Results for ' Citizenship in literature'

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  1.  18
    The Worth of Citizenship in an Unequal World.Ayelet Shachar - 2007 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 8 (2):367-388.
    In today’s world, one’s place of birth and one’s parentage are — by law — relevant to, and often conclusive of, one’s access to membership in a particular political community. Birthright citizenship largely shapes the allocation of membership entitlement itself. But no less significantly, it also distributes opportunity unequally. This makes citizenship a matter of inherited entitlement. In a world in which membership in different political communities translates into very different starting points in life, upholding this legal connection (...)
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  2. Measuring corporate citizenship in two countries: The case of the united states and France. [REVIEW]Isabelle Maignan & O. C. Ferrell - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 23 (3):283 - 297.
    Based on an extensive review of the literature and field surveys, the paper proposes a conceptualization and operationalization of corporate citizenship meaningful in two countries: the United States and France. A survey of 210 American and 120 French managers provides support for the proposed definition of corporate citizenship as a construct including the four correlated factors of economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary citizenship. The managerial implications of the research and directions for future research are discussed.
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    English Girls and the International Dimensions of British Citizenship in the 1940s.Penny Tinkler - 2001 - European Journal of Women's Studies 8 (1):103-126.
    Citizenship has traditionally been equated with borders and boundaries and, in particular, membership of a nation-state. Motivated by recent interest in the crossing of boundaries and processes of inclusion which operate across a common basis such as the nation-state, this article explores the ways in which international relations were implicitly and explicitly embedded in constructions of British citizenship in the 1940s. Focusing on representations of English girls in literature relating to the education and leisure of girls, this (...)
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    Intra-Acting Food Citizenship in Community-Supported Agriculture in Finland.Anni Turunen, Riikka Aro & Suvi Huttunen - 2023 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 36 (3):1-20.
    Citizens are called upon to become active participants in creating a more sustainable food system. As food citizens, people participate in defining and constructing their food systems according to their needs and values. In food policies, the concept of food citizenship is often left undefined or with reference only to individual activities. In the food citizenship literature, the role of nonhuman agency in constituting food citizenship needs more examination. Here we investigate food citizenship activities in (...)
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    The Affective Politics of Citizenship in Reality Television Programs Featuring North Korean Resettlers.Soochul Kim & Kyung Han You - 2019 - Cultura 16 (1):145-163.
    This study examines the dynamics of cultural politics in reality television shows featuring North Korean resettlers in South Korea. As existing studies focus on the role of media representation reproducing a dominant ideology for the resettlers, this paper focuses on the specific media rituals of NKR2 programs, which can be seen as a product of the neoliberalist localization process of the global media industry. In doing so, this paper demonstrates how NKR2 programs interrupt the current dynamics of emotions in regard (...)
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    Enabling Citizenship: Gender, Disability and Citizenship in Australia.Leanne Dowse & Helen Meekosha - 1997 - Feminist Review 57 (1):49-72.
    This paper queries the absence of disabled voices in contemporary citizenship literature. It argues that the language and imagery of the citizen is imbued with hegemonic normalcy and as such excludes disability. Feminist perspectives, such as those which argue for a form of maternal citizenship, largely fail to acknowledge disability experiences. Exclusionary practices are charted and links are made between gender, race and disability in this process. A citizenship which acknowledges disability is fundamental to re-imaging local, (...)
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    Biological Citizenship Reconsidered: The Use of DNA Analysis by Immigration Authorities in Germany.Thomas Lemke & Torsten Heinemann - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (4):488-510.
    In recent years, there has been an intense debate about the concept of “biological” or “genetic citizenship.” The growing literature on this topic mostly refers to the importance of patients’ associations, disease advocacy organizations, and self-help groups that are giving rise to new forms of subjectivation and collective action. The focus is on the extension of rights, the emergence of new possibilities of participation, and the choice-enhancing options of the new genetics. However, this perspective tends to neglect the (...)
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    Pedagogical responsibility and education for democratic and digital citizenship: literature’s democratic potential in a liquid society.Angela Arsena - 2022 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 26 (62):43-55.
    This article discusses the hypothesis of a recovery of the phenomenological and literary paradigms of antiquity to cross the complexity of the existential, educational and relational experience in the digital contemporary world, focusing on the problems of the construction of identity and digital citizenship in social coexistence intended as a place of education.
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    Global citizenship education through global children's literature: An analysis of the NCSS Notable Trade Books.Elizabeth Kenyon & Andrea Christoff - 2020 - Journal of Social Studies Research 44 (4):397-408.
    This research analyzes global children's literature from the National Council for Social Studies Notable Trade book lists from the past three years. The authors studied primary level texts that were either written by or about people and cultures from outside the United States. Using critical content analysis, the authors identified what aspects of global citizenship these books promote. The authors also analyzed the texts for dangers of representation as presented through various stereotypes or problematic tropes. This research critiques (...)
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    Aristotelian Citizenship and Corporate Citizenship: Who is a Citizen of the Corporate Polis?Alejo José G. Sison - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (1):3-9.
    After defining the essential elements of Aristotelian citizenship, the article proposes to apply these criteria in its search for the equivalent of a citizen within the corporate polis. It argues that shareholding managers are the best positioned among a firm's constituents or stakeholders in fulfilling the role of corporate citizens. Greater participation by management not only in the control but also in the ownership of firms brings about benefits for the firm as a whole and for the managers themselves, (...)
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  11.  15
    Asian Transmigrant Teachers in Urban Bilingual Schools: Mobility, Flexible Citizenship, and Educational Trajectories.Yeji Kim - 2022 - British Journal of Educational Studies 70 (4):437-456.
    In this age of migration and transnationalism, it is imperative to take account of migratory experiences and lives of transmigrant teachers, who exhibit multiple ways of belonging and knowing. Informed by the theoretical framework of transnationalism and flexible citizenship, this study investigates two Asian transmigrant teachers who work in urban bilingual schools in the U.S. and examines how and why they are involved in their particular transnational mobility, professional choices, and educational activities. The findings show that transmigrant teachers’ border (...)
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    Citizenship and Culture in Early Modern Europe.Peter N. Miller - 1996 - Journal of the History of Ideas 57 (4):725-742.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Citizenship and Culture in Early Modern EuropePeter N. MillerCharlotte Wells, Law and Citizenship in Early Modern France (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995), xviii, 198p.Paula Findlen, Possessing Nature: Museums, Collecting, and Scientific Culture in Early Modern Italy (Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press, 1994), xviii, 449p.Steven Shapin, The Social History of Truth: Civility and Science in Seventeenth-Century England (Chicago and London: University of (...)
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  13.  21
    Exclusion in the Liberal State: The Case of Immigration and Citizenship Policy.Christian Joppke - 2005 - European Journal of Social Theory 8 (1):43-61.
    Recent literature on the ‘exclusions’ of the modern nation-state has missed a major transformation in the legitimate mode of excluding, from group to individual-based. This transformation is explored in a discussion of universalistic trends in contemporary Western states’ immigration and citizenship policies. Conflicting with the notion of a ‘nation-state’ owned by a particular ethnic group or nation, these trends are better captured in terms of a ‘liberal state’ that has self-limited its sovereign prerogatives by constitutional principles of equality (...)
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  14. Comparative Citizenship: A Restrictive Turn in Europe?Christian Joppke - 2008 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 2 (1):1-41.
    In the rapidly growing literature on comparative citizenship, a dominant assumption is that the nationality laws in Western states are converging on liberal norms of equality and inclusiveness. However, especially since the onset of the new millennium and an apparent failure of integrating Muslim immigrants there has been a remarkable counter-trend toward more restrictiveness. This paper reviews the causes and features of restrictiveness in the heartland of previous liberalization, north-west Europe. It is argued that even where it seems (...)
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  15.  24
    Active Industrial Citizenship of Domestic Workers: Lessons Learned from Unionizing Attempts in Israel and the United Kingdom.Virginia Mantouvalou & Einat Albin - 2016 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 17 (1):321-350.
    In this Article we offer a new conceptualization of industrial citizenship, which is sensitive to gender and migration status. Our conceptualization builds on the theoretical distinction between active and passive citizenship and the analyses of active industrial citizenship. We suggest that active industrial citizenship should be detached from the old and influential tradition of trade unionism that is connected with the public/private divide. Our proposed conceptualization leads to attaching value to activities related to ethics of care (...)
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  16.  47
    Fostering Empathy in Global Citizenship Education: Necessary, Desirable, or Simply Misguided?Eirik Julius Risberg - 2023 - Educational Theory 72 (5):553-573.
    In an increasingly globalized world, empathy has been identified as a core competency of future global citizens and thus as an important skill to be fostered in global citizenship education (GCE). Despite this, however, what empathy is, and how it can play the pivotal role often claimed for it in the literature, have not been adequately explored. Here, Eirik Risberg argues that, pace the common conception of empathy, empathy should not be construed narrowly, as an affective concept, but (...)
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    Corporations and Citizenship Arenas in the Age of Social Media.Glen Whelan, Jeremy Moon & Bettina Grant - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (4):777-790.
    Little attention has been paid to the importance of social media in the corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature. This deficit is redressed in the present paper through utilizing the notion of ‘citizenship arenas’ to identify three dynamics in social media-augmented corporate–society relations. First, we note that social media-augmented ‘corporate arenas of citizenship’ are constructed by individual corporations in an effort to address CSR issues of specific importance thereto, and are populated by individual citizens as well as (functional/formally (...)
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  18.  31
    Youth negotiation of citizenship identities in Pakistan: Implications for global citizenship education in conflict-contexts.Laila Kadiwal & Naureen Durrani - 2018 - British Journal of Educational Studies 66 (4):537-558.
    This study explores young students’ negotiation of their citizenship identities at the intersection of their class, gender, religious and ethnic identifications in the conflict-affected setting of Pakistan. While much of the global literature on global citizenship education (GCE) primarily takes into account the perspectives of middle-class or elite students located in richer economies, the current study is centred on a socio-demographically diverse group of young people in a low-income setting. With a specific focus on their negotiation of (...)
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  19. Incorporating the corporation in citizenship: A response to néron and Norman.Andrew Crane & Dirk Matten - 2008 - Business Ethics Quarterly 18 (1):27-33.
    This article presents a response to Néron and Norman’s contention that the language of citizenship is helpful in thinking about the political dimensions of corporate responsibilities. We argue that Néron and Norman’s main conclusions are valid but offer an extension of their analysis to incorporate extant streams of literature dealing with the political role of the corporation. We also propose that the perspective on citizenship adopted by Néron and Norman is rather narrow, andtherefore provide some alternative ways (...)
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  20. Citizenship, Identity and Education in Muslim Communities: Essays on attachment and obligation.Michael S. Merry & Jeffrey Ayala Milligan (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This volume represents a rich multi-disciplinary contribution to an expanding literature on citizenship, identity, and education in a variety of majority and minority Muslim communities. Each of these essays offer important insights into the various ways one may identify with, and participate in, different societies to which Muslims belong, from the United Kingdom to Pakistan to Indonesia. Authors include Robert Hefner, Andrew March, Tariq Modood, Lucas Swaine, Matthew Nelson, Rosnani Hashim, Charlene Tan and Yedullah Kazmi.
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    Democratic Citizenship, Education and Friendship Revisited: In Defence of Democratic Justice.Yusef Waghid - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 27 (2):197-206.
    Literature about the significance of cultivating democratic citizenship education in universities abounds. However, very little has been said about the importance of friendship in sustaining democratic communities. In this article I argue for a complementary view of friendship based on mutuality and love—with reference to the seminal ideas of Sherman and Derrida. My view is that teaching and learning ought to be used as pedagogical spaces to nurture forms of friendship which not only encourage mutuality but also love (...)
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  22.  60
    Jus Domicile: In Pursuit of a Citizenship of Equality and Social Justice.Harald Bauder - 2012 - Journal of International Political Theory 8 (1-2):184-196.
    Although foreign workers contribute to the economy and society, their lack of citizenship renders them unequal, vulnerable and exploitable. In this article, I suggest that the citizenship principle of jus domicile can address this aspect of inequality and exploitation experienced by migrant labour. In addition, I argue that the jus domicile principle should be combined with open borders. In making this argument, I draw on a dialectical methodology and a diverse literature on social justice and liberal political (...)
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    Frozen: Citizenship and European unification.Alex Warleigh - 1998 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 1 (4):113-151.
    Citizenship issues are in the vanguard of the democratization process of the European Union. As a result, much academic debate has centred on the significance, worth, and potential of the status of European Union citizen bestowed on all member state nationals by the Maastricht Treaty. This article traces the growing debate on ‘European’ citizenship in the form of a literature review. It places the debate in the context of the EU's own evolution and argues that citizenship, (...)
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  24. Can Corporations be Citizens? Corporate Citizenship as a Metaphor for Business Participation in Society.Jeremy Moon, Andrew Crane & Dirk Matten - 2005 - Business Ethics Quarterly 15 (3):429-453.
    Abstract:This paper investigates whether, in theoretical terms, corporations can be citizens. The argument is based on the observation that the debate on “corporate citizenship” (CC) has only paid limited attention to the actual notion of citizenship. Where it has been discussed, authors have either largely left the concept of CC unquestioned, or applied rather unidimensional and decontextualized notions of citizenship to the corporate sphere. The paper opens with a critical discussion of a major contribution to the CC (...)
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  25. The Role of Religiosity in Stress, Job Attitudes, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior.Eugene J. Kutcher, Jennifer D. Bragger, Ofelia Rodriguez-Srednicki & Jamie L. Masco - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (2):319-337.
    Religion and faith are often central aspects of an individual’s self-concept, and yet they are typically avoided in the workplace. The current study seeks to replicate the findings about the role of religious beliefs and practices in shaping an employee’s reactions to stress/burnout and job attitudes. Second, we extend the literature on faith in the workplace by investigating possible relationships between religious beliefs and practices and citizenship behaviors at work. Third, we attempted to study how one’s perceived freedom (...)
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  26.  58
    Shame: Does it have a place in an education for democratic citizenship?Leon Benade - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (7):661-674.
    Shame, shame management and reintegrative shaming feature in some restorative justice literature, and may have implications for schools. Restorative justice in schools is effective when perpetrators of wrong-doing can accept and take ownership of their wrongful acts, are appropriately remorseful, and seek to make amends. Shame may be understood as an ethical matter if it is regarded to arise because of the contradiction between the wrongful act and the individual’s sense of self and self-worth. Shame management (that is, seeking (...)
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  27.  14
    Expression Of Citizenship And Nationality In The Education System Of Lithuania.Vilija Grincevičiene, Vaida Asakavičiūtė & Živilė Sederevičiūtė-Pačiauskienė - 2021 - Cultura 18 (2):155-172.
    The European Union policy is geared towards fostering the diversity of cultural expression in its member states. Globalisation, cosmopolitanism and increasing mobility of the population have been destroying the fundamental values of nation-based states. The preservation of the ethnicity of the nation is becoming an increasing challenge. In Lithuania, where ethnicity has deep roots, many prominent representatives of the Lithuanian national revival, cultural figures, philosophers and pedagogues have emphasised the importance of national culture and the development of national identity in (...)
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    Job Security and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors in Chinese Hybrid Employment Context: Organizational Identification Versus Psychological Contract Breach Perspective Differences Across Employment Status.Wenzhu Lu, Xiaolang Liu, Shanshi Liu & Chuanyan Qin - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The goal of the present research was to identify the mechanism through which job security exerts its different effects on organizational citizenship behaviors among contract and permanent employees from social identity and social exchange perspectives. Our research suggests two distinct, yet related explanatory mechanisms: organizational identification and psychological contract breach, to extend the job security literature by examining whether psychological contract breach and organization identity complement each other and explaining the mechanism of different behaviors response to job security (...)
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  29.  36
    Plato’s Crito and the Contradictions of Modern Citizenship.Matthew Dayi Ogali - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy 11 (2):17-27.
    Citizenship, with its presumptive rights, privileges and obligations, has been a fundamental challenge confronting the state since the classical Greek era and the transformation and reorganization of the centralized medieval Holy Roman Empire after the Thirty Years War. With the changing patterns of state formation from the large and unwieldy empires organized into absolutist states to the more nationalistic/linguistic formations a recurring issue has been the constitutional or legal guarantees of the rights of the citizen as well as his/her (...)
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  30.  21
    Effects of Service Recovery Expectation and Recovery Justice on Customer Citizenship Behavior in the E-Retailing Context.Tingting Zhu, Beilei Liu, Mengmeng Song & Jinnan Wu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Customer citizenship behavior in the online shopping environment is vital to the success of e-retailers. However, it is unclear whether and how service recovery expectation and recovery justice predict customer citizenship behavior in e-retailing settings. Grounded on the expectation confirmation theory and social exchange theory, this study examined the influence of service recovery expectation and recovery justice on customer citizenship behavior with a serial mediation of recovery expectation confirmation and post-recovery satisfaction. A total of 774 samples from (...)
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  31.  54
    Post-national citizenship without post-national identity? A case study of UK immigration policy and intra-EU migration.Katherine E. Tonkiss - 2013 - Journal of Global Ethics 9 (1):35-48.
    A key dividing line in the literature on post-national citizenship concerns the role of collective identity. While some hold that a post-national form of identity is desirable in developing citizenship in contexts such as the European Union (EU), others question the defensibility of a collective identity at this supra-national level. The aim of this article is to intervene in this debate, drawing on qualitative research to consider the extent to which post-national citizenship should be accompanied by (...)
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    Political Poverty, Justice, and Citizenship Education.Raṣit Çelik - 2023 - Global Philosophy 33 (2):1-13.
    Poverty is a fundamental problem of contemporary societies including both developed and developing democracies. Although the literature on poverty is heavy concentrated on the material well-being of individuals and societies, some other aspects of poverty are to be considered as significant for democratic societies, especially for the discussions of justice and democratic order. In this regard, this work discusses a conception of political poverty based on the idea of free and equal citizenship in a pluralistic democracy in the (...)
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    Netiquette rules in online learning through the lens of digital citizenship scale in the post-corona era.Tahani Al-Khatib - 2023 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 21 (2):181-201.
    Purpose This study aims to investigate the trending term: “Netiquette” as an important element in the effective digital citizenship. The research suggests a systematic framework of netiquette rules in the field of online education based on the classical core rules of netiquette and according to the digital citizenship scale (DCS). The research also studies the corresponding responsibilities of both educators and students to raise awareness towards using technology in a balanced, safe, smart and ethical way as the shift (...)
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  34. Citizenship for children: By soil, by blood, or by paternalism?Luara Ferracioli - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (11):2859-2877.
    Do states have a right to exclude prospective immigrants as they see fit? According to statists the answer is a qualified yes. For these authors, self-determining political communities have a prima facie right to exclude, which can be overridden by the claims of vulnerable groups such as refugees and children born in the state’s territory. However, there is a concern in the literature that statists have not yet developed a theory that can protect children born in the territory from (...)
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    Men with Muskets, Women with Lyres: Nationality, Citizenship, and Gender in the Writings of Germaine de Staël.Susanne Hillman - 2011 - Journal of the History of Ideas 72 (2):231-254.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Men with Muskets, Women with Lyres: Nationality, Citizenship, and Gender in the Writings of Germaine de StaëlSusanne HillmanOn 23 May 1812 Germaine de Staël (1766–1817), Europe’s best-known enemy of Napoleon Bonaparte, set out from her estate on Lake Geneva to escape to England. In her reminiscences, she reflected on the pivotal event as follows:[A]fter ten years of ever-increasing persecutions [...] I was obliged to leave two homelands as (...)
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  36. Citizenship, Inc. Do We Really Want Businesses to Be Good Corporate Citizens?Pierre-Yves Néron & Wayne Norman - 2008 - Business Ethics Quarterly 18 (1):1-26.
    Are there any advantages to thinking and speaking about ethical business in the language of citizenship? We will address this question in part by looking at the possible relevance of a vast literature on individual citizenship that has been produced by political philosophers over the last fifteen years. Some of the central elements of citizenship do not seem to apply straightforwardly to corporations. E.g., “citizenship” typically implies membership in a state and an identity akin to (...)
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  37. Organizational Citizenship Behaviour for the Environment: Measurement and Validation. [REVIEW]Olivier Boiral & Pascal Paillé - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (4):431-445.
    While the importance of employee initiatives for improving the environmental practices and performance of organizations has been clearly established in the literature, the precise nature of these initiatives has rarely been examined (particularly the issue of their discretionary or mandatory nature). The role of organizational citizenship behaviour in environmental management remains largely unexplored. The main objectives of this paper were to propose and validate an instrument for measuring organizational citizenship behaviour for the environment (OCBE). Exploratory (Study 1, (...)
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    Citizenship Education and Liberalism: A State of the Debate Analysis 1990–2010.Christian Fernández & Mikael Sundström - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (4):363-384.
    What kind of citizenship education, if any, should schools in liberal societies promote? And what ends is such education supposed to serve? Over the last decades a respectable body of literature has emerged to address these and related issues. In this state of the debate analysis we examine a sample of journal articles dealing with these very issues spanning a twenty-year period with the aim to analyse debate patterns and developments in the research field. We first carry out (...)
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    The Boundary Conditions of High-Performance Work Systems–Organizational Citizenship Behavior Relationship: A Multiple-Perspective Exploration in the Chinese Context.Bo Zhang, Lihua Liu, Fang Lee Cooke, Peng Zhou, Xiangdong Sun, Songbo Zhang, Bo Sun & Yang Bai - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This research synthesizes social exchange, organizational culture, and social identity theories to explore the boundary conditions of the relationship between high-performance work systems and employee organizational citizenship behavior. In particular, it draws on the China-specific management context. In this country, in spite of the wide use of a long-term-oriented and loose-control-focused Western-styled strategic human resource management model, a short-term-focused and tight-control-oriented error aversion culture is still popular. The study uses multi-source individual-level survey data in a large state-owned enterprise to (...)
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    The ‘Agapic Behaviors’: Reconciling Organizational Citizenship Behavior with the Reward System.Roberta Sferrazzo - 2021 - Humanistic Management Journal 6 (1):19-35.
    Current corporate systems risk generating inequality among workers, insofar as they concentrate only on economic results by favoring, through the incentive and award system, only what can be seen, produced, and measured. As such, these systems are unable to recognize workers’ agapic behaviors – similar to the ones considered in organizational citizenship behavior literature – that cannot be quantified, i.e. workers’ generosity, humanity, kindness, compassion, help for others and mercy. Although these types of behaviors may appear unproductive or (...)
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    Labored Relations: Corporate Citizenship, Labor Unions, and Freedom of Association.Cedric E. Dawkins - 2012 - Business Ethics Quarterly 22 (3):473-500.
    ABSTRACT:Globalization has brought increased attention to the notion that labor rights such asfreedom of association—the right of workers to organize a union—are fundamental human rights. However, the vigorous opposition to freedom of association by US firms is largely ignored in the business ethics literature and exacerbated by compensatory corporate citizenship rating mechanisms that tend to mask labor rights deficiencies. I argue that because freedom of association is a hypernorm, instrumental to fully realizing basic human rights, labor rights and (...)
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    Socio-historical foundations of citizenship practice: after social revolution in Portugal.Manuel Cabral & Robert Fishman - 2016 - Theory and Society 45 (6):531-553.
    This article shows how macro-historical processes of change can activate robust and enduring forms of citizenship practice, providing both survey-based evidence for this claim and a theorization of the causal mechanisms involved. Focusing on the case of Portugal, where democratization followed the historically unusual path of social revolution, we examine survey data on civic practice covering twenty countries and find Portugal to be a world leader in public participation in the electronic public sphere. When we examine the subsection of (...)
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  43. Business Citizenship as Metaphor and Reality.Donna J. Wood & Jeanne M. Logsdon - 2008 - Business Ethics Quarterly 18 (1):51-59.
    We argue that Néron and Norman’s article stops short of the point where it would truly advance our understanding of corporate citizenship. Their article, in our view, fosters normative confusion and displays significant gaps in logic. In addition, the large and useful literature on business-government relations has for the most part been overlooked by Néron and Norman, even though their article ends with an enthusiastic call for scholarly attention to this subject.
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    Book Review: Fictions of Feminine Citizenship: Sexuality and the Nation in Contemporary Caribbean Literature[REVIEW]Aisha Spencer - 2013 - Feminist Review 104 (1):e6-e7.
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    Cosmopolitan Citizenship and the Corporation.Dirk Matten, Andrew Crane & Jeremy Moon - 2006 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 17:127-132.
    This paper, based on our forthcoming book (Crane, Matten, & Moon, 2007), examines the effects of globalization on reconfiguring notions of citizenship and the role of corporations in influencing, and being influenced by, this process. Based on an analysis of the literature on global citizenship, we explore the current and potential role for corporations in contributing to global governance systems and processes, both independent of, and in conjunction with, governmental and non-governmental organizations.
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    Female Literature of Migration in Italy.Lidia Curti - 2007 - Feminist Review 87 (1):60-75.
    Starting symbolically from a place of transit and mobility such as the Galleria in Naples, I look at the pace of immigration movements to Italy from both ex-colonial territories and other countries. Precarity characterizes the migrant condition in Italy: entrance and stay permits; work and housing, which are difficult to obtain and always temporary; bureaucratic control is severe and the right to citizenship is distant. The collective amnesia of the colonial enterprise obscures the fact that at least some of (...)
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  47.  59
    Citizenship education and character education: Similarities and contrasts.Ian Davies, Stephen Gorard & Nick McGuinn - 2005 - British Journal of Educational Studies 53 (3):341-358.
    We suggest that there is a need for those who seek to explore issues associated with the implementation of citizenship education in England to clarify its specific nature. This can be done, at least in part, through a process of comparison. To that end we review some of the connections and disjunctions between 'character education' and 'citizenship education'. We argue, drawing from US and UK literature but focusing our attention on contexts and issues in England, that there (...)
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    Humility Harmonized? Exploring Whether and How Leader and Employee Humility (In)Congruence Influences Employee Citizenship and Deviance Behaviors.Xin Qin, Xin Liu, Jacob A. Brown, Xiaoming Zheng & Bradley P. Owens - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (1):147-165.
    Various studies have recognized the importance of humility as a foundational aspect of virtuous leadership and have revealed the beneficial effects of leader humility on employee moral attitudes and behaviors. However, these findings may overestimate the benefits of leader humility and overlook its potential costs. Integrating person–supervisor fit theory and balance theory with the humility literature, we employ a dyadic approach to consider supervisor and employee humility simultaneously. We investigate whether and how the congruence of supervisor and employee humility (...)
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    The poverty of postnationalism: citizenship, immigration, and the new Europe. [REVIEW]Randall Hansen - 2009 - Theory and Society 38 (1):1-24.
    Over the last decade and a half, in a literature otherwise obsessed with citizenship in all its forms, a broad array of scholars has downplayed, criticized, and at times trivialized national citizenship. The assault on citizenship has had both an expansionary and a contractionary thrust. It is expansionary in that the language of citizenship is no longer linked with nationality, but rather protest politics. An earlier generation of social scientists would have described these actions as (...)
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    Negative cosmopolitanism: cultures and politics of world citizenship after globalization.Eddy Kent & Terri Tomsky (eds.) - 2017 - Chicago: McGill-Queen's University Press.
    From climate change, debt, and refugee crises, to energy security, environmental disasters, and terrorism, the events that lead nightly newscasts and drive public policy demand a global perspective. In the twentieth century the world sought solutions through formal institutions of international governance such as like the United Nations, the International Criminal Court, and the World Bank, but present-day our responses to global realities are often more provisional, improvisational, and contingent. Tracing this uneven history in order to identify principal actors, contesting (...)
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