Results for ' Constructed Action'

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  1. Constructive Action?Noam Chomsky & Red Pepper - unknown
    The Oslo "peace process" changed the modalities of the occupation, but not the basic concept. Shortly before joining the Ehud Barak government, historian Shlomo Ben-Ami wrote that "the Oslo agreements were founded on a neo-colonialist basis, on a life of dependence of one on the other forever". He soon became an architect of the US-Israel proposals at Camp David in 2000, which kept to this condition. At the time, West Bank Palestinians were confined to 200 scattered areas. Bill Clinton and (...)
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    The Construction of Muhammad Iqbal’s Theory of Action in the Context of Charles Taylor’s Philosophy of Action.Sevcan ÖZTÜRK - 2018 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 8 (1):395-411.
    This article provides an analysis of Muhammad Iqbal’s views on the notion of action in the context and light of Charles Taylor’s philosophy of action and attempts at constructing Iqbal’s own theory of action. Despite the fact that the Notion of action is one of the central issues of Iqbal’s philosophy, the literature on Iqbal lacks in the studies dealing with this notion in a philosophical context. The notion of action has also become one of (...)
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    Experienced action constructions in Umpithamu: Involuntary experience, from bodily processes to externally instigated actions.Jean-Christophe Verstraete - 2011 - Cognitive Linguistics 22 (2):275-302.
    This paper is a semantic analysis of ‘experienced action’ constructions in Umpithamu, a Paman language from Cape York Peninsula (Australia). The basic argument is that these constructions are related to the better-attested category of experiencer object constructions (e.g. Evans, Non-nominative subjects 1: 69–192, 2004), which in Umpithamu describe involuntary experience of bodily processes. Experienced action constructions extend the feature of ‘involuntary experience’ from processes within the body to actions originating outside the body, and thus provide a semantically marked (...)
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    Constructions of agency in American literature on the War of Independence: war as action, 1775-1860.Martin Holtz - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book argues that the negotiation of agency is central not only to the experience of war but also to its representation in cultural expressions, ranging from a notion of disablement, expressed in victimization, immobilization, traumatization, and death, to enablement, expressed in the perpetration of heroic, courageous, skillful, and powerful actions of assertion and dominance. In order to illustrate this thesis, it provides a comprehensive analysis of literary representations of the American War of Independence from 1775, the beginning of the (...)
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  5. Action and Passion: Spinoza's Construction of a Scientific Psychology.Marx Wartofsky - 1973 - In Marjorie Grene, [no title]. Anchor Books.
  6. Perception-Action Mutuality Obviates Mental Construction.M. F. Fultot, L. Nie & C. Carello - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (2):298-307.
    Context: The dominant approach to the study of perception is representational/computational, with an emphasis on the achievements of the brain and the nervous system, which are taken to construct internal models of the world. Alternatives include ecological, embedded, embodied, and enactivist approaches, all of which emphasize the centrality of action in understanding perception. Problem: Despite sharing many theoretical commitments that lead to a rejection of the classical approach, the alternatives are characterized by important contrasts and points of divergence. Here (...)
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  7. Action, Anticipation, and Construction: The Cognitive Core.M. H. Bickhard - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (1):62-63.
    Open peer commentary on the article “A Computational Constructivist Model as an Anticipatory Learning Mechanism for Coupled Agent–Environment Systems” by Filipo Studzinski Perotto. Upshot: Interaction-based models of cognition force anticipatory and constructivist models. The CALM model offers significant development of such models within a machine learning framework. It is suggested that moving to an entirely interactive-based model offers still further advantages.
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  8. Constructing Solidarity for a Liberative Ethic: Anti-Racism, Action, and Justice.[author unknown] - 2012
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    Expecting some action: Predictive Processing and the construction of conscious experience.Kathryn Nave, George Deane, Mark Miller & Andy Clark - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (4):1019-1037.
    Predictive processing has begun to offer new insights into the nature of conscious experience—but the link is not straightforward. A wide variety of systems may be described as predictive machines, raising the question: what differentiates those for which it makes sense to talk about conscious experience? One possible answer lies in the involvement of a higher-order form of prediction error, termed expected free energy. In this paper we explore under what conditions the minimization of this new quantity might underpin conscious (...)
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    Exploration of Digital Creativity: Construction of the Multiteam Digital Creativity Influencing Factor Model in the Action Phase.Jing Zhang, Weilong Chen, Yuchun Xiao & Baohua Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Based on multiteam system theory and creativity theory, this study explores the influencing factor model of multiteam digital creativity in the action phase through two cross-validation studies, filling a theoretical gap and responding to the research call. Study 1 is a qualitative analysis method to fully explore the relevant influencing factors and enhance the theoretical saturation. Study 2 is an optimized DEMATEL method, known as the CL-WG DEMATEL analysis method, which cross-validates the new theoretical model and measures the centrality (...)
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    Constructing food sovereignty in Catalonia: different narratives for transformative action.Marina Di Masso & Christos Zografos - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (2):183-198.
    Food sovereignty can be conceptualized as a political proposal for social change in the field of agri-food relations. However, specific strategies of how to achieve this transformative potential are diverse, and context-dependent. The paper explores this diversity by examining discourses on the food sovereignty construction process in Catalonia. Using Q methodology we have explored visions held by individuals participating in the social movement for food sovereignty, identifying five discourses: activism, anti-purism, self-management, pedagogy, and pragmatism. Key strategies of transformation include social (...)
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    Evidence in action between science and society: constructing, validating and contesting knowledge.Sarah Ehlers & Stefan Esselborn (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
    This volume is an interdisciplinary attempt to insert a broader, historically informed perspective into current political and academic debates on the issue of evidence and the reliability of scientific knowledge. Evidence in Action is the perfect resource for all those interested in the relationship between science, technology, and the role of knowledge in society.
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    Toward a Critique of the Ineffectual: Heidegger’s Reading of Aristotle and the Construction of an Action Without Ends.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (3):220-245.
    The paper demonstrates how Heidegger constructed his notion of an action without ends, or the ineffectual, through his early readings of Aristotle. Heidegger initially aligns the ineffectual with the notion of phronesis in Nicomachean Ethics, and later develops it further in Division 2 of Being and Time. The paper examines some of the implications of the conception of an action without ends. It shows that in fact the notion is absent from Aristotle and it is inconsistent. Finally, (...)
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  14.  62
    Re-construction of action awareness depends on an internal model of action-outcome timing.Max-Philipp Stenner, Markus Bauer, Judith Machts, Hans-Jochen Heinze, Patrick Haggard & Raymond J. Dolan - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 25:11-16.
    The subjective time of an instrumental action is shifted towards its outcome. This temporal binding effect is partially retrospective, i.e., occurs upon outcome perception. Retrospective binding is thought to reflect post-hoc inference on agency based on sensory evidence of the action – outcome association. However, many previous binding paradigms cannot exclude the possibility that retrospective binding results from bottom-up interference of sensory outcome processing with action awareness and is functionally unrelated to the processing of the action (...)
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  15. The Mind's Construction: The Ontology of Mind and Mental Action.Matthew Soteriou - 2013 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Matthew Soteriou provides an original philosophical account of sensory and cognitive aspects of consciousness. He explores distinctions of temporal character in our mental lives--especially in relation to the exercise of agency--and illuminates the more general issue of the place and role of mental action in the metaphysics of mind.
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    La planification de l’action publique à l’échelle du planning . Usages et construction des emplois du temps dans l’administration.Jean-Marie Pillon & Quéré - 2014 - Temporalités 19.
    Cet article étudie les temporalités de l’action publique à travers le cas de la production des plannings dans les administrations publiques françaises. Les plannings sont considérés comme des instruments constituants des organisations au sein desquelles ils sont élaborés. En s’appuyant sur l’analyse de deux terrains complémentaires – une enquête sur la formation des attachés d’administration dans les Instituts régionaux d’administration et une enquête sur la prise en charge des chômeurs par le Pôle emploi – l’étude rappelle que les plannings (...)
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  17. Toward the Construction of a Theory of Political Action; Antonio Gramsci.Teodros Kiros - 1985
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    Accounting for ?dissociative? actions without invoking mentalistic constructs.Theodore R. Sarbin - 1992 - Consciousness and Cognition 1 (1):54-58.
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    The Action of Verbal and Non-verbal Communication in the Therapeutic Alliance Construction: A Mixed Methods Approach to Assess the Initial Interactions With Depressed Patients.Luca Del Giacco, M. Teresa Anguera & Silvia Salcuni - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  20. Constructing the space of action: From bio-robotics to mirror neurons.Massimiliano Cappuccio - 2009 - World Futures 65 (2):126 – 132.
    This article distinguishes three archetypal ways of articulating spatial cognition: (1) via metric representation of objective geometry, (2) via somatosensory constitution of the peripersonal environment, and (3) via pragmatic comprehension of the finalistic sense of action. The last one is documented by neuroscientific studies concerning mirror neurons. Bio-robotic experiments implementing mirror functions confirm the constitutive role of goal-oriented actions in spatial processes.
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    Seeing and knowing in interaction: Two distinct resources for action construction.Aug Nishizaka - 2021 - Discourse Studies 23 (6):759-777.
    Using the methodology of conversation analysis to examine interactions in outdoor activities, this study explores how participants specifically see an object or event in the development of an activity. In particular, the distinction between perception and knowledge is oriented to by the participants as a practical issue that informs their alternative action constructions. This distinction matters as a resource for implementing an action in an interaction. The data are in Japanese with English translations.
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  22. Learning of New Percept-Action Mappings Is a Constructive Process of Goal-Directed Self-Modification.P. A. Cariani - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (2):322-324.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Perception-Action Mutuality Obviates Mental Construction” by Martin Flament Fultot, Lin Nie & Claudia Carello. Upshot: In my view, the clash between ecological psychology, enactivism, and constructivism in general has more to do with irreconcilable metaphysical and theoretical incommensurabilities than disagreements about specific mechanisms or processes of perception. Even with mutual enabling of action and perception, some internal process of self-modification is still needed if novel behavior is to be adequately explained.
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  23. Remembering moral and immoral actions in constructing the self.Matthew L. Stanley, Paul Henne & Felipe De Brigard - forthcoming - Memory and Cognition.
    Having positive moral traits is central to one’s sense of self, and people generally are motivated to maintain a positive view of the self in the present. But it remains unclear how people foster a positive, morally good view of the self in the present. We suggest that recollecting and reflecting on moral and immoral actions from the personal past jointly help to construct a morally good view of the current self in complementary ways. More specifically, across four studies we (...)
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  24.  14
    On Dimitris Vardoulakis, ‘Toward a Critique of the Ineffectual: Heidegger’s Reading of Aristotle and the Construction of an Action Without Ends’.Charlotta Weigelt - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (3):246-254.
    In my comments on Vardoulakis’s paper, I try to challenge the overall thrust of Vardoulakis’s argument, that Heidegger’s interpretation of Aristotle’s ethics rests on a fundamental mistake, an inability to recognize the instrumentality, or the relation between means and ends, that is fundamental to the concept of phronēsis. Against Vardoulakis’s supposition that Heidegger for his own part is in search of a conception of action without ends, I suggest that a major aim of Heidegger’s early work is to clarify (...)
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  25. The Mind’s Construction: The Ontology of Mind and Mental Action, by Matthew Soteriou.Helen Steward - 2016 - Mind 125 (498):605-608.
    A review of Matthew Soteriou's 'The Mind's Construction: The Ontology of Mind and Mental Action'.
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    La construction du bonheur.Robert Misrahi - 2012 - Lormont: Le Bord de l'eau. Edited by Dominique-Emmanuel Blanchard.
    La Construction du bonheur est, à la fois, un livre et un film... Les deux objets sont, ici, matériellement présents. Mais les deux peuvent être pris séparément. Dans l'un comme dans l'autre y apparaît Robert Misrahi sous des éclairages et des angles changeants. A l'écrit, Robert Misrahi, s'il commence par revenir sur son oeuvre livresque, consacré au bonheur et au philosophe eudémonique Spinoza, c'est afin de planter le décor. Très vite il en arrive à l'image. Car c'est là le sujet. (...)
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    An Ethical (Descriptive) Framework for Judgment of Actions and Decisions in the Construction Industry and Engineering–Part I.Omar J. Alkhatib & Alaa Abdou - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (2):585-606.
    The construction industry is usually characterized as a fragmented system of multiple-organizational entities in which members from different technical backgrounds and moral values join together to develop a particular business or project. The greatest challenge in the construction process for the achievement of a successful practice is the development of an outstanding reputation, which is built on identifying and applying an ethical framework. This framework should reflect a common ethical ground for myriad people involved in this process to survive and (...)
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  28.  27
    Constructive Thinking in the Critical Philosophy of Hermann Cohen.Valery Ye Semyonov - 2022 - Kantian Journal 41 (3):76-101.
    Constructive (productive) thinking in the critical philosophy of Hermann Cohen differs significantly from the seemingly similar speculative thinking in J. G. Fichte’s Science of Knowledge (Wissenschaftslehre) (1794/95). The fundamental characteristics of scientific thinking in Cohen’s teaching include: purity, focus on the “fact of science”, the origin (Ursprung), the infinitesimal method, continuity, movement, production, correlation, intensive magnitude, interrelation of thinking and being. According to Cohen, scientific thinking can only be pure and generated by the origin. The origin is continuous action (...)
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  29. Dialectics in Action, World at Stake. Review of “Bridges to the World. A Dialogue on the Construction of Knowledge, Education, and Truth” by David Kenneth Johnson & Matthew R. Silliman. [REVIEW]B. Kerkhove - 2011 - Constructivist Foundations 7 (1):78-80.
    Upshot: This is a deceptively profound, compact book that can be inscribed in the grand tradition of philosophical dialogue. It confronts naive realism and radical constructivism, arriving at a seemingly workable conciliatory position.
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  30. Dialectics in Action, World at Stake. Review of “Bridges to the World. A Dialogue on the Construction of Knowledge, Education, and Truth” by David Kenneth Johnson & Matthew R. Silliman. [REVIEW]B. Van Kerkhove - 2011 - Constructivist Foundations 7 (1):78-80.
    This is a deceptively profound, compact book that can be inscribed in the grand tradition of philosophical dialogue. It confronts naive realism and radical constructivism, arriving at a seemingly workable conciliatory position.
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    A Moral (Normative) Framework for the Judgment of Actions and Decisions in the Construction Industry and Engineering: Part II.Omar J. Alkhatib - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (6):1617-1641.
    The construction industry is typically characterized as a fragmented, multi-organizational setting in which members from different technical backgrounds and moral values join together to develop a particular business or project. The most challenging obstacle in the construction process is to achieve a successful practice and to identify and apply an ethical framework to manage the behavior of involved specialists and contractors and to ensure the quality of all completed construction activities. The framework should reflect a common moral ground for myriad (...)
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    Constructing Community: Configurations of the Social in Contemporary Philosophy and Urbanism.Brian Elliott - 2010 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    Constructing Community examines community from the particular perspective of the shaping and control of urban space in contemporary liberal democracies. Following a consideration and critique of influential theories of community that have arisen within European philosophy over the last three decades, Brian Elliott investigates parallel approaches to community within urban theory and practice over the same period. Underlying the comparison of political theory and urban practice is a basic assumption that community and place are intimately connected such that the one (...)
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    Reconfigurer l’action enseignante pour la (re) découvrir : traces du répertoire didactique évolutif.Francine Cicurel - 2016 - Revue Phronesis 5 (3-4):16-27.
    This study intends to question the theoretical and epistemological basis of research practices that give rise to the production of spontaneous oral commentary by teachers watching their own teacher action. What clues can the researcher use to impart on these discourses their ability to reveal that which is related to the link between discourse, action and teacher thinking? To address this question, we propose to concentrate more specifically on planning incidents, challenging moments, dilemmas and regrets in which, according (...)
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  34. Modeling Action: Recasting the Causal Theory.Megan Fritts & Frank Cabrera - forthcoming - Analytic Philosophy.
    Contemporary action theory is generally concerned with giving theories of action ontology. In this paper, we make the novel proposal that the standard view in action theory—the Causal Theory of Action—should be recast as a “model”, akin to the models constructed and investigated by scientists. Such models often consist in fictional, hypothetical, or idealized structures, which are used to represent a target system indirectly via some resemblance relation. We argue that recasting the Causal Theory as (...)
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  35. Knowing what we can do: actions, intentions, and the construction of phenomenal experience.Dave Ward, Tom Roberts & Andy Clark - 2011 - Synthese 181 (3):375-394.
    How do questions concerning consciousness and phenomenal experience relate to, or interface with, questions concerning plans, knowledge and intentions? At least in the case of visual experience the relation, we shall argue, is tight. Visual perceptual experience, we shall argue, is fixed by an agent’s direct unmediated knowledge concerning her poise (or apparent poise) over a currently enabled action space. An action space, in this specific sense, is to be understood not as a fine-grained matrix of possibilities for (...)
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  36. The Priority of Intentional Action: From Developmental to Conceptual Priority.Yair Levy - forthcoming - The Philosophical Quarterly.
    Philosophical orthodoxy has it that intentional action consists in one’s intention appropriately causing a motion of one’s body, placing the latter as (conceptually and/or metaphysically) prior to the former. Here I argue that this standard schema should be reversed: acting intentionally is at least conceptually prior to intending. The argument is modelled on a Williamsonian argument for the priority of knowledge developed by Jenifer Nagel. She argues that children acquire the concept KNOWS before they acquire BELIEVES, building on this (...)
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  37. Truth as Success of Action. The Constructive Approach in the Philosophy of Science in Scientific Knowledge Socialized.Peter Janich - 1988 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 108:313-326.
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    Relativistic Action at a Distance and Fields.Domingo J. Louis-Martinez - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (2):215-223.
    After a brief review of the field formulations and the relativistic non-instantaneous action-at-a-distance formulations of some well known classical theories, we study Rivacoba’s generalization of a theory with a linearly rising potential as a relativistic non-instantaneous action-at-a-distance theory. For this case we construct the corresponding field theory, which turns out to coincide with a model proposed by Kiskis to describe strong interactions. We construct the action functional for this field theory. Although this model belongs to the class (...)
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    Context construction as mediated by discourse markers: an adaptive approach.Thanh Nyan - 2016 - Boston: Brill.
    Interpretation at the argumentative level, like action selection in response to environmental change, requires decision-making based on context construction. By boosting the efficiency of this process, discourse markers keep variations in the interlocutor's processing context within a certain range.
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    Actions of tame abelian product groups.Shaun Allison & Assaf Shani - 2023 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 23 (3).
    A Polish group G is tame if for any continuous action of G, the corresponding orbit equivalence relation is Borel. When [Formula: see text] for countable abelian [Formula: see text], Solecki [Equivalence relations induced by actions of Polish groups, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 347 (1995) 4765–4777] gave a characterization for when G is tame. In [L. Ding and S. Gao, Non-archimedean abelian Polish groups and their actions, Adv. Math. 307 (2017) 312–343], Ding and Gao showed that for such G, (...)
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    Sisterhood construction through commenting by Chinese women.Bin Wang - 2024 - Pragmatics and Cognition 31 (2):367-390.
    This paper takes the form of a case study which examines to what extent a comment can be analyzed as a type of speech action. This study analyzed 507 replies to a post on a popular Chinese social media application, Xiaohongshu, which concerns feminist issues. A speech act analysis of these replies offers new insights on comments as a type of speech act by showing their constructive functions across intra-utterance, inter-utterance, and extra-textual contexts. Comments can facilitate the securing of (...)
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    La construction du sens.Yves Bannel - 2015 - Paris: Éditions Télètes.
    La question du sens est une question essentielle, qui revient et reviendra aussi longtemps que l'homme s'interrogera sur lui-même, et que l'individu réalisera qu'il ne peut se suffire à lui-même. À un moment ou un autre de son existence, chacun s'interroge sur le sens de la vie, de ses actes, de ses engagements. La quête du sens répond ainsi à un besoin de justification, car rares sont ceux qui ont le courage d'un Nietzsche reconnaissant la mort du sens avec la (...)
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    Action-thoughts and the genesis of time in linguistic semiosis.A. Simsky, A. V. Kravchenko & A. S. Druzhinin - 2021 - Slovo.Ru: Baltic Accent 12 (2):7-28.
    The genesis of time is explained in the spirit of constructivism combined with the activity approach to cognition. The cardinal temporal categories of present, past, and fu- ture are discussed in terms of action-thoughts understood as elementary units of activity whose structure is determined by linguistic semiosis. Husserl’s tripartite model of the phenomenology of time (prime perception, retention, protention) is applied to the ana- lysis of the subject’s experience of his actions. It is demonstrated that, while our lived present (...)
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    Body, Action, Authority, Ethics, and Politics.Mrinal Miri - 2023 - In Mrinal Miri & Bindu Puri, Gandhi for the 21st Century: Religion, Morality and Politics. Springer Nature Singapore. pp. 109-123.
    The western philosophical tradition has been abidingly occupied with the duality of the mind and the body. The soul is substantially the same as the mind for this tradition. In the Indian tradition, however, there is no duality between the mind and the body. The mind is an organ of the body, and I-consciousness is nothing but the ego which is a construct of the mind. For Gandhi, the human body is central to the articulation of the moral life. Concepts (...)
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  45. Iconic Action—Redefining Ritual as Language in the Body.Kuniko Miyanaga - 2025 - Dialogue and Universalism 35 (1):195-207.
    This article redefines as iconic action what has been conventionally described as ritual. Beginning with the primary definition of “ritual as repetition,” the article describes iconic action as social construct built in the combination of iconic significations and cosmology, and shows that this structure is similar to that of the word and syntax in language. Repeating the iconic action in this structure, values and meanings in cosmology become assimilated into the practitioner. The icon as a signifier consistently (...)
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    Constructive realism: In defense of the objective reality of perspectives.Roman Madzia - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (4):645-657.
    The paper proposes an outline of a reconciliatory approach to the perennial controversy between epistemological realism and anti-realism (constructionism). My main conceptual source in explaining this view is the philosophy of pragmatism, more specifically, the epistemological theories of George H. Mead, John Dewey, and also William James’ radical empiricism. First, the paper analyzes the pragmatic treatment of the goal-directedness of action, especially with regard to Mead’s notion of attitudes, and relates it to certain contemporary epistemological theories provided by the (...)
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    La construction discursive des identités dans la parole des évêques catholiques du Congo : Présentation et perspectives d’une recherche en cours.Ignace Ndongala Maduku - 2015 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 71 (3):431-455.
    Ignace Ndongala Maduku | : Cet article entend vérifier la plausibilité sociale et politique de la parole épiscopale. Il a pour objet un Message de l’épiscopat congolais qu’il approche à partir de l’analyse du discours tel que systématisé par Ruth Amossy et Patrick Charaudeau. Il examine la visée persuasive, les modes d’argumentation et de légitimation de la parole épiscopale. Il rend compte de la manière dont les évêques congolais construisent leur identité et celle de leur auditoire ainsi que de la (...)
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    Constructing Universal Values? A Practical Approach.Anthony F. Lang - 2020 - Ethics and International Affairs 34 (3):267-277.
    This essay explores the possibility of universal values. Universal values do not exist as Platonic ideals nor do they exist in clearly defined lists of rules or laws. Rather, universal ethical claims are constructed through the actions of individual political leaders, scholars, and activists. This essay explores how such normative constructions take place. It uses an initiative undertaken by the UN Office of Drugs and Crime to further education around corruption as an example of how such universal values come (...)
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  49. Are constructiveness and destructiveness essential features of guilt and shame feelings respectively?Ayfer Dost & Bilge Yagmurlu - 2008 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 38 (2):109–129.
    This paper involves a critical evaluation of a conceptualization of guilt and shame, which guides a number of research mainly in social psychology. In the contemporary literature, conceptualization of guilt and shame shows variation. In one of the leading approaches, guilt is regarded as an experience that targets behavior in evaluative thought and shame as targeting the self. According to this distinction, guilt has a constructive nature and it motivates the individual to take reparative actions, since it targets the behavior, (...)
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    The construction of value through work-integrated learning.Elzbieta Sanojca & Emmanuel Triby - 2022 - Revue Phronesis 11 (1-2):202.
    La pédagogie est constitutive d’une relation de formation portée par une intention de développement de la personne mobilisant une configuration de savoirs afin d’inscrire cette personne dans un parcours de développement. La mise en oeuvre de cette relation dans une situation organisée et instrumentée produit la matière du développement, en réalité ce qui fait la valeur de la formation. L’alternance est une manière particulière d’organiser ce processus de valorisation. Dans cette contribution est analysé un dispositif faisant cohabiter deux populations en (...)
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