwork in Cambodia, Erik W. Davis radically recasts attitudes toward the nature of Southeast Asian Buddhism's interactions with local religious practice and, by extension, reorients our understanding of Buddhism itself. Through a vivid study of contemporary Cambodian Buddhist funeral rites, he reveals the powerfully integrative role monks play as they care for the dead and negotiate the interplay of non-Buddhist spirits and formal Buddhist customs. Buddhist monks perform funeral rituals rooted in the embodied (...)
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    Gendaijin no shiseikan to sōgi.Masao Fujii - 2010 - Tōkyō: Iwata Shoin.
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    Book Review: Genet. [REVIEW]Gerald Prince - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):146-147.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:GenetGerald PrinceGenet, by Edmund White (with a chronology by Albert Dichy); xliii & 820 pp. London: Picador, 1994, $29.95 paper.Abandoned to a foundling home in 1910 at the age of seven months, he started to steal before puberty, spent over two years as a teenager in the penal colony of Mettray, signed up with the French army for several tours of duty, and deserted. He traveled through Europe (...)
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  39. Hanʼgugin ŭi saengsagwan.Chʻo-ha Yu - 2007 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Kyŏngje Inmun Sahoe Yŏnʼguhoe.
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    Ultimate ambiguities: investigating death and liminality.Peter Berger & Justin E. A. Kroesen (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Berghahn Books.
    Periods of transition are often symbolically associated with death, making the latter the paradigm of liminality. Yet, many volumes on death in the social sciences and humanities do not specifically address liminality. This book investigates these "ultimate ambiguities," assuming they can pose a threat to social relationships because of the disintegrating forces of death, but they are also crucial periods of creativity, change, and emergent aspects of social and religious life. Contributors explore death and liminality from an interdisciplinary perspective and (...)
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    The power of death: contemporary reflections on death in western society.Maria-José Blanco & Ricarda Vidal (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Berghahn.
    The social and cultural changes of the last century have transformed death from an everyday fact to something hidden from view. Shifting between the practical and the theoretical, the professional and the intimate, the real and the fictitious, this collection of essays explores the continued power of death over our lives. It examines the idea and experience of death from an interdisciplinary perspective, including studies of changing burial customs throughout Europe; an account of a"dying party" in the Netherlands; examinations of (...)
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    Science et mythologie du mort.Michel Debout - 2006 - Paris: Vuibert. Edited by Denis Cettour.
    Un éclairage moderne et complet, médical et culturel, sur la place que l'on fait à la mort aujourd'hui. Les auteurs se sont employés à étudier un paradoxe qui caractérise l'évolution de notre comportement en société vis-à-vis de la mort: c'est à l'hôpital dans un environnement technique et médicalisé que l'on meurt aujourd'hui le plus souvent. Parallèlement, le progrès scientifique fait reculer l'échéance du trépas mais cet éloignement des différents aspects traditionnels qu'à longtemps revêtue la mort entraîne aussi des changements involontaires (...)
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    Tong Asia kichʻŭng munhwa e natʻanan chugŭm kwa sam.Sin-jae Chŏn (ed.) - 2001 - Sŏul: Minsogwŏn.
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    The eclipse of eternity: a sociology of the afterlife.Tony Walter - 1996 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    Many people still believe in life after death, but modern institutions operate as though this were the only world - eternity is now eclipsed from view in society and even in the church. This book carefully observes the eclipse - what caused it, how full is it, what are its consequences, will it last? How significant is recent interest in near-death experiences and reincarnation?
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    Confucian ritual and modern civility.Eske Møllgaard - 2012 - Journal of Global Ethics 8 (2-3):227-237.
    The Confucian notion of civility has for thousands of years guided all aspects of socio-ethical life in East Asia. Confucians express their central concern for civility in their notion of li, which is commonly translated ?ritual? and refers to the conventions and courtesies through which we submit to the socio-ethical order, as we do, for example, in performing sacrifices, weddings, and funerals, and various daily acts of deference. Since the rise of China and other East Asian countries as economic powers, (...)
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    Antagonistics.Baraneh Emadian - 2024 - Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory 52 (4):533-540.
    This article reflects on the ‘Woman, Life, Freedom’ uprising in Iran (2022/23) in light of the politicisation of mourning. It argues that this uprising represented a singular afterlife of Antigone’s impediment of burial. In other words, the initial event of the murder of a Kurdish woman that sparked this uprising should not be reduced to the tension between one woman and the clerical class over the compulsory dress code, the clash between two value systems or worldviews, nor to the saga (...)
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    The public good that does the public good: A new reading of mohism.Whalen Lai - 1993 - Asian Philosophy 3 (2):125 – 141.
    Abstract Mohism has long been misrepresented. Mo?tzu is usually called a utilitarian because he preached a universal love that must benefit. Yet Mencius, who pined the Confucian way of virtue (humaneness and righteousness) against Mo?tzu's way of benefit, basically borrowed Mo?tzu's thesis: that the root cause of chaos is this lack of love?except Mencius renamed it the desire for personal benefit. Yet Mo?tzu only championed ?benefit? to head off its opposite, ?harm?, specifically the harm done by Confucians who with good (...)
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    Propertius 4. 7. 26.E. Laughton - 1958 - Classical Quarterly 8 (1-2):98-.
    Cynthia's apparition is upbraiding Propertius ior having forgotten her so soon. In spite of their former love, he had not been present at her death, and, because of his neglect, her funeral had been a mean affair, lacking not merely any signs of affection, but any semblance of ordinary decent feeling. In a succession of couplets tracing the regular stages of a Roman funeral from the deathbed to the final rites of the cremation, this lack of respect (...)
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    A Time to Mourn.Lars Johan Danbolt - 1997 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 22 (1):250-272.
    This article gives brief results of a Norwegian empirical project where the main purpose has been to study the burial rite versus bereavement and the role of religiousness in relation to the disposing of the dead. The theoretical perspective is that loss of a significant close, as well as religiousness are primary life experiences which flow together in the bereaved person's grieving conduct during the burial rite. 70 bereaved persons who had lost a close relative during a certain time period (...)
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    The history of death.Michael Kerrigan - 2017 - London: Amber Books.
    The History of Death explores the compelling subject of death, burial, and the afterlife in varied cultures, societies, and ages. Examines the various approaches to funerals, from sky burials in Tibet and mummification in Egypt, to being left to rot in the family home in Indonesia. Balances grim facts with intriguing details, such as remarkable burial requests, extravagant funerals, human sacrifice, and ritual killings. Illustrated throughout with photographs and artworks of representations of death and funerary rituals throughout history up to (...)
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