The appeal to the cultural space of the Silver Age and the Russian avant-garde allows us to judge the diversity of manifestations of the cultural text, the uniqueness of the dialogue between the cultural worlds of Russia and Europe, East and West. The cultural space of prominent representatives of the Russian avant-garde, including V. Kandinsky and D. Burliuk, was distinguished by a combination of artistic creativity and theoretical views, that is, a variety of synthesis of visual, verbal, auditory and other texts. Accordingly, the object of the study is the creative and theoretical heritage of V. Kandinsky and D. Burliuk, consisting of many texts, the subject is the identification of characteristic features of their cultural worlds, such as dialogicity and textuality. The scientific novelty and purpose of our research consists in the culturol analysis and method of comparing the artistic and theoretical views of the artists-thinkers V. Kandinsky and D. Burliuk, in identifying the inseparable connection of their various texts: artistic, visual, verbal, auditory and others. It is established that the originality of the national culture is due to the history of Russia and its location between Europe and Asia. The simultaneous coexistence of cultural phenomena of the past, present and future, their continuity and competition among themselves is a non-linear process, which happens in the era of the Silver Age. This "transitional" period at the junction of the XIX-XX centuries is characterized as an "explosion" situation. The embodiment of the unity of the traditions of Russian and European arts, the interweaving of their artistic achievements and theoretical attitudes in V. Kandinsky's worldview, as well as theoretical views on art problems and the originality of D. Burliuk's artistic text with his passion for Oriental art – all this confirms the similarity of the creative attitudes of artists-thinkers. A comparison of their verbal and artistic texts leads to the conclusion that the features of the cultural worlds of V. Kandinsky and D. Burliuk are dialogic, textual and synthetic.