Results for ' Facebook'

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  1.  21
    Facebook’s flawed emotion experiment: Antisocial research on social network users.David Shaw - 2016 - Research Ethics 12 (1):29-34.
    In June 2014, a paper reporting the results of a study into ‘emotional contagion’ on Facebook was published. This research has already attracted a great deal of criticism for problems surrounding informed consent. While most of this criticism is justified, other relevant consent issues have gone unremarked, and the study has several other ethical flaws which collectively indicate the need for better regulation of health and mood research using social networks.
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    Facebook’s emotional contagion study and the ethical problem of co-opted identity in mediated environments where users lack control.Evan Selinger & Woodrow Hartzog - 2016 - Research Ethics 12 (1):35-43.
    We argue a main but underappreciated reason why the Facebook emotional contagion experiment is ethically problematic is that it co-opted user data in a way that violated identity-based norms and exploited the vulnerability of those disclosing on social media who are unable to control how personal information is presented in this technologically mediated environment.
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    Facebook activity of residents and fellows and its impact on the doctor–patient relationship.Ghassan Moubarak, Aurélie Guiot, Ygal Benhamou, Alexandra Benhamou & Sarah Hariri - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (2):101-104.
    Aim Facebook is an increasingly popular online social networking site. The purpose of this study was to describe the Facebook activity of residents and fellows and their opinions regarding the impact of Facebook on the doctor–patient relationship. Methods An anonymous questionnaire was emailed to 405 residents and fellows at the Rouen University Hospital, France, in October 2009. Results Of the 202 participants who returned the questionnaire (50%), 147 (73%) had a Facebook profile. Among responders, 138 (99%) (...)
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    Facebook and Finance: On the Social Logic of the Derivative.Adam Arvidsson - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (6):3-23.
    This article suggests that Facebook embodies a new logic of capitalist governance, what has been termed the ‘social logic of the derivative’. The logic of the derivative is rooted in the now dominant financial level of the capitalist economy, and is mediated by social media and the algorithmic processing of large digital data sets. This article makes three precise claims: First, that the modus operandi of Facebook mirrors the operations of derivative financial instruments. Second, that the algorithms that (...)
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    Facebook Use and Social Capital: To Bond, To Bridge, or to Escape.Douglas M. McLeod, Jonathan D’Angelo & Min-Woo Kwon - 2013 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 33 (1-2):35-43.
    This study employs the uses and gratification approach to investigate how different forms of Facebook use are linked to bridging social capital and bonding social capital. A survey of 152 college students was conducted to address research questions and to test hypotheses. Factor analysis identified six unique uses and gratifications: (a) information seeking, (b) entertainment, (c) communication, (d) social relations, (e) escape, and (f) Facebook applications. Findings reveal that intensity of Facebook use and the use of (...) for social relations are positive predictors of bridging social capital, whereas the use of Facebook for escape is negatively linked to bonding social capital. (shrink)
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    Facebook e afroreligiosidade: o orunkò e os ‘nós’ no intercruzamento das redes que nos formam.Luzineide Miranda Borges - 2017 - Odeere 2 (3).
    As reflexões apresentadas neste artigo foram produzidas a partir das etnocompreensões dos candomblecistas sobre o que pensam sobre identidades, pertencimentos e memória na cibercultura dialogando com o Orunkò e as identidades que formam o povo nagô no Facebook. O digital em rede é utilizado para manter os laços familiares como estratégia de conexão e reconfiguração do estar longe, mas não estar sozinho, porque nós estamos com vocês. Esse é o sentimento produzido pelos pertencentes do candomblé que utilizam o (...) e o Whatsapp dentrofora do terreiro. As relações são ressignificadas, utilizando os dispositivos móveis como celulares e tablets com acesso à internet, na convergência das culturas e na reinvenção da tradição das religiões Afrobrasileiras. A partir de uma perspectiva teórica engajada e crítica com a posição de etnopesquisadora que vive a pesquisa e luta por uma epistemologia do pertencimento, trago as minhas etnocompreensões do que compreendi das lutas que constituem o povo preto de axé nas redes educativas: Facebook e terreiros, a partir da etnopesquisa e etnografia virtual realizada em suas páginas no Facebook, e análise das narrativas digitais: comentários, imagens, vídeos e fotografias, apresentando questões como religiosidade afrobrasileira, afetividade e epistemologia do pertencimento. (shrink)
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  7. “But the data is already public”: on the ethics of research in Facebook.Michael Zimmer - 2010 - Ethics and Information Technology 12 (4):313-325.
    In 2008, a group of researchers publicly released profile data collected from the Facebook accounts of an entire cohort of college students from a US university. While good-faith attempts were made to hide the identity of the institution and protect the privacy of the data subjects, the source of the data was quickly identified, placing the privacy of the students at risk. Using this incident as a case study, this paper articulates a set of ethical concerns that must be (...)
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    Facebook Society: Losing Ourselves in Sharing Ourselves.Roberto Simanowski - 2018 - Columbia University Press.
    Facebook claims that it is building a “global community.” Whether this sounds utopian, dystopian, or simply self-promotional, there is no denying that social-media platforms have altered social interaction, political life, and outlooks on the world, even for people who do not regularly use them. In this book, Roberto Simanowski takes Facebook as a starting point to investigate our social-media society—and its insidious consequences for our concept of the self. Simanowski contends that while they are often denounced as outlets (...)
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    Informed consent and the Facebook emotional manipulation study.Catherine Flick - 2016 - Research Ethics 12 (1):14-28.
    This article argues that the study conducted by Facebook in conjunction with Cornell University did not have sufficient ethical oversight, and neglected in particular to obtain necessary informed consent from the participants in the study. It establishes the importance of informed consent in Internet research ethics and suggests that in Facebook’s case (and other, similar cases), a reasonable shift could be made from traditional medical ethics ‘effective consent’ to a ‘waiver of normative expectations’, although this would require much-needed (...)
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  10. Does Facebook Violate Its Users’ Basic Human Rights?Alexander Sieber - 2019 - NanoEthics 13 (2):139-145.
    Society has reached a new rupture in the digital age. Traditional technologies of biopower designed around coercion no longer dominate. Psychopower has manifested, and its implementation has changed the way one understands biopolitics. This discussion note references Byung-Chul Han’s interpretation of modern psychopolitics to investigate whether basic human rights violations are committed by Facebook, Inc.’s product against its users at a psychopolitical level. This analysis finds that Facebook use can lead to international human rights violations, specifically cultural rights, (...)
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  11.  26
    On Facebook and Google identities.David Kergel - 2013 - Semiotics:185-194.
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    (1 other version)Du Kula à Facebook, le poids du prestige.Brigitte Munier - 2011 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 59 (1):, [ p.].
    Rapprocher Facebook du Kula mélanésien, un système archaïque d’échanges intertribaux décrit par Marcel Mauss, permet de souligner la capacité de la plateforme phare du Web 2.0 à répondre à des besoins socioculturels anthropologiquement attestés. Tous deux obéissent à une contrainte implicite de réciprocité qui, au-delà du contenu matériel des échanges, possède une fonction symbolique : les interactions mises en œuvre et la recherche de partenaires traduisent une quête de prestige, de mana selon le fameux terme chinook. Le Kula et (...)
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    Did Facebook Cheat?: A Test Case of Antitrust Ethics.Jonah Goldwater - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 195 (1):133-149.
    Citing corporate concentration and lax enforcement since the Reagan era, the Biden administration has declared a new era of aggressive antitrust prosecution, bringing antimonopoly actions against tech giants such as Meta, Google, and Amazon. But what’s so bad about monopoly or corporate concentration? The standard answer appeals to economic consequences, such as higher prices or deadweight losses. This paper offers a different framework. It argues monopolizing can be a form of cheating, which is a wrong that attaches to means, not (...)
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    Challenges of Facebook Integration in High Education.Batije Shefketi & Mentor Hamiti - 2019 - Seeu Review 14 (1):207-225.
    Currently, the Internet has become a part of the everyday life of human beings. The way of communication between people has changed and social networks are dominating in the lives of everyone. One of the most used social networks is Facebook, but besides that it is used for communication and entertainment, Facebook can also be used for learning. Therefore, the main issue of this paper is the use of Facebook for educational approaches by students and teachers. Case (...)
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    Facebook Influence Among Incoming College Freshmen: Sticky Cues and Alcohol.Megan Moreno, Jens Eickhoff, Chong Zhang & Jonathan D’Angelo - 2014 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 34 (1-2):13-20.
    Alcohol displays on Facebook are ever present and can be socially desirable for college students. Because problematic drinking is a concern for college students, this research sought to understand how different types of information on a Facebook page influence first year college student likelihood to drink. Telephone interviews were conducted with 338 incoming college freshmen from two large national universities. Data were obtained from a vignette prompt that presented a scenario in which a senior college student’s Facebook (...)
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  16.  27
    Lexical trends in Facebook and Twitter texts of selected Nigerian Pentecostal churches: A stylistic inquiry.Lily Chimuanya, Christopher Awonuga & Innocent Chiluwa - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (224):45-83.
    The influx of religious activities and religious discourse on the Internet has made it pertinent to examine the fundamental roles of language in the expression, presentation, understanding, and advancement of any set of religious beliefs and practices. One main aspect of online religious activities that continues to arrest the attention of scholars is the uniqueness of language used by religious practitioners. For instance, new linguistic strategies and devices have emerged as a result of bending language to suit trends on a (...)
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  17. Facebook Recruitment.Rowena Lamb - 2011 - Research Ethics 7 (2):72-73.
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    Facebook Can Improve Surrogate Decision Making.Thaddeus Mason Pope - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (10):43-45.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 12, Issue 10, Page 43-45, October 2012.
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    Untangling research and practice: What Facebook’s “emotional contagion” study teaches us.Danah Boyd - 2016 - Research Ethics 12 (1):4-13.
    Published in 2014, the Facebook “emotional contagion” study prompted widespread discussions about the ethics of manipulating social media content. By and large, researchers focused on the lack of corporate institutional review boards and informed consent procedures, missing the crux of what upset people about both the study and Facebook’s underlying practices. This essay examines the reactions that unfolded, arguing the public’s growing discomfort with “big data” fueled the anger. To address these concerns, we need to start imagining a (...)
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  20. Facebook and Conversation Analysis: The Structure and Organization of Comment Threads.[author unknown] - 2018
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    Slave to Facebook? How Technology is Changing the Balance Between Right to Privacy and Right to Know.Deborah L. Kidder & William P. Smith - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:52-61.
    Have social media sites like Facebook become such a significant part of our social fabric that people face negative consequences for not joining and sharing? What role does a right to privacy play in circumstances where self-disclosure is the norm? We surveyed students about teammate preferences for team members based on information availability and Facebook membership. Students report a strong preference for teammates for whom there is information and Facebook participation.
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  22.  39
    Facebook and virtual nationhood: social media and the Arab Canadians community.Ahmed Al-Rawi - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (3):559-571.
    This article focuses on the study of online communities and introduces an empirical study of social media production involving an online group called “Arab Canadians”. The study builds on Anderson’s concept of ‘imagined communities’ and argues that Facebook provides the platform for an online nation in which users, whether Canadians or prospective immigrants, interact and exchange ideas about a country whose imagined concept varies from one user to another. Facebook here is a virtual nation that offers the community (...)
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  23. Flourishing on facebook: virtue friendship & new social media.Shannon Vallor - 2012 - Ethics and Information Technology 14 (3):185-199.
    The widespread and growing use of new social media, especially social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, invites sustained ethical reflection on emerging forms of online friendship. Social scientists and psychologists are gathering a wealth of empirical data on these trends, yet philosophical analysis of their ethical implications remains comparatively impoverished. In particular, there have been few attempts to explore how traditional ethical theories might be brought to bear upon these developments, or what insights they might offer, if (...)
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  24.  59
    Autonomy online: Jacques Ellul and the Facebook emotional manipulation study.Nolen Gertz - 2016 - Research Ethics 12 (1):55-61.
    Though we would expect the revelation of the Facebook emotional manipulation study to have had a negative impact on Facebook, its number of active users only continues to grow. As this is precisely the result that Jacques Ellul would have predicted, this paper examines his philosophy of technology in order to investigate the relationship between Facebook and its users and what this relationship means in terms of autonomy. That Facebook can manipulate its users without losing users (...)
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  25. A Being On Facebook but not Of Facebook: Using New Social Media Technologies to Promote the Virtues of Jacques Ellul.Brian Lightbody - 2014 - Ellul Forum 55:1-6.
    In this paper, I wish to show how new technologies come to alter one’s initial enjoyment and comportment towards a hobby. What I show is that new technologies serve to transform leisurely activities into a technique, in the Ellulian sense of the term. I begin from the outside in, as it were, by first articulating what I take a hobby to be. Secondly, I then examine the time-honoured pastime of fishing to show that new technologies, if utilized, either cause the (...)
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  26.  12
    Facebook and Philosophy: What's on Your Mind?D. E. Wittkower (ed.) - 2010 - Open Court.
    This volume is an entertaining, multi-faceted exploration of what Facebook means for us and for our relationships. Facebook is a social networking service and website that launched in 2004. Users may create a personal profile, add other users as friends,and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile. Additionally, users may join common interest user groups, organized by workplace, school or college, or other characteristics. With discussions ranging from the nature of friendship and its relationship to (...)
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  27.  20
    Social Facebook With Big Six Approaches for Improved Students’ Learning Performance and Behavior: A Case Study of a Project Innovation and Implementation Course.Yu-Sheng Su & Hong-Ren Chen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The “Facebook-self”: characteristics and psychological predictors of false self-presentation on Facebook.Oren Gil-Or, Yossi Levi-Belz & Ofir Turel - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Facebook Displays as Predictors of Binge Drinking: From the Virtual to the Visceral.Megan A. Moreno, Bradley Kerr & Jonathan D’Angelo - 2014 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 34 (5-6):159-169.
    Given the prevalence of social media, a nascent but important area of research is the effect of social media posting on one’s own self. It is possible that an individual’s social media posts may have predictive capacity, especially in relation to health behavior. Researchers have long used concepts from the theory of reasoned action to predict health behaviors. The theory does not account for social media, which may influence or predict health behaviors. The purpose of this study was to test (...)
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  30.  12
    Facebook Use During a Stressful Event: A Pilot Evaluation Investigating Facebook Use Patterns and Biologic Stress Response.Jens Eickhoff, Chong Zhang, Henry Young, Elizabeth Cox, Megan Pumper, Mara Stewart & Megan A. Moreno - 2014 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 34 (3-4):94-98.
    Purpose: The purpose of this mixed-methods study was to determine whether Facebook use affects biological response to stress and to characterize participants’ use of Facebook during a stressful event. Methods: College students completed a modified Trier Social Stress Test including video recording. Participants were randomly assigned to the Facebook group or control group (no preparatory materials). Pulse and salivary cortisol were measured and compared using t tests. Trained coders assessed videos for 13 common Facebook actions and (...)
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    Digitally Scaffolded Vulnerability: Facebook’s Recommender System as an Affective Scaffold and a Tool for Mind Invasion.Giacomo Figà-Talamanca - 2024 - Topoi 43 (3).
    I aim to illustrate how the recommender systems of digital platforms create a particularly problematic kind of vulnerability in their users. Specifically, through theories of scaffolded cognition and scaffolded affectivity, I argue that a digital platform’s recommender system is a cognitive and affective artifact that fulfills different functions for the platform’s users and its designers. While it acts as a content provider and facilitator of cognitive, affective and decision-making processes for users, it also provides a continuous and detailed amount of (...)
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  32.  81
    From Facebook to Tracebook: A Justified Means to Prevent Infection Risks?A. Krom - 2014 - Public Health Ethics 7 (1):54-56.
    After arrival in a hospital, a man with suspected meningococcal septicaemia slips into a coma. One of his friends posts a message on the patient’s Facebook ‘wall’ informing three named contacts that the patient has meningitis and tells them to speak to a doctor. At the request of the Health Protection Unit (HPU), this message is later modified, to reduce unnecessary anxiety and to provide better guidance (Mandeville et al., 2013). Based on the harm principle and considerations of reasonableness, (...)
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  33.  23
    Utilizing Facebook for professional integration of three ethnic groups in Israel.Maayan Zhitomirsky-Geffet & Avraham Weic - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (3):737-755.
    This study proposes a conceptual model for utilization of Facebook for professional integration of ethnic minorities, based on the social capital and weak social ties theories. In particular, the research focuses on differences among ethnic groups of Facebook users in their willingness to create intergroup work relations and its various influence factors. A designated questionnaire was composed and administered to 120 subjects from three ethnic groups in Israel: Jewish, Muslim-Arab and Druze. We found that the proportion of intergroup (...)
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  34.  45
    Facebook Study: A Little Bit Unethical But Worth It?John Kleinsman & Sue Buckley - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (2):179-182.
    Human research involving the use social media raises many of the same issues as medical research. The publication of a paper in June 2014 investigating “emotional contagion” received extensive publicity recently because of the methods used. The approach involved manipulating the “News Feeds” of Facebook users, but the participants were not informed of their involvement in the research and had no opportunity to consent or opt out. Some commentators have argued that although it would have been preferable to obtain (...)
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    From obedience to contagion: Discourses of power in Milgram, Zimbardo, and the Facebook experiment.Timothy Recuber - 2016 - Research Ethics 12 (1):44-54.
    When the public outcry concerning the ‘Facebook experiment’ began, many commentators drew parallels to controversial social science experiments from a prior era. The infamous Milgram (1963) and Zimbardo (1973) experiments concerning the social psychology of obedience and aggression seemed in some ways obvious analogs to the Facebook experiment, at least inasmuch as all three violated norms about the treatment of human subjects in research. But besides that, what do they really have in common? In fact, a close reading (...)
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  36.  21
    Lolita, Facebook, and the Third Space of Literacy Teacher Education.Allison Skerrett - 2010 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 46 (1):67-84.
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    How do politicians use Facebook? An applied Social Observatory.Christof Weinhardt, Margeret Hall & Simon Caton - 2015 - Big Data and Society 2 (2).
    In the age of the digital generation, written public data is ubiquitous and acts as an outlet for today's society. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn have profoundly changed how we communicate and interact. They have enabled the establishment of and participation in digital communities as well as the representation, documentation and exploration of social behaviours, and had a disruptive effect on how we use the Internet. Such digital communications present scholars with a novel way to detect, observe, (...)
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  38. Facebook ist das Opium des Volkes" : politische Meinungsbildung in sozialen Netzwerken Als Herausforderung theologischer Ethik.Frederike van Oorschot - 2018 - In Thomas Wabel, Torben Stamer & Jonathan Weider (eds.), Zwischen Diskurs und Affekt: politische Urteilsbildung in theologischer Perspektive. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
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    Facebook Rules: Structures of Governance in Digital Capitalism and the Control of Generalized Social Capital.Ori Schwarz - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (4):117-141.
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    Facebook Group as an Educational Platform for Foreign Language Acquisition.Svitlana Mykytiuk, Olena Lysytska & Tetiana Melnikova - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (1Sup1):131-157.
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    Facebook and Me, or How I Spent My Summer Vacation.Rebecca A. Martusewicz - 2010 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 46 (5):447-449.
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  42. Facebook and Dramauthentic Identity: A Post-Goffmanian Model of Identity Performance on SNS.D. E. Wittkower - 2014 - First Monday 19 (4).
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  43. Contextual gaps: privacy issues on Facebook.Gordon Hull, Heather Richter Lipford & Celine Latulipe - 2011 - Ethics and Information Technology 13 (4):289-302.
    Social networking sites like Facebook are rapidly gaining in popularity. At the same time, they seem to present significant privacy issues for their users. We analyze two of Facebooks’s more recent features, Applications and News Feed, from the perspective enabled by Helen Nissenbaum’s treatment of privacy as “contextual integrity.” Offline, privacy is mediated by highly granular social contexts. Online contexts, including social networking sites, lack much of this granularity. These contextual gaps are at the root of many of the (...)
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    Facebook emotional contagion experiment controversy.David Hunter & Nicholas Evans - 2016 - Research Ethics 12 (1):2-3.
  45.  25
    Gratitude and Social Media: A Pilot Experiment on the Benefits of Exposure to Others’ Grateful Interactions on Facebook.Simona Sciara, Daniela Villani, Anna Flavia Di Natale & Camillo Regalia - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:667052.
    Facebook and other social networking sites allow observation of others’ interactions that in normal, offline life would simply beundetectable(e.g., a two-voice conversation viewable on the Facebook wall, from the perspective of a real, silent witness). Drawing on this specific property, the theory of social learning, and the most direct implications of emotional contagion, our pilot experiment (N= 49) aimed to test whether the exposure to others’ grateful interactions on Facebook enhances (a) users’ felt gratitude, (b) expressed gratitude, (...)
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    Performing Platform Governance: Facebook and the Stage Management of Data Relations.Karen Huang & P. M. Krafft - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (2):1-28.
    Controversies surrounding social media platforms have provided opportunities for institutional reflexivity amongst users and regulators on how to understand and govern platforms. Amidst contestation, platform companies have continued to enact projects that draw upon existing modes of privatized governance. We investigate how social media companies have attempted to achieve closure by continuing to set the terms around platform governance. We investigate two projects implemented by Facebook (Meta)—authenticity regulation and privacy controls—in response to the Russian Interference and Cambridge Analytica controversies (...)
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    Bringing the campaign closer to the voters: Facebook in partisan-managed campaigning in France.Marie Neihouser & Julien Figeac - forthcoming - Communications.
    During presidential campaigns, party members often operate Facebook pages or groups concurrently with the official communications of their respective political parties. However, there is limited evidence regarding the true motivations of these partisans, and how their efforts supplement the online strategies of the parties. Our study is based on interviews conducted with party members who ran Facebook pages to support a candidate during the 2022 French presidential campaign. It sheds light on how they managed their Facebook pages, (...)
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    ‘Blurred boundaries’: When nurses and midwives give anti-vaccination advice on Facebook.Janet Green, Julia Petty, Lisa Whiting, Fiona Orr, Larissa Smart, Ann-Marie Brown & Linda Jones - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (3):552-568.
    Background: Nurses and midwives have a professional obligation to promote health and prevent disease, and therefore they have an essential role to play in vaccination. Despite this, some nurses and midwives have been found to take an anti-vaccination stance and promulgate misinformation about vaccines, often using Facebook as a platform to do so. Research question: This article reports on one component and dataset from a larger study – ‘the positives, perils and pitfalls of Facebook for nurses’. It explores (...)
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    Литовська футбольна ліга у комунікаційних вимірах соціальної мережі Facebook: еволюція футбольних переваг.Erikas Pakstys - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 77:110-122.
    Lithuanian football league have the lowest ranking in all Europe. By this it was choosen to analyze what strategies Lithuanian major teams are using on social network Facebook. Digital technologies based on software and social networks become more effective and integrated, causing transformation in all spheres of the global economy. As European major football clubs shown that more people are interested in football club, the more football club can make a profit. Technology growth driven by that social networks become (...)
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  50. A Debordian analysis of Facebook.Antonio Marturano & Sergio Bellucci - 2009 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 39 (3):59-68.
    Facebook, the second largest social network on the Web with around 60 million members, is one of the fastest-growing and best-known sites on the Internet today. With the U.S. now accounting for only about a third of all Facebook users, we are starting to see a gradual shift away from its original demographic of college-age users. Very surprisingly, indeed, in the past months Facebook has been literally invaded by Italians, Which is the reason for this huge success (...)
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