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  1.  34
    (1 other version)The Cambridge companion to Spinoza.Don Garrett (ed.) - 2021 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    In many ways, Benedict (Baruch) de Spinoza appears to be a contradictory figure in the history of philosophy. From the beginning, he has been notorious as an "atheist" who seeks to substitute Nature for a personal deity; yet he was also, in Novalis's famous description, "the God-intoxicated man." He was an uncompromising necessitarian and causal determinist; yet his ethical ideal was to become a "free man." He maintained that the human mind and the human body are identical; yet he also (...)
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  2. Who invented the “copenhagen interpretation”? A study in mythology.Don Howard - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (5):669-682.
    What is commonly known as the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, regarded as representing a unitary Copenhagen point of view, differs significantly from Bohr's complementarity interpretation, which does not employ wave packet collapse in its account of measurement and does not accord the subjective observer any privileged role in measurement. It is argued that the Copenhagen interpretation is an invention of the mid‐1950s, for which Heisenberg is chiefly responsible, various other physicists and philosophers, including Bohm, Feyerabend, Hanson, and Popper, having (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Technics and Praxis.Don Ihde - 1979 - Studies in Soviet Thought 23 (4):337-339.
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  4. The Theological Imagination Con structing the Concept of God.Gor Don D. Kaufman - 1981
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  5. Fake news is counterfeit news.Don Fallis & Kay Mathiesen - forthcoming - Tandf: Inquiry:1-20.
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  6. (1 other version)Experimental Moral Philosophy.Mark Alfano & Don Loeb - 2012 - In Ed Zalta, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Experimental moral philosophy began to emerge as a methodology inthe last decade of the twentieth century, a branch of the largerexperimental philosophy approach. From the beginning,it has been embroiled in controversy on a number of fronts. Somedoubt that it is philosophy at all. Others acknowledge that it isphilosophy but think that it has produced modest results at best andconfusion at worst. Still others think it represents an important advance., Before the research program can be evaluated, we should have someconception of (...)
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  7. Vignette : Bartha Maria Knoppers : Accolades from the Antipodes.Dianne Nicol & Don Chalmers - 2025 - In Bartha Maria Knoppers, E. S. Dove, Vasiliki Rahimzadeh & Michael J. S. Beauvais, Promoting the "human" in law, policy, and medicine: essays in honour of Bartha Maria Knoppers. Boston: Brill/Nijhoff.
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    Teaching Ethics in Accounting Curricula.James C. Lampe & Don W. Finn - 1994 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 13 (1):89-128.
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    An examination of personal values: Differences between accounting students and managers and differences between genders.Tim V. Eaton & Don E. Giacomino - 2001 - Teaching Business Ethics 5 (2):213-229.
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  10. Hermeneutic Phenomenology: The Philosopher of Paul Ricoeur.Don Ihde - 1971 - Evanston,: Northwestern University Press.
    Hermeneutic Phenomenology serves to introduce the philosophy of Paul Ricœur and give new perspectives to the philosophy of language.
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    An integrated perspective on the relation between response speed and intelligence.Don van Ravenzwaaij, Scott Brown & Eric-Jan Wagenmakers - 2011 - Cognition 119 (3):381-393.
  12. Evolutionary game theory and the normative theory of institutional design: Binmore and behavioral economics.Don Ross - 2006 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 5 (1):51-79.
    In this article, I critically respond to Herbert Gintis's criticisms of the behavioral-economic foundations of Ken Binmore 's game-theoretic theory of justice. Gintis, I argue, fails to take full account of the normative requirements Binmore sets for his account, and also ignores what I call the ‘scale-relativity’ considerations built into Binmore 's approach to modeling human evolution. Paul Seabright's criticism of Binmore, I note, repeats these oversights. In the course of answering Gintis's and Seabright's objections, I clarify and extend Binmore (...)
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  13. Epistemic value theory and information ethics.Don Fallis - 2004 - Minds and Machines 14 (1):101-117.
    Three of the major issues in information ethics – intellectual property, speech regulation, and privacy – concern the morality of restricting people’s access to certain information. Consequently, policies in these areas have a significant impact on the amount and types of knowledge that people acquire. As a result, epistemic considerations are critical to the ethics of information policy decisions (cf. Mill, 1978 [1859]). The fact that information ethics is a part of the philosophy of information highlights this important connection with (...)
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    Acoustic Technics.Don Ihde - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    Acoustic Technics, aware that digital and computer embedded technologies produce data that today can be transformed into acoustic images, notes the transformations these phenomena imply for a diverse set of practices, such as music, communication, medical diagnosis, and scientific knowledge.
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  15. Spinoza's "ontological" argument.Don Garrett - 1979 - Philosophical Review 88 (2):198-223.
    I argue that spinoza's ontological argument is successful when it is understood to have two premises: (i) it is possible for god to exist, (ii) it is necessary that, if god exists, he necessarily does. the argument is valid in s5. spinoza is in a position to establish the second premise of the argument on the basis of his definitions and axioms. the first premise was assumed to be true, but, as leibniz noted, it must be established for the conclusion (...)
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  16. An Objectivist Argument for Thirdism.Ian Evans, Don Fallis, Peter Gross, Terry Horgan, Jenann Ismael, John Pollock, Paul D. Thorn, Jacob N. Caton, Adam Arico, Daniel Sanderman, Orlin Vakerelov, Nathan Ballantyne, Matthew S. Bedke, Brian Fiala & Martin Fricke - 2008 - Analysis 68 (2):149-155.
    Bayesians take “definite” or “single-case” probabilities to be basic. Definite probabilities attach to closed formulas or propositions. We write them here using small caps: PROB(P) and PROB(P/Q). Most objective probability theories begin instead with “indefinite” or “general” probabilities (sometimes called “statistical probabilities”). Indefinite probabilities attach to open formulas or propositions. We write indefinite probabilities using lower case “prob” and free variables: prob(Bx/Ax). The indefinite probability of an A being a B is not about any particular A, but rather about the (...)
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  17. Encyclopedia of Theology and Religion.Hans Dieter Betz, Don S. Browning, Bernd Janowski & Eberhard Jüngel (eds.) - 2009 - Brill.
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  18. Way to Live: Christian Practices for Teens.Dorothy C. Bass & Don C. Richter - 2002
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  19. Shaker Village Views.Robert P. Emlen, Don Gifford, Janice Holt Giles, Jerry V. Grant, Douglas R. Allen & John Mcguire - 1990 - Utopian Studies 1 (2):144-150.
  20. Psychiatric research.Franklin Miller & Don Rosenstein - 1981 - In Sidney Bloch & Stephen A. Green, Psychiatric ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The Role of Ethical Standards in the Relationship Between Religious Social Norms and M&A Announcement Returns.Leon Zolotoy, Don O’Sullivan & Keke Song - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (4):721-742.
    Prior studies suggest that firms headquartered in areas with strong religious social norms have higher ethical standards. In this study, we examine whether the ethical standards associated with local religious norms influence the M&A announcement returns. We document that the M&A announcement returns of acquirer firms increase with the strength of religious social norms in the area surrounding firms’ headquarters. We also document that the relationship is attenuated when acquirer firms have strong corporate social responsibility credentials, is amplified when public (...)
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  22. [email protected].Dr Don Ross - unknown
    Book list for independent research component Aizenman, J., and Pinto, B. (eds.), Managing Economic Volatility and Crises: A Practitioner’s Guide. Cambridge U.P. 978-0521855242..
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    Pŏp iron: pŏp insik ŭi sahoejŏk chipʻyŏng kwa kŭndaesŏng.Sang-don Yi - 1997 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Pagyŏngsa.
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    Plato’s Theory of eros and its Implications on Moral Education.Young-Don Yoon - 2017 - The Journal of Moral Education 29 (3):133-153.
  25. Tom Petty Didn't Really Need to Know.Daniel Zelinski & Don Fallis - 2019 - In Randall E. Auxier & Megan A. Volpert, Tom Petty and Philosophy: We Need to Know. Chicago, Illinois: Open Court Publishing.
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  26. The Alleged Oddness of Ethical Egoism.Don E. Marietta Jr - 1977 - Journal of Thought 77.
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    Mood and Ethical Decision Making: Positive Affect and Corporate Philanthropy.Leon Zolotoy, Don O’Sullivan, Myeong-Gu Seo & Madhu Veeraraghavan - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (1):189-208.
    This study examines the influence of mood on corporate philanthropic giving. Drawing on group emotions theory and affect-infused decision theory, we advance the argument that firms allocate greater resources to philanthropy when headquarters-based employees are in a more positive affective state. We also describe three boundary conditions in this relationship—executives’ embeddedness in the firm, executives’ latitude to engage in philanthropic giving, and the firm’s track record of corporate social irresponsibility. We test our arguments using a longitudinal dataset of philanthropic giving (...)
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    Astride the Divided Line: Platonism, Empiricism, and Einstein's Epistemological Opportunism.Don Howard - 1998 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 63:143-164.
  29. Una escuela cristiana aconfesional.Milani la de Don - 1978 - Salmanticensis 25:67.
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    Decision-Making for Quality Science.Doug Walgren & Don Fuqua - 1982 - Science, Technology and Human Values 7 (2):32-34.
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    Objectivism and the evolutionary value of color vision.Don Dedrick - 1995 - Dialogue 34 (1):35-44.
    In Color for Philosophers C. L. Hardin argues that chromatic objectivism?a view which identifies colour with some or other property of objects?must be false. The upshot of Hardin's argument is this: there is, in fact, no principled correlation between physical properties and perceived colours. Since that correlation is a minimal condition for objectivism, objectivism is false. Mohan Matthen, who accepts Hardin's conclusion for what can be called "simple objectivism," takes it that an adaptationist theory of biological function applied to colour (...)
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  32.  75
    Technoscience and the 'other' continental philosophy.Don Ihde - 2000 - Continental Philosophy Review 33 (1):59-74.
    This essay argues that with respect to trends in Euro-American philosophy there has been a growing disparity between practices on the Continent and North America with respect to technoscience studies. Whereas in, particularly northern European circles, a new canon of topics and authors has risen to prominence with respect to science and technology studies, this same interest is virtually lacking in the institutional programs of North American continental circles. Reasons for the lack of interest in science and technology in North (...)
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  33. The greatest liar has his believers: the social epistemology of political lying.Kay Mathiesen & Don Fallis - 2016 - In Emily Crookston, David Killoren & Jonathan Trerise, Ethics in Politics: The Rights and Obligations of Individual Political Agents. New York: Routledge.
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    Theory of conditional games.Don Ross - 2014 - Journal of Economic Methodology 21 (2):193-198.
  35.  35
    Trading Sexpics on IRC: Embodiment and Authenticity on the Internet.Don Slater - 1998 - Body and Society 4 (4):91-117.
    Cyberspace, the internet and vituality are widely understood in terms of poststructuralist or antiessentialist expectations that when identity is separated from physical bodies it is experienced as self-evidently performative: we might therefore expect that new kinds of identities will be enacted on-line, and that participants will frame these identities as performances rather than judging them in terms of their truth or authenticity. This article uses a long-term ethnographic engagement with one internet social setting - the `sexpics' trade on Internet Relay (...)
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    Leadership for an Emerging Democracy in Burma.Judith A. White & Don McCormick - 2012 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 23:14-25.
    This qualitative study examines the moral courage of leaders working for democracy and human rights in Burma. As Burma transitions to democracy moralcourage will be essential for leaders of civil society organizations as they face corruption, cronyism, and resistance to change. From interview data with nineteen leaders in Burma and Thailand, and a review of the literature we developed a conceptual model of moral courage that suggests that the relationship between moral motivation and the demonstration of moral courage was mediated (...)
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    Memory and encoding in a letter-matching reaction time task.Lawrence S. Meyers, Don Schoenborn & Gail M. Clark - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (1):41-42.
  38.  78
    Art Precedes Science: or Did the Camera Obscura Invent Modern Science?Don Ihde - 2008 - In Jan Lazardzig, Ludger Schwarte & Helmar Schramm, Theatrum Scientiarum - English Edition, Volume 2, Instruments in Art and Science: On the Architectonics of Cultural Boundaries in the 17th Century. De Gruyter. pp. 383-393.
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    Indefinite Detention of Mega-terrorists in the War on Terror.Don E. Scheid - 2010 - Criminal Justice Ethics 29 (1):1-28.
    In the war on terrorism, the imprisonment of suspected terrorists by the United States has raised a host of issues,1 among them that of indefinite detention. Over the years, there has been a great...
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    Being directly responsive and accountable to human-research participants.David A. Fleming & Don Reynolds - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (3):24 – 25.
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    Development Dilemmas: The Methods and Political Ethics of Growth Policy.Melvin D. Ayogu & Don Ross - 2004 - Routledge.
    The new economy is characterized in the developing world by open capital markets and coordinated international regulation - neither of which existed in the colonial period.
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    All hands on deck for ACM Ethics.Bo Brinkman, Don Gotterbarn, Keith W. Miller & Marty J. Wolf - 2016 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 46 (3):5-8.
    The Association for Computing Machinery's Committee on Professional Ethics has been charged to execute three major projects over the next two years: updating ACM's Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, revising the enforcement procedures for the Code, and developing new media to promote integrity in the profession. We cannot do this alone, and we are asking SIGCAS members to volunteer and get involved. We will briefly describe the rationale and plan behind these projects and describe opportunities to get involved.
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    A Secular Christian.Don Cupitt - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (37).
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    On the Identity Theory.Don F. Gustavson - 1963 - Analysis 24 (2):30-32.
  45. When Time Stumbled: Judges as Postmodern.Don Michael Hudson - 1999 - Dissertation, Westminster Theological Seminary
    What do we do with Judges? This two-edged word? This ambidextrous book? These ambivalent heroes? The Judges were drawing their last fleeting breaths shipwrecked and scattered upon the shores of historical-critical-grammatical-linear-modernist-masculine interpretation. "The narrative is primitive," they said. "The editors have made a mess," they exclaimed. "The conclusion is really an appendix," another said. Then the bible-acrobats jumped in pretending there was no literary carnage while at the same time drawing our eyes away from the literary carnage. "No, no, there (...)
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    Gay Theories of Gender Role Deviance.Don Mager - 1985 - Substance 14 (1):32.
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  47. Three ways of worrying about 'causation'.David Spurrett & Don Ross - unknown
    Our point of departure is Russell’s (1913) argument for the ‘complete extrusion’ of the word ‘cause’ from the philosophical vocabulary. We argue that at least three different types of philosophical project concerning ‘cause’ should be carefully distinguished, and that failures to distinguish them lie at the root of some apparently recalcitrant problems. We call them the ‘cognitive’, the ‘scientific’ and the ‘metaphysical’.
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    Hard-core extensionalism and the analysis of belief.Don Brownstein - 1982 - Noûs 16 (4):543-566.
    The paper is an attempt to connect the primary concerns of an extensionalist to a solution to the problems raised by the apparent intensionality of contents involving the propositional attitudes. The author begins with an overview of what the extensionalist is, At bottom, Committed to ("hard-Core extensionalism") and its connection with a theory of truth. He considers the attitude of belief as generating problems for such commitments and rejects various solutions to these problems. He outlines a proposal which may be (...)
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    Minimal strong functionalism.Don Ross - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Research 20:237-268.
    This paper is motivated by the concern that increasingly fewer philosophers of mind seem prepared to call themselves ‘functionalists’ these days. I suggest that this has less to do with explicit arguments presented against functionalism than with a gradual decay in the clarity of the term’s reference. This decay has two sources: functionalism has involved several different, logically independent research commitments, and it has become tightly associated, to an unnecessary degree, with classical computationalism, a program which is now under severe (...)
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  50. Two fallacies in comparisons between humans and non-humans.Don Ross - 2018 - Animal Sentience 3 (23).
    The hypothesis that humans are superior to non-humans by virtue of higher cognitive powers is often supported by two recurrent fallacies: that any competence shown by humans but not by our closest living relatives must be unique to humans; and that grades of intelligence can be inferred from behavior without regard to motivational structures.
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