Results for ' Dialogic space'

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  1.  43
    The Dialogic Spaces of Afro-Caribbean Philosophy.Sophie McCall - 2004 - CLR James Journal 10 (1):57-72.
  2.  38
    Buber, educational technology, and the expansion of dialogic space.Rupert Wegerif & Louis Major - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (1):109-119.
    Buber’s distinction between the ‘I-It’ mode and the ‘I-Thou’ mode is seminal for dialogic education. While Buber introduces the idea of dialogic space, an idea which has proved useful for the analysis of dialogic education with technology, his account fails to engage adequately with the role of technology. This paper offers an introduction to the significance of the I-It/I-Thou duality of technology in relation with opening dialogic space. This is followed by a short schematic (...)
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    Exploring the Dialogical Space of Hybrid Forums: The “Predictably Unpredictable” Case of Radioactive Waste Management in Denmark, 2003-2018.Kristian H. Nielsen & Rosa Nan Leunbach - 2019 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 39 (1-2):4-18.
    Denmark was once at the forefront of nuclear research, operating three experimental nuclear reactors at the research facility at Risø, close to Copenhagen. However, the 1985 resolution of the Danish Parliament excluded nuclear power from the national energy mix. In 2003, the Parliament passed a resolution on the decommissioning of the nuclear facility at Risø, including plans for establishing a permanent solution for radioactive waste management. To understand the ensuing socio-technical controversy, we employ the “hybrid forum” framework that emphasizes the (...)
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  4. A Seminar on Philosophy for/with Children as a Dialogical Space between Jews and Arabs at the University of Haifa.Arie Kizel - 2021 - In International Association for Teachers of Philosophy at Schools and Universities Yearbook. Zürich: pp. 176-184.
    In recent years, the educational-system development specialization of the MA program in the University of Haifa’s Faculty of Education has held an annual seminar on Philosophy for/with Children (P4wC). Under my guidance, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Druze, and Circassian students have formed a group embodying a living and breathing dialogical space. Despite the global spread of P4wC principles following the emergence of the P4C movement promoted by the International Council of Philosophical Inquiry and its practice in dozens of national and (...)
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    Reconsidering Buber, educational technology, and the expansion of dialogic space.Vikas Baniwal - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (1):121-127.
    This paper is an attempt to further the conversation about the possibilities of dialogue with technology that Wegerif and Major have initiated. In their paper Wegerif and Major have argued that “constructive dialogue with technology is possible, even essential, and that this takes the form of opening a dialogic space” and they also “argue against Buber that dialogic spaces do not all take the same form, but that they take a multitude of forms depending, to a large (...)
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  6. Dialogics of space.Julian Holloway & James Kneale - 2000 - In Mike Crang & N. J. Thrift (eds.), Thinking space. New York: Routledge. pp. 9--71.
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    The Dialogical Self: A Process of Positioning in Space and Time.Hubert Hermans - 2011 - In Shaun Gallagher (ed.), The Oxford handbook of the self. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This article examines the concept of the so-called dialogical self. This theory is based on the pragmatism of George Herbert Mead and the work of Mikhail Bakhtin on dialogicality. This article explains that the dialogical theory view the other not as external to self, but as part of the self and constitutive of it. It also introduces the notion of positioning as a further articulation of the dialogical self situated in time and space. The idea is that the self (...)
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    Dialogic Book-Sharing as a Privileged Intersubjective Space.Lynne Murray, Holly Rayson, Pier-Francesco Ferrari, Sam V. Wass & Peter J. Cooper - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Parental reading to young children is well-established as being positively associated with child cognitive development, particularly their language development. Research indicates that a particular, “intersubjective,” form of using books with children, “Dialogic Book-sharing”, is especially beneficial to infants and pre-school aged children, particularly when using picture books. The work on DBS to date has paid little attention to the theoretical and empirical underpinnings of the approach. Here, we address the question of what processes taking place during DBS confer benefits (...)
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    Dialogicity and Textuality as Features of the Cultural Space of V. Kandinsky and D. Burliuk.Шевчук В.Г - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The appeal to the cultural space of the Silver Age and the Russian avant-garde allows us to judge the diversity of manifestations of the cultural text, the uniqueness of the dialogue between the cultural worlds of Russia and Europe, East and West. The cultural space of prominent representatives of the Russian avant-garde, including V. Kandinsky and D. Burliuk, was distinguished by a combination of artistic creativity and theoretical views, that is, a variety of synthesis of visual, verbal, auditory (...)
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    Dialogic: education for the Internet age.Rupert Wegerif - 2013 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Dialogic: Education for the Digital Age argues that despite rapid advances in communications technology, most educational research still relies on traditional approaches to education, built upon the logic of print, and dependent on the notion that there is a single true representation of reality. In practice, the use of the Internet disrupts this traditional logic of education by offering an experience of knowledge as participatory and multiple. The challenge identified in Wegerif's text is the growing need to develop a (...)
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  11. Dialogic learning in museum space.Catherine Styles - 2011 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 19 (3):12.
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    Conflicts and con-fusions confounding compassion in acute care: Creating dialogical moral space.Jenny Jones, Petra Strube, Marion Mitchell & Amanda Henderson - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (1):116-123.
    Background: Compassion, understood as empathy for another who is experiencing physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual suffering, is an essential element of our shared understandings of nursing and the constitution of the professional nurse. Theoretical foundation: Charles Taylor account of ethics which concerns ‘what or who is it good to be’ rather than the predominant analytical moral philosophy approach which concentrates on ‘what ought one to do’ is the core concern of this discussion. An ontological appreciation of our shared human condition (...)
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  13.  77
    Dialogical Demand: Discursive Position Repertoires for a Local and Global UK Sex Industry.Adam R. Crossley & Rebecca Lawthom - 2015 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 45 (2):261-286.
    The increasing incidence of ‘trafficking’ has added an incontestably disturbing dimension to the contestable nature of a ‘non-trafficked’ UK sex industry. Men who buy sex remain under-researched, though some studies have indicated ambivalence within men's attitudes. This study combines a critical discursive psychology in support of dialogical self theory. Secondary data, from prominent UK media resources, were analysed using Edley's method of combining ‘interpretative repertoires’, ‘ideological dilemmas’ and ‘subject positions’. Contrasting discursive practices indicative of wider ideological conflict were found. Discursive (...)
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    Dialogic Consensus in Medicine—A Justification Claim.Paul Walker & Terence Lovat - 2019 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 44 (1):71-84.
    The historical emphasis of medical ethics, based on substantive frameworks and principles derived from them, is no longer seen as sufficiently sensitive to the moral pluralism characteristic of our current era. We argue that moral decision-making in clinical situations is more properly derived from a process of dialogic consensus. This process entails an inclusive, noncoercive, and self-reflective dialogue within the community affected. In order to justify this approach, we make two claims—the first epistemic, and the second normative. The epistemic (...)
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  15.  43
    Neoteny, Dialogic Education and an Emergent Psychoculture: Notes on Theory and Practice.David Kennedy - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 48 (1):100-117.
    This article argues that children represent one vanguard of an emergent shift in Western subjectivity, and that adult-child dialogue, especially in the context of schooling, is a key locus for the epistemological change that implies. Following Herbert Marcuse's invocation of a ‘new sensibility’, the author argues that the evolutionary phenomenon of neoteny—the long formative period of human childhood and the pedomorphic character of humans across the life cycle—makes of the adult-collective of school a primary site for the reconstruction of belief. (...)
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  16.  6
    Education as Humanisation: Dialogic Pedagogy in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding.Scherto Gill & Ulrike Niens (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    Over the past decades, there has been a consistent and poignant ambiguity with regard to the role of education in the context of post-conflict and divided societies working towards building peace. Most recently, global developments, including the after-effects of the Arab Spring, the devastating wars in Syria, and the refugee crisis in Europe, have directed our attention once more to the part that education can play in building peace at many levels. In this context, it is timely to create a (...)
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  17.  32
    Dialogical Breakdown and Covid-19: Solidarity and Disagreement in a Shared World.Cynthia R. Nielsen & David Liakos - 2020 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2020:1-12.
    This article considers the limitations, but also the insights, of Gadamerian hermeneutics for understanding and responding to the crisis precipitated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Our point of departure is the experience of deep disagreements amid the pandemic, and our primary example is ongoing debates in the United States about wearing masks. We argue that, during this dire situation, interpersonal mutual understanding is insufficient for resolving such bitter disputes. Rather, following Gadamer’s account of our dialogical experience with an artwork, we suggest (...)
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  18.  46
    Dialogic authority.J. Cunliffe & A. Reeve - 1999 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 19 (3):453-466.
    This paper discusses the compatibility of authority and autonomy. It makes a distinction between 'deference authority', and 'dialogic authority', which is proposed as an understanding of authority with three advantages over undifferentiated accounts. First, 'dialogic authority' is better able to reconcile autonomy with authority. Secondly, it provides conceptual space for accountability, space diminished or excluded by deference authority. Thirdly, it captures the experience of authority-subjects attempting to preserve autonomy.
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    (1 other version)I–Thou dialogical encounters in adolescents’ WhatsApp virtual communities.Arie Kizel - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (1):19-27.
    The use of WhatsApp as a means of communication is widespread amongst today‘s youth, many of whom spend hours in virtual space, in particular during the evenings and nighttime in the privacy of their own homes. This article seeks to contribute to the discussion of the dialogical language and ―conversations‖ conducted in virtual-space encounters and the way in which young people perceive this space, its affect on them, and their interrelations within it. It presents the findings of (...)
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  20.  11
    Moving Beyond ‘Homo Economicus’ into Spaces for Kindness in Higher Education: The Critical Corridor Talk of Informal Higher Education Leadership.Jill Jameson - 2019 - In Paul Gibbs, Jill Jameson & Alex Elwick (eds.), Values of the University in a Time of Uncertainty. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    Dialogic spaces for kindness in higher education, located in the ‘critical corridor talk’ of informal leaders positioned quietly in the background in many universities, are a form of moral Resistance in an era excessively dominated by the values of some of the harsher exponents of economic rationalism. This is a secret language of dialogic resistance, to be found under the radar, tucked away in the blindspots of formally recognised Communication. It stoically challenges an arguably unhealthy obsession with efficient (...)
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  21. The Dialogical Imperative in The Digital Age.Noit Banai - 2025 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (2).
    This article argues for the urgency of positing visual forms as sites through which to further develop the framework of dialogical and multi-directional memory in narrating the histories of Israel/Palestine as well as other spaces where a contest for a national homeland has been circumscribed within limited notions of identity. First, it revisits the writings of scholars who have laid the theoretical groundwork through which to challenge the orthodoxy of the nation-centric positions in Israel/Palestine and who embed them within the (...)
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    The need for dialogic consciousness in postmodern politic society.Povilas Aleksandravičius - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 27 (1).
    This article analyses the forms of human thinking which fundamentally influence political life. The author distinguishes two of these forms – a monologic and a dialogic consciousness – and reveals philosophical pre-conditions for their formation in modern and postmodern times. The collision of these different forms of thinking is particularly relevant both for the countries of post-communist space and the old democratic traditions fostering Europe. The monologic consciousness is a closed thinking scheme rejecting the possibility of engaging in (...)
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  23.  25
    The Dialogic Expansion of Garcia’s We: Chronotopes, Ethics, and Politics in The Expanse Series.Eamon Reid - 2021 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):168-191.
    Popular culture could be understood as a political battleground where conflicting meanings are inscribed into the “ordinary objects” that constitute that public sphere. This is also true for science fiction television series. This article critically examines how political matters and ethical agencies are represented within The Expanse, a series that takes place within a speculative twenty-fourth century milky way. Firstly, I will situate The Expanse within its generic “system of reference.” Then, I will illustrate how political matters are represented as (...)
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    Mutual Flourishing: A Dialogical Approach to Environmental Virtue Ethics.Esteban Arcos - 2023 - Philosophies 9 (1):6.
    Environmental virtue ethics is about how things (nature) matter, and this is explicated through the virtues (character and dispositions of the agent). It has been suggested that human virtue should be informed by what constitutes our flourishing and by what constitutes nonhuman entities flourishing. Our flourishing, in other words, involves recognising their flourishing and autonomy. My purpose in this paper is to elucidate the notion of mutual flourishing through a study on the relational space that a recognising attitude or (...)
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    Social activeness of young people: Dialogical support in the cultural and educational space.Olena Troitska & Kateryna Averina - 2017 - Science & Education 26 (6):5-11.
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  26. Pedagogies of Reflection: Dialogical Professional-Development Schools in Israel.Arie Kizel - 2014 - Advances in Research on Teaching 22:113 – 136.
    This chapter discusses a form of pedagogy of reflection suggested to be defined as the dialogical-reflective professional-development school (DRPDS)  a framework that develops and empowers students by engaging them in a process of continual improvement, responding to diverse situations, providing stimuli for learning, and giving anchors for mediation. The pedagogy of reflection relates to dialogue not only from a theoretical historical context but also by way of example  that is, it offers empowering dialogues within the traditional teacher-training framework. (...)
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    Ecological pragmatics: Values, dialogical arrays, complexity, and caring.Bert Hodges - 2009 - Pragmatics and Cognition 17 (3):628-652.
    This paper explores the hypothesis that first-order linguistic activities are better understood in terms of ecological, values-realizing dynamics rather than in terms of rule-governed processes. Conversing, like other perception-action skills is constrained by multiple values, heterarchically organized. This hypothesis is explored in terms of three broad approaches that contrast with models of language which view it as a cognitive system: conversing as a perceptual system for exploring dialogical arrays ; conversing as an action system for integrating diverse space-time scales (...)
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    Blogger Engagement Ethics: Dialogic Civility in a Digital Era.Jeremy Langett - 2013 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 28 (2):79-90.
    The role of social media as a vital component in an effective public relations plan has expanded strategic communication into digital space. Despite the rapid advancements of public relations opportunities within social media such as the blogosphere, guidelines for a prudent entry into this often personalized online territory are difficult to locate. This article extends beyond individual relationships characteristic of public relations practitioner-blogger discourse and promotes a dialogic approach to blogger outreach ethics. It ends with several recommendations for (...)
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  29.  12
    Creating Learning Environments Free of Violence in Special Education Through the Dialogic Model of Prevention and Resolution of Conflicts.Elena Duque, Sara Carbonell, Lena de Botton & Esther Roca-Campos - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Violence suffered by children is a violation of human rights and a global health problem. Children with disabilities are especially vulnerable to violence in the school environment, which has a negative impact on their well-being and health. Students with disabilities educated in special schools have, in addition, more reduced experiences of interaction that may reduce both their opportunities for learning and for building protective social networks of support. This study analyses the transference of evidence-based actions to prevent violence in schools (...)
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    Agentive Spaces, the “Background”, and Other Not Well Articulated Influences in Shaping our Lives.John Shotter - 2013 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 43 (2):133-154.
    What is special about all our living exchanges with our surroundings is that they occur within the ceaseless, intertwined flow of many unfolding strands of spontaneously responsive, living activity. This requires us to adopt a kind of fluid, process thinking, a shift from thinking of events as occurring between things and beings existing as separate entities prior to their inter-action, to events occurring within a continuously unfolding, holistic but stranded flow of events, with no clear, already existing boundaries to be (...)
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    Retraction and Revocation in Agent Deliberation Dialogs.Peter McBurney & Simon Parsons - 2007 - Argumentation 21 (3):269-289.
    We present a generic denotational semantic framework for protocols for dialogs between rational and autonomous agents over action which allows for retraction and revocation of proposals for action. The semantic framework views participants in a deliberation dialog as jointly and incrementally manipulating the contents of shared spaces of action-intention tokens. The framework extends prior work by decoupling the identity of an agent who first articulates a proposal for action from the identity of any agent then empowered to retract or revoke (...)
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    Under the Talking-Tree: Proverbs as Reasons. The Dialogical Articulaton of Proverbs Within the Baule Tradition.Adjoua Bernadette Dango & Shahid Rahman - 2021 - In Teresa Lopez-Soto (ed.), Dialog Systems: A Perspective From Language, Logic and Computation. Springer Verlag. pp. 55-73.
    The Talking-Tree or Palaver Tree is a designated location in many African traditions where the community comes together to discuss, in a peaceful and constructive manner, issues of common interest. It is conceived as an open gathering space of interactive communication led by the stance that finding a compromise or common solution is the best way to consolidate a community. At times, the interchange taking place at a Talking-Tree may also transform into conflict management. Conflict management unfolds into several (...)
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  33.  24
    “Always opening and never closing”: How dialogical therapists understand and create reflective conversations in network meetings.A. E. Sidis, A. Moore, J. Pickard & F. P. Deane - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Tom Andersen’s reflecting team process, which allowed families to witness and respond to the talk of professionals during therapy sessions, has been described as revolutionary in the field of family therapy. Reflecting teams are prominent in a number of family therapy approaches, more recently in narrative and dialogical therapies. This way of working is considered more a philosophy than a technique, and has been received positively by both therapists and service users. This paper describes how dialogical therapists conceptualise the reflective (...)
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  34. Forgiving from Liminal Space: Locating Asian American Theologies of Forgiveness.Henry S. Kuo - 2012 - Society of Asian North American Christian Studies Journal 4 (2012-2013):133-150.
    Conflicts abound in Asian American churches between different groups. This study articulates a theological location of forgiveness that speaks to those conflicts. In particular, it situates forgiveness in the liminal space between what Homi K. Bhabha describes as "domains of difference" that define different generational or ethnic groups within Asian American churches. Yet the possibility of forgiveness is enacted only when both sides of a conflict are willing to move from those domains into liminal space. This study argues (...)
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    The Web as a Space for Local Agency.Seija Ridell - 2002 - Communications 27 (2):147-169.
    This article approaches the Internet in terms of the metaphor of space and examines the web as a terrain for social agency in the local context. The main concern is how the global Internet is currently being used for locally oriented purposes, particularly with the kinds of actor roles that locally oriented web spaces construct for users and the modes of interaction these spaces enable and encourage. Finally, consideration is given to how the web could be developed as an (...)
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    Goddesses and Gods in Rancière and Heidegger: Dialogically Recontextualizing “The Origin of the Work of Art”.Kyle Peters - 2014 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 1 (2):149-168.
    ABSTRACTThis article investigates Rancière’s understanding of the Heideggerean conception of art. It argues that Rancière is mistaken in categorizing Heidegger’s philosophy of art within the ethical regime of images, and further that his work corresponds with the central tenets of, and thus should be categorized within, the aesthetic regime of art. This is because art is understood as art, for Heidegger, when it instigates strife between world—the network of associations which constitute the horizons of a given population’s perceptual, conceptual and (...)
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  37.  23
    Politics of memory, urban space and the discourse of counterhegemonic commemoration: a discourse-ethnographic analysis of the ‘Living Memorial’ in Budapest’s ‘Liberty Square’.Natalia Krzyżanowska - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (5):540-560.
    This study analyses of the Living Memorial: a counter-monumental installation located since 2014 in the highly contested Szabadság (‘Liberty’) Square in central Budapest, Hungary. The focus on the LM allows showcasing it as a unique type of commemorative installation that not only contests the current Hungarian top-down, hegemonic narrations and practices of memory but also counteracts the country’s politicised and ideologised narrations of the past. The LM is explored as a dialogical ‘nexus’ of, on the one hand, individual, lived experiences (...)
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    Living in the “space of reasons”: The “rationality debate” revisited.David Davies - 1999 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 13 (3):231 – 244.
    Two questions are central to the “rationality debate” in the philosophy of social science. First, should we acknowledge differences in basic norms of epistemic and agential rationality, or in the content of perceptual experience, as the “best explanation” of radical differences in belief and practice? Second, can genuine understanding be achieved between cultures and research traditions that so differ in their beliefs and practices? I survey a number of responses to these questions, and suggest that one of these, “dialogical optimism”, (...)
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    Wonders in Stone and Space: Theological Dimensions of the Miracle Accounts in Celano and Bonaventure.Timothy J. Johnson - 2009 - Franciscan Studies 67:71-90.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:This essay considers hagiography as a spatial-theological genre emerging, so to speak, from the crypts of Christian martyrs where liturgical celebrations commemorate their paradoxical witness to the Paschal mystery, whereby the faithful gain eternal life through temporal death. Later the virtues and miracles of holy men and women, such as ascetics, bishops, mystics and founders of religious communities, are recounted in vitae intended for liturgical offices and contemplative reflection. (...)
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    The Integration of the European Union and the Changing Cultural Space of Europe: Xenophobia and Webs of Significance. [REVIEW]Laura Story Johnson - 2012 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 25 (2):211-224.
    The dialogic relationship between individuals and the cultural space of Europe embodies cultural definitions, political definitions and individual definitions. As individuals draw from Europe as a cultural space and strive to identify and define themselves, definitions are created against an “other,” leading to Europe being defined against the “other.” Identity is established through difference, and in this, the relationship between the EU—a force of integration—and Europe as a cultural space is strained. As boundaries change through the (...)
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    Philosophical Journal as a Space for Interdisciplinary and Intergenerational Dialogue (The Meeting of the Editor-in-Chief of the Russian Journal of the Philosophical Sciences Khachatur Marinosyan with New Authors).Nikolai B. Afanasov - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (5):139-150.
    The article presents the author’s reflection on the topic of scientific communication and forms of presentation of scientific results in the form of journal publications. As a starting point for reflection served the meeting that took place on March 28, 2019 held by the editor-in-chief of the Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences Khachatur Marinosyan with new researchers. The event was mainly devoted to the structure of the representation of modern knowledge, a crucial role in which is continued to be played (...)
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    Second Nature, Becoming Child, and Dialogical Schooling.David Kennedy - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (6):641-656.
    This paper argues that children as members of a perennial psychoclass represent one potential vanguard of an emergent shift in Western subjectivity, and that adult–child dialogue, especially in the context of schooling, is a key locus for the epistemological change that implies. I argue from Herbert Marcuse’s prophetic invocation of a “new sensibility,” which is characterized by an increase in instinctual revulsion towards violence, domination and exploitation and, correspondingly, a greater sensitivity to all forms of life. As the embodiment of (...)
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    Conceptual Shifts in the Post-Non-Classical Philosophical Understanding of Dialogue: Developing Cultural-Educational Space.Olena Troitska, Valentina Sinelnikova, Vitalii Matsko, Liudmyla Vorotniak, Olesia Fedorova & Tetiana Radzyniak - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (1):388-407.
    In the scientific literature, there are accents that emphasize certain changes in the functioning of philosophy, which took place in connection with the establishment of the postulates of postmodernism as a new period in the development of culture, as a style of post non-classical scientific thinking, in fact, the content and hierarchy of values positions itself with a sophisticated departure from the classical and non-classical philosophical reflection. Philosophical and educational understanding of the methodology of research of dialogue and tolerance testified (...)
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    The Artists Village: Openly Intervening in the Public Spaces of the City of Singapore.Adrian Tan - 2019 - Open Philosophy 2 (1):640-652.
    This paper focuses on how the social, dialogical and collaborative strategies and practices of The Artists Village openly intervened in the public spaces of Singapore at various times in the city-state’s history from 1989 to 2015. The objective of this paper is to draw out how the artists collective used social situations to openly produce relational, participatory and socially engaged art in public spaces with specific functions, history and importance. These various forms of artistic interventions took place on a farm, (...)
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    Human capabilities and information and communication technology: the communicative connection. [REVIEW]William F. Birdsall - 2011 - Ethics and Information Technology 13 (2):93-106.
    The potential contributions information and communication technology (ICT) can make to advancing human capabilities are acknowledged by both the capability approach (CA) and ICT communities. However, there is a lack of genuine engagement between the two communities. This paper addresses the question: How can a collaborative dialogue between the CA and ICT communities be advanced? A prerequisite to exploring collaboratively the potential use of particular technologies with specific capabilities is a conceptual framework within which a dialogue can be undertaken to (...)
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    Christian discourse of the English series «Robin of Sherwood» (1984–1986) and its reflection in the modern literary internet space of Russia. [REVIEW]Marina Alekseevna Shirokova - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The subject of the study is the Christian discourse of the English TV series «Robin of Sherwood» (1984–1986). As a methodological basis for the scientific work, a philosophical-hermeneutic approach is used, presented, in particular, in the works of W. Dilthey, H.-G. Gadamer and M.M. Bakhtin. The most important structure of understanding is the principle of the «hermeneutic circle», which assumes that the text as a whole is understood through each of its parts, and the part through the whole. In addition, (...)
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    Posthumanist perspectives on affect: Framing the field.Magdalena Zolkos & Gerda Roelvink - 2015 - Angelaki 20 (3):1-20.
    This special issue on posthumanist perspectives on affect seeks to create a platform for thinking about the intersection of, on the one hand, the posthumanist project of radically reconfiguring the meaning of the “human” in light of the critiques of a unified and bounded subjectivity and, on the other, the insights coming from recent scholarship on affect and feeling about the subject, sociality, and connectivity. Posthumanism stands for diverse theoretical positions which together call into question the anthropocentric assertion of the (...)
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  48.  38
    (Re)constructing God to find meaning in suffering: Men serving long-term sentences in Zonderwater.Christina Landman & Tanya Pieterse - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):10.
    Offender populations experience their incarceration through different lenses and often as a spiritual journey of suffering. During 2017 and 2018 a study was conducted by the authors with 30 men serving long-term sentences in Correctional Centre A, Zonderwater Management Area in the Gauteng province of South Africa. Following interviews and focus group sessions, the authors report on participants’ representations on how their (re)constructed views of God assist them to find meaning in suffering while incarcerated. Narrative inquiry as a philosophical framework (...)
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    Africanity and research: A case study in rural South Africa.Christina Landman & Hannelie Yates - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (4):1-9.
    In the first part of this article, Africanity as a concept within research methodology is explored in the dialogical spaces between the binaries of racial identity and group identity, indigenous and traditional values, post-colonialism and post-racialism, blackness and African, as well as eliminativist and conservationalist. In the second part, the research carried out in two townships in the eMakhazeni Local Municipality in Mpumalanga, South Africa's most eastern province, is described in terms of parameters and process. The townships involved are Sakhelwe (...)
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  50. Philosophic Communities of Inquiry: The Search for and Finding of Meaning as the Basis for Developing a Sense of Responsibility.Arie Kizel - 2017 - Childhood and Philosophy 13 (26):87 - 103.
    The attempt to define meaning arouses numerous questions, such as whether life can be meaningful without actions devoted to a central purpose or whether the latter guarantee a meaningful life. Communities of inquiry are relevant in this context because they create relationships within and between people and the environment. The more they address relations—social, cognitive, emotional, etc.—that tie-in with the children’s world even if not in a concrete fashion, the more they enable young people to search for and find meaning. (...)
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