Results for ' Dialectics'

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  1. Ronald R. Butters.Dialect Variants & Linguistic Deviance - 1971 - Foundations of Language 7:239.
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  2. Reading Catalano's Reading Sartre.Dialectical Reason - 2011 - Sartre Studies International 17 (2):81-88.
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  3. Against Biological Determinism the Dialects of Biology Group.Steven P. R. Rose & Dialects of Biology Group - 1981
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  4. The Dialectics of Social Life: Alarms and Excursions in Anthropological Theory.Robert Murphy - 1972 - Science and Society 36 (4):487-490.
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    From Religion to Dialectics and Mathematics.Wolfgang Achtner - 2016 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 44 (1):111-131.
    Hermann Grassmann is known to be the founder of modern vector and tensor calculus. Having as a theologian no formal education in mathematics at a university he got his basic ideas for this mathematical innovation at least to some extent from listening to Schleiermacher’s lectures on Dialectics and, together with his brother Robert, reading its publication in 1839. The paper shows how the idea of unity and various levels of reality first formulated in Schleiermacher’s talks about religion in 1799 (...)
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  6. Schleiermacher dialectics and Schelling concept of the absolute.E. Brito - 1992 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 84 (1):61-87.
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    Dialectics and the macrostructure of arguments: a theory of argument structure.James B. Freeman - 1991 - Berlin ; New York: Foris Publications.
    Chapter The Need for a Theory of Argument Structure. THE STANDARD APPROACH The approach to argument diagramming which we call standard was originated, ...
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    The origin of negative dialectics: Theodor W. Adorno, Walter Benjamin and the Frankfurt Institute.Susan Buck-Morss - 1977 - Hassocks, Eng.: Harvester Press.
  9. Marxist feminist dialectics for the twenty-first century.Nancy Hartsock - 2008 - In Bertell Ollman & Tony Smith (eds.), Dialectics for the new century. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  10. Questions Posed by Teleology for Cognitive Psychology; Introduction and Comments.Is Dialectical Cognition Good Enough To - 1987 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 8 (2):179-184.
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    Deductivism Within Pragma-Dialectics.Leo Groarke - 1999 - Argumentation 13 (1):1-16.
    The present paper elaborates a deductivist account of natural language argu-ment in the context of pragma-dialectics. It reviews earlier debates, criticizes some standard misconceptions in the literature, and argues that the identification and analysis of deductive argument schemes can be the basis of a compelling theory of argumentative discourse.
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  12. Mill and pragma-dialectics.Hans Vilhelm Hansen - 2006 - In F. H. van Eemeren, Peter Houtlosser, Haft-van Rees & A. M. (eds.), Considering pragma-dialectics: a festschrift for Frans H. van Eemeren on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.
  13. Negative dialectics and the possibility of philosophy.Teodor Adorno - 2000 - In O., Connor & B. (eds.), The Adorno Reader. Blackwell.
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    Dialectics: A Controversy-Oriented Approach to the Theory of Knowledge.John Kekes - 1979 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 39 (4):603-604.
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  15. Dialectics and reductionism in ecology.Richard Levins & Richard Lewontin - 1980 - Synthese 43 (1):47 - 78.
    Biology above the level of the individual organism ? population ecology and genetics, community ecology, biogeography and evolution ? requires the study of intrinsically complex systems. But the dominant philosophies of western science have proven to be inadequate for the study of complexity:(1)The reductionist myth of simplicity leads its advocates to isolate parts as completely as possible and study these parts. It underestimates the importance of interactions in theory, and its recommendations for practice (in agricultural programs or conservation and environmental (...)
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    The Dialectics of Seeing: Walter Benjamin and the Arcades Project.Susan Buck-Morss - 1989 - MIT Press.
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    The dialectics of accuracy arguments for probabilism.Alexander R. Pruss - 2023 - Synthese 201 (5):1-26.
    Scoring rules measure the deviation between a credence assignment and reality. Probabilism holds that only those credence assignments that satisfy the axioms of probability are rationally admissible. Accuracy-based arguments for probabilism observe that given certain conditions on a scoring rule, the score of any non-probability is dominated by the score of a probability. The conditions in the arguments we will consider include propriety: the claim that the expected accuracy of _p_ is not beaten by the expected accuracy of any other (...)
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    The Dialectics of Yangsheng: Healing by Argument in the Zhuangzi.Rohan Sikri - 2021 - Philosophy East and West 71 (2):431-450.
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    Rethinking individuality: the dialectics of the holobiont.Scott F. Gilbert & Alfred I. Tauber - 2016 - Biology and Philosophy 31 (6):839-853.
    Given immunity’s general role in the organism’s economy—both in terms of its internal environment as well as mediating its external relations—immune theory has expanded its traditional formulation of preserving individual autonomy to one that includes accounting for nutritional processes and symbiotic relationships that require immune tolerance. When such a full ecological alignment is adopted, the immune system becomes the mediator of both defensive and assimilative environmental intercourse, where a balance of immune rejection and tolerance governs the complex interactions of the (...)
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    Racial Capitalism and the Dialectics of Development: Exposing the Limits and Lies of International Economic Law.Mohsen al Attar & Claire Smith - 2022 - Law and Critique 35 (1):149-171.
    International economic law is peculiar. It claims universal character, yet eschews engagement with many, if not all, the racialised features of the global political economy. Its scholars mostly ignore imperialism, colonialism, and capitalism; they exclude slavery, predation, and racism altogether. In the following article, we draw upon Walter Rodney’s dialectics of development to offer a racial capitalist critique of international economic law. The disciplinary boundaries and operative logic normalised by its denizens corral us in a white, Eurocentric episteme. Ahistoricism, (...)
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    The Cognitive Dialectics of Evolutionary Processes in the Universe.V. A. Ambartsumian & V. V. Kaziutinskii - 1981 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 20 (3):25-59.
    One of the most important philosophical principles in contemporary natural science is the principle of the universality of evolutionary development , which was argued with much force and depth in F. Engels's The Dialectics of Nature. For the more than a century that has passed since Engels's sweeping synthesis of knowledge in the natural sciences, his revelation of the unity of the processes of evolution in inanimate and animate nature, including the inevitably and law-governed appearance of its "highest flower, (...)
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    Badiou and Hegel: Infinity, Dialectics, Subjectivity.A. J. Bartlett, Justin Clemens, Norman Madarasz, Adriel M. Trott, Gabriel Riera, Frank Ruda, Tzuchien Tho & Alberto Toscano - 2015 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book collects the work of leading scholars on Alain Badiou and G.W.F. Hegel, creating a dialogue between, and a critical appraisal of, these two central figures in European philosophy.
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    Pragmatics and dialectics of argument.Katarzyna Budzyńska, F. H. van Eemeren & Marcin Koszowy (eds.) - 2014 - Białystok: University of Białystok.
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  24. (1 other version)Confucian remonstrance in the dialectics of self-conscious identity between the People's Republic of China and Hong Kong.James Garrison - 2021 - In Bianca Boteva-Richter & Sarhan Dhouib (eds.), Political Philosophy From an Intercultural Perspective: Power Relations in a Global World. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Science and Dialectics in the Philosophies of Deleuze, Bachelard and DeLanda.James Williams - 2006 - Paragraph 29 (2):98-114.
    This article charts differences between Gilles Deleuze's and Gaston Bachelard's philosophies of science in order to reflect on different readings of the role of science in Deleuze's philosophy, in particular in relation to Manuel DeLanda's interpretation of Deleuze's work. The questions considered are: Why do Gilles Deleuze and Gaston Bachelard develop radically different philosophical dialectics in relation to science? What is the significance of this difference for current approaches to Deleuze and science, most notably as developed by Manuel DeLanda? (...)
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    Preface: From Pragmatics and Dialectics to Argument Studies.Katarzyna Budzynska, Frans H. Van Eemeren & Marcin Koszowy - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 36 (1):7-22.
    Pragmatics and dialectics are two disciplines which have been amongst the first and most important partners for argument studies in the exploration of the complex realm of communication. Treating argumentation as a construct consisting of premises and conclusion allows for investigating some interesting properties of the phenomenon of reasoning, but does not capture a variety of aspects related to the usage of natural language and dialogical context in which real-life argumentation is typically embedded. This special issue explores some of (...)
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  27. The dialectics of Logic.J. D. Mackenzie - 1981 - Logique Et Analyse 24 (94):159.
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    The Dialectics of Power, Rights, and Responsibility.Ranhilio Callangan Aquino - 2009 - Kritike 3 (1):1-9.
    It is not uncommon for a treatment of rights to be treatment against power with some concession to the responsibilities that a tutelary of rights enjoys. We owe it to legal philosophers of the Scholastic persuasion who recognized rights as the entitlements that allow a person to fulfill duties— whether these arise from nature or from contract. In this sense rights were subordinate to and enjoyed for the sake of duties that one had. One may debate this way of putting (...)
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    Pragmatic Presuppositions and the Dialectics of Hegel's Phenomenology.Joseph C. Flay - 1982 - Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 6:15-26.
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  30. The origins of Hegelian dialectics according to Baum, Manfred.G. Gerard - 1990 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 88 (77):99-104.
  31. The role of dialectics in Marcuse.Asger Sørensen - 2017 - In Terry Maley (ed.), One-Dimensional Man 50 Years On. Fernwood Publishing. pp. 40-56.
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  32. The Role of Dialectics in Critical Theory. Marcuse Revisited.Asger Sørensen - 2017 - In . Fernwood.
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  33. Christian-marxist encounters in" dialectics and humanism" in the years 1974—1986.Janusz Zablocki, Tadeusz M. Jaroszewski, Andrzej Grzegorczyk, Janusz Kuczyhski, Janusz Kuczynski, Andrew N. Woznicki, Jozef Borgosz, Andrzej Kasia, Mieczyslaw Gogacz & Zdzislaw Kuksewitz - 1987 - Dialectics and Humanism 14:322.
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  34. The Dialectics of Engineering.Byron Newberry - 2015 - In Byron Newberry, Carl Mitcham, Martin Meganck, Andrew Jamison, Christelle Didier & Steen Hyldgaard Christensen (eds.), Engineering Identities, Epistemologies and Values: Engineering Education and Practice in Context. Springer Verlag.
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  35. Index to Volume X.Vincent Colapietro, Being as Dialectic, Kenneth Stikkers, Dale Jacquette, Adversus Adversus Regressum Against Infinite Regress Objections, Santosh Makkuni, Moral Luck, Practical Judgment, Leo J. Penta & On Power - 1996 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 10 (4).
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  36. The Dynamics and Dialectics of Capitalism.Robert G. Perrin - 1981 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 5 (2):211-236.
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  37. Karel Kosik, "Dialectics of the Concrete".Mildred Bakan - 1978 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 35:242.
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  38. Sychnoiton-logon, heuristics and dialectics in plato'gorgia'.L. Mauro - 1984 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 13 (4):429-447.
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    The Dialectics of Philosophical Idealism and Realism In Adorno’s Aesthetics.Dieter W. Adolphs - 1992 - Idealistic Studies 22 (1):1-10.
    Theodor W. Adorno’s writings are often categorized as either political, aesthetic or critical. While all of these characteristics are legitimate, it is problematic to view Adorno from only one of these angles. In fact, many literary critics consider his thoughts about literature to be simple cultural criticism, i.e., something that leaves the realm of pure scholarship by defiling the argumentation with philosophy or politics. Political theorists and philosophers, on the other hand, often view his literary concerns as superfluous. It is (...)
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  40. The Dialectics of the Abyss.Bernard Aspe - 2012 - Filozofski Vestnik 33 (1):7 - +.
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    Forms, Dialectics and the Healthy Community: The British Idealists’ Receptions of Plato.Colin Tyler - 2018 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 100 (1):76-105.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie Jahrgang: 99 Heft: 4 Seiten: 76-105.
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  42. Heidegger's Distortion of Dialectics in "Hegel's Concept of Experience".Deng Xiaomang & Zhang Lin - 2009 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 4 (2):294 - 307.
    This essay reveals five points in which Heidegger misreads Hegel in "Hegel's Concept of Experience": (1) By forcedly introducing the concept of "will", he interprets Hegel's phenomenology of spirit into Metaphysics of Presence; (2) interprets concepts such as "statement" and "the road of skeptics" as the process of phenomenological reduction; (3) reduces Hegel's Sein to Seiende; (4) replaces "Contradiction" with "Ambiguity" so the active Dialectics become passive; (5) exaggerates conscious experience and puts it into a real ontology, regardless of (...)
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    Dialectics and conversion in Wittgenstein’s later work.Magali Nicole - 2018 - Disputatio Philosophica 19 (1):117-126.
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  44. The Case of Pragma-Dialectics.Peter Houtlosser, Frans Eemeren & Frans H. van Eemeren - 2015 - In Scott Jacobs, Sally Jackson, Frans Eemeren & Frans H. van Eemeren (eds.), Reasonableness and Effectiveness in Argumentative Discourse: Fifty Contributions to the Development of Pragma-Dialectics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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    Did Lenin Refound Marxist Dialectics in 1914?Nathan Coombs - 2016 - The European Legacy 21 (1):1-18.
    During the twentieth century a number of competing accounts of Lenin’s theory and practice have sought to reclaim its true meaning from ossification under Stalinism. One account popular today is the Hegelian-Marxist interpretation of Lenin’s Philosophical Notebooks written in 1914 and 1915. According to thinkers such as Raya Dunayevskaya and Kevin Anderson, Lenin’s notebooks on Hegel’s Science of Logic represent a radical break from classical dialectical materialism. For these Hegelian-Marxists, Lenin’s acerbic remarks on Engels’s and Plekhanov’s dialectics reveal him (...)
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  46. Historical dialectics and the autonomy of art in Adorno's ästhetische theorie.James M. Harding - 1992 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 50 (3):183-195.
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    The Dialectics of Rationalism.Cezary Rowiński - 1984 - Dialectics and Humanism 11 (2):381-400.
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    Adorno's Negative Dialectics.David Sherman - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (7):353-363.
    The concept of negative dialectics constitutes the philosophical core of Adorno's wide-ranging thought. It reflects his attempt both to consider the status of dialectics in the face of a history that has failed to actualize its prognostications and to rework dialectics to make it adequate to his own time. Among the themes considered are Adorno's critique of conceptuality in the German idealist tradition, his critique of enlightenment reason and its relationship to capitalist society, his qualified rejection of (...)
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    (1 other version)Four kinds of dialectics.Nicola Abbagnano - 1958 - Rivista di Filosofia 59 (3):123-133.
  50. Hegel and Malaysia: Dialectics Meets Constitutional Monarchy.Peter Chong Beng - 2009 - Philosophia 37 (1).
    Hegel's Philosophy of Right holds in high regard the form of a constitutional monarchy with the executive, judiciary, and legislature having overlapping boundaries. The Malaysian governmental structure reflects this configuration. The fundamental premise of this paper is that the interpretive lens of Hegelian metaphysics offers a unique critique of Malaysia's political lineament. In applying Hegel to assess the general form of the Malaysian constitutional monarchy, two specific terrains traversed would be the state-religion liaison and the ramification of government into the (...)
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