Results for ' Criticism, Personal'

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  1.  42
    Growing Wings to Overcome Gravity: Criticism as the Pursuit of Virtue. [REVIEW]James E. Person Jr - 2001 - Review of Metaphysics 54 (4):934-935.
    In this excellent book, George A. Panichas, longtime editor of the conservative quarterly Modern Age, brings to a conclusion a critical trilogy, really a tetralogy, which includes The Reverent Discipline, The Courage of Judgment, and The Critic as Conservator. The unusual title is inspired by Plato’s Phaedrus, with Panichas writing at one point—concerning literary scholar Austin Warren’s “open celebration of great ideas, great writers, great souls”—that, “Literary greatness for him meant spiritual greatness, this is, the kind of greatness that gives (...)
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  2. Personal Idealism, Criticism and System--The Philosophy of William Ralph Boyce Gibson (1869-1935).Stein Helgeby - 2006 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 12 (2):75-102.
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    John Stuart Mill: A Criticism with Personal Recollections.Alexander Bain - 1882 - New York,: Longmans, Green / Thoemmes.
    In this volume his object is to fully examine his friend's writings and characters and draws upon his own personal recollections to do so.
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    Criticism and Personal Taste.By R. Peacock.Eva Schaper - 1973 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 4 (2):179-180.
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    Criticism on ‘Song-Ming Confucianism’ of Jishan Liu Zongzhou : Focused on Personal Criticism. 신현승 - 2008 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 56 (56):221-256.
    本稿에서는 중국 明末期에 활약한 劉宗周(1578-1645)라는 儒者에 주목하여 그 自身의 ‘宋明儒學’觀에 초점을 맞추고 그가 어떻게 宋儒와 明儒에 관해 이해하고 평가했는지를 살펴보고자 하였다. 확실히 그의 제자 黃宗羲가 말하는 바와 같이 劉宗周를 陽明學의 정통 계보에 속하는 學者로서 평가하는 관점만으로는 그의 思想에 내재되어 있는 獨自的 견해를 찾아내는 일은 곤란할 지도 모른다. 다시 말해 黃宗羲 한 사람의 평가만으로 그를 陽明學의 정통 계승자로서 정리해 버리면 思想史上의 의의는 별개로 하더라도 中國 明末이라는 특수한 시대성을 파악하기에는 부족하다는 것이다. 本稿의 本文에서 劉宗周의 언설로부터 보는 한, 우선 생각할 수 있는 것은 (...)
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    The personal heresy in criticism: A new consideration.Robert D. Hume - 1969 - British Journal of Aesthetics 9 (4):387-406.
  7. Личност и/или природа: Осврт на Ларшеову критику митрополита Јована Зизијуласа (Person and/or Nature: Review of the Larche’s Criticism of Metropolitan John Zizioulas).Aleksandar Djakovac - 2015 - Sabornost 9:57-81.
    Larche equals person and individual, and there comes his misunderstanding of Zizioulas. He does not understand that person is a word for relation,and that way staying among the borders of classic scholastic thought. In the other hand, he understands the nature to be a realistic different entity in whichpersons participate. Because, the Fathers that Larche mentions in many places are directly opposite to Larches thought, he is forced to stretch his interpreta-tion, and is forced to come up with contradictory statements, (...)
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  8. Reid's Criticism of Hume's Theory of Personal Identity.Harry Lesser - 1978 - Hume Studies 4 (2):41-63.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:REID' S CRITICISM OF HUME'S THEORY OF PERSONAL IDENTITY One of the most interesting philosophical controversies is that between Reid and Hume, considered as representatives of two different sorts of empiricism. Hume, for these purposes, represents 'radical' empiricism, and the attempt to base knowledge solely on experience and what can be validly inferred from it, regardless of how far this leads one from everyday notions and beliefs. Reid, (...)
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    Socialism and American Life.Donald Drew Egbert & Stow Persons - 1953 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 11 (4):417-419.
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    Bitch, Bitch, Bitch: Personal Criticism, Feminist Theory, and Dog‐writing.Susan Mchugh - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (3):616-635.
    By the turn of the twenty-first century, women writing about electing to share their lives with female canines directly confront a strange sort of backlash. Even as their extensions of the feminist forms of personal criticism contribute to significant developments in theories of sex, gender, and species, they become targets of criticism as “indulgent” for focusing on their dogs. Comparing these elements in and around popular memoirs like Caroline Knapp's Pack of Two: The Intricate Bond between People and Dogs (...)
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  11. Understanding other minds: A criticism of goldman’s simulation theory and an outline of the person model theory.Albert Newen & Tobias Schlicht - 2009 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 79 (1):209-242.
    What exactly do we do when we try to make sense of other people e.g. by ascribing mental states like beliefs and desires to them? After a short criticism of Theory-Theory, Interaction Theory and the Narrative Theory of understanding others as well as an extended criticism of the Simulation Theory in Goldman's recent version (2006), we suggest an alternative approach: the Person Model Theory . Person models are the basis for our ability to register and evaluate persons having mental as (...)
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  12. Locke on Personal Identity: A Criticism of One Interpretation.P. Cicovacki - 1994 - Locke Studies 25:57.
  13.  26
    The Classical Notion of Person and Its Criticism by Modern Philosophy.Enrico Berti - 2014 - In D. Ginev (ed.), The Multidimensionality of Hermeneutic Phenomenology. New York: Springer. pp. 283--295.
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  14. Moral Criticism and Structural Injustice.Robin Zheng - 2021 - Mind 130 (518):503-535.
    Moral agency is limited, imperfect, and structurally constrained. This is evident in the many ways we all unwittingly participate in widespread injustice through our everyday actions, which I call ‘structural wrongs’. To do justice to these facts, I argue that we should distinguish between summative and formative moral criticism. While summative criticism functions to conclusively assess an agent's performance relative to some benchmark, formative criticism aims only to improve performance in an ongoing way. I show that the negative sanctions associated (...)
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  15. Art Criticism as Practical Reasoning.Anthony Cross - 2017 - British Journal of Aesthetics 57 (3):299-317.
    Most recent discussions of reasons in art criticism focus on reasons that justify beliefs about the value of artworks. Reviving a long-neglected suggestion from Paul Ziff, I argue that we should focus instead on art-critical reasons that justify actions—namely, particular ways of engaging with artworks. I argue that a focus on practical rather than theoretical reasons yields an understanding of criticism that better fits with our intuitions about the value of reading art criticism, and which makes room for a nuanced (...)
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    Hypermediated art criticism.Pamela G. Taylor & B. Stephen Carpenter - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 41 (3):1-24.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hypermediated Art CriticismPamela G. Taylor (bio) and B. Stephen Carpenter II (bio)Technological media catapults our perception into what Marshall McLuhan called "new transforming vision and awareness."1 As our lives become more and more immersed in such technologies as television, film, and interactive computers, we find ourselves inundated with a heightened sense of mindfulness—an aesthetic experience made possible through such computer technological characteristics as hyperlinks, hypermedia, and hyperreality. In these (...)
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    Idola Theatri: A Criticism of Oxford Thought and Thinkers from the Standpoint of Personal Idealism. [REVIEW]John Watson - 1907 - Philosophical Review 16 (1):78-83.
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    The Emergence of Authentic Human Person in Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche’s Philosophy of the Superman: An Hermeneutics Approach to Literary Criticism.Asisclo M. Abonado Iii - 2014 - Iamure International Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Religion 5 (1).
    The paper interprets Nietzsche’s description of authentic human person.Based on the works of Nietzsche, commentaries and philosophical interpretationsof various authors, authentic human person evolves into a superman by usingthe principles of discipline and mastery of oneself. His authenticity, however,requires persistence, courage and strength to endure many forms of sufferingsand to overcome alienation brought about by his environment. Otherwise,man would become slave of his desires or alien to his own powers, talents andcapacities. Thus, Nietzsche’s thought of superman is an invitation to (...)
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    A Criticism Of the Definition of Knowledge: In The Context Of Jalāl al-Dīn Dav-vānī’s Risāla fī Taʻrīf ʻilm.Mustafa Bilal ÖZTÜRK - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (2):823-851.
    This study discusses the treatise of Jalāl al-Dīn Davvānī (d. 908/1502) named Risāla fī taʻrīf ʻilm. This treatise criticizes a definition of knowledge adopted by some theologians in the late period (mutaʾakhkhirīn). The definition of knowledge at issue consists of three components: Attribution, discernment, no possibility of contradiction. Knowledge is an attribute as a category and with this attribution, a discernment is obtained. As a result of this process knowledge is acquired and there should be no possibility of this knowledge (...)
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  20. Can the Person Affecting Restriction solve the problems in population ethics?Gustaf Arrhenius - 2009 - In David Wasserman & Melinda Roberts (eds.), Harming Future Persons: Ethics, Genetics and the Nonidentity Problem. Springer. pp. 289--314.
    The person-affecting restriction, in its slogan form, states that an outcome can be better than another only if it is better for someone. It has a strong intuitive appeal and several theorists have suggested that it avoids certain counterintuitive implications in population ethics. At the same time, the restriction has highly counterintuitive implications and yields non-transitive orderings in some nonidentity cases. Many theorists have taken this criticism to be decisive. Recently, however, there have been some reformulations of the restriction, suggesting (...)
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  21.  39
    Person, Property and Contract: A critical dialogue with Hegel from Marx.Christian Iber & Agemir Bavaresco - 2021 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 18:9-26.
    Hegel’s Philosophy of Law deals in theLaw section of the categories: person, property and contract. Research critically reconstructs this theory from a Marxist perspective. In the concept of person, first of all, the singular will is reduced to a solipsist will unrelated to intersubjectivity. Then, the concept of Hegelian property bases the private appropriation of property as the externalization of the singular will. This legal property guarantees the maintenance and reproduction of private property, that is, it will guarantee the private (...)
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  22. Is personal autonomy the first principle of education?Stefaan E. Cuypers - 1992 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 26 (1):5–17.
    It is suggested that the current hierarchical (Frankfurt-Dworkin) model of personal autonomy in philosophical anthropology gives expression to the fundamental presupposition of self-determination in much educational practice and pedagogical theory. Radical criticisms are made of the notions of self-identification and self-evaluation which are of the utmost importance to this model. Instead of relying on such ‘acts of the will’ as decision and choice for the explanation of self-identification and self- evaluation, the non-intentional as well as the non-individualistic character of (...)
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  23. Personal Identity, Passions, and "The True Idea of the Human Mind".Lilli Alanen - 2014 - Hume Studies 40 (1):3-28.
    Hume is famous for his criticism of substantial minds, free will, and self-consciousness—central elements in traditional philosophical accounts of persons. His empiricism dissolves self-inspecting minds into heaps of distinct perceptions and turns cognitive faculties into successions of causally related, discrete impressions and ideas. Whatever regularities the complex ideas and their bundles or heaps display are explained by laws of association of ideas, which are supposed to play the same role in the mental world as Newton’s laws of gravitation play in (...)
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  24. Locke on Persons and Personal Identity.David P. Behan - 1979 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):53 - 75.
    Criticism of Locke's account of personal identity has proceeded cumulatively. Three years after the publication of the chapter “Of Identity and Diversity”, John Sergeant raised an objection which, in Bishop Butler's hands, was to become famous as the dictum that “one should really think it self-evident that consciousness of personal identity presupposes, and therefore cannot constitute, personal identity: any more than knowledge, in any other case, can constitute truth, which it presupposes”. Berkeley added, in effect, that when (...)
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    “I’m so dumb and worthless right now”: factors associated with heightened momentary self-criticism in daily life.Jennifer C. Veilleux, Jeremy B. Clift, Katherine Hyde Brott, Elise A. Warner, Regina E. Schreiber, Hannah M. Henderson & Dylan K. Shelton - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (4):492-507.
    Self-criticism is a trait associated with increased psychopathology, but self-criticism is also a personality state reflecting an action that people do in moments of time. In the current study, we explored factors associated with heightened self-criticism in daily life. Participants (N = 197) received five random prompts per day for one week on their mobile phones, where they reported their current affect (negative and positive affect), willpower self-efficacy, distress intolerance, degree of support and criticism from others, current context (location, activity, (...)
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    Why online personalized pricing is unfair.Jeffrey Moriarty - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (3):495-503.
    Online retailers are using advances in data collection and computing technologies to “personalize” prices, i.e., offer goods for sale to shoppers at their reservation prices, or the highest price they are willing to pay. In this paper, I offer a criticism of this practice. I begin by putting online personalized pricing in context. It is not something entirely new, but rather a kind of price discrimination, a familiar pricing practice. I then offer a fairness-based argument against it. When an online (...)
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    When my world ends. Pastoral-psychological aspect on life experience criticism as personal end of the world.Teresa Schweighofer - 2011 - Disputatio Philosophica 13 (1):103-112.
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  28. The Emergence of Authentic Human Person in Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche's Philosophy of the Superman: An Hermeneutics Approach to Literary Criticism.I. I. I. Abonado - 2014 - Iamure International Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Religion 5 (1).
    The paper interprets Nietzsche’s description of authentic human person.Based on the works of Nietzsche, commentaries and philosophical interpretationsof various authors, authentic human person evolves into a superman by usingthe principles of discipline and mastery of oneself. His authenticity, however,requires persistence, courage and strength to endure many forms of sufferingsand to overcome alienation brought about by his environment. Otherwise,man would become slave of his desires or alien to his own powers, talents andcapacities. Thus, Nietzsche’s thought of superman is an invitation to (...)
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    Criticism of the guidelines of cartesian philosophy by Ch. Pierce.Taras Mamenko - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 1:176-192.
    The article intends to show the significance of Ch. Peirce’s ideas for the development of contemporary philosophy, to find out the main directions of his criticism of the principles of Cartesian and more broadly modern philosophy (where it comes from Descartes) and to consider the positive program of his philosophy, which he offers as an alternative to Modern philosophy. Peirce starts from a pragmatic and semiotic approach to human nature, consciousness and cognition. Thanks to this approach, he managed to undermine (...)
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    Criticism of D.B Volkov’s Teleofunctional Solution to the Problem of Mental Causation.Anton V. Kuznetsov - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (1):116-135.
    The articles examines the teleofunctional solution to the problem of mental causation, presented by Dmitry Volkov in his recently published book Free Will. An Illusion or an Opportunity. D.B. Volkov proposes solutions to three big metaphysical problems – mental causation, personal identity, and free will. Solving the first problem, Volkov creatively combines the advantages of Dennett’s teleofunctional model and Vasilyev’s local interactionism. Volkov’s teleofunctional model of mental causation seeks to prove the causal relevance of mental properties as non-local higher (...)
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    From Personal to Social Transaction: A Model of Aesthetic Reading in the Classroom.Mark A. Pike - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (2):61.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.2 (2003) 61-72 [Access article in PDF] From Personal to Social Transaction:A Model of Aesthetic Reading in the Classroom Mark A. Pike This article seeks to define more precisely the nature of the individual transaction that occurs between reader and text and the potential for aesthetic reading in literature classrooms by relating knowledge of the way pupils engage in literary transactions to theoretical (...)
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    Music, Criticism, and the Challenge of History: Shaping Modern Musical Thought in Late Nineteenth Century Vienna.Kevin Karnes - 2008 - Oup Usa.
    More than a century after Guido Adler's appointment to the first chair in musicology at the University of Vienna, Music, Criticism, and the Challenge of History provides a first look at the discipline in this earliest period, and at the ideological dilemmas and methodological anxieties that characterized it upon its institutionalization. Author Kevin Karnes contends that some of the most vital questions surrounding musicology's disciplinary identities today-the relationship between musicology and criticism, the role of the subject in analysis and the (...)
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  33. Personality in Greek Epic, Tragedy, and Philosophy: The Self in Dialogue.Christopher Gill - 1996 - Clarendon Press.
    This is a major study of conceptions of selfhood and personality in Homer and Greek Tragedy and Philosophy. The focus is on the norms of personality in Greek psychology and ethics. Gill argues that the key to understanding Greek thought of this type is to counteract the subjective and individualistic aspects of our own thinking about the person. He defines an "objective-participant" conception of personality, symbolized by the idea of the person as an interlocutor in a series of psychological and (...)
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    Vida personal y comunicación impersonal: consideraciones sobre la metafísica de la persona en Santo Tomás de Aquino.Enrique Martínez - 2006 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 13:81-88.
    As opposed to the criticism expressed by some personalists regarding the metaphysics of the person of Saint Thomas de Aquinas, this text proposes that the incommunicability of the personal being is not only a thesis against interpersonal communication but also its fundamental basis.
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  35. Ordinary Monsters: Ethical Criticism and the Lives of Artists.Christopher Bartel - 2019 - Contemporary Aesthetics 17.
    Should we take into account an artist's personal moral failings when appreciating or evaluating the work? In this essay, I seek to expand Berys Gaut's account of ethicism by showing how moral judgment of an artist's private moral actions can figure in one's overall evaluation of their work. To expand Gaut's view, I argue that the artist's personal morality is relevant to our evaluation of their work because we may only come to understand the point of view of (...)
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  36. Moral criticism, hypocrisy, and pragmatics.Y. Sandy Berkovski - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 180 (1):1-26.
    A good chunk of the recent discussion of hypocrisy concerned the hypocritical “moral address” where, in the simplest case, a person criticises another for $$\phi $$ -ing having engaged in $$\phi $$ -ing himself, and where the critic’s reasons are overtly moral. The debate has conceptual and normative sides to it. We ask both what hypocrisy is, and why it is wrong. In this paper I focus on the conceptual explication of hypocrisy by examining the pragmatic features of the situation (...)
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  37. "Literature and Its Theorists: A Personal View of Twentieth-Century Criticism": Tzvetan Todorov. [REVIEW]Richard Dutton - 1989 - British Journal of Aesthetics 29 (4):382.
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    Person and Disability: Legal Fiction and Living Independently.Paolo Heritier - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (4):1333-1350.
    Without extending the historical analysis, this article analyzes the relationship between the legal concept of person with regard to the notion of living independently. The concept is normatively established in Article 19 of the CRPD and is presented as a legal fiction. The legal technique of fictio iuris is the premise for analyzing contemporary problems, for example, the attribution of responsibilities to non-human personalities, such as robots. The article, however, develops the problem of attributing rights to persons with disabilities. The (...)
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    Compunction, Second-Personal Morality, and Moral Reasons.Dale E. Miller - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (3):719-733.
    In The Second-Person Standpoint and subsequent essays, Stephen Darwall develops an account of morality that is “second-personal” in virtue of holding that what we are morally obligated to do is what others can legitimately demand that we do, i.e., what they can hold us accountable for doing through moral reactive attitudes like blame. Similarly, what it would be wrong for us to do is what others can legitimately demand that we abstain from doing. As part of this account, Darwall (...)
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    The Communicative Dimension of Personal Autonomy.Keith Pisani - 2024 - Conatus 9 (2):223-247.
    Paul Benson and Andrea C. Westlund have proposed conceptualising personal autonomy in terms of the readiness to respond to criticism that targets the agent’s actions and intentions (Benson) or commitments (Westlund). While incorporating this dialogical facet into a theory of personal autonomy is a step in the right direction, a theory of personal autonomy that is exclusively construed in terms of this facet and that posits discursive accountability as the sole criterion against which actions, choices, and commitments (...)
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    Synoptic Problem and Redaction Criticism: An Introductory Survey.Zafer Duygu - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):521-544.
    The Synoptic Problem is a puzzle that scholars have desired to solve since the 18th century. The discussion has a religious background, because it is about the first three canonical Gospels of the Church, namely Matthew, Mark and Luke, which came to be called the Synoptic Gospels. The discussion, in the most basic context, concentrates on the point that there is a possible relationship or connection between the Synoptic Gospels and that each one is substantially similar to another but at (...)
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    Postcolonial Criticism, Transnational Identifications and the Hegemonies of Dancehall's Academic and Popular Performativities.Denise Noble - 2008 - Feminist Review 90 (1):106-127.
    Despite the unprecedented freedoms that decolonization has brought for many Black1 people – especially in specific regions of the African Diaspora – freedom and its fulfilment, adequate signs and contested meanings remain a preoccupation within Black cultural discourses and practices. At the same time, while political and cultural nationalisms have led to greater political and civil rights, racism has not been eradicated. Furthermore, the new postcolonial globalizations of capital, people and cultures have destabilized the collective identities that framed twentieth-century struggles (...)
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    What does person‐centred care mean, if you weren't considered a person anyway: An engagement with person‐centred care and Black, queer, feminist, and posthuman approaches.Jamie B. Smith, Eva-Maria Willis & Jane Hopkins-Walsh - 2022 - Nursing Philosophy 23 (3):e12401.
    Despite the prominence of person‐centred care (PCC) in nursing, there is no general agreement on the assumptions and the meaning of PCC. We sympathize with the work of others who rethink PCC towards relational, embedded, and temporal selfhood rather than individual personhood. Our perspective addresses criticism of humanist assumptions in PCC using critical posthumanism as a diffraction from dominant values We highlight the problematic realities that might be produced in healthcare, leading to some people being more likely to be disenfranchised (...)
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    Persons in Community in the Theology of Rowan Williams: Issues Arising With the Use of Sociology in Christian Moral Reasoning.Carys Moseley - 2008 - Studies in Christian Ethics 21 (2):250-268.
    Rowan Williams's theological-moral reasoning regarding the formation of personal identities in relation to gender, familial and communal ties is analysed in an article review of his book Lost Icons. This is his most sustained essay in theological social criticism, and was intended for the general public beyond academic theology. Williams exposes Christian moral reasoning on these issues to forms of secular critique whilst simultaneously using theological and historical strategies from liberal Anglo-Catholicism. His argumentation is subjected to theological and social-scientific (...)
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    The Basic of Viewpoint of Enter the Government Service and Live in Seclusion from Nam-myoung's a Personal Criticism. 김경수 - 2009 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 25 (25):137-166.
    남명에 대한 기존의 연구는 남명학의 특징을 敬義사상의 실천유학에 초점을 맞추어 왔다. 그러나 엄밀한 의미에서 역사적 인물로서의 남명을, 그의 당대에서나 그의 사후 오늘에 이르기까지, 가장 남명답게 규정짓는 요소는 무엇인가? 경과 의로 정립된 그의 철학인가? 이 점에 있어 필자는 다소 다른 견해를 가지고 있다. 당대나 후세에 남명을 평가한 모든 글들에서는 한결같이 出處에 있어 處士로서의 지조를 끝까지 지킨 남명의 출처사상을 가장 높게 평가하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 본고는 그의 출처관을 그 자신의 人物評을 통하여 살펴보고, 나아가 그러한 인물평의 저변에 깔려 있는 출처사상의 바탕을 찾아보고자 (...)
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  46. Henry Sturt, Idola Theatri, a Criticism of Oxford Thought and Thinkers from the Standpoint of Personal Idealism. [REVIEW]J. W. Scott - 1906 - Hibbert Journal 5:212.
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    Libertarian personal responsibility.Joshua Preiss - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (6):621-645.
    While libertarians affirm personal responsibility as a central moral and political value, libertarian theorists write relatively little about the theory and practice of this value. Focusing on the work of F. A. Hayek and David Schmidtz, this article identifies the core of a libertarian approach to personal responsibility and demonstrates the ways in which this approach entails a radical revision of the ethics and American politics of personal responsibility. Then, I highlight several central implications of this analysis (...)
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    Knowing Better: Sex, Cultural Criticism, and the Pedagogical Imperative in the 1990s.Jeffrey Wallen & Richard Burt - 1999 - Diacritics 29 (1):72-91.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Knowing Better: Sex, Cultural Criticism, and the Pedagogical Imperative in the 1990sRichard Burt (bio) and Jeffrey Wallen (bio)Teacher Petting“A distinguished professor and her graduate student French-kissed in front of a semicircle of gaping students. Were they furthering ‘an exploration of the erotics of the relation between teacher and student’ as the professor says—or was it part of a pattern of sexual harassment as the student later charged?” So ran (...)
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    (1 other version)Mechanism, life, and personality.J. S. Haldane - 1913 - Westport, Conn.,: Greenwood Press.
    The mechanistic theory of life.--Criticism of the mechanistic theory.--Biology and the physical sciences.--Personality.
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    Essays in self-criticism.Louis Althusser - 1976 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    Reply to John Lewis: Note on "The critique of the personality cult". Remark on the category "Process without a subject or goal(s)"--Elements of self-criticism: On the evolution of the young Marx.--Is it simple to be a Marxist in philosophy? "Something new".
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