Results for ' Celestial mechanics'

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  1.  32
    The celestial mechanics of Leibniz.E. J. Aiton - 1960 - Annals of Science 16 (2):65-82.
  2. Celestial Mechanics in Spherical Space.Tuomo Suntola - 2001 - Apeiron 8 (3):65.
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    The celestial mechanics of Leibniz in the light of Newtonian criticism.E. J. Aiton - 1962 - Annals of Science 18 (1):31-41.
  4.  47
    The celestial mechanics of Leibniz : A new interpretation.E. J. Aiton - 1964 - Annals of Science 20 (2):111-123.
  5. Newton and celestial mechanics.Curtis Wilson - 2002 - In I. Bernard Cohen & George E. Smith, The Cambridge Companion to Newton. Cambridge University Press. pp. 202--226.
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    The Analytical Foundations of Celestial Mechanics by Aurel Wintner. [REVIEW]I. Cohen - 1943 - Isis 34:230-230.
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    The Estrangement of Celestial Mechanics and Religion.Herbert H. Odom - 1966 - Journal of the History of Ideas 27 (4):533.
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    The Invention of Celestial Mechanics.Ofer Gal - 2005 - Early Science and Medicine 10 (4):529-534.
  9. Prime Integrals in Relativistic Celestial Mechanics.Vittorio Banfi - 2000 - Apeiron 7 (3-4):133.
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    New Methods of Celestial Mechanics by Henri Poincare; Daniel L. Goroff. [REVIEW]Curtis Wilson - 1994 - Isis 85:539-540.
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    An imaginary error in the celestial mechanics of Leibniz.E. J. Aiton - 1965 - Annals of Science 21 (3):169-173.
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    Kepler's solution to the problem of a realist celestial mechanics.Rhonda Martens - 1999 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 30 (3):377-394.
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    “Borell's hypothesis” and the rise of celestial mechanics.Angus Armitage - 1950 - Annals of Science 6 (3):268-282.
  14. Physical Order vs. Divine Designer: Celestial Mechanics and Natural Theology Struggling for the System of the World.Massimiliano Badino - manuscript
  15.  51
    Mechanisms of Violent Retribution in Chinese Hell Narratives.Charles D. Orzech - 1994 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 1 (1):111-126.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mechanisms of Violent Retribution in Chinese Hell Narratives Charles D. Orzech University ofNorth Carolina Greensboro Ai! The criminals in this hell have all had their eyes dug out and the fresh blood flows [from them], and each of them cries out, their two hands pressing their bloody eye-sockets—truly pitiful! To the left a middle-aged person is just having an eye pulled out by one of the shades; he struggles (...)
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  16. The axiomatization of classical mechanics.Herbert A. Simon - 1954 - Philosophy of Science 21 (4):340-343.
    The purpose of this note is to examine a recent axiomatization of classical particle mechanics, and its relation to an alternative axiomatization I had earlier proposed. A comparison of the two proposals casts some interesting light on the problems of operationalism in classical celestial mechanics.1. Comparison of the Two Axiomatizations. The basic differences between the two proposals arise from the nature of the undefined terms. Both systems take the set of particles, time, and position as primitive notions. (...)
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    Aspects of the Mach–Einstein Doctrine and Geophysical Application (A Historical Review).W. Schröder & H. -J. Treder - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (6):883-901.
    The present authors have given a mathematical model of Mach's principle and of the Mach–Einstein doctrine about the complete induction of the inertial masses by the gravitation of the universe. The analytical formulation of the Mach–Einstein doctrine is based on Riemann's generalization of the Lagrangian analytical mechanics (with a generalization of the Galilean transformation) on Mach's definition of the inertial mass and on Einstein's principle of equivalence. All local and cosmological effects—which are postulated as consequences of Mach's principle by (...)
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    Impetus Mechanics as a Physical Argument for Copernicanism Copernicus, Benedetti, Galileo.Michael Wolff - 1987 - Science in Context 1 (2):215-256.
    The ArgumentOne of the earliest arguments for Copernicanism was a widely accepted fact: that on a horizontal plane a body subject to no external resistance can be set in motion by the smallest of all possible forces. This fact was contrary to Aristotelian physics; but it was a physical argument (by abduction) for the possibility of the Copernican world system. For it would be explained if that system was true or at least possible.Galileo argued: only nonviolent motions can be caused (...)
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    The fault in us: Ethics, infinity, and celestial bodies.Donovan O. Schaefer - 2016 - Zygon 51 (3):783-796.
    Catherine Keller's Cloud of the Impossible knits together process theology and relational ontology with quantum mechanics. In quantum physics, she finds a new resource for undoing the architecture of classical metaphysics and its location of autonomous human subjects as the primary gears of ethical agency. Keller swarms theology with the quantum perspective, focusing in particular on the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, by which quantum particles are found to remain influential over each other long after they have been physically separated—what (...)
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  20. Nature of Gravitation. The Structural Intuition of Gravitation in the Framework of Early Modern Mechanical Philosophy.Babu Thaliath - 2012 - Philosophy Study 2 (9):595-618.
    As is generally known, Newton’s notion of universal gravitation surpassed various theories of particular gravities in the early modern age, as represented mainly by Kepler and Hooke. In his seminal work “Hooke and the Law of Universal Gravitation: A Reappraisal of a Reappraisal” Richard S. Westfall argues that Hooke could not reach beyond the concept of spatially bounded particular gravities, as he deployed the method of analogy between the material principle of congruity and incongruity and the extension of gravitational spheres (...)
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    Geometry and Mechanics in the Preface to Newton’s Principia.Niccolò Guicciardini - 2004 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 25 (2):119-159.
    The first edition of Newton’s Principia opens with a “Praefatio ad Lectorem.” The first lines of this Preface have received scant attention from historians, even though they contain the very first words addressed to the reader of one of the greatest classics of science. Instead, it is the second half of the Preface that historians have often referred to in connection with their treatments of Newton’s scientific methodology. Roughly in the middle of the Preface, Newton defines the purpose of philosophy (...)
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  22. Bridging Conceptual Gaps: The Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy.Massimiliano Badino - forthcoming - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho.
    The Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy is a fairly exotic mathematical concept which has recently aroused some interest on the philosophers’ part. The most salient trait of this concept is its working as a junction between such diverse ambits as statistical mechanics, information theory and algorithm theory. In this paper I argue that, in order to understand this very special feature of the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy, is essential to reconstruct its genealogy. Somewhat surprisingly, this story takes us as far back as the beginning (...)
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  23.  32
    Canonical transformations from Jacobi to Whittaker.Craig Fraser & Michiyo Nakane - 2023 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 77 (3):241-343.
    The idea of a canonical transformation emerged in 1837 in the course of Carl Jacobi's researches in analytical dynamics. To understand Jacobi's moment of discovery it is necessary to examine some background, especially the work of Joseph Lagrange and Siméon Poisson on the variation of arbitrary constants as well as some of the dynamical discoveries of William Rowan Hamilton. Significant figures following Jacobi in the middle of the century were Adolphe Desboves and William Donkin, while the delayed posthumous publication in (...)
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    Predicting the Past: Ancient Eclipses and Airy, Newcomb, and Huxley on the Authority of Science.Matthew Stanley - 2012 - Isis 103 (2):254-277.
    ABSTRACT Greek historical accounts of ancient eclipses were an important, if peculiar, focus of scientific attention in the nineteenth century. Victorian-era astronomers tried to correct the classical histories using scientific methods, then used those histories as data with which to calibrate their lunar theories, then rejected the histories as having any relevance at all. The specific dating of these eclipses—apparently a simple exercise in celestial mechanics—became bound up with tensions between scientific and humanistic approaches to the past as (...)
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  25.  28
    How many gods and how many spheres? Aristotle misunderstood as a monotheist and an astronomer in Metaphysics Λ 8.Pantelis Golitsis - 2024 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 106 (4):691-722.
    Although Aristotle’s Metaphysics received much attention in the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries, scholars and historians of science were not particularly interested in clarifying the aim of Aristotle’s appeal to astronomy in Λ 8. Read with monotheistic prejudices, this chapter was quickly abandoned by Aristotelian scholars as a gratuitous insertion, which downgrades Aristotle’s God for the sake of some supplementary principles, whose existence was dictated by celestial mechanics. On the other hand, historians of astronomy read the astronomical excursus (...)
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  26.  23
    Newton's ‘De Aere et Aethere’ and the introduction of interparticulate forces into his physics.John Henry - 2023 - Annals of Science 80 (3):232-267.
    ABSTRACT As well as the mathematically-supported celestial mechanics that Newton developed in his Principia, Newton also proposed a more speculative natural philosophy of interparticulate forces of attraction and repulsion. Although this speculative philosophy was not made public before the ‘Queries’ which Newton appended to the Opticks, it originated far earlier in Newton’s career. This article makes the case that Newton’s short, unfinished manuscript, entitled ‘De Aere et Aethere’, should be seen as an important landmark in Newton’s intellectual development, (...)
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  27.  17
    Guido Baselgia - Light Fall: Photographs 2006-2014.Nadine Olonetzky (ed.) - 2014 - Scheidegger & Spiess.
    The artistic work of photographer Gudio Baselgia focuses on landscapes formed by nature s forces and, more recently, on the sky with the stellar and solar movements and phenomena as we see them from earth. Celestial mechanics have fascinated mankind in all known cultures, the Babylonians and ancient Egyptians as well as the Greek and Celts, the Maya, or the ancient Indians and Chinese. Until the present day we look at the sky and keep being amazed, and try (...)
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  28. Epistemic selectivity, historical threats, and the non-epistemic tenets of scientific realism.Timothy D. Lyons - 2017 - Synthese 194 (9):3203-3219.
    The scientific realism debate has now reached an entirely new level of sophistication. Faced with increasingly focused challenges, epistemic scientific realists have appropriately revised their basic meta-hypothesis that successful scientific theories are approximately true: they have emphasized criteria that render realism far more selective and, so, plausible. As a framework for discussion, I use what I take to be the most influential current variant of selective epistemic realism, deployment realism. Toward the identification of new case studies that challenge this form (...)
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  29.  15
    The coming-to-be of Hansen’s method.William Harper & Curtis Wilson - 2014 - Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    This article by Curtis Wilson is an account of the origin of Hansen’s powerful systematic method for finding contributions of higher order perturbations in celestial mechanics. Hansen’s method was developed in the course of improving on Laplace’s treatment of the mutual perturbations of Jupiter and Saturn. This method, an entirely new way of doing celestial mechanics when it first appeared, later made possible the successful treatment of the complicated motions of our moon (see Wilson 2010). In (...)
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  30. Space and Time: Inertial Frames.Robert DiSalle - unknown
    A “frame of reference” is a standard relative to which motion and rest may be measured; any set of points or objects that are at rest relative to one another enables us, in principle, to describe the relative motions of bodies. A frame of reference is therefore a purely kinematical device, for the geometrical description of motion without regard to the masses or forces involved. A dynamical account of motion leads to the idea of an “inertial frame,” or a reference (...)
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  31. Structural realism versus deployment realism: A comparative evaluation.Timothy D. Lyons - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 59:95-105.
    In this paper I challenge and adjudicate between the two positions that have come to prominence in the scientific realism debate: deployment realism and structural realism. I discuss a set of cases from the history of celestial mechanics, including some of the most important successes in the history of science. To the surprise of the deployment realist, these are novel predictive successes toward which theoretical constituents that are now seen to be patently false were genuinely deployed. Exploring the (...)
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  32.  11
    The Three-Body Problem and the Equations of Dynamics: Poincaré's Foundational Work on Dynamical Systems Theory.Henri Poincaré - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    Here is an accurate and readable translation of a seminal article by Henri Poincaré that is a classic in the study of dynamical systems popularly called chaos theory. In an effort to understand the stability of orbits in the solar system, Poincaré applied a Hamiltonian formulation to the equations of planetary motion and studied these differential equations in the limited case of three bodies to arrive at properties of the equations' solutions, such as orbital resonances and horseshoe orbits. Poincaré wrote (...)
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  33. On the role of Newtonian analogies in eighteenth-century life science:Vitalism and provisionally inexplicable explicative devices.Charles T. Wolfe - 2014 - In Zvi Biener Eric Schliesser, Newton and Empiricism. New York: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 223-261.
    Newton’s impact on Enlightenment natural philosophy has been studied at great length, in its experimental, methodological and ideological ramifications. One aspect that has received fairly little attention is the role Newtonian “analogies” played in the formulation of new conceptual schemes in physiology, medicine, and life science as a whole. So-called ‘medical Newtonians’ like Pitcairne and Keill have been studied; but they were engaged in a more literal project of directly transposing, or seeking to transpose, Newtonian laws into quantitative models of (...)
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  34. The world machine.Carl Snyder - 1907 - New York [etc.]: Longmans, Green, and co..
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  35. Idealisations in normative models.Mark Colyvan - 2013 - Synthese 190 (8):1337-1350.
    In this paper I discuss the kinds of idealisations invoked in normative theories—logic, epistemology, and decision theory. I argue that very often the so-called norms of rationality are in fact mere idealisations invoked to make life easier. As such, these idealisations are not too different from various idealisations employed in scientific modelling. Examples of the latter include: fluids are incompressible (in fluid mechanics), growth rates are constant (in population ecology), and the gravitational influence of distant bodies can be ignored (...)
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    Henri Poincaré: A Scientific Biography.Jeremy Gray - 2012 - Princeton University Press.
    Henri Poincaré was not just one of the most inventive, versatile, and productive mathematicians of all time--he was also a leading physicist who almost won a Nobel Prize for physics and a prominent philosopher of science whose fresh and surprising essays are still in print a century later. The first in-depth and comprehensive look at his many accomplishments, Henri Poincaré explores all the fields that Poincaré touched, the debates sparked by his original investigations, and how his discoveries still contribute to (...)
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    ‘To Witness Facts with the Eyes of Reason’: Herschel on Physical Astronomy and the Method of Residual Phenomena.Teru Miyake - 2023 - In Marius Stan & Christopher Smeenk, Theory, Evidence, Data: Themes from George E. Smith. Springer. pp. 21-42.
    One of the distinctive features of George Smith’s work on celestial mechanics is his emphasis on the role of what he calls “second-order phenomena” in the production of high-quality evidence. On Smith’s view, these gaps between theoretical predictions and observations can, under certain circumstances, be a source of evidence far stronger than that achievable through the hypothetico-deductive method. The practice of examining gaps between predictions and observations for the purposes of discovery and testing is commonplace in certain sciences (...)
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    Variations on the Kepler problem.Johndale C. Solem - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (9):1291-1306.
    The elliptical orbits resulting from Newtonian gravitation are generated with a multifaceted symmetry, mainly resulting from their conservation of both angular momentum and a vector fixing their orientation in space—the Laplace or Runge-Lenz vector. From the ancient formalisms of celestial mechanics, I show a rather counterintuitive behavior of the classical hydrogen atom, whose orbits respond in a direction perpendicular to a weak externally-applied electric field. I then show how the same results can be obtained more easily and directly (...)
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    The Averaged Dynamics of the Hydrogen Atom in Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields as a Perturbed Kepler Problem.Nils Berglund & Turgay Uzer - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (2):283-326.
    We treat the classical dynamics of the hydrogen atom in perpendicular electric and magnetic fields as a celestial mechanics problem. By expressing the Hamiltonian in appropriate action–angle variables, we separate the different time scales of the motion. The method of averaging then allows us to reduce the system to two degrees of freedom, and to classify the most important periodic orbits.
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  40. Reply to David L. Miller's comments.Carl G. Hempel & Paul Oppenheim - 1948 - Philosophy of Science 15 (4):350-352.
    Like a number of other authors, Miller uses the term “emergent” interchangeably with “unpredictable” and employs it as a property term, i.e., in contexts of the form “Event E is emergent.” As we showed in our article, however, predictability and unpredictability as well as emergence are relations; they can be predicated of an event only relatively to some body of information. Thus, a lunar eclipse is predictable by means of information including data on the locations and speeds, at some particular (...)
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    Photogenic Venus.Jimena Canales - 2002 - Isis 93 (4):585-613.
    During the late nineteenth century, scientists around the world disagreed as to the types of instruments and methods that should be used for determining the most important constant of celestial mechanics: the solar parallax. Venus’s 1874 transit across the sun was seen as the best opportunity for ending decades of debate. However, a mysterious “black drop” that appeared between Venus and the sun and individual differences in observations of the phenomenon brought traditional methods into disrepute. To combat these (...)
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  42. The galilean turn in population ecology.Mark Colyvan & Lev R. Ginzburg - 2003 - Biology and Philosophy 18 (3):401-414.
    The standard mathematical models in population ecology assume that a population's growth rate is a function of its environment. In this paper we investigate an alternative proposal according to which the rate of change of the growth rate is a function of the environment and of environmental change. We focus on the philosophical issues involved in such a fundamental shift in theoretical assumptions, as well as on the explanations the two theories offer for some of the key data such as (...)
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  43.  27
    Shadows and deception: from Borelli's Theoricae to the Saggi of the Cimento.Domenico Bertoloni Meli - 1998 - British Journal for the History of Science 31 (4):383-402.
    ‘Poor Borelli!’ exclaimed Alexandre Koyre at the end of his wonderful and by now classic study of Borelli's ‘celestial mechanics’. Koyre frankly admitted that Borelli lacked Newton's genius and intellectual audacity. However, in his story Borelli deserved a place between Kepler and Newton for his ‘imperfect but decisive’ unification of terrestrial and celestial physics. This framework finds a powerful justification in Borelli's extensive usage of Keplerian astronomy and in Newton's references to Borelli's work on the Medicean planets, (...)
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  44.  15
    Law and Thomistic Exemplarism.John Peterson - 1996 - The Thomist 60 (1):81-108.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:LAW AND THOMISTIC EXEMPLARISM JOHN PETERSON University of Rhode Island Kingston, Rhode Island CIVIL LAW differs from empirical law in that the former prescribes regularities in human action while the latter describes and predicts regularities in the world apart from human action. By an empirical or descriptive law scientists mean a law that is knowable on the basis of observed regularities. An example is Boyle's law. That at a (...)
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  45.  82
    Current Problems of the Biosphere.Jean Dorst - 1974 - Diogenes 22 (87):85-105.
    Ecology shows that living beings, with all their diversity, make up a homogenous system on the earth's surface, with rules that are no less exacting than those applicable to gravitational astronomy (celestial mechanics). The physical energy coming from the sun in the form of radiation is attracted by green plant-life, be it vegetation growing on the land or microscopic algae floating on the surface of the ocean; this energy is then transformed into chemical energy, with, incidentally, a modest (...)
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  46. Sobre a Formalização Lógica de Mudança de Teorias e Anomalias Científicas.Ricardo Silvestre - 2017 - ARGUMENTOS - Revista de Filosofia 1 (17):72-91.
    Neste trabalho, é apresentada uma investigação do que poderia ser chamado de formalização lógica do processo de mudança de teorias devido a anomalias. Por anomalia entende-se um fato observado que faz parte do escopo explanatório de uma teoria, mas que vai de encontro à previsão da mesma. Uma abordagem clássica para restaurar o poder explicativo de uma teoria ameaçada por uma anomalia é a postulação de hipóteses novas e provisórias que, em conjunto com as demais hipóteses auxiliares originais, sejam capazes (...)
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    On the logical formalization of theory change and scientific anomalies.Ricardo Silvestre - 2012 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 20 (2):517-532.
    An investigation of what might be called the logical formalization of the process of theory change due to anomalies is presented. By anomaly, we mean an observed fact falling into the explanatory scope of a theory that does not agree with the theory prevision. A classical approach to restore the explicative power of a theory faced with an anomaly is to propose new, tentative auxiliary hypotheses which, along with part of the old set of auxiliary hypotheses, are able to solve (...)
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  48. Hegel's Criticism of Newton's Physics: A Reconsideration".Thomas Posch - unknown
    The persisting conception of Hegel's criticism of Newton's physics as an irrational or at least hopelessly exaggerated one partly has its roots mainly in Hegel's terminology and in his style. This does not mean that a mere translation of Hegel's arguments into any contemporary philosophical language be sufficient to immediately convince every Newtonian scientist. However, a non-Hegelian way of rephrasing the core of Hegel's anti-Newtonian philosophy of nature can help to understand to which extent the latter does satisfy any scientist's (...)
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  49.  73
    An examination of the quantum theories III.William Marias Malisoff - 1934 - Philosophy of Science 1 (4):398-408.
    The Bohr formulation—the original one—is now largely a matter of history. The usual career of a theory was its fate. It explained much, but it failed at the first signs of complication, even for the simplest molecules as hydrogen and helium. Some results were either only approximate in a loose or incomplete fashion, e.g. in the application of the correspondence principle to intensities, the only reliable predictions being only for an absence of certain lines, or they quite disagreed with experiment, (...)
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    Philosophical Perspectives on Newtonian Science.Phillip Bricker & R. I. G. Hughes (eds.) - 1990 - MIT Press.
    These original essays explore the philosophical implications of Newton's work.
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