Wolfgang Eichhorn [36]W. Eichhorn [25]Werner Eichhorn [9]Christian Eichhorn [6]
Käte Eichhorn [3]Leonie Eichhorn [3]Kristin Eichhorn [2]Peter Eichhorn [2]

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  1.  41
    Structural Inference from Conditional Knowledge Bases.Gabriele Kern-Isberner & Christian Eichhorn - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (4):751-769.
    There are several approaches implementing reasoning based on conditional knowledge bases, one of the most popular being System Z (Pearl, Proceedings of the 3rd conference on theoretical aspects of reasoning about knowledge, TARK ’90, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA, pp. 121–135, 1990). We look at ranking functions (Spohn, The Laws of Belief: Ranking Theory and Its Philosophical Applications, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012) in general, conditional structures and c-representations (Kern-Isberner, Conditionals in Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Belief Revision: Considering (...)
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  2.  38
    How Do Individuals Judge Organizational Legitimacy? Effects of Attributed Motives and Credibility on Organizational Legitimacy.Rolf Brühl, Melanie Eichhorn & Johannes Jahn - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (3):545-576.
    This experimental study examines individuals’ legitimacy judgments. We develop a model that demonstrates the role of attributed motives and corporate credibility for the evaluation of organizational legitimacy and test this model with an experimental vignette study. Our results show that when a corporate activity creates benefits for the firm—in addition to social benefits—individuals attribute more extrinsic motives. Extrinsic motives are ascribed when a corporation is perceived as being driven by external rewards as opposed to an altruistic commitment to a social (...)
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  3.  40
    Status of the Asymptotic Safety Paradigm for Quantum Gravity and Matter.Astrid Eichhorn - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (10):1407-1429.
    In the asymptotic safety paradigm, a quantum field theory reaches a regime with quantum scale invariance in the ultraviolet, which is described by an interacting fixed point of the Renormalization Group. Compelling hints for the viability of asymptotic safety in quantum gravity exist, mainly obtained from applications of the functional Renormalization Group. The impact of asymptotically safe quantum fluctuations of gravity at and beyond the Planck scale could at the same time induce an ultraviolet completion for the Standard Model of (...)
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  4.  35
    Properties and interrelationships of skeptical, weakly skeptical, and credulous inference induced by classes of minimal models.Christoph Beierle, Christian Eichhorn, Gabriele Kern-Isberner & Steven Kutsch - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 297 (C):103489.
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  5.  41
    Formal Nonmonotonic Theories and Properties of Human Defeasible Reasoning.Marco Ragni, Christian Eichhorn, Tanja Bock, Gabriele Kern-Isberner & Alice Ping Ping Tse - 2017 - Minds and Machines 27 (1):79-117.
    The knowledge representation and reasoning of both humans and artificial systems often involves conditionals. A conditional connects a consequence which holds given a precondition. It can be easily recognized in natural languages with certain key words, like “if” in English. A vast amount of literature in both fields, both artificial intelligence and psychology, deals with the questions of how such conditionals can be best represented and how these conditionals can model human reasoning. On the other hand, findings in the psychology (...)
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  6.  27
    Qualities of will and ambivalent moral worth.Leonie Eichhorn - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    On many prominent accounts, moral praise- and blameworthiness depend on the quality of will an agent manifests in their action. This paper draws attention to a pertinent but overlooked phenomenon: the manifestation of commendable and objectionable qualities of will in an action at once. By showing that all the manifested qualities of will have an effect on the agent's praise- and blameworthiness (i.e., on their action's moral worth), it is argued that quality of will theories need to provide an account (...)
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  7. Surprise, surprise: KK is innocent.Julien Murzi, Leonie Eichhorn & Philipp Mayr - 2021 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):4-18.
    The Surprise Exam Paradox is well-known: a teacher announces that there will be a surprise exam the following week; the students argue by an intuitively sound reasoning that this is impossible; and yet they can be surprised by the teacher. We suggest that a solution can be found scattered in the literature, in part anticipated by Wright and Sudbury, informally developed by Sorensen, and more recently discussed, and dismissed, by Williamson. In a nutshell, the solution consists in realising that the (...)
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  8. Qualitative Probabilistic Inference with Default Inheritance.Paul D. Thorn, Christian Eichhorn, Gabriele Kern-Isberner & Gerhard Schurz - 2015 - In Christoph Beierle, Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Marco Ragni & Frieder Stolzenburg (eds.), Proceedings of the KI 2015 Workshop on Formal and Cognitive Reasoning. pp. 16-28.
    There are numerous formal systems that allow inference of new conditionals based on a conditional knowledge base. Many of these systems have been analysed theoretically and some have been tested against human reasoning in psychological studies, but experiments evaluating the performance of such systems are rare. In this article, we extend the experiments in [19] in order to evaluate the inferential properties of c-representations in comparison to the well-known Systems P and Z. Since it is known that System Z and (...)
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  9.  3
    How We Ended Up At a Place We Have to Leave behind: History and Future of the German Academic System.Amrei Bahr, Kristin Eichhorn & Sebastian Kubon - 2024 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 32 (3):313-320.
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  10.  11
    Basis und Überbau der Gesellschaft.Adolf Bauer, Wolfgang Eichhorn, Erich Hahn & Frank Rupprecht (eds.) - 1974 - Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Marxistische Blätter.
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  11.  26
    Historical Materialism and Social Prediction.A. Bauer & V. Eichhorn - 1969 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 8 (3):235-251.
    The prediction of phenomena and processes in society poses a number of philosophical problems distinct from those involved in the prediction of natural processes. Societal prognosis encompasses primarily the conditions and connections arising, in the final analysis, in the practical activity of individuals, social groups, and class forces.
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  12. Die philosophische Lehre von Karl Marx und ihre aktuelle Bedeutung.Dieter Bergner, Eichhorn, Wolfgang, [From Old Catalog], Heyden & Günter (eds.) - 1968 - Berlin,: Verlag der Wissenschaften.
  13.  12
    Collectanea Mongolica.Werner Eichhorn - 1969 - Philosophy and History 2 (1):79-81.
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  14.  14
    Conference Report: SOPhiA 2022.Leonie Eichhorn - 2023 - Kriterion – Journal of Philosophy 37 (1):65-68.
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  15. Dialektik im Sozialismus: ausgewählte Beiträge.Wolfgang Eichhorn (ed.) - 1976 - Berlin: Dietz Verlag.
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  16. Dialectic of socialism and communism.W. Eichhorn - 1977 - Filosoficky Casopis 25 (6):848-860.
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  17.  22
    Dialektik und geschichtlicher Prozeß Zu Diskussionsfragen der Formationsfolge.Wolfgang Eichhorn & Klaus-Peter Florian - 1979 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 27 (3):277.
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  18. Dialektischer und historischer Materialismus, ein Bestandteil des Marxismus-Leninismus.Wolfgang Eichhorn - 1976 - Berlin: Dietz Verlag.
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  19.  8
    --dass Vernunft in der Geschichte sei: Formationsgeschichte und revolutionärer Aufbruch der Menschheit.Wolfgang Eichhorn & Wolfgang Küttler - 1989 - Berlin: Dietz Verlag. Edited by Wolfgang Küttler.
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  20.  7
    Erwählung - Bildung - Demokratie. Das Gemeinwohlverständnis in der reformierten Tradition.Mathias Eichhorn - 2001 - In Harald Bluhm & Herfried Münkler (eds.), Gemeinwohl Und Gemeinsinn: Zwischen Normativität Und Faktizität. De Gruyter. pp. 131-152.
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  21.  8
    Ein evangelisches Plädoyer für den Regierungsentwurf.Dieter Eichhorn - 1971 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 15 (1):343-349.
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  22. Ethische Momente in Hegels Philosophie.Wolfgang Eichhorn - 1982 - In Manfred Buhr & Akademie der Wissenschaften der Ddr (eds.), Der Mut der Wahrheit: 150 Jahre nach Hegel. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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  23. Eichhorn: the early years in middle level education.Donald H. Eichhorn - 1968 - Pittsburgh: Pennsylvania Middle School Association. Edited by Robert J. David.
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  24. Erkenntnis und Wahrheit.Wolfgang Eichhorn (ed.) - 1983 - Berlin: Dietz Verlag.
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  25.  15
    Feminism's there: On post-ness and nostalgia.Kate Eichhorn - 2015 - Feminist Theory 16 (3):251-264.
    Over the past decade, feminists born during and after the rise of women's liberation have become increasingly preoccupied with the movement's past – its documents and artefacts. This is evident in publications such as Elizabeth Freeman's Time Binds and Victoria Hesford's Feeling Women's Liberation, as well as artistic interventions by artists such as Sharon Hayes and Allyson Mitchell. In different ways, these theorists' and artists' projects each enact a longing for and reassessment of 1970s feminisms. At the same time, a (...)
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  26. Istoricheskii materializm kak teorii︠a︡ sot︠s︡ial'nogo poznanii︠a︡ i dei︠a︡tel'nosti.Wolfgang Eichhorn (ed.) - 1972 - Moskva,: "Nauka,".
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  27.  9
    Kritik der Aufklärung, oder, Vom Scheitern einer bürgerlichen Forderung zur Krise von Erziehung und Bildung: eine Studie zur zweihundertjährigen Tradition der Forderung nach Vernunft und Freiheit und zur Emanzipation durch Aufklärung.Gunter Eichhorn - 1977 - Lollar: Achenbach.
  28.  4
    Kulturen der Moral: Beiträge zur DGEJ-Jahrestagung 2018 in Paderborn.Kristin Eichhorn & Lothar van Laak (eds.) - 2021 - Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag.
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  29.  46
    Multivariate Lorenz Majorization and Heterogeneity Measures: An Axiomatic Approach.Wolfgang Eichhorn & Manfred Krtscha - 2007 - Analyse & Kritik 29 (2):206-225.
    This work introduces two new curves that are multivariate generalizations of the “classical” Lorenz curve. All data of d-variate distributions can be visualized by drawing these curves in the plane, whereas Koshevoy’s and Mosler’s generalization by a lift zonoid in ℝd+1 can only be drawn for d = 2. The generalizations of the Lorenz curve induce partial orderings of d-variate distributions. Furthermore, two inequality or heterogeneity measures that are consistent with the induced rankings are proposed. They can be considered as (...)
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  30. Philosophen im Friedenskampf.Wolfgang Eichhorn & Sieglinde Heppener (eds.) - 1986 - Berlin: Dietz Verlag.
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  31.  9
    Rational Reasoning with Finite Conditional Knowledge Bases: Theoretical and Implementational Aspects.Christian Eichhorn - 2018 - Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
    Nonmonotonic reasoning is a discipline of computer science, epistemology, and cognition: It models inferences where classical logic is inadequate in symbolic AI, defines normative models for reasoning with defeasible information in epistemology, and models human reasoning under information change in cognition. Its building blocks are defeasible rules formalised as DeFinetti conditionals. In this thesis, Christian Eichhorn examines qualitative and semi-quantitative inference relations on top said conditionals, using the conditional structure of the knowledge base and Spohn’s Ordinal Conditional Functions, using established (...)
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  32.  29
    The Sino-Soviet Border Conflict, the Legacy of Unequal Treaties.Werner Eichhorn - 1968 - Philosophy and History 1 (2):260-262.
  33.  19
    Using inductive reasoning for completing OCF-networks.Christian Eichhorn & Gabriele Kern-Isberner - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (4):605-627.
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  34.  11
    Widersprüche in der Entwicklung der sozialistischen Gesellschaft in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik.Wolfgang Eichhorn - 1959 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 7 (5-6):668.
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  35.  11
    Wie ist Ethik als Wissenschaft möglich?Wolfgang Eichhorn - 1965 - Berlin,: Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften.
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  36.  5
    Widersprüche und Triebkräfte der sozialistischen Arbeit.Wolfgang Eichhorn, Erich Hahn & Rainer Thiel - 1963 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 11 (9):1086.
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  37.  6
    Zur Dialektik des Geschichtsprozesses: Studien über die materiellen Grundlagen der historischen Entwicklung.Wolfgang Eichhorn - 1983 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag. Edited by Adolf Bauer.
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  38. Grundlagen des historischen Materialismus.Erich Hahn & Wolfgang Eichhorn (eds.) - 1976 - Berlin: Dietz Verlag.
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  39.  21
    Heldensagen aus dem unteren Yangtse-Tal (Wu-Yüeh chʿun-ciʿhu)Heldensagen aus dem unteren Yangtse-Tal.Klaus Tietze & Werner Eichhorn - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (2):212.
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  40.  30
    Chinese Notables. Short Biographies of the Party and State Officials of the Peoples’ Republic of China. [REVIEW]Werner Eichhorn - 1970 - Philosophy and History 3 (1):68-68.
  41.  9
    Enduring time by Lisa Baraitser. [REVIEW]Kate Eichhorn - 2020 - Feminist Theory 21 (4):517-518.
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  42.  22
    Hsün-tzu translated into German. [REVIEW]Werner Eichhorn - 1969 - Philosophy and History 2 (1):37-38.
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  43.  18
    The Chinese People’s Commune in the “Great Leap Forward” and Afterwards. [REVIEW]Werner Eichhorn - 1968 - Philosophy and History 1 (2):221-222.
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  44.  35
    Yü-chih pen-ts’ao p’in-hui ching-yao. A Sixteenth-Century Chinese Pharmacopoeia. [REVIEW]Werner Eichhorn - 1975 - Philosophy and History 8 (2):300-301.