Results for 'Practical Judgment'

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  1.  68
    Practical judgment and the well-rounded life.Ting Cho Lau - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Even though grit is an important resource in our practical arsenal, I argue that practical judgment is an even more important capacity that we need in order to live well because it allows us to effectively pursue our various long-term ends. To show this, we will examine a theory of instrumental rationality that differs from the decision theory that underlies recent accounts of grit. This theory is Tenenbaum’s (2020, Rational Powers in Action: Instrumental Rationality and Extended Agency. (...)
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    Honing Practical Judgement.Jonathan Dancy - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (2):410-424.
  3. Index to Volume X.Vincent Colapietro, Being as Dialectic, Kenneth Stikkers, Dale Jacquette, Adversus Adversus Regressum Against Infinite Regress Objections, Santosh Makkuni, Moral Luck, Practical Judgment, Leo J. Penta & On Power - 1996 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 10 (4).
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    Practical Judgment, Narrative Experience and Wicked Problems.Leslie Paul Thiele & Marshall Young - 2016 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 63 (148).
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    Practice, Judgment, and the Challenge of Moral and Political Disagreement: A Pragmatist Account.Roberto Frega - 2012 - Lexington Books.
    Introduction -- Inquiry as the logic of practical reasoning -- From reasoning to judgment -- Expressive inquiry -- The public sphere -- Pragmatism, pluralism, and the fact of relativism -- A pragmatic theory of objectivity -- Why justification matters? -- Pragmatism as an epistemology of practice.
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    Locality and practical judgment: charity and sacrifice.Stephen David Ross - 1994 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    This work completes Ross 's trilogy examining the inexhaustible complexity of the world and our relation to our surroundings.
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    Roberto Frega, Practice, Judgment, and the Challenge of Moral and Political Disagreement.Roberto Gronda - 2012 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 4 (2).
    The book reviewed here, Roberto Frega’s Practice, Judgment, and the Challenge of Moral and Political Disagreement, is an important and ambitious book. It is ambitious because it addresses the problems at stake in contemporary philosophical debates without any kind of awkwardness and shyness. Frega believes pragmatism to be a theoretically viable option, and tries to prove its soundness by adopting it as the conceptual framework of a theory of moral objectivity alternative to the ones formulat...
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  8. Practice, Judgement, and the Challenge of Moral and Political Disagreement: A Pragmatist Account Roberto Frega.Torjus Midtgarden - 2013 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 49 (1):112-117.
    Roberto Frega’s Practice, Judgement, and the Challenge of Moral and Political Disagreement is exegetically, as well as systematically, ambitious: it explores several key texts of Charles Peirce and John Dewey in order to develop a pragmatist conception of practical rationality in the context of contemporary moral and political philosophy. Frega’s book differs from other recent comparable contributions, such as those of Cheryl Misak, Eric MacGilvray, and Robert Talisse, by drawing most heavily on Dewey’s works. Yet, similar to Misak, MacGilvray (...)
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    Weakness of Will and Practical Judgement.Sarah Stroud - 2003 - In Sarah Stroud & Christine Tappolet, Weakness of will and practical irrationality. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 121.
    A practical judgement is one which enjoys an internal, necessary relation to subsequent action or intention, and which can serve as a sufficient explanation of such action or intention. Does the phenomenon of weakness of will show that deliberation does not characteristically issue in such practical judgements? The author argues that the possibility of akrasia does not threaten the view that we make practical judgements, when the latter thesis is properly understood. Indeed, the author suggests that the (...)
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  10. Practical judgment as reflective judgment: On moral salience and Kantian particularist universalism.Sabina Vaccarino Bremner - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (3):600-621.
    Moral particularists and generalists alike have struggled over how to incorporate the role of moral salience in ethical reasoning. In this paper, I point to neglected resources in Kant to account for the role of moral salience in maxim formation: Kant's theory of reflective judgment. Kant tasks reflective judgment with picking out salient empirical particulars for formation into maxims, associating it with purposiveness, or intentional activity (action on ends). The unexpected resources in Kantian reflective judgment suggest the (...)
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    Evaluation as Practical Judgment.Jean De Munck & Bénédicte Zimmermann - 2015 - Human Studies 38 (1):113-135.
    What does evaluation mean? This article examines the evaluative process as a practical judgment that links a situation to a set of values in order to decide upon a course of action. It starts by discussing A. Sen’s “relational” and “comparative” account of evaluation, built in critical dialogue with J. Rawls’ deductive theory. Comparison, incompleteness, reality, and deliberation are the key principles of Sen’s approach, which, in some respects, echoes that of J. Dewey. The second part shows the (...)
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  12. Normativity and practical judgement.Onora O'Neill - 2007 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 4 (3):393-405.
    Norms are apt for reasoning because they have propositional structure and content; they are practical because they aim to guide action, rather than to describe aspects of the world. These two features hold equally of norms construed sociologically as the norms of specific social groups, and of norms conceived abstractly as principles of action. On either view, norms are indeterminate while acts are particular and determinate. Consequently norms cannot fully specify which particular act is to be done. Are they (...)
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    Kant on Practical Judgment.Ted Di Maria - 2019 - International Philosophical Quarterly 59 (2):219-235.
    Standard interpretations of Kant’s moral philosophy portray him as affording agents very little, if any, latitude to exercise practical judgment for determining the proper course of action. It is typically thought that Kant holds that because all moral duties are determinable a priori and in advance of particular circumstances this leaves little to no room for agents to exercise practical judgment. In this paper I discuss two senses in which Kant does allow for the practical (...)
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    Know-how and workplace practical judgement.Paul Hager - 2000 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 34 (2):281–296.
    In workplace situations of all kinds novices are transformed by experience of practice into highly proficient practitioners. How are we to understand this change which appears to be as much a qualitative one as it is a quantitative one? This paper argues that the available resources for understanding the informal learning that occurs during the course of successful workplace practice are somewhat limited. Theories about know‐how are criticised for shedding little light on this topic. The notion of tacit knowledge is (...)
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  15. Weakness of will and practical judgment.Robert Audi - 1979 - Noûs 13 (2):173-196.
    Weakness of will is a common phenomenon of human experience. But what is it? It has proved highly resistant to analysis, and even the accounts that seem to capture our intuitions about what weakness of will is raise problems about how it is possible. This is because these accounts seem inconsistent with some highly plausible principles about action. My aim here is to propose a new account of weakness of will and its relation to practical judgment, and to (...)
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  16. Experts, practitioners, and practical judgement.Onora O'Neill - 2007 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 4 (2):154-166.
    Kant challenges the well-worn view that practitioners do not need to rely on theory. He acknowledges that experts with a deep knowledge of theory may fail as practitioners both in technical matters, and in matters of morality and justice. However, since action-guiding theories are intended to shape rather than to fit the world, practitioners have no point of reference other than the theories or principles that they seek to enact. If theories of duty appear to offer too little guidance for (...)
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    Freedom and practical judgement.David Owens - 2009 - In Lucy O'Brien & Matthew Soteriou, Mental actions. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 122-137.
    Unlike many other animals, human beings enjoy freedom of action. They are capable of acting freely because they have certain psychological capacities which other animals lack. In this paper, I argue that the crucial capacity here is our ability to make practical judgements; to make judgements about what we ought to do. A number of other writers share this view but they treat practical judgement as a form of belief. Since, as I argue, we don't control our beliefs, (...)
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    The Practical Judgment.Joseph P. Fitzpatrick - 1955 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 30 (1):68-72.
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  19. Aristotelian Virtue and Practical Judgement.A. W. Price - 2005 - In Christopher Gill, Virtue, norms, and objectivity: issues in ancient and modern ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    II. The Will and Practical Judgment.Stephen P. Engstrom - 2009 - In The form of practical knowledge: a study of the categorical imperative. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. pp. 25-65.
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  21. Reflections of Reason: Kant on Practical Judgment.Nicholas Dunn - 2023 - Kantian Review (4):1-22.
    My aim in this paper is to provide an account of practical judgement, for Kant, that situates it within his theory of judgement as a whole—particularly, with regards to the distinction between the determining and reflecting use of judgement. I argue that practical judgement is a kind of determining judgement, but also one in which reflecting judgement plays a significant role. More specifically, I claim that practical judgement arises from the cooperation of the reflecting power of judgement (...)
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  22. Kant on Moral Feeling and Practical Judgment.Nicholas Dunn - 2024 - In Edgar Valdez, Rethinking Kant Volume 7. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 72-96.
    Commentators have shown a steady interest in the role of feeling in Kant’s moral and practical philosophy over the last few decades. Much attention has been given to the notion of ‘moral feeling’ in general, as well as to what Kant calls the ‘feeling of respect’ for the moral law. My focus in this essay is on the role of feeling in practical judgment. My claim in what follows is that the act of judging in the (...) domain—i.e., determining what one ought to do, or what action one ought to perform, in a specific case—crucially involves feeling. Put more simply: I argue that practical judgment has an essentially affective dimension. The upshot of the account I will give is that it provides us with a richer and more complex account of moral feeling than has previously been appreciated in the literature. While it is recognized that feeling plays a certain role in moral motivation, what I hope to demonstrate here is that feeling is involved much earlier in the exercise of moral agency. Far from entering only at the point at which we are trying to muster the strength of will to carry out what we know we ought to do, feeling is present the moment we begin to deliberate about what it is that we ought to do. (shrink)
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  23. Competency and practical judgment.Robert Pepper-Smith, William R. C. Harvey & M. Silberfeld - 1996 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 17 (2).
    At least four different frameworks — psychiatric, cognitive, functional and decision-making — are used in the evaluation of competence, all of which remain more or less unrelated in the literature. In the first section of this paper we consider various meanings of competence, in order to arrive at a definition of the term relevant to the medical and legal setting. Patient or client competence, we conclude, refers to the practical abilities that individuals employ in pursuing their own autonomous goals (...)
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    Reflections of Reason: Kant on Practical Judgement.Nicholas Dunn - 2023 - Kantian Review 28 (4):575-596.
    My aim in this article is to provide an account of practical judgement, for Kant, that situates it within his theory of judgement as a whole – particularly, with regards to the distinction between the determining and reflecting use of judgement. I argue that practical judgement is a kind of determining judgement, but also one in which reflecting judgement plays a significant role. More specifically, I claim that practical judgement arises from the cooperation of the reflecting power (...)
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    Practical Principles & Practical Judgment.Onora O'neill - 2001 - Hastings Center Report 31 (4):15-23.
    Those who deny that general principles are important for moral deliberation have mostly misunderstood how principles work. Principles do not give us algorithms for living. They identify broad requirements we must live up to, but they do not actually tell us what to do. We are left instead to craft responses that honor our general commitments using the materials of the case at hand.
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    Of Balloons and Bicycles; or, The Relationship between Ethical Theory and Practical Judgment.Albert R. Jonsen - 1991 - Hastings Center Report 21 (5):14-16.
    What has moral theory to do with practical judgment? The practical ethicist can move by analogy from case to case, saying of most new cases, “Oh, I think I've been here before.” Theory, ascending to a broader view, can provide directions when the ethicist finds herself in unfamiliar territory.
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    Back to the rough ground: practical judgment and the lure of technique.Joseph Dunne - 1993 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.
    Back to the Rough Ground is a philosophical investigation of practical knowledge, with major import for professional practice and the ethical life in modern society. Its purpose is to clarify the kind of knowledge that informs good practice in a range of disciplines such as education, psychotherapy, medicine, management, and law. Through reflection on key modern thinkers who have revived cardinal insights of Aristotle, and a sustained engagement with the Philosopher himself, it presents a radical challenge to the scientistic (...)
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    Educational research and the practical judgement of policy makers.David Bridges, Paul Smeyers & Richard Smith - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 42 (s1):5-14.
    This publication arises in a context in which policy makers and educational researchers are increasingly vocal in their demands that educational policy and prac.
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    Judicial Decision and Practical Judgment[REVIEW]E. N. G. - 1947 - Journal of Philosophy 44 (2):51-52.
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    Practical Judgement in International Political Theory: Selected Essays, Chris Brown , 320 pp., $135 cloth, $44.95 paper. [REVIEW]Richard Ned Lebow - 2011 - Ethics and International Affairs 25 (2):235-237.
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  31. Imagination and judgment in Kant's practical philosophy.Alfredo Ferrarin - 2008 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 34 (1-2):101-121.
    My aim in this article is to understand the role of imagination and practical judgment in Kant's moral philosophy. After a comparison of Kant with Rousseau, I explore Kant's moral philosophy itself — unlike Hannah Arendt, who finds in the enlarged mentality of the third Critique the ground for the activity of imagination in a shared world. Instead, I place the concept of moral legislation in its background, the reflection on particulars relevant to deliberation, and discuss the mutual (...)
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    Response to Richard Beardsworth's Review of Practical Judgement in International Political Theory.Chris Brown - 2012 - Journal of International Political Theory 8 (1-2):110-111.
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    What Is Practical Judgement?Daryl Koehn - 2000 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 8 (3):3-18.
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    IV. The Formal Presuppositions of Practical Judgment.Stephen P. Engstrom - 2009 - In The form of practical knowledge: a study of the categorical imperative. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. pp. 97-128.
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  35. On the disconfirmation of practical judgements.Sander Voerman - 2011 - Logique Et Analyse 54 (216):569.
  36.  93
    Heidegger on Freedom and Practical Judgment.Mark Tanzer - 2001 - Journal of Philosophical Research 26:343-357.
    One prevalent strategy for connecting Heidegger’s thought and his support of Nazism focuses on his notion of resolve. The claim is that it is through resolve that Dasein achieves authenticity, but that Heidegger’s notion of resolve is without determinate content, and thus empty. Since the call to authenticity, it is supposed, is Heidegger’s version of the command to be moral, the indeterminacy of Heideggerian resolve apparently results in an ethicopolitical “decisionism”-an effectively amoral form of judgment that precludes Heideggerian thought (...)
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  37. Dewey and White on Value, Obligation, and Practical Judgment.Robert Sinclair - 2014 - SATS 15 (1):39-54.
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    What Are Humans Doing in the Loop? Co-Reasoning and Practical Judgment When Using Machine Learning-Driven Decision Aids.Sabine Salloch & Andreas Eriksen - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (9):67-78.
    Within the ethical debate on Machine Learning-driven decision support systems (ML_CDSS), notions such as “human in the loop” or “meaningful human control” are often cited as being necessary for ethical legitimacy. In addition, ethical principles usually serve as the major point of reference in ethical guidance documents, stating that conflicts between principles need to be weighed and balanced against each other. Starting from a neo-Kantian viewpoint inspired by Onora O'Neill, this article makes a concrete suggestion of how to interpret the (...)
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  39. Rethinking our maxims: Perceptual salience and practical judgment in Kantian ethics.Talbot Brewer - 2001 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 4 (3):219-230.
    Some contemporary Kantians have argued that one could not be virtuous without having internalized certain patterns of awareness that permit one to identify and respond reliably to moral reasons for action. I agree, but I argue that this insight requires unrecognized, farreaching, and thoroughly welcome changes in the traditional Kantian understanding of maxims and virtues. In particular, it implies that one''s characteristic emotions and desires will partly determine one''s maxims, and hence the praiseworthiness of one''s actions. I try to show (...)
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    The Discipline of Practical Judgment in a Democratic Society. [REVIEW]Charles Morris - 1944 - Journal of Philosophy 41 (11):302-304.
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    Review of Clifford Woody: The Discipline of Practical Judgment in a Democratic Society[REVIEW]Theodore Brameld - 1944 - Ethics 55 (1):68-70.
  42.  17
    Back to the Rough Ground. Practical Judgment and the Lure of Technique. By Joseph Dunne. Pp. xviii, 492, Notre Dame, IN, University of Notre Dame Press, 1993, Cloth $80, Paper $45.00. [REVIEW]Luke Penkett - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 59 (5):861-861.
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    How Much Can We Say about Practical Judgement?Onora O’Neill - 2015 - In Ralf Stoecker & Marco Iorio, Actions, Reasons and Reason. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 77-86.
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    Reflective Judgement: Understanding Entrepreneurship as Ethical Practice.Jean Clarke & Robin Holt - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (3):317 - 331.
    Recently, the ethical rather than just the economic resonance of entrepreneurship has attracted attention with researchers highlighting entrepreneurship and ethics as interwoven processes of value creation and management. Recognising that traditional normative perspectives on ethics are limited in application in entrepreneurial contexts, this stream of research has theorised entrepreneurship and ethics as the pragmatic production of useful effects through the alignment of public—private values. In this article, we critique this view and use Kant's concept of reflective judgement as discussed in (...)
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    Back to the rough ground, practical judgement and the lure of technique.Patricia Benner - 2000 - Nursing Philosophy 1 (1):83-84.
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  46. List of ContributorsPrefaceAbbreviations of Kant's WorksIntroductionPart I: Key Writings1. Key Works The Only Possible Argument in Support of a Demonstration of the Existence of God / The 'Inaugural Dissertation' / Critique of Pure Reason / Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics That Will Be Able to Come Forward as Science / Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals / Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science / Critique of Practical Reason / Critique of Judgment / Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason / Toward Perpetual Peace / Metaphysics of MoralsPart II: Kant's Contexts2. Philosophical and Historical Context Academy prize essay / Aristotelianism / J. A. Eberhard / Empiricism / Frederick the Great / French Revolution / Garve-Feder review / Herder / Francis Hutcheson / Königsberg / J. H. Lambert / Moses Mendelssohn / Physical influx / Pietism / Prussia / School Metaphysics / Adam Smith / Spinoza3. Sources and Influences Aristotle / Francis Bacon / A. Baumgarten / Cicero / C. [REVIEW]Kantian Normativity in Rawls, Korsgaard & Continental Practical PhilosophyPart V.: Bibliography6Kant BibliographyNotesIndex - 2015 - In Gary Banham, Nigel Hems & Dennis Schulting, The Bloomsbury Companion to Kant. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  47. Practical Knowledge as Knowledge of a Normative Judgment.Eric Marcus - 2018 - Manuscrito (4):319-347.
    According to one interpretation of Aristotle’s famous thesis, to say that action is the conclusion of practical reasoning is to say that action is itself a judgment about what to do. A central motivation for the thesis is that it suggests a path for understanding the non-observational character of practical knowledge. If actions are judgments, then whatever explains an agent’s knowledge of the relevant judgment can explain her knowledge of the action. I call the approach to (...)
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  48. Practical Reasoning and Moral Judgment.Robert Audi - 2011 - Analytica 5:94-111.
    Russian translation of the Chpater 9 of Audi R. Practical Reasoning and Ethical Decision. – London, N. Y., 2006. Translated by Andrei Zavaliy with kind permission of the author.
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    How doctors think: clinical judgment and the practice of medicine.Kathryn Montgomery - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    How Doctors Think defines the nature and importance of clinical judgment. Although physicians make use of science, this book argues that medicine is not itself a science but rather an interpretive practice that relies on clinical reasoning. A physician looks at the patient's history along with the presenting physical signs and symptoms and juxtaposes these with clinical experience and empirical studies to construct a tentative account of the illness. How Doctors Think is divided into four parts. Part one introduces (...)
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    Teaching practical wisdom in medicine through clinical judgement, goals of care, and ethical reasoning.L. C. Kaldjian - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (9):558-562.
    Clinical decision making is a challenging task that requires practical wisdom—the practised ability to help patients choose wisely among available diagnostic and treatment options. But practical wisdom is not a concept one typically hears mentioned in medical training and practice. Instead, emphasis is placed on clinical judgement. The author draws from Aristotle and Aquinas to describe the virtue of practical wisdom and compare it with clinical judgement. From this comparison, the author suggests that a more complete understanding (...)
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