Results for ' Array processors'

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  1. A Methodology of Partitioning and Mapping for Given Regular Arrays with Lower Dimension.X. Chen & G. M. Megson - 1993 - University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, Computing Science.
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    Anticipation in Real‐World Scenes: The Role of Visual Context and Visual Memory.Moreno I. Coco, Frank Keller & George L. Malcolm - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (8):1995-2024.
    The human sentence processor is able to make rapid predictions about upcoming linguistic input. For example, upon hearing the verb eat, anticipatory eye-movements are launched toward edible objects in a visual scene. However, the cognitive mechanisms that underlie anticipation remain to be elucidated in ecologically valid contexts. Previous research has, in fact, mainly used clip-art scenes and object arrays, raising the possibility that anticipatory eye-movements are limited to displays containing a small number of objects in a visually impoverished context. In (...)
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    The changing profile of consanguinity rates in Bahrain, 1990–2009.Shaikha Al-Arrayed & Hanan Hamamy - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (3):313.
  4. Word Processors: Stupid and Inefficient.Allin Cottrell - unknown
    The word processor is a stupid and grossly inefficient tool for preparing text for communication with others. That is the claim I shall defend below. It will probably strike you as bizarre at first sight. If I am against word processors, what do I propose: that we write in longhand, or use a mechanical typewriter? No. While there are things to be said in favor of these modes of text preparation I take it for granted that most readers of (...)
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    Word processor or video game?Robert May - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (3):412.
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    Uniformly Bounded Arrays and Mutually Algebraic Structures.Michael C. Laskowski & Caroline A. Terry - 2020 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 61 (2):265-282.
    We define an easily verifiable notion of an atomic formula having uniformly bounded arrays in a structure M. We prove that if T is a complete L-theory, then T is mutually algebraic if and only if there is some model M of T for which every atomic formula has uniformly bounded arrays. Moreover, an incomplete theory T is mutually algebraic if and only if every atomic formula has uniformly bounded arrays in every model M of T.
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  7. (1 other version)Networks of evolutionary processors: A survey.Carlos Martín-Vide & Victor Mitrana - 2003 - Theoria 18 (1):59-70.
    The goal of this paper is to survey, in a uniform and systematic way, the main results regarding networks of evolutionary processors reported so far. First, we recall the results concerning the computational power of these networks viewed as language generating devices. Then, we briefly present a few NP-complete problems and recall how they were solved in linear time by networks of evolutionary processors with linearly bounded resources (nodes, ruIes, symbols).
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    Baseband processor for IEEE 802.11 a standard with embedded BIST.Milos Krstic, Koushik Maharatna, Alfonso Troya, Eckhard Grass & Ulrich Jagdhold - 2004 - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature 17:231-239.
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    Absolutist array specification and species survival: An ecological perspective on ecological perception.Patrick A. Cabe - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):217-217.
    Stoffregen & Bardy propose an absolutist transmodal array structure model, intended to displace models of specification in all existing perceptual theories. Absolute specification of world structure in array structures, either unimodal or transmodal, may not be provable, but might be falsifiable. Absolute specification, moreover, may not be a necessary postulate in an ecological approach to understanding perception-action.
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    Array nonrecursiveness and relative recursive enumerability.Mingzhong Cai - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (1):21-32.
    In this paper we prove that a degree a is array nonrecursive (ANR) if and only if every degree b ≥ a is r.e. in and strictly above another degree (RRE). This result will answer some questions in [ASDWY]. We also deduce an interesting corollary that every n-REA degree has a strong minimal cover if and only if it is array recursive.
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    Is HACCP Nothing? A Disjoint Constitution between Inspectors, Processors, and Consumers and the Cider Industry in Michigan.Toby A. Ten Eyck, Donna Thede, Gerd Bode & Leslie Bourquin - 2006 - Agriculture and Human Values 23 (2):205-214.
    The transmission of a product or idea from one culture or point of origin to another and the maintenance of control outside the new locality has been referred to as the distribution and maintenance of “nothing.” This perspective has been used to describe the global marketplace and the influence of large multinational corporations on the politics and cultures of host countries. This paper uses this concept, but within a much smaller context. Using the sensitizing concept of a “disjoint constitution,” we (...)
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    Array heterogeneity prevents catastrophic forgetting in infants.Jennifer M. Zosh & Lisa Feigenson - 2015 - Cognition 136 (C):365-380.
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    Array of Definitions.George Kimball Plochmann - 1972 - Critica 6 (16/17):85-98.
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    Disconnection arrays in a rhombohedral twin in α-alumina.Sylvie Lartigue-Korinek, Serge Hagege, Christian Kisielowski & Anna Serra - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (10):1569-1579.
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    A spatially-oriented information processor which simulates the motions of rigid objects.Richard Baker - 1973 - Artificial Intelligence 4 (1):29-40.
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  16. Humans as computer processors?Noel W. Smith - 1987 - In Alan Costall (ed.), Cognitive Psychology In Question. New York: St Martin's Press. pp. 194.
  17.  66
    Expression profiling: DNA arrays in many guises.Samuel Granjeaud, François Bertucci & Bertrand R. Jordan - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (9):781-790.
    DNA arrays have become the preferred method for large-scale expression measurement. Such data are needed in view of the large amounts of sequence data available: expression levels in a number of different tissues or situations provide a first step toward functional characterisation of new entities revealed by DNA sequencing. Although the basic principle of measurement is in all cases based on hybridisation of a mixed probe derived from tissue RNA to large sets of DNA fragments representing many genes, a number (...)
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    Specificity in a global array is only one possibility.Eric L. Amazeen & Guy C. Van Orden - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (6):887-888.
    The suggestion of seeking specificity in a higher-order array is attractive, but Stoffregen & Bardy fail to provide a compelling empirical basis to their claim that specificity exists solely in the global array. Using the example of relative motion, the alternate hypotheses that must be considered are presented.
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    Field-Programmable Gate Arrays.Stephen D. Brown, Robert J. Francis, Jonathan Rose & Zvonko G. Vranesic - 2012 - Springer.
    Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have emerged as an attractive means of implementing logic circuits, providing instant manufacturing turnaround and negligible prototype costs. They hold the promise of replacing much of the VLSI market now held by mask-programmed gate arrays. FPGAs offer an affordable solution for customized VLSI, over a wide variety of applications, and have also opened up new possibilities in designing reconfigurable digital systems. Field-Programmable Gate Arrays discusses the most important aspects of FPGAs in a textbook manner. It provides (...)
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  20.  55
    Connectionist and Memory‐Array Models of Artificial Grammar Learning.Zoltan Dienes - 1992 - Cognitive Science 16 (1):41-79.
    Subjects exposed to strings of letters generated by a finite state grammar can later classify grammatical and nongrammatical test strings, even though they cannot adequately say what the rules of the grammar are (e.g., Reber, 1989). The MINERVA 2 (Hintzman, 1986) and Medin and Schaffer (1978) memory‐array models and a number of connectionist outoassociator models are tested against experimental data by deriving mainly parameter‐free predictions from the models of the rank order of classification difficulty of test strings. The importance (...)
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    The confrontation between processors and farm workers in the midwest tomato industry and the role of the agricultural research and extension establishment.Peter M. Rosset & John H. Vandermeer - 1986 - Agriculture and Human Values 3 (3):26-32.
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    Outcome of 185 pregnancies studied by prenatal genomic array technique: Bioethical reflections.Mónica Roselló, Javier Lluna-González & Justo Aznar - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (4):442-448.
    Prenatal genetic diagnosis with new high-performance technologies such as genomic array adds great complexity to the ethical dilemmas that already exist in current medicine. The main objective of this study was to carry out an analysis and bioethical reflections centred on the outcome associated with the use of the genetic array technique in 185 pregnancies at the Hospital Universitario y Politécnico La Fe (Valencia, Spain). It is an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study during the years 2014 to 2017, (...)
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    Dislocation arrays produced in germanium by room-temperature deformation.E. N. Pugh & L. E. Samuels - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (86):301-310.
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    On array models theoretical predictions versus measurements for the growth of cells and dendrites in the transient solidification of binary alloys.José E. Spinelli, Noé Cheung & Amauri Garcia - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (12):1705-1723.
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    Process vs. Processor Accounts of Stage Models: A Cautionary Tale. Commentary: Seeing changes: How familiarity alters our perception of change.Luke Kersten - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
    A commentary on: Seeing changes: How familiarity alters our perception of change by Tovey, M., and Herdman, C. (2014). Vis. Cogn. 22, 214–238 .
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    How should predictive processors conceive of practical reason?William Ratoff - 2023 - Synthese 202 (5):1-20.
    A new theory of the mind, the predictive processing model, is ascendant in recent work in cognitive science. According to this theory, all the mind ever fundamentally does is make hypotheses about the environment, generate prediction-errors by comparing its predictions with its sensory data, and use these prediction-errors to update its representation of the world. The theory of motivation and action to which the predictive processing model is committed has been the subject of lively debate in the literature. However, the (...)
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    Perception of letter arrays as a function of absolute retinal locus.Maurice Hershenson - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (1):201.
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    Effects of institutional pressures on the governance of food safety in emerging food supply chains: a case of Lebanese food processors.Gumataw Kifle Abebe - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (4):1125-1138.
    Food safety has become a major development challenge and a key influence on the strategic behavior of food companies. The study seeks to analyze the effect of perceived institutional pressures on the governance of food safety and the effect this may have on food safety performance in emerging food supply chains. The research develops a conceptual framework that links perceived institutional pressures, degree of food manufacturer-supplier relationships, food safety practices, and food safety output. The hypothesized relationships were tested in the (...)
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    The data archive as factory: Alienation and resistance of data processors.Jean-Christophe Plantin - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    Archival data processing consists of cleaning and formatting data between the moment a dataset is deposited and its publication on the archive’s website. In this article, I approach data processing by combining scholarship on invisible labor in knowledge infrastructures with a Marxian framework and show the relevance of considering data processing as factory labor. Using this perspective to analyze ethnographic data collected during a six-month participatory observation at a U.S. data archive, I generate a taxonomy of the forms of alienation (...)
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    Dislocation arrays in Cu-Al alloys. I.C. S. Pande & P. M. Hazzledine - 1971 - Philosophical Magazine 24 (191):1039-1057.
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    Implementation of Linear Array of Ultrasonic Transmitter-Receiver Transducers for detection of Non-Smooth Porous Surface.Raman K. Attri - manuscript
    Level measurements, thickness measurement or remote surface detection using ultrasonic pulse transit method require that the target surface be at 90 O to the incident beam so that reflected beam comes back at 180-degree angle to effectively use this method. This is perfectly true in case of flat, solid surface at right angle to the incident beam. But surface irregularities of a porous, non-smooth, uneven material such as snow cause penetration of incident wave into the surface, absorption of the incident (...)
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    The phantom array.Wayne A. Hershberger & J. Scott Jordan - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (3):552-553.
    The array seen when saccading across a point light source blinking in the dark is displaced in the direction of the saccade. This displacement reflects an abrupt shift of spatiotopic coordinates that precedes the actual eye movement. The extraretinal signal mediating this discrete shift appears to be an oculomotor reference signal, specifying intended eye orientation, that changes discretely before saccades.
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    Dislocation arrays in Cu-Al alloys. II.C. S. Pande & P. M. Hazzledine - 1971 - Philosophical Magazine 24 (192):1393-1410.
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    Antenna array optimization using evolutionary approaches.Munish Rattan, Manjeet Singh Patterh & B. S. Sohi - 2008 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 15 (1):78.
  35.  22
    Lattice embeddings and array noncomputable degrees.Stephen M. Walk - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (3):219.
    We focus on a particular class of computably enumerable degrees, the array noncomputable degrees defined by Downey, Jockusch, and Stob, to answer questions related to lattice embeddings and definability in the partial ordering of c. e. degrees under Turing reducibility. We demonstrate that the latticeM5 cannot be embedded into the c. e. degrees below every array noncomputable degree, or even below every nonlow array noncomputable degree. As Downey and Shore have proved that M5 can be embedded below (...)
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    The hippocampus: Relational processor or antiprocessor?Neil McNaughton - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):487-488.
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    Specification in the global array.Thomas A. Stoffregen & Benoît G. Bardy - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):246-254.
    We discuss issues raised by the commentators, such as specification in single-energy arrays, task-specific pickup of information, general principles of the ecological approach to perception and action, and how specification may be constrained by the facts of physical relativity. While the commentaries raise many important issues we conclude that they do not undermine our argument that specification exists solely in the global array.
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  38. The evolution friendly pattern processor.A. Ugur & M. Conrad - 2000 - Communication and Cognition-Artificial Intelligence 17 (3-4):229-254.
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    Infants chunk object arrays into sets of individuals.Lisa Feigenson & Justin Halberda - 2004 - Cognition 91 (2):173-190.
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    Domination, forcing, array nonrecursiveness and relative recursive enumerability.Mingzhong Cai & Richard A. Shore - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (1):33-48.
    We present some abstract theorems showing how domination properties equivalent to being $\overline{GL}_{2}$ or array nonrecursive can be used to construct sets generic for different notions of forcing. These theorems are then applied to give simple proofs of some known results. We also give a direct uniform proof of a recent result of Ambos-Spies, Ding, Wang, and Yu [2009] that every degree above any in $\overline{GL}_{2}$ is recursively enumerable in a 1-generic degree strictly below it. Our major new result (...)
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  41. Networks of Evolutionary Processors: A Survey.Carlos Martín Vide & Víctor Mitrana - 2003 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 18 (1):59-70.
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    The global array: Not new to infant researchers.Ross A. Flom & Lorraine E. Bahrick - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):221-222.
    We find Stoffregen & Bardy's argument that the senses are united and that specificity exists within the global array compelling. However, this view is not entirely new and research on the development and the origins of perception in infancy, inspired by Gibson's ecological perspective, also supports their claims. The inclusion of this developmental research will strengthen and challenge some of Stoffregen & Bardy's views.
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    Multiple-image arrays in face matching tasks with and without memory.Kay L. Ritchie, Robin S. S. Kramer, Mila Mileva, Adam Sandford & A. Mike Burton - 2021 - Cognition 211 (C):104632.
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  44. The body's predictive processor. [REVIEW]Zoe Drayson - 2023 - Science 380 (6650):1112.
  45. Locke and the Visual Array.Michael Jacovides - 2011 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 85 (1):69-91.
    A.D. Smith opens his excellent paper, “Space and Sight,” by remarking, One of the most notable features of both philosophy and psychology throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries is the almost universal denial that we are immediately aware through sight of objects arrayed in three-dimensional space. This was not merely a denial of Direct Realism, but a denial that truly visual objects are even phenomenally presented in depth (481). Times have changed. As Smith writes, “It is hard to think of (...)
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    Space Drives, Phased Arrays, and Interferometry.John Cramer - unknown
    Announcement: Would you like to see back issues of this column? Electronic copies are now available on Internet/WorldWideWeb as HTML files, with both subject and chronological indexes. About 80 of my columns are available, published in Analog between July-1984 and a few months ago. I plan to add one column to this archive each time a new one is published in Analog. The URL address for this Alternate View column archive is.
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    Dislocation sub-boundary arrays in oriented thin-film bicrystals of gold.T. Schober & R. W. Balluffi - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 20 (165):511-518.
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    Data Cleaners for Pristine Datasets: Visibility and Invisibility of Data Processors in Social Science.Jean-Christophe Plantin - 2019 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 44 (1):52-73.
    This article investigates the work of processors who curate and “clean” the data sets that researchers submit to data archives for archiving and further dissemination. Based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted at the data processing unit of a major US social science data archive, I investigate how these data processors work, under which status, and how they contribute to data sharing. This article presents two main results. First, it contributes to the study of invisible technicians in science by showing (...)
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    Imagery without arrays.Geoffrey Hinton - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (4):555-556.
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    Uniformization of linear arrays.N. J. Fine & R. Harrop - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (2):130-140.
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